USDA Grant Novotny 2008-2013
USDA Grant Novotny 2008-2013
USDA Grant Novotny 2008-2013
PROGRESS: 2008/02 TO 2013/02
Target Audience: Children 5-8 years old, their parents and primary care
providers; Asian and Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander ethnic groups;
children at risk for overweight and obesity; Hawaii. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional
development has the project provided? Caryn ES Oshiro, PhD, Biomedical
Sciences-Epidemiology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, University of Hawaii.
Dissertation:Birth Size, Infant Growth, and Child BMI at 5y in a Multiethnic
Population.. Joanne Avila, MS Nutritional Science, University of Hawaii at
Manoa. Thesis: Dietary Added Sugar and Overweight and Obesity in
Multiethnic Children in Hawaii. Obesity. May 2013. Masako Matsunaga, PhD
candidate in Biomedical Sciences-Epidemiology, University of Hawaii.
Dissertation topic:Development, Application and Evaluation of a dietary index:
the DASH index. How have the results been disseminated to communities of
interest? Results have been disseminated to the scientific community and to
Kaiser Permanente health care community. What do you plan to do during the
next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported
IMPACT: 2008/02 TO 2013/02
What was accomplished under these goals? 1. The PacDASH intervention
program resulted in both intervention and attention control groups maintaining
their BMI level, with no significant difference between the two groups. The
PacDASH intervention group decreased diastolic blood pressure by 12.7
points more than the attention control group. The Pacific Tracker version 2
was developed, incorporating MyPyramid equivalent units and the Healthy
Eating Index 2005. An Expert System for fruit and vegetable intake and
physical activity tailored messages was developed based on stage of
readiness and self efficacy by stage.The PacDASH intervention increased fruit
and vegetable intake, but not physical activity intake. 2. Kaiser Permanente
electronic medical data (n=4608) showed that mean overweight & obesity
prevalence of 5-8 year old children was 326% (12.9% overweight and 19.7 %
obese). Samoan, Native Hawaiian, Filipino, and those of mixed ethnic
ancestry had higher levels of overweight and obesity compared to Asian and
White children. Those with higher neighborhood education level, higher
maternal education level, and older maternal age had generally lower risk for
overweight and obesity, except for mothers who were 21 to 30 years old.