Session 2000: Evaluation of Total Life Cycle Cost of GIS Substation and Development of Portable Diagnosis Device
Session 2000: Evaluation of Total Life Cycle Cost of GIS Substation and Development of Portable Diagnosis Device
Session 2000: Evaluation of Total Life Cycle Cost of GIS Substation and Development of Portable Diagnosis Device
Evaluation of total life cycle cost of GIS substation and development of portable diagnosis device
After the first plant was installed in 1966, GIS have
been diffused rapidly. Japanese backgrounds have
helped this diffusion. First, compact equipment is [ton]
10000 10000
required because of high land cost. Second, low profile
is one of the design conditions to be accepted by SF6 Gas Total Amount
This paper describes the advantages of GIS at each 2000 2000
aspect of lifecycle cost, reliability and environment Total Amoun of SF6 Gas
comparing costs between GIS and AIS based on 34 0 0
years application, and introduces newly developed 1960 1965 1970 1975
1980 1985 1990 1995
technologies and tools to decrease the life cycle cost Figure 1 Number of GIS Units and Total Amount of SF6 Gas
(1) Initial investment
Keywords: GIS, lifecycle cost, keeping reliability, Because underground substations are often constructed
portable diagnosis device, sensor technology, inner in a large city, construction cost can be decreased by
inspection application of compact GIS. Likewise in a city area,
where land price is high, underground and indoor
1. Introduction substations are often constructed, the construction cost
The partial deregulation begins in March 2000 in Japan. can be decreased. Substation area is decreased up to
Life cycle cost including investment and maintenance 1/8(Table 1), so it is clear that GIS is indispensable in
cost needs to be decreased further with keeping environmental aspect. Depending on land cost, it is also
reliability. possible to decrease the construction cost of the
In order to make a comparison between the life cycle substation of 275kV or above especially in the
costs of GIS and AIS, (1)Initial investment, (2) mountains zone by decreasing the creation area. Figure
Maintenance cost, (3) Breakdown probability and repair 2 shows the relation between land cost and substation
cost, (4)Life spans and (5)Consideration of environment construction cost. In our company GIS have been
are chosen to be described. And then the result of installed in all new substation for recent ten years.
accelerated aging test of GIS used for 23 years; newly According to the technological development such as
developed portable diagnosis devices and finally 500kV single break circuit breaker, GIS is becoming
Japanese action to recycle SF6 gas are introduced. compact, therefore an initial investment can be expected
to decrease more in the future. The number of parts also
2. Advantage of GIS decreases with decreasing of the number of breaks,
Figure 1 shows the change of the number of GIS units therefore, the reliability is increasing (Table 2).
and total amount of SF6 gas in Japan. After the first
installation of GIS, the number of GIS increased rapidly
and became 6769 units in 1991.
Table 1 Comparison between GIS and AIS
100 GIS H-GIS The result of measurement of breaking current and arc
200 AIS contact wear on site matches theoretical expression
275kV substation
(Figure 3). Therefore it is possible to presume the
GIS amount of arc contact wear by measuring the breaking
100 current and its frequency. But large amount of cost is
150 77kV substation AIS needed for applying on-line CPU to all equipment in
100 GIS order to calculate the arcing time and the correction of
the CT saturation. Instead, a portable device that
200 600 1000 1400 1800 presumes the arc contact wear by measuring breaker’s
Land contact resistance is being developed. If the arc contact
Figure 2 Comparison of ) cost between
construction is worn, there is a time lag when the arc contact touches
AIS and GIS the fixed contact. By using advantage of this time lag,
the amount of arc contact wear is presumed (Figure 4,
Table 2 The number of GIS parts 5). The measuring device, whose precision is improved,
Number of 4-breaks 2-breaks 1-break is being developed by taking advantage of data of
breaks testing circuit breaker.
Number of 10,682 5,023 3,355
parts (100%) ( 47 %) (31%) Rated breaking current
First 1.0E-01
1971 1982 1994
Installation 1.0E-02
Rated current
(2) Maintenance cost 1.0E-05
In general, the inspection items of GIS are fewer and 1.0E-06 CB for Static Condenser
the inspection cost is lower than AIS (Table 3). The CB for Shunt Rector
1.0E-07 CB with Regulated Operation
reason is that elevated working platform vehicle is not
needed to inspect bushings at a high place and normal 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
inspection of a line switch is omitted. Because 70-80%
Breaking current/Rated breaking current
of the inspection cost is spent in an internal inspection,
further cost can be cut down if the interval of internal
inspection is extended. To extend the internal inspection Figure 3 Relation between breaking current and its
interval with keeping reliability, it is necessary to Frequency
develop the tool to diagnose an internal condition such
Table 3 Inspection Item and interval of GIS and AIS
Type of inspection Normal Special Normal Special
Inspection Item (every 6yrs) (every 12yrs) (every 6yrs) (every 12yrs)
Bushing - - ○ ○
Operation Mechanism, ○ ○ ○ ○
Linkage, Control Circuit
Circuit Contact - ○ - ○
breaker Operation Test, Pressure Meter Test, ○ ○ ○ ○
Insulation Resistance measurement
86% 98% 100% 100%
Inspection Cost (Compare to (Compare to (Base) (Base)
AIS Normal AIS Special
Inspection) Inspection)
Insulator - - ○ ○
Conductor, Operation Mechanism, - ○ ○ ○
Linkage, Control Circuit
Operation Test, - ○ ○ ○
Line Insulation Resistance measurement
Switch etc.
0% 54% 100% 100%
Inspection Cost (Compare to (Compare to (Base) (Base)
AIS Normal AIS Special
Inspection) Inspection)
Total Inspection Cost(CB and Line Switch) 92.5% 100%
(Compare to AIS) (Base)
Brand-new(No wear)
Contact touching use(Wear:100%)
100% position 80%
Fixed Movable arc contact
Close position
R1 Spacer
T’ Electric
Time Magnetic Wave
(b) Partial discharge detection Table 4 Number of faults of AIS and GIS
Considering fault frequency and cost performance, the (66kV and more)
policy for applying GIS diagnosis device in our GIS AIS
company is as follows. No. of Fault rate No. of Fault rate
1) The on-line type is applied in important substations. fault (time/ fault (time/
2) The Portable type is applied in general substations. ’83-91 yr. unit) ’83-91 yr. unit)
The on-line type began to be applied in 1990 and the GCB 2 0.52×10-4 37 2.13×10-4
portable type in 1989. Considering cost reduction, Line 7 0.66×10-4 40 0.95×10-4
portable fault diagnosis devices are applied selectively. Switch
The features of the portable device with new sensor CT 2 No data 7 0.23×10-4
technologies are shown in Figure 6. The old model was PT 2 0.77×10 -4
10 0.52×10-4
easily influenced by the noise because it uses the slight Ar 0 0.0×10 -4
13 0.27×10-4
potential difference between both ends of a spacer. Total 12 107
In the developed portable device these points have been *Reference [1]
improved and it has the following features.
1) It enables operators to detect partial discharge up to Furthermore, even if faults occur, it’s possible to reduce
20pC by using antenna type sensor (Figure 7). repair time and cost by changing the GIS block by
(The sensitivity is improved in spite of background block. As described before, the reliability of GIS is high.
noise in on-site measurement.) However, higher reliability and beforehand prevention
2) The noise level can be decreased by averaging of faults will be achieved by adopting the fault location
outputs of the acceleration sensor synchronously. device and the portable partial discharge detection
3) The location of partial discharge can be detected by device and repair cost will be reduced as well.
measuring the time lag between antenna type sensor
and acceleration type sensor.
(4) Life spans
(3) Breakdown probability and repair cost This section shows the result of checking out the aging
In Japan, the breakdown probability of GIS has been degree of insulation spacer of GIS used for 22-23 years
reduced year by year. It is obvious that the fault in order to estimate the life span. (Only the aging degree
probability is much smaller than that of AIS (Table 4). of insulation spacers was examined because SF6 and gas
seals had been changed every special inspection.)
Figure 8 shows position of insulation spacer and Table 5
shows the condition of decompressed GIS insulation
*Reference [2]
Spacer (b) Assessment of electrical aging
After applying the stress described before, corona tests
withstand voltage test and arcing tests were done, but
there was no problem and no electrical aging.
(c) Assessment of mechanical aging
After the electrical aging test, destructive test by water
pressure was carried out, but there was no mechanical
(d) Others
SF6 gas and the adsorbent were analyzed, but they met
the standard and there were no effects on the equipment.
AIS, which are exposed to air, rain, snow and dust. GIS,
however, isn’t being concerned about them and it is
expected to have enough life span. As far as insulation
Figure 8 Position of insulation spacers spacer, the life span is presumed to be at least 90 years
compared with 50 years, which is a designed life span.
Table 5 Condition of decompressed Spacer
n=12.3(Acceleration Factor)
Amout of Possession[
Amount of Emittion
M anufacturer
300 8000
U tility
P ossession by U tility 6000
0 0
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Figure 10 Voluntary Action Plan