Is Malaysia Experiencing Premature Deindustrialisation?: Box Article Box Article
Is Malaysia Experiencing Premature Deindustrialisation?: Box Article Box Article
Is Malaysia Experiencing Premature Deindustrialisation?: Box Article Box Article
The process of industrialisation is a critical step for a country to achieve a high level of income. This was the
path followed by most Western countries during the First and Second Industrial Revolution, as well as by the
more recent Newly Industrialised Economies (NIEs) such as South Korea, Chinese Taipei and Singapore. Upon
attaining this high income status, it is then a common pattern for countries to start deindustrialising, as they
begin to adopt labour-saving technologies on a massive scale. More recently, however, developing countries
have begun prematurely deindustrialising due to reasons that are vastly different, as their manufacturing sector
faced intense competition from global markets. This box will explore the nature of Malaysia’s deindustrialisation
and compare the underlying drivers for this process vis-a-vis the advanced economies. It will also discuss the
current thinking on the policy strategies in tackling the issue of premature deindustrialisation.
Deindustrialisation represents a natural stage of economic development, as economies start to shift their
resources away from manufacturing to services as a result of high manufacturing productivity growth and
increased consumption for services as society becomes wealthier. This is part of an economic structural
transformation path (IMF, 2018), where economies typically move from agriculture, to manufacturing and
on to services as they develop. This path of deindustrialisation represents a positive development as the
high manufacturing productivity growth, typically due to adoption of labour-saving technologies, implies
that the manufacturing workers have become highly productive that the economy requires less of them
to meet overall demand. It is measured by a sustained decline in the manufacturing employment share,
accompanied by a more moderate decrease in the manufacturing output share of the economy (IMF, 2018).
Examples of economies that have experienced this path of deindustrialisation include the US, EU and Japan
as their manufacturing employment shares have fallen much faster than their manufacturing output shares
since the 1970s.
Based on the criteria laid out in Table 1, it appears that Malaysia has been exhibiting signs of premature
deindustrialisation. The Malaysian economy began to deindustrialise from the year 2000 onwards, where
it attained its peak employment share in manufacturing at 23.5%, at an income level of Intl $9,500 GDP
per capita1. This is much lower than the peak employment share attained by the advanced economies
when they began to deindustrialise (30% employment share), and far behind the level of GDP per capita
income (Intl $18,000) (Kirsh, 2018). Further evidence of the economy experiencing a less desirable form
of deindustrialisation are the twin decline in employment as well as the output share of manufacturing,
indicating that the process of falling employment was not an outcome of rising productivity, but rather
from lower competitiveness.
Chart 1: Malaysia exhibits signs of premature deindustrialisation with a relatively larger decline in
manufacturing output share compared to employment
Positively Prematurely
deindustrialised deindustrialising
economies economies
US Germany Korea C. Taipei Japan Brazil Malaysia
Refers to income level measured in constant 2005 international dollars on purchasing power parity (PPP). This is taken from the Penn World
Table 7.1 (2012).
The loss of competitiveness is partly attributable to PR China’s ascension into the World Trade Organisation
(WTO), which coincided with the timing of the reduced significance of Malaysia’s manufacturing employment
share (Chart 2). The loss of competitiveness to PR China is, however, not unique to Malaysia as other Asian
economies have also shed employment in the low skill sectors. What differs, however, is that other countries
such as South Korea and Chinese Taipei2 appear to have prevented premature deindustrialisation by creating
employment in other high value added segments of the manufacturing value chain, a situation that is less
apparent in Malaysia (Chart 3).
Chart 2: PR China’s entry into the WTO in 2001 coincided with the decrease in Malaysia’s
manufacturing employment share and reduced competitiveness of regional economies’ E&E exports
15 -4
PR China
C. Taipei
Chart 3: Unlike other regional economies, Malaysia’s manufacturing sector has generated less
employment in high value added segments
-15 Malaysia Chinese Korea Malaysia PR Thailand Chinese Malaysia Thailand Chinese Korea
Taipei China Taipei Taipei
Source: de Vries, Chen, Hasan and Li (2016), Bank Negara Malaysia estimates
Chinese Taipei’s successful positive deindustrialisation arose from adoption of the strategy of “keeping the roots planted in Chinese Taipei while letting
the branches and leaves expand abroad” (Chen, 2005). This entailed retaining production of higher value added products in the country, while offshoring
labour-intensive activities. Critically, both Chinese Taipei and South Korea also kept innovation-based functions such as developing new products
domestically, while moving production-based manufacturing jobs abroad.
Two explanations in the literature have been put forth to account for the slow progress of Malaysia’s
manufacturing sector in moving up the value chain. First is the less-than-desirable policy landscape
and the lack of industry-government coordination which has led to a lack of technology upgrading in
the manufacturing sector (see Rasiah (2011) and Menon and Ng (2015)). The second view posits that
industrial upgrading in Malaysia is slow due to the large concentration of micro-, small- and medium-
sized firms in the manufacturing sector. These smaller firms suffer from low production volume or do not
have consistency in the demand for their products. As a result, they are unable to embrace automation
solutions, which are costly, capital intensive and have a longer payback period. For export-oriented
firms, the difficulty in upgrading is also due to the limited ability to embark on product innovation as
they are mainly involved in production-related activities on behalf of international clients, with limited
ownership of the final product itself (Khazanah Research Institute, 2017). This, however, has not
stopped local firms from undertaking process innovation, as the percentage of Malaysian firms that
embarked on this is comparable to our regional peers (World Bank Enterprise Survey, 2016).
Notwithstanding these developments, there are several important nuances about Malaysia’s
deindustrialisation that are worth highlighting:
1. While the output and employment shares of manufacturing declined up to 2010, they have been
relatively steady thereafter (Chart 4). Though it may be too early to conclude that Malaysia has
stopped deindustrialising, the process appears to have slowed considerably over the past decade.
2. Sector-specific trends also appear to play an important role in explaining Malaysia’s deindustrialisation.
Most of the decrease in the overall manufacturing share as well as the subsequent stabilisation
tracks closely the trend of the E&E sub-sector (Chart 5a). Meanwhile, other manufacturing sectors
experience more muted changes in their output and employment shares.
3. Comparing the period before and after 2010, the E&E sub-sector showed an improvement in
productivity in the latter half compared to the previous decade (Chart 5b). An increasing rate of
productivity is an important attribute towards a more positive long-term industrial process.
Chart 4: Although Malaysia’s manufacturing output and employment shares have declined since its
peak in 2000, the pace of the decline have been more gradual from 2010 onwards
20 17.7 17.4
1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017
Chart 5a: The trend in the E&E sub-sector Chart 5b: The E&E sub-sector is the only cluster
predominates the overall manufacturing VA share with improved productivity from 2010 onwards
10 12
8 7.5
8 6.1
8 6 5.4
6 4.6
6 4 3.7
4 3.0 3.1
2 2
0 0 0
2000 2006 2012 2018 Consumer Primary Construction E&E
related related related
Consumer-cluster VA share Primary-related VA share
Avg. Productivity Growth (2001-2008)
Construction-cluster VA share E&E VA Share (RHS) Avg. Productivity Growth (2011-2017)
Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia estimates Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia estimates
These developments appear to be rooted in several recent shifts taking place in the manufacturing sector.
First, although the broader manufacturing sector has been slow in moving up the value chain, the E&E sub-
sector has considerable success in reversing its fall in output share as it engaged in horizontal diversification
towards a new set of end-product segments. This was enabled by a large presence of multinational
corporations (MNCs) in Malaysia with vendor linkages with domestic E&E firms as well as the emergence
of public-listed homegrown E&E companies. As the MNCs responded to the major shifts in the global E&E
markets, Malaysian firms moved in tandem to diversify away from personal computers (PC), which had
been on a structurally declining trend towards and after 2010, into fast-growing end-product segments
such as smartphones, automotive electronics and cloud computing. Consequently, Malaysia’s E&E sub-
sector was able to record improved output share and productivity from 20103 onwards. These are in spite
of the lack of functional upgrading in terms of activities within the E&E sub-sector, as its primary activity
remains predominantly assembly and testing.
Second, employment within the E&E sub-sector has also become increasingly skilled-biased. Data from the
Labour Force Survey between 2010 and 2015 indicate a shift in the E&E sub-sector’s worker composition
away from the use of direct labour, typically associated with the labour-intensive methods of production
(Chart 6). This has been replaced with a higher share of engineers and technicians who can operate
machines and automated equipments. Despite this positive trend, the E&E sub-sector still faces an acute
shortage of high-skilled labour amid the increasing need to automate and innovate.
Chart 6: E&E’s shift towards high skilled employment
% shares of employment
40 19.6 23.9
11.7 13.6
20 1.5 2.6
Operators Elementary Managers Technicians
& assemblers occupations & engineers
2010 2015
The declining E&E output share in the late 2000s reflects the adverse impact of the emergence of smartphones and tablets technology to the global PC
market as Malaysia’s E&E sub-sector was highly plugged into the PC production chain.
The lesson from the E&E’s diversification process presents a pragmatic way forward for other sectors in
the economy to improve productivity and arrest their respective “premature output deindustrialisation”.
Producing more complex and sophisticated products can be a viable strategy to increase each sector’s
competitiveness. A strong case can be made for the resource-based industries to potentially produce
more complex downstream products, such as specialty chemicals and oleo-chemicals. Similarly,
transport manufacturers may also find means to produce more complex types of passenger vehicles
such as hybrid and electric vehicles.
It is noteworthy, however, that even if these industries were able to move horizontally and produce more
complex products, it may not necessarily prevent the decline in manufacturing employment share as
the nature of advanced manufacturing inherently requires more automated equipments and machines
while reliance on labour as a factor of production diminishes. This explains the reason that advanced
economies are still experiencing a declining share of manufacturing employment to this day. Despite this
lower reliance on labour, there will be a potential for an increase in high skilled and thus higher paying
jobs in order to cater for the more technologically advanced manufacturing sector.
Given these trends, recent developments in the literature also suggest that the services sector is able
to take on a more significant role in providing high quality employment to complete the process of
transitioning towards a high income economy. It is essential that employment creation be targeted
towards the modern services sub-sector as opposed to the traditional services sub-sector. This is
because the modern services sub-sector closely resembles the manufacturing sector in terms of
productivity, tradability and technological diffusion (Nayyar et al., 2018). This modern services
sub-sector is typically defined as the ICT services, finance as well as transport, storage and
communications sectors. In addition, Gollin (2018) argues that modern services will also yield
technological and knowledge spillovers, which will provide an opportunity for technological transfer
and capital investments, akin to the manufacturing sector.
However, a balanced development strategy targeting both manufacturing and modern services
is needed as there are several limitations in solely relying on the modern services sub-sector in
economic development. Firstly, despite the increasing tradability of the modern services sub-sector,
its share in global trade is still relatively low compared to manufacturing trade, which implies there
might be limited gains to the economy’s export performance if it were to focus solely on modern
services. Secondly, despite the similarities in the characteristics of the manufacturing and modern
services sectors, the modern services sub-sector will not be able to absorb the displaced low and
mid-skilled manufacturing workers in the short run due to its demand for high-skilled labour, which is
a key feature of modern services. This reinforces the urgency for effective and comprehensive labour
upskilling programmes to accelerate the development of the modern services sub-sector to ensure a
smoother employment transition.
To facilitate a more balanced development strategy, several policy imperatives ought to be prioritised.
Firstly, there is a need for a principle-based investment approach that focuses on high skilled job
creation, high value added activities and high product complexity. This will ensure the economy
attracts investments that will move all the sectors up the value chain and into modern and advanced
activities that are fast growing with high productivity. Secondly, the capability of domestic firms, talent
and infrastructure must be further strengthened in order to capitalise on opportunities as a result of
the changing global economic landscape. Industrial automation, advanced robotics and digitalisation
are transforming processes in both the manufacturing and services sectors. While Malaysian firms are
already actively pursuing process innovation, there is still a need to nurture domestic firms and talent
to be agile in dealing with new forms of process innovation. National strategies and roadmaps will play
a critical role in steering this transformation4. Infrastructure-wise, digital connectivity using high-speed
broadband has become equally important as the deployment of physical infrastructure.
While Malaysia has been experiencing premature deindustrialisation since the early 2000s, recent trends
suggest that certain industries are progressing towards a more positive path of industrial development.
To further sustain the progress of the Malaysian economy, a balanced development strategy that targets
and upgrades both manufacturing and modern services is needed. Recent experience also underscores
the principle that the most effective outcomes are achieved when government and private sector
efforts work hand-in-hand, and new forms of industrial policies will have a key role to play in facilitating
structural transformation and economic development.
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Examples of these strategies and roadmaps include Industry4WRD, National Internet of Things Strategic Roadmap and the eCommerce Strategic