Design and Technology Department: Solwezi Boys Provincial Stem Secondary School Lesson Plan
Design and Technology Department: Solwezi Boys Provincial Stem Secondary School Lesson Plan
Design and Technology Department: Solwezi Boys Provincial Stem Secondary School Lesson Plan
RATIONALE: The learners will appreciate design and manufacturing as an activity which is
related to optimization and adaptation of product design in order to reduce cost, time and
resources during manufacturing through brainstorming, discussion and question and answer
This is the first lesson in a series of two.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Demonstrate understanding of Designing and Manufacturing
Activity 2
Pps to discuss the five Five principles are examined during a
principles of a DMF DFM. They are:
Activity 3 1. Process
Pps to suggest the best 2. Design
solutions to Mr Bwalya’s 3. Material
problem of not selling the 4. Environment
chairs in the period under
consideration discussion
2. STRATEGY : Questions and answers , discussion
3. VALUE : Appreciate the role of systematic planning to solve problems
4. POSITION :4th in the series of 12
PRE-REQUESITES : Pps have knowledge on theme, situation, problem
identification, and design brief that will help in understanding the
Recap of the previous Expected answer - Pps
INTRODUCTION lesson on the situation, - Pps define the situation as statement or discuss
problem identification, picture that depicts the circumstance as at the
and on design brief. present or the condition in which people live solution
in or state in which things are found or seen to the task
and has three many parts thus activity, freely.
concern, and place - Pps to
- Pps to state that ‘a problem’ is always suggest a
derived from the situation situation,
- Pps to state that a ‘design brief’ is a clear a
and short statement that clearly shows what problem,
you intend to do and has 3 parts thus user, and a
function, and place. design
Pps to suggest the theme Theme: leisure/recreation
from the following Situation: Your grandfather always sits on a
situation and identify the brick whenever he wants to watch a - Pps to
problem, and formulate a movie on his television in the seating suggest
DEVELOPMENT design brief. room. However, he experiences a lot the
of pain to continue watching the solutions
Your grandfather always movie. individual
sits on a brick whenever Activity :watching/sitting, Concern: ly on
he wants to watch a movie plain
pain, Place: seating room
on his television in the papers
seating room. However, Problem: the brick used by my grandfather is
he experiences a lot of not comfortable, hence causing pain.
pain to continue watching There is nothing to be used as a
the movie. comfortable seat for my grand father
Design brief: design and make an artefact that
would be used as a seating device by
my grandfather when watching a
Pps to define the word movie in his seating room.
- Pps to
specification and to state Expected answer discuss
to meaning of the SPECIFICATIONS the
following components of A specification is a condition that an artefact solutions
specification; (to be designed) should satisfy and it is in groups
1. Function usually stated e.g. to be portable. The
2. Materials following are parts to consider when making
3. Safety specifications for an artefact to be designed
4. Construction 1. Function - what it will do?
method or fixing 2. Materials – what it will be made of?
method This should be stated in terms properties of
5. Appearance/ the materials only (e.g. strong, soft, water
aesthetic (colour)- resistant) and not mention the materials (e.g.
6. Cost- wood, metal, plastic) as this would restrict
7. Environment the designer from using other different
8. User range materials available.
3. Safety – shape, edges, toxic, poison
4. Construction method or fixing
method- how the artefact would be joined
to increase its strength, and this should be - Tr to help
mentioned as either temporal or permanent were
joints and not mentioning the joints e.g. necessary.
welded, glued, riveted etc
5. Appearance/ aesthetic (colour)- how
the artefact would appear(colour) and this
should be mentioned in terms of light, mild,
plain, dull, appealing, bright, attractive etc
and not mentioning the colours such as red,
green, blue etc. Pps to
ACTIVITY 3 6. Cost- the amount that the artefact attempt the
CLASS EXERCISE would cost and is usually given in a range questions
Come up with e.g. K30 to K40. The words cheap, individually
specification for the above expensive etc should be avoided.
situation 7. Environment- the location of use thus
either outdoor or indoor
8. User range- who to use the artefact
and it is usually given in ranges thus 5 years
to 90 years or 5 kg to 100 kg
- Specification is always the reference
point for your product development
- Components or valuables of the
specification can be adjusted if things
do not works out
As above
CONCLUSION Pps to summarise the Lesson summary Pps to
main contents of the summarise
lesson. the lesson