Linear Model of Curriculum

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Linear Model

of Curriculum
The first type of curriculum model is the “linear models of curriculum.                                     – this model
prescribe a rational step- by – step procedure for curriculum development starting with objectives. The
linear curriculum models includes the following models:

1. Tyler Rationale Linear Model( Ralph Tyler ,1949)- present a process of curriculum development
that follows sequential pattern starting from selecting objectives to selecting learning
experiences, organizing learning experiences and evaluation.
2. Taba’s Grassroots Rationale Model (Hilda Taba, 1962)- a modified model of Tyler’s model. She
argued that curriculum development should follow a sequential and logical process and she
suggested for more information input in all phase . She claimed that all curricula are composed
of fundamental elements and could be made successful if there is diagnosis of needs. Taba
pointed out that the nature of objectives determines what learning is to follow.
3. Standard- based curriculum development model- developed by Allan Glatthorn where the
model was intended for curriculum standards for any discipline from basic education to higher
4. Understanding by design Model /UbD ( Wiggins and McTighe , 2002)- also called backward
design for putting emphasis on starting with goals  and objectives in cdesigning curriculum. It
put emphasis on designing curriculum to engage students in exploring and deepening their
understanding of important ideas and the design of assessments.
5. Systematic Design Model (Robert Diamond, 1960)- undergone some major revisions in 1998 but
the structure is unchanged. Include two basic phases, the (1) the project selection and design
and (2) production, implementation, and evaluation. Diamond explained that ideally, some
actions must precede others and certain decisions should not be made until all relevant facts are
6. Murray Print Model Curriculum Design ( Murray Print, 1988)-  prescribes a sequential and logical
approach to curriculum development to provide a useful and easy  to understand process in
developing curriculum
and preference is determined by the philosophy of the teacher and the needs
of the students. The point is that the teacher needs to determine a logical
order of experiences for the students.

Lastly, step four is evaluation of the objectives. Now the teacher assesses the
students’ ability to write an essay. There are many ways to do this. For
example, the teacher could have the students write an essay without
assistance. If they can do this, it is evidence that the students have achieved
the objective of the lesson.

There are variations on this model. However, the Tyler model is still
considered by many to be the strongest model for curriculum development.

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