Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Shin-Yi Wang, Ying Cui, Rauno Parrila
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Shin-Yi Wang, Ying Cui, Rauno Parrila
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Shin-Yi Wang, Ying Cui, Rauno Parrila
Article history: Social interaction is a fundamental problem for children with autism spectrum disorders
Received 28 June 2010 (ASD). Various types of social skills interventions have been developed and used by
Accepted 30 June 2010 clinicians to promote the social interaction in children with ASD. This meta-analysis used
hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to examine the effectiveness of peer-mediated and
Keywords: video-modeling approaches, the two approaches that are most commonly used for social
Social skills interventions skills training of children with ASD. The two approaches, with the average effect size of
Autism spectrum disorders 1.27 (peer-mediated approach: mean = 1.3, 95% CL = 1.10–1.50, N = 9; video-modeling
approach: mean = 1.22, 95% CL = 0.65–1.78, N = 5) were found to significantly and equally
improve the social performance of children with ASD. In addition, age functioned as a
significant moderator in the effectiveness of the intervention. Implications of the results
and limitations of this study are discussed.
ß 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The impairment of social interaction is recognized as one of the core deficits for children with autism spectrum disorders
(ASD) (White, Keonig, & Scahill, 2007). The advanced studies in children with ASD have provided a clearer definition for
diagnosis and helped clinicians identify children with ASD earlier and more accurately. As a result, more cases with the core
deficit in social interaction are being identified, such as children with high function autism (HFA), pervasive developmental
disorders not otherwise specified (PDDNOS), or Asperger’s disorder. Children with HFA, PDDNOS or Asperger’s disorder show
fewer symptoms of cognitive or language deficits, but social interaction is a major barrier for them (Rao, Beidel, & Murray,
2008). The practice of inclusive education with its focus of placing children with disabilities in regular classrooms has
increased opportunities for ASD children to socialize with peers. However, children with ASD often do not interact effectively
or spontaneously with normally developing classmates (Laushey & Heflin, 2000). As a result, social skills interventions can be
critical for successful inclusion of children with ASD.
A variety of intervention models have been developed for the social skills training of children with ASD including behavior
modification, peer-mediated training, social story, video-modeling, pivotal response training, joint attention training, and
buddy system (Bass & Mulick, 2007; Matson, Matson, & Rivet, 2007; Nikopoulos & Keenan, 2004; Scattone, 2007). There is a
growing demand for empirical evidence of the effectiveness of those approaches. Parents want to know how to choose an
effective model for their children with ASD, clinicians want to adopt effective interventions for their evidence-based practice,
and policy-makers are interested in funding programs with proven track record. Furthermore, the No Child Left Behind Act
* Corresponding author at: University of Alberta, Educational Psychology, 6-102 Education North, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G2G5.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.-Y. Wang).
1750-9467/$ – see front matter ß 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.-Y. Wang et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 5 (2011) 562–569 563
(U.S. Department of Education, 2002) has a strong emphasis on the adoption of scientifically based research findings to guide
the instruction and education of the children.
Several studies have evaluated the effectiveness of individual intervention models. The synthesis of the outcomes from
these studies would be beneficial for those who are interested in social skills interventions for children with ASD. In addition
to the effectiveness of varied approaches, examination of the factors that may impact the effectiveness of the interventions is
also important. Kasari et al. (2005) and National Research Council [NRC] (2001) argue that there is no one approach that fits
the needs of all children with ASD. Children’s progress can be influenced by the factors such as age, mental ability, and
language ability as well as the duration and frequency of the intervention (Kasari et al., 2005; Kasari & Rotheram-Fuller,
2007; NRC, 2001). Hence, the synthesis of the intervention studies with the inclusion of the analysis of the factors that
possibly moderate intervention outcomes can help to identify the interventions that are most likely to benefit a specific
Meta-analysis is recognized as a quantitative and objective tool for assessing the magnitude of the intervention effects
through the synthesis of a set of the studies. According to Glass (1976, p. 3), meta-analysis uses diverse statistical methods to
synthesize the quantitative outcomes of many independent studies. An effect size (ES) is most often used in meta-analyses as
an index of treatment success. This method, however, is applied more often to studies with group-comparison designs and
rarely to studies with single-case design (Miller, 2005; Van den Noortgate & Onghena, 2003a, 2003b). Intervention studies
for children with ASD rarely use a group-comparison design. Matson et al. (2007) reviewed social skill treatment studies in
children with ASD and calculated that more than 90% of the reviewed papers adopted single-case designs. The method of
single-case research in which the behavior of one or more participants is measured repeatedly over time is preferred in the
studies of children with ASD for several reasons. For instance, the relatively low prevalence of ASD makes random
assignment of participants to the groups difficult. In addition, assigning children with ASD to the control group may violate
their needs for early intervention and raise ethical concerns. More practical reasons why clinicians are attracted to single-
case research designs include the relatively low cost of single-case studies and the resulting in-depth information of
participant responses (Van den Noortgate & Onghena, 2007).
The assessment of treatment effectiveness in single-case studies typically relies on visual analysis of the outcome graphs
(Brossart, Parker, Olson, & Mahadevan, 2006; Miller, 2005; Van den Noortgate & Onghena, 2003a). Visual analysis of the
graphs is meant to visually inspect the variability, trend, and overlap of the data points between or within the intervention
phases (Miller, 2005). This method, however, is considered subjective and may be invalid for the comparisons of multiple
studies. Low inter-rater agreement has been reported between experts and well-trained raters while they visually examined
the effectiveness of multiple studies (Brossart et al., 2006). As a result, meta-analysis, a quantitative synthesis using
statistical methods, has been suggested as a preferable alternative as it can result in more objective and comprehensive
evaluation of multiple studies (Van den Noortgate & Onghena, 2003a).
There are, however, major challenges with quantification and synthesis of single-case studies. The challenges result from
the specific features of the single-case research designs such as different scales used in different studies and the
autocorrelation and trend in the data (Jenson, Clark, Kircher, & Kristjansson, 2007; Miller, 2005). In order to integrate data
across studies, the raw data from the dependent variables (DVs) from different studies, originally measured on different
scales, must first be standardized for further comparison (Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002; Van den Noortgate & Onghena, 2003b).
Several traditional statistical methods have been proposed to provide standardized scales, including percentage of
nonoverlapping data points (Scruggs, Mastropieri, & Casto, 1987), effect size calculated by dividing the mean difference
between pre-treatment and post-treatment data points with the standard deviation of pre-treatment data points (Busk &
Serlin, 1992), percentage of zero data (Scotti, Evans, Meyer, & Walker, 1991), and different regression methods (e.g., Allison &
Gorman, 1993; Faith, Allison, & Gorman, 1996). Although these methods contribute to the standardization and
quantification of the intervention outcomes, many of them have been criticized due to their limitations (Campbell, 2004;
Jenson et al., 2007; Miller, 2005). For instance, percentage of zero data cannot be used in calculating the effectiveness of
learning behavior because the learning behavior is expected to increase instead of diminishing to zero at treatment phase.
The effectiveness of the studies with large variation in targeted behavior such as social performance tends to be
underestimated by using percentage of nonoverlapping data. Busk and Serlin’s method of calculating the effect size and the
regression-based methods have been criticized generally for the difficulties in the interpretation of the effect sizes (Brossart
et al., 2006; Campbell, 2004; Miller, 2005).
In addition to the problem with different scales, the second challenge with synthesis of single-case research studies is
autocorrelation of data measured at different time points. Autocorrelation is the correlation between the sequential data
points that is always assumed to exist in repeated measurements of the same individual over time due to serial dependency
of the data. When autocorrelation exists, the assumption of data independence is violated, which may lead to Type error
(Jenson et al., 2007; Miller, 2005; Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002). Similarly, trend of the data is the upward or downward
direction of the data point line regardless of intervention which can also result in the bias of effect sizes and Type errors
(Miller, 2005).
In order to solve problems associated with the data of single-case studies, Van den Noortgate and Onghena (2003b, 2007),
Raudenbush and Bryk (2002), and Jenson et al. (2007) have suggested the use of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to
examine the outcomes across multiple single-case studies. Prior to the HLM analysis, the data from multiple studies are
transformed to a standardized metric, so that the outcomes can be compared on the same scale. Furthermore, the scores of
HLM are generally structured in units. For instance, the data points from the same DV and the effect sizes from the same
564 S.-Y. Wang et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 5 (2011) 562–569
participant or the same study in units are coded and analyzed as the same category in HLM. By setting hierarchical structure
to the data, the researcher can take the dependence of the scores into consideration that is caused by the influence of being at
the same unit or category (Miller, 2005; Van den Noortgate & Onghena, 2003b, 2007). With HLM, the researchers can manage
the scaling and dependence problems of the scores, and also describe the variance at the same level of these units by
adopting the characteristics of the units as the predictors. The application of the HLM to the meta-analysis can help estimate
the mean and variation of effect size parameters across multiple studies and test how well different predictors can explain
the variation (Miller, 2005; Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002; Van den Noortgate & Onghena, 2007).
This study used HLM to examine the effect sizes of peer-mediated and video-modeling interventions that adopted single-
case research design to improve the social behavior for children with ASD. The peer-mediated approach tends to be the most
empirically supported model of social skills intervention for children with ASD (Apple, Billingsley, & Schwartz, 2005; Bass &
Mulick, 2007). Training peers to support social skills training is assumed to be a more natural method for children and
diminish the problem of limited generalizability in adult-mediated interventions (Strain, Schwartz, & Bovey, 2008). In this
approach, the peers are normally developing children who are taught social interaction strategies such as sharing, helping,
prompting, instructing, or praising by the researchers. Once the training is completed, the peers are asked to apply those
strategies while interacting with children with ASD in order to promote their social interaction. The video-modeling
intervention has also been recognized as an effective method to improve the social-communication skills in children with
autism (Apple et al., 2005; Bellini & Akullian, 2007). In this approach, children with ASD are asked to observe a video of
proper social interaction and to mimic the social behavior demonstrated in the video. The utilization of video media can
provoke children’s interest and be a natural way for children to learn skills.
We also investigated whether the effect sizes vary as a function of age, treatment approaches (peer-mediated vs. video-
modeling), and their interaction. From the review of the existing literature, we expected that both intervention approaches
would be effective. However, we did not know if one of the two approaches would be more effective than the other. We
expected that age could impact the effectiveness of the interventions significantly. In terms of the interaction of treatment
approach and age, we did not have a specific hypothesis.
2. Methods
We searched the Ovid MEDLINE, PsycINFO, ERIC, Web of Science, TOC Premier databases with the keywords: (1) autism or
autistic, (2) social or psychosocial, and (3) therapy or training or intervention or treatment. Only papers published between
1994 and January of 2008 and in English were collected. The reason for setting limitation to 1994 is because the diagnostic
criteria between DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) and ICD (International Statistical Classification
of Diseases and Related Health Problems) became more consistent after DSM-IV was published in 1994. The first author
reviewed all the initial papers (n = 707) and identified 64 papers that met the following criteria: (1) at least half or more of the
participants were children diagnosed with ASD, (2) the DVs of the study were related to social skills and involved interaction
with human beings, (3) the focus of the study was to provide an intervention, and (4) the researchers had adopted single-case
research design in the study. If the researchers had collected both single-case and group-comparison data, there should be
individual information and outcome graphs for the participants in the single-case part of the study.
From the 64 papers, 13 papers that adopted either peer-mediated or video-modeling treatment were selected for further
analysis. Peer-mediated intervention was defined as an intervention where the core independent variable of the intervention
involved training of the peers with the goal to improve social interaction of the children with ASD. In video-modeling
interventions, the core independent variable of the training was having children with ASD watch a video and mimic social
performance that was demonstrated in the video. The studies that mixed other treatment models with peer-mediated or
video-modeling intervention were excluded given that the treatment effects might be confounded. Studies that alternated
peer-mediated or video-modeling intervention with other different intervention models were included only if peer-
mediated or video-modeling intervention was implemented in the first treatment phase such as in Thiemann and Goldstein
(2004). In total, there were fourteen studies in the thirteen papers because one of the papers included two studies. Among
these studies, nine adopted peer-mediated intervention and five adopted video-modeling intervention. Nine of the thirteen
papers were published after the year 2000. A summary of the reviewed studies is provided in Table 1.
The participant characteristics and data points of the included thirteen papers were coded. It is a common practice for
single-case studies to present the results in the format of figures that display the trend of data measured at different time
points. To accurately read the values of the data points from a figure, each figure of the included DVs was scanned and
imported into Microsoft Office Visio 2007. If there were more than one DV within the study, only the data from those DVs
that represented the social behavior of the children with ASD were coded. However, if the DVs within the study represented
redundant information, then only the DV representing an overall outcome of the measured behaviors was chosen in the
study. For example, Thiemann and Goldstein (2004) reported the DVs of total initiations and responses and the number of
initiations, only the DV of total initiations and responses was coded. If there were multiple baseline and intervention phases
S.-Y. Wang et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 5 (2011) 562–569 565
Table 1
Summary of the reviewed studies.
First author PY Children with ASD Males Females Age (mean) Age (min, max) Research design(s) Effect size Intervention model
Note. PY = publication year; research design(s): 1. AB; 2. reversal; 3. multiple baseline; 4. alternating.
The number outside the parenthesis is the number of the children included in the meta-analysis, and the number inside the parenthesis indicates the
original number of the children in the study.
such as in a reversal design, only the first baseline and intervention phases were coded. Furthermore, the DVs with less than
two data points at either baseline or intervention phase were not coded. The data points used to demonstrate the
generalization effect (i.e., to measure the behavior at different settings in order to examine whether the outcome can be
generalized) were not coded. Some DVs were reverse coded such that higher values always indicated higher level of social
performance. Following the criteria mentioned above, there were 89 DVs coded from 43 participants including 36 males and
7 females. The age of the participants ranged from four to 15 with a mean age of 6.49 (SD = 2.38). The average age was 6.07
(SD = 1.65) for the studies using peer-mediated intervention and 7.36 (SD = 3.37) for the studies using video-modeling
2.3. Transformation of the data points for HLM and effect sizes
After coding, the data points of each DV were first transformed into standardized scores. The standardized score of each
data point was obtained by subtracting the raw score of the data point from the mean of the data points within the baseline
and intervention phases and then dividing by the standard deviation of the data points coming from the baseline and
intervention phases combined. A total of 1796 standardized scores from 89 DVs and 43 participants were calculated. In order
to fit the data with the proposed HLM model, these standardized scores were further subtracted from the mean of the
standardized data points at the corresponding baseline phase in order to ensure the mean of the data points in the baseline
phase equal to zero. After this procedure, the effect size of the dependent variable would be equal to the mean of the
subtracted scores of the standardized data points at the corresponding intervention phase.
The final data file included the standardized scores of the data points, the corresponding (either baseline or intervention)
phases, participants’ ID, participants’ age, the DVs, and the intervention approach (either peer-mediated or video-modeling).
All analysis were computed with HLM 6 (Raudenbush, Bryk, Cheong, & Congdon, 2004). The following three-level HLM
model was used in this study.
Level-1 model
ZDATAPOIi jk ¼ p1 jk ðPHASEi jk Þ þ ei jk
Level-2 model
p1 jk ¼ b10k þ r 1 jk
Level-3 model
b10k ¼ g 100 þ g 101 ðTXÞ þ g 102 ðAGEÞ þ g 103 ðTX AGEÞ þ m10k
Level-l model represents a regression equation for each DV. In the Level-1 model, the outcome variable, ZDATAPOIijk, is
the standardized score of the data point for occasion i, DV j, and participant k; p1jk is the effect size of each DV that equals the
difference between the intervention and baseline means of the standardized scores; PHASEijk is a dichotomous variable that
reflects the phase of each data point (i.e., 1 indicates the data point is in the intervention phase and 0 means the data point is
in the baseline phase); eijk is a random error term. Level-2 model indicates the effect size for each DV, p1jk, equals the effect
size of its corresponding participant (i.e., b10k) plus a residual (i.e., r1jk). With the effect sizes for DVs from HLM, the effect
566 S.-Y. Wang et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 5 (2011) 562–569
Table 2
Results of 3-level HLM final estimation of fixed effects (with robust standard errors).
sizes for each participant can be calculated by averaging the effect sizes of the DVs measured upon the participant.
Furthermore, the effect sizes for each study can be calculated by averaging the effect sizes of the participants in the study. In
Level-3 model, b10k is the effect size for each participant. g100 equals the grand mean effect size across all participants and
DVs. TX is the coding of treatment type. AGE is the age of the participant. TX*AGE indicates the interaction of treatment type
and participant’s age. m10k is an error term. Level-3 model was used to examine the effects of treatment type, participant’s
age, and the interaction of treatment type and age on the effect sizes.
3. Results
The effect sizes of the reviewed studies ranged from 0.65 to 2.31with the mean of 1.27 (SD = 0.43, 95% CL = 1.05–1.50).
Twelve of the 14 studies, 37 of the 43 participants, and 67 of the included 89 DVs yielded large effect sizes according to the
Cohen’s (1988) guidelines. The results of the HLM analysis are displayed in Table 2. The mean of the effect sizes (g100) was
significantly different from zero suggesting that the examined social skills interventions are effective in improving the social
behavior of participating children with ASD. The effect of treatment type was minimal, suggesting that both peer-mediated
and video-modeling approaches were equally effective. Additionally, age predicted effect size significantly. The negative
coefficient of 0.05 for the age factor indicates that interventions tended to be slightly more effective for younger children.
The interaction effect of treatment type and age approached significance (p = 0.066) suggesting that the impact of age may
vary depending on the type of the intervention. This interaction is depicted in Fig. 1, which shows that both the age effect and
the age by treatment interaction effect may have been produced by the single video-modeling study (Nikopoulos & Keenan,
2003) that included older participants. Peer-mediated studies show no clear age effect, but none included participants older
than 10 years of age.
4. Discussion
The results of the current study indicate that peer-mediated and video-modeling interventions are both effective in
improving social behavior of children with ASD and there is no significant difference between the effectiveness of these two
Fig. 1. The interaction effect of treatment type and age on effect sizes.
S.-Y. Wang et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 5 (2011) 562–569 567
intervention approaches. Participant’s age impacts the intervention outcomes significantly. Our results suggest tentatively
that younger child may benefits more from the interventions than the older children. Additionally, participant’s age may
interact with intervention approaches and impact intervention effectiveness.
The significant grand mean effect size from the HLM analysis suggested that both peer-mediated and video-modeling
approaches can significantly improve the social performance for children with ASD. Using Cohen’s standards, over 75% of the
effect sizes of the included studies were large. These results are notable given that meta-analyses of social skills
interventions have not usually yielded a positive or large effect size. Minimal effectiveness or small effect sizes of social skills
interventions have been reported irrespective of the differences in intervention settings, meta-analysis methods, research
designs, or targeted population of the studies. For example, Bellini, Peters, Benner, and Hopf (2007) examined 55 single-case
studies of social skills interventions in a school setting for subjects with ASD using percentage of nonoverlapping data points
as the measurement of effect sizes. They calculated the effect sizes of the studies based on their intervention types (e.g.,
collateral, peer-mediated, child-specific, or comprehensive), formats (e.g., individual or group), location (e.g., classroom or
pullout), and age groups (e.g., preschool, elementary, or secondary) and reported that the effectiveness of interventions was
low to questionable across different categories. As well, a small effect size was found in the meta-analysis of group-
comparison studies that focused on social skills training for children with emotional and behavior disorder (Quinn, Kavale,
Mathur, Rutherford, & Forness, 1999). Similarly, the review of experimental studies in social skills interventions for students
with learning disabilities yielded a small effect size (Kavale & Moster, 2004).
In the comparison of peer-mediated and video-modeling intervention, the difference between the effect size estimates of
the two models was minimal, suggesting that the peer-mediated interventions are as effective as the video-modeling
interventions. While the number of studies is still relatively small, these results suggest that both approaches can be
recommended as evidence-based practices for social skills training of children with ASD.
Age was found to show a significant moderating effect on the effectiveness of the intervention. A negative coefficient of
0.05 for the age variable suggested the effectiveness of the intervention tends to decrease as a child grows older. This
finding was consistent with the previous studies that indicated there were differential gains from the intervention, with
younger children tending to gain more from the intervention than older children (Baker-Ericzen, Stahmer, & Burns, 2007;
Corsello, 2005). The negative relationship between participant’s age and intervention effectiveness supports the importance
of early intervention. However, these interventions can still result in positive gains of social skills for older children with ASD.
The effect size of the intervention is still larger than 1.00 for the 10-year-old child because the effect size decrease only 0.05
as the child gets 1 year older.
In addition, the significant interaction effect between intervention type and age implies that the impact of age on
intervention outcomes depends on what type of intervention approaches is adopted and the impact of intervention type on
intervention outcomes varies depending on participant’s age. According to Fig. 1, age tends to play a more significant role in
the video-modeling approach suggesting that the older children progress less than the younger children. However, the
impact of age on effect size in the video-modeling approach is supported by a limited number of studies. Especially, the
impact of age between 10- and 15-year-old on effect sizes can be only based on the data coming from a single study.
Therefore, more studies that apply video-modeling intervention to older children should be included in the future meta-
analysis in order to confirm the finding. In contrast, there is no clear negative relationship between age and effect sizes in the
peer-mediated intervention. However, the studies of the peer-mediated intervention did not include the participants older
than age 10. Therefore, there is no data that support similar gains of the peer-mediated intervention for children older than
10 year of age. Clearly, more studies and extended range of participants’ age are needed in order to clarify the interaction
effect of participant’s age and interventions on the intervention effectiveness.
Special attention should be paid to the effect size interpretation in single-case research and the limitations of the present
study. Although relative large effect sizes were reported in the present study and that finding was similar to ones in most of
the single-case studies, applying Cohen’s guidelines to the interpretation of effect sizes from single-case studies may be
inappropriate as Cohen’s guidelines are developed originally for between-group designs (Beeson & Robey, 2006). For
example, the magnitude of effect size in single-case studies is very likely to be larger than 0.8 and the value of the effect size
ranging from 1 to 2.85 or even larger is often seen in single-case research. These large effect sizes are not frequently found in
quasi-experimental studies. Beeson and Robey (2006) suggested there should be different benchmarks for the effect size of a
particular intervention. The gains of the intervention can be significant in the group of children with mild deficits but not in
the one with profound impairment. Similarly, the goal targeted on social initiation may not be reached as easily as the goal
focused on social response. As a result, developing different standards for the magnitude of effect size according to specific
research designs, types of participants and intervention goals is recommended (Beeson & Robey, 2006; Brossart et al., 2006).
In addition, the concerns with the order effects of withdrawal or multiple interventions limited the number of the data
points included for data analysis. The power of the analysis can be limited due to the excluded data points. Moreover, the
present study did not examine several predictors such as categories of DVs, intensity of the intervention, experimental
settings, or participant’s abilities that may account for variation in effect sizes. Inclusion and analysis of additional predictors
and their interaction can help us identify active ingredients that can lead to best outcome of intervention. For example,
children with different levels of cognitive function may response to same intervention differently. Certain amount of training
hours may be necessary in order to benefit from the intervention.
The inclusion of additional predictors depends on the progress of the research in children with ASD. For instance, the
definition of social behavior must be clarified in order to categorize outcome variables. In addition, sufficient information of
568 S.-Y. Wang et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 5 (2011) 562–569
experimental setting, intervention duration or frequency, and participant’s abilities must be available across different
studies. Further meta-analyses of the intervention outcomes will benefit from the fully contextualized information of the
studies. As a result, setting up the guidelines for the definition of social behavior and provision of the study information is
strongly recommended for the research of children with ASD. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the interventions should not
only depend on the magnitude of effect sizes. Adoption of comprehensive criteria and procedures that includes the review of
the methodological quality of the studies is recommended (Cook, Tankersley, & Landrum, 2009).This study used HLM to
examine the effectiveness of peer-mediated and video-modeling approaches in social skills training of children with ASD.
Both approaches were found to be effective. In order to benefit more from the intervention, it is recommended that social
skills training, especially the video-modeling intervention, should be provided to children with ASD as soon as they are
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