Pull Off Testing Procedure
Pull Off Testing Procedure
Pull Off Testing Procedure
Table of Contents
A. Scope ........................................................................................................... 3
C. Procedural Requirements.......................................................................... 3
F. Testing ........................................................................................................ 4
G. Reporting.................................................................................................... 5
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A. Scope
A.1 This procedure describes the procedure that THE COMPANY will follow during
performance of a pull-off adhesion test of a coating on rigid substrates such as metal,
concrete or wood.
A.2 This test will determine the greatest perpendicular tensile force that a coated area can
bear before adhesive or cohesive failure of the specific coating system.
A.3 The purpose of this procedure is to ensure compliance with applicable requirements of
the ASTM-D 4541 standard & client specifications.
C. Procedural Requirements
C.1 Inspection personnel involve in performance the pull off test, must follow the client’s
approved procedure for the specific project, unless a specific procedure shall be
prepared and approved from client and issued for a particular project.
C.2 Inspection / Testing personnel shall have latest copy of approved procedure in their
possession during performance of the pull off adhesion test activities.
D. Personnel qualification
Personnel performing Pull-Off Adhesion testing shall have been qualified & certified as
BGAS/NACE/SSPC Coating Inspector or have at least had training and supervision
under a BGAS/NACE/SSPC Coating Inspector for a period of 3 years.
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• Fine Sandpaper
• Adhesive (Araldite Two-pack)
• Cotton Swabs
• Circular Hole Cutter
E.2 The pull off dolly test equipment shall have valid calibration at the time of use. It shall
be calibrated at least once every six months or whenever it is repaired.
F. Testing
F.1 Preparation
• Selected test area must be a flat surface large enough to accommodate the specified
number of Pull off Adhesion tests.
• At least three replications should be taken to statistically characterize the test area.
• The selected test areas must also have enough clearance to accommodate the
apparatus, be flat enough to permit alignment, and be rigid enough to support the
counter force.
• Select representative test areas and clean the surfaces in a manner that will not affect
integrity of the coating or leave a residue. Surface abrasion should normally be
avoided, and only used if there is a need to remove loosely adhering contaminants.
• Clean the loading fixtures surfaces by removing any residue with a cloth and
rubbing them lightly, if necessary, on a fine sandpaper to remove previously left
• Prepare the adhesive in accordance with the adhesive manufacturer's
recommendations. Apply the adhesive to the fixture, making sure to cover the entire
surface. Place the fixture on the surface to be tested, press lightly without twisting,
and carefully remove the excess adhesive around the fixture (dolly).
• Clamp down the fixture with some masking tape and allow a period of 24 hours to
for the adhesive to set and cure.
• Note the approximate temperature and relative humidity during the time of test.
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F.2 Procedure:
• Cut around the dolly by using round cutting saw through the substrate surface.
• Center the bearing ring of the adhesion testing apparatus on the coating surface
concentric with the loading fixture. Tum the nut of the tester counterclockwise using
the wrench, lowering the grip so that it slips under the head of the loading fixture.
• Align or shim the three instrument swivel pads of the tripod base so that the
instrument will pull perpendicularly to the surface at the bearing ring.
• Slide the dragging (force) indicator located on the tester to zero.
• Firmly hold the instrument with one hand. Do not allow the base to move or slide
during the test. With the other hand, turn the handwheel clockwise using a smooth
and constant motion. Do not jerk or exceed a stress rate of 150 psi/s (1 MPa/s),
while also making sure to reach the maximum stress within about 100 s.
• The pulling force applied to the loading fixture is increased to a maximum or until
the system fails at its weakest locus. Upon failure, the scale will rise lightly, while
the dragging indicator retains the apparent load.
• Record the highest value attained by reading along the bottom of the dragging
G. Reporting
Upon completion of the test, the following information shall be reported:
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