Testing and Commissioning of Electrical Equipment (10ee756) Question Bank Unit 1&2: Transformers

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Sl No Question Marks Year

1 Explain the points to be considered in the selection of site and 08 Dec.2013/Jan.2014,

location of power transformers.
10 Dec.2015/ Jan.2016
06 June2012
10 Jun/July 2011

2 State and explain various method of cooling of transformer winding 06 Dec.2013/ Jan.2014
and oil. State the symbol.
10 Jun/July 2013

3 State the characteristics of transformer oil 06 Dec.2013/ Jan.2014

05 Dec.2011/JAN2012

4 State the importance steps in the maintenance of power 10 Dec.2013/ Jan.2014

10 June /JUl2012
5 Describe the test set up for impulse testing of power transformers Dec.2013/ Jan.2014

6 What are the standard specifications of power transformer? 10 Dec.2015/ Jan.2016

10 Jun/July 2011

7 What are the qualities of good insulation oil? 04 Dec.2015/ Jan.2016

05 Jun/July 2013

8 Explain the method of measurement of insulation resistance and 06 Dec.2015/ Jan.2016

polarization index in case of transformer
10 Jun/July 2014
9 Explain the procedure of drying out of power transformer. 10 Dec.2011/Jan2012
10 June /JUL2012
10 Dec.2015/ Jan.2016
10 Jun/July 2014
10 Jun/July 2013
10 Name the various accessories and fitments on transformers 12 Dec.2011

11 Explain the steps carried out in testing of oil 05 Dec.2011

12 Explain with the neat sketch the working principal of Buchholz relay 10 Jun/July 2014
08 Jun/July 2011
13 Explain the civil work associated with power transformer 10 Jun/July 2014
07 June 2012
14 With necessary sketches, explain proactive device fitted to the 10 Jun/July 2013
power transformer

15 What are the desired properties of transformer oil 08 Jun/July 2011

16 With a schematic, explain the Bucholz relay used for transformer 08 Jun/July 2011

17 State the various cooling arrangements which are commonly used 04 Jun/July 2011
for power transformers

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