Title Defense
Title Defense
Title Defense
Our product is not just a ordinary one. Many people may ask if what it tastes
like. Is it even possible? How do we make it? Yes, we make it possible to
those people who are not really into meats, and fond of eating vegetables
and who are health conscious.
People nowadays are being more and more conscious about their health and
looking for food which has more vitamins and less in preservatives. Making
this patty sardines with carrots will suit what they are looking for. Using
sardines has protein and it's tomato sauce has omega 3 which is good for the
heart combining it with carrots which is reach in Vitamin A, Vitamin B6 and
potassium. This product will encourage customer to buy since it is nutritious.
Target Market
Patty Sardines primary target markets are in different coffee shops. Also our
product is not just for the adults but also for the younger ones.
Green Papaya - Puto Cheese
Nowadays people would always choose the usual flavor that they’ve tried, but
with our product they get to taste the usual flavor but with a twist and it is a
healthy variety of a “kakanin”. Promoting a healthy and convenient way of
eating by introducing our Green Papaya Puto Cheese to the consumers
would also benefit not just the consumers with its health nutrition content.
Target Market
Our primary target market is those food vendors selling “kakanin”. Or in any
delicacies shops.
Eggplant Patty
People may tend to ask what would be the tastes like? How are we going to
make it? Yes, we make it possible since a lot of people are not fond of having
meat in their breads.
Target Market
Our target market will be the food vendors that are selling Burgers, small
enterprises coffee shops.