The Gallic Disaster
The Gallic Disaster
The Gallic Disaster
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Not much is known about the Gallic disaster. Attempts to date
the battle at the Allia range from 390 to 385 B.C. According to
Livy, the story goes as follows. During an argument with the Gauls
at Clusium, Roman envoys broke the law of nations and took up
arms. Since the Gauls did not get reparation from the Romans, they
decided to take revenge: they won at the Allia because they were
fighting a just war. A few days later the Gauls invaded the deserted
city and sacked it. Only a small garrison on the Capitoline held
out and was eventually forced to hand over a large payment of gold.
Just when the Romans and Gauls were discussing the amount, Marcus
Furius Camillus turned up with an army and defeated the Gauls.'
Taking into account Polybius and other authors, it is obvious that
much of this version is constructed. The Camillus legend, e.g., serves
to replace the role of Caere; the whole story is full of anti-plebe-
ian elements. Thus, it is difficult to assess what actually happened.
It is most likely that Rome was attacked by a wave of Gallic raid-
ers interested only in movable booty. Reports about Roman casualties
are largely exaggerated. Rome was not destroyed: the burnt-layer
once attributed to the Gauls has to be dated back to the sixth cen-
tury B.C. In sum, there is good reason to believe that the patriotic
annalistic tradition exaggerated the extent of the Gallic raid.2
Within our general theme, "Roman military disasters and their
consequences," I should like to investigate the effects of the Gal-
lic disaster. In 1985 the German historian Heinz Bellen published
a seminal book on the metus Gallicus. According to Bellen, the
metus Gallicus, fear of the Gauls, was the driving force in Roman
foreign politics during the republican age; it might have been con-
structed shortly before or during the Gallic war from 225 to 222
B.C.3 Bellen was not the first to note this fear of the Gauls, which
was subsequently transferred to all peoples living north of the Alps.
Alfred Heuss, author of one of the most influential German hand-
books on Roman history in the second half of the twentieth century,
described the defeat at the Allia as a trauma which caused mur-
derous fear among the Romans whenever Northerners invaded Italy.4
Liv. 5.35-55.
2 M. Torelli, "I Galli a Roma," in P. Santoro, ed., I Galli e l'Italia, 2nd ed.
(Rome 1979) 226-28; F. Coarelli, "La stratigrafia del Comizio e l'incendio gallico,"
in Santoro (above) 229-30; T. J. Cornell, "Rome and Latium to 390 B.C.," CAH VII,
2nd ed. (Cambridge 1989) 305-9; R. R. Holloway, The Archaeology of Early Rome
and Latium (London and New York, 1994), esp. 91-102; F. Kolb, Rom: Die Geschichte
der Stadt in der Antike (Munich 1995) 140-41; W. Kuhoff, La Grande Roma dei Tarquini:
Die fruheste Expansion des romischen Staates im Widerstreit zwischen literarischer
Uberlieferung und historischer Wahrscheinlichkeit (Augsburg 1995) 21, 41-42; and
T. J. Cornell, The Beginnings of Rome (London and New York, 1995) 313-18.
3 H. Bellen, Metus Gallicus-Metus Punicus: Zum Furchtmotiv in der romischen
Republik (Mainz 1985).
4 A. Heuss, Romische Geschichte (Braunschweig 1960) 23: "jenes Trauma, welches
die Romer hinfort in eine morderische Angst vor jedem nordldndischen Angriff versetzte."
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J. Riipke, Domi militiae: Die religiose Konstruktion des Kriegs in Rom (Stuttgart
1990) 74.
6 B. Kremer, Das Bild der Kelten bis in augusteische Zeit (Stuttgart 1994) 64-
H. Heftner, Der Aufstieg Roms (Regensburg 1997) 16.
8 J. H. C. Williams, Beyond the Rubicon: Romans and Gauls in Republican
Italy (Oxford 2001) 221-22.
9 Among others see H. Sonnabend ("Pyrrhos und die Furcht der R6mer vor
dem Osten," Chiron 19 [1989] 319-45), who argues that contrary to the Gallic wars,
the wars against Pyrrhus did not produce metus; M. Kostial, Kriegerisches Rom? Zur
Frage von Unvermeidbarkeit und Normalitit militdrischer Konflikte in der romischen
Politik (Stuttgart 1995) 109-15; P. B. Ellis (Celt and Roman [New York 1998] 128),
who speaks of a "neurotic fear"; and R. Urban, Gallia rebellis: Erhebungen in Gallien
im Spiegel antiker Zeugnisse (Stuttgart 1999) 43, 130. See also A. M. Eckstein, "Hu-
man Sacrifice and Fear of Military Disaster in Republican Rome," AJAH 7 (1982) 69-92.
'? K.-W. Welwei ("Zum metus Punicus in Rom um 150 v.Chr.," Hermes 117 [1989]
315-20) does not regard metus Punicus as a motivation for Roman politics.
" W. V. Harris (War and Imperialism in Republican Rome 327-70 B.c. (Oxford
19791 176) regards statements of fear, anxiety, and terror in Livy as valueless; see
also 127 and 266-67; J. Linderski, Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum: Concepts of Defensive
Imperialism, in W. V. Harris, ed., The Imperialism of Mid-Republican Rome (Rome
1984) 143 = J. Linderski, Roman Questions (Stuttgart 1995) 11: "Most Roman wars,
if not all, were undertakenfrom a position of strengthwhen Rome was secure in its
military superiority. Hence no fear of the enemy."
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as timor multus, strong fear.'2 We should not give too much credit
to customary Latin etymology. According to the OLD, tumultus should
be translated as: "1. Commotion, fuss; 2. Hostile incursion; 3. A
confused state due to fear, panic, alarm." Contrary to bellum with
its formal declaration of war, tumultus was decreed when the Ro-
mans were threatened by a sudden attack and did not have the
time to go through all the rituals.'3 When a tumultus was pronounced
there was a suspension of normal state business, military leave was
cancelled, and all citizens were levied. The Romans knew of sev-
eral tumultus, e.g. tumultus Gallicus, tumultus Italicus, and-less
common-tumultus Etruscus.'4 Based on a passage in Appian men-
tioning that the usual exemptions from military service for priests
and old men were not valid during a tumultus Gallicus, this tu-
multus is sometimes regarded as more serious than a tumultus Italicus.'5
But there are other sources. The lex Ursonensis of 44 B.C. stipu-
lates that nobody shall be drafted against his will unless there is
a tumultus Gallicus or a tumultus Italicus. 16 In judicial matters,
the inscription of a city law should carry more weight than a lit-
erary source. Thus, we have clear evidence that both sorts of tumultus
were of the same level of urgency in the late Republic. Nobody
would claim that the Romans suffered from a strong and irratio-
nal fear of the Italians. This stipulation is not a proof for uncontrolled
fear of the Gauls: tumultus Gallicus is a pragmatic instrument to
deal with sudden attacks allowing colonies to react without first
contacting the distant authorities in Rome. Furthermore, we should
not forget that tumultus Gallicus and tumultus Italicus could be
used in a simply geographic meaning in the late Republic, thus
naming military emergencies in Italy and in Gallia Cisalpina. 17
Secondly, Bellen stresses the preparations during the tumultus
Gallicus in 225 B.C., when the Romans sent an army of 148,000
men, the largest army so far, to northern Italy to fight the Gauls.
Additionally, there was a reserve of another 53,500 fighters. How
can we interpret these exceptionally high numbers? If we follow
Polybius, who explicitly states that an army of such numbers had
never yet been raised,ls they cannot prove permanent neurotic fear,
but only the urgency of that Gallic war and the determination of
the Romans to end it. Otherwise we would expect similarly high
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numbers in all conflicts with Gauls. Taking into account that such
high numbers are mentioned only for 225 B.C., one might gener-
ally be tempted to doubt them-even if a historian of the rank of
Polybius is our witness.'9 Furthermore, it can be argued that the
war resulted at least as much from Roman as from Gallic pres-
sure: C. Flaminius' attempt to distribute the ager Gallicus among
Roman citizens in 232 can be interpreted as an aggressive act.20
Bellen's third point focuses upon three cases of human sacri-
fice in 228, 216, and 114 B.C. Livy described the circumstances
of the human sacrifice in 216, immediately after the battle at Cannae:
Interim ex fatalibus libris sacrificia aliquot extra-
ordinaria facta, inter quae Gallus et Galla, Graecus
et Graeca in foro bovario sub terram vivi demissi
sunt in locum saxo consaeptum, iam ante hostiis
humanis, minime Romano sacro, imbutum.2'
In the meantime, by the direction of the Books of
Fate, some unusual sacrifices were offered; amongst
others a Gaulish man and woman and a Greek man
and woman were buried alive in the Cattle Market,
in a place walled in with stone, which even before
this time had been defiled with human victims, a
sacrifice wholly alien to the Roman spirit.
According to Bellen, the human sacrifice was the result of panic
at Rome caused by fear of the Gauls. Even though the Romans
were not yet fighting against Greeks-the treaty between Hannibal
and Philip V of Macedonia was to be sealed in the following year-
the pairs of Gauls and of Greeks were an integral part of the rite.
Not to bury the Greek man and woman alive would have meant
that the Romans endangered the effectiveness of the entire rite.22
Yet one is tempted to ask: if the intention was to symbolically
kill and destroy the enemies, the Gauls make sense, but not the
Greeks. One wonders why the Romans did not bury a couple of
Much has been published about the burial of the pairs of Greeks
and Gauls. In each of the following three years there was a war
with Celts and in all three cases an unchaste Vestal was buried
alive. There is a consensus that burying the two couples symbol-
izes the destruction of the enemy and averts the possibility of a
real occupation of Rome by hostile forces. The fact that Greeks
and Gauls were buried is traced back to Etruscan origins, because
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29 According to Her. 7.166, the battles of Himera and Salamis (480 B.c.) were
fought on the same day; according to Ael. 2.25, Alexander was born, won the battle
at Issos, and died on a Thargelion 6; Ov. Fast. 6.563-568 mentions two defeats on
June 11; see also A. T. Grafton and N. M. Swerdlow, "Calendar Dates and Omi-
nous Days in Ancient Historiography," JWI 51 (1988) 14-42; J. v. Ungern-Sternberg,
"Eine Katastrophe wird verarbeitet: Die Gallier in Rom," in C. Bruun, ed., The Ro-
man Middle Republic: Politics, Religion, and Historiography c. 400-133 B.c. (Rome
2000) 210.
30 Ov. Fast. 2.193-196.
'1 J. Riipke, Kalender und 6ffentlichkeit (Berlin and New York, 1995) 359, 567-
32 Ov. Fast. 6.763 (June 21/23).
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have pointed out the calendric analogy between the Neronic fire
of Rome on July 19, A.D. 64, and the fire of Rome which Livy
places one day after the battle at the Allia.34 Livy mentions that
the city was destroyed by the Gauls 365 years after the founda-
tion by Romulus.35 Another 365 years later, if we reckon inclusively,
is the year 27 B.C., when Augustus proclaimed the res publica re-
stored. Thus, the reconstruction of Rome after the Gallic fire is
exactly in the middle between Romulus and Augustus.36 Every 365
years Rome is founded anew.37 If we follow this line of argument,
the extent to which the date of the Allia must have been con-
structed becomes evident. Thus, the dies Alliensis obtains a meaning
far beyond the metus Gallicus.
Bellen's fifth argument is the designation of July 18 as dies
ater. Gellius, quoting Verrius Flaccus' De VerborumSignificatu, explains
the defeat at the Allia on religious grounds: Q. Sulpicius, the Ro-
man general, had sacrificed before the battle on the day after the
Ides. Other Romans also remembered that whenever a Roman magis-
trate had sacrificed on the day after the Kalends, Nones, or Ides,
the following battle was lost. So the pontiffs decreed that there
should be no more sacrifices on such days.38 Although this expla-
nation is highly artificial, it demonstrates two points: first, not only
was July 18 a dies ater, there were several dies atri every month;
second, the Allia was not the only reason to introduce dies atri in
the calendar-other defeats were also blamed on sacrificing on the
wrong day.39
Let us examine two further alleged proofs for the existence
of extreme metus Gallicus. Twenty years after the Allia, the Ro-
mans fought another battle with the Gauls in 367. This time the
Romans won. Livy comments: Nec dubia nec difficilis Romanis,
quamquam ingentem Galli terrorem memoria pristinae cladis attu-
lerant, victoria fuit ("Notwithstanding the great terror occasioned
by the invasion of the Gauls and the recollection of their old de-
feat, the Romans gained a victory that was neither difficult nor
uncertain").40 Is this passage, as Kremer postulates, an indubitable
proof of metus Gallicus?4 First, we need to be cautious about ac-
cepting Livy's psychological interpretation; Livy has no witness
34 G. Baudy, Die Brande Roms (Hildesheim 1991) 17; Williams (above, n.8) 177.
3 Liv. 5.54.5.
36 G. B. Miles, Livy: Reconstructing Early Rome (Ithaca and London, 1995) 95.
37 This is not the place to discuss the meaning of this number. Is 365 years a
great year or is it, as Baudy (above, n.34) 17 speculates, understandable as a quarter
of the life span of the Phoenix, who lives for 1,460 (= 4 x 365) years? According to
Tac. Ann. 6.28, the Phoenix dies every 1,461 years.
38 Gell. 5.17.2.
39 There was always a religious explanation if the Romans lost a battle; see also
N. Rosenstein, Imperatores Victi: Military Defeat and Aristocratic Competition in the
Middle and Late Republic (Berkeley, Los Angeles, and Oxford, 1990).
40 Liv. 6.42.7. Translation by Foster (above, n.21) vol. 3.
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When Cicero delivered his speech De Provinciis Consularibus
in 56 B.C., he characterized Gaul as follows: Nemo sapienter de
re publica nostra cogitavit, iam inde a principio huius imperii,
quin Galliam maxime timendam huic imperio putaret ("From the
very beginning of our Empire we have had no wise statesman who
did not regard Gaul as the greatest danger to our Empire").45 Even
though it was Cicero's aim in this speech to underline Caesar's
success in Gaul by enhancing the Gallic threat, there is a grain of
truth in his statement. Why were the Gauls so important? First,
there were many Gauls and Celts. Galli, Celti (not to mention that
Greeks were often talking of Germans when they spoke about Keltoi)
dwelt not only in northern Italy, but in a region north of the Medi-
terranean from Galicia to Galatia. Second, there were many wars
from the Gallic raid until Caesar conquered Gaul. It is justified
to include in this series also wars with Germanic tribes, e.g., the
Cimbri and Teutones invading northern Italy. Third, unlike other
Italian enemies like the Latins, Etruscans, Samnites, or the Greeks,
the Gauls came from an entirely different cultural background. They
were the first barbarians the Romans had to fight, and they were
Kremer (above, n.6) 63: Livy regarded the Allia as "einen der schlimmsten
Marksteine romischer Geschichte . . ., zeigt sich schon allein darin, dass er den Fall
Roms als Mittel der Zeitrechnung verwendet."
44 App. BC 2.150; and Plut. Cam. 41.7.
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46 See also M. Jantz, Das Fremdenbild in der Literatur der Romischen Republik
und der augusteischen Zeit: Vorstellungen und Sichtweisen am Beispiel von Hispanien
und Gallien (Frankfurt 1995) esp. 140-51.
4' Flor. 1.8.21; S. Mattem, Rome and the Enemy (Berkeley, Los Angeles, and
London, 1999) 220.
48 On Roman virtues see T. J. Moore, Artistry and Ideology: Livy's Vocabulary
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