The Ten Choir Commandments Beatitudes

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1. Thou shalt love the Lord they God with all thy heart,
with all thy soul, with all thy mind, and with all thy strength.

2. Thou shalt love thy choir neighbor as thyself.

3. Thou shalt honor thy ministry leaders that thou mayest

live long in the ministry the Lord thy God gives thee.

4. Thou shalt be faithful to thy commitment.

5. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s solo, seat, or


6. Thou shalt not commit murder nor bear false witness

against thy choir neighbor.

7. Thou shalt depart from iniquity.

8. Remember the Worship Day and keep it early.

9. Thou shalt present thy body wholly and appropriately

dressed before the Lord.

10. Thou shalt preserve thy choir folder without wrinkle.


1. Blessed is the choir member who attends rehearsals regularly, for he

shall receive a crown for faithfulness and make fewer mistakes on Sunday.
2. Blessed is the choir member who never avoid Sunday choir
responsibilities with a trivial excuse that would not keep him from a
secular job, for a full choir inspires great congregational participation.
3. Blessed is the choir member who is not easily offended, for he shall be
known to possess LOVE, the virtue esteemed greater than faith and hope.
4. Blessed is the choir member whose Spiritual life is in accord with the
beautiful harmony he sings, for he shall never be known as a hypocrite.
5. Blessed is the choir member who; participates in revival choir efforts, for
he shall have a vital part in the winning of souls.
6. Blessed is the choir member who sings with the Spirit and with the
understanding also, for the Lord shall add His blessings to the song.
7. Blessed is the choir member who reflects a spirit of reverence and
enthusiastic participation, for his noble qualities shall be reflected in the
8. Blessed is the choir member who sings, not for music’s sake alone, but
for the message, for the Holy Spirit often sends the dew of conviction on
the wings of song.
9. Blessed is the choir member that sings for an appreciative Pastor, Elders
and people, for an enthusiastic spirit shall fill their ministry.
10. Blessed is the choir that sings for the glory of God, for that choir shall
have a spirit of unity and peace that shall bless the entire congregation.


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