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Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board

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5th Flr Executive Building Center Inc., No. 369 Sen Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City, Metro Manila
Tel No: (02) 8895-4258 Fax: (02) 8955-4220 Phone: 09308793044 / 09555429985 Email: [email protected]

Authorized Managing Officer (AMO)

D 1.) Ground/s for Blacklisting of Contractors for violation of the Implementing Rules and
Regulations (“IRR”) Appendix 17 of Republic Act No. 9184
a.) A Negative Slippage of 15% and above within the critical path of the project due entirely
to the fault of the negligence of the contractor
b.) Willful or Deliberate abandonment or non-performance of the project or contractor by
the contractor resulting to substantial breach thereof without lawful and/or just cause.
c.) Allowing the use of One’s name, or using the name of the another for purpose of public
d.) All of the Above

D 2.) Otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act” for the purpose of prescribing
the necessary rules and regulations for the modernization, standardization and regulation of the
procurement activities of the Government of the Philippines (GOP)
a.) RA 8749
b.) RA 4566
c.) RA 110458
d.) RA 9184

D 3.) Fill in the Blank: All Bids shall be accompanied by sworn affidavit of the Bidder that he/she is
not related to the head of Procuring Entity. Members of the BAC. The TWG, and the BAC Secretariat
the Head of the PMO or the end-user unit, and the project consultants, by consanguinity of affinity
up to ________
a.) Up to 2nd Civil Degree
b.) Up to 4th Civil Degree
c.) Up to 5th Civil Degree
d.) Up to 3rd Civil Degree

A 4.) Formula for the computation of Net Financial Contracting Capacity (NFCC) = (Current assets
plus current liabilities) (15) minus the value of all outstanding or uncompleted portions of the
projects under ongoing contracts. Including awarded contracts yet to be started, coinciding with the
contract to be bid NFCC’s [{CA-CL) x 15] – Ongoing Projects”
a) True
b) False

A 5.) A person entity that is blacklisted by a procuring entity and/or included in the Government
Procurement Policy Board (‘GPPB”) Consolidated Blacklisting Report shall not be allowed to
participate in the Bidding of all Government Projects During the period of disqualification unless it I
delisted as a provided for in these guidelines
a.) True
b.) False
6.) For Protection of Pedestrians during Construction or Demolition the Temporary walkaway wil be
at least ___ wide (during construction)

a. 1.2 meters
b. 1.3 meters
c. 1.4 meters
d. 1.5 meters
D 7.) A Written authorization granted by the BO to an applicant allowing the applicant to proceed w/
the construction w/specific project after plans specs and other pertinent documents”
a.) No Objection Certificate
b.) Notice to Proceed
c.) Occupancy Permit
d.) Building Permit

D 8.) Change in use or Occupancy is

a) Addition
b) Renovation
c) Alteration
d) Conversion

C 9.) Excavation made on public property should be restored immediately to it’s former condition
within _______
a.) 12hrs
b.) 36hrs
c.) 48hrs
d.) 120hrs

B 10.) Aims to Regulate restrict or prohibit the importation, manufacturer, processing sale ,
distribution, use and disposal of chemical substance and mixtures the present unreasonable risk to
human health. It likewise prohibits the entry, even in trait of hazardous and nuclear wastes and
disposal into the Philippine territorial limits for whatever purpose and to provide advancement and
facilitate research and studies on toxic chemicals
a.) Environmental Impact State System
b.) Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990
c.) Clean Air Act of 1999
d.) Philippine Water Act of 1999

B 11.) The Management Strategy known as the “Process Approach” is a new requirement under ISO
a.) True
b.) False

A 12.) In ISO 90012015 records and documents are now called documented information
a. True
b. False
A 13.) Which of the Following assets would be considered long term?
a.) Supplies
b.) Inventory
c.) Cash

D 14.) In the Annual Report, where would a financial statement reader find out if the company
financial statements give a fair depiction of its financial position and operating results?
a.) Notes to the financial statements
b.) Management Discussion & Analysis Section
c.) Balance Sheet
d.) Auditors Report

A 15.) Approved Authority to Print (ATP) shall be valid only upon full usage of the inclusive serial
numbers or principal and supplementary receipts/invoices reflected in such ATP or five (5) years
from issuance of the ATP whenever comes first”
a.) True
b.) False

A 16.) Joint venture or Consortium formed for the purpose of undertaking construction projects is
not included in the term taxable corporation?
a.) True
b.) False

B 17.) What is the Accounting Acronym G.A.A.P stands for?

a.) General Appropriation Accounting Principle
b.) General Accepted Accounting Principle
c.) Good Accepted Accounting Principle
d.) None of the Above

B 18.) A Project Owner undertaking by himself without the service of contractor, the construction or
project intended for sale, lease, commercial/industrial use or any other income generated purpose is
exempted from securing a special license for such undertaking.
a.) True
b.) False

C 19.) Issued to a Joint Venture, A Consortium, A Foreign Constructor or a Project Owner which shall
authorize the license to engage only in the construction of a single specific undertaking/project
a.) Notice to Proceed
b.) Building Permit
c.) Special License
d.) Regular License
C 20.) Refers to the Equivalent Weight of Importance given to each of the qualification criteria for
the purpose of categorizing constructors
a.) Classification
b.) Categorization
c.) Credit Points
d.) Specialization

B 21.) What is the Credible ceiling of experience in a managerial/supervisory capacity of the

Sustaining Technical Employee (STE)
a.) 25yrs
b.) 30yrs
c.) 35yrs
d.) None of the Above

D 22.) What is the Third determinants of the constructor’s license category besides financial capacity
and experience of technical personnel?
a.) Equipment owned by Firm
b.) Experienced of the Authorize Managing Officer
c.) Track Record of the Firm
d.) Over all credit points

A 23.) Overview known as the contractor’s license law, an act creating the Philippine Licensing Board
of Contractors, prescribing it’s powers, duties and functions providing funds thereof and for other
a.) RA 4566
b.) RA 11058
c.) RA 9184
d.) RA 6969

B 24.) A Contractor’s Nominee from among his technical personnel, who is approved as such by the
board and whose training and experience are too sustain the constructor’s classification eligibility
and for accrue to the Constructors credit rating in Categorization
a.) Authorized Managing Officer (AMO)
b.) Sustaining Technical Employee (STE)
c.) Project Manager (PM)
d.) General Manager (GM)

D 25.) A Cooperative arrangement between licensed constructor (s) and Non constructor (s) to
jointly perform a single specific undertaking project with the licensed constructor (s) as managing
and operating partners and the others as financer (s) or any such other construction supportive role.
a.) General Contractor
b.) Joint Venture
c.) Agreement
d.) Consortium
A 26) A License who is referring from the construction business must advice the board in writing and
must immediately surrender the license to the board of cancelation
a.) True
b.) False

A 27.) The Area of Operation wherein a Constructor can engage on based on technical experience of
his sustaining technical employee
a.) Classification
b.) Project Kind
c.) Category
d.) Credit Points

B 28.) The Main Contracting Classification of a multi-classification constructor with respect to which
his category was evaluated
a.) Category
b.) Principal Classification
c.) Classification
d.) Sized Range

C 29.) Implementing Board of Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines (CIAP) whose
function is to draw up overall construction manpower development plan and relevant strategies
a.) Philippine Contractor Accreditation Board (PCAB)
b.) Philippine Domestic Construction Board (PDCB)
c.) Construction Manpower Development Foundation (CDMF)
d.) National Manpower and Youth Council (NMYC)

A 30.) You are working as a project manager in a company. You have the highest Degree of Authority
you are working full time for your project and manage the budget of the project. What is the
organization structure in your company?
a.) Strong Matrix
b.) Projectized
c.) Functional
d.) Balance Matrix

D 31.) Which of these is safe to use as an anchor point for a personal fall arrest system?
a.) Guardrails
b.) Plumbing Pipes
c.) Vents
d.) None of the Above

A 32.) An Account who have undergone and passed a special course in construction arbitration
administered by CIAC can be an Arbitration also:
a.) True
b.) False
A 33.) Shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction over disputes which arose from, or is connected
with contracts entered into by parties involved in construction in the Philippines whether the
dispute arose before or after the completion of contract, or after the abandonment or breach
thereof. These Disputes may involved government or private contracts
a.) Construction Industry Arbitration Commissions (CIAC)
b.) Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines (CIAP)
c.) Philippines Domestic Construction Board (PDCB)
d.) Philippine Contractor Association Board (PCAB)

B 34.) A Hearing Conducted by the Sole Arbitrator by a tribunal Is open to the public to attend under
a.) True
b.) False

D 35.) Chairman of the Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines CIAP Board
a.) a secretary of DPWH
b.) a secretary of DOTr
c.) a secretary of DOLE
d.) a secretary of DTI

C 36.) Implementing Board of Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines (CIAP) whose
function is to develop and implement manpower training program for the construction industry
a.) Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB)
b.) Philippine Domestic Construction Board (PDCB)
c.) Construction Manpower Development Foundation (CMDF)
d.) National Manpower of Youth Council (NMYC)

37.) Employment is co-terminus with each project or phase of the project to which they are assigned
a) Probationary Employee
b) Regular Employee
c) Casual Employee
d) Project Employee

D 38.) An Employee who has been engaged to perform activities which are usually necessary or
desirable in the usual business or trade of the employer
a.) Project of Employee
b.) Casual Employee
c.) Contractual Employee
d.) Regular Employee
D 39.) Granted to all Married male employees in the private sector, regardless of their employment
status (e.g probationary, regular, contractual, project basis) The purpose of this benefit is to allow
the husband to land support to his wife during her period of recovery and or nursing her newborn
a.) Vacation Leave
b.) Sick Leave
c.) Maternity Leave
d.) Patiently leave

B 40.) Number of Days, that a married male parent employee is entitled under RA 8187 (Paternity
a.) 5 days
b.) 7 Days
c.) 10 Days
d.) 15 Days

A 41.) Refers to the Additional Compensation of ten percent (10%) of an employee’s regular wage
for each hour of work perform between 10pm and 6am
a.) A Night Shift
b.) Overtime Pay
c.) Premium Pay
d.) Holiday Pay

A 42.) Oxygen , Heat, Fuel , Dispersion, and confinement make up the “Dust Explosion Pentagon:
a. True
b. False

A 43.) You are trying to gather ideas related o project and product requirements which technique is
appropriate for this?
a.) Brainstorming
b.) Nominal Group Technique
c.) Affinity Diagram
d.) Multi-criteria Decision Analysis

D 44.) Which of the Following is NOT true for a project?

a.) Projects are constrained a limited resources
b.) Projects are planned , executed and controlled
c.) Projects creates a unique product or services
d.) Projects are ongoing and repetitive
A 45.) Significant Changes Occurring throughout the project life cycle can trigger
a.) The need to revisit one or more of the planning process or some of the initiating process
b.) Cancellation of the Project
c.) Assignment of a new project
d.) A rewrite of the project charter
D 46.) Mandated to Formulate and Recommend approximate and standardized contract terms/
conditions and guidelines for determining contract price adjustment in private construction
a.) Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB)
b.) Construction Industry Arbitration Commission (CIAC)
c.) Philippine Oversees Construction Board (POCB)
d.) Philippine Domestic Constitution Board (PDCB)

47.) In Oder to Inform your Employees about electrical hazards, which sign would you post to be
OSHA complaing?

Draw Image

A 48.) This industry validated program ensures construction project managers are capable of
handling big and complex infrastructure projects as it was designated to uphold rigorous and
globally- accepted project management standards, and to reflect the current practice and
methodologies of the Discipline
a.) Enhanced Constriction Managers Training and Certification Program (ECOMTCP)
b.) Authorized Managing Officer (AMO) Orientation Seminar
c.) Trainers Training and Certification Program (TTCP)
d.) None of the Above

A 49.) Which of the following Three “R” are regarded as environment friendly?
a.) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
b.) Read, Register, Recall
c.) Random, Reuse, Recall
d.) Reduce, Rebuild, Restrict

A 50.) The Image Below looks like a snowflake but what hazard does it indicate?
a.) Cryogenic or Freezing Hazard
b.) Sharp Edges
c.) Bio Hazzard
d.) High Voltage
PART l l
1. What is the maximum Foreign equity participation required for a construction firm to be
registered for government infrastructure project? _25%_

2. What is the DOLE Department Order number which provides for the guidelines governing
Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry DOLE 13

3. What is DOLE Department Order number which provides for the guidelines governing the
employment of workers in the construction industry? DO #19

4. 25 years old is the minimum age requirement for Authorized Managing officer (AMO) for
constructors with categories Triple A and below, while 35 years old is the minimum age requirement
for constructor with a category of Quadruple A.

5. What is the contracting fiscal year of a contractor’s license? July 1 to June 30___

6. What is the maximum foreign equity participation allowed to qualify for a regular for a
regular contractor’s License? 40%_
7. What are the two laws that govern the Licensing of Contractors?
1. R.A. 4566 2. P.D. 1746

8. Authorize Managing officer (AMO) means the sole management representative of a constructor,
duly appointed by the constructor and authorized by the Board to act for and in behalf of the
constructor, in all matters concerning requirement of the Board and implementation of R.A 4566
and P.D 1746.

9. Principal Classification is the main constructing classification of a multi-classification constructor

with respect to which his category was evaluated.

10. _Sustaining technical Employee_ means a constructor’s nominee from among his technical
personnel, who is approve as such by the Board and whose training and experience are to sustain
the constructor’s classification eligibility and/or to accrue to the constructor’s credit rating in

11. What is the DOLE Department Order number that provides guidelines on Occupational Safety
and Health in Construction? __DOLE 13__.

12. Joint Venture__ means a cooperative arrangement of licensed constructors to jointly

perform a single specific undertaking/project with each of the partners contributing to the

13. What are the implementing arms/boards of the Construction Industry Authority of the
Philippines (CIAP)
1. CMDF_ 2. _ PCAB__ 3. POCB 4. PDCB 5. CIAC__

14. When is the deadline for the filing of Annual Income Tax Returns? April 15_
15. What is contractors’ regular license? _ Is a license Issued to a Single Proprietor or Partnership
or Corporation type of Firm with at least 60% Filipino Equity

16. What is the function of the building official?

Answer: Task to implement the national building code requirement.

17. What is a building permit?

Answer: Is an Authorization secured by the building Project Owner from the building
official before the start of the construction.

18. What is occupancy permit?

Answer: Is an authorization secured by the Project Owner from the building official
after the completion of the construction.

19. What is a safety officer?

Answer: Refers to any employee trained and task to implement Occupational Safety
and Health Program in the Work place in accordance with the provision of
the standard and one who has gone for 40 hours construction Occupational
Safety and Health Seminar.

20. _Category_ indicates the graded level of aggregates capability in a constructor based on pre-
determined criteria which include financial capacity, equipment capacity, experience of firm and
experience of the technical employee.

21. _Classification_ Area of operation wherein a constructor can engage in based on the technical
experience of his sustaining technical employee.

22. What is the minimum Filipino equity requirement allowed to qualify for a regular contractor’s
Answer: ___60%___

23. What is Filipino equity participation required for a construction firm to be registered for
government infrastructure projects?
Answer: ___75%___

24. What implementing BOARD of CIAP where one may bring his construction dispute?
Answer: Construction Industry Arbitration Commission (CIAC)

25. What does “ISO” stand for?

Answer: International Organization for Standardization

26. Can one engage in construction contracting without license?

Answer: ____NO____
27. What is the expiration date of a contractor’s license?
Answer: Every 30th of June

28. What is the minimum number of years of management experience in the construction industry
required for a nominated AMO?
Answer: 2 years

29. What is republic Act No. 9184?

Answer: Is the law for modernization and standardization in the procurement
process of the government.

30. What is the minimum actual years of experience in the construction required for a nominated
Sustaining Technical Employee?
Answer: 3 years

A 31. Process required to ensure that the project is completed within the approved budget.
a) Project Cost Management
b) Project Scope Management
c) Project Procurement Management

B 32. What inspection document is required before an electrical connection is given?

a) Occupancy Permit
b) Certificate of Electrical Inspection
c) Building Permit

A 33. Process concerned with identifying, analyzing and responding to project risk
a) Project Risk Management
b) Project Time Management
c) Project Cost Management

B 34. Requires segregation of wastes at source, proper collection and disposal of wastes
a) R. A. 6969 – Toxic, Hazardous and Nuclear Wasters Act
b) R. A. 9003 – Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
c) R. A. 9275 – Clean Water Act
d) R. A. 8749 – Clean Air Act

D 35. What is the objective of the CIAP?

a) To regulate contractors
b) To accredit contractors to do construction business in the Philippines
c) To act as an umbrella organization over its implementing boards A B A B D A B C D A B C
d) To promote, accelerate and regulate the growth and dev’l of the construction industry

A36. Who is the chairman of the CIAP?

a) Ramon Lopez
b) Mark Villar
c) Zenaida C. Maglaya
37. What does COSH stand for? Construction Occupational Safety & Health

38. What does “ISO stand for? International Organization for Standardization

39. What is Contractors Performance Evaluation System (CPES)? _A system of grading the
performance of contractor in a specific project using a set of criteria_

B 40. The _________ shall remain valid until issuance by the procuring entity of the final certificate
of acceptance
a) Bid Security
b) Performance Security
c) Warranty Security
d) Bid Securing Declaration

A 41. What is the relevance of Alternate Dispute Resolution Law to construction contracts?
a) For speedy resolution of cases out of court
b) For the protection of the rights of construction workers

B 42. Processes required to eliminate or prevent construction claims from arising and for the
expeditious handling of claims of they do occur
a) Project Financial Management
b) Project Claim Management
c) Project Cost Management
d) None of the Above

C 43. Process required to make the most effective use of the people involve with the project
a) Project Time Management
b) Project Procurement Management
c) Project Human Resource Management
d) Project Quality Management

D 44. What is Registration & Classification for Government Project?

a) Registration of contactors to qualify in government projects
b) Registration of contractors to participate in government biddings
c) Registration of contractors to determine its limitation to undertake government project
d) All of the above

A 45. Is sub-contracting allowed in government projects?

a) Yes
b) No

B 46. How many years is the validity of the registration for government projects?
a) 1 year
b) 3 years
c) 5 years
d) None of the above
C. 47. What Board in the CIAP whose function is to adjudicate and settle claims and dispute in the
implementation of public and private construction contracts.
a) Philippine Domestic Construction Board
b) Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board
c) Construction Industry Arbitration Commission
d) None of the above

C 48. Name one requirement for an employee to be considered as a project employee?

a) Full time employee in the firm
b) Construction experience
c) Hired for a specific project

A 49. Can the cost of the personal protective equipment be charge to the worker?
a) No
b) Yes

D 50. Regulates the disposal of wastewater to any water body

a) R.A. 9003 – Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
b) R.A. 8749 – Clean Air Act
c) R.A. 6969 – Toxic, Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Act
d) R.A. 9275 – Clean Water Act

A 51. Should occupational safety and health be a separate pay item in any construction contract?
a) Yes
b) No

C 52. When must a project submit an occupational safety and health program?
a) Before the completion of the project
b) During the construction of the project
c) Before the start of the project

C 53. When fatal accident, how soon should a notice be given to the appropriate regional office?
a) 72hours
b) 36hours
c) 24hours
d) 12hours

B 54. One Safety Officer must be provided for how many units of heavy equipments?
a) 5
b) 10
c) 15
d) 20

B 55. Maximum years of construction experience credited to an STE

a) 35years
b) 30years
c) 25years
d) 40years
B 56. Process required to ensure that the various elements of the project are property coordinated
a) Project Integration management
b) Project Procurement Management
c) Project Time Management

B 57. Regulation emission of Air pollutants from stationary and mobile sources
a) R.A 9003 – Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
b) R.A. 8749 – Clean Air Act
c) R.A 6969 – Toxic, Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Acts

D 58. What happens to a contractor’s license if not renewed for two consecutive Contracting Fiscal
Years (CFY)
a) The license is cancelled
b) The license is downgraded A A B C A A A C B
c) The license is delisted
d) The license is restored

B 59. The repeat order shall not exceed ___________ of the quantity of each item in the original
a) Ten (10) Percent
b) Twenty Five (25) Percent
c) Twenty (20) Percent
d) Fifty (50) Percent

C 60. What is the start of validity date of a regular contractor’s license?

a) Every 30th of June
b) Every 1st of June
c) Every 1st of July
d) Every 1st of January

A 61. Can license and registration applications be filed in the DTI-Regional Offices?
a) Yes
b) No

A 62. Are STE and AMO allowed to represent multiple licensees?

a) No
b) Yes

A 63. What is a Sustaining Technical Employee (STE)?

a) License technical professional with at least three year experience
b) License technical professional with at least two year experience
c) License technical professional with or without experience
C 64. What is minimum number of years of construction experience required for a nominated
Sustaining Technical Employee (STE)?
a) 5years
b) 4years
c) 3years
d) 2years

B 65. How often should tool box meeting be conducted?

a) Monthly
b) Daily
c) Weekly Sig

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