This document lists Dell laptop and desktop models with their corresponding prices from November 2019 special sales. For refurbished laptops, prices range from Rs. 18,500 for an Inspiron 15 with a Celeron processor up to Rs. 59,800 for an Inspiron G3 15 gaming laptop. Refurbished desktop prices are Rs. 27,500 and Rs. 36,000 for OptiPlex 3050 mini towers. New laptop and desktop models range in price from Rs. 48,000 to Rs. 84,000, with specifications including processors from Pentium to i7 and RAM and storage configurations.
This document lists Dell laptop and desktop models with their corresponding prices from November 2019 special sales. For refurbished laptops, prices range from Rs. 18,500 for an Inspiron 15 with a Celeron processor up to Rs. 59,800 for an Inspiron G3 15 gaming laptop. Refurbished desktop prices are Rs. 27,500 and Rs. 36,000 for OptiPlex 3050 mini towers. New laptop and desktop models range in price from Rs. 48,000 to Rs. 84,000, with specifications including processors from Pentium to i7 and RAM and storage configurations.
This document lists Dell laptop and desktop models with their corresponding prices from November 2019 special sales. For refurbished laptops, prices range from Rs. 18,500 for an Inspiron 15 with a Celeron processor up to Rs. 59,800 for an Inspiron G3 15 gaming laptop. Refurbished desktop prices are Rs. 27,500 and Rs. 36,000 for OptiPlex 3050 mini towers. New laptop and desktop models range in price from Rs. 48,000 to Rs. 84,000, with specifications including processors from Pentium to i7 and RAM and storage configurations.
This document lists Dell laptop and desktop models with their corresponding prices from November 2019 special sales. For refurbished laptops, prices range from Rs. 18,500 for an Inspiron 15 with a Celeron processor up to Rs. 59,800 for an Inspiron G3 15 gaming laptop. Refurbished desktop prices are Rs. 27,500 and Rs. 36,000 for OptiPlex 3050 mini towers. New laptop and desktop models range in price from Rs. 48,000 to Rs. 84,000, with specifications including processors from Pentium to i7 and RAM and storage configurations.
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