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TCIB6 IntegrationwithT24 R17

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Welcome to the Integration with T24 learning unit.

At the end of this learning unit you will be able to:
• Outline Temenos Component Architecture
• Convert T24 Enquiries and Versions as Web Services (TCIB 1.0) or IRIS Services
(TCIB 2.0)
• Test the Web Services using SOAP API and IRIS Services using Postman app
• Create an Integration Project in edgeConnect
• Display the T24 Enquiries and Versions using Temenos UXP in the browser or

TCIB - Integration with T24

TCIB 1.0 – Web Service Integration

TCIB - Integration with T24

• Internet Bank - represents the UI solution project as well as the UI components.

• Integration project - uses Web Services to connect with T24.
• Likewise multiple integration projects can be created which can connect with other
external systems using different integration logic.
• Both the UI and the Integration projects are built and maintained using
• T24 makes use of TWS to pack the enquiries and versions as web services so that it
can be integrated with edgeConnect using Web Service Integration.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The steps involved in the creation of Web Services in T24 are as follows:
• Identify the enquiries and versions
• Create the PW.ACTIVITY record
• Create the EB.SERVICE record
• Compose the service war file
• Test the Web Service using SOAP UI

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The sample ENQUIRY and VERSION used for demonstration is displayed in the TCIB
• The ENQUIRY TCIB.LOGIN.DETAILS is used to fetch the last login date and time.
• The VERSION CUSTOMER,TCIB.PROFILE is used to update the phone number and
email address of the TCIB Customer.
• Both the Enquiry and Version are grouped under Common Services.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The creation of PW.ACTIVITY record for the enquiry TCIB.LOGIN.DETAILS is shown

• The PW.ACTIVITY record ID should be prefixed with ‘WS’ for Web Service creation.
• The TARGET field should hold the command to launch the enquiry.
• The Description provided in the PW.ACTIVITY record will be displayed as the
Operation name in the service.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The creation of PW.ACTIVITY record for the version CUSTOMER,TCIB.PROFILE is

shown here.
• The PW.ACTIVITY record ID should be prefixed with ‘WS’ for Web Service creation.
• The TARGET field should hold the command to launch the version.
• The Description provided in the PW.ACTIVITY record will be displayed as the
Operation name in the service.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The EB.SERVICE record for the TCIB Common Web Service is shown here which
contains the list of PW.ACTIVITY records.
• The PW.ACTIVITY record ID for retrieving the last login details and updating the
customer profile is mapped to the EB.SERVICE record by multi-valuing the Activity
• The description provided in the EB.SERVICE record will be displayed as the service
name in the Web Service.

TCIB - Integration with T24

Enterprise Design Studio

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The T24 enquiries and versions should be packed as a service war file which can be
done by using the TWS component of T24.
• The T24 Design Studio comprises of TWS plugins aiding in creating the web service

TCIB - Integration with T24

• On clicking on File -> New -> Other, ‘New Project Wizard’ opens up.
• Navigate to ‘Temenos Web Services’ and on expanding it the ‘TWS Project’ is

TCIB - Integration with T24

• In the project creation wizard, the project name has to be given along with the
project specific settings like connection method and the T24 Runtime
• Based on the connection method the connectivity details has to be provided like
port number for agent connectivity method and service url for web service
connection method.
• The T24 User credentials has to supplied along with the connection details.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• On clicking the icon highlighted in the T24 Services window, the services are
created in the source folder of the TWS project.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• On right clicking the project, an option is available to export the project as war file.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• In the ‘Project Export Wizard’ provide the war file name and the destination path
where the war file will be generated.
• The generated war file has to be placed inside the deploy folder of JBoss.
• The service can be accessed by using the following url:
http://localhost:8085/TCIBCommonWS/services. Here ‘localhost and the port
number points to the location and the listening port of JBoss respectively.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• In the end point URL ‘http://localhost:9095/TCIBCommonWS/services?wsdl’ the

T24 enquiries and versions are displayed as individual operations.

TCIB - Integration with T24


TCIB - Integration with T24

• The SOAP UI tool has to be launched and it is available as part of the model bank.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• A new SOAP UI project has to be created in order to test the web service.
• The initial WSDL URL has to be provided as

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The Enquiry TCIB.LOGIN.DETAILS can be tested by supplying the login credentials

along with the company code.
• On successful execution the response column displays the last login date as shown
in the screen.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The Version CUSTOMER,TCIB.PROFILE can be tested by supplying the login

credentials along with the company code.
• The record id of the customer as well as the value that has to be updated is
supplied in the respective field.
• On successful execution the response column displays the record along with the
updated information as shown in the screen.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The tested results can be seen on the TCIB screen.

TCIB - Integration with T24

Temenos UXP

TCIB - Integration with T24

• Create a new Project in edgeConnect IDE.

• In order to create a web service integration project, click on Tools  Generate
Project  from Web Service…

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The end point URL from which the project has to be generated is specified in the
‘Web Service Import Wizard’ and the required operations are chosen.
• In this example the version CUSTOMER,TCIB.PROFILE as well as the enquiry

TCIB - Integration with T24

• Proceed with the consecutive screens and click on the Finish Button.
• The system defaults the process, data source, integration source and interface
name. If needed the values can be edited.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• On clicking finish it creates the corresponding processes, Data Items along with the
Integration Source and Interface. Thus Web Service Integration Project for login
details and customer profile is created.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The screen displays the auto generated web service integration project in the
Developer IDE.
• Except for the presentation items all other items are auto-generated.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• On executing the integration project it launches a screen to choose between

different operations.
• Here the login details enquiry is chosen and on providing the required values, the
success page is displayed.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• In this screen, the customer profile version is chosen and on providing the required
values, the success page is displayed.
P.S. In order to test the version make the Web Service Parameter properties ‘min
occurs’ as ‘1’ from ‘0’. This property can be identified in the ‘Complex parameter: Ofs
Function’ of the version interface in the integration editor.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• Pack the enquiry TCIB.CURRENCY.LIST and the version FUNDS.TRANSFER,TCIB as

Web Service war file using Design Studio.
• Create an edgeConnect project using the web service and test the enquiry and

TCIB - Integration with T24

TCIB 2.0 – IRIS Integration

TCIB - Integration with T24

• Solution / Business Components- represents the UI solution project as well as the

individual business components like Accounts, Beneficiaries etc.
• Wrapper – decides on the connectivity with T24 like Web Service or IRIS. Dataset is
used only for demo purpose
• Integration project – contains either web service or iris or dataset connectivity
component to T24
• Likewise multiple integration projects can be created which can connect with other
external systems using different integration logic.
• The UI, Wrapper and the Integration projects are built and maintained using
• T24 makes use of EDS to pack the enquiries and versions as services so that it can
be integrated with edgeConnect.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The steps involved in the creation of Web Services in T24 are as follows:
• Identify the enquiries and versions
• Design Models in Design Studio
• Generate Data Service Resources
• Compose the service war file
• Test the IRIS Service using Postman App

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The sample ENQUIRY and VERSION used for demonstration is displayed in the TCIB
• The ENQUIRY TC.EB.EXTERNAL.ISER is used to fetch the last login date and time.
• The VERSION CUSTOMER,TC is used to update the phone number and email
address of the TCIB Customer.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The sample ENQUIRY and VERSION record is displayed using T24 Browser.

TCIB - Integration with T24

Enterprise Design Studio

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The T24 enquiries and versions should be packed as a service war file which can be
done by using IRIS.
• The T24 Design Studio comprises of IRIS plugins aiding in creating the data service

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The first step in designing models is to create an IRIS Project. In the DS

workbench application, projects are top-level containers that store and
organize a project’s resources.
• On clicking on File -> New -> Other, ‘New Project Wizard’ opens up.
• Navigate to ‘Design Studio’ and on expanding it the ‘Design Studio Template
Projects’ is available.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• Choose IRIS Data Service Project from the Design Studio Template Projects.
• The project name is entered in the project-name property.
• On clicking on Finish new IRIS project is created.

TCIB - Integration

The new IRIS project is displayed in the DS Navigator View Pane. Creation of a
template project in DS generates 5 projects:
• The first project is the -models project and will contain all the imported
and newly designed model files. The artifacts or model files are
organized in the specific folders – domain (all T24 applications), enquiry,
menus, screen etc.
• The second project suffixed by –gen will contain the artifacts generated
from the model project. For example when we do code generation on an
enquiry model file designed and stored in the model project, generates
a corresponding metadata xml file and a properties file which is stored
in the –gen project.
• The –iris project contains the interaction core API. For eg spring-
beans.xml file in the –iris project defines the wiring when there is a
request to modify a resource in T24, the request is directed to the T24
command which in turn invokes the appropriate T24 ResourceProvider
code. Also the –iris project stores the output of the maven build which is
the data services war file which we deploy into JBoss
• The -iris-parent contains a package launcher which is used to build the
project using maven and generate the data services web application.
• -tafj-server contains the server.properties file where connection settings
to the TAFJ MB area is configured.
• -tafc-server contains the server.properties file where connection settings

to the TAFC MB area is configured.
• During deployment it is much easier to fire up an embededded jetty in
eclipse, rather than build, generate and deploy a war file in an external
application server. The –embededded-server-tafj project starts an
embedded jetty in design studio to facilitate faster development.

TCIB - Integration

A Design Studio server provides a connection to a T24 environment. A server is also a

project with a name and properties. The workspace can hold many servers, pointing
to one or many T24 environments. A server can be either:
• jAgent:- T24 jbase_agent, providing a listening port on remote server.
• Web Service:- communication service over the Web. This is the type of server
required for TAFJ installation.
Double click on server.properties in the –server project to open the server properties
in the editor window.
Enter a valid T24 username and password. For the tafj runtime, choose the protocol
as ws.
In the Server view pane, right-click on the server name and choose Add/Remove
project(s)... A dialog box is displayed with a list of all -gen projects of the workspace.
Check each project to deploy and click OK to validate the selection.

TCIB - Integration

• Select File > Import > Design Studio - Import T24 Enquiries. T24 Enquiries
import wizard is opened.
• Select the T24 server from the list and click on Next. DS connects to the
T24 server and retrieves all the existing enquiries from the ENQUIRY
• Select the enquiry you want to import. For a global selection, click on the
Select All button. You can filter the selection by the enquiry name, product
and component.
• Click on Next

TCIB - Integration with T24

• Select the package where you want the enquiry to be imported and then
click on the ‘Finish’ button.
• The imported enquiry model is displayed here.

TCIB - Integration

• Select File > Import > Design Studio - Import T24 Screens. T24 Screens
import wizard is opened.
• Select the T24 server from the list and click on Next. DS connects to the
T24 server and retrieves all the existing versions from the VERSION
• Select the version you want to import. For a global selection, click on the
Select All button. You can filter the selection by the Application, Screen
Name, Product, Component and Description.
• Click on Next

TCIB - Integration with T24

• Select the package where you want the screens to be imported and then
click on the ‘Finish’ button.
• The imported screen model is displayed here.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• To generate the resource and interaction models from the T24 models, we
must run Generate Code for these models in DS. Right click on the specific
T24 model or the folder containing the models > Design Studio > Generate
Code. This will generate the data service resources that will become part of
the web application deployed for the interaction service.
The data service resources are
1. A *.rim file – Resource Interaction Model. This is a model file which defines
the “interactions between the resources” that are made available to the user
agent through this interaction service.
2. A *.properties file which contains the mapping between the T24 field names
and the OData fields.
3. Metadata files *.xml, which containS the metadata information of all the
fields in the application i.e., the attributes of the fields,

As shown in the snapshot, when you Generate Code for the

TC.EB.EXTERNAL.USER.enquiry and CUSTOMER,TC.version, corresponding *.rim files
gets generated.

TCIB - Integration with T24

Open Test.rim file, scroll down to initial resource Service Document and add resource

GET -> T24.enqTcEbExternalUser.enqTcEbExternalUsers

GET -> T24.verCustomer_Tc.verCustomer_Tcs

TCIB - Integration with T24

• To get a deployable war for an external application server, you can build the
project using maven. In the –iris-parent folder right click on the
Package.launch > Run As > Package.
• This will generate a war file in the Test-iris/target folder by the project name
– Test-iris.war.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• Copy the Test-iris.war file which gets generated in the target folder of the
Test-iris project into the deployments folder of JBoss.
• Update the T24 resource provider files with OFS value as TCIB
• Now the interaction service is ready to be accessed.
• Access the service deployed on JBoss using this url: http://localhost:9089/Test-

TCIB - Integration with T24

Postman App

TCIB - Integration with T24

Launch the postman app and test the enquiry by providing the following details:

URL : http://localhost:9089/Test-
HTTP Method : GET
Password : 123456

TCIB - Integration with T24

Launch the postman app and test the version by providing the following details:

URL : http://localhost:9089/Test-iris/Test.svc/GB0010001/verCustomer_Tcs('100384')
HTTP Method : GET
Password : 123456
Content-Type : application/atom+xml
Accept : application/atom+xml

TCIB - Integration with T24

Copy the response and the ETag from the ‘GET’ response and update the profile detail
as follows by using the PUT method

URL : http://localhost:9089/Test-iris/Test.svc/GB0010001/verCustomer_Tcs('100384')
HTTP Method : PUT
IF-Match : Paste the ETag content from the GET response header
Body : Copy the GET response in the Body>raw section as an input and do the
required modification to the content

TCIB - Integration with T24

Status 201 indicates the record has been successfully updated.

TCIB - Integration with T24

Temenos UXP

TCIB - Integration with T24

• Avail the CustomUpdate and TemenosUpdate zip pack along with the edgeConnect
installer from the distribution team.
• It contains the custom jar files required for TCIB 2.0 and IRIS integration with T24
• A new folder called temenos-lib is created under the lib folder of edgeConnect
installation directory.
• The custom and IRIS specific component library files are placed inside the
temenos-lib folder.
• IRIS Components are required to integrate Temenos UXP with T24.
• Set the path to the library files in the Developer.lax file

TCIB - Integration with T24

• On including the IRIS jar files a new menu called ‘Generate Project from IRIS’ is
included under ‘Tools’.
• The IRIS Import Wizard allows to create Lists, Custom Data Types, Data Items, Data
Groups, Processes, Phases, Questions and Integration mappings based on the
definition held in a EDMX file (Entity Data Model eXtension).
• The EDMX files describes the Data Schema required to call the IRIS services.
• The EDMX URL along with the authentication details has to be supplied in the URL.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The required enquiries and versions are selected along with it’s operations.
• Choose the edgeConnect items that has to be automatically generated.
• The Data group can be nested within the existing data group or a new data group
can be generated.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The connectivity details for integration are displayed where the connection
timeout period and the number of attempts can be specified.
• The Summary of the enquiries and versions selected are displayed before clicking
on the finish button.
• On successful generation of project an information message is displayed.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The Enquiry TC.EB.EXTERNAL.USER is tested in Temenos UXP.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• The Enquiry TC.EB.EXTERNAL.USER is tested in Temenos UXP.

TCIB - Integration with T24

• Pack the enquiry TCIB.CURRENCY.LIST and the version FUNDS.TRANSFER,TCIB as

Data Service war file using Design Studio
• Create an edgeConnect project using IRIS and test the enquiry and version

TCIB Introduction

1.False – Web Service Integration and IRIS

3. Default

We learnt about:
• edgeConnect Integration with T24 using Web Services


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