Twin 35Mm Gun: Air Defence Weapons
Twin 35Mm Gun: Air Defence Weapons
Twin 35Mm Gun: Air Defence Weapons
Works alone or with Skyguard control unit to provide low level air defence.
Weight - 8,000kg fully loaded
Max. speed towed - 80km
Ammo. - 35mm HEI. and HEAD.
Rounds available - 280 per gun before reload
Rate of fire - 1100 rounds per min.
Fire control - Gun king sight laser
in service since - 89
Provides surveillance & control system against low level air threats.
In service since - 89
Det 6 (crew of 3)
Radar rge 25 km
Laser rge finder 10 km class 3b
Switch on time 6 minutes
Deployment 30 minutes
Distance measuring device (DMD) Rge up to 1500 m
Radar Pulse doppler radar, track while scan (TWS) up to 20 tgts
X band search radar, 1 to 25 km
X band tracking radar, 0.3 to 25 km
Ka band tracking radar, 0.3 to 20 km
Frequency Agility (20 frequency)
Electronic Protective Measure (EPM)
Towed speed 15-80 km/hr
Weight Skyguard: 6800 kg
Power Supply Unit (PSU): 660 kg
Fuel consumption Standby: 1.8 litres/hr
Op: 8.7 litres/hr
Redeployment 10 minutes
Fordability 600 mm
The Skyguard system is contained within a towed trailer, mounted on the roof of which is a pulse doppler
search radar, a pulse doppler tracking radar and a co-axial television camera. The trailer also houses the
crew of two and a small petrol generator.
A typical battery using the Skyguard consists of two twin 35 mm gun platforms with a single Skyguard fire
control radar.
The VELOS system is of Swiss origin and has been operational wiht HAF since 1982. A system upgrade is
pending. It is a mobile, all-weather, short-range (SHORAD) anti-aircraft system with a combination of
missiles and guns. It can provide anti-aircraft defense capability to tactical and strategic targets against
aicraft in low and medium altitudes. It can automatically track 20 different targets and concurrently engage 6;
4 with missiles and 2 with guns.
The Skyranger anti-aircraft gun system was developed by Oerlikon Contraves, a Swiss company, a
subsidiary of the German Rheinmetall Defence. It is a short-range air defense system, designed to protect
mobile units and stationary installations. This artillery system was revealed in 2009. Currently the Skyranger
is still under development, however a number of potential customers have already announced their interest
in obtaining this system.
The Skyranger unmanned turret is a member of a whole modular family of air defense systems. These
include battle management, gun systems and missile systems, that can form an air defense architecture.
The Skyranger gun system can also operate autonomously or in conjunction with existing missile systems
and fire control units.
The Skyranger gun system can be mounted on lightweight wheeled or tracked armored vehicles. First
prototypes were integrated on MOWAG Piranha IIIH, Piranha IV and Boxer 8x8 armored personnel carriers.
The unmanned turret is equipped with a 35-mm revolver gun, which is based on successful 35/1000 revolver
gun. It has a lot of commonality with the previous Oerlikon Contraves 35-mm air defense artillery systems. It
has an dual feeding system, which gives the operator choice of two types of ammunition. This air-defense
system is optimized to fire the company's proprietary 35-mm AHEAD (Advanced Hit Efficiency And
Destruction) ammunition. It is a self-programming ammunition, developed to improve lethality of the previous
GDF series of twin 35-mm towed anti-aircraft guns. These rounds release a cloud of sub-projectiles just
ahead of the target, greatly increasing the probability of a kill. Fewer rounds of ammunition are required per
kill, because of it's effectiveness, permitting a greater number of engagements. A typical engagement
sequence consists of 20-24 rounds. It is effective against small and fast moving air targets. Effective range
of fire is about 4 km. The AHEAD ammunition is already in service with more than 10 countries.
The Skyranger gun system is also effective against ground targets and can be used as a fire support
weapon. It uses Frangible Amour Piercing Discarding Sabot (FAPDS) rounds against ground targets. Range
of effective fire is about 5000 meters.
This artillery system has a selectable rate of fire. A maximum rate is 1000 rpm. It is also capable of firing
mini-bursts or single shots. A total of 220 rounds are carried for the main gun.
The Skyranger unmanned turret has an electro-optical tracking sensor, which automatically tracks the
targets, assigned either by the control center, external radars, or targets acquired by it's own sensors. The
passive sensor system consists of an infrared camera, TV camera, laser rangefinder. It is an all-weather
system, which operates in day or night conditions.
The Skyranger unmanned turret is operated by commander and gunner, seated inside the vehicle hull.
There is also a vehicle driver.
Other component of the Skyranger air defense system is a command post vehicle, with reconnaissance
radar and command system, which provides battle management capabilities. It has a tracking range of 25
km. There is also a missile launcher. Manufacturer suggests, that a typical Skyranger battery should
comprise two gun systems, one missile launcher and one radar/command vehicle. It is possible to network
up to six Skyranger gun or missile units depending on mission requirements.
Technical data
Caliber 35 mm
Overall length of cannon 4,740 mm
Width 356 mm
Height 640 mm
Length of barrel, including 3,710 mm
MV measuring base:
Length of rifled portion 2,923 mm
Type of rifling progressive; right-hand
Length of twist 2,853 mm
Angle of twist 0°-6°30'
Number of grooves 24
Gun complete 670 kg
Barrel, including MV measuring base 175 kg
Weapon housing 200 kg
Breech block buffer 12.5 kg
Breech block 11 kg
Weapon cover 106 kg
Ammunition sub-caliber, full-caliber and air-bursting munition available
Deployable around the clock and in all weathers, the Skyranger system consists of three principal
a command post vehicle with reconnaissance radar and a command system with X-TAR 3D/M radar
(the Skyranger CPSR);
an air defence gun vehicle with KDG 35mm revolver cannon (Skyranger gun)
an air defence guided missile vehicle (Skyranger missile launcher / Asrad launcher)
The individual components can be integrated into any tracked or wheeled tactical vehicle currently in service
or slated for procurement. The components can be tailored to the mission and combined in a variety of ways.
Typically, a Skyranger unit consists of a CPSR and three to four effectors, though it is possible to connect as
many as six guns or missile launchers.
In the Skyranger system, the sensors, command systems and effectors are all decoupled. When the
reconnaissance radar detects a target, it assigns it to one or more effectors in the network either
automatically or manually. The subsystems then lock onto the target, tracking it until it is destroyed. During
this process, target and position data is exchanged at regular intervals between the command post and the
effectors, thus ensuring a uniform air situation picture.
In accordance with the two-layer air defence concept, the system's launchers are deployed against larger
aerial targets such as fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters and unmanned air vehicles. The guns are reserved for
larger aerial targets that have penetrated the first line of defence, as well as smaller aerial targets. Thanks to
Rheinmetall's Ahead ammunition and the gun's high rate of fire (1,000 rounds per minute), the system is
highly effective in this role.
Moreover, the Skyranger system's 35mm cannon can also be used to engage ground targets – either
autonomously or following assignment by the CPSR, whose radar system features a ground-to-ground mode
for detecting slow targets. It can also be integrated into a ground-based command and control architecture.
Furthermore, it is possible to network various Skyranger units. This permits the exchange of relevant tactical
data such as air pictures or area maps, enabling an efficient defence of the assigned airspace.
It is also possible to connect it to other air defence systems – shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, for
example – and to integrate Skyranger into a higher echelon air defence command structure. This can be
done using standard links like Link 11B and Link 16. The degree of networkability is set to increase in the
near future.
35 mm revolver gun with a firing rate of 1,000 rounds per minute. Suitable for
missions against aerial, naval, and land-based targets. The use of air-
bursting munition makes Millennium the only gun capable to defeat guided
missiles at ranges exceeding 1.2 km.
Main features
Type of cannon: gas-operated revolver cannon with four chambers
Capability to fire Ahead ammunition (each round consisting of 152 sub-projectiles, weight of each sub-
projectile 3.3 g, muzzle velocity 1,050 m/s)
No deck penetration
Simple mechanical and electrical integration
Technical data
Weight (ammunition included) : 3,200 kg
Gun mount ammunition capacity : 200 rounds
Caliber : 35 mm
Rate of fire : 1,000 rounds per minute
Keep-out ranges
Fighter aircraft/attack helicopters : > 3.5 km
Guided missiles/cruise missiles : > 2.0 km
Anti-radiation missiles : > 1.2 km
The heart of the Skyranger Gun System is the proven 35 mm revolver cannon, integrated into an unmanned
turret. Due to the use of state-of-the-art materials and technologies, it is extremely light and can thus be
mounted on light wheeled vehicles. In this configuration Skyranger is air-transportable.
Its 35 mm revolver cannon, in conjunction with the tremendous destructive power of the 35 mm ammunition;
gives the Skyranger the performance to ground any target. The selectable rate of fire (max. 1,000 rounds per
minute, rapid single shot or single shot) widens the operational spectrum of the gun system to an impressive
An optional dual ammunition feeding system enables the availability of two types of ammunition. The
magazine has a 220-round capacity. The standard Ahead rounds can be supplemented with sub-calibre
Each burst of Ahead fire – consisting of approximately twenty programmed rounds – releases a lethal cloud
of sub-projectiles just ahead of the target. Even very small targets (e.g. UAVs, attack drones, cruise missiles,
air-to-ground missiles or smart bombs) and area targets can be successfully engaged. Sub-calibre
ammunition extends the maximum effective range of the Gun system when engaging conventional armoured
air and ground targets.
An electro-optical tracking sensor controls the weapon of the Skyranger gun system. It automatically tracks
the target assigned to it by the control centre. The passive tracking sensor system, consisting of an infrared
camera, a TV-camera and a laser rangefinder, assures outstanding performance day and night – even under
adverse weather conditions.
A launcher for the missile type Bolide increases the range of the Skyranger family. This flexible nature of the
system allows also using ground-to-air missiles, such as the Stinger, Mistral or Igla.
The Skyranger Radar System is an advanced 3D I-band search and acquisition radar capable of detecting,
locking onto, and tracking even small, fast and steep attacking targets. It generates a three-dimensional
aerial image, classifies detected targets, and carries out a threat analysis. The 3D target data shorten the
system reaction times, and play a key role in assuring that targets are assigned to the right effector. Even
while on the move, the Skyranger Radar System assures continuous detection of targets. It has a range of
25 km and is extremely resistant to electronic countermeasures.
The control centre, which can be integrated together with the radar system into a single vehicle, manages
the Skyranger battery. Standardized links enable networking with higher echelon and adjacent command and
control systems.
Oerlikon X-TAR 3D search radar
L’X-TAR® (X-Band Tactical and Acquisition radar) è una famiglia di sistemi radar 2D/3D, con alta probabilità
di scoperta che fornisce il quadro della situazione aerea e può inviare i dati dei bersagli alle armi associate.
La famiglia radar consiste dei seguenti apparati:
Oerlikon X-TAR2D radar, già conosciuto col nome di SHORAR con portata di 30 km,
Oerlikon X-TAR3D radar con portata di 30 o 50 km.
I suddetti sensori possono essere integrati nel X-TCP, una famiglia di Posti Comando Tattici di dimensioni
ridotte ed altamente mobili, per allertare, controllare e coordinare cannoni contro aerei e missili superficie-
X-TAR3D is a three-dimensional tactical acquisition radar working in X-band and performing the functions of
short range search, detection, acquisition, tracking, classification and identification of air targets, in order to
supply a three-dimensional local air picture to command and control network as well as track and threat data
for cueing of fire control systems. X-TAR3D is specifically designed to achieve high performance against a
wide range of air threats, from conventional air breathing targets (fixed wing, helicopters) to low and very low
cross section objects like stealth and unmanned targets (UAV, cruise missiles), up to rockets and mortar
rounds (C-RAM mission).
X-TAR3D is a fully coherent phased-array pulse Doppler radar. Elevation information is obtained through up
to 12 simultaneously receiving stacked beams, which allows to scan the full search volume in a single
antenna revolution (1.5sec). The radar architecture is based on multiple transmitter and receiver modules
that assure high reliability and graceful degradation. The full radar electronics is integrated inside the
antenna unit and data interface with other units (IFF, MMI etc.) is through Ethernet channel. The compact
design and the reduced weight allow an easy installation on board of light vehicles or integration in highly
mobile command and coordination posts. While retaining an excellent altitude coverage, X-TAR3D is
specifically designed to detect and track targets flying at very low altitudes.
Despite its small dimensions, the high radar accuracy and resolution, both in azimuth and elevation, allows
excellent targetto- target and target-to-jammer discrimination. The resulting outstanding 3D target data
accuracy results in a high target acquisition probability and thus a drastic reduction of the acquisition time for
associated weapon systems; this, associated to the radar short target revisit time, means a very short
reaction time of the whole air defence system. The radar has provisions to interface with current and new
technology IFF interrogators, including the interrogation modes S and 5. The IFF antenna is already fully
integrated in the primary radar antenna unit.
X-TAR3D is able to retain high performance even in heavy ECM environment thanks to its antenna
characteristics and a well proven ECCM package designed by Oerlikon Contraves. Search-on-move is
possible, if the radar is connected to a land navigation system, and multiple operative modes are selectable
according to the assigned mission.
X-TAR3D/M is optimized to operate as the main sensor of stationary or mobile ground-based very short
range air defence command posts. Dedicated voice and data communication links allow to alert, control and
coordinate the associated weapons, typically AA guns or manpads as well as to exchange real time air
picture information with higher level command posts.
X-TAR3D/Lwith extended detection range capability is suitable to operate as the main sensor of ground-
based air defence command and control centre to coordinate SHORAD and VSHORAD weapon systems
deployed in a wide area.
X-TAR3D/N is also available in ship borne configurations to operate as the main sensor on board of small
ships (fast patrol boats, coastal vessels) or as a fire control radar for V-SHORAD weapon systems.