BUSI 750 Wk-06 Team Paper, R Shore Project Paper
BUSI 750 Wk-06 Team Paper, R Shore Project Paper
BUSI 750 Wk-06 Team Paper, R Shore Project Paper
Understanding Keller and Hardy’s Insights: Linkages to HR Branding and Employer Practices
Liberty University
Understanding Keller and Hardy’s Insights: Linkages to HR Branding and Employer Practices
Keller and Alsdorf (2012) documented theological worldviews using the Christian
worldview model to assimilate connections between religious practices and work. Three main
appraisal processes and correlated the role of sin with individual work performance, employee
diverting employee and employer objectives from ethical practices. These associations help
management practices, and how God’s purpose on work can maximize job performance and
value creation.
Hardy (1990) researched the rationale of work as it allied with the evolution of religion
providing emphasis Christian reform. He illustrated historical impacts originating with Martin
Luther and Genevan reformist John Calvin through prevailing religious practices to explain
work as a vocation and worker involvement with societal changes. Hardy’s research provided
three major insights applicable to employee training and career development processes. These
involved one’s vocational choice and the availability of employer training resources, career
advancement as attainable with firm’s career development program, and employee management
Valentine (2020) depicted interactions between employers and their employees as they
practices. Major understanding of HR topics included business environment, jobs and labor,
matter formed the foundation for integrating the paper’s research against author insights,
goal of this group paper is to address four questions to help employees and businesses utilize
Valentine (2020, p. 151) discussed several recognized models to illustrate major factors
Hardy Insight 1
Hardy Insight 2
Employer Branding
Key Differentiator 1
Key Differentiator 2
In a hiring process, recruiting and selecting the right candidates from bunch of
applicants, are always critical towards the success and growth of organizations. For the purpose
of this assignment, Dell Incorporation would be used as, one of the team member’s employer.
recruitment and selection for Dell Incorporation, it would crucial or important to provide brief
background of Dell, so that readers will have better understanding about the recommendations
as they read. Dell is an innovative and technological organization, “which was established in
1984 by an individual call Michael Dell” (Simchi-Levi, Kaminsky & Simchi-Levy, 2008). The
motive for establishing Dell Inc. was to serve the technological and innovative needs, with
regards to data collection and information processing, for all Americans and other nations on
the globe. Dell Inc. as an organization have several locations around the globe including China,
but its operational headquarter as learned is located at Texas, in the U.S.A. Dell Inc. is one of
the largest employers of Americans, including one of our team members. Dell have about one
hundred and fifty seven employees across the globe, and is considered as one of the best
company to work for, due to their benefits and flexible work schedules.
Due to the above reason, HR departments in organizations, such as Dell Inc. are
expected to efficiently administer all HR related activities, ranging from recruitment, selection,
training and development, performance evaluation etc. However, organizations with highly
educated and cautious HR professionals, will have the expertise and experience to recruit,
select, train and develop plans and mechanisms that will ensure or foster employees’ retention,
within organizations. More so, good HR team at Dell Inc. have always make sure that front line
managers are well train and “always ready to assist the department when the needs
arise”( Sawyer & Tapia, 2006). As earlier stated above, recruiting the right individuals into
certain vacant positions within organizations, such as Dell Inc. are not easy task by any means.
Below are some of the strategic HR recommendations to Dell Inc. for improving recruitments
and selection processes as required: Provide training and development opportunities for
employees, establish retention mechanism or techniques, establish and facilitate effective means
of communication.
Strategic HR Recommendation 1
The first recommend to Dell Inc. as a global organization is to develop training and
development opportunities for employees at all level within the organization. Valentine et al
(2020) pointed out that for employees to become successful and efficient in performing their
responsibilities, there must be plans in place, for providing them with the tools and training they
need and deserve. Furthermore, it is strongly believed that, providing employees with essential
training and development opportunities within the organization, would generally contribute
towards decreasing employees desire or plan to leave or seek employment with other
More significantly, providing effective training as recommended above would also help
in easing concerns from organizations, such as Dell Inc. about losing employees, because
providing employees the proper training that, “they needed to carry out their job would also
make them become more marketable, valuable and respected”(O'Regan & Ghobadian,
2009).Training employees can occurs in two folds, which includes training the frontline
managers or supervisors to make sure that, their subordinate are managed well with dignity and
respect. Proper training would ensure that managers become accountable for their actions,
Strategic HR Recommendation 2
techniques are very crucial in the strategic HR operations for organizational sustainability and
growth. Valentine et al (2020) opined that providing employees with flexible work schedule
would facilitate employee’s retention at higher rate in all kinds of organizations. However,
based on what was understood from the readings and course materials, getting the most out of
established retention management plans, organizations HR professionals would need to have the
ability to carefully analyze what benefit or problems would be gain by investing into
employees’ retention plans. Valentine et al (2020) believed that investing into employees
retentions plans are more cost effective, when compare to new recruitment and selection process
of employees.
To become successful in retaining and maintaining employees, organizations, such as Dell Inc.,
should have HR designees who might have the potential to identify the problems leading to the
loss of valuable employees, so that the organization would be able “to design, implement, and
evaluate strategies, which can help to improve retention techniques, which would meet
organizations unique needs” (Chilvers, Richards, Fletcher, Aylward, Dean, Salisbury &
Campbell, 2019). Moreover, Valentine et al (2020) stated that, by first understanding problems
of any kind, is what help organizations or individuals to tackle those challenging problems,
which might crucial or critical to development and growth. Valentine et al ( 2020) provided an
insight for all job seekers that , organizations can only retains employees whom they think are
motivated and understand their role, and “the roles of others in contributing to the overall
Strategic HR Recommendation 3
and growth. The team therefore recommended that, organizations such as Dell Inc. establish and
facilitate effective communication strategies, which would help organizations, such as Dell Inc.
achieve its goals and objectives. Communication as understood from Valentine et al (2020) is a
process by which information or messages are share among employees within the organization
using different medium of transformation. However, for organizations, such as Dell Inc. to
succeed in recruiting and selecting qualified individuals, during hiring process, Dell Inc. would
have to make sure that effective and clear communication exist at every level of the
organization, which is believed would help in preventing most recruitment and selection error or
solutions to many performance issues faced by employees, by making sure that, relevant
information flows right across the organizations. The adoption or adherence of the above
recommendation would also help Dell Inc. as an organization to facilitate regular conversations
among its employees’ and their supervisors, “which would result in a complete understanding of
what would be needed as everyone's contribution towards achieving organizational goals and
objectives” (Twigg, Wright, Kirkdale, Desborough & Thornley, 2017). Through effective
communication, employees would also become aware, as where exactly they stands in relation
“to achieving goals, objectives and reaching performance milestones, which is believed would
Hardy, L. (1990). The Fabric of this World: Inquiries into Calling, Career choice, and the
Keller, T. & Alsdorf, K. 2012. Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work.
Penguin Random House LLC. New York, New York. ISBN: 9780525952701 (hard
Valentine, S.R. et al. (2020). Human Resource Management (16th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage.
ISBN: 9780357033852.
Sawyer, S., & Tapia, A. (2006). Always articulating: Theorizing on mobile and wireless
O'Regan, N., & Ghobadian, A. (2009). Building a FTSE 100 company by hitting the sweet spot
of strategy: An interview with Rod Aldridge OBE. Journal of Strategy and Management,
Chilvers, R., Richards, S. H., Fletcher, E., Aylward, A., Dean, S., Salisbury, C., & Campbell, J.
(2019). Identifying policies and strategies for general practitioner retention in direct
Chandon, P., & Wansink, B. (2012). Does food marketing need to make us fat? A review and
Twigg, M. J., Wright, D., Kirkdale, C. L., Desborough, J. A., & Thornley, T. (2017). The UK
pharmacy care Plan service: Description, recruitment and initial views on a new