Age of Heroes Corebook PDF

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Adventures in High Fantasy

Brian Gleichman

Bryan Harsh ♦Terri Gleichman

All Rights reserved.

Provided for Personal Use Only, Not for Resale.
No part may be distributed separately.

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01

INTRODUCTION Age of Heroes is organized into sections referred to as books.
Existing and planned sections are:
Welcome to Age of Heroes.
What you hold in your hands is the result of over twenty years of • Book One: Characters
slow development of a homegrown fantasy role-playing game. Like • Book Two: Combat
many such games, it is the result of dissatisfaction with published
systems and a lot of work. • Book Three: Magic
Age of Heroes is suited to those campaigns desiring a high level of • Book Four: Bestiary
detail to simulate the works of High Fantasy or Sword and Sorcery • Book Five: Campaigns
genres. In particular the goal is a game that supports campaigns • Book Six: Mass Combat
covering generations of adventures, across decades of time. Players
could eventually run the grandchildren of their original characters.
We don’t brag about ‘simple and easy’ rules. They aren’t here. Age In addition to these, it is suggested that a Campaign Supplement is
of Heroes is for those who desire highly detailed and tactically rich created for each group containing detail rules for your specific
environments in which to game. You don’t get that with ‘simple and Campaign. Everything from races to price lists would be contained
easy’. here. Normally developed by the group’s Game Master, it is often
referred to in these rules when speaking about areas specific to each
Nor are we assuming this is the first fantasy role-playing game campaign.
you’ve picked up. As a result we will not take the time to explain
common gaming terms.
While this is the fourth revision of the system, it is the first time it has Comments can be e-mailed to [email protected]
hit paper in a manner verging on complete. In that effort, we realized
that we had developed a large mass of rules over the years. Indeed it Special Thanks to the twenty-year group
is likely that some of them didn’t make it into this edition due to
faulty memory. We’ll attempt to correct any errors in future
revisions. Robin Gandy-Harsh, Bruce Smith, Kerry Jordan, Jack and Lavern
Habig, Steve Dunham, Marcia Huss, Eric and Cheryl Peterson, Bill
Eisenger and Howard Schlight.
And to friends along the way: Rick Secrest, Andy Ellington, Mark
Van DeVeer, Steve Beck, Carol Matthews and the Oklahoma City

It was all done for you. Dreams never die.

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 ii

BOOK 1: CHARACTERS 1 6.3.7 SEER ........................................................................... 14
1.0 CHARACTERISTIC STATS ...................................................1 6.3.8 SORCERER ................................................................ 14
1.1 STRENGTH (ST)...................................................................1 6.3.9 WITCH........................................................................ 14
1.2 QUICKNESS (QU) ...............................................................1 6.3.10 WIZARD ................................................................... 15
1.3 AGILITY (AG).......................................................................1 6.4 HYBRID CLASSES ............................................................. 15
1.4 CONSTITUTION (CO) .........................................................1 6.4.1 BARD.......................................................................... 15
1.5 WILL POWER (WP) .............................................................2 6.4.2 FORESTER ................................................................. 15
1.6 INTELLIGENCE (IQ) ...........................................................2 6.4.3 NIGHTBLADE ........................................................... 16
1.7 INTUITION (IN) ...................................................................2 6.4.4 PALADIN ................................................................... 16
1.8 MAGIC STRENGTH (MS) ....................................................2 6.4.5 SHAMAN.................................................................... 16
1.9 CHARISMA (CH)..................................................................2 7.0 OPTION POINTS .................................................................. 17
1.10 PERSONAL APPEARANCE (PA).......................................2 7.1 NEGATIVE OPTION POINTS ........................................... 17
2.0 GENDER, RACE AND CULTURE.........................................3 8.0 SKILLS .................................................................................. 18
2.1 CHARACTER GENDER .......................................................3 8.1 BUYING SKILL POINTS.................................................... 18
2.2 RACE AND CULTURE.........................................................3 8.2 BUYING SKILLS ................................................................ 18
2.2.1 Classic Good Guy Kingdom ..........................................3 8.3 SKILL SUCCESS CHANCE ............................................... 18
2.2.2 Vikings ..........................................................................3 8.3.1 Primary Skill Bonus .................................................... 18
2.2.3 Dwarves .........................................................................4 8.3.2 Skill vs. Skill ............................................................... 18
2.2.4 Elves ..............................................................................4 8.3.3 Failure of Skill Rolls ................................................... 19
3.0 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTIC TRAITS........................5 8.3.4 Multiple Characters and Skill Rolls............................. 19
3.1 AGE ......................................................................................5 Diminishing Aid (Optional).................................. 19
3.2 MAXIMUM SPELL LEVEL ..................................................5 8.3.5 Open Ended Skill Check (Optional) ............................ 19
3.3 SPELL POINTS (SP) ............................................................5 8.4 COMMON SKILLS............................................................. 19
3.4 SIZE ......................................................................................5 8.5 UNLEARNED SKILL ATTEMPTS ..................................... 20
3.4.1 Height ............................................................................5 8.6 LEARNING TIME............................................................... 20
3.4.2 Weight ...........................................................................6 8.7 MODIFIED SKILL LEVEL (Optional)............................... 20
3.4.3 Size Modifier .................................................................6 8.8 SKILL REASSIGNMENT (Optional) .................................. 20
3.5 EFFECTIVE STRENGTH (ES).............................................6 8.9 SKILL LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS......................................... 20
3.6 HIT POINTS:........................................................................7 8.10 SKILL LISTING................................................................ 21
3.6.1 Location Points (LP)......................................................7 8.11 SKILL DESCRIPTIONS ................................................... 22
3.6.2 Cumulative Hit Points (CP) ...........................................7 8.11.1 Combat Skills ............................................................ 22
3.6.3 Stun Level (SL)..............................................................7 Archery:............................................................................ 22
3.7 MOVEMENT RATE (MR).....................................................7 Armor Familiarity: ........................................................... 22
3.8 FATIGUE (FT) .....................................................................7 Melee Combat: ................................................................. 22
3.9 PRIMARY HAND..................................................................7 Ranged Combat: ............................................................... 22
3.10 BIRTH DATE ......................................................................7 Weapon Familiarity:......................................................... 22
4.0 FAMILY HERITAGE ..............................................................8 8.11.2 Communication Skills: .............................................. 23
4.1 Social Standing .....................................................................8 Acting:.............................................................................. 23
4.1.1 FEUDAL CULTURE ....................................................8 Administration:................................................................. 23 FEUDAL CULTURE EXCEPTIONS ....................8 Culture:............................................................................. 23
4.1.2 TRIBAL CULTURE......................................................8 Disguise:........................................................................... 23
4.2 SIBLINGS AND BIRTH ORDER ..........................................8 Intrigue: ............................................................................ 23
4.3 FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS ..................................................8 Leadership: ....................................................................... 23
5.0 CHARACTER POINTS ...........................................................9 Musician:.......................................................................... 23
5.1 ADDITIONAL OPTION POINTS: ........................................9 Oratory: ............................................................................ 24
5.2 RE-ROLLS:...........................................................................9 Poetry: .............................................................................. 24
5.3 SPECIAL ITEMS: .................................................................9 Seduction:......................................................................... 24
5.4 SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE: ..................................................10 Singing: ............................................................................ 24
5.5 SPECIAL ABILITIES OR BACKGROUND: .......................10 8.11.3 Craft Skills:................................................................ 24
6.0 CHARACTER CLASS...........................................................11 General Craft Skill Rules...................................... 24
6.2 SKILLED CLASSES............................................................12 Armorer: ....................................................................... 25
6.2.1 ARCHER .....................................................................12 Bower: .......................................................................... 25
6.2.2 CHIVALRIC................................................................12 Brewing: ....................................................................... 25
6.2.3 FIGHTER ....................................................................12 Carpentry:..................................................................... 25
6.2.4 MARINER...................................................................12 Ceramics:...................................................................... 25
6.2.5 MUNDANE.................................................................12 Clothier:........................................................................ 25
6.2.6 RANGER.....................................................................13 Cookery: ....................................................................... 26
6.2.7 SPY..............................................................................13 Embalming: .................................................................. 26
6.2.8 THIEF..........................................................................13 Fletcher:........................................................................ 26
6.3 MAGICAL CLASSES ..........................................................13 Forgery: ........................................................................ 26
6.3.1 ARCANIST .................................................................13 Gardening:.................................................................... 26
6.3.2 ASTROLOGIST ..........................................................13 Glass-Making: .............................................................. 26
6.3.3 DRUID.........................................................................13 Jewel-craft: ................................................................... 26
6.3.4 ELEMENTALIST .......................................................14 Leather Work:............................................................... 26
6.3.5 ENCHANTMENTS.....................................................14 Lock-craft:.................................................................... 26
6.3.6 HEALERS ...................................................................14 Masonry:....................................................................... 26

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Mining: .........................................................................26 Spells:............................................................................... 35
Painting:........................................................................26 Wilderness KS:................................................................. 35
Sculpting:......................................................................26 8.11.10 Woodsman Skills:.................................................... 36
Shipwright: ...................................................................26 Camouflage: ..................................................................... 36
Smithing: ......................................................................27 Foraging: .......................................................................... 36
Siege Engineer:.............................................................27 Orienteering:..................................................................... 36
Weaponsmith: ...............................................................27 Tracking: .......................................................................... 36
Wood-Carving: .............................................................27 Trapping: .......................................................................... 36
8.11.4 Knowledge Skills.......................................................28 Weather Watching:........................................................... 36
Alchemy: ..........................................................................28 9.0 CHARACTER ADVANCEMENT ........................................ 37
Animal Training: ..............................................................28 9.1 EXPERIENCE AWARDS.................................................... 37
Astrology: .........................................................................28 9.2 LEVEL QUALIFICATION.................................................. 37
Cartographer: ....................................................................28 9.3 HERO ABILITIES............................................................... 38
Composer:.........................................................................28 9.3.1 Creating New Hero Abilities ....................................... 38
Herbalist: ..........................................................................28 9.3.2 Hero Abilities Listings................................................. 38
Growing Herbs..............................................................28 10.0 CHARACTER CREATION CHECK LIST ......................... 42
Preserving Herbs...........................................................28
Physician: .........................................................................28
8.11.5 Magical Skills ............................................................29
Artificer: ...........................................................................29
Befriend Animal: ..............................................................29
Magic Combat: .................................................................29
Magic- Primary/Hybrid: ...................................................29
Shape-Changing Pure Forms: ...........................................30
Bear: .............................................................................30
Cat (lion, tiger, etc.):.....................................................30
Bird (Swan, Owl, etc.): .................................................30
Shape-Changing Hybrid Forms: .......................................30
Wolf Hybrid:.................................................................30
Feline Hybrid:...............................................................30
8.11.6 Miscellaneous Skills ..................................................31
Caving: .............................................................................31
Disarm Traps: ...................................................................31
Farming: ...........................................................................31
Fishing: .............................................................................31
Gambling: .........................................................................31
Perception: ........................................................................31
Pick Locks: .......................................................................31
8.11.7 Physical Skills:...........................................................32
Athletic Games: ................................................................32
Climbing: ..........................................................................32
Dancing: ...........................................................................32
Escape Artist:....................................................................32
Riding: ..............................................................................33
Sleight of Hand:................................................................33
8.11.8 Seamen Skills: ...........................................................34
Boating: ............................................................................34
Navigation: .......................................................................34
Sea-Watching: ..................................................................34
8.11.9 Special Skills: ............................................................35
Barter: ...............................................................................35
Diplomacy: .......................................................................35
Languages- Speak, R/W ...................................................35
Lore- General, Subject, Specific:......................................35
Physician KS: ...................................................................35

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 iv

19.2 WEAPON LENGTH (Optional)....................................... 64
BOOK 2: COMBAT.......................................................................47 19.2.1 Weapon Reach (Optional) ........................................ 65
11.0 MOVEMENT .......................................................................47 19.3 MINOR CHARACTERS (Optional) ................................. 65
11.1 CHARACTER FACING ....................................................47 19.4 COMBAT FATIGUE (Optional)....................................... 65
11.2 GENERAL MOVEMENT ..................................................47 19.5 MOUNTED COMBAT...................................................... 66
11.3 FACING CHANGES .........................................................47 19.5 TERRAIN.......................................................................... 66
11.4 SPECIAL MOVEMENT ....................................................47 19.6 UNARMED VS. ARMED COMBAT ................................. 66
11.4.1 Running/Sprinting......................................................47 19.7 CLOSE COMBAT............................................................. 66
11.4.2 Jumping .....................................................................47 19.7.1 Close Combat Creatures ............................................ 67
11.4.3 Swimming..................................................................47 19.7.2 Withdrawing From Close Combat............................. 67
11.4.5 Flying Movement.......................................................48 19.8 ATTACKING INTO COMBAT.......................................... 67 Winged Flight .....................................................48 19.9 DIFFERENT SIZED OPPONENTS .......................... 67 Horizontal Flight..........................................48 19.9.1 One Category Larger ................................................. 67 Acceleration .................................................48 19.9.2 Two Categories Larger .............................................. 67 Vertical Flight ..............................................48 19.10 AUTOMATIC RESULTS................................................. 67 Independent Flight ..............................................48 19.11 COMBAT ACTIONS- SPECIFIC RULES....................... 68
11.4.6 Fractional Movement Points (Optional).....................48 19.11.1 Swing Through ........................................................ 68
11.5 ZONES OF CONTROL.....................................................49 19.11.2 Weapon Bind........................................................... 68
11.5.1 ZOC Passing Attack...................................................49 19.11.3 Grab......................................................................... 68
11.5.2 ZOC Retreating Attack ..............................................49 19.11.4 Dive for Cover (Optional) ....................................... 68
11.5.3 Rigid Zone of Control (Optional) ..............................49 19.11.5 Defensive Fire ......................................................... 68
11.6 STACKING .......................................................................49 19.11.6 Holding Damage...................................................... 69
12.0 COMBAT VALUES ............................................................49 19.11.7 Withdraw Actions.................................................... 69
12.1 COMBAT STRENGTH (CS) .............................................49 19.11.8 Charge ..................................................................... 69
13.0 WEAPONRY ....................................................................50 19.11.9 Overbear .................................................................. 69
14.0 ARMOR ...............................................................................52 19.12 WEAPONS- SPECIFIC RULES ..................................... 69
14.1 CUSTOMIZED ARMOR (Optional) ................................53 19.12.1 Shields ..................................................................... 69
14.2 ARMOR SKILL MODIFIERS ...........................................53 19.12.2 Multiple CL Weapons ............................................. 69
14.3 ARMOR MR MODIFIER ..................................................53 19.12.3 Whips ...................................................................... 69
14.4 ARMOR INITIATIVE LEVEL MODIFIER........................53 19.12.4 Nets.......................................................................... 70
15.0 COMBAT RESOLUTION ...................................................54 19.12.5 Improvised Weapons ............................................... 70
15.1 COMBAT ACTION ...........................................................54 19.13 FUMBLE TABLES ..................................................... 70
15.2 STRIKE CHANCE ROLL..................................................55 19.14 DROWNING and SUFFOCATION ................................ 70
15.2.1 Solid Strike Results....................................................55 19.15 MULTIPLE HEX CREATURES (Optional).................... 71
15.3 PARRY CHANCE ROLL...................................................56 19.15.1 Restricted Hit Locations .......................................... 71
15.3.1 Parry Effects ..............................................................56 19.15.2 Close Combat .......................................................... 71
15.4 DODGE CHANCE ROLL .................................................56 Bucking ............................................................ 71
15.5 HIT LOCATION ROLL.....................................................57 Rolling .............................................................. 71
15.5.1 Roll Aimed Shots.......................................................57 19.15.3 Hex Diagrams.......................................................... 71
15.6 DAMAGE..........................................................................58 Two Hex Creatures........................................... 71
15.7 EFFECTS OF DAMAGE ..................................................58 Riders......................................................... 71
15.7.1 Stunning.....................................................................58 Four Hex Creatures........................................... 72
15.7.2 Bleeding: (Optional) ..................................................58 Seven Hex Creatures......................................... 72
15.7.3 Functioning with wounds...........................................58 19.16 COMBAT FORMATIONS (Optional)............................. 72
15.8 RANGED AND MAGICAL COMBAT...............................59 19.16.1 Pike/Spear Formation .............................................. 72
15.9 NON-LETHAL COMBAT .................................................59 19.16.2 Shield Wall .............................................................. 72
15.9.1 Effects of Non-Lethal Damage ..................................59 19.16.2 Back-to-Back........................................................... 72
15.9.2 Duration of Non-Lethal Damage ...............................59 19.17 THROWING DISTANCE................................................ 72
15.9.3 Pummeling Damage Defense (Optional) ...................59 19.18 HEROIC DAMAGE (Optional) ...................................... 73
15.10 COMBAT MODIFIERS ..................................................60 19.18.1 Picking Hit Locations .............................................. 73
16.0 SAVING THROWS .............................................................61 19.18.1 Maximum Damage (Optional)................................. 73
16.1 CHARACTERISTIC SAVING THROWS ...........................61 19.19 DEFENDING OTHERS.................................................. 73
16.1.1 Characteristic vs. Characteristic Saves.......................61 19.20 COMBAT CLARIFICATIONS ........................................ 73
16.2 LEVEL SAVING THROWS ...............................................61 19.20.1 Perception in Combat- Flanking .............................. 73
16.3 MISCELLANEOUS MODIFIERS .....................................61
16.4 PERMANENCY OF SAVING THROWS (Optional) .........61
17.0 POISONS .............................................................................62
17.1 MULTIPLE POISON EFFECTS.......................................62
18.0 HEALING ............................................................................63
18.1 HEALING WOUNDS........................................................63
18.2 HEALING BLEEDING DAMAGE ....................................63
18.3 POISON DAMAGE- FIRST AID.......................................64
18.4 HEALING POISON DAMAGE .........................................64
18.5 HEALING CUMULATIVE HIT POINTS ..........................64
19.0 ADDITIONAL RULES AND NOTES: ...............................64
19.1 SURPRISE ........................................................................64

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 v

Fireworks.......................................................................... 84
BOOK 3: MAGIC...........................................................................77 Smoke............................................................................... 84
20.0 GENERAL CASTING REQUIREMENTS..........................77 Level 5 Spells ....................................................................... 84
20.1 LEARNING SPELLS.........................................................77 Fire Lure........................................................................... 84
20.1.1 Casting Unknown Spells............................................77 Song of Battle................................................................... 84
20.1.2 Starting Spells............................................................77 Level 6 Spells ....................................................................... 85
20.2 CASTING GESTURES......................................................77 Curse ................................................................................ 85
20.3 SPELL CASTING ROLL ...................................................77 Song of Sleep ................................................................... 85
20.4 SPELL POINT EXPENDITURE .......................................77 Level 7 Spells ....................................................................... 85
20.4.1 Spell Point Regeneration............................................77 Escape .............................................................................. 85
21.0 SPELL DESCRIPTIONS .....................................................78 23.5 Elementalist...................................................................... 86
21.1 TYPES...............................................................................78 23.5.1 Class Rules ................................................................ 86
21.1.1 Type B (Battle) Spells................................................78 Specialist Elemental Mages (Optional)............... 86
21.1.2 Type C (Combat) Spells.............................................78 Disallowing the Elementalist (Optional)............. 86
21.1.3 Type C (Combat) Spells with Multiple Attacks.........78 23.5.2 Elementalist Spells .................................................... 86
21.1.4 Type CA (Characteristic Assault) Spells ...................78 Level 1 Spells ....................................................................... 87
21.1.5 Type D (Defense) Spells............................................78 All..................................................................................... 87
21.1.6 Type I (Instant) Spells................................................79 Elemental Missile ......................................................... 87
21.1.7 Type NC (Non-Combat) Spells..................................79 Protection from Elemental Creatures............................ 87
21.1.8 Type R (Ritual) Spells ...............................................79 Sense Elemental Magic ................................................ 87
21.1.9 Type T (Talent) Spells ...............................................79 AIR................................................................................... 87
21.2 COST ................................................................................79 Predict Weather ............................................................ 87
21.3 DURATION ......................................................................79 EARTH ............................................................................ 87
21.3.1 Instant ........................................................................79 Dust Cloud.................................................................... 87
21.3.2 Concentration.............................................................79 FIRE ................................................................................. 87
21.3.3 Permanent ..................................................................80 Control Fires................................................................. 87
21.3.4 Defined Time .............................................................80 Torch Fire..................................................................... 87
21.3.5 Special .......................................................................80 ICE ................................................................................... 87
21.4 RANGE .............................................................................80 Snow Sight ................................................................... 87
21.4.1 Self.............................................................................80 WATER............................................................................ 87
21.4.2 Touch .........................................................................80 Detect Water................................................................. 87
21.4.3 Defined Range ...........................................................80 Flotation ....................................................................... 88
21.5 DESCRIPTION .................................................................80 GENERAL ....................................................................... 88
22.0 ADDITIONAL MAGIC RULES..........................................80 Detect Magic ................................................................ 88
22.1 Magical Fumbles ..............................................................80 Mystic Shield................................................................ 88
22.2 Magical Rich or Poor Lands (Optional)...........................81 Level 2 Spells ....................................................................... 88
22.3 Variable area effects.........................................................81 All..................................................................................... 88
22.4 Magic versus Magic Saves................................................81 Elemental Arrow .......................................................... 88
22.5 Hybrid Versus Magical Classes........................................81 Summon Lesser Elemental Spirit ................................. 88
22.6 Disallowing/Modifying Classes (Optional).......................81 AIR................................................................................... 89
22.7 Armor Restrictions (Optional) ..........................................81 Fog................................................................................ 89
22.8 Eighth Level Spells ...........................................................81 Purify Air...................................................................... 89
22.9 Minor Magic (Optional) ...................................................81 EARTH ............................................................................ 89
22.10 Personalized Magic ........................................................81 Tremor.......................................................................... 89
23.0 SPELL LISTS.......................................................................81 FIRE ................................................................................. 89
23.3 Bard ..................................................................................82 Protection from Fire ..................................................... 89
23.3.1 Class Rules ................................................................82 ICE ................................................................................... 89
23.7.2 Bard Spells.................................................................82 Protection from Cold .................................................... 89
Level 1 Spells .......................................................................82 WATER............................................................................ 89
Detect Magic.....................................................................82 Purification of Water .................................................... 89
Conceal .............................................................................82 GENERAL ....................................................................... 89
Hide Item ..........................................................................82 Adept's Shield............................................................... 89
Recover Item.....................................................................82 Missile Shield ............................................................... 89
Level 2 Spells .......................................................................83 Level 3 Spells ....................................................................... 90
Extinguish Fires ................................................................83 ALL .................................................................................. 90
Fire Images .......................................................................83 Elemental Bolt.............................................................. 90
Produce Flame ..................................................................83 Elemental Sword .......................................................... 90
Rope Tricks.......................................................................83 Protection from the Elements ....................................... 90
Level 3 Spells .......................................................................83 Summon Greater Elemental Spirit................................ 91
Analyze Magic..................................................................83 AIR................................................................................... 91
Dancing Lights .................................................................83 Control Vapors ............................................................. 91
Sparkle..............................................................................83 Winds ........................................................................... 91
Unlock ..............................................................................83 Earth ................................................................................. 91
Level 4 Spells .......................................................................84 Dig................................................................................ 91
Conjure Item .....................................................................84 Earth Sense ................................................................... 91
Comprehend Writings.......................................................84 Fire ................................................................................... 91

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Extinguish Fires ............................................................91 Firestorm ...................................................................... 98
ICE....................................................................................91 ICE ................................................................................... 99
Snow Walk ...................................................................91 Hail Storm .................................................................... 99
WATER............................................................................92 GENERAL ....................................................................... 99
Water Sense ..................................................................92 Multiple Summoning.................................................... 99
GENERAL........................................................................92 23.7 Forester .......................................................................... 100
Dispel Magic.................................................................92 23.7.1 Class Rules .............................................................. 100
Level 4 Spells .......................................................................92 23.7.2 Forester Spells ......................................................... 100
ALL ..................................................................................92 Level 1 Spells ..................................................................... 100
Circle of Protection from Elemental Creatures .............92 Know Direction .............................................................. 100
Conjure Lesser Elemental .............................................92 Make Fire ....................................................................... 100
Elemental Strike............................................................93 Level 2 Spells ..................................................................... 100
Lesser Elemental Wall ..................................................93 Animal Trust - Domestic ................................................ 100
AIR ...................................................................................93 Predict Weather .............................................................. 100
Call Lightning...............................................................93 Level 3 Spells ..................................................................... 101
Command Wind............................................................93 Blending ......................................................................... 101
EARTH.............................................................................94 Find Tracks..................................................................... 101
Hands of Earth ..............................................................94 Forage............................................................................. 101
FIRE .................................................................................94 Hide Tracks .................................................................... 101
Fire Burst ......................................................................94 Light Sleep ..................................................................... 101
ICE....................................................................................94 Level 4 Spells ..................................................................... 101
Ice .................................................................................94 Calm Wild Animal ......................................................... 101
Ice Bridge .....................................................................94 Concealment................................................................... 101
WATER............................................................................94 Night Vision ................................................................... 101
Command Waters .........................................................94 Perception....................................................................... 101
GENERAL........................................................................94 Swift Travel.................................................................... 101
Sphere of Protection......................................................94 Track Tell ....................................................................... 101
Level 5 Spells .......................................................................95 Level 5 Spells ..................................................................... 102
ALL ..................................................................................95 Detect Presence .............................................................. 102
Conjure Greater Elemental ...........................................95 Hidden Fire..................................................................... 102
Elemental Spear ............................................................95 Magic Cloak ................................................................... 102
Greater Elemental Wall.................................................95 Quiet Travel.................................................................... 102
AIR ...................................................................................95 Resist Weather................................................................ 102
Lightning Bolt...............................................................95 Travel Endurance ........................................................... 102
EARTH.............................................................................95 Level 6 Spells ..................................................................... 102
Dispel Quicksand..........................................................95 Far Sight ......................................................................... 102
FIRE .................................................................................95 Shadow Walk ................................................................. 102
Fireball..........................................................................95 Sleep Light ..................................................................... 102
ICE....................................................................................96 Level 7 Spells ..................................................................... 103
Ice Storm.......................................................................96 Group Quiet Travel ........................................................ 103
WATER............................................................................96 Group Swift Travel......................................................... 103
Water Vision.................................................................96 Sense Presence ............................................................... 103
Level 6 Spells .......................................................................96 23.8 Healer............................................................................. 104
ALL ..................................................................................96 23.8.1 Class Rules .............................................................. 104
Elemental Lance ...........................................................96 Healer Preeminence (Optional) ........................ 104
Summon Lesser Elemental ...........................................96 23.8.2 Healer Spell List ...................................................... 104
Triad of the Elements....................................................97 Level 1 Spells ..................................................................... 105
AIR ...................................................................................97 Detect Curse ................................................................... 105
Weather Summoning ....................................................97 Detect Poison.................................................................. 105
EARTH.............................................................................97 Heal Minor Damage ....................................................... 105
Move Earth ...................................................................97 Heal Muscle Damage ..................................................... 105
FIRE .................................................................................97 Light ............................................................................... 105
Flame Fan .....................................................................97 Preserve Limb ................................................................ 105
ICE....................................................................................97 Purify Water ................................................................... 105
Rays of Cold .................................................................97 Remove Fatigue.............................................................. 105
WATER............................................................................97 Remove Foreign Body.................................................... 105
Part Water .....................................................................97 Stop Light Bleeding........................................................ 105
Level 7 Spells .......................................................................98 Level 2 Spells ..................................................................... 106
ALL ..................................................................................98 Analyze Poison............................................................... 106
Pure Elemental Strike ...................................................98 Cure Hangover ............................................................... 106
Summon Greater Elemental ..........................................98 Curse Analysis................................................................ 106
AIR ...................................................................................98 Detect Disease ................................................................ 106
Lightning Storm............................................................98 Hold Person .................................................................... 106
EARTH.............................................................................98 Heal Tendon or Heavy Muscle Damage......................... 106
Quicksand .....................................................................98 Purify Food..................................................................... 106
FIRE .................................................................................98 Restore Blood................................................................. 106

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Spell Deflections.............................................................106 Silence ............................................................................ 113
Stop Heavy Bleeding ......................................................106 Level 7 Spells ..................................................................... 114
Level 3 Spells .....................................................................107 Missile Flight.................................................................. 114
Cure Disease ...................................................................107 Shadow Aim................................................................... 114
Curse...............................................................................107 23.11 Paladin ......................................................................... 115
Dispel Fear......................................................................107 23.11.1 Class Rules ............................................................ 115
Heal Broken Bone...........................................................107 Learning Spells ............................................... 115
Missile Deflections .........................................................107 Loss of Magic ................................................. 115
Remove Curse.................................................................107 Armor ............................................................. 115
Remove Parasites............................................................107 23.11.4 No Spell Points (Optional)................................. 115
Remove Poison ...............................................................107 23.11.5 Disallowing the Paladin..................................... 115
Level 4 Spells .....................................................................108 23.11.2 Paladin Spells ........................................................ 115
Break Domination...........................................................108 Level 1 Spells ..................................................................... 116
Calm ...............................................................................108 Resist Domination .......................................................... 116
Fortify Food....................................................................108 Repel Curse .................................................................... 116
Heal Organ/Shattered Bone Damage ..............................108 Sense Magic ................................................................... 116
Heal Poison.....................................................................108 Level 2 Spells ..................................................................... 116
Ignore Pain......................................................................108 Immune to Disease ......................................................... 116
Level 5 Spells .....................................................................108 Light ............................................................................... 116
Cure Addiction ...............................................................108 Sense Evil....................................................................... 116
Enhance Defense ............................................................108 Level 3 Spells ..................................................................... 116
Heal Light Nerve or Severe Organ Damage ...................108 Combat Evil.................................................................... 116
Resistant Disease ............................................................108 Enchant Armor ............................................................... 116
Speed Healing I...............................................................108 Enchant Weapon............................................................. 116
Level 6 Spells .....................................................................109 Healing ........................................................................... 116
Circle of Cloaking...........................................................109 Spell Parry ...................................................................... 116
Heal Heavy Nerve/Very Severe Organ Damage.............109 Strength .......................................................................... 116
Speed Healing II .............................................................109 Level 4 Spells ..................................................................... 117
Wound Suspension .........................................................109 Circle of Protection ........................................................ 117
Level 7 Spells .....................................................................109 Read Innocence .............................................................. 117
Cheat Death ....................................................................109 Repel Undead ................................................................. 117
Reattach Limb.................................................................109 Resist Pain ...................................................................... 117
Speed Healing III............................................................109 Stamina........................................................................... 117
23.10 NightBlade ....................................................................110 Summon Mount.............................................................. 117
23.10.1 Class Rules.............................................................110 Level 5 Spells ..................................................................... 118 Disallowing Nightblades.................................110 Ignore Stun ..................................................................... 118
23.10.2 Nightblade Spells...................................................110 Greater Healing .............................................................. 118
Level 1 Spells .....................................................................111 Leadership ...................................................................... 118
Diversion ........................................................................111 Radiate Trust .................................................................. 118
Extinguish Light .............................................................111 Sense Assassination Attempt.......................................... 118
Night Vision ...................................................................111 Level 6 Spells ..................................................................... 118
Level 2 Spells .....................................................................111 Battle Cry ....................................................................... 118
Detect Magic...................................................................111 Dispel Demons ............................................................... 118
Spider Climb...................................................................111 Mystic Armor ................................................................. 118
Level 3 Spells .....................................................................112 Mystic Weapon............................................................... 118
Detect Trap .....................................................................112 Level 7 Spells ..................................................................... 119
Jump ...............................................................................112 Aid.................................................................................. 119
Light Fall ........................................................................112 Fury ................................................................................ 119
Shadow Hide...................................................................112 Shattering Blow.............................................................. 119
Unlock ............................................................................112 23.15 Witch ............................................................................ 120
Level 4 Spells .....................................................................112 23.15.1 Class Rules ............................................................ 120
Direction .........................................................................112 Limited Sight .................................................. 120
Mind Block .....................................................................112 Progeny (Optional) ......................................... 120
Muffle Sound..................................................................112 23.15.2 Disallowing the Witch (Optional).......................... 120
Sense Magic....................................................................112 23.15.2 Witch Spells .......................................................... 120
Silence Magic .................................................................112 Level 1 Spells ..................................................................... 121
Level 5 Spells .....................................................................113 Change Self .................................................................... 121
Cat’s Step........................................................................113 Conjure Smoke ............................................................... 121
Magic Cloak ...................................................................113 Control Vapor................................................................. 121
Perceive ..........................................................................113 Detect Illusion ................................................................ 121
Sense Passage .................................................................113 Detect Poison.................................................................. 121
Suggestion ......................................................................113 Eldritch Fire.................................................................... 121
Level 6 Spells .....................................................................113 Extinguish Light ............................................................. 121
Find Path.........................................................................113 Healing Potion................................................................ 121
Pass Barrier.....................................................................113 Hex ................................................................................. 121
Sense Traps.....................................................................113 Light ............................................................................... 121

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 viii

Lust .................................................................................122 Watcher .......................................................................... 129
Mending..........................................................................122 Witch Wind .................................................................... 129
Mystic Shield..................................................................122 Level 6 Spells ..................................................................... 130
Night Vision ...................................................................122 Animate Dead................................................................. 130
Predict Weather ..............................................................122 Doom.............................................................................. 130
Sense Good/Evil .............................................................122 Life Drain ....................................................................... 130
Sense Magic....................................................................122 Mists of Strangling ......................................................... 130
Shatter.............................................................................122 Salve of Healing ............................................................. 130
Unseen Servant ...............................................................122 Witch’s Whirlwind ......................................................... 130
Witch Sight .....................................................................122 Level 7 Spells ..................................................................... 131
Level 2 Spells .....................................................................123 Ghost Wind .................................................................... 131
Apparition.......................................................................123 Love Potion .................................................................... 131
Attunement .....................................................................123 Mists of Death ................................................................ 131
Blending .........................................................................123 Thunderbolt .................................................................... 131
Curse of Ugliness............................................................123 Wards of Defense ........................................................... 131
Dispel Magic...................................................................123 Weather Summoning ...................................................... 131
Find Traps.......................................................................123
Hold Person ....................................................................123
Locate Water...................................................................123
Open ...............................................................................123
Missile Shield .................................................................123
Phantom Voice ...............................................................123
Seduction ........................................................................124
Sense Power....................................................................124
Shield of the Sibyl ..........................................................124
Summon Small Animal...................................................124
Summon Fog...................................................................124
Ventriloquism .................................................................124
Level 3 Spells .....................................................................125
Continual Light...............................................................125
Control Animal ...............................................................125
Cure Disease Potion........................................................125
Cursed Dreams ...............................................................125
Dissipate Vapor ..............................................................125
Eldritch Flame ................................................................125
Neutralize Poison Potion ................................................126
Part Plant ........................................................................126
Phantom Light ................................................................126
Plant Barrier....................................................................126
Plant Entangle.................................................................126
Plant Pass........................................................................126
Remove Curse.................................................................126
Summon Animals ...........................................................126
Level 4 Spells .....................................................................127
Calm Wind......................................................................127
Change Wind ..................................................................127
Healing Poultice..............................................................127
Mists of Entrapment .......................................................127
Oracle .............................................................................127
Polymorph Other ............................................................127
Polymorph Self ...............................................................127
Ring of Fire.....................................................................127
True Sight .......................................................................128
Vision .............................................................................128
Level 5 Spells .....................................................................129
Mists of Sleep .................................................................129
Protection from Animals.................................................129
Protection from Plants ....................................................129
Speak with the Dead .......................................................129
Summon Wind ................................................................129

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 ix

APPENDICES ..............................................................................A-1
BOOK 4: BESTIARY ..................................................................135
A1 DESIGNER NOTES ............................................................A-1
24.0 COMMON CREATURE RULES ......................................135 B1 CHARACTER CREATION EXAMPLE ............................. B-1
24.1 Armor and Weapons .......................................................135
24.2 Combat Levels ................................................................135
24.3 Intelligence .....................................................................135
24.4 Parry Chance..................................................................135
24.5 Regeneration...................................................................135
24.5.1 Amount.........................................................................135
24.5.2 Time .............................................................................135
24.5.3 Cost..............................................................................135
24.5.4 Prevent.........................................................................135
25.0 CREATURE LISTINGS.....................................................136
25.1 Demons ...........................................................................136
Hellhound ...........................................................................136
25.2 Domesticated Animals ....................................................137
Horse, Heavy War ..............................................................137
25.3 Drakes/Dragons..............................................................138
Swamp Drake .....................................................................138
25.4 Elementals ......................................................................139
Element Spirit, Lesser Air ..................................................139
Elemental Spirit, Greater Air ..............................................139
Elemental, Lesser Air .........................................................140
Elemental, Greater Air........................................................140
25.5 Giant Races.....................................................................141
Hill Giant ............................................................................141
Ogre ....................................................................................141
25.6 Goblin Races...................................................................142
Goblin Warrior ...................................................................142
Troll, Cave..........................................................................143
Warg ...................................................................................143
25.7 Humans...........................................................................144
Knight .................................................................................144
Man at Arms .......................................................................144
25.8 Mythical Creatures .........................................................145
Griffin .................................................................................145
Harpy ..................................................................................145
Minotaur .............................................................................146
25.9 Undead Entities ..............................................................147
Skeleton, Lesser..................................................................147
Zombie, Lesser ...................................................................147
25.10 Wild Animals.................................................................148
Brown Bear.........................................................................148
26.11 Blank Creature Form....................................................149

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 x

Adventures in High Fantasy

“To have no heroes is to have no aspiration, to live
on the momentum of the past, to be thrown back
upon routine, sensuality, and the narrow self.”

Charles Horton Cooley (1864–1929), U.S.

sociologist. Human Nature and the Social Order, ch.
8 (1902).

Brian Gleichman

Bryan Harsh ♦Terri Gleichman

All Rights reserved.

Provided for Personal Use Only, Not for Resale.
No part may be distributed separately.

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01
Measures the physical strength relative to the size of the character.
So, you want to be someone else today. Bring your imagination to The Lift Modifier is multiplied by the character's weight to determine
life in living black and white through character creation. A Lift Capacity. This is the maximum weight he is able to lift over his
"character" is the vehicle you will use to move around in the make head for 1 second). See Effective Strength (ES) in section 3.5.
believe world your referee has designed. Like a car, this character can
be anything that you want him or her to be. Characters can be sporty
or drab, large or small, serious or funny. You can create someone ST Lift ST Lift ST Lift
Stat Mod Stat Mod Stat Mod
who fights with a saber while swinging from a yardarm or someone
who thinks violence is obscene. Your imagination will be your only 14 5.0 9 1.6 4 .4
13 4.0 8 1.3 3 .3
limit. Of course, a die roll here or there will add some unexpected
12 3.2 7 1.0 2 .2
variation. Not everyone is the same, nor are the characters. 11 2.5 6 .8 1 .1
The following sections detail your role in creating a character. You 10 2.0 5 .6 0 0
will be asked to roll dice and make choices. In the end, you will have
a character that hopefully acts and reacts according to his/her 1.2 QUICKNESS (QU)
abilities, has a history, and looks forward to the future. We use a
Quickness represents speed, reflexes and how fast a character will act
sectionalized format prior to each step of character creation that
(Initiative). The Bonus modifies the character's Defense and Dodge
explains some basic game mechanics. With luck, you will always
understand why you are making a choice as you make it.
QU Bonus QU Bonus QU Bonus
1.0 CHARACTERISTIC STATS 15 +24 10 +9 5 -6
14 +21 9 +6 4 -9
Stats are numerical values that range from 2 to 12 for a human. A 13 +18 8 +3 3 -12
value of 7 is average for a human male. Race and sex may modify 12 +15 7 0 2 -15
these values and are covered separately under Step 2. 11 +12 6 -3 1 -19
All characters will have 10 separately rolled Stats as determined on
percentile dice (1D100). These Stats define a character's natural 1.3 AGILITY (AG)
abilities, represented as follows: Strength, Quickness, Agility, Agility represents the speed and accuracy of hand to eye
Constitution, Will Power, Intelligence, Intuition, Magic Strength, coordination. Agility also represents whole body balance and
Charisma, and Physical Appearance. manipulation. The Bonus modifies Strike Chance, Parry Modifier,
To determine Stat values, roll 1D100 ten times recording the Parry Chance, Dodge Modifier, and Dodge Chance.
corresponding Stat value from the chart below. Use the PC table to
determine Stats for Player Characters (PCs) and special Non-Player
AG Bonus AG Bonus AG Bonus
Characters. While most common NPCs will have their stats simply
assigned, you can roll on the NPC table roll to determine them for 15 +24 10 +9 5 -6
14 +21 9 +6 4 -9
unusual characters that are not quite of heroic stature but are still not
13 +18 8 +3 3 -12
your common man on the street. 12 +15 7 0 2 -15
Assign the resulting scores to the to the Characteristics as you 11 +12 6 -3 1 18
Constitution represents general health. Constitution is the character's
resistance to disease, infection, and the elements. It is also a major
PC Stat NPC Stat
determinant of Cumulative Hit Points explained in section 3.6.2.
Generation Generation
D100 Score D100 Score
98-100 12 100 12 CO Multiple CO Multiple CO Multiple
93-97 11 98-99 11 15 8.0 10 5.5 5 3.0
78-92 10 91-97 10 14 7.5 9 5.0 4 2.5
59-77 9 80-90 9 13 7.0 8 4.5 3 2.0
39-58 8 65-79 8 12 6.5 7 4.0 2 1.5
19-38 7 37-64 7 11 6.0 6 3.5 1 1.0
11-18 6 22-36 6
07-10 5 11-21 5
04-06 4 04-10 4
02-03 3 02-03 3
01 2 01 2

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 1

Will Power represents strength of mind and determination. Will Charisma represents the force of presence your character can exert on
Power is the character's resistance to attempts to control his/her others, that is, how well he/she can influence others. Charisma is the
behavior, whether that attempt is magical or otherwise. Examples strength and power of the personality. For example, a powerful, evil
include Charm Spell or interrogation. Will Power has a secondary warrior with a low CH will appear as a bully while the same
influence on Cumulative Hits explained in section 3.6.2. character with a high CH inspires awe and fear.
Racial modifiers to this Stat are only applied towards other races
1.6 INTELLIGENCE (IQ) other than the character’s own.
Intelligence represents the ability of the character to grasp and learn
skills that are mental or physical in nature. Intelligence does NOT 1.10 PERSONAL APPEARANCE (PA)
represent reasoning ability. A character’s reasoning ability is Personal Appearance represents physical beauty. Racial modifiers to
assumed to be at the level the player portrays that character and has this Stat are only applied from the viewpoint of mainstream humans.
no formal characteristic. Also, Intelligence affects the maximum The value of this Stat depends on the viewer; a hungry lion doesn't
number of spells a spell user may learn. give a spit if you are the belle of the ball.

Option Skill Point

IQ Personal Appearance
Points Cost
15 27 2 Stat Description
14 24 3
13 21 4 Unbelievable. The character is perfect in form and grace.
12 18 5 12+ Wars have been waged over such, kingdoms destroyed and
11 15 6 legends made.
10 12 8 Stunning. The character is devastatingly beautiful or
9 9 10 11 handsome. Heads turn and hearts stop. Those driven by
8 6 12 lustful nature may be moved to irrational acts.
7 3 15
6 0 20 Striking: The character is very attractive and will impress all
5 -3 24 they meet. They are easy to notice and hard to forget.
4 -6 30
3 -9 40 Attractive: The character is solidly attractive, but won’t in
2 -12 60 9 general cause the room to stand still like the above
1 -15 120 categories.
0 N/A N/A Fair: The character is considered rather good-looking. This is
8 due to one or two outstanding features (such as a good figure
1.7 INTUITION (IN) or striking eyes) instead of overall appearance.
Intuition represents the ability to 'feel' without benefit of logic or Average: The character is neither attractive nor ugly and is
thought. IN modifies several skills’ chance of success. Intuition also easy to forget.
represents the character's understanding of magic. As such, Intuition Plain: The character would be considered average if it
is a major determinant in magical potential and success. 6
weren’t for the one or two minor flaws.
Unattractive: The character is without any appealing
physical features.
Magic Strength represents a measure of the character's magical Ugly: The character is extremely unattractive. Others may
strength, his/her ability to control and summon the power of magic. 4
avoid looking at this person and ridicule is common.
Magic Strength determines the character's Spell Points (if he/she can
use magic), calculated by multiplying character's skill level in Magic Repulsive: Many will actively avoid such a character and
some may well persecute him/her.
(Magic- Primary or Magic- Hybrid) with the Spell Points as found in
the chart below. Also, MS is another major determinant of magical Hideous: The character is deformed in a horrible way. The
potential. appearance is so bad it might be best to avoid being seen.

Spell Combat Spell Combat

Points Bonus Points Bonus
15 8 +24 10 3 +9
14 7 +21 9 2 +6
13 6 +18 8 1 +3
12 5 +15 7 0 +0
11 4 +12 0-6 N/A N/A
Note: If the skill in magic is not primary, reduce the Spell Point value
above by one.

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 2

2.0 SEX, RACE AND CULTURE 2.2.1 Classic Good Guy Kingdom
Fantasy works are rampant with different races of intelligent beings Culture: Straight from the books and Movies. It is a Feudal Society
that have exotic cultures. Elves and Dwarves are but common with power in the hands of the Nobles.
examples of race variation. Cultures may vary within a race as easily Physical Description: Typical Human of Western European descent.
as the Russians vary from Americans. There are no set inhabitants of Size: Males 5'10" Females 5'4"
any 'world' given here. Each campaign will have its own races and Males: 161 lbs. Females: 135 lbs.
cultures depending on the Game Master's desire. Also, players may Weight Modifier: 1.0 (Females 1.05)
choose the sex of their character. Base MR: 6


Pre-teen 10-12 Mature 30-39
A player may choose the sex of his/her character. It is suggested that Young Adolescent 13-14 Middle Aged 40-59
the players only run a character of the same sex as themselves. Adolescent 15-16 Old 60-80
Besides differences in cultural positions in most cases, female Young Adult 17-21 Venerable 81+
characters also have differences in character Stats and size (size is Adult 22-29
covered in section 3.4). Male characters have no modifiers to their
Stats. Stat Modifiers: None
Use the same female Stat modifiers regardless of race unless Special Abilities: None
otherwise noted for any female older than Pre-Teen. Special Skills: None
Other Factors:
Languages: Old English 3/3
Female Modifiers: ST –2, QU +1, AG +1, CO+1, IN +1, FT -3 Restrictions on Classes: None
Experience Multiple: 1.0
2.2 RACE AND CULTURE Character Points: 5
Family Size: I
As was stated, races and cultures that exist depend upon the
campaign. The Game Master should write up each race and culture in 2.2.2 Vikings
the game. This write up should include the following information at
least: Culture: People from the northern lands who live off the sea. They
have a clan-based society that finds great glory in battle.
1. A description of the culture. This should give
information about lifestyles and beliefs Physical Description: A Large people tending towards fair or red
hair, and lots of it.
2. A physical description of members of that culture.
This must include: Size: Males 6'1" Females 5'5"
Males: 182 lbs. Females: 138 lbs.
Average Height Weight Modifier: 1.0 (females (1.02)
Average Weight Base MR: 6
Weight Multiple, if any
Base Movement Rate (MR)
Life Span
The Life Span Groupings
Pre-teen 10-12 Mature 30-39
Stat Modifiers, if any Young Adolescent 13-14 Middle Aged 40-59
Special Abilities, if any Adolescent 15-16 Old 60-80
Special Skills, if any Young Adult 17-21 Venerable 81+
Adult 22-29
3. Any other factor that would influence the game,
including but not limited to: Stat Modifiers: None
Starting Languages and their level Special Abilities: They gain +10% to all seamen skills
Restrictions on available Classes Special Skills: None
Experience Multiple Other Factors:
Number of Character Points Languages: Norse 3/3
Family Size Restrictions on Class: Only Spell users allowed are Witches
and Druids
A few examples follow showing what such write-ups look like in a Experience Multiple: 1.0
brief form. They may serve as a starting point for a campaign or a Character Points: 5
model for your own write-ups. Family Size: II
Special: They care not for horses and as such they may not
advance Riding past level 0.
Since they are human use an Average Weight of 161 lb. for
males, 129 lb. for females to determine Size Modifiers.

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 3

2.2.3 Dwarves 2.2.4 Elves
Culture: Dwarves have a well-ordered feudal society. They live in Culture: Elves have a loose feudal society. They live in wooded areas
great halls carved in the mountains. They are taciturn, honorable and give the impression of a glad and carefree life. In reality the
and find great beauty in the works of stone, metal, and gems. passage of time can wear on these near immortals and they have
Physical Description: A short stocky race whose males always sport a serious side to their nature.
beards. They have ruddy complexions. Physical Description: A tall slender race without facial hair. Fair of
Size: Males 4'6" Females 4’4" face and form, the Elves are the most attractive the races.
Males: 141 lbs. Females: 133 lbs. Size: Males 6'0" Females 5’9"
Weight Modifier: 1.9 Males: 140 lbs. Females: 129 lbs.
Base MR: 4 Weight Modifier: .8
Base MR: 6
Life Span
Pre-teen 25-30 Mature 111-170 Life Span
Young Adolescent 31-35 Middle Aged 171-235 Pre-teen 11-14 Mature 500+
Adolescent 36-42 Old 236-280 Young Adolescent 15-18 Middle Aged N/A
Young Adult 43-50 Venerable 281+ Adolescent 19-22 Old N/A
Adult 51-110 Young Adult 23-250 Venerable N/A
Adult 251-499
Stat Modifiers: ST +1, QU -1, CO +2, WP +1, IN -1, CH -1, PA
-1 Note: Elves do not age pass Mature and die only of
Special Abilities: Night sight 10' in total non-magical darkness, violence or when weary of life
100' in dim light. +15% to the following skills: Armorer, Stat Modifiers: QU +1, AG +1, WP +1, IN +1, and PA +1
Caving, Disarm Traps, Engineer, Jewel-Craft, Mining, Pick
Locks, Smithing, Stone Work, and Weapon Smith. Elves must assign two of their five highest rolled Stats to
WP and PA
Special Skills: All dwarves have Caving level 1 free. Also any
the skills listed above are secondary unless already primary Special Abilities: They can see outside at night as well as if it
(+5% additional). They do not get swimming 0 free. was day, and inside up to 100' if there is any light. They
gain +15% to Musician and Singing skills, +10% to Stealth,
Other Factors: Perception, (+5% addition to Hearing perception rolls),
Languages: Old English 3/3 Foraging, and Orienteering Skills.
Dwarvish 3/3 Special Skills: All Elves have Musician and Singing as free
Restrictions on Classes: Fighter and Mundane are the only primary skills. If the skills are already Primary for their
allowed classes. chosen class, add an addition +5% bonus to them. In
Experience Multiple: 1.3 addition, they have level one in the following skills free-
Character Points: 4 Foraging, Orienteering, Perception, and Stealth.
Family Size: IV
Other Factors:
Languages: Old English 3/3
Elvish 3/3
Restrictions on Classes: No classes that are basically evil in
intent (Thief, etc.).
Experience Multiple: 1.5
Character Points: 4
Family Size: III

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 4

A number of Character classes are capable of casting spells. Not all
3.1 AGE characters can hope to master the same heights of magic however.
Note that Hybrid Magic is slightly easier to learn than Primary
The player chooses starting age. Magic.
The older the character, the more time he has had to learn skills, and The maximum level spell a character is capable of using is
consequently starts with more experience points than a younger determined by the sum of the character’s IN and MS stats. Table
character. Unfortunately, the older one is when he/she starts, the less 3.2.1 gives the results.
time he has left as a viable adventurer. Also, money and fame are not
Book 3 gives details on the use of Magic. See 6.0 for information on
necessarily commensurate with age. Lastly, the older characters
character classes.
discover creaky joints and failing sight in the form of characteristic
modifiers earlier. Youth is not that easy to mitigate either. A
youngster hasn't yet reached the full benefit of his characteristics and 3.2.1 Maximum Spell Levels
knows very little of the world, but he/she has many years of
adventuring ahead in which to learn, grow, and become known. The IN + MS Max Primary Max Hybrid
player must measure these pros and cons and choose the character's 24 8 N/A
age. 22-23 7 8
20-21 6 7
Once age has been chosen, the culture description will show what age
18-19 5 6
group then character is in, and chart 3.1.1 will show what modifiers 16-17 N/A 5
exist for that age. The Adjustments are only for their own age group
and are not cumulative.
Aging modifiers are not considered when determining class Stat
requirements (See Section 6.0) Spell Points (SP) represents the amount of magical power a mage has
available. If the character can cast spells of any type, then the number
The Game Master may restrict what ages a character may start at in
of spell points must be calculated. Determine the number of spell
general, or for a specific race or culture.
points per level by Magic Strength (see 1.8). Multiply this number by
the character's level to determine total spell points available. This
3.1.1 AGE ADJUSTMENTS number will need to be recalculated with the advancement of each
Age Category Adjustments
If the character cannot cast any spells this Stat is always zero.
Weight 50% Height 75%
All Characteristic -3 except IQ See Section 20.4 for details on the use of Spell Points and Section 6.0
Pre-teen Perception -10% for class details.
Level 0, 60 Experience
No Class Skills
3.4 SIZE
Weight 66% Height 85%
All Characteristics -2 except IQ
Young Adolescent Level 0, 120 Experience
Racial Skills at 0 if any
3.4.1 Height
No class Skills Each Race will have an average height listed in its write-up for male
Weight 80% Height 95% and female. To determine a character's actual height roll on the
All Characteristic -1 except IQ Height Variation (3.4.1) chart and use the following equation (round
Adolescent Level 0, 180 Experience to nearest inch):
Racial Skills at 0 if any
Full Class Abilities Height = Racial Avg. Height x Variation
Weight 90%
WP -1, IN -1, MS -1, CH -1, PA –1
Young Adult
Level 1, 240 Experience
Racial Skills as listed
For example: Orin the dwarf with a D100 roll of 27 has a height of:
No Modifiers
54 x (95%) = 51.3”" or 4'3".
Level 1, 360 Experience
No Modifiers
Level 2, 480 Experience
3.4.1 Height Variation from
QU -1, CO-1, PA –1 Average (D100)
Middle Aged
Level 3, 720 Experience 01-02 85% 30-33 96% 79-81 107%
ST -1, QU –2, AG -1, CO -2, 03-04 86% 34-37 97% 82-84 108%
PA –2 05-06 87% 38-41 98% 85-87 109%
Perception –10% 07-08 88% 42-45 99% 88-90 110%
Level 4, 960 Experience 09-10 89% 46-55 100% 91-92 111%
ST –4, QU-3, AG -3, CO-4, PA -4 11-13 90% 56-59 101% 93-94 112%
Venerable Perception -20% 14-16 91% 60-63 102% 95-96 113%
Level 5, 1200 Experience 17-19 92% 64-67 103% 97-98 114%
20-22 93% 68-71 104% 99-100 115%
Characteristics may not be reduce below a value of 1 for Age 23-25 94% 72-75 105%
Categories younger than adult. 26-29 95% 76-78 106%

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 5

3.4.2 Weight 3.4.3 Size Modifier
Weight is determined by height modified by the Racial Modifier and Characters that are very large or small will have adjustments to their
the results of a variation roll. This weight is assumed to be the characteristic Stats. There are five degrees of size - super large, very
character's natural idea weight and actual weight can vary slightly large, large, normal and small. The modifiers for the various size
from this. levels and the weight ranges (from the racial average) are in the
Depending upon the campaign, some races may have different weight following table.
modifiers (section 2). First, determine the Character's Average
Weight (3.4.2A), the Racial Modifier (2.2), and the Weight Variation
Size Modifiers
(3.4.2B). Then calculate the Character's Base Weight with the
following formula (round to nearest pound): Size Modifiers Weight Range
Super Large QU –3, AG –2, PA –1 >=205%
Base Weight = Average Weight x Race Modifier x Variation Very Large QU –2, AG –1 >=170% And <=205%
Large QU –1 >= 135% And <170%
3.4.2.A Average Weight (in pounds) By Height (in inches) Normal None >75% And < 135%
Small QU +1 <= 75%
Height Weight Height Weight Height Weight
Note: Use Average Racial Weight (section 2.2)
110 624 80 241 50 58
109 606 79 232 49 55
108 589 78 223 48 52
107 572 77 214 47 49
It is common when dealing with subgroups of a race, to list the
106 556 76 206 46 46 Average Weight for a race and then state that you are to use a
105 540 75 198 45 43 different weight to find the character's size. Different races of humans
104 525 74 190 44 40 are the best examples of this. It is a more accurate way of showing
103 510 73 182 43 37
102 495 72 175 42 35 radical difference from size than Stat modifiers.
101 481 71 168 41 32
100 467 70 161 40 30
99 453 69 154 39 28 3.5 EFFECTIVE STRENGTH (ES)
98 440 68 147 38 26
97 427 67 141 37 24 Effective Strength (ES) is a rating reflecting the effective force a
96 414 66 135 36 22 character may use in combat. ES is found by comparing the
95 402 65 135 35 20 character's Lift Capacity to the chart below. Lift Capacity must be
94 390 64 129 34 18
93 378 63 117 33 17
greater than or equal to the weight shown.
92 366 62 112 32 15 To determined Lift Capacity: use the character's weight and the ST
91 354 61 107 31 14
90 342 60 102 30 13
Lift Modifier (located in section 1.1)
89 331 59 97 29 12 Calculate Lift Capacity with the following formula:
88 320 58 92 28 10
87 309 57 87 27 9
86 298 56 82 26 8 Lift Capacity = (Character's Weight) x (Lift Modifier)
85 288 55 78 25 7
84 278 54 74 24 7 For example, Hazek the fighter has a ST of 10 and weighs 194 lb. His
83 268 53 70 23 6 Lift Capacity is 388 (194 x 2.0). Hazek's ES is 10.
82 259 52 66 22 5
81 250 51 62 21 4

3.5 Effective Strength (ES) Chart

3.4.2.B Weight Variation from Average (D100)
ES Lift Cbt Damage ES Lift Cbt Damage
01 70% 28-29 91% 78-79 112% 18 3299 +33 +d10 7 139 +0 +0
02 71% 30-31 92% 80-81 113% 17 2475 +30 +d9 6 105 -3 -d1
03 72% 32-33 93% 82-83 114% 16 1857 +27 +d8 5 78 -6 -1
04 73% 34-35 94% 84-85 115% 15 1393 +24 +d7 4 59 -9 -d2
05 74% 36-37 95% 86 116%
14 1045 +21 +d6 3 44 -12 -d3
06 75% 38-39 96% 87 117%
07 76% 40-41 97% 88 118%
13 783 +18 +d5 2 33 -15 -d4
08 77% 42-43 98% 89 119% 12 588 +15 +d4 1 25 -18 -d5
09 78% 44-45 99% 90 120% 11 491 +12 +d3 0 19 -21 -d6
10 79% 46-55 100% 91 121% 10 331 +9 +d2 -1 14 -24 -d7
11 80% 56-57 101% 92 122% 9 248 +6 +1 -2 10 -27 -d8
12 81% 58-59 102% 93 123% 8 186 +3 +d1 -3 8 -30 -d9
13 82% 60-61 103% 94 124%
14 83% 62-63 104% 95 125%
Cbt: These are modifiers used in determining Parry Chance and
15 84% 64-65 105% 96 126%
16-17 85% 66-67 106% 97 127%
Parry Modifier.
18-19 86% 68-69 107% 98 128% Damage: Refers to damage modifiers used for human sized
20-21 87% 70-71 108% 99 129% weapons.
22-23 88% 72-73 109% 100 130%
24-25 89% 74-75 110%
26-27 90% 76-77 111%

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 6

There are two types of hit points that are crucial to the continued The Movement Rate (MR) of a character represents how far they may
health of your character, Location Points and Cumulative Hit points. move at a fast walk. MR is based on the character's race and QU. See
the COMBAT and CAMPAIGN sections for the use of this rating.
3.6.1 Location Points (LP) Characters have a base Movement Rate (depending upon their race,
see 2.2). This is modified by their Quickness as follows:
Location Points (LP) are the amount of damage points necessary in a
single attack to disable any one part of the body (i.e., arm, neck,
MR = Racial Base + (QU –7)/2
head, etc.).
Location Points represents the most common reason for character Note: Use the QU Stat unmodified for gender or Race.
disability. Determine LP by using either the following formula or Keep the fractions (they will be used when determining running
chart. speeds, etc.). Round fractions down when moving on the board once
the modified movement rate is calculated.
LP = (cube root of character's weight) - .3
(Round to the nearest whole number) 3.8 FATIGUE (FT)
Fatigue represents how long a character may function before
exhaustion. Fatigue is determined by adding the Constitution (CO)
Stat and 1/4 the Will Power Stat (round down). The use of fatigue is
Minimum Minimum Minimum explained in detail in Section 19.4.
Weight Weight Weight
11 1260 7 315 3 22 3.9 PRIMARY HAND
10 942 6 196 2 6
9 682 5 111 1 ½ Characters need to roll for which hand they favor. Roll d100. 01-85=
8 475 4 55 Right Handed, 86-99= Left Handed, 00=Ambidextrous.


3.6.2 Cumulative Hit Points (CP)
The birth date of the character will need to be determined. First, roll
Cumulative Hit Points (CP) represents the capacity of the body to d100, a result of 02 or less means the character was born on the 31st
take several non-fatal hits and continue functioning. In a battle, the in one the months that have 31 days.
player keeps a running total of all damage from separate wounds and
Roll d8 to determine which:
bleeding to his/her character. If at any time total damage exceeds CP
the character goes unconscious. If it equals his CP+10, he dies.
CP is determined by the following formula: D8 Roll Month
1 January
CP = (LP x CO Multiple*) + (WP/2) (Round down) 2 March
*Note: See Section 1.4 for CO Multiple 3 May
4 July
For example, Hazek the fighter weighs 194 pounds, has a CO of 10 5 August
and a WP of 12. His LP is 5 (from ES chart) and his CP is 33 ((5 x 6 October
5.5) + (12/2)). 7 December
8 Roll Again

Otherwise, roll a d12 to determine the month and a d30 (a d3 with a

3.6.3 Stun Level (SL) d10) to find the exact day. For example: a d12 of 6, a d3 of 2 and a
Stun Level (SL) represents the amount of damage needed to stun a d10 of 7 gives a birth date of June 7th.
character in a single blow. The effect of being stunned is found in the
COMBAT section. SL is determined by the following formula:

SL= (LP + CO + (WP/2))/3 –2

(Round fractions to the nearest whole number)

For example: Hazek the fighter has an LP of 5, CO of 10 and WP of

12. SL= (5 + 10 + (12/2))/3 -2 = 5

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 7


Family position is of great importance in most societies. The position To determine the character's birth order; first determine the number
of a character's parents must be determined for the character. Each of his siblings. Use the following chart and the Family Size Number
campaign has its own social structure that will determine the possible found in section 2.2.
family backgrounds of the characters. The Game Master must write
up charts for his own world. These may be simple or very complex,
going so far as naming which Baron is the character's father. 4.41 SIBLING NUMBER

Charts for a specific campaign will give Starting Money in addition d100 Family Size Columns
to the social level of the character’s family. The character may buy Roll I II III IV
equipment with this money, or he may save it for later use. The Start 01-10 0 0 0 0
Money for Tribal Culture is the value of trade goods the character 11-14 1 0 0 0
has. He is assumed to start with weapons and equipment that are 16-25 2 1 0 0
appropriate to his station. 26-35 3 2 1 0
36-45 4 3 1 1
The GM may assign (or call for re-rolls of) heritage depending upon 46-65 4 4 2 2
the needs of his campaign. This avoids having nothing but townsmen 66-80 5 4 3 3
in game intended to focus on questing knights. 81-90 6 5 3 3
91-99 7 5 4 3
00 8 6 5 4
4.1 Social Standing
The following two charts are very simple versions of a basic Feudal To determine birth order, roll a d10 for the character and each sibling.
culture and a Tribal one. Highest numbers are born first, with lower numbers following in
order. Ties are re-rolled to determine order. A second tie indicates
4.1.1 FEUDAL CULTURE twins (or Triplets, etc.).
The gender of the siblings may be determined by rolling d100: 01-52
male, 53-00 female.


01-05 Outlaw The chart below is used to determine how the character's family
06-12 Poor Trash views him. The results should be considered guidelines. How and
13-42 Farmer/Yeomen
why the character came to such a condition needs to be determined
43-62 Townsmen
63-77 Guildsmen by the player and GM working together.
78-80 Mage
81-95 Lesser Noble
4.5 Family Relationships
96-99 Greater Noble
00 Royalty d100 Result
Banished: Character is very much on the out of FEUDAL CULTURE EXCEPTIONS sorts with all members of his family.
Certain races may have exceptions to the base Feudal Culture chart. 01-03 The character gets only ten percent the
Elves for example may not have Outlaws, using Mages instead for Starting Money. Showing up back home could
result in reactions ranging from slammed
that specific result. doors and denied entry to outright attack.
Disfavored: The character has fallen from
4.1.2 TRIBAL CULTURE grace with one parent and was given the boot.
07-10 He still maintains normal relations with the
other parent but returning home would cause
Roll Social Group Average: The character has an average
01-10 Slave relationship with his family. He can receive
11-64 Freeman the normal starting money and the support a
65-84 Warrior family is expected to give their own.
85-89 Shaman Favored: One parent favors the character. The
90-99 Chieftain other is of average relationship.
00 Royal
86-95 The character has 150% the Starting Money
and can except the favoring parent to go the
extra mile in his support.
Favored: Both parents favor the character. The
96-00 character has double the Starting Money and
the full Support of his family in all matters.

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 8


Each character has 1 to 5 character points as listed in section 2.2. The player may buy special items or equipment representing
Character points represent the special events and things that make family heirlooms or gifts he has received. These could take many
everyone a little different from everyone else. The player may use forms. The player should state what he wants; the Game Master
these points to buy those things he needs to fill out his conception of should come up with a cost if it is a reasonable request. The
the character. Generally the more powerful the race, the fewer player would then buy the item if he wished (and had enough
Character points the character gets (the members of such races being points to do so. If not, he had best scale down his desires.). The
more alike than usual due to a racial mind-set or common education Following are common examples and their cost.
and upbringing). Well Made Weapon: Any of the common weapons made with a very
The player may use the character points in the following ways: fine balance and strength. +3 SC, PC, PM, WB. Cost=2
Character Points.
5.1 ADDITIONAL OPTION POINTS: Enchanted Weapon: Any of the common weapons enchanted and
made with a very fine balance and strength. +3 SC, PC, PM,
The character has been a very apt or hard working student and DM, DC, WB. Cost=4 Character Pt.
has learned more than normal. The character gains three Option
Points for every Character Point spent. Well Made Armor: Any of the common types of armor made lighter
and more flexible. Reduce the APV for such armor by one.
Cost=2 Character Points.
5.2 RE-ROLLS AND ROLL MODIFIERS: Well-Crafted Tools: A set of tools that gives +5 to a non-combat
skill. The player may choose the skill, but the Game Master must
The player may be unhappy with rolls made during the creation
decide if the skill could have such tools (Perception couldn't for
of his character. He may spend Character points in an attempt to example). Cost=1 point.
correct this as follows:
A Loyal Common Animal: An Animal companion with above
0 pt.- He may choose to be of Average Height or Weight, not both. average Stats, intelligence, and training. Examples are dogs and
He may pick his Birth Date if there is no in-game effect. horses. Cost=1 point. See Campaign rules for use of such
1 pt- He may roll again any one of the following: A Stat, Height,
Weight, Family Heritage, Number of Siblings, Birth Order, A Loyal Unusual Animal: An Animal companion of unusual kind or
Primary Hand, or Family Favor. If one of the above has a set of ability with above average Stats, intelligence and training.
more than one roll (For example, expanded campaign specific Examples – bears, unicorns, or common animals with near
Family Heritage), all rolls in the set are re-rolled. The player human intelligence or enhanced ability. Cost = 2+ points
may keep either his old rolls or the new ones at his choice. depending on ability. See Campaign Rules for use of such
creatures. All such creatures would start the game young and
He may pick his Birth Date if there is an in-game effect. grow into their full abilities.
Changes the character’s Height and Weight to Average Well Made Shield: Any of the common shields made with fine
materials and skill. +3 SC, +3 PM (when used as a weapon), +3
Pick any Family Heritage of Townsmen or less. PC (Not cumulative with any bonus from a special weapon), +3
2 pts - He may pick any one of the following: Height, Weight, WB. Cost = 2 points
Number of Siblings, Birth Order, Primary Hand or Family Magical Items: With the ability to cast a spell once per day. Cost=2 +
Favor. the level of the spell. By spending an extra point, the item is
Pick Family Heritage of Guildsmen or Mage. usable three times a day.

He may add one to the result of any Stat roll, not to exceed 12. Loyal Retainer/Friend: The character has a Retainer or Friend who
travels with him. The GM controls the Retainer/Friend. The
3 pts- Pick Family Heritage of Lesser Nobility Player and GM should work out the basic idea, and the GM will
make up the NPC (perhaps with changes or additions unknown
4 pts- Pick Family Heritage of Greater Nobility to the player). The NPC will gain experience and advance as
5 pts- Pick Family Heritage of Royalty normal. Cost=2 points.
Treasure Map: The character has a map to a treasure. The treasure
should be of great value and the task of getting it appropriately
difficult. Such a task should better be left until the character
gains a good amount of experience. Of course, there might be
those who want to steal the map in the meantime, but that is
another thing entirely. Cost=1 point.
Rightful Owner of an Artifact: The character is the rightful owner of
some magical item of great power. It is usually one connected to
their family, lost long ago. The character has or will in the future
gain some idea of its location. The task of finding and gaining
the item is best left for when the character has advanced in level.
Cost=2 points.
Contact with an Important Person: The character has an important
friend or contact that will aid the character at times. Examples:
A Sage at the Kings Court (Great for advice), The Chief Healer
of the Realm (free healing anyone?), etc. Cost=3 points.

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 9

The character has some special knowledge he would not The character has some special ability or background he would
otherwise have. As with Items, the player states his desire and the not otherwise have. Again, the player states his ideal and the
Game Master determines its a cost. Some Examples follow: Game Master determines a cost. Some Examples follow:
Languages: The character starts knowing more languages than Super-human Characteristic: The character buys the right to increase
normal. The amount he knows depends on the number of one rolled Characteristic Stat to a maximum limit of 13 instead
character points spent: of 12. The character will need at least one rolled Stat of 12 and
will have to spend two more points to increase it to 13 in order
Points Language to benefit. Cost = 1 point.
Spent Levels
Unknown Background: There is something special about the
1 3 character he is not aware of. If the GM wishes, perhaps the
2 6 player is not even aware of it. Example: The character is a lost
3 12 prince who has been raised a peasant, who may be able to gain
4 24 his kingdom someday. Often the GM may allow or suggest such
5 48 a background to better fit the characters into his campaign. Cost
= 1 point.
The player may assign these levels as he wishes. Levels are Precognition: The character sometimes (When GM wishes him to in
separate for Speak and Read/Write. If desired, the player may order to further the plot) has dreams or visions that, although
trade two levels of one for the other. (Example Oaf spends 1 vague and symbolic, give clues about important events to come.
point and gets three levels of languages. He wants Latin. Three Cost = 2 points.
levels will give him Latin at 2/2. By trading two levels of R/W,
Oaf can have Latin at 3/0.) Beast Master: The character can understand and be understood by
normal animals. The communication is partially telepathic. Such
Note: Level 0 does count as a level. animals are inclined to trust the character. For each additional
Character point, one animal may become friends with the
Note: Languages gained by spending character points add to the character and travel with him, acting as a companion. Two small
character’s language potential. animals may be counted as one if the GM allows.
Lore: The character starts knowing some Lore. The amount he knows The GM may decide to have such animals start the game young
depends on the number of character points spent: and grow into their full abilities if he feels an adult creature is
too powerful to start with.
Points Lore
Spent Levels This choice also requires the character takes the Befriend
Animal Skill as a Primary.
1 2
2 4 Cost = 3 points.
3 8
4 16 Night Vision: The character is better at seeing in the dark than most.
5 32 He takes only half the lack of lightning modifiers up to, but not
including, Pitch-Blackness.

Note: Level 0 does count as a level. Thus spending one point Cost = 1
would allow the character one Lore at level 1. Eagle Eye: The character takes only half the normal perceptions
Note: Lore Skills gained by spending character points add to the modifiers due to range.
character’s Lore potential. Cost = 1
Wilderness Knowledge: The character starts knowing an additional Empathic Link: The character has an instinctive sense that allows
Wilderness Knowledge. Gaining Wilderness Knowledge by this him/her to know the basic status of a specific person/creature
means adds one to the character’s Lore potential. Cost = 1 point. with whom he has a link. The character will always have an idea
of the general health and stress of the linked person along with a
vague idea of distance and direction. Examples are true love
links, twin links, Master/Servant links, or momma’s boy links.
Cost = 1

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 10

6.0 CHARACTER CLASS Magic: Shows if the class uses None, Primary, or Hybrid magic.
Also, this gives the Magic Combat bonus for the class if needed.
Pick a class for the character. Class represents the character's
strengths and weaknesses in different areas. Class also controls None: The class does not have magic. The character (subject to
advancement and defines the basic role of the character. approval from the GM.) may purchase magic for the non-classed
skill cost. Furthermore, the character cannot learn more than one
Classes are broken into the categories of Skilled Classes, Magical type of magic.
Classes, and Hybrid Classes and are defined in the following ways:
Primary: A type of magic that represents a near total commitment to
Description: A basic overview of what this class is about. This states the study of magic. Each type has it’s own style, more powerful
the class' bent on skills and abilities, as well as the class' function effects, and greater versatility than Hybrid Magic. A level is
in the world. gained in primary magic per class level.
Combat: Each class has a list of Combat Bonuses such as Hybrid: A type of magic that supports and aids a class in a basic
+10/+10/+5/+5/+0/+0/-5 (A Fighter in this case). The player purpose. Since the study of magic is not primary with hybrid
assigns these bonuses to each of the following 7 weapon groups. mages, they never gain a very large spell selection. Low levels
They modify any weapon used in that group by the specified of Hybrid Magic may not have any spells. A level is gained in
Hybrid magic per class level.
amount. Once assigned, the values are fixed and may not be
changed. Experience per Level: The cost in experience points for the class to
raise one level.
Axe & Mace: Battle Axe, Mace, Pick, etc.
Bladed: Swords, Daggers, etc. Requirements: Any Stat or other type of requirement necessary for
Flexible: Whip, Flail, etc. the class.
Missile: Crossbow, Long Bow, etc.
Polearm: Spears, Lances, Glaive, etc. Special: Any special rules that apply to the class.
Thrown: Dagger, Thrown Spear, etc.
Unarmed: Hand-to-hand Combat
Weapon Familiarity: The number of weapons a character is able to
use without penalty. These are free Weapon Familiarity Skills.
(For example, a Fighter may have 4 Weapon Familiarities plus 1
per level.) Everyone has familiarity with Unarmed free. Using the
same weapon one and two handed costs two familiarities.
Attempting to use a weapon without familiarity gives a -15%
combat bonus.
Armor Familiarity: A list of armor types with which the class has
familiarity. There are four groups: Soft Leather, Rigid Leather,
Chain, and Plate. In addition, the character may be familiar with
partial coverage or full coverage (full coverage includes partial
Full coverage is anything that covers 69% or more and is noted
on the character sheet with an ‘F’; Partial coverage is 68% or less
and is noted with a ‘P’.
Up to 20% coverage armor may be worn without familiarity.
Wearing armor without familiarity gives 2x modifier to the armor
Primary Skills: These skills represent the strength of the class.
Primary Skills advance automatically as the character advances
without additional cost. Characters start with all Primary Skills
listed. Other skills must be bought with option points or
experience. Most Primary Skills of a class have +10% bonus.
Secondary Skills: Optional skills that the class may easily buy.
Secondary Skills may be bought such that they advance as
Primary Skills (They do not get the +10% Class Primary Skill
Bonus however). When buying any Secondary Skill listed in the
class, a character pays the normal cost. If a skill in not Primary or
Secondary, costs are increased by 50% (1 1/2x).

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 11

Description: The Fighters are the most versatile warriors. They are trained to
fight in all but plate mail armor with the widest variety of weapons
6.2.1 ARCHER
Combat: +10/+10/+5/+5/+0/+0/-5.
Description: The Archer is a warrior who is a specialist with missile weapons.
He/she has some melee combat ability as well. Weapon Familiarity: 4 + 1 per level.

Combat: +10/+5/+0/-5/-10/-15/-20. Armor Familiarity: Full Soft Leather, Rigid Leather, and Chain.

Weapon Familiarity: 3. Primary Skills: Melee Combat, Ranged Combat.

Armor Familiarity: Partial Soft Leather. Secondary Skills: Athletic Games, Climbing, Leadership, Riding, Swimming,
and Weapon Familiarities.
Primary Skills: Archery, Melee Combat, and Ranged Combat.
Magic: None, Magic Combat +0
Secondary Skills: Climbing, Leadership, and Weapon Familiarity - Missiles
only. Experience per Level: 1250.

Magic: None Requirements: ST 6+, AG 5+.

Experience per Level: 1250. Special: None

Requirements: ST 8+, AG 8+.

Special: Archers must have missiles as their first weapon group and may not 6.2.4 MARINER
raise any other group above +5. Description: The Mariner is a master of ships and water travel. Able warriors
they are the classic sea faring adventurer.

6.2.2 CHIVALRIC Combat: +10/+5/+0/+0/-5/-10/-15.

Description: The Chivalric is the classic Knight. A warrior trained to fight Weapon Familiarity: 3 + 1 per 2 levels (round down).
from horse or foot. Similar to the fighter, the Chivalric does not have the
Armor Familiarity: None.
wide weapon selection (no missile weapons, unless allowed by the
culture.) Primary Skills: Boating, Melee Combat, Navigation, Ranged Combat, Sailing,
Sea-Watching, Seamanship, and Swimming.
Combat: +10/+10/+5/+0/-5/-10/-15
Secondary Skills: Administration, Cartographer, Climbing, Fishing,
Weapon Familiarity: 3 + 1 per level.
Leadership, Merchant, Shipwright, and Weapon Familiarities.
Armor Familiarity: Full Soft Leather, Rigid Leather, Chain, and Plate.
Magic: None, Magic Combat +0
Primary Skills: Melee Combat, Riding.
Experience per Level: 1500.
Secondary Skills: Athletic Games, Climbing, Culture, Intrigue, Leadership,
Requirements: ST 7+, CO 9+, IQ 9+, and IN 9+.
Oratory, Orienteering, Swimming, and Weapon Familiarities.
Special: None.
Magic: None
Experience per Level: 1250.
Requirements: ST 8+, CO 8+, and WP 8+.
Description: These are the normal men of the cities and farms. They have no
The Chivalric must have the following skills (brought with starting aptitude for adventure and no primary skills unless purchased with option
experience): Culture 1 (0 if starting at level 0), and one of the following: points. They are included for making up the typical town or rural NPC.
Musician 0, Oratory 0, Singing 0, or Poetry 0. Some may have militia training (Buy Weapon, Armor Familiarities and
Combat Skills with Skill Points).
Most often, the character must be of noble birth to be Chivalric. The GM
may lift this requirement under special conditions, i.e., the character buys Combat: +0/-5/-5/-10/-20/-20/-20.
all the required skills, and pays 1 Character Point, to represent a farmer's
lad taken and raised by nobles, with Stats of ST 9+, CO 9+, and WP 8+. Weapon Familiarity: None.

Special: Start with Lore- Heraldry 0 free Armor Familiarity: None.

Primary Skills: None
Secondary Skills: All Craft Skills, All Knowledge Skills, and all
Communication Skills (Except Leadership).
Magic: None, Magic Combat +0
Experience per Level: 500.
Requirements: None
Special: None

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 12

Description: The Ranger is a master of woodcraft, able to live off the land as
well as find his/her way in it. The Ranger is also a notable warrior,
although he/she does not have the weapon selection of the Fighter.
Combat: +10/+5/+0/+0/-5/-10/-15.
Description: Arcanists use a form of magic based upon the natural flow of
Weapon Familiarity: 3 + 1 per 2 levels (round down). mystic force and the creatures bound by them
Armor Familiarity: Full Soft Leather, Partial Rigid Leather and Chain. Combat: +0/-10/-20/-20/-20/-20/-20
Primary Skills: Foraging, Melee Combat, Orienteering, Perception, Ranged Weapon Familiarity: 1
Combat, Stealth (-10), Tracking, Weather Watching, and Wilderness KS-
one area. Armor Familiarity: None

Secondary Skills: Camouflage, Caving, Climbing, Disarm Traps, Leadership, Primary Skills: Magic, Magic Combat
Physician, Riding, Swimming, Trapping, and Weapon Familiarities. Secondary Skills: Alchemy, Astrology
Magic: None, Magic Combat +0 Magic: Primary, Magic Combat +10
Experience per Level: 1500. Experience per Level: 2000
Requirements: ST 7+, CO 9+, and IQ 9+, IN 9+. Requirements: WP 10+, IQ 9+, IN 9+, and MS 9+
Special: Wilderness KS- 1 Area Special: An Arcanist will fumble spells on a miss of 20 or more.


Description: The Spy is an expert at going where one shouldn't. They have Description: Astrologers use magic that is based on the heavens. They are
some combat ability. skilled in the arts of interpreting signs and events, and are often sought
Combat: +5/+0/-5/-10/-15/-20/-20. for advice and counsel.

Weapon Familiarity: 3. Combat: +0/-10/-20/-20/-20/-20/-20

Armor Familiarity: None. Weapon Familiarity: 1.

Primary Skills: Acting, Disarm Traps (-10), Disguise, Intrigue, Melee Armor Familiarity: None.
Combat, Perception, Pick Locks (-10), Sleight of Hand (-10), and Stealth. Primary Skills: Astrology, Magic, Magic Combat.
Secondary Skills: Climbing, Culture, Dancing, Escape Artist, Ranged Secondary Skills: Perception.
Magic: Primary, Magic Combat +10.
Magic: None, Magic Combat +0
Experience per Level: 2000.
Experience per Level: 1500.
Requirements: WP 8+, IQ 9+, IN 9+, MS 9+.
Requirements: AG 8+, IQ 9+, and CH 9+.
Special: None.
Special: None.

6.3.3 DRUID
6.2.8 THIEF
Description: The Druid uses magic to protect and enhance the beauty of the
Description: The Thief is adept at entering and taking items by stealth. They wilderness. Druids have a great reverence for all living things, preferring
have some combat ability. to live in wilderness areas than in the contemptuous workings of civilized
Combat: +5/+0/-5/-10/-15/-20/-20. man.

Weapon Familiarity: 3. Combat: +0/-5/-10/-10/-10/-15/-20.

Armor Familiarity: Partial Soft Leather. Weapon Familiarity: 2.

Primary Skills: Climbing, Disarm Traps, Melee Combat, Perception, Pick Armor Familiarity: None.
Locks, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth. Primary Skills: Foraging, Magic, Magic Combat, Orienteering, Weather
Secondary Skills: Acrobatics, Escape Artist, and Ranged Combat. Watching.

Magic: None, Magic Combat +0 Secondary Skills: Caving, Fishing, Herbalist, Melee Combat, Perception,
Stealth, Tracking, and Trapping.
Experience per Level: 1400
Magic: Primary, Magic Combat +10.
Requirements: AG 9+
Experience per Level: 2000.
Special: None.
Requirements: ST 6+, CO 8+, IQ 9+, IN 10+, and MS 8+.
Special: None.

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 13

6.3.7 SEER
Description: Seers use magic to learn, divine, and analyze. Seers are often
Description: The Elementalist is a master at using and controlling the four found as advisors.
elements - Air, Earth, Fire, Water (and Ice, a mixture of the preceding).
Elementalists have the most combative magic and can be fair fighters Combat: +0/-10/-20/-20/-20/-20/-20.
with the sword.
Weapon Familiarity: 1.
Combat: +0/-5/-10/-20/-20/-20/-20.
Armor Familiarity: None.
Weapon Familiarity: 2.
Primary Skills: Magic, Magic Combat, Oratory, and Perception.
Armor Familiarity: None.
Secondary Skills: Administration, Astrology Cartography, Culture, Intrigue,
Primary Skills: Magic, Magic Combat. and Physician.

Secondary Skills: Administration, Culture, and Melee Combat. Magic: Primary, Magic Combat +0.

Magic: Primary, Magic Combat +10. Experience per Level: 2000.

Experience per Level: 2000 Requirements: IQ 9+, IN 9+, MS 9+.

Requirements: IQ 9+, IN 9+, MS 9+. Special: Seers have Lore and Languages Potentials of 2 each free. Time
needed to learn Lore and Languages is halved.
Special: None.

Description: The Sorcerer uses magic based upon the extension of mystic
Description: Those of Enchantments use magic that enhances or modifies forces and creatures. The magic of Sorcery is mostly concerned with
objects or even creatures and people. Most are female, and slightly personal power and is almost always evil in intent.
flighty, perhaps because their magic seems so unconnected to reality.
Combat: +0/-10/-20/-20/-20/-20/-20
Combat: +0/-10/-20/-20/-20/-20/-20.
Weapon Familiarity: 1
Weapon Familiarity: 1.
Armor Familiarity: None
Armor Familiarity: None.
Primary Skills: Magic, Magic Combat
Primary Skills: Magic, Magic Combat.
Secondary Skills: Administration, Alchemy, Astrology, Cartography, Culture,
Secondary Skills: Dancing. Intrigue, Orienteering, Perception, Leadership, and Seduction
Magic: Primary, Magic Combat +5. Magic: Primary, Magic Combat +5
Experience per Level: 2000. Experience per Level: 2000
Requirements: IQ 9+, IN 9+, and MS 9+. Requirements: IQ 9+, IN 9+, MS +9, WP 9+
Special: None. Special: None.

6.3.6 HEALERS 6.3.9 WITCH

Description: Healers use magic to cure and heal others. Cautious adventurers Description: The Witch uses a combination of natural magic with some
and nobility often seek to employ healers. general magical forms. Witches are always female.
Combat: +0/-5/-10/-20/-20/-20/-20. Combat: +0/-10/-20/-20/-20/-20/-20.
Weapon Familiarity: 1. Weapon Familiarity: 1.
Armor Familiarity: None. Armor Familiarity: None.
Primary Skills: Magic, Physician Primary Skills: Herbalist, Magic, Magic Combat, Perception, Weather
Secondary Skills: Alchemy, Culture, Foraging, and Herbalist. Watching.

Magic: Primary, Magic Combat +0. Secondary Skills: Astrology, Culture, Dancing, Foraging, Gardening, Intrigue,
Oratory, Physician, Seduction, and Singing.
Experience per Level: 1800.
Magic: Primary, Magic Combat +5.
Requirements: IQ 9+, IN 9+, MS 9+.
Experience per Level: 2000.
Special: None.
Requirements: IQ 9+, IN 10+, MS 8+.
Special: None.

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 14

Description: The Wizard uses a general kind of magic, containing forms of
various types. The Wizard is the most versatile of the mages, and among
the most knowledgeable. They are often found in government as advisors
(or even sometimes as rulers themselves). 6.4.1 BARD
Combat: +0/-10/-20/-20/-20/-20/-20. Description: The Bard is an entertainer who wanders the country, carrying
news, and learning of the world. In some lands they are also wise and
Weapon Familiarity: 1. learned men, sought out for their wisdom and judgment as well as their
tales and songs.
Armor Familiarity: None.
Combat: +5/+0/-5/-10/-15/-20/-20
Primary Skills: Magic, Magic Combat.
Weapon Familiarity: 3
Secondary Skills: Administration, Alchemy, Astrology, Cartography, Culture,
Herbalist, Intrigue, Leadership, Oratory, Orienteering, Perception, Armor Familiarity: None
Physician, Weather Watching.
Primary Skills: Culture, Hybrid Magic, Musician, Oratory, and Singing
Magic: Primary, Magic Combat +10.
Secondary Skills: Acrobatics, Acting, Composer, Disguise, Escape Artist,
Experience per Level: 2000. Orienteering, Poetry, Dancing, Melee Combat, Musician, Ranged
Combat, and Sleight of Hand
Requirements: IQ 9+, WP 9+, IN 9+, MS 9+.
Magic: Hybrid, Magic Combat +0
Special: None
Experience per Level: 1500
Requirements: CH 9+, AG 8+, and CO 8+
Special: The Bard has 2 extra points in Languages and 2 in Lore that they may
use as they see fit.

Description: The Forester is a Ranger who uses magic to aid him/her in their
profession. Since they depend upon magic to a large degree, his/her other
skills are less developed than those of a normal ranger.
Combat: +5/+0/-5/-5/-10/-15/-20.
Weapon Familiarity: 3.
Armor Familiarity: Partial Soft Leather.
Primary Skills: Foraging (-10), Magic- Hybrid, Melee Combat, Orienteering (-
10), Perception (-10), Ranged Combat, Stealth (-10), Tracking (-10),
Weather Watching (-10).
Secondary Skills: Camouflage, Caving, Climbing, Disarm Traps, Leadership,
Physician, Riding, Swimming, Trapping, and Wilderness KS.
Magic: Hybrid, Magic Combat +0
Experience per Level: 1750.
Requirements: CO 9+, IQ 9+, IN 9+, MS 8+
Special: Wilderness KS- one area.

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 15

Description: The Nightblade combines the talents of the Spy and Fighter with Description: It is a Primitive hybrid magic used by many barbarian tribes. The
magic to aid him/her in their profession. Since they depend upon magic to Shaman uses a form of spirit based nature magic. They have notable
a large degree, his/her other skills are less developed. The Nightblade is combat ability in addition. Their spells are few and not very strong
almost always evil in intent. compared to other types of magic users.
Combat: +5/+0/-5/-10/-15/-20/-20. Combat: +5/+0/-5/-10/-15/-20/-20
Weapon Familiarity: 3. Weapon Familiarity: 2
Armor Familiarity: None. Armor Familiarity: Full Soft Leather
Primary Skills: Acting (-10), Climbing (-10), Disarm Traps (-15), Disguise (- Primary Skills: Foraging, Melee Combat, Magic- Hybrid, Magic Combat,
10), Intrigue (-10), Magic- Hybrid, Melee Combat, Perception (-10), Pick Oratory, Ranged Combat, and Weather Watching
Locks (-15), Range Combat, Sleight of Hand (-15), and Stealth (-10).
Secondary Skills: Climbing, Herbalist, Orienteering, Perception, Physician,
Secondary Skills: Culture, Dancing, Escape Artist, and Weapon Familiarities. Swimming, and Tracking.
Magic: Hybrid, Magic Combat +0 Magic: Hybrid, Magic Combat +5
Experience per Level: 1750. Experience per Level: 1750
Requirements: AQ 9+, QU 9+, IQ 9+, IN 9+, and MS 8+ Requirements: CO 9+, IN 9+, MS +9
Special: None. Special: None

Description: The Paladin is a special type of Chivalric. Member of an order
dedicated to defend the free people from evil. The Paladin combines the
abilities of the Chivalric with magic to produce a powerful protector. The
Paladin may not use Missile Weapons unless allowed by the culture.
Combat: +10/+10/+5/+0/-5/-10/-15.
Weapon Familiarity: 3 + 1 per level.
Armor Familiarity: Full Soft Leather, Rigid Leather, Chain, and Plate.
Primary Skills: Magic- Hybrid, Melee Combat, and Riding.
Secondary Skills: Athletic Games, Climbing, Culture, Leadership, Oratory,
Orienteering, Swimming, and Weapon Familiarities.
Magic: Hybrid, Magic Combat +0
Experience per Level: 1750.
Requirements: ST 10+, AG 8+, QU 8+, CO 8+, WP 10+, IN 8+, MS 10+, CH
9+, IQ 7+, and PA 7+.
The Paladin must have the following skills (brought with starting
experience): Culture 1 (0 if starting at level 0), and one of the following:
Musician 0, Oratory 0, Poetry 0, or Singing 0.
In addition, the Paladin must obey the code of the order to which he
belongs, or become a hunted outcast (as well as lose his magic).
Most often, one must be of noble birth to be a Paladin, the GM. may lift
this requirement under special conditions, i.e., the character buys all the
required skills, and pays 1 Character Point, to represent a farmer's lad
taken and raised by nobles.
Special: Start with Lore- Heraldry 0

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 16

7.0 OPTION POINTS 6. Create Secondaries: They Player may make a Non-Classed Skill Secondary.
Characters have a number of option points based upon their IQ (see
Creating Secondaries
1.6) Option points represent how the individual character has applied
him/herself to his skills. The use of option points is the primary Cost For
Skill SP
reason why a specific Fighter is not like all other Fighters. Non-Classed
A Character spends his option points before starting play. He may not
save option points to use later. All Option Points must be spent in any 2 2
4 3
combination of the following ways:
6 4
8 5
1. Increase a skill (not a combat skill) by 5% per point up to a specified limit. 10 6
12 7
Weapon Groups may only be raised up to the bonus of the 1st weapon 14 8
group, thus a Fighter may raise a weapon group up to +10%, but not
7. Buy Starting Special Skills: By paying 1 option point, the Player may gain
For Magic (Primary or Hybrid) skill, the limit is (IQ-9)*5%. Others skills 4 SP to buy actual starting levels in Languages & Lore. Lore may not be
are limited to (IQ-6)*5%. brought higher than the character's current class level.
2. Skill Points: The character may buy 4 skill points for every option point
3. Buy Lore Potential: The character may buy the potential to learn a limited
number of Lore levels. The character will have to learn such levels by
If a Character starts with negative option points, he must choose
spending time studying, but can learn no more then the potential bought which (or a mix) of the following two options to take:
here. Level 0 counts as a level. The maximum levels are found on the 1. Take a -5 to a skill for a negative point.
following chart: 2. Lose 2 levels in a language for a negative option point.
Pt Levels 3. Reduce a Primary Skill to Secondary. This spends negative points
equal to the cost of raising it to Primary from Secondary.
1 2
2 4
3 8
4 16
5 32

4. Buy Languages Potential: The Character starts with the languages

given by his culture. In addition to this, he may buy the potential
to learn a limited number of additional language levels. Level 0
counts as a level. The character must spend time studying, but
can learn no more than the potential bought here. The maximum
levels are found on the following chart.

Pt Levels
1 4
2 8
3 16
4 32
5 64

5. Creating Additional Primaries: The character may use his option

points to make a skill rise in rank like a primary. These skills start
at the level of the character. Such skills (called Bought Primaries)
do not gain the +10 primary skill bonus. The cost depends upon
the cost of the skill and if it’s already secondary or not.

Creating Primaries
Cost For Cost For
Skill SP Cost Secondary Non-Classed
Skill Skill
2 2 5
4 3 6
6 4 7
8 5 8
10 6 9
12+ N/A N/A
N/A: The purchase is not possible

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 17

8.0 SKILLS The total would be 14 points.
All the skills in Age of Heroes are available to any of the character If a skill is not secondary all costs are increased by 50%. Thus if Tom
classes. Costs of development however vary greatly depending upon did not have Gambling as a secondary skill, the above total would be
the relationship of the class to the skill. 21 points.
A character has one of four relationships to a specific skill: With the exception of Language skills, a Character may not buy a
skill to a higher level than his Class level. Skill points need not be
spent to raise primary skills as they rise automatically.
Primary: The character automatically starts with this skill. It starts equal
to his character’s class level and advances equally without cost. These
skills are noted with a ‘P’ under the type column on the character 8.3 SKILL SUCCESS CHANCE
Skills are broken into 10 groups. Combat Skills and Special Skills use
Brought Primary: The character has spent option points to make a skill different methods. All other skills use the following to determine
Primary. Like Primary Skills, these advance as the character does their base chance of success.
without additional cost. They are noted with a ‘BP’ under the type
column on the character sheet. The skill's Base Chance is based upon the Skill Level as follows:

Secondary: The character does not start with or advance Secondary Skills
without the purchase and expenditure of Skill Points. They are noted Base Skill Chance
with a ‘S’ under the type column on the character sheet. Every class
has a list of secondary skills that represents skills easy for them to Level Base Chance Description
learn, but not common to every member of their class. 0 20 Apprentice
1 40 Journey-man
Non-Classed: Skills that are not Primary, Brought Primary or Secondary
2 60 Craftsman
are Non-Classed. They may be purchased as Secondary Skills are, but
3 80 Expert
the cost is increased by 50% representing the character’s lack of
4 100 Master
aptitude with the skill. These are noted with a ‘NC’ under the type
Each +1 +10 Heroic
column on the character sheet.

Modify the skill’s Base Chance by the controlling Characteristic of

8.1 BUYING SKILL POINTS the Character. Each skill has a Stat or Stats listed. The base Chance is
Characters may spend up to 240 experience points per level to buy modified by +3 for every point the Stat is over 7 or -3 for every point
skill points. The Cost of a skill point depends upon the Intelligence of under 7. If multiple Stats are listed, use the average of the Stat bonus.
the character (1.15). For example: An IQ 9 character has a skill point This Chance is further modified by the difficulty of the task (as
cost of 12 and by spending all 240 points he could buy 20 skill decided by the GM). Suggested ranges are shown below:
Note that level 0 also has 240 points to buy skill points and as a result
a first level character would have a total limit of 480 points. Task Difficulty

Characters start with a certain amount of unspent experience Description Modifier

depending upon their Age Group (see 3.1). Any or all of this Very Easy Tasks +60 to +40
Experience may be spent for skill points at the start of the game or Routine Tasks +30 to +10
saved for level advancement at the choice of the player. Medium Tasks +0 to -10
Hard Tasks -20 to –40
Once skill points have been bought, they may be used to immediately Extremely Hard Task -50 to –80
buy skill points or saved for later use. Saving skill points may be All but Impossible -90 or more
necessary for very expensive skills.
The limit of 240 experience points per level limit may not be saved 8.3.1 Primary Skill Bonus
from level to level. Thus is a 1st level character must spend his 240 Class Primary Skills gain an additional +10 above normal. This
points while 1st level, otherwise he loses the right to spend his 1st applies only to Class Primary Skills and not Bought Primary skills.
level 240 point limit upon advancing to 2nd level.
This bonus does not apply to Melee, Ranged or Magical Combat as it
is already added in the Class Weapon Group and Magic Combat
8.2 BUYING SKILLS modifiers.
Skills are bought by spending skill points. The Cost is equal to the
base cost of the skill multiplied by the level at which the skill is being 8.3.2 Skill vs. Skill
bought to. Level 0 uses 1 for the multiple.
If the skill to be used vs. another creature's or character's skill, use the
Level 0 does count as a skill level and must be purchased. following formula:
Example: Tom Loose Fingers wishes to buy Gambling (base skill
cost of 2) up from level 2 to level 3. The Cost is 2*3 or 6 50+Character's chance-Opponent's chance
points. An example of such a use of a skill would be a character using stealth
Example: For Tom to buy Gambling at level 0 and raise it to level 3 to sneak past a guard. The Task Difficulty would apply to only one
would result in the following costs: part of the formula (Example: A lighted and clear hall way would
2*1 or 2 for level 0 give a Hard (-20) modifier to the character in the above example, or
Light +20 to the Guard, not both).
Plus 2*1 or 2 for level 1
Plus 2*2 or 4 for level 2
Plus 2*3 or 6 for level 3

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 18

8.3.3 Failure of Skill Rolls 8.4 COMMON SKILLS
The degree by which a skill roll is missed will determine what Some Skills are common to all characters (and most creatures, see
happens. race/creature description for exceptions). All Characters have the
A roll missed by 10 or less indicates partial failure. The character following skills at level 0 without cost.
almost had it. For example, the character thinks he heard a noise, but
is not certain enough to sound the alarm. In the case of some skills,
Melee Combat Perception
such as climbing or pick lock, the character is delayed for 1d10 turns
Ranged Combat Physician
while he thinks about it, and then may try again.
Magic Combat Culture (If Noble)
A roll missed by more then 10, but less than 30 will indicate failure. Climbing Barter
The character blew it and may not try again until he gains a skill level Stealth Diplomacy
or something changes the conditions of the skill test. Swimming
A roll missed by 30 or more indicates a disastrous failure. Not only
did the character blow it; he did it in a truly interesting way. The lock
pick broke off in the lock or he tripped in front of the guard he was
sneaking past. Unless defined by the rules, the GM is free to use his

8.3.4 Multiple Characters and Skill Rolls

Some skills benefit by the aid of other characters with the same skill.
Do not roll for each character with the skill. Roll for the character
with the highest skill modified by the following:

Multiple Character Bonus

Skill Difference Bonus
Aiding character is superior to the acting
Aiding character is within 10% of primary
character skill
Aiding character is within 20% of primary
character skill
Aiding character is within 30% of primary
character skill
Aiding character is more than 30% under the
primary character skill
*There may be cases where a character possessing a lesser skill
is forced to make the active skill roll while another advises. Diminishing Aid (Optional)

To represent the diminishing effect of multiple individual characters,
halve the bonus for each additional aiding character over one. Round

8.3.5 Open Ended Skill Check (Optional)

On any roll of 96 or higher, roll d100 again and add the result to the
first roll. On a roll of 05 or less, roll d100 again and subtract the
result from the first roll. Continue as long as the next roll is 96 or
higher. Use the result to determine Success.

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 19

A character may wish to attempt an action covered by a skill he has Since some of the skills produce results based upon the skill’s level
not learned. Often, this will meet with complete failure (You call that instead of the success chance, the impact of stat, racial, and other
a jacket! The sleeves would be different lengths, if they hadn't fallen modifiers are not reflected in the final performance.
off!). Many skills may be attempted by the unskilled however with To correct this, the GM may choose to calculate the Modified Skill
the following effects: Level using the following:

Unlearned Skills
Modified Level = Base Level + Round(Total of all Skill Bonus/20)
Skill Effect
Round all numbers towards zero
Acting Base Chance = 10%
Administration Cost = 200%
May tame & train (to a simple Example:
Animal level) common tame animal,
Training if he starts at near birth. Orin is a second level Dwarven Fighter who has purchased
Loyalty Base=10% Mining to second level as well. He has IN of 9.
Value = 25% Thus Orin’s has state IN bonus of 6 ([9-7]*3) plus his racial
Base Chance = 10% bonus of 15 for a total bonus of 21.
Cartographer Base Chance = 10%
Orin operates as a third level miner for those values based
Cookery Base Chance = 10%
Foraging Base Chance = 10%
upon level instead of success chance.
Intrigue Base Chance = 10%
Value=25% 8.8 SKILL REASSIGNMENT (Optional)
Base Chance = 10%
Oratory Base Chance = 10% As characters age they may well desire to learn new skills (or
Orienteering Base Chance = 10% advance old ones) but will have ran out of skill points. If unable to
Seduction Base Chance = 10% advance in levels this can lead to somewhat unrealistic stagnation. It
Singing Base Chance = 10% is also reasonable to expect older skills to decline if they are no
longer highly valued or are never used.
8.6 LEARNING TIME A character may reassign skill points at the normal learning rates
given in section 8.6 by lowering the level of a skill and assigning the
If a character is learning skills some time after he has started
resulting skill points to the purchase of a new one. In this way the
adventuring, he will need to spend time as well as experience points.
character can reduce older skills in favor of freeing up skill points for
Time needed to learn a level for a skill is: new interests.
Days =(Experience Spent)*(Level Gained)/2 A skill may not be reduced below half of its original level in this
manner. Example: A skill originally at level 3 may not be reduced
For Example: below level 2.
A character with an IQ wishes to improve riding (a This method may not be applied to Primary skills or Brought Primary
secondary skill for him) from 2nd level to 3rd level, this Skills.
would cost him 6 Skill Points.
Since he has spent 90 Experience on the Skill Points 8.9 SKILL LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS
required (IQ 7 requires 15 Experience per Skill Point), the
time would be (90)*(3)/2 or 135 days. Level zero in a skill indicates a beginner, dabbler or apprentice.
An exception to this is magic spells. Magic Spells use the following The typical professional is 1st level (i.e. Journeyman).
for determining the time:
Characters with 2nd Level skills are experienced and respected within
Days =(Skill Points * Experience per Skill Point)/4 their profession; they’ve been around a while and know the ropes.
For Example: Characters of 3rd level are experts. Well known by the locals; they are
An IQ 7 Mage is learning a Level 3 spell. The cost is 3x2 looked up to by those outside their profession.
or 6 skill points. At 15 points per Skill Point with an IQ of Characters of 4th level are well known in a region, Masters of their
7, the time required is (6*15)/4 or 22.5 days. craft.
The learning time assumes the character is spending 4 hours per day
Characters of 5th and above are known heroes with stories (often
on his studies. This allows a character to study up to two skills per
exaggerated) told about their accomplishments.
day. A character may not spend more than 4 hours a day on a single
subject, nor study more than two subjects per day. Some skills may
be 'studied' while on an adventure or traveling, if the GM so decides.

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 20


Combat Skills Stats Cost Knowledge Skills Stats Cost Special Skills Stats Cost
Archery AG 12 Alchemy AG/IN 10 Barter CH N/A
Armor Familiarity Animal Training WP/IN 6 Diplomacy CH/IN N/A
Soft Leather - 2/4 Astrology IN 6 Languages- Speak - 8
Rigid Leather - 4/6 Cartographer AG/IN 4 Languages- R/W - 8
Chain Mail - 6/8 Composer IN 2 Lore- General - 12
Plate Mail - 8/10 Herbalist IN 4 Lore- Subject - 8
Melee Combat - 8 Physician AG/IN 6 Lore- Specific - 4
Ranged Combat - 8 Physician KS - 12
Weapon Familiarity - 2 Spell (per level) - 2
Magical Skills Stats Cost Wilderness KS - 2
Communication Stats Cost Artificer IN 10 Special Skills Point Costs are not for
Skills Befriend Animal IN/WP 4 SP Cost but for time computation
Magic Combat - 8 only. Barter and Diplomacy are a
Acting CH 4 special case. (See their skill
Magic – Primary IN 14
Administration CH/IN/WP 8 descriptions).
Magic – Hybrid IN 12
Culture CH 2
Shape-changing WP 8
Disguise IN 6
Intrigue CH/IN 4 Woodsman Skills Stats Cost
Leadership CH/WP 6 Miscellaneous Skills Stats Cost Camouflage IN 4
Musician CH 2
Caving IN 4 Foraging IN 2
Oratory CH 2
Disarm Traps IN/AG 6 Orienteering IN 4
Poetry IN 2
Farming IN 2 Tracking IN 6
Seduction PA/PA/CH 2
Fishing IN 2 Trapping AG/IN 2
Singing CH 2
Gambling IN 2 Weather Watching IN 2
Herding IN 2
Craft Skills Stats Cost Merchant CH 6
Perception IN 8
Armorer IN/AG 10
Pick Locks IN/AG 2
Bower IN/AG 6
Brewing IN 2
Carpentry IN/AG 2 Physical Skills Stats Cost
Ceramics IN/AG 2
Acrobatics AG 6
Clothier IN/AG 2
Athletic Games ? 2
Cookery IN 2
Climbing ST 2
Embalming IN/AG 6
Dancing AG 2
Fletcher IN/AG 4
Escape Artist AG/WP 4
Forgery IN/AG 4
Frenzy WP 4
Gardening IN 4
Riding WP 2
Glass-making IN/AG 4
Skiing AG 2
Jewel-craft IN/AG 4
Sleight of Hand AG 4
Leather Work IN/AG 2
Stealth AG 8
Lock-craft IN/AG 4
Swimming AG/ST 2
Masonry IN/AG 2
Mining IN 2
Painting IN/AG 2 Seamen Skills Stats Cost
Sculpting IN/AG 2
Boating ST/AG 2
Shipwright IN/AG 10
Navigation IN 4
Siege Engineering IN 8
Sailing IN 6
Smithing ST/IN/AG 2
Sea-watching IN 4
Weapon Smith IN/AG 10
Seamanship AG 2
Wood-carving IN/AG 2

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 21

Description and effects of the various skills follow. Also included are This skill determines the characters combat skill bonus with
skill specific modifiers. melee weapons as follows:

8.11.1 Combat Skills Level 0 1 2 3 4 5

Bonus -10 0 +10 +20 +25 +30
Level 6 7 8 9 10 +1
The Archery skill represents great ability with missile weapons. Bonus +35 +40 +45 +50 +55 +5
Archery can never be at a higher level than Missile Combat.
A character with Archery gains certain advantages with missile Ranged Combat:
weapons. This skill determines the characters combat skill bonus with
A) The extreme range of the weapon is increased by 10% per ranged weapons as follows:
level to a maximum of 150% total Level 0 1 2 3 4 5
B) Each level of Archery reduces the modifier for rapid fire by Bonus -10 0 +10 +20 +25 +30
2 per level. Example: Level 4 in Archery reduces the rapid-
fire modifier for a short bow from –15 to –7. Level 6 7 8 9 10 +1
Bonus +35 +40 +45 +50 +55 +5
C) The Archer may reduce the modifier of an Aimed shot by
5% per level to a maximum of 1/2 the normal Modifier. This Note: that these bonuses do not add to PM and DM after 4th level.
ability may not be used simultaneously with B.
D) The range modifier is reduced by 3 per level to a maximum Weapon Familiarity:
of 1/2 the normal modifier.
This skill determines if the character is proficient with a type of
E) The Archer gains a Sight Perception Skill of a level equal to weapon. Like Armor Familiarity, Weapon Familiarity does not
his Archery Skill. This Skill may only be used for Sight have levels and is bought only once.
Perception rolls when the Archer is actively looking for
something (i.e. searching and limited line of trees for Characters using a weapon without Familiarity suffer a -5 to their
targets). The arc of viewing is restricted to thirty degrees for combat value if the weapon is similar to one they have
this ability. proficiency with (i.e. scimitar with broadsword), or a -10 if not.

Armor Familiarity:
This skill gives familiarity with fighting and moving while
wearing armor. Many classes start with some armor familiarity.
There are four groups: Soft Leather (SL), Rigid Leather (RL),
Chain (CH), and Plate (PL).
Armor Familiarity may be bought in Partial or Full Armor
Coverage. Partial Armor is that which covers 68% or less of the
body. Full Coverage gives familiarity with any amount of armor.
A character wearing armor without familiarity suffers double
armor modifiers and has his movement reduced by 1/3 if the
coverage is between 50-70% or by 1/2 if higher (After normal
armor reductions).
Note that Armor Familiarity is not required to wear armor of less
than 20% coverage.
Armor Familiarity does not have levels; the skill is bought only

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 22

8.11.2 Communication Skills: Intrigue:
This skill is the ability of the character to find out about, and
Acting: plant gossip. Such gossip is not of world shattering importance;
an attempt to gain world shattering information should be
This skill is the ability of the character to portray himself as
resolved by play of the game. A successful skill roll with
someone else. It does not include languages or disguise skill, but
difficulty modifiers determined by the GM will allow:
does include accents and speech patterns.
1. Character to learn gossip.
It is resolved as a skill vs. skill roll (against perception). The roll
is modified by the difficulty of the impersonation. A bum is easy 2. A roll with at least a -20 additional modifier to that required for
(+20), someone known to the people being deceived would be learning gossip will give the character a good feeling if the
much harder. gossip has some truth behind it.
3. A character may start gossip with a successful skill roll that
stands a good chance of being believed. Such gossip will be
Administration: believed for a limited time depending upon the victims CH as
This skill is the ability of the character to manage the mundane follows:
details (food, pay, organization, etc.) of any organized group of
people (an army, manor house, business, etc.).
Intrigue Effects
It does not normally require a skill roll, as the character will CH Time
perform according to his ability. Skill rolls may be required in 2 Nearly forever
unusual circumstances. 3 5 years
4 2 years
The costs of maintaining the organization is modified as follows: 5 1 year
6 6 months
Administration Effects 7 3 months
8 1 month
Level X Modifier 9 2 weeks
0 150% 10 1 week
1 100% 11 1 day
2 95% 12 Not at all
3 90%
4 85% Everyone may not believe such gossip. The GM must
5 82% determine exceptions. For example: those who know the
6 79% actual truth or close friends of the target. Some may believe
7 76% for a shorter than normal time.
8 73%
4. Counter any of the above attempts on a skill vs. skill roll.
9 71%
10 69%
11 67% Leadership:
12 65%
Each +1 -1% This skill measures the ability of the character to lead men into
battle (or other danger) as well as his mastery of battle tactics.
Culture: Rules for its use are found in the Book 6.

This skill is the ability of the character to impress people in a Its only effect in normal small-scale adventures is on the morale
high society setting. A skill roll is not normally required, as the of NPCs. Rules for these uses are found in the Campaign Section
character will perform according to his ability. The skill is very dealing with NPCs.
important if one wishes to blend in with the upper crust. A high
level will impress those around (at least in the right setting) and
may cause them to react in a way the character desires (Skill roll
with difficulty modifiers required). This skill determines how good a performance the character
gives. A skill roll is not normally needed, as the character will
perform appropriately to his level. A skill roll may be required to
Disguise: rapidly pickup or exactly perform a specific piece of music. The
This skill is the ability of the character to look like someone else. skill is for one type of instrument.
It does not include any acting skill. It is resolved as a skill vs. A character may buy another instrument. A SP cost of 1 provides
skill roll (against perception). The roll is modified by the another instrument that acts at 1 level less than the Musician
difficulty of the impersonation. A bum is easy (+20), someone Skill. Paying 2 SP allows it to act at the same level.
known to the people being deceived is hard (-60).

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 23

Oratory: 8.11.3 Craft Skills:
Oratory skill covers the giving of speeches, the telling of tales,
and persuasion of people. This skill determines how good a job General Craft Skill Rules
the character does at these things. A skill roll is not normally
A Craft skill covers the making an item or a type of specialized work.
needed, as the character will perform appropriate to his level. A
Be it baking bread or forging weapons, the craftsman is the heart of
skill roll may be required to rapidly pickup or exactly perform a
any society. A skill roll is seldom called for as the craftsman is
specific tale or speech.
assumed to perform appropriately to his level. The craftsman’s
income level varies by his skill level however as follows:
Poetry skill covers the writing of poems. This skill determines Craftsman Income
how good a job the character does at it. A skill roll is not
Level Income Modifier
normally needed, as the character will perform appropriate to his
level. A skill roll may be required to remember a specific poem 0 50%
in detail upon hearing it once. 1 100%
2 150%
3 200%
Seduction: 4 400%
+1 +25%
Seduction is the ability to seduce a member of the opposite sex.
In general three rolls are require for completing a seduction The resulting Performance level is multiple by the base income for
together with an amount of time that depends upon the difficulty his craft (found in the specific Campaign Supplement in use, Section
of the target. The first roll is just to gain the target's attention, the 4).
second to get the target thinking along the same line, and the
An expert craftsman can bring fame to his town, even increasing the
third to convince the target it's a good idea.
area’s general income if above 3rd level (+1% per level over 3rd).
Unlike other skills, even if the rolls are successful, the target may An Apprentice is always level 0. Most Journeymen are 1st level. Most
still turn the character down (If the GM or the target's player experienced craftsmen are of 2nd level. It is usually an easy task to
decides they would due to personality or other factors). If this is locate a craftsman of these levels. It gets increasing difficult to find
the case, the character still made a good play at least and may craftsmen of higher skill.
even have tempted the target.
Craftsmen of 3rd level or higher are greatly sought after due to their
fine works. The above table should not be used to determine the cost
Singing: of an individual item. Such masters of their craft will not turn out
masterpieces every day. Instead, they are likely to work only when
This skill determines how good a performance the character commissioned and will command much higher prices per item. Use
gives. A skill roll is not normally needed, as the character will the following table to adjust an item’s base price by the skill level of
perform appropriate to his level. A skill roll may be required to its maker unless otherwise noted in the skill’s description:
rapidly pickup or exactly perform a song.

Item Price
Level Final Cost
0 75%
1 100%
2 150%
3 250%
4 500%
+1 Doubles

Every level above 4th doubles the 4th level cost (5th is 1000% etc.). At
high enough level, the item can become almost priceless. Note that
some crafts may alter this pricing structure. If so, it will be noted in
the skill description.
Craftsmen require materials in order to create their works. In general,
the cost is 50% of the final selling price. More expensive items
require better materials.
There may be setup costs for workplaces and tools as well. Rental of
such requirements may be possible for a GM determined price.
A craftsman can always work at a lower level of skill to cover those
times when no one is around to pay his incredible prices. Most,
however, would rather sell the goods made by those studying under
him (taking a percentage of that income) than lower his standards.

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 24

Armorer: Bower:
The Armorer makes the metal armors, i.e. Chain and Plate The Bower makes all the types of bows and crossbows. They do
including Rigid Leather (RL). This skill is highly important to the not make the arrows however (See Fletcher). In addition to
adventurer for obvious reasons. While most adventurers will not modifying the cost, the level of craftsman making the weapon has
have this skill, many of them will visit those who do. a direct impact on the weapon’s ability to perform in battle. High
quality weapons have a direct modifier to the user’s Combat
In addition to modifying the cost, the level of the craftsman Values (SC, PM, PC, DM, DC and Def). The Highest Quality
making a suit of armor has a direct impact on the Armor’s APV weapons can even add to damage. Note the effects on the
used to determine its Combat Modifier, Movement Modifier and following chart:
QU Modifier. To determine the final APV use the following:
Bower Skill Effects
Final APV = Base APV - (Quality Modifier * Coverage %)
Level Quality Cost Notes
The Coverage % is the % coverage given by the armor in 0 -1 x3/4 Ugly and clumsy
question. Use the Final APV to determine the Combat Modifier,
1 +0 x1 Basic Plain Weapon
Movement Modifier and QU Modifier (See Section 14.0). The
following table shows the Quality Modifier for each skill level. Basic Weapon with style and
2 +0 x1.5
3 +1 x25 Finely Made and Balanced
Master workmanship, each
Armorer Skill Effects 4 +2 x100
weapon is unique.
Level Quality Cost Notes 5 +3 x250
0 +1 x3/4 Ugly and clumsy 6 +4 x500
1 +0 x1 Basic Plain Armor The Ultimate Combat Bonus
7 +5/+1 x1000 from non-magical
Basic Armor but with some style
2 +0 x1.5 craftsmanship
and character.
Finely Made and lighter.
3 -0.25 x25
Movement is eased. Note: +5/+1 is +5 to the Combat Values and +1 damage.
Master workmanship, each design
4 -0.5 x100
is unique. Brewing:
5 -1.0 x250
6 -1.5 x500
This skill covers the brewing of beer, wine and other types of
beverages and follows all standard Craft Skill rules.
The Ultimate Combat modifiers
7 -2 x1000
from non-magical craftsmanship

At no time can Quality Modifiers reduce the APV to a negative This skill covers all wood construction. In addition to all standard
number (Indeed, the above chart will not even come close Craft Skill rules, the level of the Carpenter has a direct impact on
without the use of magical materials). the strength of the structure as shown in the following table:

Note that the Quality Number is halved when applied to the Rigid
Leather (RL) armors due to the large amount of Leather in them. Carpentry Effect
Level Final Strength
Magical materials are required for further improvement. Such 0 75%
materials have a minimum level required to work them. Skill 1 100%
effects on those materials are generally as listed above, except 2 110%
level 0 matches the minimum level the material requires 3 120%
(Example: A magical metal requires a 5th level armorer to work. 4 150%
A 7th level armorer would count as 2nd level when working on +1 +10%
that metal). Magical materials will have the base armor effects
listed with them. Ceramics:
Armorer includes all the function of the ‘Smithing’ skill in its This skill covers the making of pottery. It is mostly an art form
much higher cost. and follows all standard Craft Skill rules.

This skill covers the making all types of clothing except leather.
It is mostly an art form and follows all standard Craft Skill rules.

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 25

Cookery: Leather Work:
This skill covers all the talents of the chef. Great meals are This skill covers the making of shoes, leather clothing and leather
mostly an art form and this skill follows all standard Craft Skill armor (SL). It follows all the standard Craft Skill rules. Note that
rules. there is no skill addition possible to the light protection of leather
This skill covers the ceremonial burial of the dead. At 3rd level
and up, they skill allows mummification if known to the society. This skill covers the making of all types of locks. It is the skill
This skill follows all standard Craft Skills rules. tested against by the ‘Pick Locks’ skill in its skill vs. skill tests.
Lock-craft includes all the talent and abilities of the ‘Pick Locks’
Fletcher: skill in its higher cost. This skill follows all standard Craft Skills
This Skill covers of making of arrows or quarrels for bows and
crossbows. In addition to the standard Craft Skill rules, High
Quality arrows/quarrels will improve the user’s SC as per the
following table: Masonry includes all types of stone construction. In addition to
all standard Craft Skills rules, the skill determines the strength of
Fletcher Skill Effects any stone structure as follows:
Level SC Bonus Cost Notes Masonry Effect
0 -3 x3/4 Ugly and clumsy Level Final Strength
0 75%
1 +0 x1 Basic Plain Weapon
1 100%
Basic Weapon with style and 2 110%
2 +0 x1.5
3 120%
3 +1 x25 Finely Made and Balanced 4 150%
Master workmanship, each +1 +10%
4 +2 x100
weapon is unique.
5 +3 x250 Mining:
6 +4 x500 Mining includes all forms of retrieving mineral from the earth. It
The Ultimate Combat Bonus also includes any tunneling or underground construction. Mining
7 +5/+1 x1000 from non-magical follows all standard Craft Skill rules.
Note: +5/+1 is +5 to the Combat Values and +1 damage. Painting:

Forgery: This skill covers all the talents of the painter. Paintings are an art
form and this skill follows all standard Craft Skill rules
This skill covers copying another’s handwriting or the making of
official seeming documents. Success of the skill is determined by Sculpting:
a skill vs. skill roll (against perception or forgery of anyone
examining the document). +20 is gained unless the target for This skill covers all the talents of the stone sculptor (clay is
some reason suspects a forgery or it’s a critical security issue. In covered by ceramics). This skill is an art form and follows all
all other ways, the skill follows the standard Craft Skill rules. standard Craft Skill rules

Gardening: Shipwright:
This skill covers the creation and maintenance of all types of The shipwright is the designer of water-going boats and vessels.
gardens. It is mostly an art form and follows all standard Craft While the other crafts such as carpentry carry out much of the
Skill rules. work, the shipwright has by far the greatest impact on the quality
of the vessel. In addition to all the standard Craft Skill rules,
Glass-Making: Shipwright has a direct impact on the strength of the vessel and
its base speed as follows:
This skill covers the making of all types of glassware. It is mostly
an art form and follows all standard Craft Skill rules. Shipwright Effects
Level Speed Strength
0 -10% 75%
Jewel-craft: 1 normal 100%
This skill covers the making of all types of jewelry and all gem 2 +2% 105%
cutting. It is mostly an art form and follows all standard Craft 3 +5% 120%
4 +10% 150%
Skill rules.
+1 +1% +10%

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 26

Smithing: Wood-Carving:
This skill includes all smelting of metals and their fashioning into This skill covers all the talents of the wood sculptor. This skill is
any of the useful things that one finds in life. Armorer and an art form and follows all standard Craft Skill rules
Weaponsmith skills are used for arms and armor. A smith is only
capable of making level 0 armor or weapons.

Siege Engineer:
The Siege Engineer combines a number of talents towards the
purpose of creating or defeating fortifications.
This skill combines the talents of Carpentry, Masonry, Mining
and Smithing in its higher cost, but such use of those skills is
only in respect to the purpose of Siege Warfare. For example a
Siege Engineer is more than capable of mining or counter-mining
operations, but would not know anything about finding minerals
or smelting ores. Also, while the Siege Engineer could build a
strong castle, the construction of a shrine would be better left to a
character skilled in Masonry.
In general, the Siege Engineer follows all standard Craft Skill
Rules. Siege Engines benefit from a high skill level and the rules
on Mass Combat cover this aspect of the skill.

The Weaponsmith makes the melee and thrown weapons that
adventurers love to use. In addition to modifying the cost, the
level of the craftsman making a weapon has a direct impact on
the weapon’s ability to perform in battle. High quality weapons
have a direct modifier to the user’s Combat Values (SC, PM, PC,
DM, DC and Def). The quality bonus also adds directly to the
weapon’s HP. The Highest Quality weapons even add to damage.
Note the effects on the following chart:

Fletcher Skill Effects

Level SC Bonus Cost Notes
0 -3 x3/4 Ugly and clumsy
1 +0 x1 Basic Plain Weapon
Basic Weapon with style and
2 +0 x1.5
3 +1 x25 Finely Made and Balanced
Master workmanship, each
4 +2 x100
weapon is unique.
5 +3 x250
6 +4 x500
The Ultimate Combat Bonus
7 +5/+1 x1000 from non-magical
Note: +5/+1 is +5 to the Combat Values and +1 damage.
Magical materials are required for further improvement. Such
materials have a minimum level required to work them. Skill
effects on those materials are generally as listed above, except
level 0 matches the minimum level the material requires
(Example: A magical metal requires a 5th level Weaponsmith to
work. A 7th level Weaponsmith would count as 2nd level when
working on that metal). Magical materials will have the base
weapon effects listed with them.
Weaponsmith includes all the function of the ‘Smithing’ skill in
its much higher cost.

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 27

8.11.4 Knowledge Skills Herbalist:
The Herbalist is concerned with the properties of herbs, their
Alchemy: growth and their preservation into a form that will last until
Alchemy is concerned with mixing of chemicals to make useful
compounds and potions. They also create ingredients required by Herbalists are aware of the properties of any herbs that have a
certain magical arts. usage level no more than two higher than their own Herbalist
Alchemy can range from mundane creations (make-up, antacids,
etc.) to powerful non-magical compounds (like Greek Fire) up to
semi-magical or even fully magical potions and items. Growing Herbs
Growing the semi-magical herbs domestically is not an easy task.
His materials and his laboratory quality will heavily modify the Two values determine the Herbalist’s ability to maintain an
results of an Alchemist’s work. herbal garden. The first is his level and the second is his Herbal
Full rules for Alchemy are included in the Creation of Magical Growth Points. Herbal Growth points equal his level squared
Items rules. times his IN Stat. Thus a 4th level Herbalist with an IN of 9 would
have 144 growth points.

Animal Training: Various herbs require the Herbalist to master certain levels. The
required level is noted in the description of the herb.
Animal Training covers the taming and training of domesticated,
semi-domesticated and wild animals. Full details are given in the Each herbal dosage amount requires a specific number of Growth
Domesticated Animal section of the Book 5: Campaigns. Points. This is also noted in the herb’s description. The Herbalist
can maintain a garden whose total herbs growth points are equal
to or less than the herbalist’s own Growth Points.
Maintaining an herb garden is a full time task. Depending upon
Astrology is the study of the movements of planets and stars. the herbs themselves, the Herbalist may need to devote four
Depending upon the campaign, these can have significant hours a day during spring, summer, and/or fall. An herb’s
magical effects or other impacts. growing season is specified in its description.
A successful skill roll will discover what such things are, what
the effects might be, and how potent it will be. An Astrology roll Preserving Herbs
might also be required as part of a magical ritual in order to get Most herbs have a very limited shelf life. They will fade and
the timing correct or to use certain types of divination magic. become useless after being picked, typically with the passage of a
Details are found in the various magic types. single week. The Herbalist has knowledge of how to better
prepare and preserve the herb so that its shelf life can be
extended. Refer to the following chart:
This skill determines the quality of map making. It has both Herbalist Preservation
artistic and practical impact. The better the map, the better it will Level Shelf Life
be in helping people navigate. And beautiful maps carry a higher 0 2 weeks
value. 1 1 month
Maps provide the following bonuses to Orienteering and 2 1 year
Navigation in unfamiliar areas depending upon the maker’s level. 3 1 years
4 5 years
5 10 years
6 20 years
Cartographer Effect
7+ Indefinite
Level Bonus
No Map -30
The herb description will specify if the above preservation chart is modified in
0 -20 any way.
1 -10
2 -0
3 +10
4 +20 Physician covers the range of healing arts. It normally defaults to
Each +1 +5 more familiarity with human patients, but the character may choose
other species groups as shown in the bestiary. Patients outside the
Composer: Physician’s familiarity will be treated as if the skill was one or
more levels less than normal (The Bestiary has full details). The
This skill determines the quality of a character’s composed song.
modifier can be removed by gaining a Physician KS for that
A skill roll is not normally needed as the quality is considered to
patient group.
be appropriate to skill’s level.
Physicians are aware of the properties of any herbs that have a
usage level no more than two higher than their own Physician
The effects of Physician skill are covered in sections 15.72
(Bleeding) and 18.0 (Healing).

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 28

8.11.5 Magical Skills Magic- Primary/Hybrid:
This skill defines the level of spell that a Magic User may cast.
Artificer: The success chance is the base chance of casting a spell. While
the effects of Primary and Hybrid differ, the use of the Magic
This magical skill is available to only characters that have an MS
skill is identical.
of 9+ and IN of 9+. It may not be available to some races.
The following chart modifies the casting chance:
The Artificer skill allows the character to enchant items with
magic. In addition to this skill, the character also needs the craft Spell Casting
skill to create the basic item. Weapon Smith and Artificer skills
would be required to make a magical sword for instance. Spell Level Modifiers
1 0
Such items vary from small but useful charms (Examples: A
2 -20
Blade enchanted to damage creatures that can only be struck by
3 -40
magical attacks or a wand that creates Light at the temporary cost
4 -60
of a point of FT) to far more powerful enchantments (Such as a 5 -70
Spear of Spider slaying). The duration of the items may be 6 -80
limited to a single use, a span of time, or even made permanent 7 -90
depending upon the skill of the maker and the quality of his 8 -100
There are a wide variety of conditions that affect the creation of A failed roll, has the following effects:
magic items. Time, required materials, and other factors all have
a part. The full rules for using this skill is contained in the Magic Spell Failure
Rules and may vary by Campaign. Partial Spell does not go off.
Some Campaigns may require the character to spend Hero Points Failure No spell points spent
to allow him/her to advance this skill beyond fourth level. Spell does not go off.
Spell point spent.
Disastrous Spell Fumbles. Roll on
Befriend Animal: Failure backfire table.

This is a semi-magical skill that is available only to Druids,

Shamans, Witches and specific races that have a natural The maximum spell level that a Magic User may cast is
relationship with animals. determined by the sum of the character’s Intuition and Magic
Strength as in the following table:
Befriend Animal allows the character to prevent an attack by
normal animals as the result of successful skill roll. The GM may
modify the roll by the difficulty of the situation. A successful roll 3.2 Maximum Spell Levels
will also incline a normal animal to aid the character in small
ways, if the character can make the creature understand his/her IN + MS Max Primary Max Hybrid
needs. 24 8 N/A
22-23 7 8
Note that any attack on the animal by the character or his party 20-21 6 7
will negate the use of this skill. Also, if the character stops 18-19 5 6
respecting the creatures of nature, this skill may be lost for a time 16-17 N/A 5
or even permanently.
A mage may learn spells of his level or lower. Any attempt to cast
Magic Combat: higher level spells must be made from written works.
This skill is not subject to rule section 8.7
This skill determines the characters combat skill bonus with
Magic as follows:
Level 0 1 2 3 4 5
Bonus -10 0 +10 +20 +25 +30

Level 6 7 8 9 10 +1
Bonus +35 +40 +45 +50 +55 +5

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Bird (Swan, Owl, etc.):
Weight is halved. Refigure ES, LP and CP.
This is a magical skill available only to specific races that have
members born with the natural ability to shape-change into other Natural Weapons: Talon 1d4, DB 75, CL ‘s’. Beak 1d6, DB 73, CL ‘s’.
animal like forms. This skill determines the character success in The MR is halved on the ground, but double in the air as the Bird form
changing his form and in controlling the ‘beast’. The character’s gains Winged Flight.
level and melee combat skill remain unchanged.
The Bird gains Orienteering and Foraging at a level equal to the character
Only a few such races exist. Often they have higher Experience if he/she does not already have them. A sight Perception bonus of +30 is
Multiples, or it costs character points to allow this skill. gained.

A character with this skill has one other form that he/she may An Owl gains Night Vision and Stealth equal to the character’s level. A
change into. There are two types of animal forms- pure and swan pays only half the normal FT costs for flight.
Shape-Changing Hybrid Forms:
Shape-Changing Pure Forms: Hybrids are very rare half-human, half-animal forms. All are bipedal.
Some are more human than others are.
Pure Forms look just like the animal it is based upon. This form may be
larger, but it general it has the same abilities as the natural creatures.
Wolf Hybrid:
A character with this type of other form may not wear armor heavier than
leather and still be able to change into his/her animal form without This wolf is more dominant in this Hybrid than the man. The face
damage. If the character attempts to shape-change with heavier armor, becomes heavily canine, the fur thick. It’s large claws and canine teeth
he/she takes damage to his CP equal to 5 times the armor’s APV. Note become deadly weapons. The Wolf Hybrid is a predator, a killer in the
that any armor will be heavily damaged by the act of shape changing. night driven by the beast’s darker nature.
A Pure Form is incapable of using tools anymore than the animal it is Size increases by 25%. Modified Stats: ST +2, CO +1, QU +1 and MR
based upon. Also the shape-change will leave any clothes and armor +1. The fur and natural toughness of the creature provides one point of
behind. The animal form is now considered to be a Close Combat natural armor.
The wolf gains Tracking, Foraging, and Orienteering at a level 2 if the
The animal form still has the mind of the character, but has the animal character doesn’t already have these skills. A bonus of +20 is gained if it
instincts lurking in the background. Certain events may force the does. Hybrid Wolves have Night Vision.
character to respond as the animal. The GM determines when this
happens and the modifiers to the Shape-Changing Skill roll need to Hybrid wolves will not use weapons or armor, preferring to deal with its
control the ‘beast’. It is normally a fairly easy takes (+20) to change back natural weapons. They are incapable of speech in wolf form.
to human, but failure indicates that the ‘beast’ wants to run free for a
while. Feline Hybrid:
The Following are common Pure Forms with the modifiers and special This Hybrid is more human than cat. The addition of a tail, short fur, cat
abilities due them: like ears and eyes and retractable claws together with the more playful,
aloof and sensual feline nature instead of the more predator feline like
Bear: attitudes make up this form.

The character’s height increases by 1/3, weight increases by 4 times. Size remains unchanged. +1 ST, +2 QU, +2 AG and +2 MR is gained.
Refigure the character’s ES, LP and CP values. QU –2, AG –2, MR +3. Feline Hybrids have a –2 to FT.
Natural Armor 2 points. Natural Weapons: Claws: 1d8, DB 75, CL ‘s”. Damage is due more to
Natural Weapons: Claws- 1d8, DB 75, CL ‘s’. Bite- 1d10, DB 75, CL ‘s’. magic than the physical size of these rather small claws.
Hug 1d12, DB 73, CL ‘c’. Bite and Hug useable only with the grab The skills of Tracking, Foraging, Orienteering, Stealth and Acrobatics are
Action. gained at level 2 if the character does not already have these skills. It
The Bear gains Tracking, Foraging, and Orienteering at level 1 if the gains a +20 bonus if it does. The Feline has Night Vision.
character already does not have these skills. The character may use any armor or weapons desired, but by nature stays
away from the heavier full coverage armors. The Character may speak in
Wolf: this form with a notable ‘cat’ accent.

ST +2, MR +3. Natural Armor 1 point.

Natural Weapons: Bite: 1d8, DB 75, CL ‘s’. Bite useable only with the
grab Action.
The wolf gains Tracking, Foraging, and Orienteering at a level equal to
the character if he/she does not already have them and Night Vision.

Cat (lion, tiger, etc.):

Weight is doubled. Refigure ES, LP and CP. +2 QU, MR +4, FT -2.
Natural Armor 1 point.
Natural Weapons: Claw 1d8, DB 75, CL ‘s’; Bite: 1d10, DB 75, CL ‘s’.
Bite useable only with the grab Action.
The Cat gains Tracking, Foraging, Orienteering and Stealth at a level
equal to the character if he/she does not already have them. The cat also
gains Climbing Level 2 and Night Vision.

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 30

8.11.6 Miscellaneous Skills Herding:
The skill represents the character's understanding of, and ability
Caving: at, Herding. Herding is the raising and care of herd animals
(cattle, sheep, etc.). A skill roll is seldom called for as the
This skill enables the character to keep track of his location in
character is assumed to perform appropriately to his level. The
caves, watch the environment, and identify things natural to
character will be able to raise and care for a herd size relative to
caves. While in a cave, the character may use this skill in place of
normal exceptions as follows:
perception. A successful skill roll (modified by the GM
determined difficulty) will allow the character to know his Herding Effects
location, guess which way may lead out (high difficulty), know Level Performance
how safe the rock bridge is to cross, etc. 0 50%
1 100%
2 110%
Disarm Traps: 3 120%
4 150%
A successful skill vs. skill (Skill of the maker of the trap) roll will
+1 +10%
disarm a trap. There may be modifiers to the roll due to the
conditions surrounding the trap (i.e. in the dark -20, taking a long
time +20, etc.). This skill may be used in place of perception for Merchant:
detecting traps. This skill determines the amount the merchant may buy goods
for, and the amount he may sell them for. Roll skill vs. skill and
consult the following chart:

The skill represents the character's understanding of, and ability Merchant Effects
to farm. A skill roll is seldom called for as the character is Roll Result Buying Selling
assumed to perform appropriately to his level. The character will
raise a crop relative to normal exceptions as follows: 150% 75%
Farming Effects Failure 120% 80%
Level Performance Partial
110% 90%
0 50% Failure
1 100% Success 90% 110%
2 110% Success +10 80% 125%
3 120% Success +30 75% 150%
4 150% Success +50 50% 200%
+1 +10%

The result gives the relative price to the standard market value in
the region of the transaction.
The skill represents the character's understanding of, and ability
at, fishing. A skill roll is seldom called for as the character is
assumed to perform appropriately to his level. The character will
catch an amount relative to normal exceptions as follows: Perception skill determines the character's chances to notice any
of the things he needs to notice. Examples range from traps and
Fishing Effects
Level Performance ambushes to the strange ring on the man at the bar. Sometimes,
0 50% perception is a straight skill roll (modified by the difficulty of the
1 100% task). Often, perception is skill vs. skill (when trying to perceive
2 110% something someone else is trying to hide).
3 120% Sleeping characters have a –50 to awaken in time to react to
4 150%
dangerous events.
+1 +10%

Gambling: Pick Locks:

Represents the character's skill at all games of chance. Winners A successful skill vs. skill (Skill of the maker of the lock) roll
are determined by a skill vs. skill roll (multiple opponents give will open a lock. There may be modifiers to the roll due to the
the bonus found in section 8.3.4). conditions surrounding it (i.e. in the dark -20, taking a long time
+20, etc.).

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 31

8.11.7 Physical Skills: Dancing:
This skill determines how good a performance the character
Acrobatics: gives. A skill roll is not normally needed, as the character will
perform appropriate to his level. A skill roll may be required to
This is the ability to perform acrobatic maneuvers. Besides using
rapidly pickup or exactly perform a specific dance.
the skill for entertainment, there're other more practical uses.
1. By making a successful skill roll (Modified by the
difficulty determined by the GM), the character may Escape Artist:
move across or through difficult terrain or objects This skill determines if a character can escape from any personal
without additional movement cost (or perhaps a lower bindings. The GM assigns the difficulty of the bindings, which
than normal cost). will be increased by an additional -5% per level the binder is.
2. A successful skill roll (Modified by the difficulty
determined by the GM) allows the character to rise Frenzy:
from prone without cost.
If the character makes a successful skill roll, he goes into Frenzy.
3. By making a successful skill (Modified by the The character may not retreat from the battle, nor let up until his
difficulty level determined by the game master), the foes are defeated. When all enemies are defeated, another skill
character may gain +10 to his Defense while doing the roll is required to leave the frenzied state with the following
Full Evade Maneuver or +10 to his Dodge Chance results:
while doing the Full Dodge Maneuver.
Frenzy Recovery

Athletic Games: Skill Check Effects

Success Character comes out of frenzied state
The sport that this skill applies to must be chosen when the skill
Partial Failure The character stands around till next roll is
is purchased. The skill may be purchased Multiple times, each for
a different sport. This skill gives bonuses when performing in the Failure Character attacks nearest standing/moving
covered Athletic Games. Athletic Games includes such sports as target. He may roll to recover next turn
discus, javelin throw, foot racing, etc. An Athletic Game is in one Disastrous Failure The character attacks everyone in sight
of the following three categories: until they are all defeated or he is
1. The Game is contained in another already existing skill. Examples
including Horse Racing (Riding) or Swimming (Swimming). In this
case, there is no Athletic Game Skill. Use existing Skill. When in a Frenzy, the character can only use the following
combat options: Full Attack, Full Swing, Charge, Overbear or
2. The Game is based mainly upon a Character's Stat. Examples include
Running (MR) and Weight Lifting (Lift). Winners in such a contest Swing Through. He gains the following benefits at the
are determine by the highest Stat with ties being decided by a skill vs. appropriate level:
skill contest based this game. In this case, there is no Stat modifier for
the skill. Frenzy Effects
3. The Game is one where skill is the most important factor. Examples Level Effects
include such games as horseshoes, golf, etc. This skill has a Stat
modifier determined by the GM for the skill. Winners are determined 0 Ignore disabling effects of
by a Skill vs. Skill roll. wounds less then -1
3 Ignore disabling effects of
wounds less then -2
Climbing: 5 Ignore disabling effects of
This skill determines success at any climbing attempts. An wounds less then -3
attempt to climb is resolved with a simple skill roll with any 7 Ignore disabling effects of
wounds less than -4
modifiers determined by the GM.
The MR for climbing is 1/5 the character’s normal MR.
The Cumulative Hit Points of a character in Frenzy are increase
Climbing at a ‘Run’ (2x MR) gives a –10 modifier. Climbing at a by 10% per level. These increased Hit Points are lost when the
‘Sprint’ (3x MR) gives a –20 modifier). character leaves Frenzy (Which he must do when all possible
foes are gone).
When climbing, the player states where he wishes to climb, and
the GM takes the distance into account when deciding the
difficulty. When a successful climbing roll is made, the distance
of the climb determines the time needed.
If the roll fails by enough, roll d100 to determine how far the
character had gone before he fell (Total failure) or got hung up
(partial failure).

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 32

This skill determines the character's ability to ride a mount and
includes basic care of the animal. When bought, the character
determines the type of creature to which it applies (horses,
elephants, etc.). A successful skill roll is needed to control one’s
mount and fight without modifiers in combat (see 19.5).
Better riders are able to get more speed out of their mounts. Use
the following chart to determine the skill’s effect on the mount’s

Riding Effects
Level Performance
None 80%
0 90%
1 100%
2 103%
3 109%
4 112%
+1 +3%

Sleight of Hand:
By means of this skill, the character may hide an item, produce
an item, pick a pocket, plant an item on someone, etc. either
without being noticed, or where the item came from not being
noticed. The result of the attempt is determined by a skill vs. skill
roll (against the target(s) perception skill) with any modifiers the
GM assigns.
Even a partial failure means the character was noticed (but not in
all details).

This is the ability to use snow skis. A success roll is needed to
move at higher than average speed or any unusual action
(jumping, tight turns, etc.). To ski at the normal speed requires no
skill roll if the character has this skill.
Skiing allows normal walking and running movement in snow. It
allows sprint movement over snow on downhill slopes at the
fatigue cost of normal walking.


Stealth is the ability to avoid notice; how to move quietly and/or

hide. Always resolved with a skill vs. skill roll. A partial failure
means the character was noticed, but not clearly.

This is the ability to swim. A success roll is needed to move at
higher than average speed or to take any unusual action
(swimming through rough water, cold water, weighted down,
great distance, etc.). Swimming at the normal speed in calm
water requires no skill roll if the character has this skill.
Every two levels in swimming adds one round to a character’s
time limit on holding his breath (see 19.14).
The MR for swimming is found in section 11.4.3.
Swimming at a ‘Sprint’ gives no modifiers to the skill roll.

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8.11.8 Seamen Skills: Seamanship:
This skill is the ability of the character to perform the functions
Boating: of the crew of a vessel. A good crew is needed to maintain the
best performance of a ship. If a ship is large enough to need a
This skill is the ability of the character to effectively pilot and
crew to function, its performance (boating or sailing) is
control a boat. Boats are small sized river, lake or coastal
determined by an average of the following:
vehicles. The normal speed of travel will increase or decrease,
depending upon the skill of the crew as follows: 1. The Captain's sailing or boating skill.
Boating Effects 2. The Average sailing or boating skill of the Lead Crew:
Level Speed Adjustment First Mate, Second Mate, and Helmsman.
0 -25%
1 +0% 3. The Average seamanship skill of the remaining crew.
2 +10%
Use this average to determine speed and skill success chance for
3 +20%
4 +30%
the whole ship or boat.
+1 +5% per level Example: The Captain’s sailing skill is 80%, the average skill for
his lead crew is 60% and the average skill for the rest of his
A Boating skill roll may be called upon to maintain maximum crew is 40%. The total average is 60%.
speed or to pass difficult areas (such as rapids). The GM This means that the ship in typical waters and wind conditions
determines any difficulty modifiers that may exist. (Routine +30%) can be expect to meet 60% + 30% or 90% of
it’s maximum speed.
The ability to keep track of where one is on the ocean or other Sea-Watching:
bodies of water. A successful skill roll means the character has a This skill is the ability of the character to notice something amiss
good idea where he is in the world. on the water such as rocks, shallows, sea monsters nearing, etc.
A single roll is all that is normally required to travel to a The GM will determine any difficulty modifiers. It also functions
destination, although if a storm or other event comes along, as the skill Weather Watching when near the sea.
addition rolls may be required. Navigation is also a measure of
how well the character knows the lay of waters in the part of the
world he knows. A successful skill roll will give him information
on where various islands, port cities, river mouths, reefs and the
like are.

This skill is the ability of the character to effectively pilot and
control a ship. Ships are small or large ocean-going vessels. The
normal speed of travel will increase or decrease, depending upon
the skill of the crew as follows:
Sailing Effects
Level Speed Adjustment
0 -25%
1 +0%
2 +10%
3 +20%
4 +30%
+1 +5% per level

A Sailing skill roll will be called upon to maintain maximum

speed or to pass difficult areas (such as rocky shallows). The GM
determines any difficulty modifiers that may exist.

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8.11.9 Special Skills: Lore- General, Subject, Specific:
Lore is the knowledge of an area of learning. It can be bought on
Barter: general or very specific subjects. General would include world
history, religions and magic. Subjects would include national
If a character buys something, it is normally at the standard price.
history, a specific religion or a specific magic. Specifics would
If the GM wishes, a character may buy or sell items (on a small
cover family history or one special magical item. A wide array of
scale only) with an innate merchant level (Called Barter) as
subjects is possible. Chances of knowing an important fact are
equal to the chance of the character lore skill.
While the general lore skill covers a wide range of subjects, more
Character Barter detailed information is gained from the more specific lore skills.
Level Level
0-1 0
2-3 1 Physician KS:
4 2
This is a familiarity type of skill. Treat it as a general lore skill
5-7 3
with the exception that it only has level 0.
8+ 4
The skill is bought for the character’s choice of species as
Diplomacy: defined in by the Bestiary Groups. Its use is covered under the
Physician Skill Description.
This skill is the ability of the character to deal with Heads of
States and their representatives. A successful skill vs. skill roll
can alter the course of negotiations. This skill is very guided by Spells:
the GM who knows what is or is not possible to gain (or lose) by
negotiations. All the Magical classes must learn their spells before being able
to cast them. This skill is the knowledge required to cast a spell
This skill is not bought in the normal fashion. Instead a character from memory. A Spell may be cast from books or scrolls without
has a level in Diplomacy based upon his Level and CH the Mage learning it, however casting times are increased ten
automatically as Follows: times. Each spell must be learned separately.
Character Diplomacy Required
Level Level CH Wilderness KS:
0-1 0 1
2 1 8+ This is a familiarity type of skill. Treat it as a specific lore skill
3 2 9+ with the exception that it only has level 0. A wilderness is the
4 3 10+ type of terrain a character is familiar with.
5-6 4 11+
7-8 5 12+
Terrain types include common (most temperate regions), desert,
9-10 6 13+ jungle, mountains, swamp and Arctic.
11+ 7 14+ If a character does not have Wilderness KS of a terrain type,
he/she takes a -20 to Foraging and Weather Watching skills.
Languages- Speak, R/W Having this skill also means the character knows the basic facts
This is skill in understanding and using a language. The skill about the terrain’s common fauna and flora.
must be learned for each language. Speak and R/W must be The skill has other effects as the character becomes aware of
learned separately. If the character knows Speak or R/W at a needed survival skills for the terrain. For example, Arctic KS
level above its counterpart, learning time for the counterpart is indicates knowing how to build ice shelters.
halved until the levels are equal. Levels of skill above 4th are
The following chart shows the effect of the skill:

Level Effect
0 The character understands about a couple
dozen words.
1 The character understands enough to get
across simple ideas. Complex conversation
or material is out of the question.
2 The character understands enough to deal
with all but highly complex or culture
specific concepts. Speech is highly accented.
3 The character has native fluency.
4 The character has complete mastery of the

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8.11.10 Woodsman Skills: This skill covers the placement, construction, and concealment of
wilderness wild life traps (which may, under the right conditions,
Camouflage: affect intelligent creatures). Used as an occupational skill, it has
the following effect on the normal income the character can
The Ability to conceal individuals and/or objects by utilizing expect:
natural surroundings such as shrubs, branches, vines, etc. The
Number of objects is restricted only by the amount of materials
available and sufficient time (1-5 minutes per object, depending
Trapping Income
upon terrain). Success of the attempt is determined by a skill vs. Level Performance
skill roll (vs. perception) modified by the GM and an addition - 0 50%
2% per object over one hidden. 1 100%
2 110%
3 120%
4 150%
The ability to find food (plants, game, etc.) and water in the +1 +10%
wilderness. A successful skill roll (Modifiers determined by the
GM) will find 1 days supply of food for one person (and an
unlimited water supply in most cases, sometimes a separate roll When used against intelligent creatures, it will not be detected
for water is required, i.e. desert regions.) Every 5% the roll is unless the victim makes a successful skill vs. skill (victim uses
made by finds an additional person’s provisions. Perception) roll.
The damage the trap does (if any, snares for example only
contain their victims) depends upon the trap (more damage, more
time to make).
The ability to keep track of where one is in the wilderness. A
Note that any trap requires time to build and prepare.
successful skill roll (with modifiers depending upon the difficulty
of the terrain) means the character has a good idea where he is. A
single roll is all that is normally required to travel to a Weather Watching:
destination, although if a snowstorm or other event comes along,
addition rolls may be required. Orienteering is also a measure of A successful skill roll will give the character a good idea of what
how well the character knows the landscape of the part of the the weather will be like in the near future as follows:
world he is familiar with, a successful skill roll will give him
information on where major land features are.
Weather Watching Results

Tracking: Roll Result

The skills to locate, identify, and follow tracks (footprints, broken Successful Weather known for the next 4
branches, etc.). The GM assigns a base task difficulty based upon
the terrain, weather and age of the tracks. Example base difficulty Successful by 20 Weather known for the 12
levels follow: hours

Successful by 40 Weather known for the next

Tracking Modifiers day
Snow covered land +60 Successful by 60 Weather known for the next
Plowed Farmland +40 two days
Normal Plains +0
Woodlands +0
Mountains -20
Raining- light -20
Raining- hard -40
Number of creatures +3 per additional creature
Age of Tracks- per day Additional -10
Creature trying to avoid -10 + -10 per tracking skill level
leaving tracks or trying
to leave false trails
Terrain Destructive Creatures +20

Tracking Skills allow any of the following:

1. Follow tracks. Use a skill roll to determine success.
2. Identify tracks (human, orc, deer, etc.) and how fast
they are moving. Use a skill roll modified by -10.
3. Gain information about the creature that made the
tracks: height, weight, injured or not, carrying how
much weight, etc. Use a skill roll modified by -20.

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9.0 CHARACTER ADVANCEMENT character success, the action is not heroic. It is skill of play, luck of
battle and player cunning that makes Heroes. The results from failure
Characters tend to improve with the experience of adventures. They in an event that could qualify for advancement are dire. It is not
learn better fighting techniques, better spells and more effective ways heroic to risk little, the stakes must be large or the gamble is not
to perform their skills. worth playing.
In the game, this is represented by advancement in character level. Player Character advancement above tenth level is nearly impossible.
Each character class has a base experience point amount to advance a In order to qualify, the character would almost have to defeat evil and
level (1250 points for a Fighter for example). This number can be conquer hunger. In game terms, he/she has brought about a Golden
modified by Race (for example, an Elf Fighter could take +50% more Age for the Campaign. This would all but remove the chance of great
or 1875 points). adventure for the rest of that era (which to live up to the Heroic deeds
In addition to earning experience points, a character must qualify for that created it, would have to last a generation or two at least).
level advancement beyond 3rd level. To become truly heroic, it’s not Note that a NPC can be above tenth level if the GM desires. These
enough to adventure. You must adventure “well”. If a character has characters are often the corner stones of the campaign background.
not qualified for his next level, he will earn experience up to the While incredibly powerful, they are limited in some respect
amount needed to advance, and not collect experience beyond that compared to the player character (even if the limit is one of attitude,
point. the player character is the means of change in a campaign- not the
At each level (including 0), the character may spend up to 240 NPC). Many are the evil creatures that need to be overthrown by the
experience points to earn Skill Points (SP). These Skill Points may be Heroes. Most are far from human.
used to improve non-primary skills the character has, or buy new It is obvious that each GM will have somewhat different ideas about
ones. Note that spending experience on Skill Points means that it will what is heroic and or not. This is as it should be; it is the GM’s
take longer to advance a level- the draw back of not concentrating on campaign after all. The following are suggested guidelines for
one thing at time. determining Level Qualification:
Characters that have reached the Heroic levels (5th and above) have
also learned and gained abilities beyond those of lesser men. These Qualifications Examples
‘Hero Abilities’ further define and expand the character (see 9.3).
1. Defeating Fearsome Opponents in Single Combat: The opponent
must have a CS value (see 12.1) 15 or more points higher than
9.1 EXPERIENCE AWARDS the character. It is the stuff of heroes to defeat the unbeatable
There is no complex method of experience awards. Basic foe.
advancement is given out at the rate of 200 points for every 5 hours 2. Leading an Army: Commanding an army in battle is one of the
of play in real time. This rewards the player for being in your game, major ways a character performs heroic deeds that alter the
and does not penalize a character that can’t roll worth a dime world around them. Sometimes raising the army is what’s
throughout the night. against the odds, sometimes keeping it together, and sometimes
The GM may reward a character with an experience bonus, if the winning the battle.
character has performed very well or role-played exceptionally well. 3. Brilliant Ideas: The character comes up with a plan that alters
The bonus should be in the range of 20 to 100 points per adventure. the situation tremendously. For example: He/she finds the way
Also, adventures that take multiple sessions to complete are worth a to play the villains off vs. one another, grabbing victory where
bonus of 50 points per night. there was only defeat. The plan must be special, neither easy to
make up, nor easy to implement.
4. Rescuing the Fair Maiden/Endangered Prince: One of the
mainstays of adventure. The character rescues the NPC (or even
Characters may advance freely to 3rd level. Beyond that, a character PC), recovers the item, or completes the task. The difficulty
must perform notable deeds, in addition to earning experience, in must be such that the character would be expected to fail by
order to progress. The required importance and extent of the impact rational observers. The player must realize the odds against
of such deeds increase with character level. In general, the required him/her. This is not the normal adventure- this is making the
impact of the deed can be summed up in this table: attempt in the face of certain death.
5. Performance beyond all Expectations: The character defeats a
huge number of opponents that should have by rights slain
Level Extent of Heroic Deed
him/her or escapes from the prison no one can escape from.
4 Great deeds in respect to Character himself. Anything that defies the odds may qualify.
5 Great deeds in respect to his friends/relatives.
6 Great deeds in respect to an entire City
7 Great deeds in affects an entire region of a nation. The result of Level Qualification is that many player characters will
8 Great deeds that changes the course of an entire not rise to the highest levels. Characters above 7th are very rare. This
nation. recreates the scope of the fantasy tales that have groups with a range
9 Great deeds in respect to a region of the game’s of ability. High advancement is not the result of coming to the game.
campaign (a number of nations). The course of the It results from risk and playing the ‘Hero’.
entire region has been changed by the actions of
the character. Level Qualification can be earned at any point in the character’s life
10+ Great deeds in respect to the entire game and used when required.
campaign, i.e. the World. The course of the entire Qualification of whatever type can only serve to allow the character
campaign has been change by the actions of the to earn one level per deed. Thus a fourth level character that manages
a deed good enough for 8th level qualification, still only qualifies for
fifth. If he does it twice while still fourth level, he then qualifies for
The principle idea behind Heroic Level Qualification is that the sixth.
character has triumphed over the odds. If the chances are good for

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 37

9.3.1 Creating New Hero Abilities
9.3 HERO ABILITIES The GM may add to the list of Hero Abilities. There are a few things
Characters above 4th level are of Heroic stature. Such characters will to keep in mind when creating a new one however.
have legends told about them and it is only fitting that they possess 1. Hero Abilities never give a flat combat bonus. They can
abilities not found in lesser characters. remove or reduce penalties.
For every level above 4th, the character gains one Hero Point. These 2. Things that are impossible may be made possible.
may be saved or spent as the player wishes. 3. They don’t control other character’s actions.
Hero Abilities costs one or more Hero Points. They modify the 4. They don’t replace existing skills.
normal rules of play in a specific way for the character that has the
5. All Abilities must fit the style of the campaign and Heroic
The chart in 9.3.2 details many possible Hero Abilities, their effects
The Balance of the game is the most important factor in creating new
and costs.
hero abilities. Hero Abilities are to add to the enjoyment of the
campaign, not to alter it beyond recognition.

9.3.2 Hero Abilities Listings

Hero Abilities List
Ability Cost Effect

Ages Well 1 The character reduces the maximum age category he/she will age to by one group in regards to characteristic modifiers. This Hero
Ability may be bought up to twice.
Background 2 The spell caster can maintain concentration requirements on one spell and perform normally otherwise.
Thus he may attack, move, defend or cast other magic.
Anything that would normally break spell concentration will break concentration for the ‘background’ spell.
Bare Hand Parry 2 The character may make unarmed parry attempts without taking damage. Parrying Critical Strikes results in taking Normal Strike
If combined with Parry Missiles with Melee Weapons, the character may catch throw weapons (-0) and even missile weapons (-
If combined with Quick Draw the character my throw back any weapon caught if he hasn’t already attacked that round.

Close Combat 1 The character is not required to make saving throws to avoid Close Combat Creatures (19.7.1). Such saves are automatically
Creature considered successful
Combat 2 The Character is aware of the battle, even when not viewing it directly. The following applies if the character makes a successful
Awareness perception roll to be aware of the attack.
1. Attacker Flank and Rear Hex SC Bonuses are halved.
2. The character may attempt to parry attacks in his flank and rear hexes with any length ‘A’ or longer melee weapon (Not
shields) as if they were his front hexes with an additional -10 modifier.
3. Dodge attempts for flank and rear hex attacks are not subject to the normal flank/rear dodge modifier
4. The character takes only one quarter of the normal lack of lighting modifiers.
Combat Fumble 1 Combat fumbles in melee and ranged combat by the character are reduced one level of severity. The fumble can’t be reduced
Reduction below the lowest level. This ability may be brought up to twice.

Empathic Healing 2 The character can increase the healing rate of patient under their care by sheer force of will. Healing times are quartered. The effort
costs the healer/physician half their total natural spell points and increases their fatigue by five levels. Any increase past level 10 of
fatigue will cause 1d20 damage to his/her own CP.
This ability is only available to spell casters.
Empathic Link 1 The character has an instinctive sense that allows him/her to know the basic status of a specific person/creature that he has a link
The character will always have an idea of the general health and stress of the linked person along with a vague idea of distance and
Enhanced Magic 2 The character regains spells points at 150% of the normal rate

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Ability Cost Effect

Fearless 2 The character isn’t required to make saving throws to avoid Close Combat Creatures (19.7.1). Such saves are automatically
considered successful.
The character also gains +3 saves vs. all fear effects.
Fleet-Footed 1 The character gains +1 to his normal MR. This ability may be bought up to twice. Normal movement and swimming are treated
Great Lungs 1 The character is able to hold his breath for a base time equal to twice his CO Stat (See 19.14).

Heals Quickly 1 The character heals fast, halving all healing times.

Heroic Growth 1 The character gains two Option Points that may be spent as desired. This hero ability may be bought any number of times.

Ignore Normal 2 The character is unaffected by 0 or –1 level wounds. Damage must exceed the character’s SL by 2 or more for him/her to be
Wounds stunned.
The character must be aware of the attack and must make a successful characteristic save vs. CO
The character must be a Fighter, Chivalric or Paladin to take this ability.
Ignore Serious 3 The character is unaffected by wounds less than –5 (broken bones).
The character’s SL must be exceeded by four for him/her to be stunned.
The character must be aware of the attack and must make a successful characteristic save vs. CO
The character must be a Fighter, Chivalric or Paladin to take this ability.
Improved Stat 2 The character has improved one Characteristic Stat by one point. It cannot exceed racial maximums unless two additional Hero
Points are spent.
Incontestable Stat 1 One characteristic Stat is chosen.
A roll of 12 is no longer an automatic failure when making a saving throw involving the chosen Stat.
The Stats of WP and IN are immune to any outside negative modifiers.
This Hero Ability may be bought only once, but may be purchased separately for each Stat.
Infighting 1 The character can use a use ‘M’ weapon of Length ‘L’ or less in Close Combat on a Successful AG – 2 roll.
Initiative Edge 1 The character will automatically win Initiative against opponents with the same Initiative rating.

Judge Character 2 The character is capable of an instinctive understanding of anyone they meet.
The character must make a successful level vs. level (modified by target’s CH) save to gain any understanding of the ‘target’.
This information is rather vague and is expressed more in the terms of the character’s own reaction to the target (if he knew more
than he did).
Example: You just don’t think he’d be a good match for the Baron’s daughter.
Light Sleeper 1 Dangerous things easily wake the character while asleep. He gets a perception roll at only –10 to wake and notice any event that is
a danger to him or those within a 5” radius.

Lone Fighting 2 The character only takes one-half the normal multiple opponents and multiple parry/dodge modifiers.
Magic Efficiency 2 The spell caster spends one less Spell Point than listed for casting a spell (minimum of one point).
Magic Fumble 1 Spell fumbles and Magic Combat Fumbles by the character are reduced one level of severity. The fumble can’t be reduced below
Reduction the lowest level. This ability may be bought up to twice.
Multiple Missile 1 The character may fire two arrows from one bow making two attacks in a single round at up to two targets within a thirty-degree
Attacks arc.
Both attacks take a –10 SC modifier. One round must be spent preparing the shot.
Multiple Thrown 1 The character may throw two thrown weapons in a single round at up to two targets, or three small weapons (dagger sized or less)
Attacks at up to three targets within a sixty-degree arc.
Each attack takes a -10 SC modifier. One round must be spent preparing the shot.
Off-Hand 1 The character is adept at fighting with his/her off-hand, even if not Ambidextrous and takes no Off-hand penalties.

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 39

Ability Cost Effect

Parry Ranged 1 The character may attempt to parry any ranged attack with his/her melee weapon.
Attacks with
Melee Weapons Such an attempt is made with a –0 modifier vs. thrown weapons and a –5 modifier against missiles.
It is modified normally by other conditions.
Pathfinder 1 The character is adept at finding easy and quick shortcuts and routes. Travel time in wilderness areas is reduced to 80% of normal.

Poison Resistance 1 Any effect of poison on the character is reduced one level in severity.

Quick Draw 1 The character doesn’t require a half move (or need to pay any movement cost) to draw a weapon.
The character may use the weapon in the same round without suffering the ‘Draw and Use’ Modifier.

Rescuer 2 The character seems to always be there when needed. He may take one action to aid another character or prevent an event that
would cause harm to another character. These actions can be only defensive or neutral in effect.
These actions can be announced and resolved after the resolution of the event, in effect backing up in time a bit. The rescuer can
even act if he has already gone in the present round (using his next round’s action).
• Grabbing a character that has fallen off the cliff.
• Jumping in the way of an arrow that the target would have missed dodging or parrying. He gets his own parry (not dodge),
but is hit instead if the parry is missed.
• Parrying an unnoticed back stab for someone.
The character must make a perception roll to notice the danger, and of course must be able to reach the victim with one round of
action. The rescuer loses his next action.
Scout 2 The character is expert at moving unnoticed through the wilderness. Halve the normal encounter chances if traveling alone or
leading a small group (no more than six).
Sense Danger 3 The character has an instinct that warns him/her when in direct danger. This is above and beyond Perception skill. If the character
can make a characteristic save vs. IN, he can take full defensive action even if completely surprised. A successful save will give
him a vague idea of proper action even if he/she is completely unaware of what to do by normal means. Example: No, it doesn’t
feel like you should duck. Yes, stepping behind the wall seems right…
Reduce the cost by one if the ability only functions in limited conditions. On the ocean or at night for example.
Increase the cost by one if the character is able to additionally sense indirect or nearby danger. Example: “I just know something is
out there is hunting us” or “The ghost ship is near, I can feel it.”
Reduce the cost by one if indirect danger is the only thing the character senses.
Sense Evil 2 The character gets an uneasy feeling in the presence of Mystical Evil (Undead, Demons, etc). This gut feeling kicks in whenever
within 100 yards and includes a vague idea of direction and distance. The character must make a successful characteristic save vs.
Sense Magic 2 The character gets a feeling in the presence of magic. Any magic within twenty feet of the character will be sensed with a vague
idea of direction and power if the character makes a successful characteristic save vs. IN
Spell Research 2 The character has mastered the ability to create and develop new spells.
Stamina 1 The character ignores the first Fatigue level.

Streetfighter 1 The character is expert at brawling and does increased damage for unarmed and improvised weapons.
The Unarmed Punch becomes 1d8 and the Kick becomes 1d10. Improvised Weapons that aren’t similar to normal weapons are
increased by one damage level on the chart in section 19.12.5
The Streetfighter only takes half the normal modifier for Improvised Weapons.
Strong 1 The spell caster can maintain concentration despite injury. Damage must exceed the caster’s SL by three points in order to break
Concentration his concentration.
He does however suffer all other stun effects and the subject of Concentration will continue as per last command.
Survivor 2 The character has the knack of surviving seemly deadly injuries by instinctually rolling with the blow on a successful IN roll. Any
damage taken in excess of –3 is halved thereafter (rounded down). Example: A hit doing 17 points of damage to Don the Great who
has an LP of 6 would normally result in a –11 wound. This ability reduces the final effect to a ‘mere’ –7.
This ability is rendered ineffective if wearing armor with more than an APV of 1

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 40

Ability Cost Effect

Sword Flourish 1 The character may try to impress opponents with his skill in melee. He must not be in melee when making this attempt.
By twirling and waving his weapon (plus flexing his muscles and/or scowling) the character makes any watching opponents of 3rd
level or below roll a level vs. level save (modified by WP). All must be within five hexes of the display to be affected.
Failure means a drop of morale (-2) and results in -5 to all combat values. Failure by 3 or more results in fleeing.

Throw Melee 1 The character can use a melee weapon as a thrown weapon.
Such a weapon has a Range of 1 for determining its Range Groups
Too Dumb to Quit 2 The character refuses to go down for the count and will not go unconscious from Cumulative Damage.
However taking total damage that doubles the character’s CP value will still result in death.

Tricky Fighting 2 The character is expert at taking advantage of non-lethal openings in a Battle.
If the target makes his parry or dodge by 5 or less, the attacker is still struck by a normal unarmed non-lethal punch from his
attacker. If the target only makes his parry or dodge is by 1 or less, the attacker can use a kick in place of the punch.
Use the original SC roll to determine the actual type of blow delivered.

True Artificer 1+ The character grasps the true nature of the creation of magical items and constructions. The character is allowed to advance the
Artificer skill one level past existing limits for each point spent.
For example: The Artificer Skill is normally limited to 4th level. Spending one point will allow advancement to 5th. Spending 3
points will allow advancement to 7th.
The character may increase the point expenditure on this ability freely as new points are earned.
Undistractable 1 The character takes only half the normal modifiers to perception from distractions such as crowds, noise and the like.
Use two-handed 1 The character can use any two handed weapon one-handed if his ES is at least two points higher than the weapon’s required ES.
weapons one-

Weapon Master 1 The character takes only one-half (rounded down) the penalties for unfamiliar and similar weapons.

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 41

10.0 CHARACTER CREATION CHECK LIST f. Calculate Hit Points (3.6)
A. Generate Characteristic Stats (1.0) i. Location Points (3.6.1)
a. Roll d100 ten times. ii. Cumulative Hit Points (3.6.2)
b. Determine resulting Stat values from Stat iii. Stun Level (3.6.3)
Generation Table. g. Calculate Movement Points (3.7)
c. Assign resulting values to the desired Stats h. Calculate Fatigue (3.8)
keeping in mind requirements needed for various i. Generate Primary Hand (3.9)
classes in step G.
j. Generate Birth Date (3.10)
d. Enter Base Stats on the Character Sheet.
E. Generate Family Heritage (4.0)
B. Chose Character Gender (2.1)
a. Generate Social Standing (4.1)
a. Apply Gender Stat modifiers.
b. Generate Siblings and Birth Order (4.2)
C. Chose Character’s Race and/or Culture (2.2)
c. Generate Family Relationships (4.3)
a. Note Character Points. They may be spent at any
point hereafter. F. Spend Character Points (5.0)
b. Apply any Stat modifiers. a. Note that while listed here, Character Points may
be spent at any point after step C.
c. Add any racial skills to the character sheet.
G. Pick Character Class (6.0)
d. Add cultural languages to the character sheet.
a. Determine Class Experience Requirement
e. Note Racial Average Height and Weight
Modifier. b. Assign Weapon Groups bonuses
f. Note Birth Rate c. Add Primary Skills to the Character Sheet
g. Note Life Span d. Add Common Skills (8.4) to the Character Sheet
h. Note Racial Special Abilities (if any) e. Add Armor Familiarities to the Character Sheet
i. Note Racial Experience Multiple f. Select Starting Weapon Familiarities and add to
the Character Sheet
D. Determine Distinctive Traits (3.0)
g. Note Secondary Skills
a. Chose Character Age (3.1)
h. Note any Special Class Abilities
i. Apply any Stat modifiers.
H. Spend Option Points (7.0)
ii. Note any Skill effects.
I. Spend Skill Points (8.0)
iii. Note Starting Level.
J. Determine Starting Spells (20.1.2)
iv. Note Starting Experience Points.
K. Purchase Equipment (Champaign Supplement).
v. Note any Weight Modifier.
a. Note Armor Values on the Character Sheet (14.0)
b. Generate Height (3.4.1)
b. Note Weapon Values on the Character Sheet
i. Roll to determine variance from (12.0 and 13.0)
average (table 3.4.1)
L. Finalize Character Background
ii. Multiply the racial/culture average
height by the determined variance.
c. Generate Weight (3.4.2)
i. Locate characters height on table See Appendix B1 for a complete character generation example.
3.4.2.A, note average weight.
ii. Roll to determine variance from
average on table 3.4.2.B.
iii. Determine Character Weight: (Average
Weight) * (Variance) * (Racial Weight
Modifier) * (Age Modifier).
d. Determine and apply Size modifiers (3.4.3)
e. Determine Effective Strength (3.5)
i. Determine Lift Capacity.
ii. Determine ES.

Characters Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 42

CHARACTER NAME: Rev 4.3 09/15/2000
PLAYER'S NAME: Initiative Level
Basic Stats Weapon: Grp HP DB W+ SC Def PM PC DM DC Rng Damage ES+ CL
Stat Adj base CLASS
QU Race
AG Sex
CO Age
PA Age Catagory
IQ Height
WP Weight
CH Born Kick U - 69 1d8 p
IN Birth Place Punch U - 75 1d6 p
MS Lineage
Birth Order Armor s c i Locations Qlty % APV "+" Weapon Group MD
ES Eye Color: A Axes & Maces
LIFT Hair Color B Bladed
LP Complexion F Flexiable
CP Hand M Missiles
SL Exp/Level P Polearms
SP Married T Thrown
MR Exp/SkP U Unarmed
FT Base SkP
CS Special SkP Total Modifier S Spells/Magic


Weapon SkP Weapon SkP
Partial Soft Leather F
Full Soft Leather F
Partial Rigid Leather F
Full Rigid Leather F
Partial Chain F
Full Chain F
Partial Plate
Full Plate

LANGUAGES & LORE Lore Spk R/W Modifying Stats Base Total Base Race Stat Class Misc. Item Final Mod
SKILLS #1 #2 #3 Type SP SP Lvl + + + + Bonus Value Lvl
Combat Skills
Melee Combat P 8
Ranged Combat P 8
Magic Combat NC 4

Common Skills
Climbing ST 2
Culture 2
Perception IN 8
Physician IQ IN 6
Stealth AG 8
Swimming AG ST 2
Potential Start Current Barter CH
Language Diplomacy CH IN WP
Lore Potential Character Skills

Special Items Weight Location

Spent SkP Total SkP

Character Sheet- Front 43

Character Point Record Notes:

Points Spent
Option Point Record

Points Spent




Character Sheet- Back 44

Adventures in High Fantasy

Book 2: COMBAT
“It makes no difference what men think of war,
said the judge. War was always here. Before man
was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade
awaiting the ultimate practitioner.”

Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian.

Brian Gleichman

Bryan Harsh ♦Terri Gleichman

All Rights reserved.

Provided for Personal Use Only, Not for Resale.
No part may be distributed separately.

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01
BOOK 2: COMBAT Acting on the environment in simple ways causes the loss of one or
more movement point. Examples are opening a door, picking up a
heavy item, pushing an unresisting character back a hex, etc. The GM
Quite often, characters become involved in situations where
must determine the limits and effects of any action. For example
diplomacy will not prevail, armed or magical conflict arising there
character strength plays a role in determining many actions. An ES
from. This section details your combative abilities and options for
12 character can casually push over a wine rack at a cost of 1 MP, an
your character. Also presented in this section are effects of damage
ES 5 character may take a full move and the guy with an ES of 2
and poisons, healing and fatigue rules.
can’t perform that action at all...
Terrain may increase or modify the movement rules (See 19.5).
Round: 5 seconds of time. In general, a character may make one attack per
Hex or Inch: the unit of measure on the battle map. One hex represents 5
A character must face a hexside at all times. If the GM can’t easily
feet. determine which hexside the character is facing, he may face the
character to whichever hexside desired.
The character may change his facing by any number of hexsides if
11.0 MOVEMENT moving at ½ his MR or less. Turning a rear or flank hexside to an
engaged (see 11.5) opponent allows that opponent a free attack.
11.1 CHARACTER FACING Characters moving more than ½ and less than or equal to his full MR
may turn 2 hexsides per hex entered. Running Characters may turn 1
The three hexes in front of the character are his front hexes. The hexside per hex entered. Sprinting Characters may only turn 1
character may move or attack freely into these hexes. hexside at the end of his movement.
The hex directly behind a character is considered his rear hex, and the Characters may freely change facing as creatures enter adjacent hexes
two behind and to the sides are his flank hexes. Characters may not (if the character is aware of such movement) until an attack or
normally attack into his flank and rear hexes. parry/dodge is rolled. The character facing is then frozen until his
next action.

11.4.1 Running/Sprinting
A character may RUN at twice his normal MR If Fatigue rules are in
use, running costs 1 round of fatigue.
11.2 GENERAL MOVEMENT If the Fatigue rules are in use, he may SPRINT for three times his
MR at the cost of 3 rounds worth of fatigue.
Every character has a MR (Movement Rate) value determined in
section 3.7. This MR is the number of movement points (MP) a A running or sprinting character loses his ZOC. In addition, the only
character has. In general, it costs 1 MP to enter any of the three hexes type of attack such a character can make is an Overbear (see Section
in front of the character. Movement costs are doubled for characters 19.11.9).
moving backwards into their own flank and rear hexes. See Section 15.1 for the combat modifiers of running or sprinting
A character may move a number of hexes equal to his MR in a movement.
combat round. Movement may be broken into half moves. The
following are half moves: 11.4.2 Jumping
1. Moving 1/2 of the MR (round to the nearest) or less The character may jump a hex at the cost of 4 MP. This cost is
2. Make an attack (ends his action even if done first) reduced to 3 MP per hex if he spends at least 2 hexes running first, 2
MP per hex if he spends at least 3 hexes sprinting.
3. Load a weapon (one round of loading)
4. Cast a spell (ends his action even if done first)
11.4.3 Swimming
5. Prepare a Spell; i.e. spend a round to increase the character
casting chance (ends his action even if done first) Characters may only swim if they have learned the swimming skill to
at least level 0. Swimming gives a MR of 1 plus .5 per level of skill
6. Mount or dismount a riding animal to a maximum swimming MR of half their normal ground based one.
7. Draw and ready a weapon Use the remaining proportion of MR if changing between swimming
8. Stand-up from prone and ground movement in a round. Example: John (MR 6, Swimming
9. Part or all of other actions as determined by the GM MR of 2) moves 3 hexes and enters the water. He has one MR left to
Up to two half moves may be done in a Round. Any attack or spell
cast ends a move. Some actions may take one or more rounds (certain If a character makes no attacks and does not enter a hostile Zone of
spells, treating wounds, and other things as determined by the GM). Control- he may ‘Sprint’ doubling his swimming MR at the cost of 1
Some combat maneuvers (charge for example) may also modify the Fatigue (if Fatigue rules are in use).

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 47 Vertical Flight
11.4.5 Flying Movement
Flight is a highly complex subject and any treatment meant to reflect A flyer must perform one of the maneuvers listed in the Vertical
all its subtleties would also be complex. Age of Heroes uses a Flight Maneuvers table.
simplified model to represent flight within a fantasy framework that Normally a creature may only change to adjacent rows from one
is not centered on it as a primary game concern. Any campaign that round to another. Thus it may move from Level Flight to Climbing in
places high importance on a detailed and accurate set of flight rules one round and then to Zoom Climb the next, but not directly from
will need to expand on what’s present here. Level Flight to Zoom Climb.
There are two types of flying abilities in Age of Heroes: Winged and
Vertical Flight Maneuvers
Type Result Winged Flight Zoom Climb The flyer may trade 4 MR for a gain of 2 hexes
altitude per every horizontal hex entered.
Winged flight is based upon forward motion driving air across a
Climbing The flyer may trade 1 MR for a gain of 1 hex in
lifting surface. altitude per every horizontal hex entered.
Creatures with winged flight must move at least half their MR rating Level Flight No change in Altitude.
in order to remain airborne. Failure to do so causes a ‘stall’ and the Shallow Drive A flyer may lose 1 hex of altitude for every hex
flyer immediately falls. The exception is at takeoff or landing, where they enter in Horizontal movement without cost.
the flyer may move ½ their MR or less without stalling. If maintained for over half their total MR, they
gain one bonus hex of movement.
Movement is separated into horizontal and Vertical components. Steep Drive A flyer may lose 3 hexes of altitude for every
hex they enter in Horizontal movement at the Horizontal Flight cost of 1 MR
Falling See Section XX.XX
Horizontal Movement is handled the same as normal ground
movement with the exception of turn limits. These limits are detailed
in the following table using the same descriptions as ground
movement: Independent Flight
Flyers who make no use of the normal laws of aerodynamics have
Wing Flight: Turn Limits Independent Flight. They suffer none of the limits (or advantages) of
gravity, drag or lift. They move through the air as normal creatures
Turn # Description Movement Allowed Turns
Uncontrolled Under ½ Determine Facing move on the ground.
Fall MR randomly using 1d6. It costs 1 MR for each hex of altitude change (up or down) that they
1 2/hex wish to make without need for forward motion.
½ MR – 1x 1/hex
2 Normal
3 1 per 2 hexes 11.4.6 Fractional Movement Points (Optional)
4 Run 2x MR 1 per 3 Hexes Characters may save fractional movement points from round to
5 1 per 5 hexes round. These must be spent (or lost) the round that you have a whole
6 Sprint 3x MR 1 at end of move. point.
7 None

Most creatures operate at rows 2, 4 and 6. However specific creatures

may increase or reduce the turn number depending upon their
maneuverability. Acceleration
Creatures under Winged Flight are limited in how fast they may
change their speed. Normally they may increase or decrease speed by
one level as shown on the following chart:

Flight Speeds
Description Movement
Stationary/Fall 0 or falling movement only.
Stall Under ½ MR
Normal ½ MR – 1x MR
Run 2x MR
Sprint 3x MR

A flyer may decrease his speed by two levels if he increases his

vertical maneuver to either Climbing or Zoom Climb. He may
increase his speed by two levels if he decreases his vertical maneuver
to Dive or Steep Drive.

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 48

Characters may only attack a target in their front three hexes. These All characters have some combat ability, whether melee, ranged or
hexes are considered to be the character's zone of control (ZOC). A magical. The character's combat values for each weapon or spell
friendly ZOC has no effect. represent his effectiveness. These combat values are as follows:
A character is engaged while in the ZOC of a hostile character. An
engaged character has his movement options limited each round
unless he is willing to violate the hostile character’s ZOC. Value Name Formula
The ZOC is violated when a character moves after entering a ZOC, or 50 + AG mod + level mod + Wpn
moves more than one hex if he starts movement within a ZOC. Any SC Strike Chance
Group mod
character violating the ZOC is subject to a free attack by the character QU mod + level mod + Wpn Group
DEF Defense
that owns the ZOC. Mod
(ES mod + AG mod)/2 + level Mod +
A character is limited to a maximum of two free attacks due to ZOC PM Parry Modifier
Wpn Group mod
violation per round. There are two types of free attacks against
PC Parry Chance Weapon Defense Base + PM
characters violating a ZOC: Passing and Retreating. AG mod + level mod + Wpn Group
DM Dodge Modifier
When prone, a character may only have a ZOC in one hex of his mod
choice. A stunned character loses his ZOC hexes. DC Dodge Chance Weapon Defense Base + DEF - 20

11.5.1 ZOC Passing Attack Level Modifiers come from the relevant combat skill and appear in
A Passing attack occurs when a character violates a ZOC and the the following table:
movement carries him past (i.e. starts in fronts and moves behind) the
opponent. Level 0 1 2 3 4 5
Passing attacks gain +30 SC, and +15 PM and DM in addition to any Bonus -10 0 +10 +20 +25 +30
other modifiers.
Level 6 7 8 9 10 +1
Bonus +35 +40 +45 +50 +55 +5
11.5.2 ZOC Retreating Attack
A Retreating attack occurs when a character backs away from a ZOC Note: Range Combat skill modifiers stop adding to PM and DM only
by moving more than 1 hex. Turning a rear or flank hex to an (They still add to PC and DC) after 4th level.
opponent also allows a free Retreating Attack.
Stat Bonuses and Penalties (AG, ES, and QU) are based upon the
Characters subject to a Retreating Attack may not parry and the character's Stats. The bonus is +3 per point over 7. The penalty is -3
attack gains a +30 SC and +15 DC in addition to any other modifiers. per point under 7.
Under no conditions may the character gain a riposte against the
Retreating Attack. Weapon Group Bonus (Wpn Group Mod) depends on the character's
class and his assignment of weapon group bonuses.
Retreating Attacks may be avoided by using either the Offensive or
Defensive Withdraw Action (See Section 15.1)

11.5.3 Rigid Zone of Control (Optional) The base Combat Strength (CS) for a character is a way to ‘rate’ his
combat effectiveness. It’s determined by adding the average of the
A character may define one opponent per round as the target of a
Stat Modifiers for ST, AG, and QU plus the level modifier and the
Rigid ZOC of control. This has the following two effects:
Weapon Group Modifier.
1. Any Free Passing Attack vs. the defined opponent is at an
For every point of LP over 5 add 2; subtract 2 for every point of LP
addition +30 SC and -20 PM, DM
under 5.
2. Free Attacks vs. other targets violating the ZOC lose the
Well Made or Magical Weapon/Armor Bonuses are added to all the
normal bonuses.
above values to determine the Modified Combat Strength (MCS).
There are three possible ways for a target to break a Rigid ZOC:
1. The character enforcing the ZOC ends his enforcement
(perhaps to remove his free attack modifier or enforce a
rigid ZOC on another target).
2. The character enforcing the ZOC accepts the retreat caused
by a Pressing Attack (thus removing the ZOC from the
3. The target succeeds in a Push Back Action (see 15.1) on the
character enforcing the ZOC, thus removing the ZOC for
the next round (unless the target can move to re-enforce it).

Only one combatant character is allowed per hex unless engaged in
close combat or as part of a formation or other special case (see 19.7,
19.16.2 and 19.19).

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 49

Weapon Table-Melee
Def Fast
Weapon Group Hands Dam CL Load Rng Use Wgt Len HP ES AG
Base Load
Hand & A Half 1 71 1d10+2
B s - - - M 5 lb. L 24 8 7
Sword 2 73 1D12+1
Longsword B 1 71 1d10+2 s - - - M 4 .5 lb. L 24 8 7
Broadsword B 1 75 1d10+1 s - - - M 3.5 lb. A 22 7 7
Cutlass B 1 75 1d10+1 s - - - M 4 lb. A 22 6 7
Falchion B 1 79 1d10 s - - - M 3 lb. A 22 5 5
Lightsword B 1 79 1d10 i/s - - - M 2.5 lb. L 17 5 8
Saber B 1 79 1d10 s - - - M 3 lb. A 19 6 7
Scimitar B 1 79 1d10 s - - - M 3.5 lb. A 19 5 7
Short Sword B 1 79 1d10 i/s - - - M 3 lb. S 19 5 7
Two-Handed Sword B 2 70 1d12+2 s - - - M 7 lb. XL 26 10 6
Dagger B/T 1 75 1d8 i - - 2 RMC 1 lb. S 12 3 4
Knife B/T 1 75 1d8+1 s - - 2 RMC 1 lb. S 12 3 4
Main-Gauche B 1 79 1d8 s - - - MC 1 lb. S 15 3 7
1 71 1d10+2
Battle Axe A/T s - - 1 RM 4.5 lb. L 17 7 7
2 73 1d12+1
Crude Club A/T 1 75 1d8 c - - 1 RM 3 lb. S 13 7 4
Great Axe A 2 67 1d12+3 s - - - M 7 lb. XL 20 9 8
Hand Axe A/T 1 75 1d8+1 s - - 2 RMC 2 lb. S 10 3 5
1 71 1d10+2
Heavy Mace A/T c - - 1 RM 4.5 lb. A 28 7 4
2 73 1d12+1
Light Mace A/T 1 79 1d10 c - - 1 RM 3 lb. A 24 6 4
Mattock/Maul A 2 70 1D12+2 c - - - M 6 lb. XL 20 9 6
War Club A/T 1 82 1d10-1 c - - 1 RM 3 lb. S 13 6 4
War Hammer A/.T 1 75 1d10+1 c - - 1 RM 4.5 lb. A 24 7 6
1 75 1d10+1
War Pick A/T i - - - M 4 lb. L 17 8 6
2 76 1d12
Flail F 1 79* 1d10 c - - - M 4 lb. XL 19 6 7
1 71* 1d10+2
Morningstar F c - - - M 5 lb. XL 24 8 7
2 73* 1d12+1
Net F/T 1 75* 1d6 p - - 1 RM 4 lb. XL Special 5 7
Whip F 1 75* 1d8 p - - - M 3 lb. EL 12 4 7
Glaive P 2 75 1d10+1 s - - - M 6 lb. EL 17 7 8
Halberd Blade 73 1d12+1 s
P 2 - - - M 5 lb. XL 18 7 7
Point 71 1d10+2 i
T/P 1 79* RM
Javelin 1d10-1 i - - 3 2.5 lb. A 10 5 7
P 2 79 M
1 71*
Lance P 1d10+2 i - - - M 8 lb. UL 18 7 8
2 71
Quarterstaff P 2 82 1d10 p/c - - - M 3 lb. L 14 5 7
Pike P 2 68 1d10+2 i - - - M 8 lb. UL 18 8 7
Poleaxe P 2 73 1d12+1 s - - - M 7 lb. XL 18 8 7
1 79* 1d10
Spear- Long P i - - - M 6.5 lb. EL 17 7 7
2 75 1d10+1
P/T 1 79* 1d10 RM
Spear- Short i - - 2 4 lb. L 17 7 6
P 2 75 1d10+1 M
P/T 1 75* 1d10+1 RM
Trident i - - 1 4 lb. L 17 6 7
P 2 71 1d10+2 M
Cestus U 1 75 1d8 c - - - MC 2 lb. S 5 5 6
Gauntlet U - 75 1d8 p - - - MC - S - - -
Punch U - 75 1d6 p - - - MC - S - - -
Kick U - 69 1d8 p - - - M - A - - -

Weapon Table-Shields
Def Fast
Shield Init Mod Hands Dam CL Load Rng Use Wgt Len HP ES AG
Base Load
Small Shield -1 1 (79) 1d6 p/c - - - M 3 lb. S 15 5 5
Medium Shield -2 1 (75) 1d8 p/c - - - M 10 lb. S 20 6 5
Large Shield -3(-1) 1 (71) 1d10 p/c - - - M 15 lb. S 22 7 5

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 50

Weapon Table-Missile
Def Fast
Weapon Group Hands Dam CL Load Rng Use Wgt Len HP ES AG
Base Load
Long Bow M 2 63* 1d12+1 i 1 35 10 R 3 - 11 8 7
Composite Bow M 2 65* 1d10+1 i 1 25 7 R 3 - 1 7 7
Short Bow M 2 69* 1d10 i 1 15 6 R 2 - 10 6 7
Light Crossbow M 2 60* 1d12+2 i 2 N/A 6 R 8 - 8 8 6
Heavy Crossbow M 2 57* 1d12+3 i 2 N/A 6 R 12 - 8 9 6
Arbalest M 2 52* 1d12+4 i 3 N/A 6 R 15 - 9 5 6
Sling M 1 69* 1d8 c 1 N/A 5 R .5 - 3 3 7
Staff Sling M 2 65* 1d10 c 1 N/A 6 R 3 - 12 5 7
Dart T 1 75* 1d8 i - - 2 R .5 - 8 4 7

Please note the chart key information below. • Fast: Quick fire missile reload modifier. Modifiers are
• Name: Weapon Name.
• Range: The Number of Hexes in a Range Group.
• Group: The Weapon Group it is assigned to.
• Use: Under what conditions the weapon can be used in
• M- Missile
• T- Thrown
• B- Bladed • R- Ranged
• Axes & Maces • M- Melee
• F- Flexible • C- Close Combat.
• P- Polearms
• U- Unarmed • Weight: The weight in pounds.
• Length: The effective length of the weapon in combat.
• Hands: The number of hands required.
• S- Short
• Defense: The Defense Base for parrying or dodging purposes. • Average
Note: ‘*’ denotes that the weapon cannot parry. The value • L- Long
given represents a parry with a shield. If there is no shield, • VL- Very Long
the character must dodge. • XL- Extra Long
• Damage: Damage applied with a successful hit. • EL- Extremely Long
• UL- Ultra Long
• CL: The classification of the weapon. Note: Armor vs. CL ‘p’
uses the same value as vs. CL ‘c’ • HP: The amount of Damage the weapon can resist before
• s- slashing breakage occurs.
• c- crushing • ES: The minimum to avoid negative modifiers.
• i- impale
• p- pummeling. • AG: The minimum to avoid negative modifiers.
• Init Mod: This value only applies to Shields. It’s a modifier
• Reload: Reloading time for missile weapons in number of to the wielder’s Initiative Value when engaged in melee
rounds. combat. Large Shields will give a –1 even when not in melee.
See section19.12.1.

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 51

14.0 ARMOR The character must have the appropriate armor familiarity to wear
armor without additional modifiers. The armor addition section lists
Next, the player must choose the type of armor he wishes to wear. The
additional pieces that may supplement the base armor type, apply any
game balances one-to-one combat, in a way that a person who is
addition to APV (which may change the combat modifier). Note the
wearing armor has no advantage over the person without armor. The
armor's Initiative and MR modifiers and mark the temporary Stat on the
armored individual will be slower to strike and parry. He will receive
character sheet if needed.
hits more often than his unarmored opponent who will in-turn be more
likely to avoid his slow return strike. On the other hand, any hit finally
The Combat Modifier applies to SC, DEF, PM, PC, DM and DC
reaching the unarmored fighter will do more damage, since he has no
protection other than his speed to count on. The QU modifier is already considered in the general armor modifier
While in most situations armor is primarily characterization for the and does not subtract further from these combat values.
player, there are small advantages and disadvantages to either method.

Armor Table
Armor Locations Protection Wgt Initiative MR APV Notes
Leather Vest 13-50 1 3.8 -1 -.2 .38
Leather Jacket 13-76, 81-82, 85-86 1 6.8 -1 -.2 .68
Reinforced Leather Jacket 13-76, 81-82, 85-86 2 8.5 -2 -1 -.4 1.36
Reinforced Leather Coat 13-76, 81-98 2 10.25 -2 -1 -.4 1.64
Kurbul Breastplate w/trim
13-61, 64, 81-82, 85-86 3 8.1 -2 -1 -.4 1.62
(Roman Style)
Ring Habergeon 13-61, 64, 81-82, 85-86 4(3) 10.8 -2 -1 -.4 1.8
Protection 4 vs. type S
Ring Shirt 13-76, 81-82, 85-86 4(3) 13.2 -3 -1 -.6 2.26
attacks, 3 vs. all else
Full Ring 11-100 4(3) 18 -5 -2 -1 3.07
Chain Habergeon 13-61, 64, 81-82, 85-86 4 16.2 -3 -1 -.6 2.16
Chain Shirt 13-76, 81-82, 85-86 4 19.8 -4 -1 -.8 2.72
Chain Hauberk 13-92 4 24 -5 -2 -1 3.2
Full Chain 11-100 4 27 -6 -2 -1.2 3.6
Scale Habergeon 13-61, 64, 81-82, 85-86 5(4) 18.9 -4 -1 -.8 2.52
Protection 4 vs. type
Scale Shirt 13-76, 81-82, 85-86 5(4) 23.1 -5 -2 -1 3.17
C attacks
Full Scale 11-100 5(4) 31.5 -8 -3 -1.6 4.2
Metal Breastplate 15-44 5 12 -2 -1 -.4 1.5
Metal Breastplate w/trim 15-61, 64, 81-82, 85-86 5 20.8 -4 -1 -.8 2.6
15-66, 71-88, 93-00 5
Plate Mail 34.8 -8 -3 -1.6 4.38
11-14, 67-70, 89-92 4
Articulated Plate 11-100 5 31.5 -8 -3 -1.6 4.5

Armor Accessories
Armor Locations Protection Wgt QU MR APV Notes
Conical Helm 1-5 5 2 * * * .25
Chain Mail Coif 1-5, 6-10 (rear) 4 2.25 * * * .3 -15 Hearing Perception
Open Helm 1-5, 6-10 (rear) 5 3 * * * .375 -15 Hearing Perception
Full Helm 1-10 5 4 * * * .5 -20 Hearing and Sight Perception
Gloves- Leather 77-80 1 .4 * * * .04
Boots- Infantry 95, 98-00 3 4 * * * .12
95, 98 2
Boots- Riding 3 * * * .1
99-00 3
Arm Greaves- metal 72-73, 75-76 5 1.6 * * * .2
Leg Greaves- metal 94-95, 97-98 5 1.6 * * * .2
Gauntlet- Articulated Plate 77-80 5 1.32 * * * .2
Gauntlet- Chain 77-80 4 1.2 * * * .16

* Add Accessory’s APV to base armor APV and use the APV Modifier Chart in Section 14.1 to determine the final modifiers.

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 52

If the GM. permits, characters may customize their armor. Any armor The wearing of armor will modify the success chance of a number of
covering the same location uses only the higher value. The GM must skills as shown the following table:
approve any variation and its cost. The armor chosen and its coverage
will determine the Armor Modifier.
Armor Effects on Skills
First, calculate an overall Armor Protection Value (APV) using the
following formula: Skill Armor Effect
Acrobatics -5 * Combat Modifier
Armor Protection Value = (Armor Protection)* x
Dancing -10 * (Combat Modifier –1)
(% body covered)
Climbing -3 * (Combat Modifier –1)
• If more than one value of Armor Protection is worn, then
each type must be calculated with the armor the results added Skiing -10 * (Combat Modifier –1)
together for the Armor Protection Value. Swimming -5 * Combat Modifier
• The percentage of the body covered is determined by the Stealth -10 * Combat Modifier
percentage chances given in the Hit Location Chart in Section
Once the APV is determined, find the Armor Modifier in the following 14.3 ARMOR MR MODIFIER
chart with an APV of at least the value represented. For example, a
metal breastplate with soft leather covering the arms, gloves and an Calculate the MR Modifier for armor by using the following equation.
open helm would be calculated as follows:
Armor Modifier MR Mod = Combat Mod/5
APV (breastplate) = 5 x (52%) = 2.6 (Round to the nearest tenth)
APV (leather arms)= 1 x (14%) = 0.14
APV (gloves) = 1 x (04%) = 0.04
APV (open helm) = 5 x (075%)* = 0.375
APV (boots) = 2 x (04%) = 0.08 Calculate the Quickness Initiative Modifier for custom armor by using
the following equation. This modifier only affects the character's
Total APV: 3.235 initiative during the round.
= -5 Armor Mod
*Rear location only counts as 1/2 percentage coverage. Armor Modifier Initiative Mod = Combat Mod/3
(Round to the nearest)

APV Modifiers
Lower APV Upper APV Armor Modifier
0 .407 0
.408 1.153 -1
1.154 1.817 -2
1.818 2.410 -3
2.411 2.930 -4
2.931 3.411 -5
3.412 3.834 -6
3.835 4.213 -7
4.214 4.553 -8
4.554 4.858 -9
4.859 5.132 -10
5.133 5.378 -11
5.379 5.599 -12
5.600 5.797 -13
5.798 5.975 -14
5.976 6.0 -15

Maximum armor protection for custom armor is 6 points. Higher values

are due to the use of magical materials that will have their own APV
modifiers defined.

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 53


This combat system provides the feel of heroic melee to role-playing Characters act in order of Modified quickness.
combat by separating the chance of hitting from the parry or dodge of When the character acts, he chooses one of the following Combat
the opponent. In addition it adds in-combat movement. This gives the Actions. The character may not combine more than one Combat
character the opportunity to parry (or dodge) the critical hit and have an Action.
active defense rather than accept the lucky opponent’s roll.
The modifiers from these actions last until the next time the character
Flow of Combat: acts (when his modified quickness comes up in the next turn).
1. Attacker decides his combat action A Character may hold his action until a lower quickness in the combat
2. Attacker rolls his Strike. Ripostes are resolved turn. If held until the next turn, the character loses that turn’s action,
3. Defender rolls either a Parry or a Dodge but gets to act at the higher quickness ratings. At no time may a
4. Attacker rolls hit location and damage character perform two actions in a turn. They may however perform a
½ move that doesn’t end his turn and hold the remaining ½ move.

Combat: Actions
Action Effects Action Effects
Normal Strike No Modifiers. Base attack Run Movement No Parry or Attack
2x MR
Full Aim (Missile/Thrown) +10 SC Sprint Movement No Parry, Dodge or Attack
Takes 1 extra round 3x MR
Full Swing +2 ES damage bonus Disarm -20 SC, -10 PM, and -10 DM
+3 PM If not dodged or parried a successful ST
-5 Def, vs. ST roll will disarm the target.
-5 PC
-5 DC
Full Attack +10 SC, +5 PM & DM Defensive Fire -20 SC
-15 Def, -10 PC & DC (Missile/thrown) +10 DEF vs. target only
Full Parry No Attack; Defensive Withdrawal Retreat out of ZOC by one hex. May
+10 PC also perform Full Parry, Full Dodge or
Full Evade.
Full Dodge No Attack Offensive Withdrawal Retreat out of ZOC by one hex. May
+20 DC also attack at -20 SC (miss by 50
required for Riposte), -10 PM and -10
Full Evade No Attack Push Back -10 PC & DM and -10 SC
Melee- +20 Def If dodged, no effect. If parried or not,
Missile: +10 Def ST vs. ST roll to push target back one
Weapon Bind -15 SC Swing Through -10 per each target. See 19.10.1 for full
See 19.10.2 for full details details.
Aimed Attack: Grab Only unarmed and special weapons: -10
D80 Area -15 SC SC, PM, and DM.
d60 Area -25 SC Miss by 1-5 causes
d40 Area -35 SC d100 random hit
d20 Area -45 SC
1 Area -55 SC
Overbear Attempt to enter close combat. See Charge Must move over ½ MR. +2 ES damage
Section 19.11.9 bonus, + 5 PM, -5 Def, -5 DC.

Damage 1d4, type ‘p’ May move up to Full but is allow one
hexside turn at start and one other in the
first half of the movement.
Push Down +10 PM Set Versus Charge A combatant with a type ‘i’ weapon
If not dodged or parried a successful ST of Length L or longer may set to
vs. ST roll will knock the target prone receive an opponent’s Charge
inflicting 1d4 plus ES damage bonus in
place of the normal damage. Damage is
type ‘p’ and is modified as normal by Use the ES Damage Bonus of the
Solid or Critical Strikes. opponent instead of the wielder in
this event.
Targets with acrobatics are allowed a
skill roll. Success at –30 will halve the
damage (round down) while success at –
10 (if not stunned) will allow the target
to regain his feet instantly without the
need of an action. Use the same roll to
determine both results.

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 54

15.2 STRIKE CHANCE ROLL 15.2.1 Solid Strike Results
An attacker’s chance to hit is equal to his strike chance (SC) less the Solid Strike Results
target’s Defense (Def). This is his Hit Value. Roll D100 and consult the CL Damage Result Retrieve
following result chart. Round all percentages of Hit Number DOWN. Roll weapon damage twice and strength damage
Do half maximum weapon damage (round up)
Strike Chance Results I ES-2
plus rolled weapon and strength damage
Roll Result Strike Result Do maximum damage with the higher of the
Natural ‘00’ Fumble C weapon damage or strength damage plus rolled Auto
Roll of 30+ over Hit Number Riposte damage of the lower.
Rolls over Hit Number Miss Do maximum damage with the higher of the
Rolls under Hit Number Normal Strike (NS) weapon damage or strength damage plus rolled
P Auto
Rolls 50% (1/2) Hit Number Pressing Strike (PS) damage of the lower.
Rolls 20% (1/5) of Hit Number Solid Strike (SS) The damage is treated a lethal CL ‘c’ hit.
Rolls 5% (1/20) of Hit Number Critical Strike (CS)
Critical Strike: As a Solid Strike plus 5 points of damage. Also the
Fumble: The character has a chance of completely botching the attacker may choose one (but only one) of the additional effects
attack. Make a Level Save vs. 4th level modified by AG. If before after the target defense (parry or dodge) is resolved:
failed, roll on the fumble table (Melee or Ranged depending 1. Ignore all armor on the target
upon the attack method.) to determine the result. In addition,
2. Pick the Hit Location struck on the target
the defender gets to riposte.
Riposte: The clumsy attack has left the attacker wide open. The
target gets a free return strike (resolved normally with the
riposte modifier). No Riposte is possible if Defender is
performing an action that disallows any attack.
Miss: A plain miss. No damage is done and no parry or dodge is
Normal Strike- Attacker will do normal damage as per the weapon.
The defender gets a parry or dodge attempt if able.
Pressing Strike: A normal strike, but in addition, the attack has
unbalanced the defender. The defender must retreat 1 hex
(move backwards into one of his rear hexes- no MP cost) or
suffer a -10 to his PC and DC vs. this attack. The defender
determines the hex. The attacker may choose to follow the
defender by moving one hex (no MP cost) to continue the
combat or remain where he is.
Solid Strike: Same as a Pressing Strike but with increased damage.
Such a strike may embed the weapon in the area hit if its not
severed (damage exceeding the LP by 10 or more points, see
15.7) requiring a save vs. ES to remove. The weapon type
modifies the damage result and retrieve save. Unless retrieved,
weapon remains embedded in the target and unusable by the
character. Each turn thereafter, a roll to retrieve the weapon
may be made until the weapon is freed or it may be left in and
twisted once for an addition 1d3 damage to the same wound.

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 55

If an attack is successful the opponent has the option of parrying or If an attack is successful, the opponent has the option of parrying or
dodging (not both). Parrying involves interposing a shield or weapon in dodging (not both). Dodging involves avoiding an incoming attack by
order to avoid an incoming attack. ducking or other quick movement. Dodging is generally harder than
The character's chance to parry is equal to his/her Parry Chance (PC) parrying, but more completely avoids the attack.
less the attacker's parry modifier (PM). This is the Parry Number. The character's chance to dodge is equal to his/her Dodge Chance (DC)
If successful, any damage done by the incoming attack is taken by the less the attacker's Dodge modifier (DM). This is the Dodge Number.
parrying object instead. Each weapon and shield has a HP rating. This
is the amount of damage the object can take before breaking. If damage
exceeds or equals a weapon’s/shield’s HP, it’s broken. Any remaining
Dodge Results
damage is applied to a random Hit Location on the defender. The Roll Result Dodge Result
damage must result from a single blow; it is not added to any damage Character may fall: drop prone unless
successful in Level Save vs. 4th level, AG
done in previous attacks. Natural ‘00’
Weapons of CL ‘i’ and ‘p’ don’t cause damage to parrying objects. CL Character takes full damage
‘i’ weapons can do damage through parrying shields however if the Missed Dodge
Rolls over Dodge #
defending HP value is exceeded. Character takes full damage
Rolls under Dodge # Attacker Miss
Note that almost all weapons and shields have a high enough HP value
that only SS or CS attacks have a chance of breaking them. There is no
need to resolve damage in cases where there is no chance of breakage.
Most broken weapons can be used as a crude club. Most broken blades
can be used as a knife.

Parry Results
Roll Result Parry Result
Natural ‘00’ Weapon May be Dropped. Level
Save vs. 4th level, AG Modified.
Character takes full damage
Rolls over Parry Number Missed Parry
Character takes full damage
Rolls under Parry Number Normal Parry
Rolls 20% (1/5) of Parry Solid Parry
Rolls 5% (1/20) of Parry Critical Parry

15.3.1 Parry Effects

Some success levels with a parry can reduce the success level of an
attack to a lower level. An outstanding parry can even affect the

Parry Effects
Attack Level
Parry Normal Pressing Solid Critical
Level Strike Strike Strike Strike
Normal Defender Defender Defender Defender
Parry Wpn NS Wpn NS Wpn SS Wpn CS
Solid Attacker Attacker Defender Defender
Parry Retreats 1 Wpn NS Wpn NS Wpn SS
Critical Attacker Attacker Defender Defender
Parry Wpn SS Wpn NS Wpn NS Wpn NS
Retreats 1 Retreats 1

Retreat 1: The attacker should retreat in face of a determined and

skilled counter; if he unable or refuses, he is subject to an immediate
riposte by his opponent.

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 56

15.5 HIT LOCATION ROLL 15.5.1 Roll Aimed Shots
Once a successful hit is determined, the attacker must determine the Note that an attacker may choose the Aimed Shot special attack option.
area of the body struck. Roll D100 and refer to the chart resembling If such an attack hits, roll the proper die (d60 for example) and modify
his/her opponent most closely. it for the general area aimed at. Example: Orin aims for an opponent’s
chest area rolling a d20 and modifying his die roll by +20 (decided
before the roll) to bring his random die roll in line with the chest


Humanoid Hit Location Humanoid-Winged Quadruped Hit Location Winged

d100 Location Hit Location d100 Location Quadruped Hit Location
1-5 Top of Head 1-15 Head
d100 Location d100 Location-Front/rear
6-10 Face 16-20 Neck
1-4 Top of Head 1-12 Head
11-12 Neck 21-23 Foreshoulder- Right
6-8 Face 13-15 Neck
13-16 Shoulder- Right 24-26 Foreshoulder- Left
9-10 Neck 21-22 Foreshoulder- Right
17-20 Shoulder- Left 27-29 Underbody-forward
11-12 Shoulder- Right 23-24 Foreshoulder- Left
21-26 Chest- Upper Right 30-32 Foreleg- Upper Right
13-14 Shoulder- Left 25-26 Underbody-forward
27-32 Chest- Upper Left 33-35 Foreleg- Upper Left
15-19 Chest- Upper Right 27-28 Foreleg- Upper Right
33-38 Chest- Mid Right 36-38 Foreleg- Lower Right
20-24 Chest- Upper Left 29-30 Foreleg- Upper Left
39-44 Chest- Mid Left 39-41 Foreleg- Lower Left
25-29 Chest- Mid Right 31-34 Foreleg- Lower Right
45-49 Abdomen- Right 42-47 Body- Front Right
30-34 Chest- Mid Left 35-38 Foreleg- Lower Left
50-54 Abdomen- Left 48-53 Body- Front Left
35-39 Abdomen- Right 39-42 Body- Front Right
55-57 Hip- Right 54-57 Underbody- Right
40-44 Abdomen- Left 43-47 Body- Front Left
58-60 Hip- Left 58-61 Underbody- Left
45-47 Hip- Right 48-56 Wing- Right
61-63 Arm- Upper Right 62-67 Body- Rear Right
48-50 Hip- Left 57-65 Wing- Left
64-66 Arm- Upper Left 68-73 Body- Rear Left
51-60 Right Wing 66-69 Underbody Right
67-68 Arm- Elbow Right 74-76 Hind leg- Lower Right
61-70 Left Wing 70-73 Underbody- Left
69-70 Arm- Elbow Left 77-79 Hind leg- Lower Left
71-72 Arm- Upper Right 74-77 Body- Rear Right
71-73 Arm- Forearm Right 80-82 Hind leg- Upper Right
73-74 Arm- Upper Left 77-81 Body- Rear Left
74-76 Arm- Forearm Left 83-85 Hind leg- Upper Left
75 Arm- Elbow Right 82-83 Hind leg- Lower Right
77-78 Hand- Right 86-88 Underbody- Rear
76 Arm- Elbow Left 84-85 Hind leg- Lower Left
79-80 Hand- Left 89-91 Hindshoulder- Right
77-78 Arm- Forearm Right 86-87 Hind leg- Upper Right
81-84 Leg- Thigh Right 92-94 Hindshoulder- Left
79-80 Arm- Forearm Left 88-89 Hind leg- Upper Left
85-88 Leg- Thigh Left 93-00 Tail
81 Hand- Right 90-91 Underbody- Rear
89-90 Leg- Knee Right
82 Hand- Left 92-93 Hindshoulder- Right
91-92 Leg- Knee Left
83-85 Leg- Thigh Right 94-95 Hindshoulder- Left
93-95 Leg- Shin Right
86-88 Leg- Thigh Left 96-00 Tail
96-98 Leg- Shin Left
89-90 Leg- Knee Right
99 Foot- Right
91-92 Leg- Knee Left
100 Foot-Left
93-95 Leg- Shin Right
96-98 Leg- Shin Left
99 Foot- Right
100 Foot-Left

Humanoid Attacks from the side hit the facing side regardless of the Quadruped Attacks from the side hit the facing side regardless of the
chart results. Attacks from above (3' +) use a d80 for location. Attacks chart results.
from below (3' +) use a d80+20 for location. Attacks from the front use a d80-7 (Winged) or d70-9 for location if the
Attacks directly form the right or left will hit the facing side. Otherwise target is large (example- horse). Attacks from the rear use a d60+47
follow the above charts. (Winged) or d50+53 for location. Re-roll numbers out of the 1-100
Attacks on a creature with more than four legs will use the quadruped
chart. Roll a random leg on any leg hit.

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 57

15.6 DAMAGE 15.7.3 Functioning with wounds.
Once a hit is successful and hit location is determined, the attacker Sometimes a character must attempt to function while under the effects
must determine the amount of damage delivered. of a wound or two. If a character has a wound of <0, 0 or -1 and after
some recovery time, or after being treated by a physician (with or
The base damage of the weapon is listed in the weapon chart (if magic,
without herbs or magic), he may still attempt actions according to the
under the spell description). This damage is modified by ES (section
following table:
3.5) damage bonus. The Strike Chance Results and the defender’s Parry
or Dodge Roll will also affect the damage (see 15.2, 15.3 and 15.4). Functioning with Wounds
Roll the appropriate dice for damage and add the total, this gives the Damage Description Head Vital Areas Legs/Feet Arms/Hand
amount of damage delivered to the body location. <0 Light damage - - - -
Any armor on the struck location will protect him/her for the protection -0 to -1 Muscle -10 CuHx80% -10 Def, -10 SC,
value listed (see 14.0); any excess damage affects his/her body damage combat FTx80% DC PM, PC,
location. If this damage exceeds his/her location points (LP), then that -20 -5 combat MRx80% DM
skills -20 skills
part is rendered useless (see 15.7).
-2 to -3 Tendon or -15 CuHx70% -20 Def, -20 SC,
heavy muscle combat FTx70% DC PM, PC,
15.7 EFFECTS OF DAMAGE damage -30 -10 combat MRx80% DM
skills -40 skills
If one should take damage equal to or in excess of a body location, then -4 to -5 Broken bone -45 CuHx60% -30 Def, No use of
the area hit is rendered useless until healed or until enough time passes combat FTx60% DC arm/hand
to get partial function back (15.7.3). -90 MRx80% MRx50%
skills -15 combat w/support
If damage exceeds the body location by 10 or more then the part is
-6 to -7 Organ Disabled -40 combat -30 Def, No use of
severed and the surplus damage is lost. damage or -40 skills DC arm/hand
If a character takes total damage (from all wounds) equal to his shattered bone MRx50%
cumulative hit points, the character is rendered unconscious (assuming w/support
none of the wounds have already put him under); if it equals his -8 to -9 Nerve damage Disabled Disabled -30 Def, No use of
CP+10, the character dies. Damage equal to or greater than the or severe DC arm/hand
character’s LP in vital location (head/torso) will render the character organ damage MRx50%
unconscious. Damage of -10 or more to a limb requires a CO
-10+ Severed or Dead Dead -30 Def, No use of
Characteristic Save at -5 for the character to remain conscious each destroyed area DC arm/hand
turn. MRx50%
15.7.1 Stunning
If a character takes damage equal to his SL, he is stunned until he Attempting to function with a wound of -4 or worse will increase the
recovers during his entire next action (Example: QU 7 Character wound's effect after the battle. Make a CO characteristic save, success
stunned at QU 10 will remain stunned until QU 7 the next turn). A means the wound increases one level, failure means two.
stunned character may move only 1 hex, if not in a ZOC, and may not Skills affected by vital and arm/hand damage will be any skills
attack or take any Special Combat Actions. requiring physical actions (Example: climbing is effected while Lore is
Stunned Combat Modifiers are in effect as long as the character not). As the wound heals, the character will be subject to the modifiers
remains stunned. Stunned characters are not allowed to hold an action. of the new wound level.
Optional: Stunned characters must make a Characteristic Save (16.1) Note that it takes from minutes to hours to treat wounds greater than
vs. CO at –2 or fall prone from the shock of the impact. minus 3, even with magic. However, a character with a lesser wound
could return to a battle in a matter of a few rounds.
15.7.2 Bleeding: (Optional) A character with a wound at 0 may make a Characteristic Save vs. WP
at a -2 after 3 rnds. If successful, he can return to combat. A
Wounds will bleed until they are bandaged or they stop of their accord, Characteristic Save (CO or WP whichever is higher) +2 must be made
the latter require inactivity by the character as in the following table. each round, thereafter or lose the location again. A character with a -1
Bleeding wound may do the same after 5 rnds, but takes an additional -2 to the
% Chance to Stop on Physician above.
Wound Bleeding Rate
own Modifier A Physician skill roll (or magic) will get a character with a -1 or less
<0 1 pt : 5 rnds 25 +50 wound back into the fray after three rounds (plus the time needed to
0 to –1 1 pt : 3 rnds 20 +20 cast the spell), if the character makes a Characteristic Save (WP). He
-2 to –3 1 pt : 2 rnds 15 +0 must make Characteristic saves (CO or WP, whichever is higher) +2 to
-4 to –5 1 pt/rnd 10 -10 remain in action each round thereafter.
-6 to –7 2 pt/rnd 5 -20
A Physician skill roll (or magic) will get a character with a -3 or less
-8 to –9 3 pt/rnd 3 -30
-10+ 4 pt/rnd 1 -40
wound back into the fray after five rounds (plus the time needed to cast
the spell), if the character makes a Characteristic Save (WP). He must
make Characteristic saves at +0 (CO or WP, whichever is higher) to
A Tourniquet will add +30 to an attempt to stop bleeding, but will remain in action each round thereafter.
increase the level of the wound by one.
Roll for bleeding to stop at end of each round after bleeding damage is

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 58

Ranged combat uses the same procedure as melee combat except for Sometimes you may not wish to kill, after all it is not appropriate to a
the following exceptions: friendly bar fight. This section covers such combat.
1. There are no Ripostes. Attacks that are CL 'p' (pummeling) do non-lethal damage. Such
2. There are no Pressing Attacks. damage normally only applies only to CP (Cumulative Hit Points).
However Solid or Critical Strikes are consider CL ‘c” type attacks.
3. Range Modifiers apply. The strike chance modification for magic
combat or missile/thrown weapons for range is listed in the A character may use the 'flat' or hilt of a weapon that normally does
Combat Modifiers Charts (see 15.10). The number of hexes for lethal damage to inflict pummeling damage. Such attacks cause the
each range group is listed under RNG for the missile/thrown weapon to reduce its damage dice by one level (d12 becomes d10, d10
weapons. For example, throwing a battleaxe a distance of 5 hexes becomes d8, d8 becomes d6, etc.) plus the full ES modifier.
is two range groups above the base of 2 (2+2+1) giving a -20 to
the strike chance. 15.9.1 Effects of Non-Lethal Damage
4. Missile Weapons need to be loaded; the time required is listed on As with normal damage, a character will fall unconscious when his CP
the Missile Weapon Chart. Thrown weapons must be prepared. total is reduced to zero and even die if his CP value is doubled.
With some missile weapons the attacker may reload his/her
In addition, a hit to a vital location equal to his LP by a pummeling
weapons in a shorter time (fast reload) but will suffer a negative
attack will render him unconscious. Hits in non-vital areas will render
SC modifier. The reload times are indicated in the missile weapon
that area numb and useless if the damage matches the target's LP.
chart. The option to fast reload is identified as quick fire. With
bows, the attacker may successfully fire his/her bow once each Pummeling attacks will cause stun effects as normal.
round using quick fire (with the appropriate SC mod).
5. The Missile or Magic Fumble Table is used instead of the Melee 15.9.2 Duration of Non-Lethal Damage
Fumble Table. The Incapacitation caused by a pummeling attack is limited in duration.
6. A Missile/Thrown weapon has a Maximum Range of 10 Range Recovery of CP damage is covered in Section 18.5.
Groups. Example: A Long Bow has a Maximum Range of 10x10 Incapacitation by location damage will last for the time determined by
or 100 hexes. Archery skill can extend this. the following formula:
7. Most Magic has a Range Value of 10 unless otherwise noted.
Rounds = 8 – CO/2 + (Damage –LP)^2
8. All Magic Spells have a Def, PC and DC value based on Magic
Combat, Magic Combat Class Bonus, the normal Characteristic Round down the result of CO/2 before proceeding. If the damage was
values (using MS in place of ES) and any other modifiers. Type C done to a non-vital location, halve the resulting time.
spells have a PM and DM in addition. Type B spells have all the Example: Orin has 5 LP and a CO of 9. He is struck for 8 points of
above plus a SC. damage. The result is 8 –4 + 3^2 or 13 rounds.
9. Being in Melee has the following effect on Ranged and Magical After recovering from the Incapacitation the character takes the
Combat: negative modifiers for a Zero damage wound for an equal amount of
10. Missile Combat may not be used if the character is in melee. There time (See 15.7.3).
is not sufficient time to load or aim a missile/thrown weapon.
11. Thrown Weapon combat may not be used against any target in 15.9.3 Pummeling Damage Defense (Optional)
melee with the character. Opponents engaging the character in
Strong characters are more resistant to pummeling attacks, gaining in
melee may attempt to parry attacks thrown at other targets if
effect one point of natural armor at an ES of 9 and +1 point for every
two points of ES thereafter (round down).
12. Spells may not be cast in combat except for Type D, T, and I
This 'armor' is effective only vs. pummeling attacks.
unless otherwise noted in the spell description. Depending upon
the item, some magic items may be used in melee (ask GM).

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 59

Parry Chance- Allowed only in the front hexes
Certain conditions in battle will influence the combat values of the Parrying a Riposte -10
combatants as outlined in the combat modifier's charts that follow Draw and use Weapon -20
Each Parry after 1st in a round
w/ Weapon -20
All Combat Values w/Small Shield -15
Multiple Melee Opponents Per opponent above one. w/Medium Shield -10
w/Large Shield -5
-10 CS 20+ Parrying a thrown weapon
-5 CS 10-19 w/ Weapon -20
-0 CS 9 or less w/Small Shield -5
Using Off Hand -5 w/Medium Shield +0
w/Large Shield +10
Character is Stunned -20 with no attack allowed
w/Spell Parry +15
Parrying a missile weapon/spell
Starry Night -10
w/ Weapon Not Possible
Shadowy Interior -5 to –10
w/Small Shield -15
Cloudy Night -20
w/Medium Shield -10
Cave/unlit Interior -30
w/Large Shield -5
Pitch Blackness -40
w/Spell Parry -0
Character is grabbed/held by
Parrying Large Sized Attack
a ES relative to character of
w/ Weapon -20
<= -5 -0
w/Small Shield -15
<+ -3 -15
w/Medium Shield -10
> -3 and < +3 -20
w/Large Shield -5
>= +3 -30
Character is prone- Melee -15
Character is Fatigued -5 per level of Fatigue
Having only one functional -15
hand in Close Combat Dodge Chance
Lacking any functional hands -30
in Close Combat Dodge a Riposte -10
Each Dodge after 1st in a rnd -20
Dodge a thrown weapon -0
Strike Chance Dodge a thrown weapon from +20
Attack through flank hexside +10/+20 if target misses cover- 1/2 or better
perception roll Dodge a missile weapon -20
Attack through rear hexside +20/+40 if target misses Dodge a missile weapon from -0
perception roll cover- 1/2 or better
Ranged attack into melee -20 Dodge attack from a flank hex -10, Not possible if a
Attack into close combat -25 perception roll is not made
Target is kneeling/prone-melee +20 Dodge attack from a rear hex -20 not possible if a
perception roll is not made
Target is kneeling/prone-range -10
Dodge while Kneeling -15
Attack while kneel- melee -15
Dodge while kneeling/prone -30
Attack while prone- melee -30
Draw and Use Weapon -20
Charging with non-polearm -5 Parry and Dodge Modifier
Range Attack per Range Group -10
after the First Group Max Range = 10 Groups Draw and use weapon -10
Has Height Advantage +5 Character is kneeling- Melee -10
At Height Disadvantage -5 Character is prone- Melee -20
Draw and Use Weapon -10
Missile Attack while Kneeling +10 .
or Braced
All combat modifiers are cumulative. Note that each successive parry
also counts as a dodge, and vice versa for purposes of the additional
Defense parries and dodges modifier during the round.
Moving within 60 degrees Goes to Zero or -30, whichever
toward a thrown/missile is worse
Moving in open vs. Thrown -10
or missile attack
Stationary in open vs. Missile -20
or thrown attack
Behind cover of 1/2 or better +0
vs. missile/thrown attack
Behind cover of ¾ or better +10
vs. missile/thrown attack
Making a Missile Attack -10

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 60


Sometimes a character is attacked by something that a high will power Level Saving Throws are based upon the level of the attacker (being or
or great health can fend off. Sometimes AG or QU means the thing) vs. the level of the defender. To find the base Saving Throw,
difference between life and death. Saving Throws represent these cross-index the defender's level with the attacker’s on the Base Saving
factors. Throw Chart.
There are two types of Saving Throws- Characteristic Saves and Level Characteristics may modify the saving throw (as shown in the Stat
Saves. Modifiers tables) depending upon the cause of the saving throw. For
example, WP modifies saves verses Mind Control. The ‘Other
Modifiers’ column is for any Stat except WP.
Characteristic Saving Throws are simple 2d6 rolls that need to be equal
to or lower than the Characteristic being saved against. Depending Stat Modifiers
upon the situation, there may be modifiers to the roll WP Other WP Other
Stat Modifier Modifier Stat Modifier Modifier
The following table shows some examples of when (but not all, there
15 +8 +4 7 +0 +0
are many things in the world after all) Characteristic Saves are required
14 +7 +3 6 -1 +0
and some modifiers: 13 +6 +3 5 -2 -1
12 +5 +2 4 -3 -1
11 +4 +2 3 -4 -2
Characteristic Saves 10 +3 +1 2 -5 -2
Situation Characteristic Modifier 9 +2 +1 1 -6 -3
Badly Failed Riding Roll AG +0 8 +1 +0
Possible fall off horse
Fight on a bad surface AG -0 to -3
(Ice, steep slope, etc.)
Possible Fall to prone or Spells or Poisons may have their own modifiers and the GM may give
Kneeling (if missed by additional modifiers depending upon the conditions at the time. For
only 1)
example, a mother defending her children may get +2.
Dodge strange event QU -0 or more
(falling roof, etc.) Stunned characters take a minus 2 to all but WP or WP modified saves.

16.1.1 Characteristic vs. Characteristic Saves 16.4 PERMANENCY OF SAVING THROWS (Optional)
Sometimes a Characteristic save vs. an opponent’s characteristic is This rule applies to any Saving Throw resisting magic or involving
called for. The classic example is a test of strength, ES vs. ES as it WP. The GM may rule that other types of Saving Throws are included
were. These succeed by rolling the following: on a case-by-case basis.
7 + Character’s Stat - Opponent’s Stat For those cases when the character had a modified saving throw of 7 or
better and succeed, the GM may rule that the character no longer is
required to roll against repetitions of the same attack (or even those of
similar nature) or lower level until something modifies his Saving
Throw below a 7 or an extended period of time passes.
This rule is especially useful to prevent repeated spell casting until the
target fails his save by simple die rolling.

Base Saving Throws

Attacker's Level
Defender's 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-11 12-17 18+
0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4
2 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3
3 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2
4 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1
5 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
8 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
9 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
10-11 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
12-17 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
18+ 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 61

17.0 POISONS Paralysis Poisons
Characters may come in contact with poisons through any number of Common Effect Rate 1d20 rounds
ways. Poisons are classified into one of five types: Blood, Paralysis, Mild Beginning in 1x Effect Rate: lightheadedness
Nerve, or Respiratory. and slight numbing. -3 Combat, -10 all skills.
Poisons are rated in level, maximum effect, and effect rate. Some Moderate Beginning in an additional 1x Effect Rate:
may have special characteristics. Various creatures that use poisons Numbness of limbs, -10 combat, -30 all
motor skills.
will have these characteristics listed in the description of the creature.
Severe Beginning in an additional 1x Effect Rate:
Example: A Giant Scorpion has a level 6 Respiratory poison, complete paralysis.
Maximum effect = Extreme, Effect Rate = 1d10 rounds. Extreme Beginning in an additional 10x Effect Rate:
A Level Saving Throw is made against any poison. Depending upon death due to complete muscle failure.
how well the saving throw is made, or missed, determine the general
degree of the poison's effect according to the following table.
Respiratory Poison
Poison Save Effects Common Effect Rate 1d20 rounds
Saving Throwing Effect Effect Points Mild Beginning in 1x Effect Rate: mild euphoria
Made by 1 or better Mild 1 -5 Combat, -15 all skills.
Made exactly Moderate 2 Moderate Beginning in an 1/2x Effect Rate: significant
Missed by 2 or less Severe 4 euphoria; -15 Combat; -50 skills; choking
Missed by 3 or more Extreme 8 pain- 20% chance of 1d3 cumulative hits till
unconscious or 2d20 rounds pass.
Severe Beginning in an additional 1-1/2x Effect
The effect rate is the base time period that the poison has its effect. Rate: uncontrollable coughing; 1d6
Note also that a poison may have a maximum effect or modifiers to cumulative hits per round until unconscious;
the poison tables. 50% chance of coma for 1d10 days.
Extreme Beginning in an additional 5x Effect Rate:
Characters must pass through each lesser effect level until reaching
death due to respiratory failure.
the final result as determined by their save and the poison’s
Maximum Effect Rating.
Poison Example: Orin has taken a Severe Blood Poison result and
The general effects of each type of poison are in the following tables.
rolls 3 rounds on his effect rate. Orin will have 3 rounds until
suffering the Mild Effects. Orin will spend the next three rounds with
Blood Poisons Mild until it increases to Moderate Effect. He will then suffer the
Moderate Effects for three rounds when it increases to Severe. Orin
Common Effect Rate 1d50 rounds must suffer Severe Effects until healed.
Mild Effects begin in 1x Effect Rate: Swelling
around point of injection or ingestion;
drowsiness (-5 all combat, -15 all skills); 17.1 MULTIPLE POISON EFFECTS
Slightly blurred vision –10 addition sight
perception modifier Characters may suffer the sad fate of having two or more poison
Moderate Beginning in an additional 1x Effect Rate: wounds at once. In this case, a single effect is applied that is the total
Lessening of motor coordination (-10 all of all individual poison results.
combat, -30 motor skills). Mild euphoria -20 Each Poison Effect Level has a number of Effect Points listed in the
all other skill rolls. Poison Save Effects table (see 17.0). At any one time, the Poison
Severe Beginning in an additional 1x Effect Rate:
Effect numbers for all poison wounds are totaled. A single result
Incapacitation from pain, no activity, loses
1d6 cumulative hit points a round until equal to that total is applied.
unconscious. Example: Orin is suffering at the moment from two Mild Effects, and
Extreme At an additional 1x Effect Rate: Death due to One Severe Effect for a total of 1+1+4 or 6 points. This is still a
circulatory failure Severe Effect. The addition of one more Moderate Effect would take
the total to 8 resulting in Orin now suffering from an Extreme Effect.
Nerve Poisons Effects of different types of poisons are tracked separately. Thus a
character could suffer from both Blood and Nerve Poisons at the
Common Effect Rate 1d10 rounds same time.
Mild Beginning in 1x Effect Rate: mild loss of
thought and motor control. -10 all Combat The Effect Rate for multiple poisons is equal to the lowest roll among
and -30 all skills. the individual attacks.
Moderate Beginning in an additional 2x Effect Rate: There exists one level above Extreme for the purposes of multiple
nervous system shock -20 Combat, -60 all
poison wounds called Catastrophic. Catastrophic has a value of 24 for
skills. Lose 1d20 cumulative hit points.
its Point Effects and the same effect as Extreme, but with half the
Severe Beginning in an additional 2x Effect Rate:
Stroke. Unconsciousness. -2d4 to all existing Effect Rate.
character Stats until healed. All Healing attempts use the single resulting Poison Effect Level for
Extreme Beginning in an additional 3x Effect Rate: each poison type.
death due to brain failure.

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 62

Characters are bound to get hurt once in a while. The following Any healing better than that shown in the Natural Wound Healing
details how they can recover from such depressing events. chart requires the use of magical herbs or spells. Such use allows the
possibility of the following healing levels:
Healing wounds takes time and skill. The following tables show the Magical Healing Levels
descriptive effect of wounds and the results of natural partial healing. Amount Effect
The effects under Natural Healing are those that take affect when the
wound is allowed to heal naturally (without magic or herbs). Wounds Full Healing Completely healed. No further
that that are not properly treated will heal with the effects of a wound modifiers
Partial Healing Wound heals to 1/2 (round up) the
one level higher. normal modifiers for Natural Healing.
Herbs or magic is required for better than Natural Wound Healing. A Some Healing Wound heals to 1/4 (round up) the
Physician may use any herb that his level indicates he can gain normal modifiers for Natural Healing
benefit from.
The type of healing a physician can perform is based upon his level
as shown in the table below:
Natural Wound Healing
Wounds Natural Healing: Base Effects
Physician Ability
Level Description Head Vital Legs/Feet Arms/Hand
Level Ability
<0 Light damage - - - -
0 Stop Bleeding
-0 to -1 Muscle - - - -
Treat Poison
Treat wounds up to –4
-2 to -3 Tendon or - - - -
1 Treat wounds up to –8
heavy muscle
Some healing on wounds up to -6
2 Treat wounds up to –10
-4 to -5 Broken bone - - - -
Partial Healing wounds up to -6
-6 to –7 Organ -10 CuHx60% DEF -20, -15 SC, Some Healing on wounds up to -7
damage or combat FTx60% DC PM, PC,
3 Full Healing on Wounds up to -6
shattered bone
-20 -1 combat MRx60% DM
Partial Healing Wounds up to -7
Skills -30 skills
Some Healing on wounds up to -8
-8 to –9 Nerve damage -20 CuHx50% DEF -25, -20 SC,
4 Full Healing on Wounds up to –7
or severe combat FTx50% DC PM, PC,
Partial Healing wounds up to -8
organ damage -40 skills -3 combat MRx50% DM
Some Healing on wounds up to -9
-40 skills
5 Full Healing on Wounds up to –8
-10+ Severed or Dead Dead DEF -30, No use of
Partial Healing on Wounds up to -9
destroyed area DC arm/hand.
Some Healing on wounds up to –10
6 Full Healing on Wounds up to –9
w/peg leg
Partial Healing on wounds up to –10
7 Full Healing on Wounds up to –10
The time required for healing depends upon whether one is
tended by a Physician or not, the degree of the wound, and any Note: -10 or worse wounds to the Head or Vital Areas may
magic or herbs used. The following table shows this not be healed.
information. Some Healing on –10 or worse wounds to the Leg/Feet or
Arms/Hands results in the –9 modifiers. Partial Healing
gives half the –9 modifiers.
Healing Times
Natural Rate Magical or Herbal 18.2 HEALING BLEEDING DAMAGE
Wound Per Point Total Per Point Total
<0 1 day/pt 1+ days 1 hr/pt 1+ hrs Bleeding damage heals naturally at the rate of CO/3 points per day.
0 1 day/pt 1+ days 1 hr/pt 6+ hrs Use of Magic or herbs will triple this rate. Using magic together with
-1 1 day/pt 1+ days 1hr/pt 7+ hrs herbs will double that (x6).
-2 1 wk/pt 2 wk. 1 day/pt 2 days
-3 1 wk/pt 3 wk. 1 day/pt 3 days
-4 2 wk/pt 5 wk. 2 days/pt 5 days
-5 2 wk/pt 7 wk. 2 days/pt 7 days
-6 3 wk/pt 10 wk. 3 days/pt 10 days
-7 3 wk/pt 13 wk. 3 days/pt 13 days
-8 4 wk/pt 17 wk. 4 days/pt 17 days
-9 4 wk/pt 21 wk. 4 days/pt 21 days
-10 8 wk 29 wk. 8 days 29 days

Use of Herbs together with Magic halves healing time.

Natural Healing without a Physician increases time by 25%

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 63

A successful physician skill roll will reduce the effect of a poison by
one level (Extreme to Severe, Severe to Moderate, etc.). The level of 19.1 SURPRISE
the poison modifies the physician skill roll as follows:
There are situations where the characters or their opponents could be
surprised. Examples include ambush or just turning the corner and
Poison Treatment walking into the enemy.
Poison Level Modifier There are three levels of surprise. Complete Surprise, Combat
0 +20 Surprise and No Surprise.
1 +0
Complete Surprise: The character may not perform any actions
2 -20
and is subject to a free combat round from their opponents
3 -40
(assuming they are not surprised). Complete Surprise occurs only
4 -60
each +1 -10 additional
when combat is not expected at the moment.
Combat Surprise: The character may not attack, but may draw a
weapon to defend himself. He is subject to surprise modifiers.
Magic will have the effect of its spell description. Herbs will reduce
Combat Surprise occurs when combat is expected, but something
poison effects one level or two levels if a successful physician skill
new has entered the scene that may not be noticed until too late.
roll is made as above.
No Surprise: The normal case. Combat occurs as normal.
When a surprise condition could exist, the highest Perception skill in
the character party is checked with all modifiers applied. If the roll is
18.4 HEALING POISON DAMAGE successful, then the entire party is not surprised. If it fails, each
Cumulative Hit Point Damage from poisons heals at the same rate as character (except the one making the group roll) is allowed an
bleeding damage. individual roll. A successful individual roll will reduce the surprise
level by one ONLY for that character.
Most special damage results of poisons heal at the following rates
independent of hit points. Any perception roll that is a Disastrous Failure increases the Surprise
level by one.

Healing Times 19.2 WEAPON LENGTH (Optional)

Natural Healing Rate Magic or Herbs Rate
Effect Per Level Total Per Level Total The combatant's weapons are sometimes of different effective
Mild 3 days 3 days 1 hr 1 hr combat lengths. The effective weapon's length is listed under
Moderate 1 week 10 days 2 hr 3 hr weapons as shown:
Severe 1 week 17 days 2 hr 5 hr
Weapon Lengths
Extreme 2 week 31 days 4 hr 9 hr
Melee Description Reach
Use of Herbs and Magic halves healing Time Code
S Short 1
Natural Healing with out a Physician increases time by 25%
A Average 1
L Long 1
Note: Stroke results from Nerve Poisons use the Natural healing rate XL Extra Long 1
with the assistance of magic or herbal aid. Without such aid, the EL Extremely Long 2
normal recovery times are tripled and a successful CO save vs. the UL Ultra Long 3
poison is required to recovery more than half (round down) the lost
characteristic stats. For the first combat round that opponents are engaged, the combatant
with the longest weapon will strike first, assuming he is able to do so.
Various exotic sources may have additional effects and healing times. If the weapons used should differ by 2 or more (i.e., Average vs.
If so, it will be noted in the specific section dealing with the source. Extra Long), then the following rules will apply: Melee range starts
equal to the longer weapon. The combatant with the longer weapon
will be able to attack normally and the combatant with the shorter
weapon must first move within range to attack. If successful, he may
Cumulative Hit Point Damage heals at the same rate as bleeding attack. However, the combatant with the longer weapon will be at a
damage unless inflicted by type p (pummeling) attacks. The Healing negative 10 SC modifier until he manages to increase the range.
rate for type p damage is CO/3 points per minute. See rules on An attacker may attempt to adjust the combat range to any group by
unarmed/subdue combat for details on this type of damage. declaring a range adjustment attack and the Melee Range Code he
wishes to move to. The attacker rolls the SC as normal and the
defender may parry or dodge. A successful hit will do no damage, but
will allow the range to be adjusted.

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 64

An attempt to Reduce the Range is referred to as a ‘Close’. An 19.3 MINOR CHARACTERS (Optional)
attempt to increase the range is referred to as an ‘Open’.
To simplify play the GM may define a non-player character as a
A successful dodge automatically prevents any range change, but Minor Character. The only effect is that Minor Characters are
forces the defender to retreat one hex if the attempt was to Close. The considered dead when a vital location takes damage equal to their LP.
opponent may automatically follow the retreat.
Characters should only be declared Minor when the character is a
On a Close, a successful parry brings the weapon/shield between the member of an unimportant mass or is not considered of heroic stature
combatants in an attempt fend off the movement. The attacker may (random group of creatures for example or the faceless guard). A
ignore the parry and close anyway. However, he will take damage major NPC should never be declared minor.
from the parrying weapon as if the parry was a Normal Strike attempt
This allows the GM to ‘clear’ the battlefield of such creatures
(location determined normally).
reducing his bookkeeping work. It also allows a ‘cleaner’ end of
On an Open, a successful parry indicates the opponent has succeeded battle for the players as it removes the need to deal with dying
in pressing his attack. The range remains unchanged. survivors. Both advantages can help to maintain a ‘Heroic High
Fantasy’ air to the game.
19.2.1 Weapon Reach (Optional) The GM may also declare Minor Characters to have their morale
Some melee weapons are long enough to be used at a range greater shattered by any disabling injury such as arm or leg hits. Such
than one hex as noted in the Weapon Length chart under the Reach characters will either flee battle as best they can or surrender. If
Column. desired, the GM may even consider them dead or to have
automatically fled in order to further his goals of managing combats.
The ZOC of such weapons are extended as well to cover any hex the
weapon can attack. Such weapons still must trace a line of attack
through the front three hexsides. A line of attack for the weapon is 19.4 COMBAT FATIGUE (Optional)
determined by drawing a line from the center of the attacker’s hex to The calculation of a character's FT (fatigue) Stat is covered in section
the center of the target’s hex. 3.8.
These weapons have the disadvantage of being relatively slow and The longer a fight lasts, the more fatigued any involved become.
are hard to maneuver in restricted areas. This results in the following Fatigue is measured in levels with each level equal to a number of
restrictions: rounds of combat equivalent to the character's FT Stat. The first level
• EL and UL weapons are unable to be used to perform a Riposte. is considered Fatigue Level 0 and has no penalty. For example: a
• If the attacker’s line of attack crosses one or more hexes (not character with a FT of 10 has fought for 25 rounds, he is at Fatigue
counting the target hex) occupied by a creature or object equal level 2.
to half his height or more, he will take the follower SC modifiers Each level of Fatigue gives -5 to all combat stats. In addition, each
per such hex: two levels drop ES by one (SC, Def, etc. already have this modifier
added by the -5 level rule leaving damage as the remaining modifier).
A character will be unable to continue the battle after reaching
EL/UL Obstruction Modifiers fatigue level 10. He will also be incapable of any real effect with
Obstruction SC Modifier even movement being reduced to 1/3 of normal (no running).
Inanimate Object -10
Hostile Creature -40 One level of Fatigue may be regained according to the following
Friendly Creature -30 table:
Friendly Creature in Formation. -20
See Section 19.16
Regaining Fatigue
Fatigue Levels Time to
• These weapons are considered to exist in the hexes defined by Regain one
the line of attack lasting from when the attack roll is made until level
the attackers next action. For that period of time Weapon Bind 1 1 round
(section 19.11.2) or other actions that target the weapon may be 2 3 rounds
performed in any of those hexes for that duration. 3 5 rounds
4 1 minute
5 5 minutes
6 10 minutes
7 30 minutes
8 1 hour
9 2 hours
10 4 hours

Note that increasing amounts of time is required to gain back more

than one level of fatigue.
A character may start a combat at a higher fatigue level than zero.
That and travel fatigue are covered in Book 4.

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 65

Riding skill determines the modifiers used when a character fights Under normal conditions, an unarmed attacker will find fighting the
mounted. See section 8.8.7 for details on the riding skill. Each armed opponent a painful experience, mostly due to the fact that a
combat round the character must make a skill check vs. Riding. The successful parry does damage to the attacking weapon (his arm or leg
following chart summarizes the results. in this case). Since heroic fantasy is full of battles like this however,
the following gives the poor guy a break:
An unarmed attacker may attempt to avoid parry damage by
Mounted Combat Results
accepting a -5 SC and a -10 PM when declaring his combat action.
Result Effect He or she takes extra effort to avoid being struck by his opponent’s
Success Character fights as normal (gains parry. He will still take normal damage from a Critical Parry and
height advantage modifier vs.
opponents on foot
half-normal damage from a Solid Parry.
Partial Failure Character may fight, but at a -5 to all
combat values 19.7 CLOSE COMBAT
Failure Character may defend at –10, but not
attack (trying to control his mount). Close Combat occurs when an opponent overbears the defender and
Disastrous Character loses control of his mount. enters the same hex. This results in combatants now locked in a
Failure May defend at -30, no attack. Mount wrestling match.
moves a random distance in a The attempt to enter Close Combat (called a overbear) is resolved as
random direction. Riding roll needed
to remain mounted. Another
Successful Riding Roll on the next 1. The attacker rolls the SC as normal and the defender may parry
turn will bring the mount under or dodge. A successful hit will not do normal damage, but will
control (Defend at -10, no attack) allow the attacker to enter Close Combat and will result in
Overbearing damage consisting of 1d4 plus ES bonus (type ‘p’).
Mounted characters do not lose their strike, parries or dodge attempts 2. A successful dodge automatically prevents Close Combat but
due to running movement by their mounts. Any riders of mounts forces the defender to retreat one hex. The opponent may follow
moving over one-half of their MR must use the Charge Action to the retreat.
Attack however.
3. A successful parry brings the weapon/shield between the
A Mounted Charge Action uses the ES damage bonus of the mount defender and attacker in an attempt to prevent the Close Combat
when attacking with mounted lance or spear (i.e. the weapon is attempt. The attacker may ignore the parry and still enter Close
locked under the arm to gain the full force of the mount and charge; Combat, however he will take normal damage from the parrying
requires special military saddles). weapon to a random hit location.
Mounted characters gain the ZOC movement advantages of their Creatures will fall prone during Close Combat unless they are double
mount and Riders will normally gain the height advantage bonus (see their opponent’s weight.
15.10) against foes on foot.
It should be noted that the actions of the rider and mount are still
Engaging in Close Combat results in the following modifiers to the
independent with the mount moving at its initiative value and the
normal combat resolution:
rider acting at his. In general, one will hold its action waiting for the
other. 1. Only ‘S’ length weapons or unarmed attacks may be used
in Close Combat. ES also becomes more important. The
stronger fighter gains +5 to all his combat values (except
19.5 TERRAIN damage) per point of ES he is over his opponent. There are
Terrain can have major or minor effects on combat. Conditions range no ripostes results allowed in Close Combat.
from fighting uphill (Height Advantage modifiers) to Fighting in hip 2. Hit Locations results are modified during Close Combat.
high snow (-30 DC, -20 Def, 1/3 move- no running/sprinting, double Roll the normal D100 for the first hit location struck to
fatigue costs) or perhaps Going down hill on ice forces Sprinting at determine if the combatant has gone high (hit location
no extra fatigue cost. Most of the effects are left to the GM to above hips) or low (hit location of hips or lower) In the
determine following rounds, use D60 if he went high, D60 +40 if he
Since terrain can come in nearly infinite forms, specific terrain went low. A combatant may alter his low/high angle by
modifiers are determined by the GM to fit the specific conditions. A performing a successful attack and waving damage.
well-defined terrain chart would be nearly impossible, and if 3. Grab attacks aren’t subject to the normal penalties and are
attempted would be too large to be useable, besides being incomplete. made without the modifiers found in section 15.1
Terrain may modify all or any of the combat values. Mud will affect
movement, fatigue, DEF and DC. Heavy cluttered areas with objects After Close Combat has been joined, any other character may pile in
reaching as high as a man would affect all the combat values (even as they wish. The overbearing damage may or may not be resolved at
giving a damage modifier due to a restricted swing) and reduce the choice of the Character entering the on-going battle. If
movement as well. overbearing damage is resolved, it is considered to be a Melee attack
In general, swimming costs 3x the normal movement costs. Climbing into Close Combat (See 19.8)
as at 5x the normal costs.
Terrain also determines line-of-sight. People can seldom see through
walls or hills. Such determinations are left to common sense and the

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 66

19.7.1 Close Combat Creatures 19.9.1 One Category Larger
Certain types of creatures live to do Close Combat. Wolves, snakes, 1. Such foes may not be parried with most weapons. Only
big cats, etc. must enter Close Combat to attack at all. Almost all Shields and two handled weapons can have a chance of
unarmed creatures fall into this group. The attempt to enter Close success
Combat by creatures of this type is very impressive and can even 2. Any Strike is considered Pressing.
freeze its target allowing uncontested Close Combat entry.
3. Such a creature is not subject to the bonuses gained by
A defender vs. a Close Combat attempt by a creature of this type Passing or Retreating ZOC attack (11.5.1 and 11.5.2) from
must make a Level vs. Level save modified by WP. Failure prevents smaller sized opponents.
any parry or dodge attempt vs. the overbear attack.
4. A Rigid ZOC cannot be declared against a larger creature
by a smaller sized one.
19.7.2 Withdrawing From Close Combat 5. Only half the normal Multiple Opponent modifiers apply
There comes a time when a character may wish to withdraw from against the larger foe.
close combat. There are two conditions under which this may be 6. Close Combat will only force the larger opponent prone if
done. it is stunned.
1. The opponent in the Close Combat is stunned. The character
may withdraw with simple characteristic save vs. QU. A success
results in the character moving into an adjacent hex to the Close 19.9.2 Two Categories Larger
Combat and remaining prone. 1. Such foes cannot be parried.
2. Force the opponent away. This is a test of ES vs. ES. A success 2. Any Normal Strike is considered Pressing. Higher Level
forces the opponent into an adjacent hex. Both remain prone. strikes (pressing, solid, etc.) throw/force the smaller
character back 2 hexes. The character must make a
Characteristic save vs. AG to remain standing.
3. No Flank or Rear hex attack modifiers apply.
Characters often want to attack into someone else’s fight. Be it firing
4. No Multiple opponent modifiers apply. They do not take
a bow into Melee or swinging their pike into Close Combat, the
multiple parry modifiers.
attempt is bound to happen.
5. These creatures may not dodge vs. normal sized creatures.
It is not always a wise attempt however. Any ranged attack into
Their parry however applies even to magic and missiles
Melee has a 60% chance of attacking the desired target, and a 40%
causing them to glance off or be knocked out of the air by
chance of striking someone else in the melee. Any attack into Close
random movements.
Combat has the same chances.
6. Smaller sized creatures may ignore a successful parry. The
Determine the actual target first, and then resolve the attack normally.
penalty is stiff however, the attacker must accept 1d6
Note: Determine the ‘facing’ hex of a Close Combat target by rolling
damage plus the creatures ES damage bonus as the attacker
a d6 to find flanking/rear modifiers if any.
gets body checked by the movements of the creature.
The only way to be completely sure of your target is to enter melee
7. Such creatures ignore any ZOC from smaller sized
(if the target is in melee) or Close Combat (if the target is in Close
Combat) or take a -40 aiming modifier to be certain of your target.
8. Close Combat will not force the larger opponent prone.
There are a number of modifiers to the normal combat methods when
a notable size difference exists between opponents. When rolling a Strike, Parry, or Dodge- a roll of ‘00’ results in a
failure even if the chance is over 100%. Any roll of ‘01’ is at least a
Creatures come in one of five sizes: Tiny (under 1’), Small (4’and Normal success (Normal Strike, Normal Parry, Normal Dodge)
under), Normal, Large (8’ or bigger), and Huge (12’ or bigger). regardless of the modified chance.
Huge Creatures have a two-hex ZOC range. Tiny creatures have a 0 Any Saving Throw will succeed on a roll of ‘2’ and fail on a roll of
hex ZOC range (only the hex they are in). ‘12’.
The Bestiary entry for a creature notes its size classification.
The exact modifiers are determined by the difference in sizes as
detailed in the following sections.

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 67

19.11 COMBAT ACTIONS- SPECIFIC RULES 19.11.4 Dive for Cover (Optional)
There may be times that a character finds him/herself in the position
19.11.1 Swing Through of needing to dodge more than the sword thrust, like a falling boulder
perhaps. In these events, the character may attempt a Dive for Cover
The Swing Through action will attack two or more targets in the front whenever he would normally be allowed a Dodge Attempt. This
three hexes. The character takes a -10 cumulative modifier per target applies even if a dodge attempt is not allowable due to the sheer area
to each attack. The character must use a two-handed length L or more covered by an attack or event.
weapon. The weapon cannot be CL ‘i’. Attacker must state the order
of attack (left-to-right or right-to-left). Any successful Parry or a hit The Dive for Cover will allow the character to immediately move a
embedding the weapon will stop further attacks. distance of up to ½ his MR (round up in this case), avoiding whatever
attack or event that inspired the attempt assuming he has managed to
move out of its area of effect. If the character is prone he may only
19.11.2 Weapon Bind move one hex.
The Weapon Bind is an attempt to lock weapons with the opponent in The Dive for Cover succeeds on a successful Dodge Chance roll
an effort to deny him the use his weapon the next round. This is the modified by a -10 per hex moved. The character will land prone
classic press the weapon against the column or lock swords and glare unless a successful Acrobatics Skill Roll is made (Acrobatics takes
at one another. The attacker takes a -15 SC, if not successfully no modifier for the maneuver but can still be affected by other
parried or dodged, the attacker ‘Binds’ his opponent’s weapon with conditions.).
his own. Note: this also effectively removes the attacker’s weapon
Modify the DC by the DM of the attacker if any. Note that most
from use as long as the Weapon Bind is in effect.
natural effects have a DM of 20, but this can vary if the GM so
The attacker may release his opponent’s weapon at any time by decides. Indirect attacks (cut the rope to the chandelier anyone?) or
declaring it. The Defender may break out of the Weapon Bind by area of effect spells still uses the DM of the attacker making the
making a successful ST vs. ST save. Such attempts by the Defender attack.
are allowed at the start of his action. If a break out attempt is
Note that moving from any enemy ZOC while making a Dive for
successful, the Defender loses one MP and otherwise may act
Cover is considered a retreat from a ZOC without a withdrawal
normally in his round. The Defender may simply drop the bound
action. This means the character is open to a free attack.
weapon at any time and act normally (except he does not have his
weapon in hand now). Dive for Cover is of no use against normal melee attacks (Use Dodge
or Parry instead). It is only useful vs. ranged or area effect
Baring one of the above events, the Weapon Bind will last from
round to round.
The character must be aware of an attack or event to use Dive for
A side effect of a Weapon Bind is that both the Attacker and
Cover. Note that certain magical area attacks have no visible effect so
Defender suffer a -15 Defense and - 10 Dodge as long as the Bind is
other methods of awareness will be required in such cases.
in effect and obviously can’t parry with the bound weapons.
A Dive for Cover counts as a dodge in determining multiple
dodge/parry modifiers.
19.11.3 Grab
If a character fails a Dive for Cover but would still be able to parry or
The grab maneuver is an attempt to reach out and get a hold of your dodge the attack (example- the character attempts to dive out of the
target. If successful, it can give the target a number of negative area of a fireball and fails), the character still gets his normal dodge
modifiers to his combat values (see 15.10). (with the multiple dodge penalty).
Once an attacker has grabbed his target, he has a number of possible Note that a character that fails a Dive for Cover will still complete his
actions: stated dive movement if possible after the attack is resolved. He or
1. He can move his target 1 hex with a successful ST vs. ST save. she is considered in the original hex when the attack is resolved.
2. He can push his target prone with a successful ST vs. ST save.
3. If his ES is high enough (able to more lift more than double his 19.11.5 Defensive Fire
target’s weight), he may throw his opponent 1 hex for every
doubling of the target weight his ES allows. A character armed with loaded missile or thrown weapon gains the
4. He can attempt to use his opponent as cover: gaining +15 to his
advantage of first attack when an opponent moves to engage in melee
Dodge Chance on a successful ST vs. ST save. Any hit that is combat (entering the character’s ZOC).
dodged by an amount greater than the normal DC but less than the The attack is launched before the ZOC hex is entered and takes the
modified DC has hit the held target. modifiers listed in section 15.1 due to the rushed nature of the attack.
5. He can apply pressure on the target he is holding doing 1d6 plus If the defensive fire fails to down the opponent, melee is entered
ES damage bonus (Arm Lock, Choke or even Bear Hug).
normally and further missile or thrown attacks are impossible.
6. Release the Grab
After the grab is successful, either the attacker or defender may force
the other into close combat on their action automatically.
A grab may automatically target an opponent’s weapon arm. An
attempt to grab any other location must use the normal hit location
The Defender may break out of a grab on his action by making a
successful ST vs. ST save. If a break out attempt is successful, the
Defender loses only one MP and otherwise may act normally in his

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 68

19.11.6 Holding Damage 19.12 WEAPONS- SPECIFIC RULES
If an attacker succeeds in a grab attempt or makes a successful attack
on a opponent, he may chose to apply some or all the damage, and 19.12.1 Shields
then later apply the rest of it if the target doesn’t submit or otherwise
do as demanded. A character may choose to fight with weapon and shield. This style
normally uses a weapon to attack with and the shield for parrying.
The attacker takes a –10 to his SC. Note that the shield has some offensive ability itself and it can be
This can be especially effective if the attack resulted in a solid or used as an attacking weapon.
critical hit. It can also be used to determine victory in a ‘friendly’ Any parry or dodge attempts made by a character with a shield uses
wresting match. the PC and DC values for the WEAPON in use for attacking- NOT
Such damage can be applied if the target attempts any action the the shield’s values, unless the shield itself is being used to attack
attacker doesn’t like. Any result that stuns the defender will abort the with.
attempted action. The shield using character gains the benefits of reduced modifiers for
Under certain conditions (and at the decision of the GM) use of multiple parries and the shield becomes the item damaged by parried
sleight of hand (or other skill) may allow a skill vs. skill test to attacks instead of the weapon.
determine if the attacker notices the action or not. Shields also are required for parrying certain attacks, i.e. missile
Example: Orin has just had his arm grabbed with a solid strike for a attacks and opponent of great size.
total of 10 points of damage. His attacker applies 3 points of damage Large Shields may only be used to attack when performing the
and orders him to submit. If Orin refuses, his attacker can apply the Charge Action. Even then a -10 SC is suffered. Medium Shields are
remaining 7 points (which adds to the initial three) doing 10 points at a -10 SC with all attacks except with the Charge Action. Small
total. Not liking the idea of a broken arm, Orin submits. Shields may attack normally.
Maintaining such a hold requires one hand. The other is free for other Using a shield does have a drawback. One must maneuver so as to
actions if desired. attack around it. This is represented by adjusting the character’s
initiative value to determine order of action. These modifications are
19.11.7 Withdraw Actions shown in Section 13.0. These apply when the character is engaged in
Offensive and Defensive Withdraws are actions intended to put 1 hex melee combat.
of distance between a character and his opponent. The Offensive Large shields are so bulky however that a –1 modifier to the Initiative
Withdrawal takes a bit of time to make one last strike before the Value is applied whenever it is carried in a ready position.
retreat. The Defensive Withdrawal concentrates on pure defense. Shields do not have a weapon group of their own. When used
If the optional Weapon Length rules are in effect, this is resolved as a offensively, they use the best weapon group bonus the character
normal attempt to Open (see 19.2) with failure allowing the opponent possesses.
the option to follow while maintaining the range.
19.12.2 Multiple CL Weapons
19.11.8 Charge A few weapons have multiple types listed under CL. Examples are i/s
The charging character may make his attack attempt at any point after and p/c. The user of these weapons must choose the CL type for each
spending 1/3 (rounded down) of his MR, often in effect charging pass attack before he rolls his SC.
his target.
Note that the charging character is still subject to the rule on ZOC 19.12.3 Whips
Passing Attack (see 11.5.1) although the bonus to SC is halved to +15 Whips may be used for to perform the ‘Grab’ action, as well as do
due to the speed of the passing attacker. damage to targets at range.

19.11.9 Overbear
The Overbear can be combined with a Charge Action. In this case,
the Overbear itself will do a type ‘p’ attack with a base damage of
1d6 + the modifiers of the Charge Action.
If done at a run, base damage is increased to 1d8. If at a sprint base
damage is increased to 1d10.
Aborted or missed Overbear attacks made at a charge must move
pass the target (or to the maximum his MR will allow, whichever
comes first).

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 69

19.12.4 Nets 19.13 FUMBLE TABLES
Nets may be used in one of two ways.
Melee Combat Fumbles
1. To slap with. This method results in the damage given on
2d6 Roll Results
the chart. The Net is considered a flexible weapon when
2-7 Off-Balance
used this way and can act as a Whip as well. The Net is not -10 Def, -5 PC and DC until next Action.
really balanced for this however and the character takes a - 8 Character Falls
5 SC for this use. Grab attempts also use this modifier. 9 Drop Weapon. Weapon lands 1d3 hexes away in a
2. The Net can be thrown to entangle its target. This is the random direction.
primary use. The target may only dodge thrown nets, 10 Injure Self. Take 1d10 damage to random location,
parrying is not allowed. A thrown net is a clumsy attack armor has no effect. If legs are injured, Character
however, and the target gains +20 to his/her dodge chance.
11 Normal Strike wrong target if possible. Random
Once hit, the target must make a Characteristic save vs. AG
roll between possible targets. If no target is
to determine how long he is entangled in the net. The available it is a normal miss results.
following chart shows the results: 12 Solid Strike wrong target if possible. Random roll
between possible targets. If no possible target a
normal miss results.
Net Entanglement Results
Save Entangled Result
Successful 1 round
Range Combat Fumbles
Failed by 1 2 rounds 2d6 Roll Results
Failed by 3 3 rounds 2-9 Break Weapon. String or moving part.
Failed by 5 5 rounds 10-11 Normal Strike wrong target if possible. Random
roll between possible targets.
12 Solid Strike wrong target if possible. Random roll
The target may not defend himself/herself (0 Def, no parry or dodge) between possible targets. If no possible target a
until the Entangle duration is 1 round, then the character is at a -20 to normal miss results.
Def, PC, and DC for the last round.
Nets may be barbed. In this case add 2 rounds to the time to get 19.14 DROWNING and SUFFOCATION
untangled or suffer 1d10 separate attacks of 1d2 damage each from A character can hold his breath for a number of Combat Rounds
pulling the barbs. equal to his CO.
He will take –10% to combat, –20 to skills and –10% of his MR for
19.12.5 Improvised Weapons each round after that. The character can maintain this for a number of
There will be situations when characters will find themselves without rounds equal to half his WP (round down). After that the character
weapons and still have the desire to inflict damage. At times like will have to breathe or become incapacitated. The next round he will
these, there is the option to pick up any old thing and hit someone fall unconscious and will commence breathing unwillingly.
with it. Example: A character with a CO of 8 and WP of 9 is holding his
Many improvised weapons can be treated like an existing weapon breath. He can do so without modifier for 8 rounds. He can continue
due to similar design. For example, a pitchfork can be treated like a to do so for another 4 rounds suffering modifiers that end up giving
trident. him –40 to combat values, -80 to Skills and only 60% of his MR
However, even if similar, they are not designed for battle. Similar remaining. The next round he is incapacitated and will fall
weapons take a –5 modifier to all combat values for this reason. unconscious and resume breathing on the 14th round.
Even objects that are not similar to an existing weapon can be used as If a character can no longer hold his breath but can’t breath because
one. These take a -10 to all Combat Values. The damage will be he is under water or without air, he will take five cumulative hit
based upon the object’s size. Such weapons can be used in Close points of damage per round. If not already unconscious, the character
Combat if less than 8 pounds. Any improvised weapon can be thrown is given a –50 to combat, -100 to skills and –50% to his MR until he
depending upon the character’s ES. The following table gives is able to resume breathing.
suggestions but specific conditions can modify this heavily:

Improvised Weapons
Weight (lb.) Damage DB
3 or less 1d8 75
4-7 1d10 79
8-10 1d10+1 75
11-15 1d12+1 73
16-20 1D12+2 71
21-25 1D12+3 67

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 70

19.15 MULTIPLE HEX CREATURES (Optional) 19.15.3 Hex Diagrams
Some creatures are so large that they occupy more than a single hex
on a battle map. This of course has a direct impact on which hexes Two Hex Creatures
are considered Front, Flank and Rear.
This covers creatures such as horses, mules and camels. Ponies, deer
All these creatures are considered to be Huge. and other smaller creatures are still considered to occupy a single
19.15.1 Restricted Hit Locations
The sheer size of such a creature means that it is difficult to reach
some hit locations.
If the attacker’s size category is smaller by two or more- roll hit Occupied
location twice. Use the one closest to the hex location of the attacker Front Head
to determine where the actual blow lands. If unable to determine Flank
which hit location is closer, use the result of the first roll.
Two rolls are not required for aimed shots if the target location is
within normal reach as determined by the GM.

19.15.2 Close Combat Riders
If the attacker’s size category is smaller by two or more- close
combat will consist of ‘riding’ the creature against its will (using both Riders on horses and the like also have modifications to their ZOC
legs at a minimum). Resolve the close combat attempt as normal and hexes depending upon the length of their weapon and position in the
determine what part of the creature has been ‘grabbed’ by using the saddle: forward or twisted to the side.
hit location rules in 19.15.1, the attacker has the choice of letting go The following diagrams show the rider’s hex facing. If a hex has a
if the location is not to his liking. weapon length shown, a weapon of at least that length is required to
Any attacks launched will in close combat (by either opponent) gain reach that hex. Twisted Left is a mirror of Twisted Right.
+25 to hit.
The best location is the back (from neck down to Abdomen/Body-
Rear) since the creature can attack any other location. Rider Rider
Forward Twisted Right
The creature has two options if the attacker has managed to reach one
of these locations: bucking and rolling.
UL UL UL Bucking
A creature may attempt to buck off a hostile ‘rider’. This handled as a UL
level vs. level save modified by both ST and CO. A modifier of –2 is Head Head EL
applied with an additional -1 for every two hexes of size the creature
is above two (round down).
Apply an –3 modifier if no hands are used to hang on, -1 if only one
hand is used. Use of a saddle or other aid gives +2 to the roll. A
successful riding skill check gives +2.
Bucking costs the creature Fatigue 2 points per round. The rider Three Hex Creatures
spends normal combat fatigue.
These are large creatures such as humanoid giants of 18 feet or taller.
Not all creatures can buck and some may have additional modifiers
If the creature is using EL weapons it can reach three hexes. UL
as noted in their descriptions.
weapons reach 4.
Creatures of this size must always face a hex-point instead of a Rolling
Not all creatures can roll and some will only roll if trained and
commanded to do so. Check the creature’s description.
Rolling will inflect 1d4 plus the creature’s ST damage bonus to 1d3 A A A
locations on every ‘rider’. Rolling takes the creature’s full round and
results in it moving left or right (its choice) a distance equal to double A A
its width.
A Head A
A successful Dodge roll (modified by the creature’s DM of course)
may avoid this damage. This breaks close combat. Place the ‘rider’ in
the nearest unoccupied hex, with equal distance hexes open to the
choice of the dodging character.

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 71 Four Hex Creatures 19.16 COMBAT FORMATIONS (Optional)
These are creatures such as elephants. Combat formations are used to increase the combat capabilities of its
Normally riders of such beasts are restricted to using ranged members. One must be trained to function properly in a combat
weapons. They may however face any direction and attack a hex formation.
adjacent to the creature if using a weapon of EL length. UL weapons Each formation counts as a Weapon Familiarity and is learned the
are too clumsy to be used from such creatures. same way. Without the skill a character will fail to gain any benefit
Creatures of this size must always face a hex-point instead of a from the formation.
hexside. A character’s MR is halved while in formation to represent the care
in movement required to maintain it. Moving faster breaks out of the
formation and causes the loss of any benefit.

19.16.1 Pike/Spear Formation

This formation consists of the use of multiple rows of EL or UL
length weapons. The warriors in the rear rows rear attack through
their teammates in the front of them.
Characters trained in this Formation suffer fewer minuses for
attacking through friendly hexes as detailed in section 19.2.1. The
attacker and any teammates in front of him must all process the
Formation Skill.

19.16.2 Shield Wall Seven Hex Creatures This formation consists of a line of adjacent warriors who link shields
together providing improved protection.
These are creatures such as dragons. They must always face a hex-
point instead of a hexside. Characters in this formation must have a Medium or larger shield.
They gain +5 Def from a man on their right and +5 Def from a man
Note the reach of two hexes for their ZOC. This applies to all but on their left (for a total of +10 Def). All the characters must have the
head attacks (horns/bites), which are limited to a one hex reach. Formation skill in order to receive or give the bonus.
The bonus only applies to attacks from in front of the line (and of
course, from in front of the defender).
Members of the formation can only effectively employ class ‘p’
weapons of length L or greater.

19.16.2 Back-to-Back
This formation consists of two people moving back-to-back in order
to guard the rear and flank hexes of the other.
Both characters occupy the same hex facing in opposite directions.
Any attack directed at the rear/flank hexes of a formation member
may be parried by his partner.
Attacking through a defender in this way leaves the attacker more
open. He receives a –10 Def and –10 PM and DM versus that
defender as a result.
This formation may be increased to three characters per hex. But all
members take a –15 to Defense and Dodge due to the lack of room.
The facing of each member is at a 120 degree offset for each other.


The distance a character can throw an object depends upon its weight
and his ES. For every point of ES above what is required to lift the
object, the character may hurl it one-half a hex.
Example: Orin has an ES of 10 and is attempting to toss an 80-pound
sack of grain. According to the ES Chart (section 3.5), it takes an ES
of 6 to lift 80 pounds. Thus Orin could toss the sack 2 hexes at most
(he can chose less).
Throwing an object counts as an attack. If prone the maximum
throwing distance is halved.

Combat Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 72

If he’s cursed with low damage rolls, the standard combat rules can This section covers common occurrences within typical games. New
result in a greatly superior character hacking away at relatively rules are not introduced. Rather rule use is explained for areas that
unskilled opponents for an extended period. This can seem to run may commonly be misunderstood.
counter to the goal of heroic combat.
Heroic Damage may not be applied to targets of heroic stature, i.e. 19.20.1 Perception in Combat- Flanking
above fourth level.
A common goal during combat is to flank an opponent in order to
gain advantage. Section 15.10 shows these bonuses. Note that they
19.18.1 Picking Hit Locations vary depending upon the target failing or succeeding on a perception
If an attacker’s MCS (see 12.1) is 30 or more points higher than his roll.
target, he may chose the target hit location struck without resort to As with most uses of Perception, this is resolved as a Skill vs. Skill
die roll. Check (See 8.3.2). In this case, it would be the Target’s Perception
This applies only to attacks that weren’t a Parried or Dodged. Attacks against the Attacker’s Stealth.
breaking through a parrying object must roll hit location as normal. Bonuses from any allies present that are close enough to warn the
character apply (See 8.3.4). The GM may of course determine other
modifiers depending upon the current conditions (See 8.3).
19.18.1 Maximum Damage (Optional)
If even more advantage is required this additional optional rule may
be used. Example:
An attacker who’s MCS is 40 or more points higher than his target John has a Perception Skill of 23; Joe has a Stealth Skill of 17 and Joe
will automatically do maximum damage with either his weapons has succeeded in Flanking John. Jane is John’s nearby ally with a
damage or strength bonus. The attacker’s the choice of which. Perception of 43.
His opponent may add any modifiers for Multiple Melee Opponents John has a 50+23-17 or 56% base chance to succeed in his perception
(Section 15.10) to his MCS to determine susceptibility to this rule Check. Jane adds a +20 to this (as per 8.3.4).
only. Additionally, Joe just moved behind John this round in a known
combat situation. The GM judges the difficulty (as per 8.3) and gives
19.19 DEFENDING OTHERS an additional +15 since John is very aware of the possible threat and
it’s initial movement.
A character may attempt to defend up to two other characters in his
same hex. They may be prone or standing behind him. John’s final chance is a 91.

Any attack directed at his charges may be parried as if it was directed Next round: John still hasn’t done anything about his opponent behind
at him. him. Since Joe didn’t move there this round, the GM decides to drop
the +15 bonus to only a +5. John is still aware of Joe’s presence, but is
Attacking through a defender in this way leaves the attacker more less likely to be able to track him now. His new chance is 81%. If
open. He receives a –10 Def and –10 PM and DM versus that something had happened to Jane, it would only be 61%.
defender as a result.
The defended characters are generally unable to fight due to lack of
room, but they may parry (-10) or dodge (-15) on their own.

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Adventures in High Fantasy

Book 3: MAGIC
He chanted a song of wizardry,
Of piercing, opening, of treachery,
Revealing, uncovering, betraying.
Then sudden Felagund there swaying
Sang in answer a song of staying,
Resisting, battling against power,
Of secrets kept, strength like a tower,
And trust unbroken, freedom, escape;
Of changing and of shifting shape,
Of snares eluded, broken traps,
The prison opening, the chain that snaps.

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion.

Brian Gleichman

Bryan Harsh ♦Terri Gleichman

All Rights reserved.

Provided for Personal Use Only, Not for Resale.
No part may be distributed separately.

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01
20.1.2b Known Spells
Characters with levels in either Magic- Pure or Magic- Hybrid are
Teacher’s Level
capable of casting spells. This section covers the casting and effects
of these spells. Spell Level 1 2 3 4 5
1 55 75 95 100 100
2 N/A 55 75 95 100
1. The character must know the spell. 4 N/A N/A N/A 55 75
2. The character must have his/her hands free. 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 55
3. The character must make a successful spell casting roll
4. The character must spend the required number of spell A character may not start knowing any spells above his level.
points. The above chart is also useful for determine what higher level spells a
5. Most spell castings take a ½ move that counts as an attack. character’s Master may know. This can be important since the
character has his teacher as a contact for learning new spells when he
20.1 LEARNING SPELLS or she increases in level.
Note that this indicates what spells the Master knows. For their own
A spell caster learns spells by spending the required time either with reasons, such teachers may or may not pass along everything to their
a teacher or mystic tomes. The time required is as listed in section students.
A Mage can only learn spells of a level equal to or less than the
controlling Magic Skill (Primary or Hybrid).
A character can only learn spells of his or her class. An exception to All spell casting requires freedom of hand and arm motions in order
this is when a character purchases additional skill levels in another to be successful. As a result, any binding of the hands will prevent
class of magic, either Magic- Primary or Magic Hybrid. Such spell casting. Gestures often include some incantation. While such
purchases are always non-class. incantation need not be heard to be effective, the caster still must be
able to speak them (even if at a low whisper).
The higher level the spell the harder it is to find a teacher who knows
it or a book containing it The exact nature of this varies by campaign
world. In some it is a simple matter of paying more, in others it may
take an entire series of quest to find that rare work of knowledge. The 20.3 SPELL CASTING ROLL
actual workings are to be found in the Campaign Supplement.
Most spells require a successful spell-casting roll to produce their
effects. The base chance is determined as in sections 8.3 and 8.8.5.
20.1.1 Casting Unknown Spells
If casting type C, CA or NC (see 21.1) the Mage can increase this
It is possible to cast a spell the Mage doesn’t know if he/she has chance by 20 if he/she spends 1 round to prepare the spell. The spell
access to a tome or scroll that contains the spell. Such an attempt is at caster must cast the spell the following round or the preparation
-20 to the casting attempt in addition to all other modifiers. bonus is lost.
The time required for casting in such a fashion is increased by a Other conditions may modify the casting chance as determined by the
multiple of five. GM.
The spell caster can even attempt a spell up to one level higher than
his/her magic skill level by this method. 20.4 SPELL POINT EXPENDITURE

Most spells require the caster to expend spell points. In general, each
20.1.2 Starting Spells level of spell costs 1 point. A character cannot cast a spell without
When a spell casting character is first generated, the spells he/she enough spell points remaining to pay the casting cost
starts with need to be determined. The character has a chance to A character has a number of spell points as determined by their MS
know a spell based upon the level of the teacher that he/she was and level. See section 1.8
apprenticed to.
Failed attempts to cast spells can still cost spell points.
First, the teacher’s level is determined:

20.4.1 Spell Point Regeneration

20.1.2a Master’s Level A character recovers spent spell points over time. In general, a
D100 Level 1d100 Level character recovers 20% of their total spell points per 24-hour period.
01-03 0 60-89 3 Certain classes may vary this amount.
04-19 1 90-99 4 All calculations to determine recovered spell points are rounded
20-59 2 00 5
down, but fractions are carried day to day to determine totals.

Next, the character determines what spells he has learned on the

following table:

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21.0 SPELL DESCRIPTIONS 21.1.3 Type C (Combat) Spells with Multiple Attacks
Each spell has a description that details all the effects of the spell, its Some type C spells can affect their targets with more than one attack.
cost, range, duration and type. These details are found in the spell For example: A Fireball (a classic of many games) hits every target in
lists for each class of magic. a 2” radius with up to 3 attacks of 1d10+1 each.
Targets of such an attack take a -10 modifier to their parry or dodge
21.1 TYPES rolls for every possible attack over one.
The target is struck by one additional attack for every 10 points the
The spell type defines how the spell is cast and any special rules defender misses the parry or dodge roll by. Determine any solid strike
associated with the spell. results by the degree each attack was missed by.
Example: Skee the rat-man is hit by a fireball and has a Dodge
21.1.1 Type B (Battle) Spells Chance of 50 (after the normal modifiers). The fireball does up
Type B spells are the basic attack spells of magic. They affect a to 3 attacks giving Skee an addition -20 to his Dodge Chance
single target and do damage as listed in the spell description plus the reducing it to a 30.
MS damage bonus for the character. Let’s assume Skee rolls an 81 for his dodge. He has missed his
Type B spells are resolved as a ranged Missile Attack using the dodge roll by 51 indicating that he could have been hit by up to
normal combat rules, including the Missile Attack fumble chances. five attacks. The fireball only has three possible attacks, so Skee
Note that a weapon break result is impossible and is replaced with gets off lucky here.
double spell point expenditure even if the spell causes no damage. Skee missed the first dodge was by 31 points. This results in the
Since the attack is made by use of magic, no reload as for a missile first attack being a Normal Strike. He missed dodging the
weapon is required. second attack by 41 points resulting in a Solid Strike. The last
A spell cast roll is not needed to cast a type B spell and as such there dodge missed by 51 points and resulted in yet another Solid
is no chance of a Magic Fumble. Strike.
The character must have the spell points available to cast the spell, Poor Skee, but he did deserve it.
but they are not spent unless the spell does damage to target. Parried A Spell Parry does not take the multiple attack modifier and as a
or Dodged Type B spells in effect return the magic to the caster. result parries all the possible attacks with one roll at the normal
modifiers (+10 for the attacking spell being a Type C vs. Spell
21.1.2 Type C (Combat) Spells Parry).
Type C spells are the area effect Combat spells of magic. As such,
they use a modified Missile Combat method against every target in 21.1.4 Type CA (Characteristic Assault) Spells
their area of effect. Type CA spells are those spells that require a Level vs. Level Saving
The Mage must make a successful Magic Skill Roll and expend the Throw from its targets. The spell can affect a single target or all the
required spell points in order to cast type C spells. Since a Magic targets in an area. The effects vary from mind control, fear,
Skill roll is required, Magic Fumbles are possible. entanglement and even death. If a characteristic modifies the saving
Type C spells will automatically hit every target in their area of throw, it is noted in parentheses next to the CA classification, i.e. CA
effect. No Strike Chance roll is required. (WP).
Targets get either a dodge or a parry (If they have a shield or are The Mage must make a successful Magic Skill Roll and expend the
otherwise able to parry a missile attack). required spell points in order to cast type CA spells. Since a Magic
Skill roll is required, Magic Fumbles are possible.
The attacker uses his/her spell PM and DM. Damage is as per the
spell description plus the MS damage bonus. The attack is counted as A Spell Parry has an easier time defending against CA spells. A +10
a Missile Attack. parry bonus is applied.
If a target misses his Parry Chance or Dodge Chance roll by 40 or
more, the attack does solid strike damage, otherwise normal strike 21.1.5 Type D (Defense) Spells
damage results. Type C spells cannot do critical hits. Type D spells include all the defensive spells that allow a Mage to
Type C spells are easier for a Spell Parry to deflect than Type B Parry attack spells or even Missile/Thrown Weapon Attacks. They
spells. The defender gains +10 to his PC whenever parrying Type C are the Spell Caster’s primary means of defense.
spells when using any magical spell (or item) that allows Spell Type D spells do not require a Magic Skill roll and as such have no
Parries. chance for Magic Fumble. Unless stunned or otherwise incapacitated,
A Mage can invoke a type D spells at any time by paying the Spell
Point cost.
Type D spells do not take an action. The Mage may invoke the spell
at any time he or she would normally be allowed to make a parry or
dodge. Since the spell does not take an action, the Mage may move,
attack or cast another type of spell the same round. Only one type D
spell may be cast per round.

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21.1.6 Type I (Instant) Spells 21.2 COST
The Type I spells are a group of spells that affect only the caster and Each spell description lists the cost in Spell Points required for
are invoked more by the will of the caster than the normal spell casting the spell. Most spells cost one Spell Point per level. There are
casting methods. exceptions to this however noted in the spell descriptions. Type B
These rare spells are cast with a minimum of gestures and time and and D spells often cost one or two points regardless of the level, Type
without incantation. The Spell Caster may cast them at any time just R spells can cost more and Type T don’t cost any.
by stating it. They take no action to cast and any number of them Type B spells required the Spell Point Cost to be paid when the
(limited only by Spell Point costs) may be cast in a round. Since the Strike Chance roll is made. If the spell results in no damage, the Spell
spell does not take an action the Mage may move, attack or cast Point returns to the caster.
another type of spell the same round.
All other spell types require the Spell Point Cost to be paid at when
A Magic Skill roll is required, but these spells cannot cause a Magic the Magic Skill roll is made.
Fumble. The expenditure of spell points is required.
21.1.7 Type NC (Non-Combat) Spells
Each spell has a duration that defines the amount of time that the
The NC type spells are spells not generally used in direct combat spell’s effects continue. A caster of a spell may end its duration at
attacks. Light, Darkness and Detect spells are examples. any time by taking a half move action (which is considered an
The Mage must make a successful Magic Skill Roll and expend the attack).
required spell points in order to cast type NC spells. Since a Magic
Skill roll is required, Magic Fumbles are possible.
21.3.1 Instant
A Spell Parry has an easier time defeating NC spells. A +20 parry
The spell has its effect and then is immediately gone. All Type B and
bonus is applied in the rare case that the spell is contested (and the
C spells are of this Duration. The results of the spell remain behind
one contesting is in position to use a Spell Parry- it would normally
however and have their normal life span (wounds heal, buildings can
require them standing between the spell’s target and caster or being
be repaired, the water remains purified until naturally spoiled, etc.).
in the area of effect).

21.3.2 Concentration
21.1.8 Type R (Ritual) Spells
The spell remains in effect for as long as the caster can or does
Type R spells are powerful spells that require more than 1 round to
maintain his concentration. Concentration places a number of limits
cast. The spell description details how long it takes to complete the
on the Spell Caster as follows:
Ritual. Rituals are often summoning or enchantment type magic.
1. The caster is limited to moving at half MR or less. If mounted,
The Mage must make a successful Magic Skill Roll and expend the
the mount is also limited to half MR.
required spell points in order to cast type R spells. Since a Magic
Skill roll is required, Magic Fumbles are possible. The Magic Skill 2. The caster may not cast any other spells with the exception of
roll is made at the end of the time period required to cast the Ritual. Types D, I and T.
A Spell Parry has no effect on a type R spell unless the magic is 3. The caster may not launch any melee or range attacks.
attacking a defending barrier. Due to the delicate nature of Magic 4. Any stunned result on the caster breaks the Concentration.
Rituals, any casting of a Dispel spell against the ritual while its being If any of the above restrictions are broken, the Concentration, and
cast gives a -3 to the Level Saving Throw. After the Ritual is most often the spell, ceases. In some cases there are other, less
completed, any lasting effects are at +3 against any Dispel attempts pleasant effects. If so, it is detailed in the Spell Description.
due to the powerful nature of Rituals.

21.1.9 Type T (Talent) Spells

Type T spells represent the innate abilities gained by the Mage
through the study of their magic. Talents are never combative and
tend toward detection and informational magic.
A Talent never costs Spell Points and also can never produce a Magic
Talents have one of two duration values: Instant or Constant.
Instant Talents are invoked when desired by the Mage. They last for
one round and require a successful Magic Skill roll. A Mage can
invoke only one Instant Talent per round as an instant talent takes a
half action and is considered an attack.
Constant Talents are always in effect. A Magic Skill roll is made
whenever something would trigger the talent. Sense Magic for
example would trigger whenever a spell or magical item appeared in
range. Constant Talents take no action and are automatic, preventing
no other action. Any number of Constant Talents may take effect in
the same round and are considered to take no more effort than seeing
or hearing.

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21.3.3 Permanent 21.4.2 Touch
A few spells have Permanent durations. A Spell with a Permanent The caster must actually touch the target of this spell for it to take
duration remains in effect until dispelled or ended by its caster. effect. The target must be in same or adjacent hex.
The very nature of the permanent duration makes these spells The spell can always target the caster and willing (or completely
powerful, but they do have a notable limit. A Mage can have only unaware) targets. Unwilling targets would need to be hit in melee
one instance of a Permanent duration Spell in effect at a time. Casting combat using a grab or punch attack.
of the same spell ends the duration of any previous spell.
For Example: 21.4.3 Defined Range
A Mage has cast a permanent duration light spell on his This is an actual range for the spell. Unless otherwise noted, it is
doorstep. Later in an adventure, he wants some long term light listed in a number of hexes.
in the caves. If he casts the same light spell now, the original
Any target in range and in line-of-sight can be the target of these a
spell (back on his doorstep) ends.
spells. Note that an area can be as much a target as a person or a wall.
The same Mage may however cast his permanent duration
darkness spell without affecting the light spell back home. The
restriction applies to one instance of each Spell, not just one
permanent duration spell period. The spell description details the actual effects of the magic. The
damage done is listed here or the exact creature summoned is
21.3.4 Defined Time detailed.
The remaining duration values are a defined time span. These can be Any exceptions or additions to the normal rules are also explained.
in combat rounds, minutes, hours, days, or any other measure of time. Magic being what it is, there will always a spell or two that acts in a
Many times the exact duration is based upon the level of the caster. nonstandard way. As a result, the description is considered to
override the general magic rules when there is a conflict.
In all cases, the effects of the spell continue, without any effort or
attention from its caster.
21.3.5 Special
Certain spell effects last until a specific event occurs. Often these are 22.1 Magical Fumbles
summoning or command spells. The exact duration of a Special A badly missed Magic Skill roll can result in a Magical Fumble.
Duration spell is defined in the description. These can be very entertaining… to one’s opponents and distracters.
For example: A spell that summons a creature to deliver a message Roll any fumbles on the following table and apply the result
will last until the message is delivered. immediately.

21.4 RANGE
Magic Fumbles
The Spell Range defines the limit of available targets for a spell. No
D100 Magic Fumble Result
target that is out of range can be effect by a spell. 01-60 The failure costs addition Spell Points equal to the
Range is counted from the caster to the target hex (or the hex original casting cost.
containing the target. 61-80 The failure costs addition Spell Points equal to double
the original casting cost.
Range defines the limit for the center of any area effect spells. As a
81-90 If the spell had a target other than the caster- It has
result, some of the area may actually exceed the spell range. reverse direction. Take full effect of the spell
There are three types of Ranges: Otherwise: The failure costs addition Spell Points equal
to double the original casting cost.
91-00 If the spell had a target other than yourself- It has ran
21.4.1 Self amok and is targeting a random ally within range. They
The spell affects only the caster. Examples include spells that change take the full effect of the spell. If no allies are within
the appearance of the caster or grant him the ability to see in the dark. range, the spell reverses on the caster.
These spells can never be used on any target other than the caster. Otherwise: The failure costs addition Spell Points equal
to triple the original casting cost.

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22.2 Magical Rich or Poor Lands (Optional) 22.8 Eighth Level Spells
In many fantasy worlds there exist special places where magic is Eighth level spells represent the height of magical knowledge and
nearly the substance of the land itself. Such a place can have a skill. These are spells so powerful and difficult that they are but
profound effect on the casting of spells. legends even to skilled mages of the mystic arts.
For Example: Learning any of the details of such magic is an achievement in and of
In the Fey Lands (an other-dimensional abode of the magical itself, let alone actually learning to cast such a spell
Fey races), magic almost flows like water. The result is that all For these reasons no eight level spells appear in the following spell
Spell Casters have double the normal Spell Points and Spell lists. All eighth level spells are found only in the Campaign
Point Regeneration rates are doubled as well. Supplement. Their scope and details are left to the GM who must fit
Magic Poor regions can exist as well. Spell Costs in such a place may them closely into his world.
be increased and regeneration rates lowered.
The GM determines the exact effects of such places. 22.9 Minor Magic (Optional)
The requirements of spells points will pressure a mage to cast magic
22.3 Variable area effects only when there is a practical need. However, some campaigns desire
mages to have the ability to do frivolous or minor magic without
Certain spells have area of effects that vary by the level of the caster. limit. Such campaigns may use these optional rules for Minor Magic.
The caster may choose to affect an area defined by any level equal to
or less than his own. Minor Magic is available only to those with skill in Primary Magic. It
doesn’t cost spell points but the mage is denied its use if he doesn’t
have a current positive number of Spell Points.
22.4 Magic versus Magic Saves
Minor magic is defined as magic of little or no utility. In general it is
A number of spells mention Magic vs. Magic Saves. This is a Level the creation and movement of lights, flares and smoke of very low
Saving throw in which the Magic Level of one character is compared intensity. It can also cover the telekinetic movement of very light
against the Magic Level of another. objects weighing only ounces.
These saves are modified by both the MS and IN characteristics of A mage may have a number of Minor Magic spells in simultaneous
the characters. operation equal to his level in the Primary Magic.
As an additional option, the GM may allow the mage to cast any of
22.5 Hybrid Versus Magical Classes his normal spells in a Minor Magic version. In general, use the one-
tenth rule; the spell has one-tenth the normal effect in damage, area,
Hybrid magic generally is weaker; more specialized and is countered
modifier, etc. The GM determines which spells may or may not be
easier by the more sophisticated Primary Magic. As a result modify
cast as Minor Magic.
any Hybrid Magic vs. Primary Magic Save by two in favor of the
Primary Magic. The PM and PC of a Primary Magic users gain a Saves vs. Minor Magic are at +5. Parries or Dodges against Minor
modifier of +10 if opposing a Hybrid spell. Magic gain a +30 bonus. Automatic Failure rules do not apply to any
resistance of Minor Magic.
Specific classes may overrule these modifiers. If so, it is noted in the
general description of the spell list for that class.
22.10 Personalized Magic
22.6 Disallowing/Modifying Classes (Optional) Starting a fourth level, a mage may embellish any of his magic with
small personal touches. These changes in no way alter the actual
Magic is often the most customized section of any game. Certain
effects of the magic.
campaigns may seek a style that a specific class of magic would
contrast badly with. Examples would be changing the color of flames from red to blue or
shaping a bolt of lightning to appear as stylize eagles.
The GM may modify, restrict or remove classes or spells in this
event. The GM may also decide to add to the existing spell lists or
classes in order to create the exact style he desires. 23.0 SPELL LISTS
Some campaigns may disallow magic completely or restrict it to only The following spell lists are broken into three sections. First is a
the rare NPC. general description of the style and philosophy of the magic. Any
Such modifications to the rules are to be noted in that Campaign exceptions or additions to the normal rules are noted here. A table
Supplement. listing all the spells by level follows. The final section gives the
individual spell descriptions.
22.7 Armor Restrictions (Optional) These spells lists are by no means all inclusive. The GM should feel
free to add or subtract spells. In so doing, game balance and the style
In certain fantasy settings large amounts of metal interfere with the of each class of magic must be kept firmly in sight.
flow of magic. To represent this spell casters may only wear small
amounts of metallic armor. The total APV of metal armor cannot
exceed 1.5 without blocking the wearer from the casting of spells.
Armor made from other materials may be worn as desired.

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23.3 Bard 23.3.1 Class Rules

The Bard is a Hybrid class whose skills are primarily concerned with None.
music, knowledge and entertainment. Their magic is a mix of
stagecraft and enhancement of the natural effects of musical
influence together with a few aids in the quest for understanding.
As is typical with Hybrid mages, the Bard does not have a large spell
selection nor do their spells possess great versatility. Their magic is
not suited for battle, and they must rely upon more mundane skills in
that effort.
Depending upon the culture, Bards may be held in high regard, as
there is great value in a learned person who travels widely. Locals
will tend to seek them out for everything from advice and news to
pure entertainment. It’s likely that a Bard will seldom need to pay his
own upkeep. Exact cultural effects will of course depend on the

23.7.2 Bard Spells

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Detect Magic Extinguish Fires Analyze Magic Conjure Item
Conceal Fire Images Dancing Lights Comprehend Writings
Hide Item Produce Flame Sparkle Fireworks
Recover Item Rope Tricks Unlock Smoke

Level 5 Level 6 Level 7

Fire Lure Curse Escape
Song of Battle Song of Sleep

Level 1 Spells Hide Item

Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 1
Duration: Instant Range: 1”/Level
Detect Magic Description: This spell conceals an item the caster holds in his hand,
Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 1 either on his person or someplace nearby (including on other
Duration: 2-minutes/level Range: Self people) within range. Unlike normal sleight of hand, the caster
Description: Once cast, the caster will see a faint glow around any does not need to cross the distance to the hiding location.
magic present in a 60-degree cone up to 3" in length. To be successful, the caster must first succeed in a sleight of
Interposing materials will block the detection. hand attempt. The item must also be in control of the caster, i.e.
The caster is limited to detecting in only one direction per round. a dagger would first have to be removed from its owner’s sheath
and be in contact with no one else.
Conceal Maximum item weight is caster’s level squared in ounces.

Type: T Cost: 1 Level: 1

Recover Item
Duration: N/A Range: Self
Description: The caster gains a bonus of +3 per level to any skill roll Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 1
involving concealment or misdirection. Duration: Instant Range: Touch
Description: This spell calls back an item already hid by the caster
using the Hide Item spell. The object appears in the caster’s
No sleight of hand skill roll is required, although one may still
be made for style.

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Level 2 Spells Level 3 Spells

Extinguish Fires Analyze Magic

Type: NC Cost: 2 Level: 2 Type: R Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: Instant Range: 20" Duration: N/A Range: 1”
Description: Summons a mystic wind that extinguishes all small Description: By means of this spell the caster may learn about the
non-magical fires within range. nature of any magic affecting a person or item.
Fires larger than a torch are unaffected. Curses are at -3 to detect or analyze.
A level vs. level saving throw is required. The result gives the
Fire Images amount of information gained according to the following table:
Type: NC Cost: 2 Level: 2
Duration: 1 minutes/level Range: 2" Save made by Information
Description: The caster may cause an image of whatever he wishes Failed Magic detected.
to appear inside of a fire. The image may move and change as 0 Class of Magic and general power level
wished for the duration of the spell. learned.
1 Above plus general nature of the magic.
2 Above plus full effect of the spell
Produce Flame 3 Above plus all side effects of the Magic, if
Type: N/C Cost: 2 Level: 2 4+ Full details learned including any existing
Duration: 1 round Range: Touch control or dispelling methods.
Description: The caster summons a short burst of flame to spring
from his hand. It lasts but a single round, producing the light and
heat of a normal torch. The caster is immune to any ill effects of Dancing Lights
the fire. Type: NC Cost: 3 Level: 3
The flame may be used to set alight normal combustible Duration: 2-minutes/level Range: 2"/level
materials. Description: The caster may create one glowing sphere of light per
level. He may choose and alter the colors as he wishes
throughout the spell’s duration. Each sphere produces half the
Rope Tricks light of a normal torch.
Type: NC Cost: 2 Level: 2 The light will move as the caster wishes with a maximum speed
Duration: 1 round/level Range: 10" of 5” a round. They must remain within the spell range at all
Description: The caster empowers a non-living rope-like material to times.
obey his/her simple commands: split apart, coil, coil and knot,
loop, loop and knot, tie and knot, and the reverse of all of the
above. Sparkle
The size of the rope is based upon 40' of 1-inch rope (the Type: CA (WP) Cost: 3 Level: 3
dimensions may be altered in proportion) plus 10' per level. It Duration: 1 minute/level Range: Touch
may move 1”/round to the maximum range of the spell. Description: This spell may be cast upon any shiny object of less
As a general rule, the rope moves too slowly to be used in than 5 oz/level.
combat as an entangling device. The item gains a magical sparkling sheen, causing anyone
viewing it at a range of 1” or less to become fascinated by the
item unless they make a successful saving throw.
Creatures so fascinated will have a -30 to their perception to
notice anything else (if the perception roll is made they are free
of the effect).
This spell will not work upon those already in battle.

Type: CA Cost: 3 Level: 3
Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Description: The spell causes the target lock to spring open. The
target will resist the spell on a successful saving throw matching
the level of its maker against the caster.

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Level 4 Spells Level 5 Spells

Conjure Item Fire Lure

Type: NC Cost: 4 Level: 4 Type: CA (WP) Cost: 5 Level: 5
Duration: Permanent Range: Touch Duration: 2-minutes/level Range: 2"/level
Description: The caster may create any small item that may be held Description: Causes any one fire (magical ones are allows a saving
in the palm of a hand by means of this spell. Such an item may throw) to flicker and move in a hypnotic way.
have a value of no more than a plain dagger. Anyone watching the flame within 30" must make a saving
throw or be enthralled into staring at the flames such that they
Comprehend Writings will take no other action.
This spell will not work on anyone in battle. Heavy shaking or
Type: R Cost: 2 Level: 4
damage disrupts the effect.
Duration: 1 round/level Range: 1”
Description: A one-minute ritual during which the Bard traces the
letters or symbols of a written record he seeks to understand. Song of Battle
At the conclusion of the ritual, increase the Bards Type: R Cost: 5 Level: 5
comprehension of the target writing by one level. If the caster is Duration: Special Range: 15"
completely lacking in R/W skill of the target writing, he gains
Description: The bard seeks to inspire allies to battle by the
level 0 understanding.
performance of a suitable heroic song. Three rounds are
required before the effect is noticeable.
There after it can be maintained by continuing the song.
Type: CA (QU) Cost: 4 Level: 4 The caster may perform any action while doing this
Duration: 1 round/level Range: 3"/level except spell casting. Being stunned will end the effect.
Description: This spell causes a target fire source to erupt into It will add +2 to saving throws modified by WP including
morale checks.
The fireworks cover an area equal to 20 times the radius and If cast before a battle is joined, a bonus of +3 on all
height of the fire forcing everyone within to make a saving
throw. Failure results in a –50 to any perception check. Unlike
combat values is gained. This last for 10 minutes after
most spells, this saving throw must be made each round battle is joined.
unaffected by previous successes for failures.
The fire is extinguished at the end of the spell duration.

Type: NC Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: 1-minute/level Range: 3"/level
Description: This spell causes a target fire source to erupt into
bellowing smoke covering an area equal to 40 times the radius
and height of the fire.
Smoke will reduce vision to a 2" maximum range within its area
(AG characteristic saves are required for any movement over
3"). Perception modifiers are as for darkness.

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 84


Level 6 Spells Level 7 Spells

Curse Escape
Type: CA Cost: 6 Level: 6 Type: R Cost: 7 Level: 7
Duration: Permanent Range: Sight Duration: N/A Range: Self
Description: The Bard may cast this spell only when greatly Description: By means of this 2-minute ritual, the caster may escape
wronged. It may be cast even when tied or otherwise restrained. any degree of personal binding or any one area of containment.
Unless the target succeeds on a Saving Throw (modified by For the spell to function, the caster or his binding may not be
WP), The spell will inflict the following effects: observed.
When escaping an area of containment, he will in effect teleport
to the nearest unobserved area. If there is no unobserved area
1. -5 to all combat stats within 10”, the spell fails.
2. He will slowly loose, in one way or another, all The spell may be cast without audible words or obvious
treasure and money above the minimum amount gestures, even when bound. The spell may only be used to
needed to survive. escape from confinement; it may not be used to gain entry.
3. General bad luck (up to the GM).

Song of Sleep
Type: R Cost: 6 Level: 6
Duration: 5 minutes/level Range: 15”
Description: The bard attempts a song so relaxing; it causes those in
range failing a Saving Throw to fall in to a deep sleep.
Slapping or worse will wake victims prematurely.

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 85


23.5 Elementalist 23.5.1 Class Rules

This class of mage seeks mastery over the five elements: Air, Earth,
Fire, Ice, and Water. For the most part, their magic is straightforward Specialist Elemental Mages (Optional)
and without subtlety. When the elements move, they rarely move
The Elementalist may choose to concentrate his efforts into mastering
silently and the Elementalist shows much of the same nature.
one elemental instead of five. Such mages are limited to only spells
The Elementalist has access to the widest range of Type B and C of that element and the general group. The Mage may only learn that
spells among the mages. Together with a small amount of general one element’s form from the Spells in the ‘All’ group.
magic and some summoning spells these provide the mage with vast
In exchange for such dedication, the mage gains the following when
combative power.
casting spells from his element: +10 to the Casting Chance and +2
The spell list is organized into seven groups: one for each element, MS when determining the spell’s damage bonus (if any). No bonus is
‘General’ for magic unrelated to any one element, and ‘All” for those gained when casting General spells.
spells common to each of the five elements.
Spells in the ‘All’ group must be learned for each of the elements that Disallowing the Elementalist (Optional)
the caster wishes to apply them to. Thus the ability to cast Bolt of
Elements in either its Fire or Earth form requires the mage to learn Elementalists would be at odds with a campaign that desires only
the spell twice. subtle magic or one that rejects the idea of highly flashy combative
magic. Such campaigns should disallow the use of this class.

23.5.2 Elementalist Spells

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Elemental Missile Elemental Arrow Elemental Bolt Circle of Protection from Elemental
Protection From Elemental Creatures Summon Lesser Elemental Spirit Elemental Sword Creatures
Sense Elemental Magic Protection from the Elements Conjure Lesser Elemental
AIR Summon Greater Elemental Spirit Elemental Strike
Lesser Elemental Wall
Predict Weather Purify Air AIR
Control Vapors AIR
EARTH EARTH Winds Call Lightning
Dust Cloud Tremor
Command Wind
Control Fires Protection from Fire
Earth Sense Hands of Earth
Torch Fire
ICE Protection from Cold
Extinguish Fires Fire Burst
Snow Sight
WATER Purification of Water
Snow Walk Ice
Detect Water
Ice Bridge
Adept’s Shield
Water Sense WATER
GENERAL Missile Shield
Command Waters
Detect Magic GENERAL
Mystic Shield Dispel Magic GENERAL
Sphere of Protection

Level 5 Level 6 Level 7

Conjure Greater Elemental Elemental Lance Pure Elemental Strike
Elemental Spear Summon Lesser Elemental Summon Greater Elemental
Greater Elemental Wall Triad of the Elements
AIR AIR Lightning Storm
Lightning Bolt Weather Summoning
Dispel Quicksand Move Earth
FIRE FIRE Firestorm
Fire Ball Flame Fan
ICE ICE Hail Storm
Ice Storm Rays of Cold
WATER WATER Multiple Summoning
Water Vision Part Water

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 86


Level 1 Spells EARTH

All Dust Cloud

Elemental Missile Type: CA (IN) Cost: 1 Level 1

Duration: 1 round Range: 5"/level
Type: B Cost: 1 Level 1 Description: The mage causes a whirling cloud of dust 1” in radius
Duration: Instant Range: 8” level to appear. Any caught in or moving through it must make a CA
Description: The spell conjures an elemental force that flies from the save throw. Failure causes disorientation. Count the victim as
caster’s hand causing 1D8 damage to whatever it strikes. Exact stunned.
details of the attack depend upon which elemental form the
missile takes:
Air: Lightning Damage Type ‘s’
Earth: Rock Shards Damage Type ‘i’
Control Fires
Fire: Flame Damage Type ‘s’
Ice: Hail Damage Type ‘c’ Type: NC Cost: 1 Level 1
Water: Water Jet Damage Type ‘p’ Duration: 2 minutes/level Range: 2"/level
Defense Base = 75. Range Group = 4”. Description: The caster may cause natural fires, from as small as a
torch to as large as a bonfire (1" radius) to go out or increase up
to three times the size.
Protection from Elemental Creatures
Light and fuel consumption will vary in proportion with the size
Type: CA Cost: 1 Level 1 of the fire. Damage remains the same regardless of area covered
Duration: 5-minutes/level Range: Touch if the fire isn’t extinguished.
Description: A protective magical force encircles the recipient of the
spell. It has no effect on any except creatures that draw their
Torch Fire
very existence from elemental magic. Such creatures will find
their offensive options limited or reduced in effectiveness. Type: NC Cost: 1 Level 1
The spell prevents physical contact by elemental creatures. Thus Duration: 3-hours/level Range: Touch
melee or close combat become impossible. Ranged combat is at Description: A small flame equal to a torch springs forth from the
a –10 SC, -10 PM and –10 DM. Saving throws against such caster's hand. This flame will not hurt the caster and needs no
creatures while under the protection of this spell are at +2. fuel source, but is otherwise a normal fire.
Creatures may attempt to force their way through the field, If the caster is stunned the spell is broken. The flame may be
either physically (a melee or close combat attempt) or magically used in spells where a small flame source is required such as
(Any offensive spell attempt). They will succeed on a successful Conjure Smoke.
Level vs. Level Saving Throw. If successful the Protection Spell
is shattered and no longer in effect. ICE
If such an attempt fails no further actions will succeed until
something modifies the Saving Throw in favor of the Creature. Snow Sight
At that time another attempt to break the spell may be made.
Type: T Cost: 1 Level: 1
Duration: N/A Range: Self
Sense Elemental Magic Description: The caster may see through snowfall with only half
Type: T Cost: 0 Level 1 the Perception modifiers. He takes no adverse Perception
Duration: Constant Range: 2”/level modifiers for snow glare.
Description: Allows the caster to sense the presence of elemental
magic within range. The mage also receives a vague impression WATER
of the relative level of power.
AIR Detect Water

Predict Weather Type: NC Cost: 1 Level 1

Duration: 1 round Range: 5 miles
Type: NC Cost: 1 Level 1 Description: The caster detects the presence of any surface water
Duration: 1 round Range: Self within range. Direction and distance to the closest source is
Description: Gives +50 to any weather watch skill rolls. If the caster gained. The spell ignores any water already within sight.
doesn’t have the weather watch skill, he gains it for the duration
with a skill roll of 50%.

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 87


Flotation Level 2 Spells

Type: NC Cost: 1 Level 1
Duration: 3-hours/level Range: Touch
Description: Gives +50 to any swimming skill rolls only for the
purpose of remaining afloat. If for some reason, the target Elemental Arrow
doesn’t have the swimming skill, it is gained at a 50% skill roll Type: B Cost: 1 Level 2
for the purpose of floating. Duration: Instant Range: 10” level
Description: The spell conjures an elemental force that flies from the
GENERAL caster’s hand causing 1D10 damage to whatever it strikes. Exact
details of the attack depend upon which elemental form the
missile takes:
Detect Magic
Air: Lightning Damage Type ‘s’
Type: NC Cost: 1 Level 1 Special: Ignores non-magical Metal Armor.
Duration: 2 minutes/level Range: 2”/Level
Earth: Rock Shards Damage Type ‘i’
Description: The mage will be aware of the presence of magic (active
Special: The diamond-like hardness of the shards is such
spells or enchanted objects) upon seeing its source or area of
that the two points of defending armor are ignored.
effect. The magic must be within line of sight and within the
range limit of the spell. Fire: Flame Damage Type ‘s’
Special: Flammable objects stuck by the spell are set on
Mystic Shield fire.

Type: D Cost: 1 Level 1 This will set on fire the location of non-magical cloth or
Duration: 3-hours/level Range: Self leather armor hit. Fires on armor will burnout in 1d4
Description: The caster creates a mystic shield to parry any spell rounds. Until then the character takes 1 point of damage per
attacking the caster. Defense Base is 75 unless the casting of round added to the original wound. Removing the armor
other magic modifies it. stops the damage, normally an action taking one full round
and giving a –15 to Defense, PC and PM.
The shield glows and sparks. Maintaining it costs as much effort
as it would take to hold a normal shield at the ready. Ice: Hail Damage Type ‘c’
Given the above and that the spell is a type ‘D’, mages will often Special: The cold of the attack is so intense that the Armor
drop the spell when battle is no longer expected- an action that Rating (AR) of any non-magical armor (except furs and its
takes no effort on the part of the spell caster. equivalent) is halved- rounded up.
Water: Water Jet Damage Type ‘p’
Special: Any normal fires in the area stuck will be put out,
up to 1 hex in size. Multiple hex fires can be dealt with one
hex at a time using this method. Intense fires may get a
saving throw at the GM’s discretion.
Defense Base = 79. Range Group = 5”.

Summon Lesser Elemental Spirit

Type: NC Cost: 2 Level 2
Duration: 20 minutes/level Range: 10”
Description: Summons a Lesser Elemental Spirit that will do as the
caster commands for the duration of the spell. The spirit returns
to its previous existence upon expiration of the spell.
Lesser Spirits have little combat capability (CS value of 5 points
or less) and only minor special abilities according to the element
summoned. See their entry in the Bestiary for more details.

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 88



Fog Purification of Water

Type: CA (AG) Cost: 2 Level: 2 Type: NC Cost: 2 Level: 2
Duration: 10 rounds/level Range: 20”/level Duration: Instant Range: Touch
Description: Creates a 9”x 9”x 2” dense mass of fog (outdoors Description: Turns any water potable. Affects 1 gallon of water per
only) that may be moved at 2" per round by the caster. Visibility level.
within the fog is limited to 5". The area covered increases by GENERAL
1”x 1”x 1” per caster’s level. Round down.
Moving through the fog at over 5 hexes per round requires a CA Adept's Shield
Saving Throw with a –1 modifier for every 2” of movement
over five. Failure causes the character to fall prone in a random Type: D Cost: 3 Level: 2
hex along the intended path. Duration: 3-hours/level Range: Self
Description: This spell combines the effects of both the first level
Mystic Shield and the Second Level Missile Shield into one. This
Purify Air allows the mage to gain the protective effects of both with one
Type: NC Cost: 2 Level: 2 spell- if at a higher costing cost.
Duration: 1 minute/level Range: 10”
Description: Purifies the air in a 1" per level diameter removing any Missile Shield
harmful gases from it for the duration of the spell.
Type: D Cost: 1 Level 2
EARTH Duration: 3-hours/level Range: Self
Description: The caster creates a mystic shield that can be used to
Tremor parry any ranged missile (not spell) attacking the caster. Defense
Type: CA (AG) Cost: 2 Level: 2 Base is 75 unless the casting of other magic modifies it.
Duration: 1 day/level Range: 4”/level The shield glows and sparks. Maintaining it costs as much effort
Description: The spell causes the ground in a 1” radius to shake and as it would take to hold a normal shield at the ready.
heave. Creatures within the area must make a CA save to remain Given the above and that the spell is a type ‘D’, mages will often
standing. drop the spell when battle is no longer expected- an action that
Failure causes the character to drop prone and lose a half action. takes no effort on the part of the spell caster.

Protection from Fire

Type: NC Cost: 2 Level: 2
Duration: 1 day/level Range: Touch
Description: The target is unaffected by the natural heat that one
would find even in the hottest desert. In addition, the target gets
5 points of armor against mundane fire damage.
Magical attacks will shatter this defense automatically ignoring
the armor and dispelling the protection.


Protection from Cold

Type: NC Cost: 2 Level: 2
Duration: 1 day/level Range: Touch
Description: The target is unaffected by the natural cold that one
would find even at the poles. In addition, the target gets 5 points
of armor against mundane cold damage.
Magical attacks will shatter this defense automatically ignoring
the armor and dispelling the protection.

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 89


Level 3 Spells Elemental Sword

Type: NC Cost: 3 Level 3
Duration: 1 minute/level Range: Touch
Description: Conjures a sword of the called element into the caster's
Elemental Bolt hand. The weapon has the form of a Broadsword. It does
Type: B Cost: 1 Level 3 1D10+1 damage, is 1 handed, may not be broken (expect by
Duration: Instant Range: 14” level opposing magic) and has a Defense Base of 75%. The weapon
Description: The spell conjures an elemental force that flies from the does type ‘s’ damage. The sword will cease to exist if removed
caster’s hand causing 1D10+1 damage to whatever it strikes. from the caster's hand.
Exact details of the attack depend upon which elemental form Additional effects depend upon which elemental form the
the missile takes: weapon is called from:

Air: Lightning Damage Type ‘s’ Air: Lightning Damage Bonus: +1D3
Special: Ignores non-magical Metal Armor. Special: Ignores non-magical Metal Armor
Earth: Rock Shards Damage Type ‘i’
Special: The diamond-like hardness of the shards is such Earth: Diamond Damage Bonus: +1
that the two points of defending armor are ignored. Special: The keenness of the blade is such that it ignores
two points of defending armor.
Fire: Flame Damage Type ‘s’
Special: Flammable objects stuck by the spell are set on Fire: Flaming Damage Bonus: +1D3
fire. Special: Flammable objects stuck by the spell are set on
This will set on fire the location of non-magical cloth or
leather armor hit. Fires on armor will burnout in 1d4 This will set on fire the location of non-magical cloth or
rounds. Until then the character takes 1 point of damage per leather armor hit. Fires on armor will burnout in 1d4
round added to the original wound. Removing the armor rounds. Until then the character takes 1 point of damage per
stops the damage, normally an action taking one full round round added to the original wound. Removing the armor
and giving a –15 to Defense, PC and PM. stops the damage, normally an action taking one full round
and giving a –15 to Defense, PC and PM.
Ice: Hail Damage Type ‘c’
Special: The cold of the attack is so intense that the Armor Ice: Freezing Damage Bonus: +1D3
Rating (AR) of any non-magical armor (except furs and its Special: The cold of the attack is so intense that the Armor
equivalent) is halved- rounded up. Rating (AR) of any non-magical armor (except furs and its
equivalent) is halved- rounded up.
Water: Water Jet Damage Type ‘p’
Special: Any normal fires in the area stuck will be put out, Water: Water Damage Bonus: +1D2
up to 1 hex in size. Multiple hex fires can be dealt with one Special: The Damage Type of this form is ‘p’.
hex at a time using this method. Intense fires may get a The caster gains no skill with the weapon. The mage is advised
saving throw at the GM’s discretion. to learn the proper handling of a Broadsword in order to take full
Defense Base = 75. Range Group = 7”. advantage of this spell.

Protection from the Elements

Type: CA Cost: 3 Level: 3
Duration: 1 day/level Range: Touch
Description: The target of the spell gains 3 points of armor against
any attack consisting of the element the spell has been cast
Magical attacks that succeed in a Level vs. Level Saving Throw
will shatter this defense automatically ignoring the armor and
dispelling the protection.
A failure however indicates that the defenses will hold firm.
Future attacks from the same opponent automatically fail the
save unless something modifies the Saving Throw in the
attacker’s favor. Another Saving Throw is then called for.
If the spell is cast for protection against fire or ice it also grants
its target the benefits of Protection from Fire and Protection
from Cold respectively.

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 90


Summon Greater Elemental Spirit Earth

Type: NC Cost: 3 Level 3
Duration: 20 minutes/level Range: 10” Dig
Description: Summons a more powerful version of the Lesser Type: CA (AG or QU) Cost: 3 Level: 3
Elemental Spirit. Still its combat ability isn’t overwhelming (CS Duration: 2 rounds/level Range: 3”
value of 15 points or less). Its minor special abilities according Description: 125 cubic feet of earth, sand, or mud is excavated per
are somewhat more impressive. See their entry in the Bestiary round. The hole thus dug is 5' per side and 5' deep (1 hex). The
for more details. material thrown from the pit is thrown evenly around the pit.
Creatures on the edge of a just dug pit when it first appears must
AIR make a CA save modified by AG or fall in. They do gain a
bonus of +2 however.
Control Vapors Those over a pit as it appears must make a CA save modified by
Type: NC Cost: 3 Level 3
Duration: 10 rounds Range: 2"/level The spell can be maintained on following round by expending 1
Description: A 2" +1”/level diameter sphere of gas or vapor may be MP. However as the pit deepens, there is a chance of it
moved at will at the rate of 2" per round. If desired the caster collapsing as follows:
can prevent entry of any gas or vapor into a like sized fixed area.
Pit Collapsing
Depth: 10’ 15’ 20’ 25’
Collapse % 15% 35% 55% 100%
Type: CA (ST) Cost: 3 Level: 3
Duration: 1 round Range: 0
Earth Sense
Description: With the casting of this spell, a strong wind originates
from the caster and moves outward in a cone that is 1" per 2 Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 3
levels wide by 2" per level long. Duration: Constant Range: 4”/level
It has the following effects: Description: If the caster makes a characteristic save against IN
he/she will sense the presence and location of any creature or
• Unprotected small flames (candles, torches, etc.) will be
force that is moving beneath the ground within range.
• Protected fires (lanterns) have a 10% per caster’s level
chance of being extinguished. Fire
• Large fires will fan outward 1" in the direction of the wind.
Extinguish Fires
• Forces back flyers of man-sized and smaller 1D6" and slow
larger ones advancing into the wind by 50% unless a Type: NC Cost: 3 Level: 3
Saving Throw is made. Duration: Instant Range: 4”
Description: Any number of non-magical fires in a 2+ +1”/level
• Unless a Save Throw is made- Man-sized ground creatures radius area are extinguished.
will be held motionless if attempting to advance into the
wind. One-half size will be blown back 1D3". Up to 4x
size will be slowed 50%. ICE
• Light objects will be blown over.
Snow Walk
Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 3
Duration: Constant Range: Self
Description: The Mage is able to walk or snow or ice without
movement penalty.

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 91


WATER Level 4 Spells

Water Sense ALL

Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 3 Circle of Protection from Elemental Creatures

Duration: Constant Range: 4”/Level
Description: If the caster makes a characteristic save against IN Type: R Cost: 4 Level 4
he/she will sense the presence and location of any creature or Duration: Permanent Range: Touch
force that is moving beneath the water within range. Description:
This ritual takes up to 5 rounds, during which the caster must
GENERAL draw a circle on the ground (with chalk, inscribe in the dirt,
etc.), which cannot exceed a 1” radius (the caster can draw 3
hexsides per round). After the circle is inscribed, 1 extra round
Dispel Magic
is needed to cast the spell.
Type: NC Cost: 3 Level: 3 The spell prevents any action by elemental creatures from
Duration: Instant Range: 3”/level crossing the circle. Thus any attack becomes impossible. It has
Description: The caster may attempt to dispel any single magical no effect on any except creatures that draw their very existence
spell (not item, but including magic projected from an item) from elemental magic. All within the circle benefit from its
within range. This ends the duration of the target spell instantly. protection.
The attempt is successful on a Level vs. Level Saving Throw. Such Creatures may attempt to force their way through field,
either physically or magically (Any offensive spell attempt).
They will succeed on a successful Level vs. Level Saving
Throw. If successful the Protection Spell is shattered and no
longer in effect.
If such an attempt fails no further actions will succeed until
something modifies the Saving Throw in favor of the Creature.
At that time another attempt to break the spell may be made.
The water version of the Circle CAN be done on the water by
spreading a fine salt or dust in a circle. Casting time is reduced
to 1 round. Duration however in this case becomes

Conjure Lesser Elemental

Type: NC Cost: 4 Level 4
Duration: Concentration Range: 10”
Description: Summons a Lesser Elemental that will do as the caster
commands for the duration of the spell. If concentration is
broken before the end of the duration, the Elemental becomes
hostile to the caster and attacks. In any case the element returns
to its previous existence upon expiration of the spell.
Unlike Spirits true Elementals are possessed of formidable
combat ability. Lesser Elementals typically have a CS value of
around 50 points. In addition they have a number of special
abilities according to the element summoned. See their entry in
the Bestiary for more details.

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 92


Elemental Strike Lesser Elemental Wall

Type: B Cost: 1 Level 4 Type: NC Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: Instant Range: 16” level Duration: Varies Range: 2”/level
Description: The spell conjures an elemental force that flies from the Description: The caster conjures a wall 2” in height and 2" per level
caster’s hand causing 1D10+2 damage to whatever it strikes. in length shaped as the caster wishes. Lesser Walls can only
Exact details of the attack depend upon which elemental form consist of Air, Ice or Fire. The effect of the wall vary by the
the missile takes: controlling element as follows:
Air: A Swirling wall of wind transparent to vision.
Air: Lightning Damage Type ‘s’
Special: Ignores non-magical Metal Armor. Creatures can only move through the wall only on a
successful CA Save modified by ST. The attempt takes a
Earth: Rock Shards Damage Type ‘i’ half move and is considered an attack.
Special: The diamond-like hardness of the shards is such
that the two points of defending armor are ignored. Ranged attacks suffer a negative 75 to their SC if they pass
through the wall. Magical spells are unaffected.
Fire: Flame Damage Type ‘s’ Duration: Concentration
Special: Flammable objects stuck by the spell are set on
fire. Ice: A wall of ice requires either a vertical surface to anchor
against on one end or the two ends must come together.
This will set on fire the location of non-magical cloth or The ice is not transparent.
leather armor hit. Fires on armor will burnout in 1d4 The wall acts as a solid barrier with defense of 4. It takes 5
rounds. Until then the character takes 1 point of damage per points of damage caster’s level to break a man-sized hole in
round added to the original wound. Removing the armor the wall.
stops the damage, normally an action taking one full round
and giving a –15 to Defense, PC and PM. All damage from fire or heat is doubled.
Duration: 3 hours/level
Ice: Hail Damage Type ‘c’
Special: The cold of the attack is so intense that the Armor Fire: Any physical object passing through the wall is subject to
Rating (AR) of any non-magical armor (except furs and its a Type C attack.
equivalent) is halved- rounded up. Such objects can be struck a maximum of five attacks of
1D10+1 damage each. Any attacks hitting armor is treated
Water: Water Jet Damage Type ‘p’ as an Elemental Bolt- Fire.
Special: Any normal fires in the area stuck will be put out,
up to 1 hex in size. Multiple hex fires can be dealt with one Note that a Wall of Ice or Wall of Fire cast over each other will
hex at a time using this method. Intense fires may get a destroy one or the other. Resolve with a Level vs. Level Saving
saving throw at the GM’s discretion. throw.
Walls with Concentration as their duration will last 1
Defense Base = 71. Range Group = 8”. round/level after that concentration is broken.


Call Lightning
Type: C Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: Concentration Range: 20”/Level
Description: The mage may only cast Call Lightning if there is a
storm of some sort in the area (rain, shower, clouds and wind,
even a tornado).
The spell calls down 1 bolt of lightning from the sky to the
ground every other round that does damage to all within a 1"
radius. Each round the spell is maintained after casting costs an
addition 1 MP.
Those within the area of effect may be struck by a maximum of
three 1D10 damage attacks each treated as an Elemental Bolt-

Command Wind
Type: NC Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: 3 hours/Level Range: 100”
Description: The caster may halve or double the velocity of the wind
and/or change it’s direction up to 180 degrees over an area
covered by the spell range. The effect is centered on the caster
and moves with him.
If the wind is below 2.5 mph, it can be raised to at least 5 mph.

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 93



Hands of Earth Command Waters

Type: CA (QU) Cost: 4 Type: NC Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: 2 hours/level Range: 2"/level Duration: 30 minutes/level Range: 10"/level
Description: The spell causes a number of giant hands of stone and Description: By use of this spell the caster may calm or increase
earth to materialize out of the ground (each 7' tall). The caster waves within all bodies of waters within range. The effects of
may select the hex of their growth (one per hex) from any hexes this spell are to either reduce or increase the penalties to any
in range. skill affected by sea condition by a up to 10% per level.
Once they appear, they may not move, but they may clutch at Obviously penalties cannot be reduced below zero by use of this
anything in their hex. Any creature(s) standing in a hex with a spell.
hand must make a CA Save be grabbed.
Held targets may escape on a Successful ES vs. ES roll. GENERAL
The hands have an ES of 12, Armor Rating of 6, and take 20
points of damage to destroy. The number of hands that appear is Sphere of Protection
equal to the caster's level minus 3 times 2.
Type: D Cost: 4 Level 4
Duration: Concentration Range: 0
Description: The caster creates a mystic shield covering a 3” radius
Fire Burst that can be used to parry any spell attacking into its area.
Defense Base is 75 unless the casting of other magic modifies it.
Type: C Cost: 4 Level: 4 The shield glows and sparks. Maintaining it costs as much effort
Duration: Instant Range: 4”/Level as it would take to hold a normal shield at the ready. It moves as
Description: A burst of fire originates at the target hex igniting all the caster moves.
flammable objects within its area of effect. The Burst covers a
3” diameter area. Unlike other spells with the Concentration duration, the caster
may cast other spells. Such attempts are at –15 to the magic roll
Those within the area of effect may be struck by a maximum of or –10 to the Strike chance however.
two attacks of 1D6 damage each. Each attack is treated as an
Elemental Bolt- Fire.


Type: CA (AG) Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: 10 rounds Range: 3”/level
Description: The spell affects an area of connecting 10 hexes/level
covering it in slippery ice.
Anyone moving on the ice needs to make a CA save to remain
standing. Failure causes the character to fall prone in a random
hex along the intended path.
Anything moving over 1/2 speed through an ice hex will
automatically fall.

Ice Bridge
Type: NC Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: 1 hour per level Range: 5”
Description: The mage calls into existence a bridge 1” wide and 2” in
length per level. Made of ice, it nonetheless gives sure footing to
those crossing it. It is capable of supporting up to four tons crossing
at a single time.

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Level 5 Spells Greater Elemental Wall

Type: NC Cost: 5 Level: 5
Duration: Varies Range: 2”/level
Description: The caster conjures a wall 2” in height and 2" per level
Conjure Greater Elemental in length shaped as the caster wishes. Lesser Walls can only
Type: NC Cost: 5 Level 5 consist of Earth or Water.
Duration: Concentration Range: 10” The effect of the wall vary by the controlling element as
Description: Summons a Greater Elemental that will do as the caster follows:
commands for the duration of the spell. If concentration is Earth: A wall of earth requires either a vertical surface to
broken before the end of the duration, the Elemental becomes anchor against on one end or the two ends must come
hostile to the caster and attacks. In any case the element returns together.
to its previous existence upon expiration of the spell.
The wall acts as a solid barrier with defense of 8. It takes
Unlike Spirits true Elementals are possessed of formidable 20 points of damage caster’s level to break a man-sized
combat ability. Greater Elementals typically have a CS value of hole in the wall.
around 70 points. In addition they have a number of special
abilities according to the element summoned. See their entry in Duration: Permanent
the Bestiary for more details. Water: A churning wall of water opaque to vision.
Creatures can only move through the wall only on a
Elemental Spear successful CA Save modified by ST with a –3 modifier.
The attempt takes a half move and is considered an attack.
Type: B Cost: 1 Level 5
Ranged or magical attacks are completely blocked.
Duration: Instant Range: 18” level
Description: The spell conjures an elemental force that flies from the Duration: Concentration
caster’s hand causing 1D12+2 damage to whatever it strikes. Walls with Concentration as their duration will last 1
Exact details of the attack depend upon which elemental form round/level after that concentration is broken.
the missile takes:
Air: Lightning Damage Type ‘s’ AIR
Special: Ignores non-magical Metal Armor.
Earth: Rock Shards Damage Type ‘i’ Lightning Bolt
Special: The diamond-like hardness of the shards is such Type: C Cost: 5 Level: 5
that the two points of defending armor are ignored. Duration: Instant Range: 30”
Fire: Flame Damage Type ‘s’ Description: A bolt of lightning 2" wide flows from the mage’s hand
Special: Flammable objects stuck by the spell are set on in a straight line to the spells range limit.
fire. Those within the area of effect may be struck by a maximum of
three attacks of 1D10+1 damage each. Each attack is treated as
This will set on fire the location of non-magical cloth or an Elemental Bolt- Air.
leather armor hit. Fires on armor will burnout in 1d4
rounds. Until then the character takes 1 point of damage per Defense Base: 65
round added to the original wound. Removing the armor
stops the damage, normally an action taking one full round EARTH
and giving a –15 to Defense, PC and PM.
Ice: Hail Damage Type ‘c’ Dispel Quicksand
Special: The cold of the attack is so intense that the Armor Type: NC Cost: 5 Level: 5
Rating (AR) of any non-magical armor (except furs and its Duration: 10 minutes/level Range: 2"/level
equivalent) is halved- rounded up. Description: This spell allows quicksand to be safely walked upon.
Water: Water Jet Damage Type ‘p’ Any sunken objects will rise to the top at the normal sinking
Special: Any normal fires in the area stuck will be put out, rate.
up to 1 hex in size. Multiple hex fires can be dealt with one Effects an area 3"x3"x1" + 1”x1”x1” per level of the caster.
hex at a time using this method. Intense fires may get a
saving throw at the GM’s discretion.
Defense Base = 70. Range Group = 9”.
Type: C Cost: 5 Level: 5
Duration: Instant Range: 7”/level
Description: A ball of fire flies from the caster's hand and explodes
where the caster wishes within range. The Blast covers an area
2” in radius.
Those within the area of effect may be struck by a maximum of
three attacks of 1D10+1 damage each. Each attack is treated as
an Elemental Bolt- Fire.

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 95

Defense Base: 65
Level 6 Spells
Ice Storm
Elemental Lance
Type: C Cost: 5 Level: 5
Duration: Special Range: 4"/level Type: B Cost: 1 Level 6
Description: A hail of sleet and hail stones fall affecting an area of Duration: Instant Range: 20” level
3" radius. Description: The spell conjures an elemental force that flies from the
caster’s hand causing 1D12+3 damage to whatever it strikes.
The immediate effect is a Type C attack causing a maximum of
2 hits of 1d8 damage to any in the area of effect. Each attack is Exact details of the attack depend upon which elemental form
treated as an Elemental Bolt- Ice. the missile takes:
The following round, the area effected is treated the same as if Air: Lightning Damage Type ‘s’
under the influence of the third level speed Ice. This effect has Special: Ignores non-magical Metal Armor.
duration of 5 rounds. Earth: Rock Shards Damage Type ‘i’
Special: The diamond-like hardness of the shards is such
WATER that the two points of defending armor are ignored.
Fire: Flame Damage Type ‘s’
Water Vision Special: Flammable objects stuck by the spell are set on
Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 5
Duration: Constant Range: Self This will set on fire the location of non-magical cloth or
Description: May see unhindered through water up to a distance of leather armor hit. Fires on armor will burnout in 1d4
10" per level through very murky water and up to 25" per level rounds. Until then the character takes 1 point of damage per
in seawater. If the state of the water allows greater vision, this round added to the original wound. Removing the armor
talent gives twice the normal vision. stops the damage, normally an action taking one full round
and giving a –15 to Defense, PC and PM.
Ice: Hail Damage Type ‘c’
Special: The cold of the attack is so intense that the Armor
Rating (AR) of any non-magical armor (except furs and its
equivalent) is halved- rounded up.
Water: Water Jet Damage Type ‘p’
Special: Any normal fires in the area stuck will be put out,
up to 1 hex in size. Multiple hex fires can be dealt with one
hex at a time using this method. Intense fires may get a
saving throw at the GM’s discretion.
Defense Base = 67. Range Group = 10”.

Summon Lesser Elemental

Type: NC Cost: 6 Level 6
Duration: 20 minutes/Level Range: 10”
Description: Summons a Lesser Elemental that will do as the caster
commands for the duration of the spell much like it’s the lower
level Conjure spell. However this version does not rely on
Concentration for control. The Elemental will dissipate back to
whence it came at the end of the spell’s duration.
Lesser Elementals typically have a CS value of around 50
points. In addition they have a number of special abilities
according to the element summoned. See their entry in the
Bestiary for more details.

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 96


Triad of the Elements ICE

Type: C Cost: 6 Level 6
Duration: Instant Range: 10” level Rays of Cold
Description: This spell conjures three Element Bolts of 1d10+1 Type: C Cost: 6 Level: 6
damage each and hurls them at a single target within range. Duration: Instant Range: 0
Resolve normally treating each hit as the appropriate Elemental Description: The caster conjures a number of rays of intense cold to
Bolt emanate from his/her hand to strike all within a 120-degree cone
Defense Base = 67. Range Group = 5”. 1" per level long.
Those within the area of effect may be struck by one attack of
1D10 damage. The attack is treated as an Elemental Bolt- Ice.
Defense Base: 65
Weather Summoning
Type: NC Cost: 6 Level: 6 WATER
Duration: 2D12 hours Range: 15 miles
Description: While this spell takes only one round to cast, the actual Part Water
weather change will take effect proportionally over the next five Type: NC Cost: 6 Level: 6
rounds. Duration: 1 round/level Range: 10"
The caster may change the weather within range to any Description: The caster can part water, creating a trough 5”x2”x1”
combination of cloud wind and/or rain to a maximum of heavy per level'. The caster may refrain from increasing any of the
thunderstorms. Tornadoes and hurricanes are beyond the reach dimensions of the trough as he wishes.
of this spell. Temperature may be raised or lowered by up to 20
degrees. Temperatures below freezing allow snow.
Only actual possible combinations are allowed. Examples of
impossible combinations are Rain without clouds or fog together
with high winds.


Move Earth
Type: R Cost: 6 Level: 6
Duration: Permanent Range: 12”
Description: Allows the caster to move terrain features. Only natural
terrain without construction on it can be affected.
The area is determined by the time spent casting the spell: 8
cubic hexes per turn up to a maximum of 2 turns per level.


Flame Fan
Type: C Cost: 6 Level: 6
Duration: Instant Range: 0
Description: The caster conjures a sheet of fire to emanate from
his/her hand to strike all within a 120-degree cone 1" per level
Those within the area of effect may be struck by a maximum of
three attacks of 1D10+2 damage each. Each attack is treated as
an Elemental Bolt- Fire.
Defense Base: 65

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 97


Level 7 Spells AIR

ALL Lightning Storm

Pure Elemental Strike Type: C Cost: 7 Level: 7

Duration: Instant Range: 100”
Type: B Cost: 1 Level 7 Description: All targets within an area 10" x 5" x 5" may be
Duration: Instant Range: 20” level damaged by a summoned lightning field.
Description: The spell conjures an elemental force that flies from the Those within the area of effect may be struck by a maximum of
caster’s hand causing 1D20+1 damage to whatever it strikes. three attacks of 1D12+1 damage each. Each attack is treated as
Exact details of the attack depend upon which elemental form an Elemental Bolt- Air.
the missile takes: Defense Base: 65
Air: Lightning Damage Type ‘s’
Special: Ignores non-magical Metal Armor. EARTH
Earth: Rock Shards Damage Type ‘i’
Special: The diamond-like hardness of the shards is such Quicksand
that the two points of defending armor are ignored.
Type: NC Cost: 7 Level: 7
Fire: Flame Damage Type ‘s’ Duration: Permanent Range: 2"/level
Special: Flammable objects stuck by the spell are set on Description: An area of ground (dirt or rock) equal to 1"x1"x1" +
fire. 1”x1”x.25” per casters level will turn to quicksand. This spell
This will set on fire the location of non-magical cloth or will affect only natural earth and rock; it is useless against
leather armor hit. Fires on armor will burnout in 1d4 worked stone or ground under worked materials.
rounds. Until then the character takes 1 point of damage per Quicksand will pull anything under that rests across its surface.
round added to the original wound. Removing the armor Unless able to fly, have something to pull on, etc., anything on
stops the damage, normally an action taking one full round top will sink at the rate of 1 foot per round. Those attempting to
and giving a –15 to Defense, PC and PM. pull free must match their ES against the Quicksand’s ES of 9.
Ice: Hail Damage Type ‘c’ A creature may attempt to 'swim' at -80 with success moving
Special: The cold of the attack is so intense that the Armor either 1” or raising 1 foot. Failure causes an additional foot of
Rating (AR) of any non-magical armor (except furs and its sinking.
equivalent) is halved- rounded up. One may also attempt to 'float' at –35 to their swimming roll.
Success indicates that no sinking takes place that round.
Water: Water Jet Damage Type ‘p’
Special: Any normal fires in the area stuck will be put out, During the first round of the spell, very little actual sinking will
up to 1 hex in size. Multiple hex fires can be dealt with one occur. This will allow a one-half move in the first round only if
hex at a time using this method. Intense fires may get a a Perception skill check is made.
saving throw at the GM’s discretion.
Defense Base = 65. Range Group = 10”. FIRE

Summon Greater Elemental
Type: C Cost: 7 Level: 7
Type: NC Cost: 7 Level 7 Duration: Instant Range: 100”
Duration: 20 minutes/Level Range: 10” Description: All targets within an area 10" x 5" x 5" may be
Description: Summons a Greater Elemental that will do as the caster damaged by the resulting firestorm created by this spell.
commands for the duration of the spell much like it’s the lower
level Conjure spell. However this version does not rely on Those within the area of effect may be struck by a maximum of
Concentration for control. The Elemental will dissipate back to three attacks of 1D12+1 damage each. Each attack is treated as
whence it came at the end of the spell’s duration. an Elemental Bolt- Fire.
Greater Elementals typically have a CS value of around 70 Defense Base: 65
points. In addition they have a number of special abilities
according to the element summoned. See their entry in the
Bestiary for more details.

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 98



Hail Storm
Type: CA Cost: 7 Level: 7
Duration: Special Range: 6"/level
Description: A hail of sleet and hail stones fall affecting an area of
5" radius.
The immediate effect is a Type C attack causing a maximum of
3 hits of 1d12+1 damage to any in the area of effect. Each attack
is treated as an Elemental Bolt- Ice.
The following round, the area effected is treated the same as if
under the influence of the third level speed Ice. This effect has
duration of 5 rounds.


Multiple Summoning
Type: I Cost: 7 Level: 7
Duration: Instant Range: N/A
Description: This spell is used at the same time as the mage casts a
Summon or Conjure Spirit/Elemental. The effect is to call three
such creatures instead of only one. This spell does not increase
the number of Greater Elementals Summoned or Conjured, only
Lesser Elementals and Elemental Spirits.

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 99


23.7 Forester 23.7.1 Class Rules

The Forester is a Hybrid class whose skills are primarily concerned The Forester may undermine those campaigns that desire a special
with travel and survival in the wilderness. They possess a useful emphasis on the dangers and hardships of wilderness travel.
selection of utility magic that both enhances and extends these skills. Allowing Foresters in such a campaign requires careful
At higher levels these magical abilities even aid those traveling in the consideration.
same company.
As is typical with Hybrid mages, the Forester does not have a large
spell selection nor does it possess great versatility.
Without a single dedicated offensive or defensive spell in their entire
range the Forester depends upon his own combat skill in case of

23.7.2 Forester Spells

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Know Direction Animal Trust – Domestic Blending Calm Wild Animal
Make Fire Predict Weather Find Tracks Concealment
Forage Night Vision
Hide Tracks Perception
Light Sleep Swift Travel
Track Tell

Level 5 Level 6 Level 7

Detect Presence Far Sight Group Quiet Travel
Hidden Fire Shadow Walk Group Swift Travel
Magic Cloak Sleep Light Sense Presence
Quiet Travel
Resist Weather
Travel Endurance

Level 1 Spells Level 2 Spells

Know Direction Animal Trust - Domestic

Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 1 Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 2
Duration: Constant Range: Self Duration: Constant Range: N/A
Description: When outdoors the Forester is always instinctually Description: Gives the Forester +10/level in his favor to any
aware which direction is north domestic animal reaction roll.

Make Fire Predict Weather

Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 1 Type: NC Cost: 2 Level: 2
Duration: Instant Range: Touch Duration: Instant Range: Self
Description: The Forester causes small amounts of wood (twigs and Description: The Forester gains +50 to his Weather Watch Skill for
the like) to burst into flame and burn regardless of wetness or the purpose of one skill test.

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Level 3 Spells Level 4 Spells

Blending Calm Wild Animal

Type: NC Cost: 3 Level: 3 Type: CA (WP) Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: Special Range: Self Duration: 1 hour/level Range: 20”
Description: The Forester may blend into a forest or wooded area Description: Calms any creature considered a natural animal. A CA
giving an additional -5 per caster’s level verses opposing save resists the spell’s effect. Calmed animals will ignore the
Perception attempts. The Forester must remain motionless or the Forester and those with him. Any attack by the Forester or his
spell is broken. party will break the spell.

Find Tracks Concealment

Type: NC Cost: 3 Level: 3 Type: NC Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: 8 hours Range: Self Duration: 1 day/level Range: Touch
Description: Gives the Forester an additional +5 per level to any Description: The Forester may place a spell of concealment around a
Tracking skill rolls. creature or object. This gives an additional -5 per caster’s level
verses attempts to perceive it.
Forage The number of creatures or man-sized objects that may be
concealed in a single location of no more than a 1" radius is
Type: NC Cost: 3 Level: 3
equal to the caster's level.
Duration: 4 hours Range: Self
Description: The Forester gains +5 per level to any Foraging skill The spell is broken if any protected creature or object exits the
rolls. area of effect.

Hide Tracks Night Vision

Type: NC Cost: 3 Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 4
Duration: 8 hours Range: 2” Duration: Constant Range: Self
Description: Magically obscures tracks left by a Forester and/or a Description: When outdoors the Forester suffers only one-half the
group of creatures numbering 1 + (level) 2 within range giving normal penalty for darkness.
an additional -5 per caster’s level to any attempting to track
them (or learn information from their tracks). Perception
Any creature protected by this spell moving more than 2” away
from the Forester’s path loses the benefits until it returns. Type: NC Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: 1 day Range: Self
Description: The Forester gains +5 per level to Perception rolls for
Light Sleep the duration of the spell.
Type: NC Cost: 3
Duration: 1 sleep period Range: Self Swift Travel
Description: While under the effects of this spell the Forester may
make a normal perception roll at only -10 to become alert to any Type: NC Cost: 4 Level: 4
movement or sound that would normally catch his/her attention Duration: 1 day Range: Self
and engender concern or alarm. Description: The Forester may travel +5% per level further in a day
than normal under whatever environmental conditions may
exist. Works only outdoors for extended travel.

Track Tell
Type: NC Cost: 4
Duration: 1 round Range: Touch
Description: By casting this spell over a track the Forester conjures
an image in a flowing white cloud of the creature or thing that made

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 101


Level 5 Spells Level 6 Spells

Detect Presence Far Sight

Type: NC Cost: 5 Level: 5 Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 6
Duration: 1 hour/level Range: 2 miles/level Duration: Constant Range: Self
Description: The Forester will sense the presence, but not the location Description: While out doors the Forester gains +20% per level
of any creature or unnatural force that is unusually interested in distance on range modifiers for Perception. This has no combat
the Forester within range, i.e., trackers, ambushes, guardian effect.
spirits of the area he's in, etc.
Along with this awareness comes a vague feeling of distance. Shadow Walk
Type: NC Cost: 6 Level: 6
Hidden Fire Duration: 1 hour/level Range: Self
Type: NC Cost: 5 Level: 5 Description: The Forester blends into shadows and cover in the
Duration: 1 day Range: 3” wilderness giving an additional +5 per level to Stealth skill rolls.
Description: The Forester may cause one small campfire to burn
without smoke and/or light (caster’s choice) traveling more than Sleep Light
Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 6
Duration: Constant Range: Self
Magic Cloak Description: At this level of mastery, the Forester now has as a talent
Type: NC Cost: 5 Level: 5 what was originally a spell.
Duration: 1 day Range: Self The Forester may make a normal perception roll at only -10 to
Description: The Forester may cloak himself from magical detection. become alert to any movement or sound that would normally
Such magic must succeed with a magic verses magic roll to pierce catch his/her attention.
this protection.

Quiet Travel
Type: NC Cost: 5 Level: 5
Duration: 1 day Range: Self
Description: This spell reduces the random encounter chance by 3/4
for the Forester if traveling alone.

Resist Weather
Type: NC Cost: 5 Level: 5
Duration: 1 day Range: Self
Description: The Forester may suffer the effects of adverse weather
(snowstorms, deserts, etc.) for an additional period of +20% per level
before taking penalties.

Travel Endurance
Type: NC Cost: 5 Level: 5
Duration: 1 day/level Range: Self
Description: The Forester loses fatigue at only 1/2 the normal rate
while traveling.

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 102


Level 7 Spells

Group Quiet Travel

Type: NC Cost: 7 Level: 7
Duration: 1 day Range: 10”
Description: This spell reduces the random encounter chance by one-
half for a group traveling with the Forester. It is limited to a
number less than or equal to double the caster's level.
Any member of the group wandering farther than 10” from the
forester loses the spell’s benefits.
An unprotected traveler moving with a protected group will
have the normal encounter chance. In this case, if the encounter
is in the range of protection (top one-half) it is quite possible to
for a protected group to not be spotted initially while the
unprotected traveler is. This happy condition lasts for one round.
There after the future course of events is entirely up to the
actions of those involved.

Group Swift Travel

Type: NC Cost: 7 Level 7
Duration: 1 day Range: 10”
Description: The Forester and a group less than or equal to double
his level may travel +5% per level further in a day than normal
under whatever environmental conditions may exist. Works only
outdoors for extended travel.
Any member of the group wandering farther than 10” from the
forester loses the spell’s benefits and will have to be left behind
if the party is to maintain its pace.

Sense Presence
Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 7
Duration: Constant Range: Self
Description: At this level of mastery, the Forester now has as a talent
what was originally a spell.
The Forester will sense the presence, but not the location of any
creature or unnatural force that is unusually interested in the
Forester within range, i.e., trackers, ambushes, guardian spirits
of the area he's in, etc.
Along with this awareness comes a vague feeling of distance.

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 103


23.8 Healer 23.8.1 Class Rules

Healers strive to aid the injured and sick. Their magic is centered Healer Preeminence (Optional)
almost completely on that goal although they do have a few defensive
spells. Under the standard rules, much of the healing effects available to this
While a very narrow focus is required to master the difficult magic of spell list can be duplicated by a sufficiently high physician skill
healing, it produces a mage with no magical offensive power. For this together with magical herbs.
reason, aggressive action must rely upon more mundane skills. While the Healer has the advantage of not needing herbs, or of
Characters wishing a more active role in adventuring are advised to having increased speed if they are used, this may not be appropriate
carefully consider skill purchases from the outset. for all campaigns.
While healing magic is nothing short of miraculous, it has limits. Restrict all healing using the physician skill and herbs to Partial
Recovery times are greatly reduced from nature’s norm, but not Healing (see 18.1) at best. In this way only Healers will be able to
eliminated entirely. offer full recovery from injuries of –6 or beyond.
Complete recovery from injuries or disease is possible in all but rare
cases. Death however remains the final barrier, only cheatable by the
most skilled healers for patients at its door but never beyond.

23.8.2 Healer Spell List

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Detect Curse Analyze Poison Cure Disease Break Domination
Detect Poison Cure Hangover Curse Calm
Heal Light Damage (<0) Curse Analysis Dispel Fear Fortify Food
Heal Muscle Damage (0, -1) Detect Disease Heal Broken Bone (-4, -5) Heal Organ/Shattered Bone (-6, -7)
Light Hold Person Missile Deflections Heal Poison
Preserve Limb Heal Tendon or Heavy Muscle Remove Curse Ignore Pain
Purify Water Damage (-2, -3) Remove Parasites
Remove Fatigue Purify Food Remove Poison
Remove Foreign Body Restore Blood
Stop Light Bleeding Spell Deflections
Stop Heavy Bleeding

Level 5 Level 6 Level 7

Cure Addiction Circle of Cloaking Reattach Limb (-10)
Enhance Defense Heal Heavy Nerve or Very Severe Speed Healing III
Heal Light Nerve or Severe Organ Organ Damage (-9)
Damage (-8) Speed Healing II
Resistant Disease Wound Suspension
Speed Healing I

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 104


Level 1 Spells Purify Water

Type: R Cost: 1 Level: 1
Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Detect Curse Description: This 3-round ritual will purify and clean one day’s
Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 1 ration of water per level of the caster. It will also heat or cool it
Duration: Instant Range: Touch to whatever temperature the caster desires between freezing and
Description: This spell allows the caster to determine if a curse is boiling.
afflicting the target without learning any details.
Remove Fatigue
Detect Poison Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 1
Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 1 Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Duration: Instant Range: Touch Description: This spell will return one level of fatigue to the target
Description: This spell allows the caster to determine if a target is for every 2 levels of the caster (round up).
afflicted with a poison without knowing any details.
Remove Foreign Body
Heal Minor Damage Type: R Cost: 1 Level: 1
Type: R Cost: 1 Level: 1 Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Duration: N/A Range: Touch Description: This 1-minute ritual will remove a harmful foreign body
Description: This 10 minute ritual lets the healer speed the recovery (like barbed arrows) from the target without causing further
of wounds that haven’t equaled or exceeded the victim’s LP. injury.
The spell will heal multiple wounds (in proportion) but is If the object is magical, a successful Magic vs. Magic roll is
limited to a total of 4 points/level of the caster. The spell may required. If the save fails, the object will either remain in place
be cast multiple times. or do normal damage on withdrawal depending on what it was
designed to do.
See 18.1 for healing times.

Stop Light Bleeding

Heal Muscle Damage
Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 1
Type: R Cost: 1 Level: 1
Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Description: This spell will stop bleeding of 2 points per round or less
Description: This 10 minute ritual lets the healer speed the recovery
from a single wound. It will also aid Physician rolls against
of a wound that reduced the LP to 0 or –1.
worse bleeding gaining a bonus of +20.
See 18.1 for healing times.

Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 1
Duration: 10-minutes/level Range: Touch
Description: Creates light around a point in a 4" radius. The light is
equal to dim light and may be placed upon a fixed or moveable

Preserve Limb
Type: R Cost: 1 Level: 1
Duration: 1 day/level Range: Touch
Description: This 10 minute ritual lets the healer preserve any non-
vital severed body part the size of a leg or smaller preventing
any decay.
Its main use is to allow time to seek the aid of a more skilled
Healer, who may offer a chance for the limb to be reattached.

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Level 2 Spells Purify Food

Type: R Cost: 2 Level: 2
Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Analyze Poison Description: This 3-round ritual will purify and clean one day’s
Type: NC Cost: 2 Level: 2 ration of water per level of the caster. It will also heat or cool it
Duration: N/A Range: Touch to whatever temperature the caster desires between freezing and
Description: This spell will inform the caster of the type and level of hot off the grill.
poison that is afflicting the target.
A Level vs. Level saving throw may be required for some Restore Blood
obscure or magical poisons.
Type: R Cost: 2 Level: 2
Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Cure Hangover Description: This 10-minute ritual will heal 2 points of bleeding
damage per level of the caster at the rate of 1 point per 15
Type: R Cost: 2 Level: 2
Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Description: By means of this 5-minute ritual, the caster may
enchant a small amount of common ingredients such that a Spell Deflections
hangover may be cured by their ingestion.
Type: D Cost: 2 Level: 2
The ‘cure’ will have a shelf life of two weeks and of course Duration: 10 minutes/level Range: 0”
tastes absolutely awful. Description: A shimmering field of energy is formed enclosing the
hex of the caster.
Curse Analysis Any magic attempting to enter or exit the hex must make a
successful Magic vs. Magic saving throw or be dispelled.
Type: R Cost: 2 Level: 2
Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Description: On a successful Magic vs. Magic roll, this spell will Stop Heavy Bleeding
inform the caster of the effects and level of a curse that is
Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 2
afflicting the target. This includes the any exit causes built into
Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Description: This spell will stop any level of bleeding from a single
Detect Disease
Type: NC Cost: 2 Level 2
Duration: N/A Range: 1"
Description: This spell will inform the caster if the target is suffering
from a disease. If so, a second successful Magic Skill roll will
determine its name, effects and level.

Hold Person
Type: CA (WP) Cost: 2 Level: 2
Duration: 3 rounds/level Range: 6"
Description: Renders the target unable to make any voluntary
movements for the duration of the spell.

Heal Tendon or Heavy Muscle Damage

Type: R Cost: 2 Level: 2
Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Description: This 15 minute ritual lets the healer speed the recovery
of a wound that reduced the LP to –2 or –3.
See 18.1 for healing times.

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Level 3 Spells Remove Curse

Type: R Cost: 5 Level: 3
Duration: Permanent Range: Touch
Cure Disease Description: The caster may attempt to lift a curse on the target with
Type: R Cost: 3 Level: 3 this difficult 8-hour ritual on a successful Magic vs. Magic
Duration: N/A Range: Touch contest.
Description: A 30-minute ritual that will cure any disease afflicting Curses cast in just cause are harder to remove and gain a +3 to
the target with a successful Magic Level vs. Disease Level roll. their saving throw unless the original curse spell specifies a
If successful, the victim will recover to full health over the next different modifier.
three days.
Remove Parasites
Type: R Cost: 3 Level: 3
Type: CA Cost: 3 Level: 3 Duration: Permanent Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent Range: Sight Description: The caster may kill and remove parasites from the
Description: The Healer may cast this spell only when greatly target by use of this spell. A Level vs. Level throw determines if
wronged. It may be cast even when tied or otherwise restrained. the spell is successful.
Unless the target succeeds on a Saving Throw (modified by This spell is a 20-minute ritual affecting all harmful parasites in
WP), The spell will inflict the following effects: a single victim’s body. If multiple types of parasites are present,
use the highest level one in resolving the spell’s success.
4. -5 to all combat stats
5. He will slowly lose, in one way or another, all treasure Remove Poison
and money above the minimum amount needed to Type: NC Cost: 3 Level: 3
survive. Duration: N/A Range: Touch
6. General bad luck (up to the GM). Description: With a successful level vs. level roll, the caster may
remove poison from the target’s system prevent any future
Dispel Fear
Any damage the poison has already caused is not healed
Type: NC Cost: 3 Level: 3
Duration: N/A Range: 5" per level
Description: This spell will remove the effects of magical fear on a
target within range with a successful Magic vs. Magic roll.

Heal Broken Bone

Type: R Cost: 3 Level: 3
Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Description: This 20 minute ritual lets the healer speed the recovery
of a wound that reduced the LP to –4 or –5.
See 18.1 for healing times.

Missile Deflections
Type: D Cost: 3 Level: 3
Duration: 10 minutes/level Range: 0”
Description: A shimmering field of energy is formed enclosing the
hex of the caster.
Any missile attempting to enter or exit the hex is blocked unless
magical. Enchanted missiles must make a successful Magic vs.
Magic saving throw or be stopped as well.

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Level 4 Spells Level 5 Spells

Break Domination Cure Addiction

Type: NC Cost: 4 Level: 4 Type: R Cost: 5 Level: 5
Duration: N/A Range: 5” Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Description: This spell will dispel any magical mind control afflicting Description: This spell will cure the target of one addiction if a
the target with a successful Magic vs. Magic roll. successful level vs. level roll (against the level of the addicting
substance) is made.
Enhance Defense
Type: CA (WP) Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: N/A Range: 5" Type: D Cost: 1 Level: 5
Description: This spell will calm an irrationally angry or frenzied Duration: 10-minutes/level Range: Self
target thereby allowing them to consider their next course of Description: The caster gains a +15 to his DEF for the duration of the
action rationally. It will also end a target’s berserker state. spell.

Fortify Food Heal Light Nerve or Severe Organ Damage

Type: R Cost: 4 Level: 4 Type: R Cost: 5 Level: 5
Duration: 1 day Range: Touch Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Description: This 1 minute ritual will affects 1 day’s ration per level Description: This 1 hour ritual lets the healer speed the recovery of a
of food resulting in a doubling of its normal food value. wound that reduced the LP to –8.
Additionally, it will add all necessary nutritional elements that See 18.1 for healing times. No permanent wound modifiers
may be missing. remain after the healing is complete.

Heal Organ/Shattered Bone Damage Resistant Disease

Type: R Cost: 4 Level: 4 Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 5
Duration: N/A Range: Touch Duration: N/A Range: Self
Description: This 30 minute ritual lets the healer improve and speed Description: The healer gains a +3 saving throw modifier to resist
the recovery of a wound that reduced the LP to –6 or –7. contracting diseases.
See 18.1 for healing times. No permanent wound modifiers
remain after the healing is complete. Speed Healing I
Type: R Cost: 5 Level: 5
Heal Poison Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Type: R Cost: 4 Level: 4 Description: This 10-minute ritual, when added to a 1st level healing
Duration: N/A Range: Touch spell halves the required recovery time.
Description: This 15 minute ritual speeds the recovery of poison
damage and effects to the magical rates listed in 18.1. Spell
Point cost is halved if cast together with the third level Remove

Ignore Pain
Type: NC Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: 1 day Range: Touch
Description: This 5 minute ritual lets the target ignore the effects of
one wound that is less than -4 damage. Heavy effort will
increase the wound level by one at the end of the spell duration.

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Level 6 Spells Level 7 Spells

Circle of Cloaking Cheat Death

Type: R Cost: 6 Level: 6 Type: R Cost: 7 Level: 7
Duration: 1 day Range: 0 Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Description: This ritual takes up to 6 rounds to complete, during Description: Using this 5-minute ritual the healer attempts to prevent
which the caster draws a circle on the ground (with chalk, the target from slipping into death.
inscribe in the dirt, etc.) that cannot exceed a 1” radius (the It is effective only on those who suffered a –10 to -11 wound to
caster can draw 1 hex side per round). a vital location. Wounds of higher levels (or wounds that
Those within the circle are hidden from view or detection. Any bleeding increases to a higher level) are beyond the reach of this
creature must make a successful CA (IN) to detect the presence spell.
of the circle or those within. A perception or tracking roll made If the caster can succeed in a Magic skill roll at–30 in addition to
by 50 or more will only allow a feeling of ‘something wrong’. any other modifiers (including those for casting a seventh level
The protection will last until the duration expires or something spell), the wound is reduced to –9.
breaks the circle. If the spell is successful in preventing death, further healing can
The caster may extend the spell duration for 1 day by spending a be attempted. But even if successful, recovery is limited to the
spell point. natural healing modifiers of a –8 injury.

Heal Heavy Nerve/Very Severe Organ Damage Reattach Limb

Type: R Cost: 6 Level: 6 Type: R Cost: 7 Level: 7
Duration: N/A Range: Touch Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Description: This 2 hour ritual lets the healer speed the recovery of a Description: This 3 hour ritual lets the healer reattach severed limbs
wound that reduced the LP to –9. (legs, feet, hands, arms, etc.). The reattached part must not have
See 18.1 for healing times. No permanent wound modifiers decayed for more than a day.
remain after the healing is complete. Under most cases, full use of the limb will be restored.
Healing time is found in Section 18.1.
Speed Healing II
Type: R Cost: 6 Level: 6 Speed Healing III
Duration: N/A Range: Touch Type: R Cost: 7 Level: 7
Description: This 15-minute ritual, when added to a 2nd level healing Duration: N/A Range: Touch
spell halves the required recovery time. Description: This 20-minute ritual, when added to a 3rd level healing
spell halves the required recovery time.
Wound Suspension
Type: R Cost: 6 Level: 6
Duration: 1 day Range: Touch
Description: This 10 minute ritual will enable the target to ignore the
effects of one wound of -7 damage or less for the duration of the
Any heavy physical activity by the victim will cause the wound
level to increase by one at the end of the spell’s duration.

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23.10 NightBlade 23.10.1 Class Rules

The Nightblade is a Hybrid class whose skills are primarily those of
stealth and assassination with spells supporting covert operations. Disallowing Nightblades
Very few of these mystical assassins exist and most common people
consider them myths. Given the dark nature of the class, many campaigns will restrict
Nightblades to NPCs only. Those desiring a more upfront campaign
For the Nightblade, training is very difficult to come by and is nearly
impossible outside of membership within a secret order. Trust style may restrict the class completely.
between a Nightblade and anyone outside that order is almost Some creative work could explain the rare character that uses such
unheard of. Such is the life of the shadowy assassin. strengths for good. It is almost a certainty that such a character would
The discipline required to learn any magic combined with the nature be a hunted man by those who consider his noble actions pure treason
of these orders often result in highly rigid codes of ‘assassin’s honor’. against the clan who trained him.
Exact details will of course depend upon the campaign culture and
setting. Note that Nightblade adventures often run to the solitary adventurer
type. GM’s not wishing to deal with such should disallow the class.

23.10.2 Nightblade Spells

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Diversion Detect Magic Detect Trap Direction

Extinguish Light Running Jump Mind Block
Night Vision Spider Climb Light Fall Muffle Sound
Shadow Hide Sense Magic
Unlock Silence Magic

Level 5 Level 6 Level 7

Cat’s Step Find Path Missile Flight

Magic Cloak Pass Barrier Shadow Aim
Perceive Sense Traps
Sense Passage Silence

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Level 1 Spells Level 2 Spells

Diversion Detect Magic

Type: CA (WP) Cost: 1 Level: 1 Type: I Cost: 2 Level: 2
Duration: 1 round Range: 5” level Duration: 1 minute/level Range: self
Description: If successful, the spell will draw the target’s attention Description: Once cast, the caster will see a faint glow around any
towards a direction specified by the caster for a full round as he magic present in a 60-degree cone up to 3" in length.
finds ‘something’ too interesting over there. Interposing materials will block the detection.
At the end of the round, he loses interest and returns to normal The caster is limited to detecting in only one direction per
behavior unaware that anything happened. If the spell fails, a round.
Perception roll is still required by the target to realize he was the
intend victim of a spell.
Type: I Cost: 2 Level: 2
Duration: 1 minute/turn Range: self
Extinguish Light Description: The caster’s MR is increased by 2 for the duration of the
Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 1
Duration: N/A Range: 10”
Description: This spell extinguishes one natural fire-based, non- Spider Climb
magical light within range.
Type: I Cost: 2
Duration: 1 minute/level Range: self
Night Vision Description: The caster gains the ability to climb sheer surfaces
Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 1 without handholds. Still requires a successful climbing skill roll.
Duration: N/A Range: self If the climb was possible with normal methods, +20 is gained to
Description: Reduces Perception/Combat Penalties for Darkness by 5 the skill roll.
per level. If penalties reach 0, treat it as if the character was in
full daylight.

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Level 3 Spells Level 4 Spells

Detect Trap Direction

Type: I Cost: 2 Level: 3 Type: I Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: 1 minute/level Range: self Duration: Instant Range: 500”
Description: Once cast, the caster will see a faint glow around any Description: The spell will give the caster the direction and distance
trap (magical or not) present in a 60-degree cone up to 3" in towards an object or person he has ‘marked’.
length. Interposing materials will block the detection. ‘Marking’ a target requires examining it at a range of 1” or less
The caster is limited to detecting in only one direction per round. for at least one minute. It also requires the expenditure of 1 SP
in fix the target in the caster’s mind. The caster doesn’t recover
the spell point until he releases his fix, thereby losing the ability
to cast this spell on that target.
Type: I Cost: 2 Level: 3 If the subject of the spell isn’t within range at casting, that fact is
Duration: 1 minute/level Range: self known but no other information is gained.
Description: By means of the spell, the caster is able to jump greater
than normal distances.
Mind Block
Both the height and distance the character can leap is increased
to double the normal amount. Type: IT Cost: 0 Level: 4
Duration: N/A Range: self
Description: The caster gains a +1/level Saving Throw vs. any mental
Light Fall
mind reading type spells.
Type: I Cost: 3 Level: 3
Duration: 1 fall Range: self
Muffle Sound
Description: The result of a fall on the caster is determined as if the
distance fell where but one-fourth that of normal. A fall from a Type: I Cost: 4 Level: 4
40’ wall for example would be the same as a fall from 10’ Duration: 1 minute/level Range: Self
Description: By use of this spell, the caster reduces the level of sound
leaving (but not inside) a 5” radius area.
Shadow Hide
Any Perceptions rolls made to hear what’s occurring within the
Type: T Cost: 1 Level: 3 effect area take a -30 modifier.
Duration: special Range: self
Walls or similar objects limit the spell’s area. If cast in a room
Description: The caster blends into shadows gaining a bonus for example, the spell’s area will conform to the room within the
of +3 per level to his stealth skill against vision perception limits of the 5” radius.
attempts. Spell effects center on the caster and move with him.

Sense Magic
Type: CA Cost: 3 Level: 3
Duration: N/A Range: Touch Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 4
Description: The spell causes the target lock to spring open. The Duration: N/A Range: 5”
target will resist the spell on a successful saving throw matching Description: Allows the caster to sense the presence of magic
the level of its maker against the caster. within range.
This instinctive sense will alert the Nightblade to the
source of the magic if visible, or give an idea of direction
and distance if not.

Silence Magic
Type: CA Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: 1 round Range: 4”
Description: The caster can prevent one magical alarm or
magical trap from sensing anything for the spell’s
duration. The success of the spell is determined by the
result of Magic vs. Magic save.

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Level 5 Spells Level 6 Spells

Cat’s Step Find Path

Type: I Cost: 5 Level: 5 Type: NC Cost: 6 Level: 6
Duration: 10 minutes/level Range: 10” Duration: 30 minutes Range: 500”
Description: The caster blends into shadows gaining a bonus Description: The spell will lead the caster along the most efficient
of +3 per level to his stealth skill against hearing path towards an object or person he has already succeeded in
locating by the use of the Direction Spell.
perception attempts for the duration of the spell.
Additionally, he leaves no tracks behind no matter what
the terrain. Pass Barrier
Type: I Cost: 6 Level: 6
Magic Cloak Duration: 1 round Range: self
Description: The caster may move through walls or other locked
Type: I Cost: 5 Level: 5
barriers by means of this spell leaving the barrier unaffected by
Duration: 24 hours Range: self
the character’s passage.
Description: This talent protects the characters from any type of
magic detection including magic traps so that they cannot sense Only barriers of a thickness of 1’ per level may be passed. Also,
the character in order to trigger. the spell will not work if the caster is in clear sight of other
creatures. Darkness, stealth and other methods of hiding could
A successful Magic vs. Magic Saving Throw is required to gain
be useful…
the benefits of this protection.

Sense Traps
Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 6
Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 5 Duration: 1 round Range: 5”
Duration: 1 round Range: self Description: The character is able to instinctively sense and locate
Description: This talent increases the character’s perception of traps or alarms within range.
those things around him/her. A +10 Perception is gained. If concealing magic is in use, the character still senses the trap
In addition, a successful perception roll negates flank or on a successful Magic vs. Magic Saving Throw.
rear hex combat penalties. A Failed perception check
gives the normal successful perception combat penalties. Silence
Type: NC Cost: 6 Level: 6
Sense Passage
Duration: 1 minute/level Range: Self
Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 5 Description: By use of this spell, the caster completely silences any
Duration: 1 round Range: 2” sound leaving (but not inside) a 5” radius area.
Description: The character is able to instinctively sense and locate Any Perceptions rolls made to hear what’s occurring within the
secret doors or passages/rooms within range. effect area take a -30 modifier.
If concealing magic is in use, the character still senses the Walls or similar objects limit the spell’s area. If cast in a room
passage on a successful Magic vs. Magic Saving Throw. for example, the spell’s area will conform to the room within the
limits of the 5” radius.
Suggestion Spell effects center on the caster and move with him.
Type: CA (WP) Cost: 3 Level: 5
Duration: special Range: 12”
Description: The target will follow one simple suggestion
from the caster.
The GM may apply a modifier to the saving throw
depending upon how likely the target would normally
agree with the suggestion. Such a modifier should range
from automatic success for something he rather die than
do to automatic failure if it was something he was barely
keeping himself from doing anyway.

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 113


Level 7 Spells

Missile Flight
Type: I Cost: 7 Level: 7
Duration: 1 round/level Range: self
Description: The caster gains a +30 SC with the next missile attack
he/she makes. The missile must be fired before the spells
duration ends or the spell points are lost.

Shadow Aim
Type: I Cost: 7 Level: 7
Duration: 1 round/level Range: self
Description: The caster may pick the target Hit Location on the next
successful melee attack. The attack must occur before the spells
duration ends or the spell points are lost.

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 114


23.11 Paladin 23.11.1 Class Rules

The Paladin is a sworn defender of the innocent. A champion of Learning Spells
justice committed to the path of righteousness. They are the chosen
warriors of the Forces of Light. The virtues of courage, honor, Paladins automatically gain the use of Type T spells upon reaching
justice, compassion, humility and wisdom are their personal goals. the required level. They must spend the normal time in order to learn
Paladins are not fanatics who seek to destroy any who disagrees with control of other spells types.
them. Nor do they insist all live to the high standards they place upon
themselves. Their opposition is reserved for those that serve Loss of Magic
The Paladin will forfeit his magic by knowingly committing an evil
Paladins are a hybrid class whose primary strength is skill in battle. act. This will also occur if he knowingly allows an evil act to occur
Their magic extends this natural ability as well as providing powerful
when he could have prevented it.
tools in the pursuit of their goals.
The fallen Paladin may seek redemption in a manner appropriate for
They do not cast spells as such, rather their magic is granted to them
the campaign. If successful, his powers are restored.
by higher powers. A Paladin simply wills the effect, and it occurs.
For this reason many Paladin ‘spells’ are Type T and I. Other spell Armor
types never require formal incantations or gestures, but rather strong
enough concentration that the effect is much the same. It is notable The Paladin is never subject to rule section 22.7 and may wear any
that many of their spell costs are not as high as one would expect. armor type of choice.
The Forces of Darkness have no direct counterpart to the Paladin,
inside relying upon their vast range of corrupting powers and greater 23.11.4 No Spell Points (Optional)
range of action. To further represent the special source of the Paladin’s power, the
GM may decide that expenditure of spell points is not required. Use
FT instead (See 19.4) substituting fatigue points for spell points.

23.11.5 Disallowing the Paladin

Paladins should not be used in campaigns without supernatural forces

of good and evil.

23.11.2 Paladin Spells

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Resist Domination Immune to Disease Combat Evil Circle of Protection
Repel Curse Light Enchant Armor Read Innocence
Sense Magic Sense Evil Enchant Weapon Repel Undead
Healing Resist Pain
Spell Parry Stamina
Strength Summon Mount

Level 5 Level 6 Level 7

Ignore Stun Battle Cry Aid

Greater Healing Dispel Demons Fury
Leadership Mystic Armor Shattering Blow
Radiate Trust Mystic Weapon
Sense Assassination Attempt

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Level 1 Spells Level 3 Spells

Resist Domination Combat Evil

Type: T Cost: 0 Level 1 Type: I Cost: 2 Level: 3
Duration: N/A Range: Self Duration: 1 Battle Range: Self
Description: The Paladin gains bonus of 1+1/level on all rolls to Description: The caster gains +2/level on all combat values (SC,
resist magic or powers that affect the mind, i.e., Fear, Mind DEF, PC, PM, DC, DM) against evil opponents of a magical
Control, etc. nature, i.e., demons, undead, etc.

Repel Curse Enchant Armor

Type: T Cost: 4 Level 1 Type: I Cost: 2 Level: 3
Duration: N/A Range: Self Duration: 1 day Range: Self
Description: The Paladin gains a bonus of 1+1/level saving throw Description: The armor worn by the caster will count as magical vs.
against any curse attempt. attacks (the armor would not be reduced vs. some types of
Sense Magic
Enchant Weapon
Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 1
Duration: N/A Range: 2"/level Type: I Cost: 2 Level: 3
Description: Allows the Paladin to sense the presence of magic Duration: 1 day Range: Touch
within range. Description: The caster may place enhance a held weapon allowing
If he is within line-of-sight, the source will be obvious. If not, he it damage targets requiring magical weapons to hit. This ability
will have an idea of general direction and distance. will only function for the caster.

Type: R Cost: 3 Level: 3
Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Level 2 Spells Description: The caster may heal damage of 1 point/level on any
living creature. The wound heals at the magical rate (see 18.1)
and only one wound is affected by this spell.
Immune to Disease
All types of wounds may be healed in this manor up to -4
Type: T Cost: 0 Level 2 damage.
Duration: N/A Range: Self
It takes 10 full minutes to complete this spell.
Description: The Paladin is immune to normal or magical disease.

Spell Parry
Type: D Cost: 1 Level 3
Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 2
Duration: 1 battle Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour/level Range: Touch
Description: The caster may use any parrying object to parry spells
Description: Causes a glow to spring forth from a weapon held by
and missiles as if he was using a Medium Shield. If he is using
the caster.
a shield, +10 to the Parry Chance is gained.
The light provides visibility equal to torchlight in 4” radius.
Sense Evil
Type: I Cost: 2 Level 3
Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 2 Duration: 1 minute/level Range: Self
Duration: N/A Range: 2"/level Description: The caster gains 2 points of ES for the duration
Description: Allows the Paladin to sense the presence of mystical
of the spell. Combat modifiers are +3% to PC, PM and a
evil within range. Mystical Evil is not people of evil intent, but
rather mystical creatures (demons, undead and the like) or active bonus to damage (see 3.5)
magic cast with evil intent and committing a vile act.
If he is within line-of-sight, the source will be obvious. If not, he
will have an idea of general direction and distance.

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Level 4 Spells Stamina

Type: I Cost: 2 Level 4
Duration: 1 day Range: Self
Circle of Protection
Description: The caster fatigues at one third the normal rate.
Type: CA Cost: 3 Level 4 This talent has no effect on rule 23.11.4
Duration: Concentration Range: 0”
Description: This spell creates an unmoving 1" radius circle giving Summon Mount
protection for all within.
Type: R Cost: 4 Level 4
The spell prevents contact by mystically evil or summoned
Duration: N/A Range: N/A
creatures unless the creatures succeed in a saving throw at –2.
Description: The most formal of Paladin spells; this is an 8-hour
The protection also applies to missile and magical attacks from ritual that summons a special mount to the Paladin.
such creatures. Attacking out of the circle will dispel the
This mount is determined by the GM and should fit the
worldview of the Paladin and his order. (For example, a highly
The spell will continue in effect for 30 minutes after intelligent (for a horse) charger with heightened stats, a unicorn
concentration is broken. for a female Paladin, etc.).
The mount will increase in ability to keep proper pace with its
Read Innocence owner and will remain with the Paladin for life. If it should die,
a year must pass until the Paladin may summon another.
Type: I Cost: 2 Level 4
Duration: Instant Range: 2” The GM may require a quest of some type to earn or gain the
Description: This spell gives the Paladin an instinctual feel for the mount after the casting of the spell.
nature of the target. Specifically if it’s nature is innocent or not.
The target has no way of knowing that this magic was even
Not being innocent is far from being evil. The target may simply
be worldly. Nor is it an automatic way to determine the truth of
a situation, but it can be useful information in the search for
There is no saving throw against this spell, as innocence by its
nature would have no need for resistance.

Repel Undead
Type: CA (WP) Cost: 3 Level 4
Duration: 1 hour/level Range: 10"
Description: The caster may attempt to repel undead. If the undead
fails its saving throw, then the undead must move as fast as
possible away from the line-of-sight of the caster. For the
duration of the spell, the undead may not reenter line-of-sight or
take any action vs. the caster or his/her party. The spell affects a
varying number of undead depending upon the difference in
level between the undead and the caster.
All undead are at –2 save against this spell. It is unmodified by
any Stat unless the Undead is intelligent, at which point the WP
modifier applies.

Difference: Caster - Target Number Affected

-1 or worse 1
0 1d3
+1 to +2 1d6
+3 to +4 2d10
+5 or better All in Sight

Resist Pain
Type: NC Cost: 2 Level 4
Duration: 1 minute/level Range: Self
Description: The caster may continue functioning normally after a
wound reducing a location hit points to 0 or -1, the spell has no
effect on worse wounds.

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Level 5 Spells Level 6 Spells

Ignore Stun Battle Cry

Type: I Cost: 1 Level 5 Type: CA (WP) Cost: 5 Level 6
Duration: N/A Range: Self Duration: N/A Range: 10"
Description: The caster may ignore the effects of one stunning blow. Description: All opponents fighting for an evil cause within range
must suffer the following effects:
Greater Healing
Type: R Cost: 5 Level 5 Missed by Effected
Duration: Special Range: Touch 1-3 Demoralized: -2 morale rolls, -5
Description: The caster may heal damage of 1 point/level on any combat values, -1 future saves
4-5 Flee in terror. –4 morale rolls, -10
living creature. The wound heals at the magical rate (see 18.1)
combat values, -2 future saves
and only one wound is affected by this spell.
6 or more Pass out for 1d100 rounds.
All types of wounds may be healed in this manor up to -6
Creatures of Mystical evil take a –2 modifier to their saving
It takes 30 full minutes to complete this spell. throw.

Leadership Dispel Demons

Type: I Cost: 4 Level 5 Type: CA (WP) Cost: 6
Duration: 1 hour/level Range: 20" Duration: N/A Range: 10"
Description: All allies within range of the caster gain +2 to morale Description: The caster may attempt to dispel demons. Demons must
rolls and +4 vs. magical Fears, Mind Controls, etc. save at –2.
If the demon fails its saving throw, then it banished back to its
Radiate Trust home plane.
Type: T Cost: 0 Level 5 Effects a number of targets depending upon the difference in
Duration: N/A Range: NA level between the demons and the caster as follows:
Description: The Paladin is clearly trustworthy to non-evil creatures
that talk with him/her or closely view him/her.
Difference: Caster - Target Number Affected
The exact effects of this will of course vary by the viewer and -1 or worse 1
are determined by the GM. 0 1d3
+1 to +2 1d6
Sense Assassination Attempt +3 to +4 2d10
+5 or better All in Sight
Type: T Cost: 0
Duration: N/A Range: Special Mystic Armor
Description: The Paladin will have +50% bonus to Perception on
rolls to sense any hidden attempt to attack him (or one under his Type: I Cost: 4 Level: 6
direct protection) and its source in time to react. Duration: 10-minutes/level Range: Self
If there would normally be no Perception roll allowed, then the Description: The armor the caster is wearing gains 1 point of
Paladin will still get his normal Perception chance to ‘feel’ protection in addition to its normal value. If not
something’s wrong. previously, the armor is now concerned magical for the
duration of the spell.

Mystic Weapon
Type: I Cost: 4 Level: 6
Duration: 10-minutes/level Range: Self
Description: The weapon the caster is using gains +3+1 value in
addition to its normal value. If not previously, the weapon is
now concidered magical for the duration of the spell.
The caster can call this weapon back to his hand if it is dropped
or otherwise forced from his hand. It will fly through the air
back to his grasp as if pulled by an ES of 12. The Maximum
range for this effect is 10”.

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Level 7 Spells

Type: R Cost: 7 Level: 7
Duration: Special Range: N/A
Description: The caster spends 1 minute and asks for aid from the
powers that be. Within the next 24 hours, the caster may receive
some type of help determined by the GM IF HE NEEDS AND
DESERVES IT. This could range from re-rolling a bad roll to
allies showing up in the nick of time. It should have all the
appearance of a lucky break.

Type: I Cost: 7+ Level: 7
Duration: 1 battle Range: Self
Description: The caster gains two attacks per combat round verses
mystical opponents. At the end of the battle, the caster is fully
exhausted (10 levels of fatigue. See 19.4). All remaining magic
points are spent in the spell.

Shattering Blow
Type: I Cost: 7
Duration: 1 attack Range: NA
Description: The caster may add 2D10 damage to the caster's
next melee attack verses mystical opponents.
If the attack misses for whatever reason, the spell is held
until a successful hit. If the attack is parried, damage is
done to the parrying item or held as the caster chooses.

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23.15 Witch 23.15.1 Class Rules

Witches have a wide variety of spells covering most areas with an
emphasis on nature, personal and predictive magic. Witchcraft draws Limited Sight
from intuition and need rather than study or logic. For this reason,
None of the witch’s information spells function in respect to
witches are difficult to fathom. They of course do nothing to help
themselves or other witches.
clarify the situation.
Sought out for the wisdom their magic and natural insight offer, the Progeny (Optional)
witch is both respected and feared. Their selection of curses and
talent for learning secrets are responsible for the latter. The witch will almost always give birth to one female child who is
They possess a vast array of CA spells, but only a limited selection of predisposed towards the same magic. A male child is nearly unheard
B and C magic. Still, they are second only to Wizards in the of, and a sign of interesting times…
versatility of magic. The ability to see other’s True Loves, but not their own, has
The Witch is one of only two classes of magic (enchantments being interesting effects on a witch’s own relationships. Few witches marry
the other) that is restricted by gender as noted in Section 6.3.10. All fearing failure in something they see so easily in others, but are blind
witches must be female. to in themselves.

23.15.2 Disallowing the Witch (Optional)

As presented, the class is a representation of a typical high fantasy
witch. Those looking for a more historical or modern view may wish
to develop their own spell listing.

23.15.2 Witch Spells

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Change Self Apparition Continual Light Calm Wind
Conjure Smoke Attunement Control Animal Change Wind
Control Vapor Blending Cure Disease Potion Healing Poultice
Detect Illusion Curse of Ugliness Cursed Dreams Malediction
Detect Poison Dispel Magic Dissipate Vapor Mists of Entrapment
Eldritch Fire Find Traps Eldritch Flame Oracle
Extinguish Light Hold Person Frost Polymorph Other
Healing Potion Locate Water Illusion Polymorph Self
Hex Lock Neutralized Poison Potion Ring of Fire
Light Open Part Plant True Sight
Lust Missile Shield Phantom Light Vision
Mending Phantom Voice Plant Barrier Whirlwind
Mystic Shield Seduction Plant Entangle
Night Vision Sense Power Plant Pass
Predict Weather Shadows Remove Curse
Sense Good/Evil Shield of the Sibyl Summon Animals
Sense Magic Summon Small Animal
Shatter Summon Fog
Sleep Potion Ventriloquism
Unseen Servant
Witch Sight

Level 5 Level 6 Level 7

Mists of Sleep Animate Dead Ghost Wind
Protection from Animals Doom Love Potion
Protection from Plants Life Drain Mists of Death
Speak with the Dead Mists of Strangling Thunderbolt
Summon Wind Slave of Healing Wards of Defense
Watcher Witch’s Whirlwind Weather Summoning
Witch Wind

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Level 1 Spells Detect Illusion

Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 1
Duration: 1 round Range: Self
Change Self Description: Allows the caster to see any illusion or magical disguise
Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 1 for what it is. No Saving Throw is required.
Duration: 10-minutes/level Range: Self
Description: The witch creates an illusion such that the caster's form, Detect Poison
clothing, voice and equipment are altered to appear as any other
person of the same race/sex. Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 1
Duration: 1 round Range: 1”
A successful Disguise roll is required for a specific person.
Description: Detects the presence of poison in a 1” radius area.

Conjure Smoke
Eldritch Fire
Type: CA (AG) Cost: 1 Level: 1
Type: B Cost: 1 Level: 1
Duration: 10 rounds Range: 10"
Duration: N/A Range: 8"/level
Description: The caster creates a dense cloud of smoke in a 1" x 1" x
Description: A bolt of magical flame causing 1D8 damage to
½” area where visibility will be limited to 1”. The area covered
whatever it strikes.
increases by 1” x 1” x ½” per level of the caster.
Def Base = 75. Range Group = 4”/level. Damage Type ‘s’
The spell requires a fire source (which is extinguished by the
casting of the spell) of at least a campfire or 3 torches. All fire
sources used in the casting of the spell must be within the initial Extinguish Light
area of affect.
Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 1
Saving Throws are required for movement rates over 2" per Duration: N/A Range: 20"
round with a –1 per inch over 2”. Failure produces the results on Description: Summons a mystic wind that extinguishes a target non-
the following table: magical light (save sunlight) within range.

Falling Table Healing Potion

Missed by Effect Type: R Cost: 1 Level: 1
1 Trip and recover. Movement ends* Duration: Special Range: Touch
2 Trip. Take 1d4 to random leg location.
Description: The witch may create a healing potion that will heal
Movement ends*. injuries of –1 or less at the normal magical healing rate.
3 Fall to a kneeling position and take 1d4 to The potion requires a number of common, if unappetizing
random leg location. ingredients and 30 minutes of ‘cooking’. It has an unlimited
4 Fall prone. 1d4 to random location shelf life. However, unless half a dose of the equivalent healing
herb is used in the making, the caster will not recover the spell
5 Heavy Fall. Prone and 1d6 to random
points until the potion is used or destroyed.

*Movement Ends refers to a half move. If the character has Hex

a half move remaining, he may use it normally. Type: CA (WP) Cost: 1 Level: 1
Duration: Permanent Range: 20"
Control Vapor Description: The witch may curse any single target giving him a -1
to all his future saving throws.
Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 1
Duration: Concentration Range: 2"/level
Description: The caster gains to ability to move a 1” x 1” x ½” area Light
of smoke, mist, gas or other vapor. This area is increased by 1” x Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 1
1” x ½” per level. Duration: 10-minutes/level Range: Touch
Maximum speed is 3” per round. Control is lost if the vapor Description: Creates light around a point in a 4" radius. The
moves out of the spell’s range. light is equal to dim light and may be placed upon a fixed
If the vapor is magical, the caster can only seized control with a or moveable point.
successful Magic vs. Magic Saving Throw.

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Type: CA (WP) Cost: 1 Level: 1 Sense Magic
Duration: 1 hour Range: 6" Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 1
Description: The victim will seek intimate physical contact with the Duration: N/A Range: 2"/level
caster. If attacked he may defend himself but will otherwise Description: Allows the Witch to sense the presence of magic within
make all decisions based on this desire. In most cases, this spell range.
will only affect members of the opposite sex.
If the Witch is within line-of-sight, the source will be obvious. If
A bonus of up to ±2 can be assigned to the Saving Throw not, she will have an idea of general direction and distance.
depending upon the victim's natural inclination towards the idea.
The PA of the caster is important to the success of this spell. Shatter
Modify the target’s Saving Throw by –1 for every point the
caster’s PA is greater than the higher of the target’s WP or PA. Type: CA Cost: 1 Level: 1
Modify by +1 for every point if the reverse is true. Duration: N/A Range: 20"
Description: The caster may shatter any non-magical, brittle object
Mending weighing up to 10 pounds. If on someone’s person, a CA saving
throw is allowed.
Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 1
Duration: Permanent Range: Touch
Description: Repairs small breaks in a non-magical item, i.e. holes in Sleep Potion
leather, broken ceramic objects, broken chain link, etc. Type: R Cost: 1 Level: 1
Duration: Special Range: Touch
Description: The witch creates a small potion that when drunk alone
Mystic Shield
or mixed with something else induces a heavy sleep. The victim
Type: D Cost: 1 Level 1 is allowed a CA (CO) saving throw. The potion requires a
Duration: 3-hours/level Range: Self number of common woodland ingredients and 30 minutes of
Description: The caster creates a mystic shield to parry any spell ‘cooking’.
attacking the caster. Defense Base is 75 unless the casting of Upon drinking, the potion puts the target to sleep for 1 day if
other magic modifies it. target fails his save. Success indicates he is drowsy for only 1
The shield glows and sparks. Maintaining it costs as much effort round (-10 all combat values, -30% to all other skill checks).
as it would take to hold a normal shield at the ready. The potion has an unlimited shelf life. However, unless half a
Given the above and that the spell is a type ‘D’, mages will often dose of an equivalent sleep-inducing herb is used in the making,
drop the spell when battle is no longer expected- an action that the caster will not recover the spell points until the potion is
takes no effort on the part of the spell caster. used or destroyed.

Night Vision Unseen Servant

Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 1 Type: NC Cost: 1 Level: 1
Duration: 1 hour + 1 hour/level Range: Self Duration: 10-minutes/level Range: 1"
Description: Allows the witch to see normally in natural darkness. Description: Creates an invisible servant that will do nonviolent
Magical darkness may be overcome on a successful Magic vs. chores like cleaning, fetching, etc. Any hit will disperse it and it
Magic Saving Throw. is incapable of any combat action. Its presence is given away by
a light whirlwind.
Predict Weather
Witch Sight
Type: NC Cost: 1 Level 1
Duration: 1 round Range: Self Type: CA Cost: 1 Level: 1
Description: Gives +50 to any weather watch skill rolls. If the caster Duration: N/A Range: 10”
doesn’t have the weather watch skill, she gains it for the Description: The witch attempts to gain an instinctive knowledge of
duration with a skill roll of 50%. ‘gossip’ style information of a single target within range. The
target is unaware of this attempt, regardless if the saving throw
is made or not. Such tidbits as the following are learned:
Sense Good/Evil
1. If the target virgin or not.
Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 1
2. If the target is pregnant or not, and the child’s gender.
Duration: N/A Range: 2"/level
Description: Allows the Witch to sense the presence of mystical 3. If the target has the aptitude for magic (and what class).
good or evil within range. Mystical Good and Evil is not a 4. The identity of lovers and true loves if the witch has also
person’s intent, but rather mystical creatures (demons, angels seen them.
and the like) or the active magic of such. 5. The general health of the target.
If the Witch is within line-of-sight, the source will be obvious. If 6. Other small facts if the GM so desires…
not, she will have an idea of general direction and distance.

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Level 2 Spells Hold Person

Type: CA (WP) Cost: 2 Level: 2
Duration: 3 rounds/level Range: 6"
Description: Renders the target unable to make any voluntary
Type: CA (WP) Cost: 2 Level: 2 movements for the duration of the spell.
Duration: 1D4 rounds Range: 20"
Description: The witch creates an illusion of a terrifying aspect that Locate Water
flies towards a target hex where it expands with a horrifying
howl. Type: NC Cost: 2
All within a 1” radius must succeed in a saving throw or be Duration: 1 hour Range: None
frozen with fear for 1D4 rounds. Description: The witch may locate the nearest water within a
1-mile radius.
Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 2
Duration: N/A Range: Self Type: NC Cost: 2 Level: 2
Description: The witch moves through natural areas (woodlands, Duration: 1 day/level Range: 10"
Description: Allows the caster to magically slam shut and seal any
grasslands, etc) in a fashion that leaves much of it undisturbed
door, shutter, lid or similar object within range. Strength of the
by her passage. Footprints are only rarely made, branches bent seal is its natural value plus 2x the caster's level.
far less often, etc.
The effect is to give a modifier of –20 per level to the tracking
skill attempts of those trying to trail her.
Type: NC Cost: 2 Level: 2
Blending Duration: N/A Range: 10"
Description: Allows the caster to magically open any door, shutter,
Type: NC Cost: 2 Level: 2 lid or similar object within range that is no larger than double
Duration: Special Range: Self sized doors.
Description: The caster may blend into a forest or wooded area.
Magically held or protected doors will resist the spell with a
Perception rolls are at an additional -50 modifier to see the
successful Magic vs. Magic Saving Throw.
witch. The witch must remain still or the spell is broken.

Missile Shield
Curse of Ugliness
Type: D Cost: 1 Level: 2
Type: CA (WP) Cost: 2 Level: 2
Duration: 3-hours/level Range: Self
Duration: Permanent Range: 20"
Description: The caster creates a mystic shield that can be used to
Description: The witch may turn the victim's features haggard and
parry any ranged missile (not spell) attacking the caster. Defense
worn, reducing the target's PA by 4 (not to go below 2).
Base is 75 unless the casting of other magic modifies it.
This spell will have no effect upon a person with a PA of 12.
The shield glows and sparks. Maintaining it costs as much effort
as it would take to hold a normal shield at the ready.
Dispel Magic Given the above and that the spell is a type ‘D’, mages will often
Type: NC Cost: 2 Level: 2 drop the spell when battle is no longer expected- an action that
Duration: Special Range: 2”/level takes no effort on the part of the spell caster.
Description: The caster attempts to remove any continuing effects of
the targeted magic. For spells this will result in its immediate Phantom Voice
Type: NC Cost: 2 Level: 2
In the case of magic items, it will merely suppress externally
Duration: Special Range: Touch
projected effects. Thus one could dispel the Hold Person
Description: Allows the witch to enchant any non-living object to let
projected from a wand, but not the wand’s ability to cast further
it 'speak' a predetermined phrase (12 words or less) when
approached (50 feet) or touched by any thinking creature.
The target magic will resist the attempt on a successful Magic
This is can be used as a warning device, alarm or a method of
vs. Magic save. Curses are not affected by this spell (see the
leaving a message for those that follow.
third level Remove Curse spell).

Find Traps
Type: NC Cost: 2 Level: 2
Duration: 10-minutes/level Range: 5"
Description: The witch senses the presence of traps and may lead
people around them if possible. Note: the details of the traps
beyond the area of their trigger are not learned.

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Seduction Shield of the Sibyl

Type: CA (WP) Cost: 2 Level: 2 Type: D Cost: 3 Level: 2
Duration: 1 day Range: 1" Duration: 3-hours/level Range: Self
Description: The victim of this spell falls completely under the wiles Description: This spell combines the effects of both the first level
of the caster, desiring a long-term intimate relationship with her Mystic Shield and the Second Level Missile Shield into one. This
above any other concern. In most cases, this spell will only allows the mage to gain the protective effects of both with one
affect members of the opposite sex. spell- if at a higher cost.
A bonus of up to ±2 can be assigned to the Saving Throw
depending upon the victim's natural inclination towards the idea. Summon Small Animal
The PA of the caster is important to the success of this spell.
Type: NC Cost: 2
Modify the target’s Saving Throw by –1 for point the caster’s
Duration: 3 days Range: 1-mile.level
PA is greater than the higher of the target’s WP or PA. Modify
by +1 for every point if the reverse is true. Description: The witch may summon a small bird or mammal to act
as a messenger, carrying whatever they can to whomever the
The victim can be asked to perform a service for the caster.
Services that run counter to the nature of the target allow a new witch wishes. The creature must exist naturally within the spell’s
saving throw with an additional ±2 modifier inclination range.
The Spell’s duration may be extended by 1 day by the Summon Fog
expenditure of 1 spell point. The victim gets another save after Type: CA (AG) Cost: 2 Level: 2
one year in addition to any allowed by service requests. Duration: 10 rounds Range: 10"/Level
If the witch refuses or stalls their ‘relationship’ for over 12 hours Description: The caster summons a dense cloud of fog in a 1" x 1" x
the first day, the victim becomes enraged and is likely to turn to ½” area where visibility will be limited to 1”. The area covered
violence. Additionally, insane jealousy will result if a victim by the smoke increases by 1” x 1” x ½” per level of the caster.
learns of the existence of a romantic rival. Saving Throws are required for rates over 2" per round with a –1
per inch over 2”. Failure produces the results on the following
Sense Power table:

Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 2

Duration: N/A Range: 2"/level Falling Table
Description: Allows the Witch to sense the relative power of magic
Missed by Effect
she has already noticed with the first level Sense Magic talent.
1 Trip and recover. Movement ends*
Relative power is in comparison to her level in Magic- Primary
2 Trip. Take 1d4 to random leg location.
as shown in the following table
Movement ends*.
3 Fall to a kneeling position and take 1d4 to
Relative Power (Caster-Target) random leg location.
4 Fall prone. 1d4 to random location
Level Effect
Difference 5 Heavy Fall. Prone and 1d6 to random
-4 or less Vastly Superior
-2 to -3 Greater
- 1 to 1 About Equal *Movement Ends refers to a half move. If the
2-3 Less
character has a half move remaining, he may use it
4 or more Negligible


Shadows Type: NC Cost: 2 Level: 2

Duration: 2 rounds/level Range: 4"/level
Type: D Cost: 2 Level: 2 Description: Allows the caster to throw her voice such that it appears
Duration: 10-rounds/level Range: self to be coming from any location within range.
Description: The witch is enveloped in dark, ever-changing shadows.
This grants a +10 to the caster's defense against range attacks
and +5 against melee.
Movement of more than 1” per round will disperse the spell
although the caster may continue to cast spells or otherwise act.

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Level 3 Spells Eldritch Flame

Type: B Cost: 1 Level: 1
Duration: N/A Range: 8"/level
Continual Light Description: A bolt of magical flame causing 1D10+1 damage to
Type: NC Cost: 3 Level: 3 whatever it strikes
Duration: Permanent Range: 12" Def Base = 75. Range Group = 5”/level. Damage Type ‘s’
Description: Creates light around a point in a 6" radius (equal to
daylight). The point may be fixed or movable and will last until
the spell is canceled or dispelled.
Spell points used in the casting cannot be regained as long as the Type: CA (AG) Cost: 3 Level: 3
spell remains in effect. Duration: 10 rounds Range: 5"/Level
Description: The caster conjures a layer of ice covering a 1" x 1" x
½” area. The area covered increases by 1” x 1” x ½” per level of
Control Animal the caster.
Type: CA (WP) Cost: 3 Level: 3 Saving Throws are required for any movement with a modifier
Duration: 1 hour Range: 20” of –1 per 2 hexes moved (round down). Failure produces the
Description: The caster will gain control of 1 + 1 per level of any results on the following table:
animals in range. Animals belonging to someone else gain a +2
to their saving throw from natural loyalty.
Falling Table
Controlled animals may given one of two orders:
1) Attack or hunt down any specified person or creature within 1 Missed by Effect
mile. 1 Trip and recover. Movement ends*
2) Protect the caster from attack. 2 Trip. Take 1d4 to random leg location.
Movement ends*.
Cure Disease Potion 3 Fall to a kneeling position and take 1d4 to
random leg location.
Type: R Cost: 3 Level: 3 4 Fall prone. 1d4 to random location
Duration: Special Range: Touch
Description: The witch may create a potion that will cure the drinker 5 Heavy Fall. Prone and 1d6 to random
of harmful disease over a three-day period
Some diseases my resist the effects of the potion on a successful
Level vs. Level Saving Throw. *Movement Ends refers to a half move. If the
The potion requires a number of common, if unappetizing character has a half move remaining, he may use it
ingredients and 1 hour of ‘cooking’. It has an unlimited shelf normally.
life. However, unless half a dose of the equivalent healing herb
is used in the making, the caster will not recover the spell points
until the potion is used or destroyed. Illusion
Type: CA (IQ) Cost: 3 Level: 3
Cursed Dreams Duration: Concentration Range: 2"/level
Type: CA (WP) Cost: 3 Level: 3 Description: The caster creates an illusion including sight and sound
Duration: Permanent Range: 20" of whatever is desired in a single hex.
Description: The witch may curse any single target, plaguing the Those making a successful saving throw note a fault in the
victim with nightmares causing sleeplessness. The result is a -1 image that gives reason for questioning its reality. If the viewer
to ES, QU, AG, CO, and CH. is very familiar with the subject of the illusion, the GM may
All skill rolls are at a –10 modifier. assign bonuses to this saving throw.
Additionally, modifiers to the saving throw are reasonable
depending upon how reasonable or expected the illusion is to the
Dissipate Vapor viewer.
Type: NC Cost: 3 The illusion can have no effect on physical objects. Any contact
Duration: Concentration Range: 1"/level or attack on the illusion will reveal it as a sham.
Description: The caster is able to disperse any smoke, mist or other
vapor in a 1" x 1" x ½” area. The area effected increases by 1” x
1” x ½” per level of the caster.
No further vaporous substances may enter the affected area for
the duration of the spell.
Magic vapors may resist dispersal with a successful Magic vs.
Magic Saving Throw.

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Neutralize Poison Potion Plant Entangle

Type: R Cost: 3 Level: 3 Type: CA (QU) Cost: 3 Level: 3
Duration: Special Range: Touch Duration: Special Range: 10"
Description: The witch may create a potion that will neutralize any Description: Vegetation sprouts and grows at an incredible rate to
future effects of a poison affecting the drinker. He will recover entangle and hold fast any creature caught in a 1” radius area.
from any ill effects suffered up to that time at the magical Creatures failing their saving throw are entwined. They may
healing rate. break free with an ES of 9 or more by taking 10 rounds less 2
A poison may resist the effects of the potion on a successful rounds per point of ES over 9. Those with an ES of 14 or higher
Level vs. Level Saving Throw. essentially ignore the spell’s effect.
The potion requires a number of common, if unappetizing Others (if not entangled themselves) may assist, subtracting 2
ingredients and 1 hour of ‘cooking’. It has an unlimited shelf rounds for each point of ES over 8.
life. However, unless half a dose of the equivalent healing herb
is used in the making, the caster will not recover the spell points
Plant Pass
until the potion is used or destroyed.
Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 3
Part Plant Duration: N/A Range: Self
Description: Plant life moves out the way of the witch allowing her
Type: NC Cost: 3 Level: 3 passage. It closes in behind her giving no benefit to others.
Duration: 5 rounds Range: 1" The witch may move through overgrown areas at her normal
Description: The spell causes barrier like plant growth (overgrowth, movement rate. Expending double the normal number of
hedges, etc.) to part creating a path 1" wide and up to 3" deep. movement points allows one to cross normally impassable plant
If the plant barrier was magical, a Magic vs. Magic saving throw barriers (such as thick hedges).
is allowed to resist the effects of this spell. Magical plants may resist such passage with a successful Magic
vs. Magic Saving Throw.
Phantom Light
Type: NC Cost: 3 Level: 3 Remove Curse
Duration: 10 minutes/level Range: 12" Type: R Cost: 3 Level: 3
Description: Casts a 4" radius dim light into the air where it will Duration: Permanent Range: Touch
follow or lead the caster always maintaining the same relative Description: Allows the caster to lift a curse on the target with this 8-
position. hour ritual.
The caster may change the relative positioning by up to 4” per Unless the curse succeeds with a Magic vs. Magic saving throw,
round. all of its effects end. Characteristics and modifiers return to
normal. Lost material possessions will have to be regained, but
Plant Barrier at least the curse won’t stand in the way.
Type: NC Cost: 3 Level: 3
Duration: Permanent Range: 10" Summon Animals
Description: Natural vegetation becomes overgrown and dense Type: NC Cost: 3 Level: 3
enough to act as a barrier 3”x1”x2” increasing in length by 1” Duration: 1 hour Range: 20"
per level. Description: The witch may summon 1d3 animals of wolf size or
Both must be cut or burned through. It takes 50 points of smaller that will appear at the edge of the range within 1D3
damage to cut a man-sized passage through. Fire attacks do rounds. Summoned animals will obey the casters wishes as per
the Control Animal spell.
150% of normal damage.

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Level 4 Spells Mists of Entrapment

Type: CA (ES) Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: 10 rounds Range: 10"/Level
Calm Wind Description: The caster conjures a thick gray vapor that rises from the
Type: NC Cost: 4 Level: 4 ground in a 1" x 1" x ½” area. The area covered by the smoke
Duration: 1 hour Range: 0” increases by 1” x 1” x ½” per level of the caster.
Description: The caster may calm any magical or non-magical Those failing their saving throw are trapped unmoving in the
windstorm, whirlwind, etc. An area 20” in radius is affected. mist. Even if the save is made, movement is reduced by half
Calm Wind does not move with the witch after the spell is cast. unless except for those with an ES exceeding 12.
Magical winds will resist the spell with on a successful Magic
vs. Magic saving throw. Failure will result in complete calming. Oracle
Nature itself however is not so easily dealt with. Natural winds Type: R Cost: 4 Level: 4
are only lowered by a maximum of 30 mph by this magic. Duration: N/A Range: N/A
Description: The witch attempts to answer one question put to her by
Change Wind means of this 10-minute ritual trance.
A Magic skill roll with a –20 modifier (plus the normal spell
Type: NC Cost: 4 Level: 4
level modifier) is required. If successful, the witch will be able
Duration: 1 hour/level Range: 0”
to provide a correct answer to the question. If unsuccessful, no
Description: The caster may alter the direction of any magical or non-
answer at all is forthcoming.
magical wind (including the direction of movement of
whirlwinds) by up to 120 degrees. An area 20” in radius is Such answers are always vague and cryptic in direct proportion
affected. to the importance of the question. The exact meaning is
unknown even to the witch.
Change Wind is centered on the caster and will move as the
witch moves.
Magical winds will resist the spell with on a successful Magic Polymorph Other
vs. Magic saving throw. Type: CA (CO) Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: Permanent Range: 20"
Healing Poultice Description: The witch changes the target into any small natural
creature (rats and toads are favorites). The victim will only have
Type: R Cost: 4 Level: 4 the physical abilities of the new form although his mind is intact.
Duration: Special Range: Touch
Description: The witch may create a healing potion that will heal
injuries of –3 or less at the normal magical healing rate. Polymorph Self
The potion requires a number of common, if unappetizing Type: NC Cost: 4
ingredients and 1 hour. It has an unlimited shelf life. However, Duration: 1 hour/level Range: Self
unless half a dose of the equivalent healing herb is used in the Description: The witch turns herself into one of the following
making, the caster will not recover the spell points until the creatures: cat, crow, or toad.
potion is used or destroyed. The witch has the physical abilities of the creature but retains
her own mind.
Malediction The spell may be reversed at will by the caster, but no other
spells may be cast while shape-changed.
Type: CA (WP) Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: Permanent Range: 20"
Description: A more deadly version of the third level Cursed Dreams. Ring of Fire
The witch may curse any single target, plaguing the victim with Type: NC Cost: 4 Level: 4
nightmares causing sleeplessness. The result is a -1 to ES, QU, Duration: Concentration Range: 0”
AG, CO, and CH. Description: The witch is encircled in a 1” radius ring of magical
All skill rolls are at a –10 modifier. flame.
The victim loses 1 point of WP week. If it reaches zero, the Any physical object passing through the wall is subject to a
victim dies. Type C attack.
Such objects can be struck a maximum of five attacks of
1D10+1 damage each. Any attacks hitting armor is treated as an
Elemental Bolt- Fire.
The ring will last 1 round/level after Concentration is broken.

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True Sight
Type: T Cost: 0 Level: 4
Duration: N/A Range: 2"/level
Description: Allows the Witch to see through any magical illusion,
disguise or transformation to the true Identity of the creature or
object within range.
Line of Sight is required and the target is allowed a saving throw
at a –2 modifier to resist the attempt. Even if successful, the
witch will be aware all is not as it seems unless the saving throw
is was made by 3 or points.

Type: R Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: 1 round/level Range: NA
Description: By means of this 1-minute ritual, the witch may look
into a body of clear water and see a named person, place, or
thing and its surroundings. Such images aren’t the clearest and,
other than visible clues, offer no direction information as to the
target’s location.
Such a vision is often unclear and can be blocked or mislead by
some types of magic.

Type: CA (CO) Cost: 4 Level: 4
Duration: 10 rounds Range: 20"
Description: The witch creates a swirling column of wind 1” in
radius that may be moved as the caster wishes up to 5" a round.
It is incapable of moving beyond spell range.
The whirlwind has the following effects:
1. It will completely disperse insects, mists, clouds, gases, or
dusts within its radius although magical ones are allowed a
saving throw.
2. It can capsize any single small boat or canoe unless a
boating roll skill check is made with a –30 modifier.
3. Mounts may panic causing a riding skill check at –20.
4. Small fires (such as candles) will be blown out; larger ones
may spread if flammable substances are close by.
5. Living creatures caught in the area of effect are counted as
stunned and take one point of type ‘p’ damage unless they
make a successful saving throw.
The whirlwind is not powerful enough to damage structures
unless they are very flimsy.

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Level 5 Spells Speak with the Dead

Type: R Cost: 5 Level: 5
Duration: 5 minutes Range: NA
Mists of Sleep Description: With this 10-minute ritual, the witch may attempt to
Type: CA (CO) Cost: 5 Level: 5 summon the spirit of any person who died at the location of the
Duration: 10 rounds/level Range: 20" casting for the purpose of conversation.
Description: The caster conjures a light blue vapor that rises from the The spirit may wish to speak on its own or may have to be
ground in a 1" x 1" x ½” area. The area covered by the smoke forced (CA modified by WP) by the witch. Attempts to force the
increases by 1” x 1” x ½” per level of the caster. spirit are subject to GM provided modifiers depending upon its
Any creature within the mist must make its save or fall into a nature and the path and conversation.
magical sleep from which they will be unable to awaken for 1 Some spirits of a malevolent nature may attempt to possess or
hour per level of the caster. Targets already asleep have a -4 otherwise attack the witch according to what powers their
modifier to the save throw. undead state offers.
Forced spirits may attempt to break contact after every question
Protection from Animals by succeeding in a CA saving throw modified by WP.
Type: CA Cost: 5 Level 5
Duration: 10-minutes/level Range: 0” Summon Wind
Description: A protective magical force 1” in radius encircles the Type: NC Cost: 5 Level: 5
witch. Duration: 1 day Range: 1 craft
The spell prevents any animal from entering its area of affect. Description: The witch may summon a magical wind that will propel
Thus melee or close combat becomes impossible. Even those any single sailing craft (of any size) at its optimal speed for the
few animals with ranged attacks find it impossible to target spell’s duration in any desired direction.
anything inside the field of protection.
Magically controlled animals or those greatly enraged may Watcher
attempt to force their way through the field. They will succeed
on a successful Level vs. Level Saving Throw but are forced to Type: R Cost: 5 Level: 5
make the attempt with a –2 modifier. If successful the Protection Duration: Permanent Range: Touch
Spell is shattered and no longer in effect. Description: The witch may enchant the skull of any creature.
Thereafter, the skull will watch a 20" x 20" x 20" area and report
If such an attempt fails no further actions will succeed until
what has taken place there since it's placement or last
something modifies the Saving Throw in favor of the animal, at
that time another attempt to break the spell may be made.
The ritual takes 4 hours and the skull will only report on the area
where the ritual was performed. The witch must spend one spell
Protection from Plants point to question the skull and retrieve it’s information.
Type: CA Cost: 5 Level 5
Duration: 10-minutes/level Range: 0” Witch Wind
Description: A protective magical force 1” in radius encircles the
witch. Type: NC Cost: 5
Duration: 1 message Range: 100 miles
The spell prevents any animated plants entering its area of
affect. Thus melee or close combat becomes impossible. Even Description: The witch creates a magically animated wind that will
those few plants with ranged attacks find it impossible to target carry any message (up to 12 words) to a named target within
anything inside the field of protection. range. The message travels at 50 miles per hour.
Magically controlled plants may attempt to force their way At the caster’s choice, the message is heard by one individual
through the field. They will succeed on a successful Level vs. (whisper) or by any within earshot of the target (shout).
Level Saving Throw but are forced to make the attempt with a –
2 modifier. If successful the Protection Spell is shattered and no
longer in effect.
If such an attempt fails no further actions will succeed until
something modifies the Saving Throw in favor of the plant, at
that time another attempt to break the spell may be made.

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 129


Level 6 Spells Mists of Strangling

Type: CA (CO) Cost: 6 Level: 6
Duration: 10 rounds/level Range: 20"
Animate Dead Description: The caster conjures a green vapor that rises from the
Type: NC Cost: 6 ground in a 1" x 1" x ½” area. The area covered by the smoke
Duration: Until Sunrise Range: 20" increases by 1” x 1” x ½” per level of the caster.
Description: The witch raises the bodies of the dead within range. Any breathing creature caught within the mists takes 1D10
A number of lesser skeletons and/or lesser zombies (according damage per round to cumulative hits from strangling. A Save
to the conditions of the bodies) animate to obey the caster’s Throw is required to be able to move or act, and then at only 1/2
orders. These orders must be very simple, as the animated dead speed with –20 to all combat and –50 to any skill check.
aren’t known for their intelligence. No spell casting may be done while a creature is taking damage
The maximum number of bodies subject to this spells affects are from this spell.
equal to the witch's level x2.
Salve of Healing
Doom Type: R Cost: 4 Level: 4
Type: I Cost: 6 Level: 6 Duration: Special Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent Range: 20" Description: The witch may create a healing potion that will heal
Description: Dooms are a pronouncement of what the future will hold injuries of –5 or less at the normal magical healing rate.
and are the most feared of curses. The curse attempt is resolved The potion requires a number of common, if unappetizing
as a CA (WP). ingredients and 1 hour. It has an unlimited shelf life. However,
The caster is given great freedom to determine the effects of the unless half a dose of the equivalent healing herb is used in the
curse almost without limit. Making the target a lycanthrope or making, the caster will not recover the spell points until the
inflicting the fate of being slain by the hand of a loved one are potion is used or destroyed.
all within reach of this spell. Some curses can take years to
come to pass.
Fortunately for the victim, the caster must include an exit clause Witch’s Whirlwind
in the curse, usually a deed of self-sacrifice.
Type: varies Cost: 6 Level: 6
The witch and GM are encouraged to be highly creative with the
Duration: 10 rounds Range: 20"
curses and exit clauses. No curse should be immediate in effect,
but rather slow in its vengeance. Description: The witch creates a swirling column of wind containing
white vapor trails covering an area 1” in radius. It moves as the
Dooms used against those who have greatly wronged the witch
are even more effective. Targets take a –4 to their saving throw caster wishes up to 5" a round but is incapable of moving
and removal attempts. Additionally a spell parry is not allowed beyond spell range.
against a Doom cast with great justification and an exit cause The whirlwind has the following effects:
isn’t required. Such Dooms may be inflicted even upon the first- 6. It will completely disperse insects, mists, clouds, gases, or
born descendants of the target’s family starting with him dusts within its radius although magical ones are allowed a
although in this case an exit clause must exist for the
saving throw at -2.
7. It can capsize any single small boat or canoe unless a
boating roll skill check is made with a –50 modifier.
Life Drain
8. Mounts may panic causing a riding skill check at –30.
Type: CA (WP) Cost: 6 Level: 6 9. Small fires (up to torch sized) will be blown out; larger
Duration: N/A Range: 20" ones will spread if flammable substances are close by.
Description: The witch attempts to destroy the life force of the target. 10. Any living creatures caught in the area of effect must make
A failed saving throw results in immediate unconsciousness.
Thereafter their life is drained out of them at the rate of one a CA (CO) save. Failure indicates that they are blind as
point of CO per round. long as they are within the spell’s area of effect and for 1d6
The spell has no effect on non-living targets. rounds after exiting.
11. Type C spell damage of 1d5 (max three attacks, CL ‘c’) is
done each round to anything within the area of effect due to
flying debris.
12. Summoned creatures are forced back to their home plane
unless they resist with a successful CA (WP) save.

Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 130


Level 7 Spells Thunderbolt

Type: C Cost: 7 Level: 7
Duration: Concentration Range: 20”/Level
Ghost Wind Description: The witch may only cast Call Lightning if there is a
Type: CA (WP) Cost: 7 Level: 7 storm of some sort in the area (rain, shower, clouds and wind,
Duration: 10 rounds Range: 20" even a tornado).
Description: The witch creates a swirling column of lightly blowing The spell calls down 1 bolt of lightning from the sky to the
wind containing black vapor trails. The column covers an area ground every other round that does damage to all within a 1"
1” in radius. It moves as the caster wishes up to 5" a round but is radius. Each round the spell is maintained after casting costs an
incapable of moving beyond spell range. The winds carry the addition 1 MP.
wailing of the dead within and inflict horrid images into the
Any within the area of effect are subject to a maximum of three
minds of any caught with its radius.
attacks of 1D10 damage, CL ‘s’. Non-magical metal armor is
Any living creatures failing their saving throw go permanently
insane (catatonia is most common). Immortal creatures have no
understanding of death and are immune to this effect.
Wards of Defense

Love Potion Type: R Cost: 7 Level: 7

Duration: Permanent Range: Touch
Type: R Cost: 7 Description: With this 4-hour ritual, the witch may place an area
Duration: Permanent Range: Touch equal to 200"x 200”x 200" under her protection. She may have
Description: The witch may make a potion with this 4 hour ritual, only one such area at a time and must do a reverse of the ritual
that when drank will cause the victim to fall in love with the first (same amount of time and cost) to remove the spell.
member of the opposite sex that they see. The victim is allowed
The effects are as follows:
a CA (WP).
The PA of that first person is important to the success of the
potion. Modify the target’s Saving Throw by –1 for every point 1. The witch is aware of all creatures that enter the area.
the caster’s PA is greater than the higher of the target’s WP or 2. The area may not be searched or looked into magically.
PA. Modify by +1 for every point if the reverse is true. 3. Any summoned creature must save vs. WP at -4 to enter the
A bonus of up to ±2 can be assigned to the Saving Throw area.
depending upon the victim's natural inclination towards the idea.
Upon a word of command (cost of 1 spell point), the following
Mists of Death effects will be gained. These last as long as the caster wills.
Type: CA (CO) Cost: 6 Level: 6
Duration: 10 rounds/level Range: 20" 1. Fog will shroud the protected area (effects as the spell 2nd
Description: The caster conjures a black vapor that rises from the level spell Summon Fog). This fog does not hinder the
ground in a 1" x 1" x ½” area. The area covered by the smoke witch in any way.
increases by 1” x 1” x ½” per level of the caster.
2. Any hostile creature trying to enter must make a CA (WP)
Any living creature entering or caught in the mist that fails a save saving throw to do so (From animal eyes, noises, and
saving throw is rendered unconscious. Their life is drained out a general aura of dread). Hostile creatures already present
of them at the rate of one point of CO per round even if removed in the area must save or flee.
from the mists.
3. No area affect spells save the witch's own will work within
The magic must be dispelled by a remove curse or dispel magic the area.
in order for the drain to stop. If successful in countering the
effect, the victim will regain consciousness in an hour and will
recover CO at the rate of one point per day. Weather Summoning
Type: NC Cost: 7 Level: 7
Duration: 2D12 hours Range: 15 miles
Description: While this spell takes only one round to cast, the actual
weather change will take effect proportionally over the next five
The caster may change the weather within range to any
combination of cloud wind and/or rain to a maximum of heavy
thunderstorms. Tornadoes and hurricanes are beyond the reach
of this spell. Temperature may be raised or lowered by up to 20
degrees. Temperatures below freezing allow snow.
Only actual possible combinations are allowed. Examples of
impossible combinations are Rain without clouds or fog together
with high winds.

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Magic Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 132

Adventures in High Fantasy

“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws the bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!”

Lewis Caroll, Jabberwocky

Brian Gleichman

Bryan Harsh ♦Terri Gleichman

All Rights reserved.

Provided for Personal Use Only, Not for Resale.
No part may be distributed separately.

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01
24.5 Regeneration
This is a sample Bestiary containing only a few simplified entries. Its Some creatures have the paranormal ability to regeneration damage
primary purpose is to provide examples of various creatures as a over incredibly short periods of time. The Regeneration ability
springboard toward the creation of a world specific Bestiary. represents this talent. It is simply the rapid healing of wounds.
While the Bestiary is primarily concerned with nonhuman creatures Regeneration is rated by Amount, Time, Cost and Prevent.
and mystical entities, typical examples of a few human professions
are included to provide an overview of possible encounters.
Example #1: Regeneration 5 points, Time: Instant, Cost: 1 SP, Prevent:
Example #2: Regeneration 1 point, Time: 1 round, Cost: None, Prevent:
In general, the listings here follow these common rules and
assumptions. A specific creature may be an exception. The actual 24.5.1 Amount
description and special abilities section always takes precedence.
This is amount of damage that the creature can regenerate over the
given period of time.
24.1 Armor and Weapons
All modifiers for any armor or weapons used by the creature are 24.5.2 Time
already part of the calculated combat values.
This is the unit of time the creature needs to regenerate the listed
24.2 Combat Levels
In some cases, the regeneration is noted as ‘Instant’. This means the
In general, listed creatures are assumed to have the melee combat creature can instantly regenerate damage as it happens. No action is
skill at the same level as their overall level. If the creature is capable required or lost. Only the cost must be paid.
of ranged combat, it is also assumed to be this level. These are
considered primary skills with a weapon group bonus of +10 applied
24.5.3 Cost
to any listed attack.
Exceptions are noted with the best Weapon Group bonus listed along Some forms of regeneration cost Spell Points (SP). The creature may
with level. Example: Melee (+10) Level 1. choose not to expend spell points or it may not have any left to spend.
In any event, no regeneration takes place without payment of the
Any skill in Magic or Magic Combat is always listed separately.
Magic Combat will also list the creature’s innate Magic Combat
24.5.4 Prevent

24.3 Intelligence Certain types of damage often prevent Regeneration; fire damage is
one of the most common examples.
An IQ characteristic of 1 indicates an animal level intelligence. The
creature will respond according to its instincts and training and is No injury caused by a Prevent damage source can be regenerated.
incapable of high order reasoning.
A value of 0 indicates a mindless creature incapable of acting outside
the range of whatever commands it is currently operating under.
Such creatures have a reduce list of Common Skills, as shown in the
following table:

Low IQ Skills

Creatures with IQ values of 2 or higher are assumed to capable of

reasoning. If they have manipulative appendages, they have the same
Common Skills of any normal character.

24.4 Parry Chance

Not all creatures are capable of the parry defense. They are noted by
a ‘-‘ in the PC column.
Such creatures rely solely upon dodging attackers. They may be
inhumanly adept at this defense, gaining a bonus as noted under
Special Abilities/Skills.

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25.1 Demons

Hellhound Level: 4 Initiative: 8

Stats Weapon Stats

ST 8 ES 10 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 8 LP 6 Bite 88 38 41 - 38 108 d10+1+d2 s
AG 8 CP 37 Fire Breath 88 38 38 - 38 108 d10+d2 s
CO 10 SL 5
PA 4 SP -
IQ 7 MR 9
WP 8 FT 12 Description
CH 5 CS 48 Hellhounds appear to be huge dogs with thick reddish brown coats and glowing red
IN 7 Hex Size 1 eyes. They will often hunt in small packs (usually D3+1)
MS 7 Weight 300
Size: Normal
Special Abilities/Skills
Additional Skills: Perception, Orienteering, Tracking all at Level 4 (100).
Breath Weapon: This is a Class C attack with Maximum Attacks =3. The Hellhound may use this attack up to three
times a day. Rng: 5”
Close Combat Creature. Dodge +15%
Natural Armor: 3 points

Bestiary Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 136

25.2 Domesticated Animals

Horse, Heavy War Level: 2 Initiative: 7

Stats Weapon Stats

ST 8 ES 14 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 8 LP 10 Kick 70 20 29 - 20 70 1d8+1d6 c
AG 8 CP 59 Trample 70 20 29 - 20 70 1d12+1d6 c
CO 10 SL 6
PA 7 SP -
IQ 1 MR 10
WP 8 FT 12 Description
CH 5 CS 42 Horses bred, selected and trained as a fighting companion to a knight. They are quite
IN 7 Hex Size 2 intelligent (for a horse) and will defend their rider if he is incapacitated. They tend to
be bad tempered with any but their owner or handler.
MS 7 Weight 950
Size: Large
Special Abilities/Skills
The combat numbers assume chainmail barding (Armor 4 points, doesn’t cover locations 36-41, 54-61 and 74-79
for a modifier of –3.
Additional Skills: Perception Level 1 (40).
Trample possible in Close Combat Only.
Natural Armor: 1 point

Bestiary Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 137

25.3 Drakes/Dragons

Swamp Drake Level: 4 Initiative: 6

Stats Weapon Stats

ST 9 ES 14 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 6 LP 9 Bite 79 29 41 - 29 79 1d12+d6 s
AG 6 CP 44 Tail 79 29 41 - 29 79 1d8+d6 p
CO 9 SL 5 Trample 79 29 41 - 29 79 1d20+d6 s
PA 3 SP -
IQ 1 MR 7
WP 7 FT 10 Description
CH 4 CS 54 Swamp Drakes are the smallest of the dinosaur like drakes coming in at around 9 feet
IN 7 Hex Size 2 in length. Four footed and low slung, they attack primarily by biting, although lashing
with tail or trampling (with claws) are options.
MS 2 Weight 800
Like all Drakes, they are but a shadow compared to true dragons.
Size: Large
Special Abilities/Skills
The Drake has the option to attack with both Bite and Tail in the same round at different targets with a –15 SC
modifier. The tail can only attack the rear or flank hexes.
Close Combat Creature. Trample possible in Close Combat Only.
Additional Skills: Perception Level 2 (60)
Natural Armor: 4 points

Bestiary Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 138

25.4 Elementals

Element Spirit, Lesser Air Level: 2 Initiative: 9

Stats Weapon Stats

ST n/a ES 5 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 9 LP 4 Buffet 46 -4 - - 58 46 1d4-1 p
AG 9 CP 23
CO 7 SL 3
PA 5 SP 4
IQ 5 MR n/a
WP 7 FT 9 Description
CH 2 CS 2 Lesser air spirits appear as a small dust devil 3 to 4 feet tall. Completely non-
IN 8 Hex Size 1 aggressive they have almost no combat ability.
MS 9 Weight n/a
Size: Small
Special Abilities/Skills
Independent Flight MR 10.
Magic Elementalist Level 2. May use only Minor Magic, Type NC and Type T spells Air Magic.
Melee (+0), Ranged (+0) and Magic Combat (+0) are Level 0.
Perception Level 1 (43)
The spirit dissolves back to his home dimension if his SP is ever reduced to zero.

Elemental Spirit, Greater Air Level: 3 Initiative: 9

Stats Weapon Stats

ST n/a ES 7 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 9 LP 5 Buffet 56 6 3 - 6 56 D6 p
AG 9 CP 26
CO 8 SL 4
PA 5 SP 6
IQ 6 MR n/a
WP 7 FT 10 Description
CH 3 CS 15 Greater air spirits appear as a man-sized whirlwind.
IN 8 Hex Size 1
MS 9 Weight n/a
Size: Normal
Special Abilities/Skills
Independent Flight MR 12.
Magic Elementalist Level 3. May use only Minor Magic, Type NC and Type T Air Magic.
Melee (+0), Ranged (+0) and Magic Combat (+0) are Level 1.
Perception is Level 2 (63)
The spirit dissolves back to his home dimension if his SP is ever reduced to zero.

Bestiary Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 139

Elemental, Lesser Air Level: 4 Initiative: 10

Stats Weapon Stats

ST n/a ES 9 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 10 LP 5 Buffet 94 44 43 118 44 99 1d10+1(+1) p
AG 10 CP 32 Spell 94 44 44 120 44 99 Varies (+1d2) ?
CO 10 SL 5
PA 5 SP 12
IQ 7 MR n/a
WP 9 FT 12 Description
CH 5 CS 43 Lesser Elementals appear as a stylized humanoid man-sized form made of the material
IN 9 Hex Size 1 of its element. Swirling mist in the case of the Air Elemental.
MS 10 Weight n/a
Size: Normal
Special Abilities/Skills
Independent Flight MR 25.
Magic Elementalist Level 3. Air Magic Only.
Magic Combat (+10) is Level 4. Perception is Level 3 (86)
Regeneration 5 points, Time: Instant, Cost: 1 SP, Prevent: Magic or Opposing Element.
The elemental dissolves back to his home dimension if his SP is ever reduced to zero.

Elemental, Greater Air Level: 6 Initiative:

Stats Weapon Stats

ST n/a ES 12 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 10 LP 7 Buffet 104 54 57 132 54 109 1d10+1(+d4) p
AG 10 CP 47 Spell 104 54 56 130 54 109 varies ?
CO 11 SL 6
PA 6 SP 24
IQ 7 MR n/a
WP 10 FT 14 Description
CH 6 CS 58 Lesser Elementals appear as a stylized humanoid form 7 feet tall made of the material
IN 9 Hex Size 1 of its element. Swirling mist in the case of the Air Elemental.
MS 11 Weight n/a
Size: Normal
Special Abilities/Skills
Independent Flight MR 30.
Magic Elementalist Level 4. Air Magic Only.
Magic Combat (+10) is Level 6. Perception is Level 4 (106)
Regeneration 10 points, Time: Instant, Cost: 1 SP, Prevent: Magic or Opposing Element
The elemental dissolves back to his home dimension if his SP is ever reduced to zero.

Bestiary Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 140

25.5 Giant Races

Hill Giant Level: 4 Initiative: 6

Stats Weapon Stats

ST 9 ES 14 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 6 LP 9 Club 84 31 45 120 34 86 1d10(+d6) c
AG 7 CP 50 Punch 84 31 45 120 34 86 1d8(+d6) p
CO 9 SL 6 Small Shield 84 31 45 124* 34 90 1d10+(d6) p/c
PA 4 SP -
IQ 5 MR 8
WP 7 FT 12 Description
CH 5 CS 49 Hill Giants are humanoids standing 9 to 10 feet in height. They are somewhat slow-
IN 6 Hex Size 1 witted but not stupid.
MS 3 Weight 700
Size: Large
Special Abilities/Skills
Additional Skills: Perception Level 1 (37)
The combat numbers assume a reinforced leather coat (Armor 2 points, locations: 13-76, 81-98. Combat
Modifier –1). Hill giants will sometimes carry a small (for them) shield.

Ogre Level: 3 Initiative: 6

Stats Weapon Stats

ST 9 ES 12 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 6 LP 7 Large Club 80 27 38 117 30 86 1d10+(1d4) c
AG 7 CP 38 Punch 80 27 38 113 30 82 1d6+(1d4) p
CO 9 SL 4 Bite 80 27 38 113 30 82 1d4+(1d4) s
PA 4 SP -
IQ 5 MR 6
WP 6 FT 11 Description
CH 5 CS 40 Ogres are large (7’-8’) ugly humanoids. They are as rule aggressive and cruel but not
IN 6 Hex Size 1 very smart. Ogres live alone or in small groups and lack in organizational ability.
Although their skin is very tough, they will normally wear a coat of hides crudely sewn
MS 2 Weight
together that counts as a reinforced leather coat (weapon statistics already adjusted).
Size: Normal
Special Abilities/Skills
Additional Skills: Perception Level 1 (37)
Natural Armor: 1 point.
Bite useable only with the grab maneuver.

Bestiary Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 141

25.6 Goblin Races

Goblin Warrior Level: 1 Initiative: 6

Stats Weapon Stats

ST 10 ES 9 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 7 LP 5 Scimitar 58 8 11 90 8 67 1d10(+1) s
AG 7 CP 27 Short Bow 58 8 11 - 8 57 1d10 i
CO 9 SL 4 Shield, Medium 53 3 6 81* 3 58 1d8(+1) p/c
PA 2 SP - Spear, Short 1H 58 8 11 90* 8 67 1d10(+1) s
IQ 5 MR 5.6 Punch 53 3 6 81 3 58 1d6(+1) p
WP 5 FT 10 Description
CH 5 CS 12 Goblins are squat humanoids of unpleasant appearance and worse hygiene. They are
IN 5 Hex Size 1 warlike and enjoy inflicting pain on others. When not in large groups goblins are
MS 4 Weight 130
Size: Normal
Special Abilities/Skills
Goblins can see up to 10’ in total darkness and to 100’ in dim light. They have a +15 bonus on caving, mining and
engineer skills.
Full daylight causes them pain, inflicting a –10 to all combat values, -30 to any Skill roll and a –1 to any WP
modified roll.
Class: Fighter. Skills: Perception level 1 (34)
Goblins typical wear reinforced leather armor, boots (Armor 2 points, locations: 15-76, 81-82, 85-86, 95, and 98-
00) and Leather Helm (Armor 3 points, locations –5) for a Combat Modifier of –2.

Bestiary Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 142

Troll, Cave Level: 6 Initiative: 6

Stats Weapon Stats

ST 9 ES 16 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 6 LP 10 Claw 92 42 57 132 42 97 1d10+1(+1d8) s
AG 6 CP 58 Bite 92 42 57 132 42 97 1d6(+1d8) s
CO 10 SL 6
PA 2 SP -
IQ 4 MR 8
WP 6 FT 12 Description
CH 4 CS 67 Cave Trolls are very large, hideous humanoids standing almost 12’ tall. Although
IN 5 Hex Size 3 enormously strong and tough they have limited intellect.
MS 2 Weight 1200
Size: Large
Special Abilities/Skills
Trolls can see up to 10' in total non-magic darkness and to 100' in dim light.
Natural Armor: 15 points reduced to 5 points against magical attacks, enchanted weapons or ES 14+ attacks.
Bite possible only with the grab manuver.

Warg Level: 3 Initiative: 10

Stats Weapon Stats

ST 10 ES 13 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 10 LP 8 Bite 83 39 41 - 33 108 1d10+d5 s
AG 8 CP 44
CO 9 SL 5
PA 5 SP -
IQ 1 MR 10
WP 8 FT 11 Description
CH 4 CS 48 A corrupted offshoot of the wolf, the Warg is an evil creature delighting in pain and
IN 10 Hex Size 2 death.
MS 2 Weight 500 They are often used as mounts by Goblins. Let on their own, the function in packs
much like wolves.
Wargs share both the wild animal’s and evil’s fear of fire. A successful level vs. level
Size: Normal saving throw (modified by WP) is required to overcome this fear if flame is presented
between the Warg and its intended victim.
Special Abilities/Skills
Close Combat Creature.
Dodge +10
Additional Skills: Perception, Orienteering, Tracking all at Level 3 (89). Stealth at Level 1 (43).
Natural Armor: 1 Point

Bestiary Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 143

25.7 Humans

Knight Level: 3 Initiative: 7

Stats Weapon Stats

ST 9 ES 9 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 9 LP 5 Longsword 81 31 31 102 31 82 1d10+2(+1) s
AG 9 CP 29 Lance, Mounted 81 31 31 102 31 82 1d10+2(+6) i
CO 9 SL 4 Shield, Medium 81 31 31 106* 31 82 1d8(+1) p/c
PA 7 SP - Dagger 81 31 31 106 31 82 1d8(+1) i
IQ 7 MR 6
WP 8 FT 11 Description
CH 8 CS 36 This represents a typical fully armored Knight.
IN 7 Hex Size 1 A knight will almost always have a heavy warhorse nearby for use and the above ES
MS 7 Weight 161 bonus for the Lance is using the warhorse.
Size: Normal
Special Abilities/Skills
Additional Skills: Riding (Primary Skill) Level 3 (83)
Perception Level 1 (40)
Culture Level 1 (43)
Class: Chivalric
Armor: Chain (4 points) 11-100, Full Helm (5 points) 1-10. Total Modifier -5

Man at Arms Level: 1 Initiative: 7

Stats Weapon Stats

ST 8 ES 8 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 8 LP 5 Broadsword 61 11 11 86 11 66 1d10+1(+1d1) s
AG 8 CP 23 Spear, Long 1H 61 11 11 90* 11 66 1d10(+1d1) i
CO 7 SL 3 Spear, Long 2H 61 11 11 86 11 66 1d10+1(1d1) i
PA 7 SP - Shield, Medium 61 11 11 86* 11 66 1d8(+1d1) p/c
IQ 7 MR 6.1 Knife 61 11 11 86 11 66 1d8+1(+1d1) s
WP 7 FT 9 Description
CH 7 CS 13 Typical soldier or guard that has been trained with weapons but with little combat
IN 7 Hex Size 1 experience.
MS 7 Weight 161
Size: Normal
Special Abilities/Skills
Additional Skills: Perception Level 1 (40)
Armor: Reinforced Leather Coat (2 points, loc 13-76, 81-98), Conical Helm (5 points, loc 1-5) and Infantry Boots
(3 points, loc 95, 98-00). Modifier -2

Bestiary Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 144

25.8 Mythical Creatures

Griffin Level: 4 Initiative: 8

Stats Weapon Stats

ST 10 ES 16 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 8 LP 10 Beak 85 38 49 - 35 98 1d6+(1d8) s
AG 7 CP 79 Claw 85 38 49 - 35 107 1d10+(1d8) s
CO 14 SL 7
PA 5 SP -
IQ 1 MR 8
WP 8 FT 16 Description
CH 3 CS 58 A griffin is a large beast with the hindquarters and body of an enormous lion, the
IN 7 Hex Size 2 forelegs and head resembling those of a huge eagle.
MS 3 Weight 1000
Size: Large
Special Abilities/Skills
Winged Flight MR 24.
Natural Armor: 3 points. Dodge +10 when airborne.
Beak usable only with the grab maneuver.
Additional Skills: Perception (Primary) Level 4 (100)

Harpy Level: 2 Initiative: 10

Stats Weapon Stats

ST 8 ES 8 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 10 LP 5 Claw 79 29 25 - 29 103 1d10 s
AG 10 CP 29
CO 9 SL 4
PA 2 SP -
IQ 7 MR 3
WP 8 FT 11 Description
CH 2 CS 27 Harpies have the body and wings of a huge black bird with the upper torso and head of
IN 7 Hex Size 1 a human female. Harpies are normally created and controlled by a greater power that
sends them to guard or torment a target. They are cunning and cruel in pursuit of that
MS 2 Weight 120 goal.
Size: Normal The slow beating wings seem to be more for balance than actual winged flight. Harpies
move in an almost hummingbird like motion.
Special Abilities/Skills
Independent Flight MR: 9
Additional Skills: Perception (Primary) Level 2 (60)
Dodge +15% when airborne.

Bestiary Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 145

Manticore Level: 4 Initiative: 10

Stats Weapon Stats

ST 8 ES 13 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 10 LP 9 Claw 88 44 46 - 38 113 1d10(+1d5) s
AG 8 CP 49 Bite 88 44 46 - 38 104 1d8+1(+d5) s
CO 9 SL 5 Tail Spike 88 44 46 - 38 109 1d8(+1d5) i
PA 4 SP -
IQ 1 MR 8
WP 8 FT 11 Description
CH 7 CS 57 Manticores have the body of a very large lion with a vaguely human like head. At the
IN 8 Hex Size 2 end of the tail is a large bony bulge covered with spikes. Manticores are aggressive and
will kill for pleasure.
MS 2 Weight 800
Size: Normal
Special Abilities/Skills
The Manticore is capable of throwing spikes from its tail at opponents. It will throw 1d3 spikes in a Class C attack.
Manticores will normally have 2d6+4 spikes in their tail. Rng: 5”
Winged Flight MR 18
Additional Skills: Perception Level 3 (83), Tracking Level 3 (83)
Natural Armor: 3 points. Close Combat Creature. Dodge +10

Minotaur Level: 3 Initiative: 7

Stats Weapon Stats

ST 9 ES 11 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 7 LP 7 Great Axe 80 30 36 104 30 77 1d12+3(+1d3) s
AG 7 CP 42 Mattock 80 30 36 107 30 80 1d12+2+(1d3) c
CO 10 SL 5 Horn 80 30 36 107 30 80 1d8+1(+1d3) i
PA 3 SP -
IQ 6 MR 6
WP 7 FT 12 Description
CH 7 CS 38 A Minotaur has the body of a large human with the head of a bull.
IN 7 Hex Size 2
MS 5 Weight 350
Size: Large
Special Abilities/Skills
Additional Skills: Perception Level 2 (60), Tracking Level 2 (60)

Bestiary Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 146

25.9 Undead Entities

Skeleton, Lesser Level: 1 Initiative: 10

Stats Weapon Stats

ST n/a ES 7 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 10 LP 3 Broadsword 67 17 13 88 17 72 1d10+1 s
AG 10 CP n/a Shield, Medium 67 17 13 88 17 72 1d8 p/c
CO n/a SL 6
PA 2 SP -
IQ 0 MR 7
WP 7 FT n/a Description
CH 2 CS 16 Skeletons are animated undead. They may be outfitted with whatever arms and/or
IN 7 Hex Size 1 armor that they wore in real life or picked up at the command of their animator.
MS 2 Weight 15 They exist only to fulfill the commands of their maker.
Size: Normal
Special Abilities/Skills
Damage Resistance: A –5 or greater wound is required to disable a location unless the attack is magical. They are
unaffected by CP damage but may still be stunned by heavy blows (regaining their balance).
They are not subject to fatigue or CO effects. They are immune to CL i damage.
Sense sentient life (direction and distance) within a 20 hex radius.
Addition Skills: Perception Level 1 (40), Climbing Level 1 (40)

Zombie, Lesser Level: 1 Initiative: 5

Stats Weapon Stats

ST 14 ES 11 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 5 LP 5 Fist 54 4 15 90 4 59 1d6(+d4) p
AG 5 CP n/a Bite 54 4 15 90 4 59 1d4(+1d4) s
CO n/a SL 8
PA 2 SP -
IQ 0 MR 5
WP 7 FT n/a Description
CH 2 CS 10 Zombies are animated undead. Incapable of using weapons, they may be outfitted with
IN 7 Hex Size 1 armor by those creators willing to dress them.
MS 2 Weight 140 They exist only to fulfill the commands of their maker.
Size: Normal
Special Abilities/Skills
Damage Resistance: A –5 or greater wound is required to disable a location unless the attack is magical. They are
unaffected by CP damage but may still be stunned by heavy blows (regaining their balance).
They are not subject to fatigue or CO effects.
Addition Skills: Perception Level 1 (40)
Bite is useable only with the grab maneuver.

Bestiary Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 147

25.10 Wild Animals

Brown Bear Level: 3 Initiative:

Stats Weapon Stats

ST 9 ES 14 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 8 LP 9 Claw 80 33 41 120 30 92 1d10(+1d6) s
AG 7 CP 53 Bite 80 33 41 111 30 83 1d8(+1d6) s
CO 10 SL 6 Hug 80 33 41 116 30 88 1d12(+1d6) c
PA 5 SP -
IQ 1 MR 9
WP 7 FT 12 Description
CH 3 CS 48 Typical Bear. Normally not aggressive against humans.
IN 7Hex Size 1
MS 2Weight 800
Size: Large
Special Abilities/Skills
Close Combat Creature.
Bite and Hug attacks possible only with the grab maneuver.
Additional Skills: Tracking at Level 1 (40). Perception and Orienteering at Level 2 (60)
Natural Armor: 1 point.

Wolf Level: 2 Initiative: 8

Stats Weapon Stats

ST 10 ES 9 Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
QU 8 LP 5 Bite 70 23 23 - 20 83 1d8+1(+1) 1
AG 7 CP 26
CO 8 SL 4
PA 6 SP -
IQ 1 MR 8
WP 7 FT 10 Description
CH 4 CS 25 Large canines that hunt in packs.
IN 10 Hex Size 1 In real life, only hostile to humans under unusual conditions. Their livestock is another
MS 2 Weight 130 matter…
Size: Normal
Special Abilities/Skills
Close Combat Creature.
Dodge +10
Additional Skills: Perception, Orienteering, Tracking all at Level 2 (69).
Natural Armor: 1 Point

Bestiary Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 148

26.11 Blank Creature Form

Level: Initiative:

Stats Weapon Stats

ST ES Weapon SC Def PM PC DM DC Damage CL
WP FT Description
IN Hex Size
MS Weight
Size: Normal
Special Abilities/Skills

Bestiary Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 149

Bestiary Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 150

At their best, wargames can allow increased understanding of the

A. Designer Notes factors that drive historical conflict. But they tend to be a bit static.
The reasons for the conflicts are a given and the outcome of only
Few game designers explain for what style play their system is slight interest beyond simple winning or losing.
intended. Nor do they speak about for what it isn’t intended. Yet The addition of role-playing to the wargame gives it a different
fewer address the questions of why they designed it the way they did dynamic completely. Now we understand on a personal level what
or even why they did it at all. caused a conflict. Now we understand on a personal level the
These are critical questions that I feel every designer should address. consequences of its outcome. No longer must we decide the setup of
the ‘next battle’; it’s given to us as the result of the course of the role-
playing effort.
Why Yet Another System?
Role-playing puts faces on the counters and gives meaning to the
Dozens of role-playing games systems populate store shelves. An effort. The player moves one step closer to the event. Nearly every
easy search will reveal numerous web published games, most facet of the wargame is enhanced. Understanding of character and
amateur efforts, in addition. The task of keeping up with them all is ‘soft’ influences is added to the hard knowledge of tactics and
impossible. probabilities. At it’s best, it is no longer another battle, but now a
Why so many? Because so many styles of play exist that a single natural and required outcome of conflicting goals and personalities.
game cannot possibly support them. Some gamers will find a detailed This was one of the original styles of role-playing games. Many
system like Age of Heroes far too constraining while others will see it styles have since joined it. So many in fact that few now understand
as too simple to be of interest. Detail of simulation is a single element that original motivation. Far too often, this is seen as little more than
of style, but one that applies to every game made with the same hack and slash gaming which it can be at it’s simplest. But it can also
result: Some think it too little while some think it too much. be far more.
An examination of games that have the same goals will reveal One of the hallmarks of this style is that everything is earned, nothing
enough style differences to justify their existence. GURPS and the given. A character will succeed and become a hero not because he is
Hero System stand as excellent examples. Both are high detail destined to, but because the player plays well enough to. Failure
generic systems sharing a large amount of common concepts. But awaits the foolish. Characters in our campaigns have 15%-40%
they are still different enough to produce a distinct feel causing KIA/MIA rate depending upon the skill of the players.
players of one to reject the other.
I imagine most groups find one of the existing systems to their taste. I
myself use published games for everything except my own fantasy Unsuitable Styles
game. Why not there? Simply because I’ve found nothing published Not all games or gamers would find Age of Heroes remotely suitable
that produces exactly what I want out of a fantasy game. Sometimes to their style of play. Anyone considering it their campaign must keep
the problems are very subtle and hard to define. Usually they are very the following in mind:
easy to point out. In the end it comes down to individual taste. • It is not well suited to those who find math distracting in a role-
For myself, I determined that if I were to have the type of game I playing game. It doesn’t require it of every player but the GM and
wanted, for the setting I wanted, it would be up to me to make it. one or more players must be comfortable with double-digit
addition/subtraction as well as multiplication and division.
• It is not well suited to those desiring fixed outcomes to events. The
Age of Heroes- Goals & Style system is designed to determine the outcome, not drive it. While
I entered into the design of Age of Heroes in order to: dramatic results are possible, very anti-climatic outcomes are
possible as well.
• Provide a highly tactical and challenging environment where
skilled play would determine the success of the character. • It is not well suited to short-term campaigns. Many of the rules are
geared toward campaigns spanning decades of time. These rules
• Support a campaign intended to cover not just the lives of the complicate the system and add what are, on the surface, odd
starting characters but the generations to follow. These campaigns restrictions until you take a long time span into account.
would span decades if not centuries of time.
• It requires tactical skill of its players. If open communication (out
• Support diverse characters while protecting those same characters’ of and in character) is allowed between players, high tactical skill
niche of expertise. is not required by all as long as people are willing to take advice or
• Give a rough balance between the various types of weapons and orders.
armor. Ideally the system would show the differences in style and • It is not well suited to low combat campaigns. There are simpler
method of choices made in this area, but wouldn’t allow one to options available.
completely dominate the others in effectiveness.
• Suit a style of role-playing that sees such games as primarily
providing an intriguing framework for the interesting resolution of
conflicts in an objective game system.
That last point needs explanation.
People get different things out of role-playing games. Some play in
order to jointly develop an interesting story. Some play to experience
what it’s like to be someone else. There are far more reasons to play
than I want, or need, to go into here.
My own preferred reason can be stated as requiring some role-
playing in my wargame.
A wargame is the simulation of conflict in a game format. It is
primarily a test of player skill and resolved as objectively as possible.

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 A-1


Call this anything you’d like, the idea is the same one found in the
original classes. And it was with reluctance that I admitted the
GAME MECHANICS wisdom of this concept, at least for this style of game.
While from the player’s perceptive knowledge of a systems design
goals can be helpful, an understanding of how the selected mechanics I may have been forced to use classes, but nothing forced me to make
can be even more so. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of them as senseless as they often were in the earlier generations of
the major design elements in Age of Heroes. games. Thus the concept of Bought Primary, Secondary and Non-
Class Skill purchase was born. This allowed for such simple concepts
Character Generation as a mage who was skilled with blades. But it made certain that he
couldn’t be as skilled as the dedicated warrior.
The classes in Age of Heroes can be thought of as a set of bonuses.
Random Stats Certain skills advance automatically, others specific skills are given a
Many games settle upon the concept of point construction for cost break. Added to this is a set of straight bonuses to core skills
characters. Everything a character can do (be it stats, skills or special In this way, a character is granted access to the full range of skills to
abilities) is purchased using an initial point allotment. The idea is to choose from. He can take full advantage of this, or not, at his choice.
provide an even starting ground. The Fighter can learn simple spells; the Wizard can pick up archery.
There is much merit in such a method. But as always, it comes at a At the same time, they pose little threat of stealing someone else’s
cost. In the fictional source material, some characters are just better core concept and they will always be better in those areas they first
than others. A game meant to simulate this would be remiss to use a set as key skills.
system designed to eliminate it. At its heart, Age of Heroes is a skill-based system. Class merely
Two other factors moved me to the use of randomly generated stats. controls the purchase costs and limits.
The rather bleak sameness point systems often generate, and the fact
that I've never seen one that was truly balanced in the final result. Heroic Advancement
The latter point was especially telling- why deal with the problems if
the gain is mostly illusionary? Classes of and by themselves were not enough to allow extended
campaigns since normal advancement systems allowed an unending
spiral to incredible levels of skill.
What are Classes doing here? While a simple increasing experience curve would be able to (in
Classes were one of the original constructions of role-playing games. practice since there is limited play time) curb the advance of player
Known for being horribly restrictive and limiting in character characters, such a method comes with problems:
concepts, it has become a near cliché that any modern game would
stay as far away from them as possible. Terribly artificial, they
• How do you deal with immortal creatures like Tolkien’s Elves or
caused no end of problems for people who wanted to play a character
other long-lived races?
instead of a collection of numbers.
• Even more important, a traditional experience system makes it all
So what in the world are they doing here? but impossible for children to surpass their parents.
Good question. I certainly didn’t start with them and am almost as • And yet even more importantly, if experience is there to be earned-
surprised by their appearance here as anyone else. In fact, I use (and characters will continue doing everything they can to earn it,
would recommend) a classless system for every game except my otherwise they risk their hard won place in the world. This makes
fantasy campaign. passing chunks of time difficult as well as constantly encouraging
an ‘arms race’.

So why the exception?

The answer is found in the desired time scale of the campaigns for In the real world, the learning process in humans is not fully
Age of Heroes. understood. However, there have been extensive studies to discover
as much as possible about the subject. We know that in general,
Originally Age of Heroes was no more than a combat system people start off learning quickly and advance to a point where they
replacement for other role-playing games. Unfortunately, when peak. Thereafter they remain nearly constant (except for rare
running campaigns spanning decades of time under a variety of exceptions) and then decline in ability. This advancement curve is
traditional advancement systems, every one of them broke. different for every person and not everyone even comes close to the
The classless method broke over extended play when it became levels of mastery others may attain- no matter how hard they try.
obvious the niche roles within teams could not be maintained. But sadly we don’t know the exact why or how of this behavior.
Without limits on character growth, the warrior could easily spend Using the real world as a model provides a good expectation of the
his experience on magic- making the mage far less key in an area the result, but no method of simulating how it occurs or predicting the
player conceived as his shining spotlight. This type of ‘role-creep’ actual effect for an individual.
was seen across the whole spectrum of activities. The end result was
a vast feeling of “my character isn’t in the least unique”. Not a good I could of course have winged it; making up potential values and
way for heroic adventurers to view themselves. determining learning rates to suit the game. Indeed, I gave this a great
deal of thought.
The solution was to place limits on where characters could spend
their experience. Such limits allowed them to maintain the niche they But a better idea occurred to me.
defined originally, while preventing them from crossing too far into This was to be a game of heroic adventure. Why not tie advancement
the niches of others. after a specified point to actual heroic acts? Such acts would be, by
definition, beyond simple success and time spent in play.

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 A-2


The method had the side benefit of solving all the problems listed Hero Points are the last, and perhaps most powerful, method for
above. Children could surpass their parents, long-lived races are creating unique characters. Granting the ability to go beyond the
handled nicely and characters have good reason not to continue extent of the rules, they are the best defining element of just what the
collecting experience (they may decide the risk is not worth it, or benefits of being heroic are.
there may well be nothing heroic enough for them to do).
I decided to leave the non-heroic levels open to simple advancement Sexual Dimorphism
by time spent in play, thus representing the normal attainable levels
of characters not (yet) of heroic stature. Most role-playing games completely ignore the physical differences
between men and women for any of a number of reasons. They may
The end result is a game that after an extended period of play has view it as just a fantasy game. Or they may take that stand in the
characters of various levels. The uniform party is gone, replaced by a name of political correctness or even out of the ignorant belief that
variety more in tune with the fictional source works of the game. This there is no difference.
becomes even more apparent as children join the adventuring ranks.
The nature of class niches and the numeric values used in the Age of Heroes is more than detailed enough to show the actual
mechanics allow a skilled GM to create adventures for parties of differences and our female players even requested them. A core
widely divergent levels. concept of the game was to highlight different methods and styles,
and in the fantasy genre there are distinct differences between the
This method may not be realistic in the least, but it was certainly well styles of male and female heroes.
within the concept of the genre and met all my goals besides.
For these reasons, I decided that Age of Heroes would break from
common practice in include the most noticeable effects of sexual
Non-Combat Skills dimorphism.
Many consider one of the distinctive marks of a ‘modern’ game to be Determining Stat modifiers was easy enough. A study of various
the inclusion of a skill resolution system that uses degrees of success- military and athletic records provided good hard data that allowed me
often a large number of degrees. Most of these systems use a dice to decide on good basic modifiers. From this data I settled on the –2
pool style of resolution. to ST and –3 to FT.
I passed on such a method for Age of Heroes. The +1 CO value was an educated guess based upon greater female
Use of dice pool or bell curve resolution methods would have made resistance to disease and other factors. I should note that this was not
the balance found in combat impossible (at least for any useable as clear-cut as many believe (there’s some advantages/disadvantages
method that met my goals). Since I wanted skill resolution to use the that are too fine to show under this, or any other, gaming system), but
same dice as combat, I was locked into the d100. it nonetheless highlights a general tend in the subject.
Besides, I’m very much of the opinion that degrees of success The other modifiers (QU+1, AG +1, IN+1) have no real backing in
systems add little information to a game. Such degrees are by natural from the sources I consulted. Of course those sources dealt with more
poorly defined (if at all) outside of combat. This produces (besides a with combat conditions than normal working life, but I considered
nice little number for reference) an end result little better than ‘made that a good measure for a game system based upon classic fantasy
it by lots’, ‘made it barely’, ‘missed it barely’, ‘missed it by lots’, adventure.
which anyone can see by looking at any dice. However in that genre, the archetype of a faster more agile female
Also, it’s often the case that degree of success systems still result in warrior is common. Almost as common is the idea of females having
pass/fail events with only the ‘favor text’ varying. The mechanically a better instinctive feel for magic. So in the case of QU, AG and IN, I
important thing is if the character made it over the wall in time. How decided to go with genre over science.
easily and with how much style he did so can be easily winged by the The final modifiers are not exact since too much is rolled into
GM with but a glance at the typical die roll. individual stats, but its close enough to highlight some real and genre
For these reasons, I decided to use a straight d100 when skill rolls differences. They also result in a good game balance, no matter the
where called for. Those few skills for which degree of success has class or profession, between male and female characters when the
mechanical importance are so described within their descriptions. differences in size and weight are factored in.

Character Points, Option Points, Skill Points and Hero

These options exist to aid in making the character unique and
different from any other in play.
Character Points represent special conditions of birth and early
childhood. Here, one can gain re-rolls on stats or special items.
Option and Skill points are designed to represent the character's
ability to learn skills and knowledge above and beyond those normal
for his class. Option Points especially can make for an unique favor
of a class with the ability to purchase additional primary skills. Both
Option and Skill Points are heavily dependent upon a Character's IQ
stat. Those happy with just the class abilities can safely use a low roll
for IQ.
There is no option to 'sell off' primary skills. The potential for abuse
is too great.

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 A-3


determine positional modifiers in a simple way, it would be a mistake

Combat to think it was the only defining element of the possibilities.

I’ve seen systems with a much smaller scale using a wide selection of
combat maneuvers broken down by specific method. I’ve never cared
Combat System Goals for these. In the first place they are always open to “but what about
this” questions. To actually cover ALL the possibilities in a fight is
The design of the combat system has six major goals. impossible, yet such hyper-detail systems give the illusion that
they’re making the attempt.
• The course of resolution should follow the style of combat presented in
my favorite fictional works. These sources were primarily the works of
J.R.R Tolkien, Lloyd Alexander, and just a bit of William Goldman’s Secondarily, most of these systems don’t provide the tactical options
Princess Bride with a few movies such as El Cid thrown in for good they pretend to. Either because there is always a dominant
measure as well. maneuver(s) or because maneuver selection is really nothing more
than a rock/paper/scissors game using charts. Giving a selection of
• Characters would seldom be damaged. But damage, when it occurs,
options without giving a method for judging which to use at the time
would be rather serious including even the possibility of death with a
single blow. Skilled characters would better avoid damage, but if they of choice is no better than rolling dice in my view- so why bother.
failed, would suffer its effects just as much.
• Choice of weapon and/or Armor was to be mostly one of style and subtle
effect, not global advantage. This is in direct contrast with most systems Initiative and Movement
which feature tactical dominance of specific weapons and armor
(normally heavier = better). Few games truly allow the loincloth I decided on a real simple initiative system. Highest quickness moves
barbarian to contest with a Knight in full plate. (I was aware of none at first (modified by armor).
the time this sub-system was designed).
• Numbers would matter. Fighting multiple foes should be a task joyfully A number of games use a die roll to determine initiative. But it
undertaken only by those with a notable skill advantage over their provides little of value in my view. While it does make combat a bit
opponents. Even the mightiest heroes can fall before numbers and the more unpredictable, the idea of adding another die roll for each
system should reflect it. character and then ordering them by result was unappealing. Besides,
the base mechanics contain enough randomness for my tastes. I
• Large Powerful Creatures should be a force to be feared, not just
something taking a couple of more hits to put down. gladly traded a roll here for the parry roll.

• The system should provide high tactical challenge and interest at the The actual movement rates are the result of attempting to achieve the
small to large group level. proper balance between maneuver and ‘Pace of Decision’.

Scale and Abstraction Pace of Decision is at its simplest “how long does it take to lose”.

The first step in the design of the combat system was settling upon a If movement is high compared to the Pace of Decision then maneuver
scale for both time and distance. This is the most important single loses its importance. Reinforcements can reach anyone in time and
factor for determining the degree of abstraction a system uses. The combat becomes more a battle of attrition than one of maneuver.
shorter the time span and the smaller the unit of distance, the more
detailed the system. However, if movement is low when compared to Pace of Decision
then a single mistake during initial contact can spell instant doom for
The scale I settled on was small enough to control the size of the all concerned. Again Maneuver doesn’t have much importance
battles I intended to model. It was too large by far to model each compared to initial positioning or luck.
blow, parry, feint or footstep taken by a combatant given that he
could perform several actions with a round’s time frame. Basic combat resolution and movement therefore are closely linked
in determining the tactical flavor of the game.
At six seconds a round and five feet to the hex, it’s obvious that the
system abstracts itself into one chance at an effective strike. Multiple I decided that a typical combat round would consist of each character
actions and footwork is simply left out, covered by the random dice taking actions in initiative sequence. First movement followed by an
roll. While the results in game terms are completely defined, the attack. Each attack would consist of a strike attempt followed by a
actual method of it occurring may be far different. parry from the defender if needed. Damage would then be determined
and applied when required.
For example, a simple miss may be a cautious circling with no attack
at all instead of the more obvious swing and a miss. A single hit may
well have been preceded by a series of feints or blows designed to
break the defense. A successful parry may be the obvious clash of
weapons, or perhaps just staying out of range. All of this is abstracted
into the die roll and skill levels of the combatants.

It is good to keep this level of abstraction in mind when you hit those
‘it couldn’t happen’ results. Simply because the system assumes that
the character starts with a position and facing (and returns to it at the
end of the round), there is little reason to think that it remains fixed
throughout the combat round. While this assumption allows us to

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 A-4


The Strike/Parry Routine Additionally it is difficult to modify damage by weapon type without
distorting the full range of results. The result is heavy weapons
In my view, the first goal listed mandates a strike/parry routine as the unable to nick, or light weapons unable to kill, again not what I
basic mechanic. wanted.

An active defense of this type takes longer to resolve than a simple The last problem with ‘damage by success’ methods is that I wanted
‘roll to hit modified by a defense value’, but gives a much better to use a defensive parry roll. If damage was to increase as one rolled
image of a combatant’s defensive effort than a passive mechanic. The better on the attack, it should decrease as one rolls better on the
illusion many systems give of a fighter standing there waiting to be defense. Given the wide range of damage I wanted available, this
hit didn’t sit well with me and the use of an additional die roll to would have resulted in a complex and large cross-reference table or
avoid it was a small price to my mind. even more interesting math formulas. I had enough of those and
could do without another.
An additional benefit is that modifiers can be applied to one without
affecting the other, better illustrating the effect of various influences I decided that the problems outweighed the benefits of ‘damage by
on the course of battle. success’ and went the oldest damage method, the separate damage

Even here there are lots of methods. I decided upon the simple “roll a
die, that’s the points of damage”. Since I wanted weapons to do
Dodging was an outgrowth of parrying. Originally dodging was different amounts of damage, naturally I ended up using different
abstracted into the Parry, and in fact still is for the most part. types of dice to maintain as wide a range of results as possible.

However it became evident quickly that there would be some attacks Ideally I would like to roll 1d14. But that creature doesn’t exist. So I
that one wouldn’t want to attempt parrying at all (the falling boulder will use small bonuses like +1 or +2 and random bonuses like +1d3.
or the Dragon stomp). The only choice would be to get out of the The concept is to keep any damage bonus low in comparison so that
way. A dodge only option was required. weapons can still nick while offering the chance to do serious
Since the parry had dodging abstracted into it, a dodge only option
would have to be less effective. Thus the base dodge value was set at Considering that I wanted a single blow to have a good chance of
20 points less than the base parry to represent this. disabling a character, the addition of a separate damage roll isn't as
major of a time impact as it seems. Since it doesn’t typically take
five to ten damaging hits to take someone down, the total number of
Damage die rolls doesn’t rise as much as you would think at first glance.

Many different methods have been applied to the allocation of

damage over the years ranging from the very simple to the highly
complex. Critical and Solid Strikes
Up front I knew Age of Heroes would NOT use a traditional hit point While I wanted it to be easy to disable, I didn’t want it to be nearly as
system as found in the early role-playing games. Such systems give easy to kill. I would quickly run out of player characters that way. I
the illusion (intended or not) of characters taking and shrugging off dealt with this by setting the death level at tens points above that
great blows. Not only do they give a poor representation of fictional needed to disable (and gauged the rest of the wounds according to
action; they also inspire weird tactics (such as leaping off forty-foot that scale).
walls in order to reach a battle) that doesn’t fit well with any but the
wildest sources. But I didn’t want to have death be a possibility that wasn’t too far
away and setting the threshold this high all but guaranteed no
What I wanted was a damage system that would represent physical deathblows.
damage, not one that abstracted everything from skill to divine favor.
Especially unappealing was a method that made those additional The use of Critical and Solid Strikes was the answer. These are in
factors ablative. their own way a halfway measure between separate damage rolls and
‘damage by success’ methods.
Some systems determine damage as the result of the initial attack roll,
doing an amount depending upon how much that roll is made by. I They provide the high-end damage needed. Their low chance of
consider these to be excellent when using traditional hit points. They occurring fit well with the goal of PC survival.
have a number of problems when applied to what I wanted however.
There is a problem in that an inferior enough opponent will not be
Such systems often limit the possible results when the skill difference capable of achieving them. While this doesn't meet my goal of having
between opponents increases. Eventually an inferior foe is unable to the full range of damage results possible, in this case I was willing to
do significant damage while a superior one can’t do anything but kill. trade that for ease of use and PC survival. Besides, foes such as these
The use of an opened-ended roll is an attempt to avoid this, but often could still disable, and even become deadly given the right modifiers
results in the interesting concept that it’s easer now for the inferior or with sheer numbers.
foe to do heavy damage than light! This is acceptable with traditional
hit points as it’s all very abstract anyway, but I wanted actual damage If one insists on the concept of superior skill producing better damage
results ranging from nicks to severed body parts. the optional rules in Section 19.18 should suit without too much

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 A-5


complication. Additionally this rule section fits nicely with the heroic The Base Numbers
aim of the game without overbalancing things too much.
It was time to settle on the base numbers that would drive the game.
These values would use perfectly matched opponents of average
Hit Location characteristics using the base weapon for the game (Broadsword) as
their springboard.
Hit location serves two purposes. It provides wound effects other
than up/down and it handles armor and cover in detail by imposing a So I grabbed numbers. The chance of hitting would be 50%. A parry
barrier in the locations actually protected. would be 50%. Dodge 30%. It would take 5 points of damage to take
a person down and a Broadsword would do 1d10+1.
One could trade hit locations for a direct ‘roll for impairment’ or even
‘impairment by success”. The later is merely and extension of Why these numbers? Why not, after all a person’s got to start
“damage by success” and in fact can even be used in place of more somewhere. I wasn’t interested in realism in the construction of the
traditional damage systems. system (although I DID want an illusion of realism). I was interested
in a balanced game with a good tactical flow.
In a more abstract system, this would be functional enough. Such
systems however come at a cost. Specific impairments may well be One of things determined from our test campaign was a 50% parry
unreasonable given specific cover. Even more important, why does a and 30% Dodge produced combats that were too quick and too
character always apply his armor values when he is not completely random across the range of skill. The base parry was raised to 75%
covered by said armor? and Dodge became 55%. The rest remained intact as we decided the
results matched our tastes.
One could of course roll to see if the armor counted in a specific case,
but that’s the same as rolling hit location- better to have the increased
information. One could average the result of armor at the cost of Weapons and Armor
distorting every individual result, not a good idea in a system that
typically could have a battle ending with one hit. The third goal I had specified a near balance in the effectiveness of
armor and weapons choices.
I ended up making a very detailed location chart. This was to support
the highly customize armor that some players get into. In actually this goal is only achievable in all cases for very simple
systems where one ignores the weapon/armor differences completely.
If desired, it would be an easy matter to simplify the hit location table A simple attack and defense rating would be ideal.
without affecting game balance. It could even be removed if one
could live with up/down combat results. Flavor would be lost and This however was not what I wanted. Such a system lacks detail.
personally I prefer the detail. Besides, the idea of various weapons and armor having small
advantages and disadvantages under different conditions is rather
appealing. The driving concern was to prevent something from
always being advantageous under any condition.
Cumulative Hit Points
So the question of balance became one of where in the range of
Cumulative Hit Points is a simple method to determine if the
conditions it would occur. I decided that all melee length weapons
combined effects of multiple wounds, bleeding and other effects have
would be balanced between unarmored opponents of average
resulted in the character falling unconscious.
characteristics. Armor would be balanced between the same
Some games would apply modifiers to the character depending upon opponents, one unarmored and the other armored, using the most
how many points of total damage one would have received. common weapon for our campaigns, the Broadsword.

I avoided this for two reasons. Until this point, a d10 or d20 would have worked as the basic dice for
the game. In fact, I originally planned on the d20. After playing with
First, actual real world studies indicate that multiple wounds don’t the basic probabilities I determine that resolution of ten or five
have this effect to the degree most people imagine. These indicate percent was far from what was needed. The use of d100 provides an
that location impairment accounts for nearly all the effects one would acceptable close match (even I wasn’t willing to use d1000 with its
see in a combatant that continues the fight. triple digit addition/subtraction).

Secondly, such methods result in a ‘death spiral’ where a combatant On the weapon side, as damage raises the Parry/Dodge chance
is all but lost after his first hit. Not only does this cause many players declines. Thus you stand a better chance of putting you opponent
to think “why continue, just drop me on the first hit”, it stands in down. At the same time he stands a better chance of getting through
stark opposition to people’s images of heroic battle. your defenses. The probabilities here are such that a simple
modification to the base parry of 75 is all that’s needed. Indeed,
applying a modifier to more than this would have resulted in some
rather bad rounding problems. From this line of thought came the
concept of a Defense Base for every weapon.

Armor was more difficult. Since it’s a flat fixed value, its effects on
the probabilities are far more noticeable. If applied only to defense
(most people’s natural choice) the result would be huge modifiers
with the resulting increase in critical/solid strike. This didn’t seem
like a good idea to me.

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 A-6


By applying it to ALL the combat values, I was able to reduce the End Result
modifier to an acceptable range. And it makes sense at the level of
abstraction used in Age of Heroes; if you are hindered from moving The effect of all the combat rules is to provide a highly challenging
OUT of the way of an attack, you’re just as impeded when moving tactical environment for the players assuming a small group
IN for an attack. encounter or larger (one-on-one fights tend to be much more straight

Moving off of Center Few other systems can even begin to approach Age of Heroes in this
area. It does come at the cost of a high degree of complexity and is
Now that I had all the basic numbers it place, it was time to consider not suited for all gaming groups.
what could modify them.
Once learned to the point that the only rule references need be table
Age of Heroes has separate values for characteristics and skill. It’s lookups, the system does flow at an acceptable rate of speed. We’ve
obvious that these will be the two most consistent modifiers of completed battles involving over 300 characters within a five-hour
combat values. Characteristics affect only some of the combat values gaming session on a number of occasions.
and do so to a lesser extent than an equal number of skill levels. The
selected numbers give more weight to experience while still allowing I’ve noted in the past that players new to the system go through a
for an impressive impact of pure talent. stage that can only be described as shock. Relatively few published
systems will disable or kill in a single hit. The emphasis on correct
In general, equally matched foes will function at the base tactical action is at a premium. I would suggest any group completely
probabilities against each. This results in battle length remaining new to the system play a few test battles to get use to it before
constant between equals and resolving quicker for those cases where committing actual player characters that they might want to keep for
a side has advantage. a while.

A fair number of situational modifiers are provided. While many

players dislike tables of combat modifiers, they are the only factual
incentive for maneuver in combat. Without maneuver, tactics are
greatly reduced in importance.

Realism wasn’t a main goal of the design. In point of fact, due to a
lack of knowledge about personal combat during historical Middle
Ages (let alone a magical fantasy alternate), we can only guess as to
what realism would be in any case.

One element is a certainty. Age of Heroes (like nearly all rpgs) has
virtually ignored the element of psychological reaction to combat.

It’s a simple real world fact that most people effectively don’t fight in
combat. When they do fight, they will often perform at levels far
below their optimum. If injured, they are very likely to fall down and
quit even if the wound isn’t truly disabling.

Modeling this fully would result in a game of pure frustration, not

one of Heroic Adventure. Since I like Heroic Adventure more than
frustration, the choice was clear.

Rather, I focused more on the tactical flavor of the game. Realism

was only considered in respect to providing an illusion of action that
mirrored its High Fantasy source material.

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 A-7


B. Characters- Book 1 We have three eights, a three, a four and a five left. It will be
easier to assign the two low values first.
B1 CHARACTER CREATION EXAMPLE Let’s put the 5 in PA, 4 in IN and the 3 in MS as none of these
stats are of critical importance to a Chivalric. However, we’ll
Note: There are references throughout to a Campaign Supplement
have to burn Character Points on them for re-rolls in order to
that details the races and economics of a specific game world. As this
meet the Paladin requirements. It’s looking highly unlikely that
information is not supplied by the core rules, it is assumed that the
we’ll make Paladin, which is to be expected given the high stat
GM of the campaign has created one for his world.
Knights in shining armor are a classic concept. Lets take a look at
generating a Chivalric (Section 6.2.2) or Paladin character to further The three eights are assigned to the remaining open stats and the
explore that element of the High Fantasy genre. following stats are entered on the character sheet:
We’d prefer a Paladin as we’re very interested in the concept of a Basic Stats
noble champion against evil, but meeting all the requirements will be Stat Adj Base
difficult. Still we make our coming decisions with the intent of
ST 10 10
meeting those requirements, but with the fallback of a Chivalric in
QU 10 10
case things don’t work out.
AG 8 8
To begin, let’s name the character Cadel. We’re hoping for a noble
CO 9 9
descendant from survivors of the sunken Atlantis culture (a human
race variant in this campaign with a long lifespan and some stat PA 5 5
bonuses, but only three Character points instead of the typical five). IQ 8 8
WP 10 10
If we don’t manage to roll noble birth, we’ll have to burn a Character
Point or two to qualify for the desired class. CH 8 8
IN 4 4
Let’s follow the Character Generation Check list (see section 10.1).
MS 3 3

A) Generate Characteristic Stats

Grabbing a set of Percentile dice, we get rolls of 47, 44, 79, 04, For now, the Adjusted Stats column is equal to the Base Stats
61, 53, 91, 09, 03, and 81. column. That will change when we get to racial and age
Using the table in Section 1.0, these numbers convert to values
of: 8, 8, 10, 4, 9, 8, 10, 5, 3, and 10. Cadel ends up with three
tens, very nice. B) Chose Character Gender

Looking at the various classes in Section 6.0, we note that Cadel Cadel is going to be male and as such there are no Stat Modifiers
easily has the scores to be a Chivalric. In fact, except for the 4 to apply.
and 5, he has the stats to be a Paladin.
Now there’s a thought. We could spend some of our Character C) Chose Character’s Race and/or Culture
Points (Step F) to re-roll those values. Thinking Paladins are a We already have picked out Cadel’s race. Checking the campaign
neat idea, the player assigns his stat values for a Chivalric Supplement, we note the following information:
character with an eye towards being a Paladin on a couple of
good die rolls. Stat Modifiers: +1 IQ, +1 WP, +1 CH
A Chivalric requires an 8 ST while Paladins need a 10. Knowing Average Height: male 6'5", female 5'10"
that it would be unlikely to re-roll a ten or better (only a 22% Weight Modifier: 1.05 males, .9 females
chance) and considering that ST is important for any warrior,
we’ll assign one of the 10’s to ST. Special Abilities: None.

QU is next. It determines initiative in the combat system. Special Skills: Level 1 in a Lore of choice.
Knowing that Full Plate gives a heavy modifier, we decide that Experience Multiple: 1.1
we should put a 10 here in order to maintain initiative over lighter
Birth Rate: II
armored opponents. A ten is needed in MS for Paladins and
putting it here is a hard decision. However settling for a lower Character Points: 3
value (without knowing if he’ll achieve the required stat on a re-
Languages: Anglican Speak 3
roll for a Paladin) could result in lower combat performance as a If of mage or noble heritage, add Anligican R/W 3,
Chivalric. Atlantian 2/2, Elvish 2/2 and High Elvish 0/0.
Looking at his last 10, we note that a Paladin requires a 10+ in There’s a large amount of other information concerning racial
both WP and MS (neither of which has a Chivalric requirement). history, cultural norms, dress, etc here as well. This information
Knowing the poor chance of rolling up to a ten latter, we’ll put is noted and used to develop additional non-system related
the remaining 10 in WP, a stat useful to characters of either class. character facts and background.
Assigning the 9 is difficult. Deciding that Full Plate will likely The lifespan information is listed here. For use in step D
result in a larger number of small injuries and longer battles, (knowing that we want Cadel to start at the beginning of his
we’ll put it in CO to raise our CP and FT scores. career) we note that the Young Adult category has an age range
of 17-35.

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 B-1


Cadel has three Character Points and is three stats short of D) Determine Distinctive Traits
meeting the Paladin requirements. Additionally there’s the
problem of having to roll a noble heritage in step E because if he
fails, he’ll need one more character point than he has. a) Age
Age is first. Cadel is a young man who has just come of age for
Even so, we know that the 4 IN and 5 PA aren’t good things in his culture. Let’s set his age at 17, making him a Young Adult.
any case. Let’s spend two Character Points (see Section 5.0) now
and re-roll those two stats. The modifiers for that age category (see section 3.1) are a –1 to
PA, WP, CH, IN and MS. These modifiers represent the fact that
We roll an 83 and 99 respectively resulting in a 10 IN and 12 PA. he has yet to mature into his full potential.
We certainly didn’t intend for our highest score to be in PA but
that’s what we’ve ended up with. Now we’ll have to put some Note: Age modifiers are ignored when determining class
thought into how such a value will affect Cadel’s personality… requirements.
After applying the re-rolls and applying the Racial Stat His character sheet is adjusted as follows:
Modifiers, Cadel’s character sheet looks like this:
Basic Stats
Stat Adj Base
ST 10 10
Basic Stats
QU 10 10
Stat Adj Base
AG 8 8
ST 10 10
CO 9 9
QU 10 10
PA 11 12
AG 8 8
IQ 9 8
CO 9 9
WP 10 10
PA 12 12
CH 8 8
IQ 9 8
IN 9 10
WP 11 10
MS 2 3
CH 9 8
IN 10 10
MS 3 3 In addition, Cadel starts at 1st level (of whatever class he picks),
has 90% of his final weight, and 240 experience points.
Cadel also gains one level in a chosen Lore. Let’s pick Legends
to show Cadel’s interest in the tales of the bards. b) Height
We don’t know yet if Cadel is of the proper family heritage for Turning to Height, Cadel rolls 36 on d100 on the height variance
all the listed language skills, and so for now he has only Speak table (3.4.1) giving a result of 97%. The average height for his
Anglican at level 3. race was 6’5” and his age gives no modifier. Multiplying 77” by
.97 gives a final height of 6’3” (rounding to the nearest).
Entering this information on his character sheet gives the
following result:
c) Weight
Weight is determined by the following formula:
(Average Wgt) * (Variance) * (Racial Modifier) * (Age Modifier)
Anglican 3

The Average Weight for 6’3” according to the 3.4.2A is 198 lbs.
Cadel rolls a 59 on table 3.4.2B giving a Variance of 102%. His
race gives a modifier of 105% while his age gives one of 90%.
Cadel ends up with a weight of 198*1.02*1.05*.9 or 191 lbs.

Lore- Legends 1 d) Size Modifier

Cadel’s race is a variant of human; therefore he divides his
weight by the human average (161 according to the Campaign
Potential Start Current Supplement) and consults the table in 3.4.3 to determine his Size
Language 4 4 4 Category.
Lore Potential 2 2 2
Cadel’s result of 191/161 is 118%. This means his Size Category
is Normal and he takes no additional modifiers.

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 B-2


At this point, Cadel’s character sheet is a follows:

e) Determine Effective Strength
Basic Stats
Cadel’s ST of 10 gives him a lift multiple (Section 1.1) of 2.
Stat Adj Base CLASS
Multiplied by his weight of 191 lbs gives a lift capacity of 382
ST 10 10 LEVEL 1
QU 10 10 Race Atlantian
Consulting the Effective Strength Chart (Section 3.5) we find that AG 8 8 Sex Male
that ES comes out to a 10. CO 9 9 Age 19
PA 11 12 Age Category Young Adult
f) Calculate Hit Points IQ 9 8 Height 6'3"

Location Points (LP section 3.6.1) = 5 WP 10 10 Weight 191 Size- Normal

CH 8 8 Born 3/12/1419
Cumulative Hit Points (CP section 3.6.2) = LP * CO Modifier IN 9 10 Birth Place Prydain
(Section 1.4) plus WP/2 rounded down = 5*5+10/2 = 30 3 Landed Knight
MS 2 Lineage
Stun Level (SL section 3.6.3) = (LP + CO + WP/2)/3 –2 (round Birth Order 1st of 2 (sister)
nearest) = (5 + 10 +10/2)/3 –2 = 5 ES 10 Eye Color: Blue
LIFT 382 Hair Color Brown
LP 5 Complexion Average
g) Calculate Movement Points
CuH 30 Hand Right
According to section 3.7, the Movement Rate (MR) is determined
SL 4 Exp/Level
by Racial MR + (QU –7)/2 (keep fractions)
SP 12 Married
Cadel’s final MR value is 7.5, although this will be modified by MR 7.5 Exp/SkP 240
armor. FT 12 Base SkP
CS Special SkP
h) Calculate Fatigue
Section 3.8 states that Fatigue (FT) is equal to CO + WP/4
(rounded down) E) Generate Family Heritage
Cadel ends up with a 9 + (11/4) or 11. Rolling off expanded charts in the Campaign Supplement, Cadel
gets lucky again and ends up as the son of a Landed Knight. Low
nobility, but nobility nonetheless.
i) Generate Primary Hand
Rolling a 27 on d100 as specified in section 3.9, we determine This gives him all the languages skills possible for his race and
that Cadel is right handed. culture resulting in the following changes on his character sheet:

h) Generate Birth Date LANGUAGES & LORE Lore Spk R/W

Section 3.10 covers the rolling of one’s birth date.
Anglican 3 3
Rolling a 39, well over 02, we first determine that Cadel was not
Atlantian 2 2
born on the 31st of any month. A d12 shows that he was born in
Elvish 2 2
March and the d30 comes up with the 12th.
High Elvish 0 0
Counting backwards 17 years (his age) from the current
campaign game date of 1436 gives a birth date of 3/12/1419.
Note that different campaigns may use different calendars and as
such, different methods for generating birth dates.
The character sheet includes places to note hair and eye color and
complexion. The Player may choose whatever is desired within
the limits of his racial choice and/or GM agreement. Lore- Legends 1

Potential Start Current

Language 22 22 22
Lore Potential 2 2 2

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 B-3


His roll to determine the number of siblings is made on column His character sheet now looks like this:
two on table 4.4.1. Rolling a 39, Cadel has one sibling.
Basic Stats
The roll for birth order determines that Cadel (an 8 for Cadel and Stat Adj Base CLASS Paladin
4 for his sibling on d10s) was born first and the gender roll (82 on
ST 10 10 LEVEL 1
d100) for the sibling results in a sister.
QU 10 10 Race Atlantian
A roll on the Family Relationship Table of a 42 on d100 (Section AG 8 8 Sex Male
4.5) gives him an Average relationship to his family. CO 9 9 Age 19
PA 11 12 Age Category Young Adult
F) Spend Character Points IQ 9 8 Height 6'3"
WP 10 10 Weight 191 Size- Normal
At this point, Cadel meets all the requirements of Paladin except
CH 8 8 Born 3/12/1419
for one, his MS. One Character Point is remaining.
IN 9 10 Birth Place Prydain
Trusting to luck, the last point is burned on a re-roll of MS. His MS 9 10 Lineage Landed Knight
luck holds and the roll is an 88 for a new MS of 10. Birth Order 1st of 2 (sister)
Note that his Young Adult Age modifier is –1 for MS, thus the ES 10 Eye Color: Blue
adjusted value is a 9, but age modifiers have no effect on meeting LIFT 382 Hair Color Brown
class requirements. LP 5 Complexion Average
CuH 30 Hand Right
All his Character Points have now been spent so he’ll have to
SL 4 Exp/Level 1925
pass on all the other neat things he could have brought here.
SP 12 Married
Cadel’s expenditures of Character Points are noted on his MR 7.5 Exp/SkP 240
character sheet as follows: 12
FT Base SkP
CS Special SkP

Character Point Record

Re-roll Three Stats PA, IN, MS 3 b) Assign Weapon Groups Bonuses

Paladins have the following Weapon Group bonuses (6.4.4):
+10/+10/+5/+0/-5/-10/-15, which must be assigned. One to each
of the following seven groups:
Points Spent 3
Option Point Record
• Axe & Mace
• Bladed
• Flexible
• Missile
• Polearm
• Thrown
• Unarmed
Points Spent 0

Paladins refrain from using Bows and the like in this culture, so
we put our –15 in Missiles. Cadel intends to primarily use
swords, so Bladed gets one of the +10.
G) Pick Character Class
Upon assigning the remaining bonuses and noting the class
After spending all those Character Points getting here, it’s no
Magical Combat bonus, the following changes are made to his
surprise to select Paladin as Cadel’s class. Together with all the
character sheet:
power that comes with his calling, Cadel must now shoulder all
the responsibility that the Order of Paladins require of their Weapon Group MD
members in this Campaign Setting. It doesn’t promise to be safe A Axes & Maces -5
or easy life as Cadel’s very existence has already made him B Bladed 10
powerful allies and enemies. F Flexiable -10
M Missiles -15
P Polearms 10
a) Determine Class Experience Requirement T Thrown 0
A Paladin (section 6.44) normally has an experience per level U Unarmed 5
value of 1750 points. Cadel’s race, however, has an experience
multiple of 1.1 that applies to this. Cadel ends up needing 1925 S Spells/Magic 0
experience points to advance a level.

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 B-4


c) Add Primary Skills to Character Sheet d) Add Common Skills to the Character Sheet
The Paladin Class comes with the following Primary Skills: Section 8.4 lists the Common Skills as Melee Combat, Ranged
Magic- Hybrid, Melee Combat and Riding (see 6.4.4). Combat, Magic Combat, Stealth, Swimming, Perception,
Physician, Culture (as Cadel is noble), Bart and Diplomacy
These are noted on Cadel’s Character Sheet as follows:
Cadel already has Melee Combat as Primary, all the other skills
are added to his character sheet without cost at level 0.
Note that Barter and Diplomacy skill levels are calculated
differently than normal skills (see 8.11.9), but still start at level 0
for Cadel.

At this point, Cadel’s Characters looks like this:

Stats Base Total Base Race Stat Class Misc. Item Final Mod
SKILLS #1 #2 #3 Type SP SP Lvl + + + + Bonus Value Lvl
Combat Skills
Melee Combat P 8 1
Ranged Combat NC 8 0 -10
Magic Combat NC 4 0 -10
Magic- Hybrid IN P 12 1 6 56
Common Skills
Climbing ST S 2 0 9 29 0
Culture 0.3 S 2 0 20 0
Perception IN NC 8 0 6 26 0
Physician IQ IN NC 6 0 6 26 0
Stealth AG NC 8 0 3 23 0
Swimming AG ST S 2 0 6 26 0
Barter CH 0 3 23 0
Diplomacy CH IN WP 0 6 26 0
Character Skills
Riding WP P 2 1 9 59 1

e) Add Armor Familiarities to the Character Sheet f) Select Starting Weapon Familiarities and add to the Character
Paladins start with Full Familiarity with all the armor types. The Paladins have 4 free weapon familiarities at 1st level. Cadel selects
following entries are made on Cadel’s character sheet: the 1 ½ Handed Sword (both one and two handed), Medium Shield
and Dagger as his first weapons. These are entered on his character
sheet as shown:
Armor Type FAM SP


Partial Soft Leather F
Weapon SP Weapon SP
Full Soft Leather F
Partial Rigid Leather F
Hand & A Half Sword 1H 0
Full Rigid Leather F
Hand & A Half Sword 2H 0
Partial Chain F
Shield, Medium 0
Full Chain F
Dagger 0
Partial Plate F
Full Plate F

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 B-5


His Option Point expenditures are notes as follows:

g) Note Secondary Skills
Character Point Record 3
Paladins have the following Secondary skills: Athletic Games,
Climbing, Culture, Leadership, Oratory, Orienteering, Swimming and Reroll Stats- 3 times 3
Weapon Familiarities (see 6.4.4).
All other skills are Non-Class (8.0) and will cost more to purchase in
steps H and I.
Points Spent 3
Option Point Record 9
h) Note any Special Class Abilities
All Paladins start with an extra Lore- Heraldry at Level 0. This is Weapon Groups three +5 increases 3
added to Cadel’s Character Sheet at no cost. His Lore Potential is
Lore Potential- 8 levels 3
raised by one to 3 as a result.
Language Potential- 8 Levels 3
His Language & Lore section looks like this:


Points Spent 9
Anglican 3 3
Atlantian 2 2 His Languages & Lore section appears as follow:
Elvish 2 2
High Elvish 0 0

Anglican 3 3
Atlantian 2 2
Elvish 2 2
High Elvish 0 0
Lore- Heraldry 0
Lore- Legends 1

Potential Start Current

Language 22 22 22
Lore Potential 3 3 3
Lore- Heraldry 0
Lore- Legends 1

H) Spend Option Points Potential Start Current

Cadel’s IQ of 9 gives him 9 Option Points (see 1.6). Language 30 22 22
Lore Potential 11 3 3
He spends 1 of them to increase his Weapon Group- Unarmed to +10
from +5. He spends two more to increase his Axes and Maces from –
5 to +5.
He also spends 3 points each on Languages and Lore potential giving
him the option to learn an additional 8 skill levels in each in the
That’s all 9 points and Cadel’s Weapon Groups now look like this:

Weapon Group MD
A Axes & Maces +5
B Bladed 10
F Flexiable -10
M Missiles -15
P Polearms 10
T Thrown 0
U Unarmed 10

S Spells/Magic 0

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 B-6


I) Spend Skill Points for their son, insisted upon dancing lessons in order to impress likely
As was noted in step D-a, Cadel has 240 experience points with
which to buy his starting Skill Points. And Cadel just naturally seems to notice what is going on around him
due to his innate curiosity.
He could save these and use them for class advancement, but he’d
rather round himself out with some additional skills. These factors led to Cadel purchasing the following skills:
Cadel has an IQ of 9, meaning that it costs him 10 experience points • Raise Climbing (SkP cost 2, Secondary) to Level 1: 2*1= 2
for each Skill Points (see 1.6 and 8.1). Spending all 240 gives him 24 pts.
Skill Points to spend. • Dancing (SkP cost 2, Non-Class) to Level 1:
Unlike many classes, Paladins must purchase some skills during o Level 0: 2*1 *1.5 = 3 pts.
character generation to qualify for the class (see 6.4.4). This means o Level 1: 2*1 *1.5 = 3 pts.
that we must purchase Culture to level 1, and his choice of Musician, o Total for Level 0 and 1: 3 +3 = 6 points
Oratory, Poetry, or Singing at Level 0. We know that Cadel likes • Raise Perception (SkP cost 8, Non-Class) to Level 1:
legends, so we’ll buy Oratory in order to be able to relate them with (8*1)*1.5 =12 Pts. (Everyone starts at level 0 in this skill.)
some (although not much) skill.
Culture has an SkP cost of 2; Cadel already has Culture at Level 0 That spends all of Cadel’s starting skill points and his new skills are
(see 8.4) and so only needs to pay for Level 1. It is a Secondary Skill written to his character sheet.
for Paladins so the cost 2*1 or 2 points (see 8.2). His Final Value for each Skill’s Success Chance (8.3) is determined
Oratory also has an SkP cost of 2 and is also a Secondary Skill for and noted together with its Modified Level (see 8.7) on the
Paladins. We want to buy it to Level 0. Level 0 costs the same as characters.
Level 1 given a total of 2*1 or 2. Example: Climbing Level 1 gives a 40% base and he gains a Stat
We’ve now completed all the class skill requirements for a cost of 4 bonus of +9% from his ST of 10. His total is a 49.
points. We have 20 more points to spend as we wish. Any skill that is Since his total bonuses are far less than +20, his Modified Skill
not Secondary (we noted those in step G-g) costs 50% more. Level is also a 1.
Cadel loved climbing trees around his family’s manor. His mother,
looking forward to the family’s inevitable search for a suitable wife

His character sheet now looks like this:

Stats Base Total Base Race Stat Class Misc. Item Final Mod
SKILLS #1 #2 #3 Type SP SP Lvl + + + + Bonus Value Lvl
Combat Skills
Melee Combat P 8 1
Ranged Combat NC 8 -10
Magic Combat NC 4 0 -10
Magic- Hybrid IN P 12 1 6 56
Common Skills
Climbing ST S 2 2 1 9 49 1
Culture 0.3 S 2 2 1 40 1
Perception IN NC 8 12 1 6 46 1
Physician IQ IN NC 6 0 6 26 0
Stealth AG NC 8 0 3 23 0
Swimming AG ST S 2 0 6 26 0
Barter CH 0 3 23 0
Diplomacy CH IN WP 0 6 26 0
Character Skills
Riding WP P 2 1 9 59 1

Oratory CH S 2 2 0 3 23 0
Dancing AG NC 2 6 1 3 43 1

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 B-7


J) Determine Starting Spells a) Note Armor Values on the Character Sheet

The Paladin spell list (see 23.11.2) has three spells at first level: Cadel’s Armor is of average quality (0 modifier). The coverage and
Resist Domination, Repel Curse and Sense Magic. modifiers (see Section 14.0) are noted and entered on his character
sheet as follows:
According to rule section 20.1.2, Cadel chance of starting the game
knowing any of these spells depends upon his teacher’s level. A roll
of 74 on table 20.1.2a means Cadel’s teacher of magic at the
Armor s c i Locations Qlty % APV "+"
Paladin’s order was 3rd level.
Chainmail 4 4 4 11-100 0 90 3.6
A check table 20.1.2b shows that Cadel has a 95% chance of Full Helm 5 5 5 0-10 0 10 0.5
knowing each of the 1st level spells. Rolls of a 75, 87 and 02 indicate
that Cadel starts the game knowing all three 1st level Paladin spells.
As he advances in level, Cadel will want to learn addition magic. We
note that his original master was 3rd level in case he wishes to return
for further study. The GM may even wish to make a full write up of
this NPC.
Cadel’s casting chance is 40 +10 (Primary Skill) + 6 (IN stat bonus) Total Modifier -7
or a 56 (see Section 8.3).
The following is noted on Cadel’s character Sheet on the reverse side Note that this Armor gives a Total Modifier of –7. This value
under Magic Spells: modifiers most of the Combat Values determined in the next step.
The Armor Modifier also modifies his Initiative Level by 7/3 or –2
LEVEL 1 points to an 8 (see 14.4). His MR is reduced by 7/5 or 1 (see 14.3).
56 This is noted on Cadel’s Character sheet.

Resist Domination
b) Note Weapon Values on the Character Sheet
Repel Curse
The Combat Values for each of Cadel’s weapons now needs to be
Sense Magic
determined and entered on his character sheet (see Section 12.0,
Weapon statistics are found in section 13.0, tables 13.0a, 13.0b and
K) Purchase Equipment
Cadel’s Combat Values for the one handed use of the Hand & A Half
The campaign supplement should have a full list of available
Sword are:
equipment and prices. It should also detail the amount of starting
money available to each character. SC: 50 + AG Mod + Level Modifier + Weapon Group Modifier +
Cadel comes from a noble family and therefore (in his world) has Armor Modifier
enough gold to afford just about any standard equipment he wants. • His AG is a 8, giving a bonus of +3 (see 1.3)
He is however only first level, he has not yet earned the right to wear • His Melee Combat Level is 0, giving a modifier of 0 (see 8.11.1 or
a suit of full plate as it is as much a mark of prestige as it is 12.0)
protection. He’ll have to make do with buying a full suit chainmail • The Weapon Group for the Hand & A Half Sword is Bladed.
for now. Cadel’s Weapon Group Bonus for Bladed is +10 (step G-b, section
6.0 and 6.4.4)
In addition to this, he buys a Hand & a Half Sword, Full Helm,
• His Armor Modifier (step K-a) is a –7
Medium Shield and a Dagger. This rounds out his arms and armor for
now. Of course he purchases a number of other more peaceful items
like cloths and such but we won’t detail these items for this example. Final SC = 50 +3 +0 +10 -7 or 56
Starting equipment bought this way may not actually be purchased.
Although game mechanics has you “buy” your starting equipment,
certain items may in actuality be gifts. In Cadel’s case, the sword Def: QU Mod + Level Modifier + Weapon Group Modifier +
and armor that he purchases with starting money are really gifts from Armor Modifier
his parents- both reward for succeeding in his training and a mark of • His QU is a 10, giving a bonus of +9 (see 1.2)
manhood. Cadel still has to buy them with starting funds, but he
• His Melee Combat Level is 0, giving a modifier of 0 (see 8.11.1 or
never actually paid the weaponsmith himself. 12.0)
• The Weapon Group for the Hand & A Half Sword is Bladed.
Cadel’s Weapon Group Bonus for Bladed is +10 (step G-b, section
6.0 and 6.4.4)
• His Armor Modifier (step K-a) is a -7

Final Def = 9 +0 +10 – 7 or 12

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 B-8


PM: (ES Mod + AG Mod)/2 + Level Modifier + Weapon Group DM: AG Mod + Level Modifier + Weapon Group Modifier +
Modifier + Armor Modifier Armor Modifier
• His ES is a 10, giving a bonus of +9 (see 3.5) • His AG is a 3, giving a bonus of +3 (see 1.3)
• His AG is a 8, giving a bonus of +3 (see 1.3) • His Melee Combat Level is 0, giving a modifier of 0 (see 8.11.1 or
• His Melee Combat Level is 0, giving a modifier of 0 (see 8.11.1 or 12.0)
12.0) • The Weapon Group for the Hand & A Half Sword is Bladed.
• The Weapon Group for the Hand & A Half Sword is Bladed. Cadel’s Weapon Group Bonus for Bladed is +10 (step G-b, section
Cadel’s Weapon Group Bonus for Bladed is +10 (step G-b, section 6.0 and 6.4.4)
6.0 and 6.4.4) • His Armor Modifier (step K-a) is a -7
• His Armor Modifier (step K-a) is a -7
Final DM = 3 +0 +10 – 7 or 6
Final Def = (9 + 3)/2 +0 +10 – 7 or 9

PC: PM + Weapons’ Defense Base DC: DEF + Weapons’ Defense Base 20

• PM = 9 • DEF = 12
• Weapon Defense Base (see table 13.0a) is 71 • Weapon Defense Base (see table 13.0a) is 71

Final PC = 9 + 71 = 80 Final PC = 12 + 71 –20 = 63

Table 13.a gives the values of Grp, HP, DB Rng, Damage and CL for
the Hand & A Half Sword (one Handed).
The column of ES+ refers to the Effective Strength Damage Bonus.
This can be found on table 3.5a. In Cadel’s class, this is a +d2.

Values for the Weapons Cadel carries are determined and entered on the character sheet which now looks like this:
Weapon: Grp HP DB W+ SC Def PM PC DM DC Rng Damage ST+ CL
Hand & A Half Sword 1H B 24 71 56 12 9 80 6 63 1d10+2 +d2 s
Hand & A Half Sword 2H B 24 73 56 12 9 82 6 65 1d12+1 +d2 s

Dagger B 12 75 56 12 9 84 6 67 1d8 +d2 i

Shield, Medium A 20 75 51 7 4 79 1 62 1d8 +d2 p/c

Kick U - 69 56 12 9 78 6 61 1d8 +d2 p

Punch U - 75 56 12 9 84 6 67 1d6 +d2 p

L) Finalize Starting Background Cadel’s completed starting character sheet appears on the next two
All of Cadel’s mechanical numbers have been determined, his
equipment purchased. That leaves the most important part of
character generation. Determining his background and personality.
So of this was done along the way. We know Cadel likes hearing and
telling legends. His very skill purchases defines elements of his
To this we add whatever we need to round him out. Be it his shyness
around women or his instinctive impulse to help someone in trouble,
bit by bit we determine just who this young man just starting his
career is.
The amount of detail here varies greatly depending upon the player
and his group. Some need only an idea or two to be fleshed out in
play. Others have written tens of pages on the character’s history and
previous relationships.

Revision 4.3.5 10/11/01 B-9

CHARACTER NAME: Cadel Rev 4.3 09/15/2000
PLAYER'S NAME: Initiative Level 8
Basic Stats Weapon: Grp HP DB W+ SC Def PM PC DM DC Rng Damage ES+ CL
Stat Adj base CLASS Paladin Hand & A Half Sword 1H B 24 71 56 12 9 80 6 63 1d10+2 +d2 s
ST 10 10 LEVEL 1 Hand & A Half Sword 2H B 24 73 56 12 9 82 6 65 1d12+1 +d2 s
QU 10 10 Race Dunedain
AG 8 8 Sex Male Dagger B 12 75 56 12 9 84 6 67 1d8 +d2 i
CO 9 9 Age 19 Shield, Medium A 20 75 51 7 4 79 1 62 1d8 +d2 p/c
PA 11 12 Age Catagory Young Adult
IQ 9 8 Height 6'3"
WP 10 10 Weight 191 Normal
CH 8 8 Born 3/12/1419 Kick U - 69 56 12 9 78 6 61 1d8 +d2 p
IN 9 10 Birth Place Briton Punch U - 75 56 12 9 84 6 67 1d6 +d2 p
MS 9 10 Lineage Landed Knight
Birth Order 1st of 2 Armor s c i Locations Qlty % APV "+" Weapon Group MD
ES 10 Eye Color: Blue Chainmail 4 4 4 11-100 0 90 3.6 A Axes & Mace 5
LIFT 382 Hair Color Brown Full Helm 5 5 5 0-10 0 10 0.5 B Bladed 10
LP 5 Complexion Average F Flexiable -10
CuH 30 Hand Right M Missiles -15
SL 4 Exp/Level 1925 P Polearms 10
SP 2 Married T Thrown 0
MR 6.1 Exp/SkP 240 U Unarmed 10
FT 12 Base SkP 24
CS 17 Special SkP Total Modifier -7 S Spells/Magic 0


Weapon SkP Weapon SkP
Partial Soft Leather F
Hand & A Half Sword 1H Full Soft Leather F
Hand & A Half Sword 2H Partial Rigid Leather F
Shield, Medium Full Rigid Leather F
Dagger Partial Chain F
Full Chain F
Partial Plate F
Full Plate F

LANGUAGES & LORE Lore Spk R/W Modifying Stats Base Total Base Race Stat Class Misc. Item Final Mod
SKILLS #1 #2 #3 Type SP SP Lvl + + + + Bonus Value Lvl
Westron 3 3 Combat Skills
Atlantian 2 2 Melee Combat P 8 1
Elvish 2 2 Ranged Combat NC 8 -10
High Elvish 0 0 Magic Combat NC 4 0 -10
Magic- Hybrid IN P 12 1 6 56
Common Skills
Climbing ST S 2 2 1 9 49 1
Culture 0.25 S 2 2 1 40 1
Perception IN NC 8 12 1 6 46 1
Lore- Heraldry 0 Physician IQ IN NC 6 0 6 26 0
Lore- Legends 3 Stealth AG NC 8 0 3 23 0
Swimming AG ST S 2 0 6 26 0
Potential Start Current Barter CH 0 3 23 0
Language 30 22 22 Diplomacy CH IN WP 0 6 26 0
Lore Potential 11 3 5 Character Skills
Riding WP P 2 1 9 59 1
Special Items Weight Location Oratory CH S 2 2 0 3 23 0
Dancing AG NC 2 6 1 3 43 1

Unspent SP Spent SkP 24 Total SkP 24

Character Sheet- Front B-10

Character Point Record 3 Notes:

Reroll Stats- 3 times 3

Points Spent 3
Option Point Record 9

Weapon Groups three +5 increases 3

Lore Potential- 4 levels 3
Language Potential- 8 Levels 3

Points Spent 9



56 16

Resist Domination
Repel Curse
Sense Magic


Character Sheet- Back B-11

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