2020 10 07 PH S Imi PDF
2020 10 07 PH S Imi PDF
2020 10 07 PH S Imi PDF
VIAO raises US$94Mil through IPO, lackluster debut in NYSE. VIA Optronics AG (VIAO) 110
managed to successfully list in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) last week, raising
US$93.75Mil. VIAO will use the proceeds to fund its capex, R&D, and potential M&A in the 100
future. The completion of its listing in the NYSE, brought down IMI’s stake in VIAO to 50.3%
from 76.01%. 90
Better performance expected for 2H20. Management believes that the worst is over 80
for IMI, after booking a US$21.5Mil net loss during 1H20. IMI should not see a repeat
of its 1H20 performance as their core businesses continue to recover post-pandemic. As 70
mentioned above, IMI’s automotive and industrial segments, which contribute to around 8-Jul-20 8-Aug-20 8-Sep-20 8-Oct-20
71% of consolidated revenues, have already started their recovery. Should top line recovery
continue and cost cutting efforts bear fruitful, IMI may even book profits for 2H20. However,
this will likely not be enough to offset the huge net loss booked in 1H20.
Reiterate HOLD rating. We reiterate our HOLD rating on IMI with an FV estimate of ABSOLUTE PERFORMANCE
Php6.0/sh. At its current price of Php5.45/sh, capital appreciation potential is limited. In
addition, sentiment on the stock will most likely stay depressed as the company is expected 1M 3M YTD
to book losses in FY20. IMI also faces possible downside risk if there is a second wave of IMI -3.97 -5.59 -29.40
infections as these could hurt the company’s plant operations. PSEi -1.15 -6.37 -24.92
Year to December 31 (US$ Mil) 2017 2018 2019 2020E 2021E 2022E
Revenues 1,090.59 1,349.40 1,250.37 1,153.16 1,275.73 1,391.53 MARKET DATA
% change y/y 29.4 23.7 -7.3 -7.8 10.6 9.1
Gross Profit 129.60 134.42 102.23 92.31 118.62 132.16
Market Cap 12,350.32Mil
% change y/y 27.9 3.7 -23.9 -9.7 28.5 11.4 Outstanding Shares 2,217.29Mil
Gross margin (%) 11.9 10.0 8.2 8.0 9.3 9.5 52 Wk Range 3.20 - 8.76
Operating Income 40.44 37.49 -3.99 6.36 23.97 30.48
3Mo Ave Daily T/O 2.97Mil
% change y/y -5.8 -7.3 -110.65 -259.36 276.56 27.2
Operating margin (%) 3.7 2.8 -0.32 0.55 1.88 2.2
Net Income 34.00 47.19 -7.78 -4.06 10.33 15.73
% change y/y 20.9 38.8 -116.49 -47.84 -354.52 52.2
Net margin (%) 3.1 3.5 -0.62 -0.35 0.81 1.1
Adrian Alexander Yu
EPS (Php) 0.91 1.14 -0.18 -0.10 0.24 0.37
% change y/y 27.3 24.8 -116.05 -47.84 -354.52 52.2 Research Analyst
[email protected]
P/E (X) 6.0 4.8 -29.8 -57.0 22.4 14.7
Kerwin Malcolm Chan
P/BV (X) 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Dividend yield (%) 4.2 4.5 1.9 -1.0 -0.5 1.3 Research Analyst
ROE (%) 13.3 13.9 -2.0 -1.1 2.7 3.9 [email protected]
so urce: IM I, COL estimates
Disclaimer: All content provided in COL Reports are meant to be read in the COL Financial website. Accuracy and completeness of content cannot be guaranteed if reports are viewed outside of the
COL Financial website as these may be subject to tampering or unauthorized alterations.
In 2Q20, IMI’s automotive manufacturing sites globally were forced to shut down due to
the pandemic. Nevertheless, management said these manufacturing sites have recovered
to 75-80% utilization rate since June, which is just slightly off their optimal 85% utilization
rate. Despite the improvement, we expect a slower recovery of the automotive and
industrial segment due to subdued demand post-pandemic. The two segments account
for around 71% of total revenues.
Meanwhile, the company’s telco and medical segments are expected to remain stable
after its strong performance in 1H20. Management is also optimistic on the consumer
segment as it sustained its resilience with the increased demand for work from home
needs such as laptops and other user display devices. However, management remains
cautious on the potential impact of the US-China trade war on supply chain for the telco
Management disclosed that they are planning to spend another US$10-11Mil in capex
for 2H20, after spending around US$12Mil in 1H20. This should bring FY20 capex to
US$23Mil, which is significantly lower than the FY19 capex of US$38.8Mil. IMI also
mentioned that they have no plans to take on additional debt to finance the capex as IMI
has more than enough cash for the remainder of the year. As of end June 2020, IMI’s cash
level amounted to US$165.5Mil. For 2021, management noted that capex could revert to
around US$40Mil should the need arise for new production lines, but the company has
yet to finalize next year’s budget.
VIA Optronics AG (VIAO) managed to successfully list in the New York Stock Exchange
(NYSE) last week, raising US$93.75Mil. VIAO offered 6.25Mil American Depository Shares
(ADS) at an offer price of US$15.0 per ADS. VIAO will use the proceeds to fund its capex,
R&D, and potential M&A in the future. The completion of its listing in the NYSE, brought
down IMI’s stake in VIAO to 50.3% from 76.01%.
Following its listing in the NYSE, VIAO experienced a lackluster reception, opening at
US$12.0/sh, down 20% from its offer price of US$15.0/sh. VIAO shares reached a low of
US$8.91/sh last week before recovering to its current price of US$9.0/sh. At its current
price, VIAO has a market cap of US$203.1Mil or Php9.8Bil. VIAO shares currently account
for 39.4% of IMI’s market cap.
Management believes that the worst is over for IMI, after booking a US$21.5Mil net
loss during 1H20. IMI should not see a repeat of its 1H20 performance as their core
businesses continue to recover post-pandemic. As mentioned above, IMI’s automotive
and industrial segments, which contribute to around 71% of consolidated revenues, have
already started their recovery. Should top line recovery continue and cost cutting efforts
bear fruitful, IMI may even book profits for 2H20. However, this will likely not be enough
to offset the huge net loss booked in 1H20.
We reiterate our HOLD rating on IMI with an FV estimate of Php6.0/sh. At its current price
of Php5.45/sh, capital appreciation potential is limited. In addition, sentiment on the
stock will most likely stay depressed as the company is expected to book losses in FY20.
IMI also faces possible downside risk if there is a second wave of infections as these could
hurt the company’s plant operations.
and telecom segment as businesses go Acquired a 76% stake in VIA Optronics GmbH (VIA) 08/18/2016
continue to operate under the new normal.
The new normal would put a lot more
Acquired an 80% stake in STI Enterprises Limited 05/17/2017
value in digitalization. This would result in
an increased demand for sensors, displays,
and ability to interact in a digital space. IMI Inauguration of IMI's 21st manufacturing site in Serbia 09/29/2018
is already pursuing business opportunities
in both segments. The company has seen
increased demand for products used in
medical equipment and 5G infrastructure.
They plan to pursue plans to diversify
outside the automotive segment as car
manufacturers went into shutdown affecting
the company’s automotive business.
Stocks that have a BUY rating have attractive fundamentals and valuations based on our analysis. We expect the share price to outperform the market in the
next six to 12 months.
Stocks that have a HOLD rating have either 1) attractive fundamentals but expensive valuations 2) attractive valuations but near-term earnings outlook might
be poor or vulnerable to numerous risks. Given the said factors, the share price of the stock may perform merely in line or underperform in the market in the
next six to twelve months.
We dislike both the valuations and fundamentals of stocks with a SELL rating. We expect the share price to underperform in the next six to12 months.
Securities recommended, offered or sold by COL Financial Group, Inc. are subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested.
Although information has been obtained from and is based upon sources we believe to be reliable, we do not guarantee its accuracy and said information may
be incomplete or condensed. All opinions and estimates constitute the judgment of COL’s Equity Research Department as of the date of the report and are
subject to change without prior notice. This report is for informational purposes only and is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of
a security. COL Financial and/or its employees not involved in the preparation of this report may have investments in securities of derivatives of the companies
mentioned in this report and may trade them in ways different from those discussed in this report.
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