Increasing Efficiency of Solar Panels
Increasing Efficiency of Solar Panels
Increasing Efficiency of Solar Panels
Proceedings of the
Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education 2011
CERIE 2011, 11-13 January 2011, Sylhet, Bangladesh
An extensive research work is completed to increase efficiency of polycrystalline photovoltaic (PV) panels
for cost saving purposes in Bangladesh. Various experiments have been completed including double axis
tracker, luminous optimization and dual-mode optimization techniques. A 10-watt polycrystalline PV panel
collected 50 watts under normal operation setup during a normal day. Another panel collected 53 watts
during the same day, concluding a 6% variation of panels available in the Bangladesh market. The
concerned, lower-powered panel was also found to have improved performance at various optimizing setups.
All experiments were completed in the same day for both normal and optimized operation setup,
simultaneously, within 2 minutes to expose equal solar energy on the same solar panel. This process enabled
all collected data to compare very accurately. It was determined from all tests that this panel collected 55, 57
and 63 watts with the optimized setup by using the panel that initially collected 50 watts. The Dual-mode
optimizing setup improved the best and found to have 26% improvement. A cost saving analysis is also
completed on various power PV panels on Bangladesh market perspectives. Detailed information on setup to
improve panel’s performance is presented in this paper.
Corresponding Author: Mahmudul Hasan Rosen,
E-mail: [email protected]
A solar panel is a light sensitive semiconductor junctions. Figure 4 shows the bang-gap diagram of
device. It is a photovoltaic material, which consists the hetero-junction cell showing band-gaps of EG1
of p-n junctions for producing current and thus and EG2.
power is generated. Figure 2 shows a generalized
diagram how a solar cell works. When energetic
photon from sunlight strikes at the junction, exited
electrons are freed creating current towards p-type
materials through external path. Releasing electrons
by photons depends on the amount of light
absorbed by the junction cell’s surface. Also figure
3 shows the electrical circuit representation of solar
cell. In this figure the cell consists of a p-n device,
which is a diode. A solar panel can never produce
infinite amount of current due to an internal effect
of resistance. A solar cell has a shunt resistor Rsh
and a series resistor Rs, which are due to the
semiconductor device creating natural resistances
within. A current source I in the figure 3 is the
current that flows through external path of Rs. The
voltage is the panel’s voltage of the external path Fig. 4: Band diagram of hetero-junction solar cell
shown here. Efficiency of solar cell is increased if
the shunt resistance is reduced. Researchers In multi-junction cells, layers of junctions of p-n
improved efficiency of the solar cell by using p-n materials with varied band gaps used such that wide
materials in silicon with GaAs and with that focus spectrum of light energy is absorbed to produce
shifted to use of group III-IV materials in 1980. higher density of current. So multi-junction solar
panels cell are more efficient. These types of cells
were first used in satellites and other advanced
technologies because of their higher efficiencies.
Figure 5 shows a multi-junction solar cell and
penetration of light through the layers of material
absorbing energy.
Resistive Load
Solar Panel
Photon C oncentratin g Reflector
Another techniques are called solar tracking Fig. 8: Circuit of the test setup with resistive load
system. The solar panel is placed on a rotating
mounting frame and a subsidiary electronic system From this simple setup, power can be calculated as,
tracks the suns position. Thus the solar panel is
moved directly towards the sun, collecting Power = Voltage X Current
maximum light. Figure 7 shows a diagram of a
solar tracking system where dual angle tracking can So in this case, solar power is the product of current
collect maximum energy directly from sun. flowing through the load and voltage difference
across the load.
Fig. 9: Plot of power vs. hour for fixed position Fig. 11: Plot of power vs. hour for solar panel with
solar panel light concentrators
In the plot it shows that the high amount of energy 3.3 Solar Tracking Panel Setup
was absorbed above 7 watts by the panel was Figure 12 shows the solar tracking panel setup. The
during the mid-day for only 1.5 hours. Also it was panel was set along the solar path and panel was
found that 60% of the total energy was absorbed in able follow the sun’s position by the movable panel
2 hours. mount that is vertical to the plane. It’s mount is
comparatively lot more expensive than solar power
3.2 Solar Energy Concentration Setup concentrators.
Figure 10 shows solar power optimized by light
concentrating reflectors. A simple inexpensive
polished aluminum reflector fixed at 350 around the
panel. The width of the reflector was 50% width of
the solar panel. This technique is called
concentration of energy.
This work has been completed to find various
techniques to optimize power of a 10watt
polycrystalline PV panel. It was found that a panels
efficiency can be improved to absorb sun’s light
energy by various setups that are described here.
The simplest and most economical system is energy
concentration setup that is feasible for Bangladesh
and also the reflectors can be set to various sizes to
Fig. 14: A optimized solar tracking system vary power. A 100% width reflector can increase
solar panel’s power by about 20%. Solar tracking is
Figure 15 shows the data plot of energy collected a mechanical system that is more costly but can
during the day. This system could collect the total generate higher power. In this research work, it has
energy of 63watts. High energy above 7 watts was been found that solar panels energy can be
collected for 3 hours in a day. This was a very increased up to 13 watts in a day by using a 10watt
significant energy increase of 26% using a 10watt panel. Also the efficiency can be increased by up to
solar panel. 26%. Various ranges of power applications can be
established by using techniques of this work.
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4. SUMMARY ON TEST RESULTS 4. Gevorkian, P., (2010), Alternative Energy
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were tested and data collected for determining 5. Hasan, M. and Shakiluzzaman, Md., (2010),
electric power that can be provided by the 10watt Increasing Efficiency of Polycrystalline Solar
solar panel. Table 1 summarizes the test results of Panels, Thesis, Department of Electrical and
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with 50% width of the panel reflectors. It is the best