National Institute of Technology Manipur Manipur

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National Institute of Technology Manipur

No.F.NITA.3(4-GEN)/MANIPUR/2010/2430-33 Date: 02/07/2010

Employment Notification

National Institute of Technology MANIPUR, an Institute of national importance,

imparting quality technical education at UG level, invites applications from Indian
nationals for the following posts.
Faculty Members: (1) Professor – 1 Post, (2) Associate Professor – 2 Posts, (3) Assistant
Professor – 5 Posts.
Non-Faculty Members: (1) Registrar – 1 Post, (2) Assistant Registrar – 1 post, (3) Technical
Assistant – 1 Post, (4) Superintendent/Accountant – 1 Post, (5) Stenographer – 1 Post, (6)
Junior Assistant – 2 Posts, (7) Technician – 2 Posts.

Sl. Name of Pay Scale and AGP/GP Qualification & Experience No. of
No. the Post Post

1 Assistant Rs. 15,600 – 39,100; AGP Rs. Assistant Professor – Ph. D. degree with 1st class at Bachelors
Professor ( For 6,000/- / Masters degree in appropriate disciplines. Candidates who
Physics, have submitted their Ph. D. thesis are also eligible.

2 Rs. 37,400 – 67,000; AGP Rs.

Associate 9,000/- Associate Professor – Ph. D. with 1st class at bachelor/Master
Professor ( For degree in appropriate disciplines. Candidates from industry
Physics, /profession 1st class Masters degree in appropriate disciplines.
Chemistry, Experience: (1) 5 years in teaching /industry/ research at the
Mathematics, level of Lecturer/ Assistant Professor or equivalent, excluding
English) the period spent for obtaining Ph. D. and M. Phil degrees. (2)
Candidates from industry/ profession, significant professional
works which can be recognized as equivalent to Ph. D. with 5
years experience in a position equivalent to the level of
Lecturer (old)/ Assistant Professor. (3) Published works, such
as research papers, books, and /or patents.
3 Professor ( For Rs. 37,400 – 67,000; AGP Rs.
Physics, 10,000/- Professor – Ph. D. with 1st class at bachelor/Master degree in
Chemistry, appropriate disciplines. Candidates from industry /profession
Mathematics, 1st class Masters degree in appropriate disciplines.
English) Experience: (1) 10 years in teaching /industry/ research out of
which 4 (four) years shall be at the level of Assistant Professor
(old)/ Associate Professor or equivalent, excluding the period
spent for obtaining Ph. D. and M. Phil degrees. (2) Candidates
from industry/ profession. Significant professional works
which can be recognized as equivalent to Ph. D. with 10 years
experience out of which 5 years shall be at the level of
Assistant Professor (old)/ Associate Professor. (3) Published
works, such as research papers, books, and /or patents.
4 Assistant Rs. 15,600 – 39,100; AGP Rs. Assistant Professor – Masters degree with 1st class at
Professor(Mec 6,000/- Bachelors and Masters degree level in appropriate Branch of
hanical Engineering.
Science and

National Institute of Technology Manipur
Associate Rs. 37,400 – 67,000; AGP Rs. Associate Professor – Ph. D. with 1st class at bachelor/Master
Professor/ 9,000/- Degree in appropriate disciplines. Candidates from industry
(Mechanical /profession 1st class Masters degree in appropriate disciplines.
Engineering, Experience: (1) 5 years in teaching /industry/ research at the
Electrical level of Lecturer (old)/ Assistant Professor or equivalent,
Engineering, excluding the period spent for obtaining Ph. D. degree. (2)
Computer Candidates from industry/ profession significant professional
Science and works which can be recognized as equivalent to Ph. D. with 5
Engineering) years experience in a position equivalent to the level of
Lecturer/ Assistant Professor. (3) Published works, such as
research papers, books, and /or patents OR (published work,
such as research papers, patents filed/obtained, books, and/or
technical reports, Experience of guiding project
work/dissertation of PG/Research Students or supervising R &
D projects in industry).
Professor Rs. 37,400 – 67,000; AGP Rs. Professor – Ph. D. with 1st class at bachelor/Master degree in
(Mechanical 10,000/- appropriate disciplines. Candidates from industry /profession
Engineering, 1st class Masters degree in appropriate disciplines.
Electrical Experience: (1) 10 years in teaching /industry/ research out of
Engineering, which 4 (four) years shall be at the level of Assistant Professor
Computer (old)/ Associate Professor or equivalent, excluding the period
Science and spent for obtaining Ph. D. degree. (2) Candidates from
Engineering) industry/ profession significant professional works which can
be recognized as equivalent to Ph. D. with 10 years experience
out of which 5 years shall be at the level of Assistant Professor
(old)/ Associate Professor would be eligible. (3) Published
works, such as research papers, books, and /or patents.
7. Registrar PB-4 First Class Master Degree in Business Administration, 1
Rs. 37,400 – 67,000; GP Rs. Science, Commerce, or Arts or 1st class Bachelor Degree in
10,000/- Engineering with excellent academic record. At least 15 years
experience in technical management or administrative
experience in major educational or R & D Institution, Public
Sector undertaking, Government of Industry out of which at
least 5 years should be at the level of Deputy Registrar.
Desirable: Degree in Management, Law and ability to
supervise computerized administration with innovative
approach, knowledge of Financial Management and
Accounting practice. Age below 55 years.

8. Assistant PB-3 A first class Masters Degree in Business Administration, Arts, 1

Registrar Rs. 15,600 – 39,100; Science or Commerce or a first class Bachelor’s Degree in
GP- Rs.5,400/- Engineering with excellent academic record. A Chartered or
Cost Accountant Degree or Diploma is highly desirable.
Desirable: Degree in Management or ability to supervise
computerized administration with innovative approach.
Knowledge of Financial Management and Accounting
practices. 5 years Technical management or administrative
experience in major educational Institutions or R&D
Institutions. Proficiency in Undertaking Bank, Govt. or
industry is highly desirable.
9. Technical PB-2 Bachelor Degree in Science with 1st class Honors or 1st class 1
Assistant GP- Rs.4,200/- Diploma in Engineering in appropriate field. A good academic
record is essential in all cases. The requirement of 1st class
may be relaxed by 5% for candidates with Master’s Degree in
Science or Bachelors Degree in engineering. Age up to 30
years relaxation for Govt. employees and SC/ST candidates.

National Institute of Technology Manipur
10. Superintendent PB-2 1st class Bachelor Degree with two years experience in Office 1
/ Accountant GP- Rs.4,200/- Management. For the post of Accountant a B.Com Honors
Degree is essential. Accountancy as a Special subject or a
Chartered or Cost Accountant degree or diploma is desirable.
Knowledge of computer / word processor is essential.
Knowledge of computer based accounting system is essential.
A Master’s degree will count as two years experience. Age up
to 30 years with 5 years relaxation for Govt. employees and
SC/ST candidates.
11. Stenographer PB-2 Bachelor’s Degree with minimum speed in shorthand 80 wpm 1
GP- Rs.4,200/- and minimum typing speed of 40 wpm. Proficiency in
computer word processing and advance skill is essential. Age
up to 28 years with 5 years relaxation for Govt. employees and
SC/ST candidates.
12. Junior PB-2 Bachelors Degree with minimum typing speed of 40 WPM 2
Assistant GP- Rs.4,200/- and proficiency in Compute word processing. Age up to 28
years with 5 years relaxation for Govt. employees and SC/ST
13. Technician PB-2 Diploma in Engineering of 3 years duration of appropriate 2
GP- Rs.4,200/- field / B.Sc. Degree in appropriate field. Age: up to 28 years
with 5 years relaxation for Government employees and SC/ST

PROCEDURE: The applicants are requested to apply in standard Forms enclosed

herewith furnishing Biodata as (1) Name, (2) Father’s Name, (3) Full Address (Present &
Permanent), (4) Education Qualification, (5) Experience, (6) SC/ST Certificate, (7) No-objection
certificate from their present employer. (8) Self attested passport size-photo (9) Contact Number
and other requirements mentioned in the Form.
All the original certificates, mark sheets etc shall be shown in the interview and the
photocopies of those shall be submitted with the application duly attested by the candidate himself
/ herself.
The interview may be cancelled by the authority without assigning any reason.

i) Application shall reach to The Registrar, National Institute of Technology Agartala, Jirania,
Tripura (West) PIN-799055. On the envelope please inscribe “Application for
Recruitment at NIT Manipur” Last date of submission of application is 30-07-2010.
However, this may be extended if the authority desires.
ii) The Form should be enclosed with required Demand Draft as mentioned in the
Application Form.
iii) Interview will be held on … … … … … …..
iv) Scale of Pay shall be as per 6th CPC.
v) For details please go through website OR

Prof. (Dr.) P. K. Bose


National Institute of Technology Manipur

No.F.NITA.3(4-GEN)/IMPHAL/2010/ Date: /07/2010

Employment Notification

National Institute of Technology MANIPUR, an Institute of national importance,

imparting quality technical education at UG level, invites applications from Indian nationals
for the Post of Faculty Members: (1) Professor – 1 Post, (2) Associate Professor – 2 Posts,
(3) Assistant Professor – 5 Posts. AND
Post of Non-Faculty Members: (1) Registrar – 1 Post, (2) Assistant Registrar – 1 post, (3)
Technical Assistant – 1 Post, (4) Superintendent/Accountant – 1 Post, (5) Stenographer – 1
Post, (6) Junior Assistant – 2 Posts, (7) Technician – 2 Posts. Scale of pay: As per 6th CPC.
For details please refer the websites mentioned hereunder. Application shall reach to The
Registrar, National Institute of Technology Agartala, Jirania, Tripura (West) PIN-
799055, inscribing on the envelope “Application for Recruitment at NIT Manipur”. Last
date of submission of application is 30-07-2010. However, this may be extended if
the authority desires. For details please go through website OR
Prof. (Dr.) P. K. Bose

National Institute of Technology Manipur




(To be filled in by the office)

Application No.______________No. & Date of receipt______________ Photograph

Post Applied for______________ Department______________

Specialization______________ Signature of Receiving Officer


DD No. Date Amount Name of issuing Bank

Before filling of the application forms candidates should properly go through the

National Institute of Technology Manipur
1. In case the application form is down loaded from the website, the application
should be accompanied by Demand Draft of Rs. 300/- for General category and
Rs. 150/- for SC/ST/ OBC category in favour of Registrar, National Institute of
Technology, Agartala payable at State Bank of India, NIT, Agartala (Code No-
11491). Branch OR any Nationalised Bank payable at Agartala.

2. The candidates are to send separate application and separate bank drafts for
each post in case any candidate wishes to apply for more than one post.

3. Copies of all certificates/testimonials should be attached and originals will have

to be shown at the time of Interview.

4. Persons in employment should send their applications through proper channel.

However, they may send a copy in advance, but it must be on the prescribed
form & accompanied by the required Demand Draft, copies of
certificates/testimonials etc.

5. Applications received after the due date or found incomplete may not be

6. The application with all its enclosure securely fastened to it should be super
scribed “Application for the post of---------------- and Department------- .”
and addressed to The Director, National Institute of Technology, Agartala,
Tripura, PIN-799055

1. (a) Advertisement No. : ________________________________________

(b) Post applied for : ________________________________________-

(c) Department : ________________________________________

(d) Specialisation : ________________________________________

2. Full name of the candidate :

(in block letters) ________________________________________

3 Date of Birth ________________________________________

4. Father’s Name : ________________________________________

Mother’s Name ________________________________________

5. Nationality : ________________________________________

National Institute of Technology Manipur

6. Present Postal Address : ________________________________________

(in block letters)


7. Permanent Address : ________________________________________

(in block letters)


8. Tel. No: Landline (with STD : (O)_____________________________________

: (R)_____________________________________

Mobile No. : _______________________________________

9. Email ID : _______________________________________

10. Whether belongs to : _______________________________________


11. Marital Status : _______________________________________

12. Languages known (Read 1. ______________________________________

Write , Speak)
2. ______________________________________

3. ______________________________________

13. Education qualifications (Starting with the highest degree)

Degree awarded/ Univ./Board Year of Percentage Subject(s)

Examination passed passing of marks
Ph D

M Tech/M Phil

B Tech/M Sc

B Sc

Senior Secondary
(Plus Two)

National Institute of Technology Manipur
High School


14. Topic of Thesis

(a) For MTech/M.Phil
(b) For Ph D __________________________________________

15. Field of specialization ______________________________________________

16. List of all your previous employments in order (Most recent first)

Sl.N Name of Designation From To Salary Details Brief Reasons

o. Employer of the post description for
of duties leaving
(i) Teaching

(ii)Other than teaching

17. (i) Present Scale of Pay __________________ (ii) Basic


(iii) Date of Next Increment ________________ (iv) Gross Pay

(v) Basic Pay acceptable _______________________
18. Details of visits to Foreign Countries: (In case of visits relating to his profession

Sl. Country Visited Period of stay Purpose of Visit

No. From To

19. Research activities undertaken (Specify total No. and attach list of publication in the
each category as per format given)

(a) Paper publications in International Journals

Sr Title of paper Co-author(s), Name of the Vol. & Pages

No. if any Journal Year

(b) Paper publications in National Journals

National Institute of Technology Manipur
Sr Title of paper Co-author(s), Name of the Vol. & Pages
No. if any Journal Year

(c ) Papers publication in International Conferences

Sr Title of paper Co-author(s), Name of the Conference Date

No. if any &

(d) Papers publication in National Conference

Sr Title of paper Co-author(s), Name of the Conference Date

No. if any & year

(e) Details of M Tech students guided / Continuing

Sr Name of Student Year Title of the Dissertation

(f) Details of Ph D Students guided / Continuing

Sr Name of Student Year Title of the Dissertation


(g) Patents registered/filed (with registration No. & date)

Sr Title Registration Date

20. Books/Monographs written / under process:

Sr Name of book/ monograph Name of Co- Year of Publisher with
No. author, if any Publication address

21. Consultancy works undertaken:

Sl No Period Organization Nature of Work Co-consultant, if

22. Seminars/Short Term Courses/Summer Schools/Winter Schools organized

Sl No. From To Name of the Sponsore No. of participants
course d by From From
institutes Industry

23. Seminars/Short Term Courses/Summer Schools/Winter Schools attended

Sl No. From To Institute/Industry Sponsored by Name of
the course

24. Sponsored Projects undertaken

Sponsoring Title of Area Period Amount Whether Accomplishment

National Institute of Technology Manipur
Agency the of grant completed

25. Membership of Professional Bodies

Sl. Name of Grade of Membership no. With validity

No. Professional Bodies membership

26. Administrative Responsibilities held / Continuing

Sl From To Position held Resposibilities


27. Awards/Recognitions won, if any: ________________________________________

28. Period required for joining the post, if selected_______________________________
29. Brief details of Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities:

Sr Activity from to Remarks


30. Any other relevant information you may like to furnish: (Attach separate sheets)

31. Outreach activity if any: ____________________________________________

32. Future Research Proposal if any (attach separate sheet within 300 words)

33. References
(Responsible persons, not related to the applicant but closely acquainted with
and professional work)

Name and Designation Address

1. Phone : Fax :
E-mail :
2 Phone : Fax :
E-mail :
3 Phone : Fax :
E-mail :
34. List of Enclosures
i v
ii vi
iii vii
iv viii

National Institute of Technology Manipur
35. Declaration
I certify that the aforementioned information is correct and complete to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
(Signature of

36. . (To be filled in by the present employer)


Place: Signature of the Forwarding


Date: Designation:
Office Seal:
N.B.: Every application must be accompanied by Attested Xerox copies of documents in
support of claims made by the candidate in respect of his date of birth, academic
qualifications, practical training, experience, caste, etc. A list of copies of certificates etc.,
attached to this application is to be given.


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