Options Evaluation - Black-Scholes Model Vs Binomi
Options Evaluation - Black-Scholes Model Vs Binomi
Options Evaluation - Black-Scholes Model Vs Binomi
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c N ' (d1 )
c S rXe r (T t ) N (d 2 )
(T t ) 2 T t
p N ' (d1 )e q (T t )
c S qSN (d1 )e q (T t ) rXe r (T t ) N (d 2 )
(T t ) 2 T t
For a European call or put option
on an asset paying a continous dividend
at rate q:
c N ' (d1 )e q (T t )
c S qSN (d1 )e q (T t ) rXe r (T t ) N (d 2 )
(T t ) 2 T t
p N ' (d1 )e q (T t )
c S qSN (d1 )e q (T t ) rXe r (T t ) N (d 2 )
(T t ) 2 T t
Theta is in most cases a
negative parameter, because as they c
approach maturity, option value tends to Kc S (T t ) N ' (d1 )e q (T t )
decrease. Exception to this observation
are European put options on shares that
have a very strong position in the money, p
or call options in the money on Kp S (T t ) N ' (d1 )e q (T t )
currencies that have a very high interest
Vega is always a positive
coefficient and a higher value indicates a
Vega (K). Black-Scholes formula
high sensitivity to option volatility
has been demonstrated in the constant
changes. If vega has low volatility
volatility underlying assumption for the
changes, it will have a little impact on
time the option price is calculated. In
option price. Strong out or in the money
practice, volatility is a variable parameter,
options have a low vega, and the one at
which determines the option price
the money high, especially when maturity
changes. These changes are calculated
is delayed.
using vega which represents the first
Rho (Ρ) measures the sensitivity
derivative of an option value to volatility.
of the option value of interest rate and it
For a European option, a call or
is calculated as the first derivative of
a put, having an underlying asset that
option price to interest rate. For a
generates no gain, coefficient is given by
European option, a call or a put, having
the following formula:
an underlying asset that generates no
Kc S (T t ) N ' (d1 ) gain, the coefficient is given by the
following formula:
p c
Kp S (T t ) N ' (d1 ) c X (T t )er (T t ) N (d 2 )
For a European call or put p
option on an asset providing a dividend p X (T t )er (T t ) N (d 2 )
yield at rate q: r
The same formula applies if the
underlying European option generates
Year IX, No.12/2010 141
Rho is always positive for a call 0.00591056, and put premium decrease
option, while for a put option the by 0.0210112.
coefficient is negative. Considering the coefficients
Example no. 1: Consider a delta, gamma and theta defined above,
European call option and a European put equation can be rewritten with the Black-
option on a stock that generate dividend Scholes partial differential according to
and it has the following characteristics: them. Thus, the relationship between
S=10 RON, E=11 RON, r=8.5%, σ=22%, delta, gamma and theta for a European
T=3 months, q=2%. option, in the Black-Scholes model
Applying the previous formulas, assumptions is:
we obtain: 1
Call premium=0.157455 c rS c 2 S 2 c rc
Put premium=0.976046 2
Determination of sensitivity p rS p 2 S 2 p rp
coefficients of an option 2
In addition, it is noted that these
Call Put
indicators interact and may not be
Delta 0.252167 -0.7428446 regarded as separate entities.
Gamm 0.2895241 0.2895241 A higher volatility increases the
Vega 0.01592383 0.01592383 delta for out of the money and at the
money options and it brings down in the
Theta -0.002332 -0.0003694 money options, property resulting from
Rho 0.00591056 -0.0210112 delta to measure the probability of
Source: Own calculations using DerivaGem exercising the option. Changing the
gamma to the increased volatility is more
By the values of delta, it is noted pronounced for at the money options and
that an increase by one unit in spot price lower for those out of the money.
determines an increase by 0.252167
RON in the call premium and a reduction 3. A one-step binomial tree
by 0.7428446 RON in the put premium.
Gamma takes the value Consider a call option on a non-
0.2895241, which means that an dividend-paying stock. The assumptions
increase in the share price by 1 RON of the model are the same for the Black-
(from 10 to 11) will increase the option Scholes model, that the market id
value with 0.2895241 RON. efficient, there are no transaction costs
Vega is 0.01592383, which and no tax, securities are perfectly
means that if the underlying volatility divisible, short selling is allowed,
increase by one percentage point (from revenues generated by traded securities
22% to 23%), then both call and put are remunerated at the risk free rate, r,
premium will increase by 0.01592383. which is constant, volatility remains
Theta indicates the rate of constant throughout the life of the option.
change of the option premium with Add to this fact that the price of the
respect to the passage of time. The underlying asset follows a binomial
reduction of time to maturity by one day process in a time T, so this is the only
leads to a reduction by 0.002332 in call hypothesis on the evolution of the
premium and by 0.0003694 in put underlying asset price. So, if at the time 0
premium. the stock price is S, this can move up in
Rho shows that if the interest T by u times with probability p or to move
rate increase by one percentage point, down with probability 1-p. The process
then call premium increase by described is called the binomial
multiplicative process.
142 Finance – Challenges of the Future
The binomial model is based on follows that the present value of the
building a risk free rate portfolio with a portfolio is:
short position in a call option and a long 3e =2,955
position in Δ shares. The value of the stock price
today is 10 RON. If we denote the option
A one-step binomial tree
price by f, then:
S 10x0,333-f=2,955
fu In conclusion, in the absence of
arbitrage opportunities, the current value
of the option must be 0,378 RON. If the
S value of the option were more than 0,378
f RON, the portfolio would cost less than
2,955 RON and would earn more than
the risk-free rate.
We can generalize the argument
d just presented by considering a stock
f whose current price is f. We denote with
Example no. 2: We propose to
evaluate an European call option with a T the maturity of the option and we
maturity of three months and the exercise suppose that during the life of the option
price of 11 RON. A stock price is the stock price can either moves down to
currently 10 RON. We suppose that at Sd or moves up to Su, where u>1 and
the end of three months the stock price d<1. The proportional increase in the
will be either 12 RON or 9 RON. If the stock price when is an up movement is u-
stock price turns out to be 12 RON, the 1, and the proportional decrease when
value of the option will be 1 RON. If the there is a down movement is 1-d. If the
stock price turns out to be 9 RON, the stock price moves up to Su,we suppose
value of the option will be zero. that the payoff from the option will be fu
Consider a portfolio consisting on and if the stock price moves down to Sd,
a short position in a call option and a long we suppose that the payoff from the
position in Δ shares. We calculate the option will be fd.
value of Δ that makes the portfolio We will calculate the value of Δ
riskless. If the stock price moves up from that makes the portfolio riskless. It
10 to 12 RON, the value of the option is follows that Δ can be chosen so that the
1RON, so that the total value of the final value of the portfolio be the same
portfolio is 12Δ-1. If the stock price whether the price of the underlying asset
moves down to 9 RON, the value of the increases or decreases during T.
portfolio will be 9Δ. The portfolio is fu - fd
SuΔ-fu =SdΔ-fd →Δ=
riskless if the value of Δ is chosen so S(u - d)
that the final value of the portfolio is the
In this case the portfolio is
same for both alternatives. This means
riskless and must earn the risk-free
12Δ-1=9Δ → Δ=0,333.
interest rate. The previous equation
The riskless portfolio contains 33
shows that Δ is the ratio of the change in
shares and one option. Whether the
the option price to the change in the
stock price moves up or down, the value
stock price as we move between the
of the portfolio is always 3 RON
nodes. If r is the risk-free rate, the
present value of the portfolios:
In the absence of arbitrage -rT
(SuΔ- fu)e
opportunities, riskles portfolios must earn
The cost of setting up the
the risk-free rate of interest. Suppose that
portfolio is SΔ- f.
the risk-free rate is 6% per annum. It
Year IX, No.12/2010 143
Binomial tree with 10 steps for the underlying asset price and an European call option
the risk free-rate is 8% per annum, the and in binomial version with 2, 10, 20, 30,
volatility is 22% per annum. 50, 100 steps.
Sensitivity coefficients have the
values below in Black-Scholes version
It can be seen that the the the generally high leverage or sensitivity
differences are becoming smaller as the of derivatives value to the change of
number of steps increases. underlying asset value, a unique and yet
Similarly, sensitivity coefficients very important risk to options is the so-
can be calcaulated for a put option. called model risk that arises whenever
derivatives pricing and/or hedging
5. Conclusions strategies are based on a miss-specified
Used both for hedging risks and Options prices, as those assets
for speculation, the options are found in that constitute their support, are affected
the portfolios of various institutions - from by several factors. Knowing these factors
hedge funds and financial institutions, and how they affect the value of options
corporations or individual investors. is essential to use as a tool for financial
Options have demonstrated risk management. Sensitivity coefficients
successfully their important role in the of the options premium measure the
financial markets. In an ideal setting, response of their price to each of the
derivatives pricing theory provides a factors influencing it, providing an image
framework in which the risks inherent to of the risk of a position on an option.
an option’s position can be minimized or The previous examples have
eliminated via a dynamic hedging shown that the difference in the
strategy. In practice, however, the calculation by the two models
effectiveness of such strategy can be of options price and their sensitivity
limited due to the lack of available coefficients disappear as the number of
hedging instruments and market binomial tree steps increases.
microstructure issues such as transaction
costs and market illiquidity. In addition to
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