(Sem. VRD (Odd: Illil

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Jiluilr ;ilr fil ;illil rilrlllil]ilrlllll Hlnril!ilr rl] EEE'.TO2IEEE-035

(Fottowing Paper ID and Rotl No. to be filled in yourAnswer Book)

Roll No.

B. Tech.
(sEM. VrD (ODD SEM.) rr{EORY

Time : 3 Hoursl [Total Marks : 100

Attempt any four parts of the following : 5x4:20

a) Draw the block diagram of an electric drive. Explain

the function of Power modulator in detail.

b) State the advantages of drive system. Gve some

applications with suitable drive system.

c) Illustrate the Drive characteristics in detail with


d) Explain the constant torque and constant power


e) Elucidate the multi-quadrant operation of drive system.

D Explain the components of motorJoad dynamics.

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Attempt any two parts of the following : lOx2=20

a) Discuss the dynamics of motor load system and

also derive the relations for motor- load torque


b) Combine the speed torque characteristics of

various load and motor and comment on steady

state stability of them.

c) Write short notes on classes of Duty in detail

with examples.

Attempt any two parts of the following : l0x2=2A

a) A230Y,500 rpm, 100,{ separately excited dc

motor has an armafure resistance 0.1 Q is now

coupled to an overhauling load with a torque

of 800 N.m. Determine the speed at which the

motor can hold the load by regenerative braking

Neglect the motor's rotational losses.

b) Explain the various methods of braking can be

applied to induction motor. And also state what

kind of braking is more effective, justiS, it.

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o) Derive, the expression to calculate the

energy loss during starting of Induction
motor and also State the various methods
' used to used to reduce the energy loss during

Attempt any two parts of the following : l0x2=20

a) A200 Y 875 rpm, 150 A separately excited

dc motor has an. armature resistance of
0.06 ohms. It is fed from a single phase fully

controlled rectifier with an ac source voltage of

220V, s}Hzassuming continuous conduction.


r Firing angle for rated motor torque and

750 rpm.

tr) Firing angle for rated motor torque and

(-500 rpm)

b) Explain the operation of separately excited

DC motor Drive which is excited by two
converters simultaneously.

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c)- A 230V 20A dc separately excited

moior has the armafure resistance and inductance

,of 1O and 50mH, respectively. The motor is

controlled in regenerative braking by a chopper

operating at 600H2.

I Calculate the motor speed and the

regenerated pewer for 11:0.5 and the

rated torque.

D What is the maximum armature current


Attempt any two parts of the following : 10x2=,0

a) Explain how the Static Scherbius drive is used
in slip power recovery scheme.

b) Describe in detail about speed control of self

controlled synchronous motor drives.

c) Elucidate the operation of Brushless dc motor

drive in detail.

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