Anesthesia PDF
Anesthesia PDF
Anesthesia PDF
Anaesthetics were administered from the early 1840s, but the impact
on general medical practice began after William Morton publically
administered ether to Gilbert Abbott on 16 October 1846 at
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston.
Professor James
Young Simpson (by
kind permission of
the Royal College of
Physicians of
Edinburgh )
Local anaesthesia was introduced after Carl Koller performed the first
operation using cocaine at the suggestion of Sigmund Freud in 1884.
To allay fear and anxiety
To produce amnesia
To decrease secretions in the respiratory tract
To reduce reflex irritability
To contract some undesirable side effect to the anesthesia
To raise the pain threshold
To lower the body metabolism so that less anesthesia will be
Anesthesiologist is a physician (or, less often, a dentist) who is
specialized in the practice of anesthesiology while an anesthetist is a
nurse or technician trained to administer anesthetics.
Level of Anesthesia according to type of surgery
1. Minimal or Light sedation (ANXIOLSIS)
- A mild sedative, such as diazepam, used for relief of anxiety.
Called also antianxiety agent and minor tranquilizer.
- Drug induce state during which patients respond normally to
verbal command, cognitive function and coordination may be
impaired but ventilation and cardio vascular functions are
2. Moderate sedation/Analgesic (CONSCIOUS SEDATION)
- Drug introduce depression of consciousness during which
patient can respond purposely to verbal commands, either
alone or accompanied by light tactile stimulation.
- A drug or medicine given to reduce pain without resulting in
loss of consciousness. Analgesics are sometimes referred to
as painkiller medications. There are many different types of
analgesic medications available in both prescription and over-
the-counter preparation
3. Deep Sedation (ANALGESIA)
- Drug induce depression of consciousness during which
patient can respond purposefully after a painful stimulation.
- Sedation is the act of calming by administration of a
sedative. A sedative is a medication that commonly induces
the nervous system to calm.
4. Full anesthesia - drug induced loss of consciousness during
which patient cannot be roused, even by painful stimulation.
Types of Anesthesia
☺ General Anesthesia
-is the induction of a state of unconsciousness with the absence
of pain sensation over the entire body, through the administration of
anesthetic drugs. It is used during certain medical and surgical
- Central nervous system depressant used to loss pain
sensation and consciousness.
- Pain is controlled by general insensitivity
- When administering general anesthetics several drugs are
combined to achieve.
Anesthetic Gases