Instructions: Please Be Careful About Grammatical and Punctuation Errors. Submission Deadline: Total Marks: 30 Points
Instructions: Please Be Careful About Grammatical and Punctuation Errors. Submission Deadline: Total Marks: 30 Points
Instructions: Please Be Careful About Grammatical and Punctuation Errors. Submission Deadline: Total Marks: 30 Points
Project Assignment 1
Task 1: Identify 3 strengths that you possess and narrate an experience where you exhibited each
Strengths 1: Adaption
Recently I was doing internship at Fazal mehmood Company Chartered, although it was a
completely new environment for me but I managed to learned the code and conducts of the
company very quickly , which helped me a lot to gain better work experience from my co workers
at the firm.
Strength 2: Planning
I can prioritize the things accordingly. It’s always better to have a plan beforehand in every
situation , that’s why I see it as one of my strongest assets ; dealing things with the right plans.
Strengths 3: Observant
I am an observant person rather than a judgemental one. I always question the nature of the subject
first before passing out any judgement . It actually helps me in gaining different perspectives and to
see the nature of things in depth.
Task 2: Identify 3 of your weaknesses and narrate an experience where you faced a problem due to
Often I find it harmful for myself being too helpful to others as sometimes it leads me to uninvited
problems and then I’m not able to back down from those uninvited problems.
Weakness 2: Nervousness
Deadlines of projects make me nervous I see this as one of my biggest weaknesses, although I am
trying to improve this weakness by doing my work on it’s time but this nervous issue comes often
in my life. For example work submission deadlines of assignments.