HL Essay Examiner's Comments Coversheet: English A: Language and Literature Example A: Identity - TV Series Criterion A

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HL essay example A: examiner‘s comments coversheet

HL Essay examiner’s comments coversheet

English A: language and literature

Example A: Identity – TV series

Criterion A Markband: 5
Examiner’s comments:
The first paragraph makes it clear that Identity will be explored through the character of James
Wilson, and that the full series of House will be considered, quite an ambitious task. A very clear
presentation is made about the character, and with each progressive revelation pertinent evidence,
including quotations from the script, adds convincing detail and confirms the analysis.

Criterion B Markband: 5
Examiner’s comments:
The claims about James Wilson, and his part in the interplay of scenes throughout time and space
in the series of House are very well supported with a convincing set of details, and consistently add
to the argument and our impression of how the character has been used dramatically. Not only
does the essay add information and detail in each paragraph, but the significance of why these
scenes and accompanying dialogue have been chosen by the writers of House, to maintain a
stable character, is commented on with convincing judgments.
Criterion C Markband: 5
Examiner’s comments:
The progression of the argument, the illustration and discussion of each point of assessment on the
identity and stability of the character, the use of quotations, and the clarity of each paragraph, are
precise and convincing. The concluding paragraph is rather brief, but it still manages to sum up the
entirety of the essay and its argument. And in any case, the development speaks for itself, and we
are left in no doubt by the end of the essay. References made in the footnotes to the series and
episode numbers add authenticity.
Criterion D Markband: 5
Examiner’s comments:
Language is very clearly and accurately used, with varying and expressive vocabulary, and the
confident handling of complex sentence construction, with seamless incorporation of references
and quotations. There are a couple of flaws, but nothing to detract from the overall assuredness of
the discussion, which also avoids any inflated academic vocabulary, but simply concentrates on the
perceptive unfolding and analysis of the argument, in the clearest of terms.

General commentary
A fine piece of writing. It manages to explain the unity and identity of the character through time, in
an economical and efficient style, with no waste of words, and to make the TV series and its style,
theme, and character clear even to those who did not watch it. That is a good achievement.

Language A: language and literature assessed student work 1

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