Gad Matrix 2020

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Gender Issue/GAD Cause of GAD Objective Relevant GAD Performance GAD Source of Responsible

Mandate Gender issue Organiza Activity Indicator Budget Budget Office

Gender Sensitivity and Limited To update GAD Posting and Majority of 2,000 Fund 164 GAD Office-PSU
use of Gender Fair knowledge knowledge of Office – Distribution the faculty pesos Municipal Taytay
Language about faculties of PSU- PSU of reading received Aid
Gender Taytay about issues MAin materials reading
Sensitivity concerning Gender Seminar materials
and use of Sensitivity All faculty
Gender Fair and staff of
Sexual Harassment in Teachers as To educate GAD Symposium All teachers 2000 PTC GAD Office-PSu
the workplace (PSU well as teachers with Office- For teachers attended the pesos Taytay
personnel) students matters concerning PSU symposium SGO-PSu Taytay
were sexual harassment Main
School misdirected happening in the Symposium All students 2,000 SGO Fund
(PSU students) or have workplace for Students attended the pesos
limited symposium
information T orient students
towards the about the nature of
nature of sexual harassment.
Children in Conflict Increasing To educate MSWDO- Seminars All teachers 5,000 Fund 164 GAD Office-PSu
with the Law numbers of teachers, parents Taytay and Training and majority Municipal Taytay
youth in handling and of parents Aid
conflicting supervising attended the
with law students/children said training
who committed
crimes against the
Gender Awareness and Development Office
Action Plan SY 2020-2021

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