Google Classroom Student User Manual: August 2018, Volume 1
Google Classroom Student User Manual: August 2018, Volume 1
Google Classroom Student User Manual: August 2018, Volume 1
prepared by:
misheck diza,
cuthbert makuvara,
shingirirai.f simango,
viola machingura.
1 Welcome to Google Classroom 1
1.1 Using Google Classroom at Great Zimbabwe University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Activating your GZU - Google student account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Accessing Google Classroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3.1 Method 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3.2 Method 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Joining a class/module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
12 Summary 26
13 Further Reading 26
14 For Assistance 26
1 Welcome to Google Classroom
Google Classroom is a free online application designed for teachers to create, col-
lect, grade and return students’ work using computer technology. The platform
helps lecturers and students communicate, organize and manage assignments and
go paperless. The application integrates with other Google Applications that we
use on a daily basis. Google Drive is used for storage while Docs, Sheets, Slides,
Drawings, Maps and Forms are used for the creation and grading of assignments.
The Gmail App is used for communication purposes. The use of Google Applica-
tions in the classroom is sometimes referred to as the ‘Google Infused Classroom’.
Google Classroom is meant to transform the teaching and learning process thereby
empowering both lecturers and students. Prominent authors on the subject had
this to say:
The Google Infused Classroom is the perfect marriage of sound pedagogy and
digital tools, (Clarke and Avrith 2017).
Local universities and colleges are embracing the use of e-learning facilities through
adoption of Google Classroom. With this in mind, GZU places the lecturer and
the student at the center of the teaching and learning process. Therefore, educat-
ing the lecturer and the student on this matter is very crucial. GZU is a registered
user of the Google Suite Applications for Education. At GZU, the Google Class-
room LMS is administered by the Information Technology Department. Lecturers
and students are authorized to use the service by the Systems Administrator. The
Systems Administrator manages lecturers while lecturers manage students. If a
suspicious activity is observed, your account may be placed on hold by the sys-
tems administrator. In addition, only management, academic staff and students
are authorized to use the service through their GZU-Google email accounts. For
security reasons, other personal emails (Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail etc.) cannot be
used to access this service from the university domain.
All students enrolled at GZU have student emails created for them at initial
registration. The email can be accessed using the Google platform. This can be
done using any standard browser (as shown below) or the Gmail App on your
mobile devices.
Figure 1: Activating Your GZU - Google Account.
If you fail to proceed to the next stage due to a non existing account error, contact
the systems administrator. If your account exists, the following dialogue box pops
1. Enter your password in any one of the following ways as it appears on the
student portal:
• firstnamesurname e.g: jesuschuma
• firstname middlenamesurname e.g: jesus tatendachuma
• Other names with special characters: try leaving a space either between
the first and middle name or middle name and surname.
2. Click ‘Next’ to proceed.
When you sign in successfully, click Accept and enter a new password. Please
enter a password which is easy to remember. You will use the new password each
time you access any Google Application inside GZU.
1.3.1 Method 1
Figure 3: Accessing Google Classroom Using Method 1
1. Sign into your GZU - Google account (or Gmail) and access the applications
2. Click ‘More’, and then ‘Classroom’ icon to launch the application.
1.3.2 Method 2
Sign into your GZU - Google account (or Gmail), create a new tab, type the
following in the omnibox and press enter:
Figure 4: Accessing Google Classroom Using Method 2
Figure 6: Selecting a role.
Figure 8: Joining a class.
1. Enter the class code provided by your lecturer. This is a special code gener-
ated by Google Classroom to help you join a module.
2. Click Join to proceed.
When successfully joined, classes (modules) are collected inside Google Classroom
as shown in figure 9 below.
7. Use this for joining other modules.
8. Google Apps icon.
9. Notifications icon.
10. Your GZU-Google Account.
The stream is the home page of the class and is mainly used for communication
Figure 11: The Stream Menu.
As shown in figure 11 above, in the Stream Menu, click share something with
your class. The following dialogue box pops up. This feature may not be available
if your lecturer does not want you to post anything to the class using this method.
1. Type your message to the class.
2. You can add an attachment. (file from computer, file from your Google Drive,
a YouTube video or a link).
3. Click Post to send your message.
Another way of communicating inside the class is through sending a class com-
This menu shows the classwork organized by topic. The student is at liberty to
view all the work at once.
Figure 14: The Classwork Menu.
Students are familiar with MS Office products such as word, excel and power point.
Google offers similar and equally competitive applications which can be used inside
or outside Google Classroom. These are Google Docs (word processor), Google
Sheets (spread sheets), Google Slides (for presentations). All these applications
can be set to allow offline access.
If your lecturer created an assignment using Google Docs and expects you to type
and submit, this is how you go about it:
Figure 15: Writing an assignment in Google Docs.
1. When you open the Google Docs assignment, your name and assignment title
is given, (Do not change anything here).
NB: all work is automatically saved in Google Drive, hence nothing will be
2. Use the Explore button to access Google Search while inside the document.
In addition, click Tools, then Voice Typing to speak to Google Docs while
it does the typing. Voice typing distinguishes Google Docs from other word
3. When you finish the work, click Turn In to submit your assignment.
1. Click Turn In to submit or Cancel if you have not finished. If you click
Turn In, go back to Google Classroom and make sure that the assignment
is marked Turned In.
Figure 18: Unsubmitting an Assignment.
3. Use this option to create new Google Docs.
4. Add a private comment/message which your lecturer can see. (This is op-
5. Click Turn in to submit your work.
1. Assigned - means the work is not yet due and has not been submitted.
2. Returned with Grade - means the work was marked and returned by the
3. Missing - means the work was not done and is past due.
4. Item 4 and 5 show the assignment title and due date of the work.
5. Turned In - means the work was submitted to the lecturer for marking.
In the classwork menu, marked assignments and questions are shown as follows:
Figure 21: Viewing marked work.
The People Menu shows all the respective participants in the class, that is,
teachers and students.
1. Teachers’ List.
2. Students’ List.
3. Use this option to send direct emails to the lecturer or your colleagues.
Some of the Google Applications are accessible while offline. Google Drive, Mail,
Docs, Sheets and Slides can be accessed while offline. When online, the documents
update automatically. Before turning on offline access on a computer or laptop,
make sure that you are the owner of the device. Do not turn on offline access
on public devices such as those in the library or computer laboratory to prevent
access to your account by other individuals.
7.1 Working offline in Google Drive
From the Google Apps icon, select the Google Drive icon to launch Google
1. Make sure the offline check box is selected. (Turns blue if selected).
2. A message is displayed in the left bottom corner which shows that Google
Drive is setting offline access. Let it finish.
3. When offline, in your browser type: to access the drive in
offline mode.
From the Google Apps icon, select the GMail app to launch Gmail. Settings.
Figure 25: Setting Gmail to offline access.
1. While in Gmail, click the Settings icon and go to Settings, then Offline.
2. Check Enable offline mail.
3. Choose the number of to days.
4. Select Keep offline data on my computer.
5. Then click Save Changes. Gmail will begin syching your emails to be
accessible offline. It can take some time depending on network speed and the
size of your Gmail files and folders.
1. Click Got It.
2. When offline, in your browser type: to access the Gmail
in offline mode. In offline mode, you can create, reply to email and view
attachments. Once you are online, the messages will update automatically.
Click the Google Apps icon, select Google Docs to launch the application.
Figure 28: Setting Google Docs to offline access.
Once you complete the above steps, locate a file that you want to edit in offline
mode. The file can be in Google Drive, Docs, Sheets or Slides.
Figure 29: Setting a file to offline access.
Google Add ons are stand alone packages developed by third parties and approved
by Google to be integrated inside Google Applications. Google Docs/Sheets/Slides
work best with add ons. These are meant to make life easier for both lecturers
and students. The list of useful add ons and their functions is given below. Open
a Google Doc/Sheet/Slide of your choice. You can search for add ons that are
important in your area of specialization. As an example, open a Google Doc and
proceed as follows:
Figure 30: Working with add ons.
Just like Add ons, Extensions and Apps can be installed directly onto the browser.
Google Chrome Web Extensions help Google users with some functions that are
not available in other browsers. The List of useful extensions is also given below.
You can search for extensions that are important in your area of specialization.
Figure 31: Google Chrome Web Store
Lecturers and students can download Google Classroom and other educational
apps on their mobile devices. Google Classroom, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides,
Forms and Calendar are available for Android and iOS devices. On Android
devices, visit Google Play Store for these applications. If you are using an apple
device, visit the App Store. Many people are familiar with using the Gmail
Mobile App. It is advisable that you add your GZU - Google Account to your
Gmail mobile app such that you can receive Google Classroom notifications when
something new has been posted in your class. The figure below shows how the
Google Classroom looks like on an Android Mobile Device. This makes learning
on the go more convenient!
Lecturers and students are encouraged to explore the following Google Applica-
1. Google Docs - For editing word documents.
2. Google Slides - For presentations.
3. Google Sheets - For spreadsheets.
4. Google Forms - For quiz and surveys (best for online questionnaires).
5. Google Hangouts - For calls and video conferencing.
6. Google Groups - For organizing people into groups.
7. Google Sites - For building websites.
8. Google Drawings - For Graphical representations.
9. Google My Maps - For creating custom maps in Google.
10. Google Calendar - For Scheduling events and tasks.
11. YouTube - For organizing and viewing multimedia content.
12 Summary
13 Further Reading
Clark, H., and Avrith, T. (2017). The Google Infused Classroom. EdTechTeam
Zhang, M. (2016). Teaching with Google Classroom. Packt Publishing Ltd.
14 For Assistance
For asistance on Google Classroom, feel free to contact the following:
1. Mr Cuthbert Makuvara, ICT Dpt, Email: [email protected], Ext 1250, Cell: +263-713869198.
3. Mrs Viola Machingura, Teaching and Learning Center, Email: [email protected], Ext