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Your virtual events. Expertly managed.

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MEETINGSNET /September 2020 / contents

HE 2 020
T 25
10 MeetingsNet’s 14th
annual list of the largest
On Tap
independent meeting and
incentive companies focused 4 Collector’s Edition?
Hang onto this 14th edition of the CMI
on the U.S. corporate market 25 because who knows what we’ll be
reporting next year.
On the Fly
6 Social distancing technology…
screaming in Iceland … EIC expands
Hall of Leaders … better masks, better
51 A Virtual Annual Meeting
as a Three-Course Meal
How to lure online attendees with free
“content appetizers” in order to get full
price for the rest of your meeting.
55 What HCPs Crave:
Content and Interaction
In the midst of the pandemic, best
practices include micro-meetings,
virtual engagement tools, and hybrid
6 options.
Sites & Venues
58 Our monthly gallery of new and
renovated meeting properties around
58 the world

62 Ad Index

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 20 3
on tap / By Sue Hatch


[email protected]

Hang onto this 14th edition of the

CMI 25 because who knows what
we’ll be reporting next year.
The 2020 CMI 25, our annual report on the larg-
est independent meeting and incentive companies seen the boom in cases that would soon be reported
focused on the U.S. corporate market, is, as always, SENIOR CONTENT
PRODUCER in June and July. It’s a safe bet that the late-May pro-
based on the previous year’s business. Each spring jections for autumn meeting business were overly
we collect data on the number of meetings and confident. (More survey results here.)
incentives that independents planned and executed, So how will we calculate next year’s CMI 25 com-
as well as the number of room nights booked for panies? Will we count virtual and hybrid meeting
those events plus other data. experiences in addition to pure face-to-face events?
When spring 2021 rolls around, our data track- Will the number of room nights booked even be a
ing for 2020 is going to face the coronavirus black ROB CAREY meaningful number anymore? Are we going to try to
hole. As everyone in the business knows, face-to- SENIOR CONTENT
PRODUCER track ROI, creativity, or other success metrics rather
face meetings since March have been few and far than the sheer number of meetings?
between. I just hope we won’t be detailing the number of
We began documenting that fact in late May. SPREAD companies that have folded, or reporting on scores
When CMI 25 applicants sent in their 2019 num- THE WORD of independent planners who have left the industry.
bers, we also asked them to tell us about their 2020 Know someone These meeting experts play an outsized role in help-
meetings in order to get a sense of the impact the who would ing companies bring people together for education,
Covid-19 pandemic was having on these industry enjoy this issue? recognition, and idea development through cre-
leaders. Send them a link to atively executed meetings and incentives that build
The results were not surprising, but they were read MeetingsNet’s
teams, define brands, and move business forward.
digital edition.
devastating: From March through May, only 5 Congratulations to the 2020 CMI 25 companies,
percent of planned face-to-face meetings went and best of luck to all independent meeting com-
forward, with the vast majority canceled, postponed, DON’T MISS panies as they navigate through the rest of the year
or converted to virtual. For June through August, A THING! and into 2021. Stay strong!
companies expected only 9 percent of their face-to- Keep up with all the
face meetings to happen. news, trends, and
At the time of the survey, companies were more features we post to
optimistic about meetings booked for September
through December, expecting 30 percent to happen by signing up
for MeetingsNet
face to face as planned. But at that point, Texas,
Today, our free daily
Florida, Arizona, and other southern states hadn’t yet

People Are Talking

Follow us, tweet us, like us. Tell us about
your meeting innovations and we’ll share
the latest news, insights, and ideas. meetingsnet meetingsnet meetingsnet meetingsnet/

4 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

Your Future:
Get to Know It
It only takes 90 minutes to get in the know.
That’s 90 minutes with up to 20 event
professionals. The discussion is frank and
fast-paced. Sam Lippman facilitates.
Is it worth your time? In surveys, 99% of clients said YES.
Reserve one or more squares for the Fall season—most Fridays starting
September 11.

Learn more at

Produced by
Edited by Sue Hatch

on the fly

Nominate a Leader
APEX: Covid
The Events Industry Council has
published a free e-book, Meeting and
Event Accepted Practices Design Guide,
to help planners and their organizations
hold safe meetings. The guide provides
customizable tools that include a
meeting and event decision grid based
on the rate of Covid-19 transmission
at a given time; guidelines and a code
of conduct for staff and attendees in
the pre-event, on-site, and post-event
environment; meeting and event
success metrics (pre- and post-vaccine);
attendee communication considerations;
and more.

Word Watch

The Events Industry Council, which each year inducts industry

luminaries into its prestigious Hall of Leaders, has added two new
awards that connect with the year’s most pressing issues, social Adj. the fusion
justice and the pandemic: of physical and
• EIC Adaptation and Innovation Award for extraordinary effort in areas that ensure the industry’s
digital elements
in marketing or
relevance as it emerges from a global health crisis
• EIC Social Impact Award for extraordinary effort in the areas of diversity, inclusion, equity, and acces-

sibility in the global events industry
Nominations for the Hall of Leaders and both new awards must be submitted by October 1 at the
EIC website.

6 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

If you don’t want the planning team to have to be the distance is re-established. (Watch the video.) For 100 or
social-distancing police, these two products originally more devices, the price is $170 while each charger for up
created for employees at manufacturing facilities and to four devices costs another $175.
warehouses could work well for meetings and events. • A similar product is the Proxxi Halo, a wristband that
Is it time to ask venues to invest? vibrates when two people get closer than six feet. This
• The Magazzino Italian Art museum in Cold Spring, N.Y., system generates a downloadable proximity log for each
recently purchased dozens of four-ounce devices called wearer that can facilitate contact tracing. It costs $100 per
EGOpro Active Tag that everyone on site must wear unit, and it does not need a special charger.
around their necks. If any two people get within six feet —Rob Carey
of each other, the tags vibrate and flash until the proper

EGOpro Active Tag

74% Say No Domestic Travel Allowed

(That’s Good News!)
Almost three quarters of respondents to an early-August Global Business
Travel Association survey reported that “all or most” of their organiza-
tion’s domestic business trips are curtailed. That’s an improvement worth
celebrating compared to mid-April, when 93 percent said the same thing.
International travel isn’t returning as fast, however. In April, 98 percent
of GBTA respondents said “all or most” international business trips were
not happening; that figure is now 93 percent.

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 7

Book ’em Danno

Transportation Security the guns detected were
Administration officers loaded.
detected 15.3 guns per The busiest airport in the
million people screened U.S., Hartsfield–Jackson
last month, compared Atlanta International Airport,
to 5.1 guns per million intercepted the most guns

people during the same in July (27), followed by
month last year. And the airports in Denver and
that threefold jump in Dallas-Fort Worth (13 each).

Solution passengers found with a

gun in carry-on luggage
comes at a time when the
See the full list.
Regardless of whether
there’s a parallel jump in
You can buy masks
TSA processed 75 percent firearms at live events, make
with holes or zippers to fewer airline passengers sure you’re prepared for
accommodate straws; overall. Four out of five of gun-toting attendees.
however, those openings
can also let virus into
the air and give users a
false sense of security.
Enter the Redee Mask,
which allows a straw
to be inserted through
a covered, unexposed
opening. This mask won’t
solve your cocktail party
problems—cabernet from
a straw?—but it might
make ice coffee and
smoothies popular at the

8 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

I Scream, however, has found an
entertaining way to transport
also send you an email with a
video clip of the moment your
You Scream, armchair tourists to its lava fields scream is played across a given

We All
and beaches and work out some landscape.
frustration with travel restrictions This is no calming screensaver;

Scream in
at the same time. The website as well as playing back your
LooksLikeYouNeedIceland own scream, users will hear

Iceland .com lets users record a scream,

or a lot of screams, and have
the screams of other frustrated
travelers from around the world.
them played in one or more The site’s instruction to “Let It
Frustrated with of seven locations around the Out” is a good way to let off
pandemic travel country. Video and audio of a steam. And when you are calmer,
restrictions? Let it rip loudspeaker is live in a couple there is a section on planning a
in Iceland’s volcanic of spots at a time, so users can trip to Iceland to experience the
landscape. see seabirds flying over cliffs scenery in person. —Hannah
Destination marketing during or hear the sound of the wind Kinnersley
a pandemic is hard. Iceland, in wildflowers. The site will

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 9
H E 202 0

10 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

The Covid-19 pandemic has knocked our industry on its heels.
Independent meeting planning companies have taken a particularly
hard hit. But they push on: With one eye on expanding their virtual
meeting services and another on the return to meetings in 2021, inde-
pendents continue to innovate and demonstrate their value to
clients and the industry at large. Perhaps none more so than the
companies in our CMI 25 report, MeetingsNet’s annual showcase of
the largest meeting and incentive companies focused on the North
American corporate market.
To make it on to the list, we compared independents, as we always do, based on their previous year’s
performance. While 2019 numbers and news may seem less relevant given the current industry shut-
down, face-to-face meetings will come back—and when they do, finding a meeting partner that can
bring experience and creativity to the table will be as important as ever. Read on for an introduction to
these major independents, including news of their latest partnerships, acquisitions, and initiatives; their
annual business volume, and photos of impactful events.
In addition, in this unprecedented year, we’ve also surveyed the CMI 25 companies to get a sense of
how the pandemic has affected their business, and to get their predictions for the return of face-to-face
• ALTOUR International • Maritz Global Events
• American Express Meetings • McVeigh Global Meetings
& Events & Events
• Ashfield Meetings & Events • Meeting Alliance
• BCD Meetings & Events • Meeting Expectations
• Bishop-McCann • Meetings & Incentives
• BI WORLDWIDE Worldwide Inc.
• ConferenceDirect • MotivAction, an Augeo
• Creative Group Inc.
• Omega Meetings & Incentives
• CWT Meetings & Events
• One10
• Enterprise Events Group
• SDI Meetings & Incentives
• Fox World Travel
• Travel and Transport Meetings
• George P. Johnson Experience and Events
• Unbridled
• ITA Group Inc.
• World Travel Inc.

To create the CMI 25 list, we collect independent meeting and incen-
information on the size and scope tive planning company is welcome
of independent planning com- to apply, but to keep the list
panies. We look at the number of relevant to U.S. corporate meeting
corporate meetings and incentives professionals we focus on third
they plan and the number of room parties with business operations
nights booked in conjunction with in the U.S., and only consider the
those meetings. We also consider meetings and incentives planned
staff size and other factors. Any and executed out of U.S. offices.

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 11
Covid-19 Snapshot
CMI 25 companies responded to a survey in late May and the first days of June about the impact
of the coronavirus. While their outlook today might be more pessimistic—at the time of the survey,
Texas, Florida, Arizona, and other southern states hadn’t yet seen the summer’s devasting climb in
daily case counts—they could also feel more optimistic as vaccines get closer to reality, mask-wear-
ing becomes somewhat more mainstream, and the meetings industry continues to roll out more
information about safe practices for the return to in-person events.

As a snapshot in time, the survey documents a devastated industry through the summer months,
with an uptick predicted for the fall, but few expectations for a full recovery until early 2021 at best.
Twenty-two of the 25 companies on the CMI 25 list responded to the survey.

What has happened—or what March–May

do you expect to happen—to
your company’s meeting,
convention, and incentive 5%
business through the end of
the year? 56% 9%

June –August

55% 9% September–December


Postponed Converting Expected to execute

Canceled to virtual

12 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

When do you estimate When do you estimate
face-to-face meetings will incentive travel programs will
return to normal volume? return to normal volume?

57% 52%

28.5% 19% 24%

9.5% 5%

Q1- Q2 Q3-Q4 2022 2023

2021 2021

Layoffs Furloughs

33% 72%
Percentage of CMI 25 Percentage of CMI 25
companies reporting companies reporting
layoffs as a result of the employee furloughs
pandemic as a result of the

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 13
ALTOUR Meetings
& Incentives

❚ ALTOUR Meetings & Incentives was
a finalist for a 2020 Excellence Award
from Cvent in the “Best Onsite Attendee
Experience” category.
❚ Canyon Creek Travel, Dallas, acquired
in spring 2019, now operates as ALTOUR.
While it is primarily a corporate travel
management company for small and
mid-market clients, it also handles group
and international travel.
❚ Among ALTOUR’s newest clients are
Squire Patton Boggs and 7-Eleven.
❚ ALTOUR now offers a mobile app
A 100-year-old
that provides travelers with itineraries,
banana plantation in
Spain’s Canary Islands expense tracking, online booking, and
served as the perfect more.
backdrop for a group
❚ Charitable efforts this year have
awards dinner.
included a five-day food drive that
brought in more than 2,000 pounds of
goods for a local food pantry.
❚ ALTOUR Meetings & Incentives is a
division of ALTOUR International. ALTOUR
merged with Travel Leaders Group
Holdings in 2017.
Corporate Top customer
meetings in markets:
390 financial Alexandre Chemla, Founder and President
Lee Thomas, COO
Incentive travel healthcare/
programs in medical,
2019: business
28 services

14 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

Dinner at a safari Room nights
oasis highlighted booked for
African culture with meetings and
authentic décor incentives in
and exotic rescued 2019:
Meeting and
incentive travel
programs held
outside the U.S.:
Website Revenue from
planning and
Alexandre Chemla, Facebook executing
CEO and Founder,
LinkedIn meetings and
ALTOUR incentives:

Mary Sue Leathers, A three-day summit

President, ALTOUR culminated in
Meetings & an immersive
Incentives experience of
vibrant production
and entertainment
from around the

Lee Thomas, COO,


Gabe Rizzeri, Chief

Revenue Officer,

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 15
American Express Attendees take

Meetings & Events

a break from the
action-packed 2019
Dealer Meeting.

THE LATEST ❚ AEM&E has expanded its virtual UNICEF through a

and hybrid meetings offerings dollar donation fro
❚ In December 2019, AEM&E with additional suppliers for through June 2021
launched Meetings Ground webcasting, virtual trade shows, ❚ AEM&E is a divisio
Transportation, a solution built and conferences. Express Global Bus
on the miMeetings technology
❚ AEM&E is a member of the GBT, created in 201
platform that allows planners
Meetings Mean Business Board of venture partnershi
Corporate meetings to send requests for proposal to
Directors. American Express a
in 2019: transportation suppliers and group
❚ In August 2019, American group led by Certa
attendees for shared rides. The
Express Global Business Travel in September 2019
tool also connects with FAA data
announced a flagship charitable acquisition of the G
and enables detailed reporting,
effort in support of UNICEF. The company DER Busi
Incentive travel standardized invoicing, and a
programs in 2019: simplified payment processing. company committed to support

Top customer
pharmaceutical, Gerardo Tejado,
healthcare/ General Manager,
medical, Global Meetings
& Events

Andrew Crawley,
Chief Commercial

Si-Yeon Kim,
Chief Risk &
Compliance Officer

16 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

Room nights
half-million- LEADERSHIP booked for
om August 2019 meetings and
Paul Abbott, CEO, American Express incentives in 2019:
Global Business Travel
on of American Gerardo Tejado, Vice President and 5,650,925
siness Travel. General Manager, American Express
14 as a joint Meetings & Events Meeting and
ip between incentive travel
and an investor A global financial programs held
ares, expanded
services company outside the U.S.:
The scene at a treated its guests
9 with the sustainability-focused to a live production 75%
German financial services team off of “Hamilton” and
iness Travel. site in Australia, featuring a dinner fit for a Revenue from
local chefs, wineries, and Founding Father.
planning and
farmers. executing meetings
q and incentives:

8 Key
Considerations for
Virtual and Hybrid
Meetings & Events

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 17
Meetings &

Our guide for delivering

effective and memorable
virtual meetings—from project
management to choosing
and understanding the right
technology platform q

In five days, we
adapted and
content for a
virtual platform to
ensure a slick event
experience. p

We continue to
deliver virtual
meetings and
events with
certainty and
impact during
even the most
of times. u

Corporate Top customer

meetings in 2019: markets:

2,104 pharmaceutical/
Incentive travel academia/
programs in 2019: education,
6 distribution

18 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

THE LATEST Ashfield has created a guide called “The
Ashfield Formula for Virtual Success,”
❚ Ashfield began 2020 with new covering project management, choosing
faces on its leadership team, the right technology platform, and more.
including Jason Erickson, who was
❚ In mid-2019, Ashfield published “The
promoted to global managing director,
Science of Healthcare Congresses,” a
and Steve Sanders, who joined the
study of more than 200 healthcare
company as global finance director. 
professionals from Europe and the U.S.
❚ The company has moved its
headquarters location to Fort
that revealed HCPs preferences around
meetings and conferences.
Washington, Pa., 20 minutes from its old Full-time
❚ The company reports continued growth
home in Ivyland, Pa. employees:
of its sister agency, Spark Thinking, which
❚ To help clients innovate around online
and hybrid meetings and conferences,
delivers meetings and live events to 169
clients outside the healthcare industry.
Room nights
LEADERSHIP booked for
meetings and
Jason Erickson, incentives in 2019:
Global Managing Director
Gavin Houston,
Global Chief Operating Officer Meeting and
incentive travel
programs held
outside the U.S.:
Revenue from
planning and
executing meetings
and incentives:
Gavin Houston,
Global Chief
Operating Officer

Jason Erickson,
Global Managing a Live Event to
Director Virtual Meeting
Success in Only
Five Days
White Papers

Debbie Liberio,
Vice President,

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 19
BCD Meetings
Programs: Building for Change”
expands on the SMM model developed

& Events, LLC

by the Global Business Travel
Association, considering 12 areas
where organizations can measure their
CHICAGO programs on a four-tier scale that runs
from “unmanaged” to “developing”
to “performing” and finally to
Corporate meetings in 2019: “leading.” The areas to be measured
are strategy, policy, technology,
53,294 registration and approvals, strategic
sourcing, process, preferred suppliers,
payment, reporting, resource model,
Incentive travel programs in 2019: engagement, and stakeholders.
2,031 ❚ In January, the company promoted
Bruce Morgan, a 15-year BCD M&E
veteran, to chief operating officer
Top customer markets:
from his role as senior vice president, Scott Graf,
insurance/financial services, meetings management & LATAM. Global President
pharmaceutical, healthcare/ ❚ In 2019, BCD M&E acquired L37, an
medical event production and creative media MORE STATS
agency headquartered in Chicago.
Full-time employees:
❚ The company won the 2020
Excellence Award from Cvent in the Scott Graf, Global President Room nights booked for meetings
“Cvent Partner of the Year” category. Bruce Morgan, COO and incentives in 2019:
❚ BCD M&E released a new white paper 1,650,369
on strategic meetings management
in June. “Meetings Management Meeting and incentive travel
programs held outside the U.S.:
Revenue from planning and
executing meetings and

20 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

MINNEAPOLIS drives. In BIW’s internal rewards platform (as well as the platforms it
sells to clients) earned points can be
redeemed to make a cash donation
THE LATEST to selected charities.

❚ To complement its individual reward

travel services and Merchandise LEADERSHIP
Marketplace, BIW launched an Larry Schoenecker, CEO
Experiences Marketplace, a points- Paul Bergeron, Senior Vice President, BIW
based reward platform that includes Events
140,000 experiences (such as tours,
tickets, and special events) in more MORE STATS
than 20 categories.
Full-time employees:
❚ BIW’s meetings and shows team
has won eight awards for its creative 902
work in the past year, including four
Room nights booked for meetings and
Communicator Awards and three
incentives in 2019:
MUSE Creative Awards. Its gold-level
Muse award was for “Best B2B Event” 257,000
for an automotive launch it
produced for Kawasaki. Meeting and incentive travel programs
held outside the U.S.:
Corporate meetings in 2019: ❚ BIW was again named
one of the Top 150 38%
201 Workplaces in Revenue from planning and executing
Minnesota by the Star meetings and incentives:
Incentive travel programs in 2019: Tribune.
❚ Among the
Top customer markets: contributions are
through Feed My
automotive, insurance/financial, Starving Children,
manufacturing Second Harvest, and
Bridging, as well as blood

Paul Bergeron, Senior Vice

President, BIW Events

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 21
G6 Hospitality’s “Route 6”-themed
conference memorably tied in creative
elements to reinforce the key messaging—
There’s Only One Way: Forward.

Bishop-McCann, LLC

THE LATEST InHouse Physicians, ❚ Among the company’s

allowing it to deliver newest clients are Gilead
❚ Bishop-McCann acquired on-site medical care at Sciences, KU Medical, and
the meetings and events meetings and events. Puma Biotechnology.
division of ASE Group on Services can include an ❚ Company President
January 1. ASE specializes on-site medical provider, and CEO Rob Adams is
in orchestrating franchise an on-site mini emergency serving a two-year term
conferences. The room, pandemic on Meeting Professionals
acquisition added 11 preparedness plans, and International’s
associates and nine clients. more. International Board of
❚ Last fall, the company ❚ Bishop-McCann is now Directors.
announced a partnership using Microsoft Dynamics
Rob Adams,
with Immersion
Neuroscience to offer an
365 Project Service
Automation, a project
LEADERSHIP President and CEO

attendee wrist monitor planning and management Rob Adams, President

that tracks meeting and CEO
tool that allows customers Dan Nilsen, Founder
engagement in real time. and partners to view
❚ In March, Bishop- project-related activity on a
McCann partnered with self-serve basis.

Dan Nilsen,

Corporate meetings in Top customer markets:


305 pharmaceutical,
Incentive travel
programs in 2019:


22 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

Room nights
booked for
meetings and
incentives in
An Expedia
Group conference 78,559
transformed The
Venetian with Meeting and
3,172 square feet
of screens for 3,500
incentive travel
attendees and programs held
one unforgettable outside the U.S.:
Revenue from
planning and
An award-winning executing
incentive program meetings and
for Verizon incentives:
President’s Club
motivated sales 95%
associates with a
“Reach the Beach”
trip to Miami.

Case Studies

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 23
ConferenceDirect to include registration healthy
FOLSOM, CALIF. and housing, mobile plannin
apps, strategic meetings respons management, and more.
Most recently the company
added virtual and hybrid
Corporate meetings THE LATEST meetings to its menu of Brian D.
in 2019:
❚ Danielle Boyles joined services. Jerry Ho
370 ConferenceDirect in March ❚ ConferenceDirect is a
as chief sales officer. She member of the Meetings MORE
Incentive travel previously served as director Mean Business Board of Full-time
programs in 2019: of sales and marketing for Directors.
the Hyatt Regency Seattle. Room n
38 ❚ The company closed its
❚ The company has created a
new service, CD Caring and
2019: 15
West Hollywood, Calif., office Connection, to give back Meeting
Top customer markets: and moved its headquarters to the meeting industry program
to Folsom, Calif. by raising awareness and U.S.: 7.7%
telecommunications, ❚ ConferenceDirect has supporting customers in key
Brian D. Stevens, CEO Revenue
computers/electronics, grown its core services areas: combating human executin
automotive beyond site selection and trafficking, diversity and incentiv
conference management inclusion, green meetings,

Corporate mee

Incentive travel p

*Global n
Top custom
electronics, e

24 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

y catered menu
ng, corporate social
sibility, and wellness.

. Stevens, CEO
oran, President & COO

e employees: 107
nights booked for
gs and incentives in
g and incentive travel
ms held outside the
e from planning and
ng meetings and
ves: 35%

CWT and events for Shire.

❚ Among other awards this

Meetings &
Derek Sharp, Senior Vice
year, the company was a President and Managing
finalist for a 2020 Excellence Director

Events Award from Cvent in the

“Cvent Partner of the Year”
Beau Ballin, Commercial
Leader, NORAM
❚ The company has added to MORE STATS its virtual meeting services
Full-time employees:
and can now support up to
100,000 users for an online 571
Room nights booked for
❚ CWT Meetings & Events ❚ CWT M&E’s tool called meetings and incentives in Beau Ballin, Commercial
etings in 2019:
made two key U.S. CWT Easy Meetings brings 2019: Leader, NORAM

633* hires: Last fall, Cristina

Scott, formerly with
standard processes to
booking small self-service
Sabre, was named meetings. *Global numbers
programs in 2019: vice president, ❚ 2019 saw the launch of Meeting and incentive travel
21* global operations;
and in January,
CWT’s NORAM M&E Supplier
of the year awards to
programs held outside the U.S.:
numbers Monica Dickenson, recognize hotel and DMC
CMP, SMMC, joined partners.
mer markets: Revenue from planning and
the company as executing meetings and
❚ CWT M&E opened a group
al, computers/ senior director of incentives:
travel hub in Costa Rica to
energy/mining the SMM Center for
Excellence from her role
increase staffing during peak 40%
as head of global meetings

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 25
Corporate meetings
in 2019:

Incentive travel Creative Meetings + Incentives, a second
Toronto company aligned with
❚ Terry Manion, senior vice
president, business development,

Group Inc.
programs in 2019: Creative Group, rebranded last fall is the president elect of the SITE

188 under the Creative Group umbrella.

❚ The company won a 2019
Foundation, and Ellie MacPherson,
CITP, sits on SITE’s board of directors.
SHAUMBURG, ILL. Crystal Award from the Society ❚ Creative Group has launched a
Top customer for Incentive Travel Excellence formal 12-month CSR initiative
markets: in the “Most Effective Incentive focused on children called “When
Top customer Marketing Campaign” category. SITE Children Thrive, the World Thrives.”
markets: THE LATEST recognized Creative Group for its
computers/ ❚ In September 2019, Creative
work designing effective messaging
and building excitement for an
electronics, Group announced the acquisition Janet Traphagen, President
incentive travel program in Peru for
insurance/ of Meridican, a Toronto-based
Alliance Laundry Systems. Creative Glenn Darlington, Executive Vice
financial services, meetings and incentive company.
Group also took home an ICE Award President, Business Development
pharmaceutical Both Meridian and Strategic
from the Canadian Chapter of SITE.

We helped a
technology client
that had recently
moved to a pay-to-
attend model to
develop an engaging
user conference for
1,500 attendees.

26 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

With an 18-month
campaign, we
helped our client
increase sales, and
participants loved
the unique Machu
Picchu group

Our client’s top
achievers incentive Full-time
program in Riviera employees:
Maya included
a colorful and 184
costumed Day of
the Dead Party. Room nights
q booked for
meetings and
incentives in 2019:
Janet Traphagen, 255,786
Meeting and
incentive travel
programs held
outside the U.S.:
Revenue from
Glenn Darlington, planning and
Executive Vice
President, Business
executing meetings
Development and incentives:

Melissa Van Dyke,

Vice President,
Design & Insights

Case Study:
Raising the Bar for
a User Conference
SITE Award
Winning Video:
Best Incentive

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 27
Events Group

❚ The company’s proprietary event
management software, Event360, is
able to host virtual programs, including LEADERSHIP
those with polling and gamification Matthew Gillam, Co-founder
elements, while other departments at Richard Calcaterra, Co-founder
EEG are also supporting the company’s
online meeting efforts. For example,
EEG’s Strategic Sourcing Department
has been sourcing venues to pre- Full-time employees:
record keynotes; the trade show and 175
sponsorship team has been managing
the virtual trade show experience; Room nights booked for meetings and
and the production team is working incentives in 2019:
to ship speaker kits, record remote
presentations, and create virtual
scenic environments. Meeting and incentive travel programs
❚ The company has held outside the U.S.:
Corporate meetings in 2019:
officially added individual 25%
320 incentives to its services
list. Revenue from planning and executing
meetings and incentives:
Incentive travel programs in 2019: ❚ EEG has increased
its charitable 80%
60 contributions in the
past year, supporting
Top customer markets: All Stars Helping Kids,
University of California
pharmaceutical, computers/ San Francisco Health
electronics, food service Celebrity Golf Classic, and

John McMurray,
Account Director

28 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

Fox World
on sales revenue. This marks the third
time Fox has been featured on the

Wisconsin 75 list.
❚ In July 2019, Fox signed the ECPAT
USA Code, promising to establish
OSHKOSH, WIS. policies and procedures to help prevent human trafficking and child
exploitation, including training
Corporate meetings in 2019: associates on how to raise awareness
of the crime among all its travelers.
696 ❚ In July 2019, the company hired Kelly
Chartré as vice president of marketing
Incentive travel programs in 2019: and made two key promotions. Mike
Heck is now vice president of supplier
21 solutions and Mia Beltran is director of
customer service.
Top customer markets:
insurance/financial services, David Juedes, Executive Chairman Chip Juedes, CEO
manufacturing Chip Juedes, CEO


Full-time employees:
❚ Fox added 39 new accounts in
2019 and ranked No. 39 on Deloitte’s 299
Wisconsin 75, a list of the 75 largest
private companies in Wisconsin, based Room nights booked for meetings and
incentives in 2019:
Meeting and incentive travel programs
held outside the U.S.:
Revenue from planning and executing
meetings and incentives:

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 29
Expos that connect and engage

ITA Group Inc.


THE LATEST Hartmann Studios, each produced virtual and

moved into larger offices hybrid events in the past,
❚ ITA Group has three in the past year in their each has enhanced its
sister companies under home cities. offerings with the increase
the umbrella of ITA Group in demand brought on by
❚ ITA Group’s Vice
Holdings, Inc.: Hartmann the pandemic.
President, Event
Studios (acquired in
Management Sarah
2018), Chadwick Martin
Bailey (acquired in 2017),
Haines currently serves LEADERSHIP
on the Incentive Research
and International Travel Brent Vander Waal,
Foundation Board of President and CEO
Associates, the travel
Trustees. Sarah Haines, Vice
management company
from which ITA Group ❚ Communication President, Event Sarah Haines,
Solutions Group, ITA Management Vice President,
Group’s internal creative Event Management
❚ Boston-based market
shop, earned 20 MarCom
research and strategy firm
Awards in 2019, including
Chadwick Martin Bailey
seven platinum awards.
and San Francisco-based
experiential design and ❚ While ITA Group and
production company Hartmann Studios had
Brent Vander Waal,
President & CEO
Corporate meetings in Top customer markets:
242 financial services,
Incentive travel technology
programs in 2019: Maura McCarthy,

Vice President,

30 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

Room nights
booked for
meetings and
incentives in
Meeting and
incentive travel
Keynotes that programs held
inform and outside the U.S.:
Revenue from
planning and
Events that leave executing
lasting impressions meetings and

Health Risk
Video: Is Your
Travel Team
Ready for
Event Insights
from ITA

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 31
Maritz Global
Corporate meetings
in 2019:


❚ Maritz Global Events has
Incentive travel combining its two divisions, Maritz events. Working with associates which highlights trends in creating
programs in 2019: Travel and Experient, into a unified and partners the company impactful events.

company under the Maritz Global examined details of the guest ❚ Steve O’Malley, enterprise vice
Events brand. experience to create both real and president and COO, is the 2020
❚ In addition to aligning under perceived safety in event design, chair of Meeting Professionals
Top customer one brand name, the company has hotel sourcing and contracting, International’s International Board of
markets: consolidated its key functions— event planning and management, Directors.
sales and marketing, technology, event technology, on-site guest
insurance/ experiences, and customer service.
financial services, and operations—with Enterprise
❚ Maritz Global Events is a member
Vice Presidents Mary Casey,
automotive, Steve O’Malley, and John Wahle, of the Meetings Mean Business David Peckinpaugh, President, Maritz
computers/ respectively, leading these areas. Board of Directors.
Global Events
electronics Steve O’Malley, Enterprise Vice
❚ Maritz Global Events launched ❚ In 2019, the company celebrated President and COO
Planwell Meetwell, an initiative to its 125th anniversary, and also
create safe and secure face-to-face released its first Event Impact Report,

With an event theme

of Storyworks,
attendees huddled
together in
event’s version
of peer-to-peer
discussion groups.

32 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

Motor coach to
dinner? We think
not! Attendees are
escorted to dinner
via the water taxi in
These personalized
conference bags,
handed out at
an arrivals block
party, enhanced
networking by Full-time
showing each
guest’s favorite
things. 1,519
Room nights
booked for
meetings and
incentives in 2019:

David Peckinpaugh,
President, Maritz
Global Events Meeting and
incentive travel
programs held
outside the U.S.:
Revenue from
planning and
Steve O’Malley, executing meetings
Enterprise Vice and incentives:
President and
COO, Maritz Global undisclosed

Mary Casey,
Enterprise Vice
President, Sales &


MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 33
❚ MGME’s virtual meeting services
have expanded to include organiz

McVeigh Global “digital dining” events, customizin

meeting kits that can be shipped t

Corporate Meetings and Events attendees’ homes as part of a virtu

meeting, and sourcing entertainer
meetings in NEW YORK, N.Y. and influencers to highlight the on
2019: event experience.

871 ❚ The company now offers Elite Pa
Services, a service that helps to ret
patients in clinical trials by handlin
Incentive travel logistics and outreach.
programs in 2019:

Top customer
Jeff Guberman,
pharmaceutical, Chief Executive
telecommunications, Officer

Carvie Gillikin,
Chief Operating

Jennifer Filippone,
Chief Financial

34 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

❚ Jennifer Filippone has joined MGME Top Left: A speaker banner
from a virtual event Room nights
as chief financial officer. produced and managed booked for
s by MGME for a leading meetings and
❚ The company instituted a monthly
donation to No Child Goes Hungry financial services client. incentives in 2019:
when the Covid pandemic began 112,842
affecting people’s ability to work. Top Right: The scene at
ual a sustainability-focused
Meeting and
rs financial services team off
LEADERSHIP site in Australia, featuring incentive travel
nline programs held
local chefs, wineries,
Jeff Guberman, CEO and farmers. outside the U.S.:
Carvie Gillikin, COO
ng Revenue from
planning and
executing meetings
and incentives:

Case Study

MGME welcomes
attendees with a flamenco
dancer at an airline
industry conference in
Madrid, Spain.
MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 35

❚ GPJ is one of three founding
partners of Live for Life, a coalition of

companies that are using their live-
event expertise to fight coronavirus.

The group, now 200 partners strong, is
helping to build temporary structures
for testing sites and to provide PPE,
AUBURN HILLS, MICH. signage, and other logistical help to get companies back to work.
❚ GPJ is a member of GoLIVETogether,
Corporate meetings in 2019: an advocacy group focused on

lobbying for legislation that will help
revive the face-to-face event industry.
❚ In addition to managing 6,000
Incentive travel programs in 2019: events for IBM each year, GPJ’s list of

0 high-profile clients includes Google,

Facebook, LinkedIn, and Amazon.
Chris Meyer, CEO

❚ GPJ took home 48 industry awards

Top customer markets: in 2019, including Best Place to Work
automotive, entertainment/ from Ad Age. LEADERSHIP
fashion, computers/electronics ❚ GPJ is part of Project Worldwide, Chris Meyer, CEO
a network of creative agencies that Fiona Bruder, EVP, Client Success
include Argonaut, G7 Entertainment,
Spinifex Group, and others.
Full-time employees:
Room nights booked for meetings and
incentives in 2019:
Meeting and incentive travel programs
held outside the U.S.:
Revenue from planning and executing
meetings and incentives:

36 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

Alliance, LLC

❚ In light of the pandemic, the
company has partnered with several
virtual meeting platforms and now
offers online events as a core service.
❚ Meeting Alliance continues to
promote its “Alliance for Change,” a
philanthropic program to encourage MORE STATS
associates to give back to the
community. The company supports Full-time employees:
local soup kitchens and food pantries, 18
and the entire team volunteers on a
monthly basis. Room nights booked for meetings and
incentives in 2019:
❚ Several senior managers serve
on industry advisory boards to 165,000
provide feedback and industry
knowledge on service Meeting and incentive travel programs
Corporate meetings in 2019: held outside the U.S.:
offerings and meeting
203 technology.
❚ The company has Revenue from planning and executing
recently launched a meetings and incentives:
Incentive travel programs in 2019: comprehensive social
12 media campaign.

Top customer markets:

David D’Eletto,
insurance/financial services, Managing Partner
pharmaceutical, healthcare/ Michael Franks, Managing
medical Partner

David D’Eletto,
Managing Partner

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 37
The annual technology user conference
for leading supply chain and omnichannel
solutions provider Manhattan Associates
attracts more than 1,200 attendees.

Meeting Expectations
Attendees of the Tropical Smoothie Café
franchise conference enjoy activities that
include evening cocktails, morning yoga,
and the highly anticipated test kitchen.

THE LATEST Geologists, Adobe, and ❚ In 2019, the company

the Colorado Society reenergized it support
❚ In 2019, Meeting for Human Resource for the community,
Expectations rolled out a Management. lending volunteer hours
full company rebranding, to organizations such
❚ Among other
including a new logo, as Feeding America and
recognition, Meeting
tagline, and website, Atlanta Urban Garden.
Expectations earned
as well as a refreshed
an Art of the Show
mission, vision, and set of
core values. Among those
Award for attendee- LEADERSHIP
booth interaction at Christine Hilgert,
core values are spread Jalene Bermudez, Founding
COLLABORATE 19: Partner and President CMP, Senior Vice
positivity, innovate, President
Technology & Applications Christine Hilgert, CMP,
and inspire.
Forum for the Oracle Senior Vice President
❚ The company’s newest Community, from the
clients include Buffalo International Association
Wild Wings, Society of of Exhibitions and Events.

Corporate meetings in Top customer markets: Lisa Burton,

2019: CMP, Senior Vice
healthcare/ President

182 medical, computers/

electronics, franchise
Incentive travel
programs in 2019:

Alex Murphy,
Senior Director of
Site Selection

38 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

Room nights
booked for
meetings and
incentives in
Meeting and
incentive travel
programs held
outside the U.S.:
Revenue from
planning and
meetings and


The Quest for Excellence annual franchise

incentive trip features exclusive experiences for
Comfort Keeper’s winners and their guests.

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 39
Meetings & processes, and engagement
for incentives and recognition
physical-distancing, attendee
flow, and emergency

Incentives programs. The company

has also added resources

Worldwide to its Intent Strategy Group

consulting division, which

Inc. helps clients with meetings Jean Johnson, Co-CEO, Chief

People Officer
and events strategy and
platform technology Tina Madden, Co-CEO, Chief
CALEDONIA, WIS. solutions, including policy
Customer Officer and process design and gap

analysis. MORE STATS
❚ In May, the company Full-time employees:
THE LATEST announced a collaboration
with Bizly to support mutual
❚ The company was a finalist
for a 2020 Excellence Award customers. MIW consults Room nights booked for
from Cvent in the “Cvent with customers to help meetings and incentives in
Partner of the Year” onboard the technology 2019: Tina Madden, Co-CE
Chief Customer Offic
Corporate meetings in 2019: category. and drive a self-service
meeting experience across an
3,105 ❚ MIW launched
Incentive and
organization. Meeting and incentive travel
programs held outside the U.S.:
Recognition ❚ MIW has expanded its Event
Incentive travel programs in 2019: Program Design team and services. 34%
In the current environment,
which with considerations from the Revenue from planning and
CDC and other experts, that executing meetings and
will help
team is reimagining meetings, incentives:
Top customer markets: clients to be
strategic about conferences, and trade 76%
insurance/financial services, their spend, shows with new protocols for
pharmaceutical, healthcare/

Joseph Keller, Preside

Enterprise Engageme

40 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET



an Augeo
❚ MotivAction was acquired by David Kristal, CEO
employee engagement firm Augeo in Joseph Keller,

September 2019. President Enterprise Engagement

❚ In the past year, the company has

developed a new company website, MORE STATS
MINNEAPOLIS added 15 new clients, launched a new Full-time employees: customer loyalty platform for a heavy
equipment manufacturer, and opened 232
Corporate meetings in 2019: new offices in Orange County, Calif.
Room nights booked for meetings and

160 incentives in 2019:

❚ The company held its seventh-annual
client forum at IMEX America 2019,
drawing more than 50 clients and guests
Incentive travel programs in 2019: for a series of educational sessions. Meeting and incentive travel programs
Speakers included Michael Dominguez, held outside the U.S.:
190 president and CEO of Associated Luxury
Hotels International, and motivational
Top customer markets: author Kyle Maynard. Revenue from planning and executing
❚ MotivAction introduced more than meetings and incentives:
ent healthcare/medical,
ent telecommunications,
20 enhancements to its proprietary 78%
Encore engagement technology this
manufacturing year. The platform was the first to receive
ISO 10018 certification for enterprise
engagement technology.

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 41

❚ EcoVadis has recognized One10 with a
silver-level ranking for its extensive work
in corporate social responsibility.
❚ One10 is a member of the Meetings
Mean Business Board of Directors.
❚ Philip Eidsvold, CIS, CITP, vice president
of strategic alliances at One10, is the
immediate past president of the Society
for Incentive Travel Excellence.
❚ Caroline Hartman, senior product
solutions manager, event systems
technology, has been nominated as a
2020 Cvent Superstar.
❚ This spring, One10 revealed the
results of a study it conducted of
3,000 employees, asking about their
relationship to their companies. The four
areas that were found to be especially
impactful for performance improvement:
mentoring, competent management,
inspirational leaders, and professional
❚ In June, One10 was named one of the
Top 150 Workplaces in Minnesota by the
Star Tribune. One10 was ranked No. 41 on
A colorful welcome the midsize company list. It also received
for incentive guests a similar award last fall from the Detroit
at a dinner on Lanai
Free Press.
❚ One10 has launched Rewarding You, an
online catalog of rewards that includes
merchandise, gift cards, experiences,
event tickets, charitable donations, as
Corporate Top customer well as travel.
meetings in markets:
737 pharmaceutical, Robert J. Miller, President and CEO
technology Barb Ward, Vice President, Travel and Events
Incentive travel
programs in


42 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

A unique and Room nights
welcoming booth booked for
design created for meetings and
the exhibit hall at incentives in
the Citrix Synergy 2019:
Meeting and
incentive travel
LINKS programs held
outside the U.S.:
Website 28%
One10 and
Subaru of Revenue from
planning and
Robert J. Miller,
America Case executing
President and CEO Study meetings and
Meeting and 95%
Event Guide

Barb Ward,
Vice President,
Travel and Events

A elegant “clan
Joanie Phillips, dinner” in a castle
Director, Travel and closed out an
Events Planning incentive program.
Each family was
dressed in tartan
for the event.

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 43

Meetings &
❚ In July, Omega World Travel was
ranked the largest woman-owned

company in the Washington, D.C.,
metropolitan area by the Washington
Business Journal. The company
FAIRFAX, VA. also received recognition from the
publication in 2019, earning a spot on
its list of the Top 20 Meeting and Event
Planners in the Washington, D.C., area.
Corporate meetings in 2019:
❚ Omega Meetings & Incentives
1,409 continues to develop analytics
software that can be merged with its
Incentive travel programs in 2019: meetings management software for
better reporting.
63 ❚ Omega has maintained its support
for Junior Achievement and the
Top customer markets: World Affairs Council to support the
education of disadvantaged students. Gloria Bohan, CEO
aerospace/defense, ❚ Omega World Travel, the parent and President
manufacturing, company of Omega Meetings &
insurance/financial Incentives, owns, which sells
cruises via the Internet for individual, LEADERSHIP
meeting, and incentive travel. Gloria Bohan, CEO and President
Goran Gligorovic, Executive Vice

Full-time employees:
33 (parent company Omega
World Travel: 495)
Room nights booked for meetings and
incentives in 2019:
Meeting and incentive travel programs
held outside the U.S.:
Revenue from planning and executing
meetings and incentives:

44 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

Productions, Unbridled Travel,
Unbridled Unbridled Media (focused on video
production), Unbridled Connect
DENVER, COLO. (sales and service calling), and Giftd (a
corporate gifting agency).

THE LATEST Stan Bullis, President and Owner
❚ Unbridled’s pivot to virtual meetings Scott Lucius, Partner and Chief
as a result of the coronavirus coincided Commercial Officer
with the opening of its Josephine
Event Center—with a stage, multiple MORE STATS
fixed cameras, an LED wall, and a
Full-time employees:
lighting system—that serves as a
venue for recording and broadcasting 161
virtual content.
Room nights booked for meetings and
❚ The company is investing in incentives in 2019:
digital tools that integrate with
virtual platforms to create engaging 95,684
experiences, including 3D modeling Meeting and incentive travel programs
and motion graphics. held outside the U.S.:
❚ Since the company’s founding, it has
donated 20 percent of its profits
to charitable causes. This year Revenue from planning and executing
the company created a meetings and incentives:
Corporate meetings in 2019: Covid-19 relief fund to
assist those who have
lost their jobs as a result
of the pandemic. By
Incentive travel programs in 2019: late spring, the 2020
Assistance Fund had
24 issued 52 grants for a
total of over $133,000.
Top customer markets: ❚ Unbridled’s sister
companies that
pharmaceutical, healthcare/ serve the meetings
medical, restaurants and convention market
include Unbridled

Stan Bullis,
President and

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 45
SDI Meetings
& Incentives

❚ Craig Dooley succeeded Scott
Dillion as company president solutions to complement in-person ❚ SDI is a wholly owned subsidiary
on January 1, 2020. Dillion, SDI’s group experiences. The company of SmithBucklin, which focuses
founder, has a continuing role has designed its our own and on conference design, participant
with the company. Prior to joining embraced its partners’ changes in marketing, exhibition management,
SDI in January 2019, Dooley travel and meeting space protocols registration, and more.
led StoneWorks Advisory LLC, a for the health and safety of clients
consulting and executive coaching and staff.
Corporate meetings firm he founded. ❚ The company added six new clients
in 2019: Craig Dooley, President
❚ SDI has added virtual and hybrid in 2019 and delivered eight new
Scott A. Dillion, Founder
160 meeting and incentive program programs.

Incentive travel
programs in 2019:

Top customer
financial services,

46 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

Tables are set
and the room
primed with the
finest details for
a memorable
banquet and
awards experience.
Getting down to
business with key MORE STATS
customers and
channel partners Full-time
immersed in a employees:
festive, engaging
experience makes
for an effective
meeting. Room nights
booked for
q meetings and
incentives in 2019:
Meeting and
incentive travel
programs held
outside the U.S.:
Revenue from
planning and
executing meetings
and incentives:

Craig Dooley,

Scott Dillion,
A timeless
celebratory gala
overlooking the
shimmering Pacific
Ocean rewards top
performers for their
achievements and

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 47
Kevin O’Malley, 97
CEO and Chairman,

Travel and Transport

Travel and
Transport Me

Meetings and Events


16 Re
Jeff Cain, Senior pla
Vice President, exe
THE LATEST ❚ The company completed fellow Travel and Transport
Specialty Divisions me
a brand relaunch in team members during inc
❚ Travel and Transport February 2020, launching times of need.
launched a traveler- a new logo and online ❚ T&T is a long-time
focused Covid-19 resource look. member of Radius Travel, a
center with supplier policy
❚ In September network of more than 100
updates, state-by-state
2019, Travel and independent corporate
restrictions, and health
Transport received the travel and meeting
and wellness information. Tami Reier, Senior
Better Business Bureau agencies.
❚ The company published Director, Travel and
Silver Award of Distinction Transport Meetings
an e-book, The Ultimate
Guide: When Travel Returns,
recognizing ethical LEADERSHIP and Events
business practices.
to help corporate travel Kevin O’Malley,
and meeting managers
❚ The company is creating CEO and Chairman LI
a non-profit, corporate Tim Fleming,
think through their
matching program to President and COO We
pandemic and post-
enable its employee-
pandemic policies.
owners to donate to their
Corporate meetings in Top customer markets: Eco
insurance/ Vid
1,327 financial services,
Incentive travel fashion, business
programs in 2019: services
48 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET
World Travel

ORE STATS Corporate meetings in 2019:

information for travelers and risk
ll-time 968 management for travel and meeting
managers. The company also offers
customizable compliance messaging
360 Incentive travel programs in 2019: to help enforce travel policy.

oom nights 33 ❚ The company has introduced an

event portal for the higher-education
ooked for
eetings and market.
Top customer markets:
centives in ❚ World Travel CEO Liz Mandarino
019: insurance/financial services, has taken on the responsibilities of
7,818 healthcare/medical, company president.
entertainment/sports ❚ In early 2019, the company closed
eeting and offices in Malvern, Pa., and Leola, Pa.,
centive travel THE LATEST as a result of its increasingly virtual
ograms held workforce.
utside the U.S.: ❚ In the past 12 months, World Travel
has added a number of new clients,
6% including Plymouth Rock Assurance, LEADERSHIP
Make-a-Wish Foundation, and The Jim Wells, Chairman
evenue from
anning and Christian Broadcasting Network. Liz Mandarino, CEO and President
ecuting ❚ The company has enhanced
eetings and its service offerings with new MORE STATS
centives: technologies focused on travel
Full-time employees:
Room nights booked for meetings and
incentives in 2019:
Meeting and incentive travel programs
held outside the U.S.:
Revenue from planning and executing
ebsite meetings and incentives:

Book: 11%
eetings and Cheryl Lovely, Vice President,
vents in a World Meetings & Events

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 49
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A Virtual Annual Meeting

as a Three-Course Meal
How to lure online attendees with free
“content appetizers” in order to get full price
for the rest of your virtual annual meeting.

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 51

In early April, when We knew we had to draw people

conventions and trade shows
across most industries began
into attending virtually, so we
to tumble like dominoes, shortened the length of each day
Clar Rosso flipped her
perspective about AICPA
versus the in-person agenda to about
& CIMA’s 3,500-attendee five hours.” —Clar Rosso
annual meeting, called
Engage 2020, that was
scheduled for Las Vegas in To give the education and planning teams ‘part one’ was a great testing ground for us.
mid-June. as much time as possible to create effective We worked with the technology provider we
and glitch-free virtual sessions, Rosso and used for our individual virtual sessions in the
Rosso, executive vice president of her executive team decided to break up the past, but this gave us a chance to test our sys-
engagement and learning innovation for annual meeting into three parts, creating a tem and make sure it could handle a higher
the Association of International Certified three-course educational event. The “appetiz- capacity than we had ever done before.”
Professional Accountants and the Chartered er” would take place over the original dates of To ensure an engaging experience, each
Institute of Management Accountants, the June in-person event; the “main course” online session had a producer to monitor the
“assumed at that point that we were going would happen during the fourth week in speaker and the slide presentation and what
to have to go virtual and immediately start July; and Engage’s final segment would be appears on participants’ screens, plus a mod-
reimagining the meeting’s elements—but scattered across the remaining five months of erator for the chat forum. In total, “it makes
also be ready to do the event in person if the year to minimize the need for attendees things a little more dynamic for participants,”
things settled down,” she says. “We just didn’t to block out large chunks of time. Rosso says. Larger sessions also employed a
want to sit on the fence for many weeks like There was, though, another change in the “social Q&A” feature, whereby the audience
some organizations did before scrapping the event that was a bit more risky: The first part votes on which attendee questions they want
in-person event and starting on the virtual would be free to members and nonmembers. answered first “so that the speaker prioritizes
conversion.” She and her team needed every “We knew we had to draw people into at- and we make sure we’re satisfying people’s
one of those 12 weeks to make the online tending virtually, so we shortened the length needs.” Real-time polling is also done during
experience something for which members of each day versus the in-person agenda to most sessions “to increase the relevancy
would be willing to pay full price. about five hours a day,” Rosso notes. “This of the presentation and guide speakers to

52 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

Building the Social
Elements of a
Virtual Meeting
held in July, offered six hours of educational content each
day. But in order to add the valuable dimension of having
attendees talk to each other outside those sessions, “we
conducted several breaks and evening events that were
geared toward networking and being social, and in some
of them we used Zoom for small-group videoconferencing,”
says Clar Rosso, the group’s executive vice president of
engagement and learning innovation.
For breaks between educational sessions, “we did 10-minute
guided stretching routines that were very popular,” Rosso notes.
“We also had virtual tours of the ‘Goats of Anarchy’ sanctuary that
takes in animals with disabilities. The farm actually brings some of
the animals into your Zoom session. Attendees were so excited by
it that they brought family members into the session—that is an
experience you cannot replicate at an in-person meeting.” table based on discussion topic or titles of others at a table. Lastly,
For evening sessions, “we coordinated happy-hour gatherings “we had two different musical events, plus a series of mixology
where the estate-planning specialists and other focused classes where attendees could go into a room for vodka, for scotch,
communities could meet via video among themselves.” To do that, or for tequila and learn how to make cocktails. People really liked
Rosso used NERO, an application that allows people to see a virtual seeing one another and talking during those events; we got several
seating chart with roundtables and reserve a seat at a particular hundred people to attend each evening.”

directly address the audience’s needs.” to being on site. And people have been fine Making Changes on the Fly
One feature that also resonated with with the price, because we emphasize their One thing Rosso finds particularly valuable
attendees was a “notes” tab that allows access to experts plus the convenience and with a multi-part annual meeting is that “we
attendees to type notes in a box in a corner cost savings of not having to travel.” are able to take what we learn from the previ-
of their screens; that file is then sent to the at- In fact, 2,500 people—70 percent of them ous part and make it better for the next part.
tendee when the session ends. Another use- June attendees and 30 percent new attend- Testing different elements and learning from
ful feature is real-time transcription. “If you ees—paid to participate in the continuation them is easy to do in this environment. These
miss something, you just click the tab and see of the annual meeting. There were a few pric- aren’t just on-demand courses that you keep
the recent segments of the discussion in text ing options. First was the “all-access pass” that out in the market for a year; they are sessions
form,” Rosso notes. gave registrants entry not only to July’s five that you recreate for every subsequent
consecutive days of educational, networking, conference, so your continuous improvement
On to the Main Course and entertainment sessions, but also to the
two or three individual virtual sessions taking
gets noticed by attendees.”
As for Engage 2021 scheduled for next
With more than 2,500 people attending the place in each subsequent month in 2020. June, “right now I think it’s a 50-50 proposi-
June “appetizer” segment of Engage 2020, Alternatively, attendees could purchase all tion as to whether we do it in person,” Rosso
Rosso was hopeful that the audience would the sessions in a given conference track or says. “We have to plan to go in person, but
be close to that number for part two in purchase an “eight-pack” allowing them to it seems that at least the first half of 2021 is
July—even though pricing for the remainder attend eight sessions across all tracks. going to be virtual for most business events.
of the conference was just about the same as Further, to add value to the virtual exhibit Our event falls right on the cusp of that
it would have been for the in-person event. hall so that it was more than simply appoint- time frame, so we have some decisions to
“The content of our conferences is very ments for attendees to speak with vendors, make. We will be prepared to go fully virtual
valuable to our members’ work, so we want Rosso made sure that both the June and again, and because this situation has forever
to price the in-person and the virtual similarly July events offered a “lounge” environment changed how we think about delivering
in order to reflect that,” Rosso says. “We scaled where any participant—attendee or sup- education, we know we’ll be even better at it.”
back the price a bit only because we reduced plier—could see who was there and start a
the total number of content hours compared conversation via text or even video.

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 53

What HCPs
Crave: Content
and Interaction
In the midst of the
pandemic, best practices
include micro-meetings,
virtual engagement tools,
and hybrid options.

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 55

In the age of Covid-19, understanding

We are doing a large number of
how to attract healthcare professionals one-to-one KOL touchpoints, and
we’re seeing great results.”
to events means understanding the
pressures they face, how they prioritize
events, and what they want to get out
of them. —Maggie Butler, CM Group
That was the focus of a late-July
MeetingsNet webinar led by Ashley Williams, them to our meeting—whether it’s a virtual, more interaction.” Williams said BCD is seeing
vice president, Life Sciences Center of hybrid, or live event—we need to ensure the same trend. “That’s the area of our HCP
Excellence, BCD Meetings & Events; Maggie that we’re delivering a high-quality attendee meetings that’s growing most significantly—
Butler, co-founder, The CM Group; and Betsy experience, really checking all of their boxes.” very small meetings, almost micro-meetings.”
Bondurant, president, Bondurant Consulting. The three presenters agreed that one of the A poll during the webinar asked the 558
HCPs, they explained, have seen their most challenging aspects of the current virtual attendees about the return of live meetings,
world turned upside down. Even those not meeting environment is creating spaces and and how HCPs will participate at first. Almost
on the front lines of the pandemic are having time for HCPs to effectively engage with each nobody said HCPs would return to large
to adapt to canceled surgeries and clinical other. “That is definitely what attendees are international meetings first, and only 10 per-
trials, patient visits via telemedicine, and craving,” said Butler, noting that clients are us- cent selected regional, fly-in meetings. Most
revenue streams in disarray. But while much ing breakout rooms to try “to mimic the kind of (61 percent) envision HCPs returning to very
has changed, the way HCPs decide whether interaction HCPs would normally get at lunch small, driving-distance regional meetings of
or not to attend a meeting hasn’t. buffets or breaks.” Williams sees improvements 25 attendees or fewer, and about a quarter
of the respondents thought that HCPs would
first attend driving-distance regional meet-
ings of 100 attendees or fewer.
The return to live events will be tricky
for planners, balancing safety, interaction,
and the needs of clients and attendees. Both
Butler and Williams stressed the need to
engage HCPs before planning live programs
in order to understand their comfort level and
expectations. And those, said Williams, will
“vary based on where those HCPs live, how
large the program is, and how the prepared-
ness of the meeting has been communicated.”
What’s important, they said, is that you’re not
making decisions in a silo without taking into
account HCPs’ opinions and concerns. “Some
of our clients aren’t thinking about going back
to live meetings until mid-2021,” said Williams,
“and then we have smaller just-launching
clients or rare-disease clients that really are
“It’s always been about the return an coming: “Technology providers are rapidly trying to push that hybrid model in order to
engagement,” said Williams. “Did they come evolving their platforms to try to address get some of the live interaction back. I think
away with new information that they can this more elegantly than it’s being addressed that each client and each demographic of HCP,
apply that will benefit their patients or today,” she said. “That old saying ‘necessity is depending on the therapeutic area, is going to
their practice? That’s job number one for all the mother of invention’ will almost certainly be very different.”
of us.” That means, she said, that the most prove true in this situation, and we’ll probably Hybrid events will be a critical link to
important questions to ask before planning a start to see new capabilities to better facilitate move from today’s virtual meetings to the
meeting are still, “Do we actually have some- those interactions.” return of sizable live meetings. “That’s really
thing to say and share? Is there a need for the Butler noted that one of the places CM where our focus is these days,” said William,
meeting?” Second to specific content is the Group has seen the most success recently “We’re looking for ways to create hybrid ex-
networking with other HCPs and industry is with individual virtual engagements. “We periences that bridge together technology-
thought leaders, Williams noted. “HCPs evalu- are doing a large number of one-to-one KOL enabled elements of the meeting with some
ate meetings based on their peer-to-peer touchpoints, and we’re seeing great results,” level of live interaction and engagement.
interactions. Did they have the opportunity she said. “Instead of doing an advisory board That’s the next frontier in our evolution, and
to share knowledge and insights? Were they with 10 people on the same Zoom call, indi- that means we have to create safe spaces for
able to interact with experts in their field?” vidual meetings are spread out over a week those live experiences.”
What that means for planners is “we’re so it’s not a big group. It can be two-to-one or
going to have to work harder to get HCPs to one-to-one; it just depends on how we want
attend, with so much else competing for their to break it out for our clients and how they
time,” said Williams. “And then, once we get want to schedule it, but it really allows for

56 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

The premier resource for meeting professionals
MeetingsNet is the meeting industry’s premier resource for news, business intelligence,
ideas and more. We reach meeting professionals on multiple platforms across corporate,
medical/pharmaceutical, associations, financial/insurance, independent/third-party meeting
planning organizations, and other corporate entities.


Website Webinars

Edited by Hannah Kinnersley

sites & venues

Our gallery of new and renovated meeting
and incentive properties around the world

Grand Bohemian because of the environ-

ment that exists in today’s
Hotel Charlotte world. It’s unprecedented
Charlotte, N.C. times…[but] we’ve de-
A new hotel in the Marriott cided we’re all in and we’re
Autograph collection de- going to make this happen
buts four months later than and be part of the forward
expected, but with event- momentum of Charlotte.”
space design that matches The Grand Bohemian’s
the needs of the new meet- 3,912-square-foot Palace
ings environment. Ballroom is divisible by two
Early August saw the and opens to a 2,487-square-
opening of the 254-room foot prefunction space.
Grand Bohemian Hotel Nearby are three breakout
Charlotte, an artsy, upscale rooms of 880 square feet
property with 16,225 square apiece. But there is also the
feet of event space—a 2,500-square-foot Bohemian
sizable amount of which is Garden, the 4,400-square-
outdoors and tent-friendly, foot Queen Terrace and
which could appeal to groups lawn, and a rooftop bar
easing their way back into and lounge with its own
in-person meetings. elevator; all of these spaces
can be tented for conduct- Canopy by Hilton ings, a 1,400-square-foot
gallery that can be used
Jersey City Arts
The property was origi-
nally set to open in April to ing business sessions in a to host presentations,
be available for the Repub-
lican National Convention
socially distanced manner
with ample ventilation. District and the “Workshop” for
intimate meetings of up
in August; that event was The Grand Bohemian is Jersey City, N.J. to 12. In addition, the
scaled down dramatically. located in the city’s Uptown The first Canopy hotel in the 2,000-square-foot Canopy
As a result, “our stop-and- district, four blocks from the New York Metropolitan area Central lobby can host
start process has been very Charlotte Convention Center. has opened with 211 guest receptions.
difficult,” Hugh Templeman, rooms and 1,400 square The property is
the property’s general feet of meeting space. located steps from the
manager, told the Charlotte Small groups will find Grove Street PATH Train
Business Journal. “We had two studios, a terrace and access to downtown
to [postpone the opening] garden for outdoor meet- Manhattan in 10 minutes.

58 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

The Government of
the Netherlands is
promoting a failsafe
option for event plan-
ners nervous about
large-scale meetings
in the post-COVID
future. The Dutch
Ministry of Affairs
is offering a guar-
antee fund to cover
event deficits due to
a shortfall in attend-
ees, and a “prefinanc-
ing loan” to cover
expenses incurred
while organizing a
conference in the Markthal

Rotterdam Ahoy
Convention Center
The Netherlands
This month, the Rotter-
dam Ahoy Convention
Center (RACC) will unveil
an expansion of nearly more than 7,500 hotel
380,000 square feet of rooms within a short sub-
space in the form of two way or car ride.
floors of meeting rooms and Ahoy is located just
a concert hall. Its existing outside Rotterdam’s city
646,000-square-foot facili- center and is accessible via
ties were upgraded in 2018. subway, bus, or a ten-min-
The new meetings ute ride via taxi, Uber, or
and events wing features private car that can use one
35 breakout rooms for of the 2,000 parking spaces.
between 50 and 1,000 International attendees
attendees, and the largest can arrive in 25 minutes
auditorium in the Neth- via high-speed train from
erlands with 2,750 seats Amsterdam’s Schiphol
that can be removed for International Airport or fly
standing events. The RTM directly into Rotterdam The
It’s Everyone’s Stage can host up to 3,500
guests for a reception,
Hague Airport.
Rotterdam is known for
Business Harvard study 1,500 for a banquet, and some of the Netherlands’
shows if business travel up to 4,000 for a presenta-
tion. A 250-room hotel
most iconic architecture,
including the Markthal and
slows in one country, the adjacent to the convention Erasmus Bridge, as well
global economy drops. center is under develop-
ment; there are currently
as being a port city and
international trade hub.

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 59
sites & venues

The Hyatt Centric natural light and can accom-

modate up to 350 attendees.
Downtown In addition, there are four
Minneapolis boardrooms and a lounge;
the smallest can host 14
Minneapolis, Minn. guests and the largest up to
50. Other amenities include a
The new 154-room property two-story, 7,000-square-foot
has almost 7,000 square fitness center and a restau-
feet of meeting space and rant and lounge, SIX15.
direct access to the Min- Located in a century-old
neapolis Skyway system, an building that was once the
11-mile system of heated Minneapolis Athletic Club,
walkways that can take the hotel has a contempo-
guests to the Minneapolis rary interior design featuring
Convention Center, the Mayo modern furnishings and
Clinic, and sporting venues artwork from local artists.
such as Target Center, Target Hyatt Centric Downtown
Field, and U.S. Bank Stadium. Minneapolis is 13 miles from
The 3,750-square-foot Minneapolis-St. Paul Interna-
MAC Ballroom, located on tional Airport.
the fifth floor, is flooded with

WFH Getting Old? Viva Las

Office! MGM Resorts International
offers work from Las Vegas
packages at the Bellagio or Aria.
Guests get an executive assistant,
discounted airfare, and food and
beverage credits—as well as a
change of scenery.
60 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET
Resort & Spa
Santa Cruz, Calif.
The 1930s property has
just finished a $10 million
renovation of its 12,000
square feet of meeting
space and 156 rooms set
in 11 socially distant vil-
las around the 300-acre
campus. The hotel’s up-
grade has created the new
2,800-square-foot Seascape
Ballroom with access to a
courtyard, an event patio
with a fire pit, and views
of Monterey Bay. There are
nine other meeting rooms,
an event lawn with multiple
firepits, and a new signature
restaurant, The View.

Westin Anaheim of prefunction space, and the

smaller Carousel Ballroom.
Resort A 3,500-square-foot rooftop
Anaheim, Calif. terrace is designed for up to
200 guests and has views of
Originally slated to open in the nightly fireworks at
2019, the new Westin Ana- Disneyland.
heim Resort will now debut Westin Anaheim Resort
in October, adjacent to the is steps from ACC North, the
recently expanded Anaheim new 200,000-square foot
Convention Center. expansion to the Anaheim
The new-build hotel Convention Center, and op-
offers 618 guest rooms and posite the Disney California
suites and 47,542 square Adventure Park, featuring
feet of meeting and event the new Star Wars: Galaxy’s
space across 23 flexible Edge exhibit. The hotel is
venues. The property’s also close to Angel Stadium
two largest spaces are the and the Honda Center,
16,100-square-foot An- and 20 minutes from John
nabelle Ballroom which has Wayne Airport.
more than 3,000 square feet

MEETIN G SN ET ■ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 61
ad index / September 2020 /


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62 S E P T E M B E R 2020 ■ M EETINGS NET

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