Purposive Communication - Writer: John Melvin Ibarra Type of Essay: Persuasive Instructor: Ms. Fhe de Castro

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Writer: John Melvin Ibarra

Type of Essay: Persuasive
Instructor: Ms. Fhe De Castro



Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered

coronavirus. It is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person
coughs, sneezes or exhales. As of now, there are approximately 43.9 million cases of infected
people worldwide and by which the Philippines has the total no. of 373K infected people.
COVID-19 could be fatal, but this happens rarely. Much of the humankind died from this virus
and it is about time to stop the chain of infection! We can minimize the mortality rate if we
tried disciplining ourselves. From simple following of precautionary safety measures, everyone
can make a difference.  We can save not just only ourselves and family but also the whole
humanity. If we want to bring back our normal way of living and end this disastrous pandemic,
it must start first in ourselves. I hereby stand, encouraging everyone to follow these simple
things to stop the chain of infection and save our kind. 
         In order for us to stop the rapid spreading of this virus, we must follow the rules and
regulations implemented by both the government and health organizations. To do it, we need
to start from fixing ourselves and doing proper hygiene. Handwashing is the most effective
means of preventing all virus infections including COVID-19. Aside from that, we must maintain
a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing. Don’t touch your eyes, nose or
mouth. Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or
sneeze. Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty in breathing, seek
medical attention. Masks can also help prevent the spread of the virus but masks alone cannot
guarantee our safety against Covid-19. It must be combined with social distancing and proper
hand hygiene. Up until now, there are no proven vaccines or medications for this virus.
Treatments are under investigation and will be tested through clinical trials. For now, let’s do
our best to stop the spread of this virus up until the vaccine arises. So try to stay at home as
much as possible and don’t be hard headed. Listen and follow the advices provided by your
local health authority and be the start of a great change.
         As aforementioned above, this virus has killed many lives of human beings. Everyone’s
health is at risk especially to all the frontliners who are doing their job to save and give rays of
hope to vulnerable and helpless people. Staying at home and keeping yourself safe is the best
thing you can contribute to the world to stop and put an end to this virus. This pandemic
brought numerous problems, challenges and lessons in our lives that made us for who we are
today.  At times like this, we must value ourselves, our friends, our family, our significant others
and most importantly our God the Creator. It is not yet late to make a change! We must act
right now and save humanity. Remember that in life, we cannot change the past but we can
always change the future! Start acting on yourselves and be the heroes of this era!

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