Monthly Report - September 2010
Monthly Report - September 2010
Monthly Report - September 2010
I offered my support for Ola’s excusal early on the grounds that she
provides an immense amount of benefit for the science faculty. She works
hard for students and has championed a number of causes.
This was, to me, no different from the excusal that I supported granting for
Mr. Grant, in that this was an academic commitment that prevented Ola
from voting at SLC. She would still be present via voip and had already
shown that she would make every effort to support science students from
Ms. Mansoor stated, and I reinforced that, while it is an important part of
our position, I do not believe our primary responsibility to be voting at SLC.
I am elected by business students, I listen to business students, I meet
with business students, I represent business students on numerous
bodies and I hold office hours to answer questions from business
students. In Ola’s case, she was only not able to attend activities in
person, though, with two science representatives, that should not have
been an issue as this was simply a matter of division of labour.
After discussion, council voted 4-9-3 to deny Ola her term excusal, with
me and three others voting for it. Ola will need to resign her position by
Tuesday evening in order for the Science position to be open at bi-
election, or council will need to consider impeachment and the position will
be filled by a non-voting hired staff member.
We discussed and approved changes to the committee terms of
reference, and the fact that it had been decided that we would reduce
quorum on some committees (within working levels) in order to ensue that
all of our committees were adequately filled.
Adam Wasylyshyn brought back his Dinos track & field record board
resolution as a Quality Money initiative, and after a lengthy discussion, it
was decided that this would be best a CIF measure. The proposal was
amended to once again be a CIF project as the Dinos are a program
managed and administered by the faculty of kinesiology and council voted
to support the project unanimously.
Council discussed a pair of excusals for Ms. Bhuvana Sankaranarayanan
as she had been under doctors orders to remain at home. Alyssa stated
that the situation was being held in confidence and asked for the trust of
council. All but one member of council, voted in favour of the excusals.
3. Committee Work
Operations & Finance Committee
As per the terms of reference, we chose new members for this committee
this month, and as such I will not be on it for the coming term.
I am unavailable to re-join the committee this term as the time of the
committee meetings (9:30am Tuesday and Thursday) conflicts directly
with my section of Finance 317.
Applications were sent out with an end-of-month due date to the clubs
presidents. This due date has since been extended and the first allocation
meeting will be in mid-october.
4. Other
Presidents’ Circle
September 2nd:
Discussions primarily were around orientation week. I informed CUS
president Daniela Montgomery that I would soon be bringing her the
contract for the CIF funding awarded to Business Day.
I also presented the furniture options that we were looking at for the clubs
trailer as me and Ashley had visited the McCrums showroom right before
Presidents’ Circle. I provided surface samples and we discussed colors.
The colors will likely be much the same: Black, Red and Silver/White
September 22nd:
I updated the clubs presidents on the big topics that had been recently
discussed in the SU (including BSD charges and non-academic fees)
Orientation Week
Me and Ms. Ashley Bradley delivered a presentation at the Haskayne
Faculty Orientation on September 8th. This presentation highlighted what
the SU can offer undergraduate students, and more specifically, what
myself and Ms. Bradley can offer.
I moderated a pair of mandatory Students’ Union orientation sessions.
One for the Arts faculty with Engineering Rep Abe Kohandel and another
for science students alongside Science Rep Aleena Mansoor.
I Spent significant time wandering the hallways in Professional Faculties
and Scurfield Hall giving directions and answering general questions.
Office Hours
I have been offering office hours every Wednesday out of the aim office
(SH 199E) from 2pm to 3pm. Ms Bradley is offering hers from 10 to 11am.
Drop by and pay us a visit.
5. Goals