B. Income Exempt From Income Tax C. Income Subject To Final Withholding Tax (RR12-07)
B. Income Exempt From Income Tax C. Income Subject To Final Withholding Tax (RR12-07)
B. Income Exempt From Income Tax C. Income Subject To Final Withholding Tax (RR12-07)
RR 09-98: Implementing Republic Act No. 8424, "An Act b. Force majeure;
Amending the National Internal Revenue Code, as o Irresistible force by an act of god;
Amended" Relative to the Imposition of the Minimum lightning, earthquake, storm, floods,
Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) on Domestic Corporations and war, insurgency.
Resident Foreign Corporations c. Legitimate business reverses.
o Fire, robbery, theft, embezzlement,
MCIT on domestic corporations: other economic reasons determined by
1. 2% of gross income; Finance Secretary.
a. Passive income subjected to final tax at MCIT cannot be applied to domestic corporations:
source; 1. Proprietary educational institutions;
b. Income exempt from income tax; Subject to 10% on taxable income
c. Income subject to final withholding tax 2. Non-profit hospitals;
(RR12-07) Subject to 10% on taxable income
2. At the end of the taxable year (calendar or fiscal 3. Foreign Currency Deposit Units (FCDUs), depositary
year, depending on the accounting period banks under the expanded foreign currency deposit
employed); system
Filed in appropriate tax return with On income from foreign currency transactions:
corporation’s annual final adjusted income a. Local commercial banks;
return; b. Branches of foreign banks authorized by BSP
Domestic corporations not required to pay MCIT to transact business with FCDUs
on quarterly basis. Repealed by RR 12-07 On interest income from foreign currency loans
3. Beginning the 4th taxable year immediately following granted to PH residents under the expanded
the taxable year when corporation commenced foreign currency deposit system
business operations; Subject to 10% final income tax of such income
Year registered with the BIR. 4. Firms taxed under a special income tax regime:
4. Imposed whenever taxable income is: a. PEZA law (RA 7916)
a. Zero; b. Bases Conversion Development Act (RA
b. Negative; 7227)
c. 2% MCIT greater than 30% Normal
Corporate Income Tax (NCIT) MCIT on resident foreign corporations:
5. If domestic corporation partly covered by both 1. 2% of gross income from sources within the
regular and special income tax systems, MCIT covers Philippines;
only the regular income tax system; 2. Beginning the 4th taxable year immediately following
6. Any excess of MCIT over the NCIT are carried over on the taxable year when corporation commenced
annual basis credited against NCIT for 3 immediately business operations;
succeeding taxable years; 3. Only whenever amount of MCIT is greater than NCIT
Recorded as asset under account title “deferred 4. Same with 6-8 with domestic corporations;
charges-MCIT” 5. MCIT only applies to resident foreign corporations
Any amount not credited against NCIT in the 3 subjected to NCIT.
year period loses creditability and
Amount not credited will be removed and MCIT cannot be applied to resident corporations:
deducted from the “deferred charges-MCIT” by 1. International carriers
a debit entry to “retained earnings” and a credit Subject to 2.5% of gross Philippine billings
entry to “deferred charges-MCIT” because it is 2. Offshore Banking Units (OBUs)
not deductible from gross income, it being an On income from foreign currency transactions:
income tax a. Local foreign banks;
7. Comparison of MCTI and NCIT made at end of b. Branches of foreign banks authorized by BSP
taxable year; to transact business with OBUs
8. Finance Secretary may suspend MCIT upon CIR- On interest income from foreign currency loans
verified submission by corporation of their granted to PH residents
substantial losses grounded on: Subject to final income tax at 10% of such
a. Prolonged labor dispute; income
o Strikes staged by employees lasting 3. Regional Operating Headquarters (ROHQs)
more than 6 months within a taxable Subject to 10% on taxable income
period. 4. Firms taxed under special income tax regime:
a. PEZA law (RA 7916) 5. Excess MCIT from previous taxable years not allowed
b. Bases Conversion Development Act (RA to be credited from annual MCITs because they are
7227) only applied against NCIT.
RR 12-07: Amending Certain Provisions of Revenue
Regulations No. 9- 98 Relative to the Due Date Within Which
to Pay Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) Imposed on
Domestic Corporations and Resident Foreign Corporations
Pursuant to Section 27 (E) and Section 28 (A) (2) of the 1997
National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended