How Do Autonomous Cars Work? How Do Autonomous Cars Work?: Sciencedirect

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Transportation Research Procedia 44 (2020) 226–233

LOGI 2019 – Horizons of Autonomous Mobility in Europe

LOGI 2019 – Horizons of Autonomous Mobility in Europe
How Do Autonomous Cars Work?
How Do Autonomous Carsb Work?
Ján Ondruša,*, Eduard Kollab, Peter Vertaľb and Željko Šarićcc
a, b

Ján Ondruš *, Eduard Kolla , Peter Vertaľ and Željko Šarić
University of Zilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Department of road and urban transport,
University of Zilina, Faculty of OperationUniverzitná 8215/1,
and Economics 010 26 Zilina,
of Transport Slovak Republic Department of road and urban transport,
and Communications,
University of Zilina, Institute of Forensic Research and 8215/1,
Univerzitná Education
University of Zilina,
Zilina, Slovak Ulica 1. mája 32, 010 01 Zilina, Slovak Republic
UniversityofofZagreb, Faculty of
Zilina, Institute of Transport & Trafficand
Forensic Research Sciences, Department
Education of Traffic
of University Accidents
of Zilina, UlicaExpertise, Borongajska
1. mája 32, 83a,Slovak
010 01 Zilina, 10 000, Zagreb,
Croatia of Traffic Accidents Expertise, Borongajska 83a, 10 000, Zagreb,
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport & Traffic Sciences, Department

The automotive industry is one of the most important industries in Europe. This industry is responsible for 14% of total
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and obstacles.
specifically their classification, technology, components, working, potential advantages and obstacles.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
© 2020
This The
is an Authors.
open Published
accessPublished by Elsevier
article under Ltd.
the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2019 The Authors. by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
This is an open
Peer-review access
line: article under
Peer-review underthe CC BY-NC-ND
responsibility of thelicense
scientific committee of the LOGI 2019 – Horizons of Autonomous
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the LOGI 2019 – Horizons of Autonomous Mobility in Europe.
Peer-review line: Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the LOGI 2019 – Horizons of Autonomous
Mobility in Europe
Mobility inAutonomous
Keywords: Europe cars; SAE level; technology; components; working; UFO
Keywords: Autonomous cars; SAE level; technology; components; working; UFO

1. Introduction
1. Introduction
The year 2020 should present a breakthrough in the road transportation as the companies should be able to buy
firstyear 2020 should
autonomous present
vehicles a breakthrough
ever. in thethanks
This is possible road transportation
to the modernas electronic
the companies shouldsystems,
assistance be able to buy
the first autonomous
nowadays are already vehicles ever. the
able to direct This is possible
vehicle in the thanks to the distance
line, keep modern electronic assistance
from the ahead systems,
driving car, andwhich
autonomously.are already able
(National to directTraffic
Highway the vehicle in theAdministration,
and Safety line, keep the distance
2013). from the ahead driving car, and park
autonomously. (National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration, 2013).

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +421415133526.

* E-mail [email protected]
Corresponding Tel.: +421415133526.
E-mail address: [email protected]
2352-1465 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open
2352-1465 access
© 2019 Thearticle under
Authors. the CC BY-NC-ND
Published license
by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review line:
This is an open Peer-review
access underthe
article under responsibility
CC BY-NC-ND of thelicense
scientific committee of the LOGI 2019 – Horizons of Autonomous Mobility in Europe
Peer-review line: Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the LOGI 2019 – Horizons of Autonomous Mobility in Europe

2352-1465  2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the LOGI 2019 – Horizons of Autonomous Mobility in Europe.
Ján Ondruš et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 44 (2020) 226–233 227
2 Ján Ondruš et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000

And what do you mean by Autonomous Car? A word autonomous is derived from a Greek roots.
Autonomous = autos + nomos (SELF) + (GOVERN)
So, Autonomous car is a vehicle that can drive itself from one point to another without assistance from a driver;
in other words, with an autopilot system. Other definition states, that an autonomous car is a vehicle that is capable
of sensing its environment and navigating without human input.

2. History

Experiments have been conducted on automating cars since at least the 1920s; promising trials took place in the
1950s and work has proceeded since then. The first self-sufficient and truly autonomous cars appeared in the 1980s,
with Carnegie Mellon University's Navlab and ALV projects in 1984and Mercedes-Benz and Bundeswehr
University Munich's EUREKA Prometheus Project in 1987. (Kalašová et al., 2018) Since then, numerous major
companies and research organizations have developed working prototype autonomous vehicles, including Mercedes-
Benz, General Motors, Continental Automotive Systems, Autoliv, Bosch, Nissan, Renault, Toyota, Audi, Hyundai
Motor Company, Volvo, Tesla Motors and Peugeot. As of the year 2010 the Google company has been developing
its autonomous vehicle. In July 2013, Vislab demonstrated BRAiVE, a vehicle that moved autonomously on a mixed
traffic route open to public traffic. In 2013, the government of the United Kingdom permitted the testing of
autonomous cars on public roads. Prior to this, all testing of robotic vehicles in the UK had been conducted on
private property. As of the year 2014 the company Tesla Motors has been installing the autopilot, which is a
semiautonomous driving assistant, in all its vehicles. In 2014 the Government of France announced that testing of
autonomous cars on public roads would be allowed in 2015. In Europe, cities in Belgium, France, Italy and the UK
are planning to operate transport systems for driverless cars, and Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain have allowed
testing robotic cars in traffic. (Skrucany et al., 2017) In 2015, five US states (Nevada, Florida, California, Virginia,
and Michigan) together with Washington, D.C. allowed the testing of fully autonomous cars on public roads (Ballay
et al., 2018)

3. Classification of Autonomous Cars

A classification system based on six different levels (ranging from none to fully automated systems) was
published in 2014 by SAE International (Society of Automotive Engineers), an automotive standardization body, as
J3016. Taxonomy and Definitions for Terms Related to On-Road Motor Vehicle Automated Driving Systems. This
classification system is based on the amount of driver intervention and attentiveness required, rather than the vehicle
capabilities, although these are very closely related. On 30 September 2016, the SAE updated it standard
classification for the levels of driving automation. In addition to setting these mutually exclusive levels of driving
automation, this technical report designates standard terminology for ideas related to vehicles containing automated
systems. (Standard SAE J3016, 2016) This standard corresponds to levels defined by Germany Federal Highway
Research Institute (BASt) and roughly corresponds to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
(National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration, 2014). So here are the six levels:
Level 0 (No automation): This is where the vast majority of cars and trucks are today. The driver handles
steering, throttle, and braking (ST&B)monitoring the surroundings, as well as navigating, and determining when to
use turn signals, change lanes, and turn. But there can be some warning systems (blind-spot and collision warnings).
Level 1 (Driver assistance): Vehicles in this level can handle S or T&B, but not in all circumstances, and the
driver must be ready to take over those functions if called upon by the vehicle. That means the driver must remain
aware of what the car is doing and be ready to step in if needed.
Level 2 (Partial assistance): The car handles ST&B, but immediately lets the driver take
over if he detects objects and events the car is not responding to. In these first three levels, the driver is
responsible for monitoring the surroundings, traffic, weather, and road conditions.
Level 3 (Conditional assistance): The car monitors surroundings and takes care of all ST&B in certain
environments, such as freeways. But the driver must be ready to intervene if the car requests it.
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Level 4 (High automation): The car handles ST&B and monitoring the surroundings in a wider range of
environments, but not all, such as severe weather. The driver switches on the automatic driving only when it is safe
to do so. After that, the driver is not required.
Level 5 (Full automation): Driver only has to set the destination and start the car, the car handles all other tasks.
The car can drive to any legal destination and make its own decisions on the way. (Standard SAE J3016, 2016)
The above levels are important because they serve as general guidelines for how technologically advanced a car
is. The biggest difference is that, starting at Level 3, the automated driving system becomes able to monitor the
driving environment.

Fig. 1. SAE’s levels of driving automation. Source: Standard SAE J3016, 2016
Dynamic driving task includes the operational (steering, braking, accelerating, monitoring the vehicle and roadway) and tactical (responding to
events, determining when to change lanes, turn, use signals, etc.) aspects of the driving task, but not the strategic (determining destinations and
waypoints) aspect of the driving task. Driving mode is a type of driving scenario with characteristic dynamic driving task requirements (e.g.,
expressway merging, high speed cruising, low speed traffic jam, closed-campus operations, etc.). Request to intervene is notification by the
automated driving system to a human driver that s/he should promptly begin or resume performance of the dynamic driving task.

4. Advantages and Obstacle

Potential Advantages - an increase in the use of autonomous cars would make possible such benefits as:
 Fewer traffic accidents and traffic collisions (resulting deaths and injuries and costs).
 Increased roadway capacity and reduced traffic congestion due to reduced need for safety gaps and the ability to
better manage traffic flow.
 Higher speed limit for autonomous cars.
 Reduction of physical space required for vehicle parking.
 Reduction in the need for traffic police and premium on vehicle insurance.
 Reduction in car theft, due to the vehicle's increased awareness.
 Removal of the steering wheel
 Fuel Economy.
 Relief of vehicle occupants from driving and navigation chores, allowing them to do other tasks or to rest during
their long & intense traffic journeys.
 Minimizes speed differentials between vehicles.
 Automatic throttle reduction and brake management.
 Reduction of physical road signage and smoother ride.
 There would be no need to pass a driving test or gain a driving license as everyone would be able to drive.
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 Enhanced mobility for children, the elderly, disabled and poor people.
 Commercial car sharing. (Kalašová et al., 2018, Stiller et. al, 2007)
Potential Obstacle - in spite of the various benefits to increased vehicle automation, some foreseeable challenges
 Liability for damage.
 Loss of driving related jobs (for all driving professions, including lorry drivers, bus drivers, taxi drivers, etc.).
 Loss of privacy.
 Self-driving cars could potentially be loaded with explosives and used as bombs.
 Susceptibility of the car's navigation system to different types of weather.
 Temporary construction zones which are not posted to any maps or data bases.
 Determination of the severity of traffic lane obstacles, as in the question of safely straddling a pothole or debris.
 Current police and other pedestrian gestures and nonverbal cues are not adapted to autonomous driving.
 In case of failure of main sensor and backup sensors the vehicle can create a chance of accident.
 A failure or a bug in the system can lead to fatal accidents and loss of lives - software reliability.
 Cyber Security (in addition, there is the risk of automotive hacking through the sharing of information
through V2V (Vehicle to Vehicle) and V2I (Vehicle to Infrastructure) protocols).
 Implementation of legal framework and establishment of government regulations for self- driving cars.
 Reliance on autonomous drive produces less experienced drivers for when manual drive is needed.
 Resistance for individuals to forfeit control of their cars.
 Diminish the use of public transport.
 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is still not able to function properly in chaotic inner-city environments.
 Ethical and moral reasoning come into consideration when programming the software that decides what action
the car takes in an unavoidable crash. (Jurecki et al, 2017, Kalašová et al., 2018)
 Future of transportation and mankind.

 High cost of manufacturing. (Kalašová et al., 2018)

5. How does an autonomous car actually work?

Driver sets a destination and car’s software calculates a route and starts the car on its way. A rotating, roof-
mounted LIDAR sensor monitors a 60-meter range around the car and creates a dynamic 3-D map of the car’s
current environment. A sensor on the left rear wheel monitors sideways movement to detect the car’s position
relative to the 3-D map. Radar systems in the front and rear bumpers calculate distances to obstacles. (Kubáňová and
Kubasáková, 2018) Artificial intelligence software in the car is connected to all the sensors and has input from
Google Street View and video cameras. The AI simulates human perceptual and decision- making processes and
controls driving systems such as steering and brakes. The car’s software consults Google Maps for advance notice of
things like landmarks and traffic signs and lights. An override function is available to allow a human to take control
of the vehicle. Individual vehicles may benefit from information obtained from other vehicles in the vicinity,
especially information relating to traffic congestion and safety hazards. Vehicular communication systems use
vehicles and roadside units as the communicating nodes in a peer-to-peer network, providing each other with

6. Technology used

Autonomous cars use a variety of techniques to detect their surroundings, such as radar, laser light, GPS,
odometers, and computer vision. Advanced control systems interpret sensory information to identify appropriate
navigation paths, as well as obstacles and relevant signage. Autonomous cars have control systems that are capable
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of analyzing sensory data to distinguish between different cars on the road, which is very useful in planning a path
to the desired destination. (Anderson et al., 2014) The systems used in the autonomous car consist of (see fig. 2a):

Fig. 2 Components in an autonomous car (a), (Source: The Economist), the detail of virtual 3D map from the Lidar (b). Source: authors

LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging): It is a remote sensing technology which measures distance by
illuminating a target with a light beam and analyzes the reflected light. It is mounted on the roof of the vehicle on a
cylindrical enclosure which rotates 360 degree and is the most important device in the Autonomous vehicles. Lidar
consists of emitter, mirror and receiver. It maps a 3D structure of environment and location on the road in 360°. It
uses laser, ultra violet, visible light or infrared light to image objects. The emitter sends out a laser beam that
bounces off a mirror that is rotating along with the cylindrical housing at 10 revolutions per minute. (Chang et al.,
2019, Yum et al., 2019) After bouncing off objects, the laser beam returns to the mirror and is bounced back towards
the receiver, where it can be interpreted into data. This data is fed in to the computer which generates high precision
3D map of the surrounding environment (see fig. 2b). The vehicle can use the map to avoid objects. This accuracy
of this map is in centimetres because the wavelength of light used is very small and is able to reflect of all types of
surfaces and small objects.
RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging): This equipment can estimate the mutual velocity of the object and the
vehicle, using the electro-magnetic waves. During the measurement it sends out a signal, than it waits until it is sent
back. The frequency of the sent back signal is in case of mutual movement slightly changed (Doppler’s effect);
therefore it is possible to instantly calculate the velocity of the forehead driving vehicle. (Šarkan et al., 2017) The
radar, compared to Lidar, uses a bigger wave length and lower signal energy. It is however not able to describe the
shape of the scanned space. It can also have a problem with non-metal items, or items which have a specific shape.
Most of the radars work in the range of approximately 77 GHz and the scanning beam is relatively directional. The
radar scans the road in front of the vehicle up to approximately 200 meters distance. Some vehicles use two radars
with different ranges. The Radar systems are installed on the front and rear bumper of the vehicle. Radar detects the
surrounding environment and the central computer combines this result with that of the Lidar system. The radar
system are used for detecting oncoming vehicles, their speed, other obstacles, for self parking, blind spot detection,
lane-change assistance, adaptive cruise control, side impact warning, cross-traffic alert. etc. (Gestmair et al., 2019)
ULTRASONIC SENSORS: These are mounted on various sides of the vehicle to detect objects very near the
vehicle or measure the position of other vehicles during parking. These sensors provide parking assistance, collision
warning, lane departure among other functions.
VIDEO CAMERAS: They are installed at the top of the front glass, near the rear view mirror and build real-time
3D images of the road ahead. These are used to detect the traffic lights, traffic signs, unexpected things like animals
or pedestrians, etc. They also detect different road signs like “STOP” signs, zebra crossings, sign boards etc. Video
cameras also help in recognizing certain gestures which other sensors can’t comprehend like hand waving or traffic
cones. (Yun et al., 2019)
GPS (Global Positioning System): It is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides current location
and time information anywhere on earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more satellites. It is
the basis of all the maps that vehicle uses while on the road. All satellites broadcast at the same two frequencies,
1.57542 GHz and 1.2276 GHz. GPS uses satellites to gather information about the current position of the vehicle.
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GPS keeps the vehicle on its intended route with an accuracy of 30 centimetres. By using the GPS a map of the area
is loaded into the central computer. With GPS other systems are used to determine the complete position.
INERTIAL MEASUREMENT UNIT (IMU): Data from GPS alone is less accurate. So, this data is combined
with outputs from the IMU. IMU uses a combination of accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers. IMU is an
electronic device which measures and gives information about the vehicle’s velocity, orientation, gravitational
forces etc. IMU helps GPS system to work when signals are unavailable such as in tunnels, bad weather conditions
and when electromagnetic interference is present. (Yun et al., 2019)
CPU or Computer: All the data obtained from each and every sensor systems is fed to the central computer,
which process this data at high speed. The central computer is a very powerful processing unit mounted on the
inside of the vehicle. With the help of highly sophisticated software makes the required decision and sends the
output to electro-mechanical units like automatic steering, throttle and breaking systems. This computer is also
connected to the internet and GPS system to provide real time monitoring and updates.

7. Analysis of Case Study No. 1 – intervention of advance driver assistant system

The next part describes our research of some specific parts of the autonomous vehicles. In particular we focused
on testing the vehicles assistant systems geared on pedestrians’ detection with the possibility of the autonomous
braking activation.
Since the extent of the article does not create room for analysing all case studies, we shall in this part describe
only one demonstrative test. The vehicle under question was Volvo, driving approximately 48 km.h -1. A pedestrian
reaching the speed of app. 4 km.h-1 entered the corridor of the vehicle from the left side. The movement
synchronization of the vehicle and the pedestrian was established based on the precise simulation in the PC Crash
10.0. For the measurements with the vehicle a dummy placed on the UFO – (Ultra flat overrunable platform, made
by the company DSD Datentechnik) was used. (Schejbalová et al., 2013) UFO enabled a fully synchronized
measurement process with the vehicle, based on the data received from the movement reconstruction, using the
D_GPS vehicle location. (Schejbalová et al., 2012) An example of the assistance system intervention analysis in the
vehicle is pictured on the figure 3 a–c.
- The experiment begins with vehicle passing the light gateway approximately 5s and 70m prior to the collision
with the pedestrian. In this momentum the pedestrian is still standing. In the momentum of the vehicle passing
the light gateway, the UFA control unit evaluates the right momentum for the UFA start (the pedestrian), based
on the actual Volvo vehicle velocity.
- The vehicle moves on with the constant velocity of approximately 47 km.h -1 and in the time moment of
approximately 4.3 s prior to the collision with the pedestrian the UFA starts to move with the acceleration 1 m.s -1.
Fully synchronized and automated action reproduces the action of the real collision.
- Approximately 2 s and 19 m prior to the dummy movement corridor the driver is warned by means of acoustic-
visual signal at the moment, when the pedestrian is approximately 0.7 m from the vehicle movement corridor. In
this moment, the Volvo does not brake autonomously yet (see fig. 3a).
- Approximately 0.8 s after the alarm activation the autonomous braking is activated approximately 13m from the
dummy movement corridor (see fig. 3b). The vehicle brakes with the mean fully braking deceleration,
approximately 10 m.s-2. During the activation of the autonomous braking the driver did not intervene in the
vehicle drive. During the autonomous braking, the braking pedal declines to the floor as during the normal
- After approximately 2 seconds after the initial acoustic signal the collision between the vehicle and the pedestrian
happens. The velocity during the collision (see fig. 3c) was approximately 12 km.h-1 (based on the acceleration
sensor and GPS) as oppose to 48 km.h-1 during the real collision during which the driver did not happen to react
to the pedestrian.
Vehicle’s autonomous braking after the acoustic warning of the driver appeared in 63% case studies. The time
interval between the initial acoustic and visual reaction of the system up to the very first moment of breaking
stretched from 0.1 to 0.8 seconds. (Vertaľ et al., 2014) A sole case identified breaking prior to the preceding
acoustic warning. The measurements have proved that the abrupt driver’s reaction controlling the vehicle upon the
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moment of warning or breaking will stop the process of warning and autonomous braking.

Fig. 3 Activation of the acoustic-visual signal (a), Beginning of the autonomous braking (b), The vehicle crosses the plane of movement of
pedestrians (c). Source: authors

The analysis of the testing studies has proved that the system of pedestrians´ detection in Volvo V40 (produced in
2014) can autonomously stop the vehicle before the pedestrian at low speeds up to 30 km/h in case the pedestrian’s
walk is sufficiently predictable and the system is prepared to monitor such pedestrian with nothing preventing the
camera to follow the pedestrian. It has to be noted that the system can stop the slow speeding vehicle only if
excluded is any and all abrupt change in speed or direction of the pedestrian walking into the road. At speeds
exceeding 30 km/h, a significant reduction of vehicle’s speed before the actual clash with the pedestrian occurs, yet,
by a maximum of c. 30 km/h compared to the vehicle’s speed at the time of the initial reaction to the system. The
total summary of the speed reduction resulting from the autonomous intervention of the vehicle is shown in table 1.

Table 1 Decrease of the velocity the Volvo vehicle during simulated scenarios

Case no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Obstacle in yes yes yes yes
driver view
overtaking R

cornering R
cornering L

cornering L

cornering L












Motion of
the car

Impact velocity
in crash accident 23 47 12 50 32 19 41 55 18 39 32 36 45 42 40 39 30 30
Alarm yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Alarm before
2,0 1,0 1,7 1,5 0,5 1,6 1,9 1,5 1,1 0,6 1,5
the crash (s)
Decrease of
0 74 100 48 0 0 59 0 0 64 34 0 0 57 0 0 0 30
the velocity (%)
Source: authors

8. Conclusion

In the near future, our professional ambition and conduct will increasingly be directed towards vehicles furnished
with the state of the art and sophisticated equipment. Such systems are aimed to ease and facilitate the drive, yet,
they might be the cause of complication upon professional investigation of the accident. Autonomous vehicles are
still a developing technology. A large number of companies and researchers have speculated about future
developments and the possible effects of the vehicles. The following section describes the various visions of vehicle
producers regarding the future of autonomous vehicles:
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- By 2020, Google autonomous vehicle project head's goal is to have all outstanding problems with the
autonomous vehicle resolved.
- By 2020, Volvo envisages having vehicles in which passengers would be immune from injuries.
- By 2020, Daimler and Ford, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Nissan and BMW all expect to sell autonomous vehicles.
- By 2020, GM, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Nissan, BMW, Renault, Tesla and Google all expect to sell vehicles that
can drive themselves at least part of the time. (Level 3)
- By 2024, Jaguar, Daimler and Ford expect to release an autonomous vehicle. Ford predicts it will have the first
mass market autonomous vehicle, but released no target date.
- By 2025, most new GM vehicles will have automated driving functions as well as vehicle-to-vehicle
communication technology.
- By 2035, Navigant Research forecasts that autonomous vehicles will gradually gain traction in the market over
the coming two decades and by 2035, sales of autonomous vehicles will reach 95.4 million annually, representing
75% of all light-duty vehicle sales.
- By 2040, expert members of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) have estimated that up
to 75% of all vehicles will be autonomous. (Kalašová et al., 2018)

This publication is the result of the project implementation: VEGA no. 1/0436/18 - Externalities in road transport,
an origin, causes and economic impacts of transport measures.


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