Dynamic Simulation and Neural Network Compliance Control of An Intelligent Forging Center
Dynamic Simulation and Neural Network Compliance Control of An Intelligent Forging Center
Dynamic Simulation and Neural Network Compliance Control of An Intelligent Forging Center
@ 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park,
PA 16802, U.S.A.
A. S. M E L L I G E R I
StatDesign, Inc., 3319 Greenfield Rd. # 197, Dearborn, MI 48120, U.S.A.
Abstract. Automation of forging processes is important for both safety and efficiency in today's
advanced manufacturing operations. This work supports the development of an Intelligent Open Die
Forging System which will integrate state-of-the-art modelling techniques, automatic die selection
and sequencing, full system dynamic simulation, automatic machine programming and coordi-
nation, and sensor-based process control to enable the production of more general and complex
workpiece geometries than are achievable using current forging methods. Effective automation of
this open die forging system requires the coordination and control of the major system components:
press, robot, and furnace. In particular, forces exerted on the robot through its manipulation of the
workpiece during forging must be minimized to avoid damage to the manipulator mechanism. In
this paper, the application of neural networks for compliance control of the forging robot to min-
imize these forces is investigated. Effectiveness of the neural network-based compliance control
module is evaluated through a full dynamic system simulation, which will later form a central part
of the complete Intelligent Forging System. Dynamic simulation of the robot is achieved using an
efficient O(N) recursive algorithm, while material flow of the workpiece is modeled with a finite
element approach. Simulation and timing results for the complete processing system for a specific
open die forging example are presented.
Key words: forging automation, compliance control, neural networks, dynamic simulation, finite
element models, recursive algorithms, intelligent manufacturing.
1. I n t r o d u c t i o n
This paper discusses the automation of open die or 'hand' forging, which makes
use of simple dies (typically flat or V-shaped) to progressively forge a specified
part geometry (see Fig. 1). Open die forging differs from impression or closed die
forging in that no patterns or impressions are 'sunk' (machined) into the top and
bottom dies. Like other types of forging processes, open die forging enables the
control of grain flow in the forged part to optimize its material property profiles
and increase its service life over a cast, welded, or machined part [9].
The advantages of open die forging over alternative forming processes are
evident: (1) for small quantities (reduced batch processing); (2) for large part
sizes; and (3) when desired property requirements can only be achieved by forg-
ing. Open die forging is ideal for producing small numbers of parts, often more
economically than casting, machining, or welding. Open-die-forged prototypes
may also be used to optimize the geometric, material property, or functional
characteristics of a part before large investments are made in costly closed die
tooling which will eventually be used to form the final product.
In other cases, a large part size dictates that only open die forging can be used
to manufacture a part with the desirable characteristics of forging. In general,
open die forgings can be produced much larger than closed die forgings, with
the largest open die-forged shafts weighting more than 200 tons [9]. Open die
forging is also typically chosen over alternative non-forging processes when the
desired part must withstand high repeated cyclical stresses. Other requirements
which dictate open die forging include the need for increased property values in
the transverse directions and/or the need for better torsional fatigue resistance.
Regardless of part size, open die forging is frequently the only process capable
of providing desired design properties and service life expectancies,
Although automation of the open die forging process is not unknown to date,
its scope has been limited thus far. The first use of manipulators in industrial
open die forging occured approximately 60 years ago in both the United States
and Europe. The development of manipulators for handling heavy workpieces
(e.g. 200+ tons) was initiated at that time and has continued to some extent
through today [33, 34]. Such manipulators are generally custom built for a specific
task, however, and are limited in their manipulative capacity. Typical forging
manipulators have three degrees of freedom or less, a fact which significantly
restricts their end-point motion, and hence, the complexity of the resulting forged
part geometries.
Effective use of more versatile and dexterous industrial robots in the open
die forging of more general and complex workpiece geometries has not been
fully investigated, although some preliminary results are presented by Appleton
[2, 3]. A study by Vitscheff [29] also discusses the potential application of indus-
trial robots in the forging process with proper end effector design. In addition,
Vitscheff demonstrates the need for compliance control when robots are used to
manipulate the workpiece during forging. Specifically, the external forces exert-
ed on the manipulator through its manipulation of the workpiece during forging
steps must be minimized to avoid damage to the robot mechanism. In Apple-
ton's later work [3], passive compliance is provided in the form of springs in the
end effector mechanism. Application of this passive approach is limited, how-
ever, based upon the type of workpiece being handled and the specific forming
operation under consideration.
In general, few results have been published regarding integrated systems for
automating the open die forging process until very recently. In [18], Lilly and
Jablokow present the conceptual design of a next generation Intelligent Open Die
Forging System which integrates state-of-the-art modelling techniques, automatic
die selection and sequencing, full dynamic system simulation, automatic machine
programming and coordination, as well as sensor-based process control. Earlier
supporting work in the area of dynamic simulation of a hardware-integrated Forg-
ing Center is discussed in [ 19], while relevant results in the areas of 3D modelling
and feature extraction are referenced in [18]. Preliminary control studies, includ-
ing the consideration of neural network-based compliance control in forging, are
discussed in [1, 22].
Effective automation of the open die forging process requires the close coordi-
nation and control of the major system components: press, robot, and furnace (for
hot forging). As with many advanced manufacturing applications, the need for
This paper presents results obtained as part of the on-going development and
testing of the Integrated Robot/Forge Processing Center in the Department of
Mechanical Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University. The fundamental
objective of this research effort is the realization of an automated Intelligent Open
Die Forging System, as described briefly above, which exploits the advantages
of modern industrial robots and current computer technology. In contrast to most
standard forging applications which restrict the use of robots to pick-and-place
operations, the Penn State Integrated Robot/Forge Processing Center is designed
to utilize an industrial robot to manipulate and directly support the workpiece
while it is being forged. This will enable the forming of more general and complex
workpiece geometries, which in turn will eliminate or reduce the labor of later
production steps and lead to more efficient use of limited resources.
To aid in the design, implementation, and testing of the advanced coordina-
tion and control algorithms required for the Integrated Robot/Forge Processing
Center, a general dynamic model of an industrial robot and its interaction with
a workpiece during the open die forging process was introduced in [19]. The
current paper presents a more detailed discussion of the full dynamic system
simulation scheme developed for task validation and forging cell management
and its application in the investigation of neural network-based compliance con-
trol for simple open die forging tasks. Relevant to the development of this full
system simulation is the consideration of available tools and results in the areas of
forging process modelling, dynamic simulation algorithms for industrial robots,
and compliance control.
The use of finite element analysis techniques for the modelling of metal
forming processes in recent years is well established [1 l, 14, 16]. Non-linear
finite element analysis tools have been successfully developed and applied with
the increased computational capability of modern computers. However, although
new remeshing schemes and 3-dimensional analyses are expanding finite ele-
ment applications, there is no previous record of researchers utilizing material
define the dynamic behavior of a robot may be expressed using joint space
variables as follows [17, 31]:
Given: (Initialization)
d?i,Ii,iXi_l for i = 1,...,N;
I ~ = I N ; D*N = 1
K*N = r N ( r Nr N)-1r
L~v = 1 - (K~v" I~)
(,,&~)- 1 = 0
Backward Recursion
For i = ( N - 1 ) , . . . , 1:
I ; = Ii + i + ' X ~ r ( I g + t " L * + , ) i + ' X i
K~" = r ( cT I* r -t r
L; = 1 - ( K ; . I~, )
* i+lyTgr* XD*
Oi = -'~-i k.Ui+l] i+l
Forward Recursion
For i = 1,...,N:
('A*)-' = K , . + ( L : ) [ i X i - i (i-IA.
k i-l)
~-I i T
9 Xi-ll(Li
A-I - ( N A ~ ) - t
[ . ~ T I . , t ~'~-I~.Tf 1 t i * ~ i X ti-l^* ",-1 i x T (L*~T]D*
~r = k W l iY.'i] ~)i[ --k i ) " i--l'k lxi--1) " i--It i] J i
~-- [~'-~(l) ~(2) " ' ' •(N)] T
This section presents some basic concepts and features of the rigid viscoplastic
finite element analysis method used to model the open die forging process in this
work. The present discussion is based on the finite element method developed
by Lee and Kobayashi [16]. This method has been used successfully to model
a variety of metal forming processes, including forging and extrusion [14]. The
formulation is briefly described below, with additional details found in [11].
The fundamental law for viscoplastic materials relates the strain rate and
deviatoric stress as follows [11]:
~j = strain rate tensor
= effective strain-rate magnitude
= effective flow stress magnitude
cri~ = deviatoric stress tensor.
The integral form of the equilibrium equation during the deformation of a
rigid-plastic material may be written:
n=/vaadV-fsFiuidS I
Metal deforms with constant volume. Therefore, the admissible velocity ui must
satisfy the incompressibility constraint. The constraints are imbedded in the vari-
ational form by introducing a penalty constant, Q. The modified first-order vari-
ation of the functional H is given as follows:
fs = frictional stress
m = friction factor
k = shear yield stress magnitude
l = unit tangent vector
Us = relative sliding velocity
Uo = velocity constant (for numerical stability).
The matrix representation of the goveming equation for rigid viscoplasticity is:
KV = F (14)
Since all the elements in one layer of a neural network compute in parallel, the
total computing time is a function of the relatively small number of layers rather
than the large number of processors. This greatly reduces the time required to
compute the output of the model.
The neural network approach demonstrated in [4] is used here to generate
the complex nonlinear compliance mapping required to accurately represent the
open die forging process in a continuous manner. Details and results of the
neural network training procedure are now briefly discussed. Integration of the
neural network compliance control module into the overall forging application is
discussed in Section 5.
In the current application, force and displacement data obtained from an off-
line simulation of the open die forging process were used as training sets for
the neural network. The simple upsetting of an aluminum billet was chosen
to represent a typical open die forging example. The finite element modelling
approach described in Section 3 was used to simulate the upsetting process.
Figure 2 illustrates the finite element mesh generated by the simulation for the
aluminum billet at the begining and end of the reduction process (XY-plane
only). The locations of nodes 1, 10, 91, and 100 are shown explicitly (before and
after reduction). The forging simulation required 60 steps; the workpiece was
compressed 0.02925 inches in each step.
The magnitude and direction of the contact forces and moments exerted on
the robot end effector during forging are of considerable interest in avoiding
Initial form
1" I ii ~ ~ X ~ 0*
14 -0,006
12 Fz
9 -0.008
q,) 9 -0.010
< ' -0.012 >
, , , ,. , , .o.ol,
0.o 0.1 o 2 o 3 0., o.s ~
damage to the robot mechanism. It is these forces and moments which the com-
pliance control scheme is designed to reduce and/or eliminate. Figure 3 shows
the computed contact forces at the end effector in the X and Y directions (Fz
and F v, respectively) throughout the upsetting process. As expected, the magni-
tude of the axial force, Fz, which results from the elongation of the workpiece
in the X direction, is considerably greater than the vertical force being applied
to the gripper, Fy. The neural network was trained to map given Cartesian forces
and moments exerted on the robot end effector to corresponding end effector
displacements using this force and displacement data.
The specific structure of the multi-layer neural network used here is as follows:
20-30-20-19. That is, it utilizes 20 inputs and 19 outputs, with 2 hidden layers of
30 and 20 neurons, respectively. Its 20 inputs are composed of the forces in the X
and Y directions at nodes 10, 2 0 , . . . , 100 of the workpiece model, all of which
are assumed to be in contact with the robot end effector. The network outputs
are the 19 displacements in the X and Y directions of these same nodes. (Note:
node 100 is constrained by the bottom die, and therefore, has no displacement
in the Y direction.)
The input/output data from every fifth step of the required 60 steps of the
finite element simulation formed a training set for the neural network. The back
propagation method [32] was used with global momentum and a learning rate
of 0.9 and 0.5, respectively. A total of 998 training cycles, corresponding to
o MAX Error
----o RMS Error
0 0 0 0 C) C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
r'.- r O) u') T- I'~ r O~ to ~ I'~ r (3) it) ~ D.,.
CO oo ,.. O)
Number of Cycles
570.7 sec on a VaxStation 3100 M38, were required for the neural network to
learn the compliance mapping. In the training error plot of Figure 4, both RMS
and maximum errors have dropped to less than 5% at the end of the training cycle,
demonstrating that the neural network was well-trained for the given input/output
Trajectory ~ Joint
"~[ C~176
x I
Arm f
Dynamics (closedchain)
(openand closedchain)
for open chain configurations of the robot, f is zero, and the Compliance Control
feedback loop is not activated.
The spatial forces generated by the closed chain dynamics algorithm during
constrained motion of the robot (i.e. during forging) are used as inputs to the
Neural Network Compliance Control module. The Compliance Control module
maps these forces to the corresponding displacements of the robot end effector,
Xd, which will reduce or eliminate the tip force loading on the robot. These
Cartesian displacements are then transformed to joint space using an Inverse
Kinematic Transformation. The resulting joint positions, qd, are used as supple-
mentary inputs to the Joint Controller (currently a simple PID control algorithm),
along with the actual joint positions and velocities obtained from the Robot Arm
Dynamics module (q, ~)). Specific simulation results using this integrated com-
putational structure are now discussed.
In the simulation of all advanced robotic systems, computational complexity and
elapsed computation time are of considerable interest. Table II shows the time
required for the computation of specific quantities and/or the implementation of
individual components of the simulation (one iteration). All computations were
conducted on a VaxStation 3100 M38 with a clock resolution of 10 ms.
The Direct Dynamics computation of the closed chain joint accelerations for
constrained motion of the industrial robot results in the most significant computa-
tional burden (1 I0 ms). This fact further emphasizes the need for the development
of even more efficient closed chain robot dynamics algorithms. Integration of the
closed chain joint accelerations to obtain the joint velocities and positions, along
with the PID joint control scheme implemented by the Joint Controller, requires
The RMS step error plot shown in Figure 6 illustrates the performance of the
neural network at different steps of the forging process as it is used in the
ca 0.1
9=- 0.08
c~ 0-04
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Step #
o t°x. r
l- 0.04
003 I
Node #
integrated simulation. Steps t, 5, 10, and 15 are the trained steps. From the
data of Figure 7, we see that the Neural Network Compliance Control module
provided a good estimation of the robot end effector position within an RMS
error of 0.025 inch for the trained points. From the RMS position error, we can
also observe how well the compliance control module performed for each nodal
displacement. Note that a good mapping was achieved in the X direction (as
compared to the Y direction) for nodes in the top half of the workpiece, while a
better mapping was achieved in the Y direction for nodes in the bottom half of
the workpiece.
This work investigated the application of neural networks for the compliance
control of an automated open die forging system through full dynamic system
simulation. Efficient algorithms and methods were utilized to simulate the motion
of the industrial robot and to model the material flow of the workpiece during
the forging process. A multi-layer neural network was trained to implement
the nonlinear force/displacement mapping required for the compliance control
scheme, which was designed to reduce or eliminate potentially damaging forces
transmitted to the robot during forging. These computational system components
were successfully coordinated in an integrated simulation environment.
A simple open die forging example (upsetting of an aluminum billet) was
used to test this neural network-based compliance control approach. The per-
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