Al Ansari Trading Enterprise LLC-Contracting Division: Check List For PC NO
Al Ansari Trading Enterprise LLC-Contracting Division: Check List For PC NO
Al Ansari Trading Enterprise LLC-Contracting Division: Check List For PC NO
1 General
1.2 SC Claim is incorporated in the AATE Client Invoice Yes Dec 2018
2 Original works
2.3 Tabulated Detailed Measurement of executed works with cross Yes Ref. Attachment
ref to evaluation summary item 1.6 above (For FPC-Final Mts to
be per As Built Drg)
2.4 Mark-up relevant drawings with clear cross references to detailed Yes Ref. Attachment
measurements and BOQ as appropriate (For FPC-Readable As
built drawings to be used)
2.5 Any other relevant document (SRV, DN, quotation etc) N/A
3.4 Mark-up relevant drawings with clear cross references to detailed N/A
measurements and BOQ as appropriate (For FPC-Readable As
built drawings to be used)
3.5 Any other relevant document (SRV, DN, quotation etc) N/A
4 Back Charges
Check list for PC NO.
Subcontractor Name : XXXXXXXXX No Date Prepared : XXXXXX
4.2 PMV No
4.3 Material No
4.5 HSE No
Prepared By Checked By