STD3 - Sep 28, 2020

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Unit 9 Beingan Airline Pilot

Get ready
An airline pilot flies a plane.
Whot else do you think a pilot does?
Whot questions would you like to ask an airline pilot?

We scan a text to find the answer to a question. When you scan
D o not read every word.
Read the title, the headings and look for key words

Scan the text below to find the answers to these questions.

1 Is this passage fact or fiction? Whot makes you think that?
2 How long does it take to become a pilot?
3 Does a pilot fly alone?

Being an Airline Pilot

Years of training
Being an takes years of training. Pilots have
airline pilot
to lean about computers and navigation. They have to know
how to deal with emergencies os well os how to fly the plane.

Before take-off
There are many pre-flight tosks. The pilot must:
look carefully at the route
study the weather forecast
calculate how much fuel the plane will need.
items in a
Another pre-fight job is the 'walk oround'. The pilot checks the list. They
make each
outside of the aircraft. He examines the tyres and the lights.
item stands
He makes sure that no dead birds are caught in the engines.
out clearly.
Then he goes inside to inspect the controls in the cockpit.

. aribbean Airle
Ask students how many features of non-fictión they can spot on this page. There is a list of the features on
the next page.
Help students to work out the purpose of headings (They break up the text and tell you what the next part is
information you are looking for).
about thatit is easier to find the
students that airine pilots can also be female.
Point out to
Unit 9

on every Tught- the con

fwo piloIs
Heading In the air
There are always t n e pldne. They are in t
never fües alone.
controls but
TuesS them about weCh

plot have which


the co-pilot. Both the airport, other giro

c o n t r o l at
and trom
with air traffic a safe distance away like imo
sure that they keep air
which are
and makes
cnanges place, pilots
fly along
from place to
roods in the sky.

Landing when it is safe.

The plane can only land
from air
The pilot needs permission
When he
traffic control at the airport.
or she lands, the pilot must
look out for
When it
other aircraft on the runway.
touches the ground, the plane may
be going more than 240 kilometres

per hour!

The pilot's job is not over when the plane
lands. Before going off-duty the pilot has

to make a post-flight report

detail what happened on the flight.

Glossary Remember
air traffic control people on the ground
who give pilots advice Information text
cockpit the place where the contains facts
pilots sit i s written in the third
person (it, he, s=
navigation guiding the plane in the has photographs
right direction i s usually in the
often has headings
present tense
contains technical language.

How much fuel?

A car would have to drive
non-stop for overa month to use as much fuel as a
jumbo jet uses in one hour.

Explain that fuel' is anything (wood, gos, coal,

cars use gas. oil) that is bumed to provide power. Aeroplanes uSE
Extension: Ask students if they have ever been on
plane. What was it like?
Whot does the pilot look Unit 9
for when
2 What is the job of air traffic he checks
the outside
Whot is an air controi? of the
Why do you think both
pilots have Right there
5 When is the pilot in contact controls?
a) When he londs with air traffic
b) All the time
c)When there is an Think and
Whot do the words emergency search

Suggest two things pre-flight and

that a pilot post-flight mean?
8 Would you like to be might write in a
pilot? Why or
why not?
post-flight report.
Keep your notes to use in Own
Speaking and listening the writing task on page 77.
Interview your partner.
Ask these questions.
1 What job do you want
to do?
2 What do you think is
good about that job?
3 What might be not
so good?
Make notes during the interview.
Report back to the class.

Language: paragraphs
Aparagraph is a group of sentences on one topic.
Most paragraphs have a topic sentence which
explains what
the paragraph is about.
This is followed by a number of sentences which contain details.
Each paragraph introduces a new idea.
Each paragraph starts on a new line.

Always indent the first

word of a

Remind students about Question-answer Relationships (see page 9).

Speaking and listening: You can prepare for the pair Work and stimulate ideas by having a short class
discussion about what students might want to be when they grow up. Iif they are short of ideas, ask what they
are interested in and help them to think of different jobs related to those areas (cars mechanic, engineer,
solesperson; sport-PE teacher, jourmalist; computers -technician, games developer, IT teacher)
Number concepts ()

In this chapter you will learn more about counting, You will also
develop your skills in working with place value and how it is used.

Counting (1)
There are many ways in which we can count. For example:
8 . 10. I12 ... counting in twos.
5 . 10, I5.. counting infives.
25. 50.75.. counting in twenty-fives.
You can start counting from any number. You can also count backwards.

What is the biggest number you know? Can we ever count to

the last number?

Copy these patterns. Write the missing numbers.

a 54, 56, 58,- b 330, 340, 350, .
c96, 98, 100, . d 00, 150, 200,.
e 170. 175, 180. 30, 80, 130,-
g 70. 80, 90. 150, 250, 350.
i105. 100, 95.. 900, 800, 700,

B Look at these potterns. What numbers go on the next four points?


44 46 48 50

45 47 49 51
126 128
127 129
I50 175 250 275

125 200 225 300

Number concepts ()
Counting ()
Write in the missing numbers
AOCopy these potterns.
a 100..
b 254, 256.
55. 60. 6 5 , _
c35. 40. --2I0
d 180.
50. 60, 70.
-20. 22. 24
90, 95, 100
h 150. 175., 2 0 0 . 2 5 0 , -

2 Explain to a partner how you got your answers.

BCopy these potterns. Write the missing amounts.

a 12c. 14c, 16c.
b $I.00. SI.02, $I.04 -
c 85c, 90c, 95c
d $I.50. $I.55, $I.60.
e 70c. 80c, 90c-
fSI.60. $I.70, SI.80 -
g 25c, 50c, 75c.
h $4.50. $4.75. $5.00-

(DMake up some number patterns of your own. You can

calculator if you like. use a
2) Exchange number patterns with a partner and fill in the
numbers in each other's
patterns. missing

When do
you count in your daily
life? Which people count as
partof their job? Try to think of at least
tools, besides ten examples. What
calculator, do people use to help them count:

Number concepts ()
Place value
Whole numbers can be written in different ways
using the place value
system. In Level 3 you learned about hundreds, tens and ones.

one hundred

enone 84 8 tens +4 ones

A Rewrite the number sentences and complete them to show how

many sticks are in each group.

3 tens and 2 ones =.

I 100+20+3 =-

B What number is shown in each row of the tally table?
hundreds tens ones Remember that in a number
HHT HT HI such as 32, the place value
of the 3 is tens whilst the
place value of the 2 is ones.

Expand these numbers. The

first one has been done for you as
an example.
a 619 600 +10+9 b 745 927

d 804- e 203

of the underlined digit in these numbers?

2) What is the place
b 2 03. c4518
a 619.
d 1220. e 742-

Number concepts ()
Understanding place value
to make larger and
Place value allows us to use the digits 0 9
larger numbers.
In the number 7 653 the place value of the 7 is thousands.
This means that the actual value of the 7 is 7 000.
The place value of the 6 is 600.
The place value of the 5 is 50.
The place value of the 3 is 3.

Write the value of the numbers indicated.

a In 8 091 the value
b In 7
of the 8 is.
354 the value of the 3 is-
cIn 9 872 the value
of the 7 is-
d In I 368 the value of
the 8 is

7321 can be expanded in two ways.

7 321 (7 xI
000)+ (3 x100)+(2x 10)+ (1x)

7 321 7 000+300+20+

Expand each number in the two ways shown above.

a 3004
b 1700
c6 864
d 3572
e 9867

Write in numerals.
a Five thousand, seven hundred and
b Three hundred and ninety-three
cFour thousand, six hundred
d Eight thousand, three
hundred and two
Write these numbers in words.
a 3026
b 7593
c 041 d 3000
e 1028
f 9148
9 7777 h 5001
i 5624
i 4 022

Number concepts ()

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