Sex Steroids and Bone: Current Perspectives: Juan Balasch
Sex Steroids and Bone: Current Perspectives: Juan Balasch
Sex Steroids and Bone: Current Perspectives: Juan Balasch
Human Reproduction Update, Vol.9, No.3 pp. 207±222, 2003 DOI: 10.1093/humupd/dmg017
Juan Balasch
Institut ClõÂnic of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology, Faculty of Medicine-University of Barcelona, Hospital ClõÂnic-Institut
d'Investigacions BiomeÁdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Barcelona, Spain
Address for correspondence: Institut ClõÂnic of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Hospital ClõÂnic, C/Casanova 143, 08036-Barcelona, Spain.
E-mail: [email protected]
Although the process of bone remodelling or its control has not yet been fully elucidated there is, at present, suf®-
cient information available to conclude that ovarian steroids (estrogens, androgens, progesterone) play an essential
circulating concentrations in the picomolar range. Androgens are term HRT is associated with increased risk of breast cancer and the
obligatory precursors in the biosynthesis of estrogens, and in the risk increases with duration of treatment (Cauley et al., 1995;
female are secreted by the adrenal gland and the ovary. Androgens Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer, 1997;
are formed peripherally, particularly from dehydroepiandrosterone Stampfer and Hankinson, 1997; Dixon, 2001; Marcus, 2002). Even
sulphate (Burger, 2002a). The concept of an androgen de®ciency a small increase in relative risk has a large impact on the number of
syndrome in women is a relatively old one, although it has women developing breast cancer because of the high baseline rates
attracted a substantial increase in attention during recent years (Hulka, 1994).
(Burger, 2002b). There are other treatment options to prevent osteoporosis. These
The premenopausal ovary produces signi®cant amounts of options extend far beyond HRT and include lifestyle and dietary
progesterone during the luteal phase of each cycle. In a review of changes such as increasing weight-bearing activity, enhancing
the literature (Prior, 1990) it was indicated that progesterone calcium and vitamin D intake, as well as incorporating pharma-
appears to act directly on bone remodelling and may play a role in cological agents such as the bisphosphonates and selective
the coupling of bone resorption with bone formation. This estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) (Notelovitz, 1988; 1993;
observation, and the fact that the addition of a progestogen to Bassey, 1995; Marcus, 2002; Pinkerton and Santen, 2002).
estrogen therapy is essential to endometrial protection for post- Regrettably, the different available options are recommended by
menopausal women who have not had a hysterectomy, raises the very few physicians, which suggests that many women are not
question about the role of progestins on bone mass preservation. aware of all treatment options (Randall, 1993).
Although the process of bone remodelling or its control are not Therefore, the aims of the present report were to: (i) analyse the
Sex steroids and bone
estrogens (1±2 mg/day for micronized estradiol). For oral factor, tumour necrosis factor and nitric oxide), prostaglandins
synthetic estrogens the effective doses are as low as 0.02 mg/ (mainly prostaglandin E2) and growth factors (mainly insulin-
day (ethinyl estradiol). For transdermal estrogen, a 0.05 mg like growth factor 1) have been shown to affect bone cells
patch applied every 3.5 days appears to reduce bone loss. in vitro (Compston, 1990; Lindsay, 1995; Riggs et al., 2002).
The effects persist for as long as therapy is provided. ManyÐthough not allÐof these cytokines and growth factors
Moreover, the earlier the treatment is begun, the more are produced by bone cells, and their secretion into the bone
bene®cial is the effect, as bone which has already been lost matrix provides a potential mechanism for the regulation of
cannot be replaced to any signi®cant extent (Lindsay, 1987; bone remodelling (resorption/formation). The results of differ-
1995). Therefore, estrogenÐlike other anti-resorptive agents ent studies have raised the possibility that estrogen may act
(e.g. calcium and bisphosphonates)Ðprimarily prevents fur- directly on cells in the bone microenvironment rather than, or
ther loss of bone mass and thus might be expected to be more in addition to, bone cells themselves (Schot and Schuurs, 1990;
effective when used for prevention (i.e. in early post- Compston, 1994; Lindsay, 1995; Riggs et al., 2002).
menopausal women). However, when estrogen therapy is Alterations in cytokine production within the bone marrow
stopped, bone loss recurs at a rate similar to that after would have signi®cant paracrine or autocrine effects on the
oophorectomy (Notelovitz, 1993; Lindsay, 1995; Marcus, cells responsible for remodelling the skeleton. However, the
2002). For the long-term preservation of bone mineral density, precise role for any of the reported changes within bone is not
continuous estrogen therapy is needed; even 10 years of clear; neither has any cause-and-effect relationship been
exerted through interactions of the ligand-activated receptors (Notelovitz, 2002a). This hypothesis is supported by the results
with other transcription factors. However, increased remodel- of a study conducted in young men which showed an increase
ling alone cannot explain why a loss of sex steroids tilts the in the biochemical markers of bone formation after resistance
balance of resorption and formation in favour of the former. exercise training, with a transient suppression of bone
Estrogens and androgens also exert effects on the lifespan of resorption markers (Fujimura et al., 1997).
mature bone cells: pro-apoptotic effects on osteoclasts, but Approximately 4% of muscle mass is lost during the ®rst 3
anti-apoptotic effects on osteoblasts and osteocytes. These years after menopause, and this is associated with a signi®cant
latter effects stem from a heretofore unexpected function of the decline in muscle strength. In men, muscle strength is
classical `nuclear' sex steroid receptors outside the nucleus, preserved until the age of 60 years, and reaches levels found
and result from the activation of a Src/Shc/extracellular signal- in menopausal women at about 75 years of ageÐa factor that
regulated kinase signal transduction pathway, probably within might explain the greater tendency for falls in older women
pre-assembled scaffolds called caveolae (Kousteni et al., (Notelovitz, 2002a).
2001). Remarkably, either estrogen receptor alpha or beta or
the androgen receptor can transmit anti-apoptotic signals with Androgens and bone
similar ef®ciency, irrespective of whether the ligand is an Androgens have a profound effect on the physiology of bone
estrogen or an androgen. Even more importantly, these non- and muscle in women, as androgens modulate the bone-
genotrophic, sex non-speci®c actions are mediated by the remodelling cycle by direct androgenic activity and transform-
Sex steroids and bone
These effects of androgens contribute to their action on mineral density when compared with estrogen-only-treated
enhancing bone formation. However, androgen may also act at patients (Speroff et al., 1996). In contrast, micronized proges-
the tissue level by reducing bone resorption (Riggs et al., terone and the less androgenic MPA did not contribute
2002). signi®cantly to the bone-protective effects of estrogen-only
therapy (The Writing Group for the PEPI Trial, 1996).
Progestins and bone In contrast to estrogens, progestins are thought mainly to
The role of progestins in preventing bone loss is less well in¯uence bone formation in the remodelling process.
understood than that of estrogen. There is general agreement, Progesterone receptors have been identi®ed in primary cultures
however, that the synthetic nortestosterone-derived C19 pro- of human osteoblasts and osteoclasts (Slootweg et al., 1992;
gestins with androgenic properties (e.g. norethindrone and Wei et al., 1993). However, it is not clear whether the activities
norethindrone acetate), at doses higher than those needed for of a progestogen on bone can be ascribed to its progestational or
HRT, do have bene®cial effects on bone density. Thus, they can other intrinsic hormonal actions. Besides their progestational
increase bone density in women with post-menopausal osteo- activities, progestogens exert androgenic, corticosteroidal and
porosis (Horowitz et al., 1993) and ameliorate the effects of even estrogenic activities. Furthermore, from a practical point
estrogen de®ciency in younger women receiving GnRH of view, of more interest and importance is the question of
agonists (Abdalla et al., 1985; Riis et al., 1990; Eldred et al., whether progestogens can interact with the estrogen effects on
1992). However, data regarding the effects on bone of the the skeleton. In this regard it is interesting to note the results of a
osteoporosis. Therefore, an important prevention strategy is to associated with lower bone mineral content (Sowers et al.,
optimize and maintain premenopausal bone mineral status (Tudor- 1998). Defective luteal phases have been linked with spinal
Locke and McColl, 2000). bone density losses in some (Prior, 1990), but not all (Waller
During the early years of life, adolescence and early adulthood, et al., 1996; DeSouza et al., 1997), studies. Bone loss in women
bone mass increases until, at a point in time which remains to be with anovulatory menses is estimated at 4.2% per year
clearly de®ned, the peak bone mass is attained. Most of the bone (Notelovitz, 1993). Bone loss has also been associated with
mass will be accumulated by late adolescence after cessation of low levels of androgens in premenopausal women (Slemenda
longitudinal growth (Tudor-Locke and McColl, 2000), but peak et al., 1996).
bone mass attainment probably occurs during the third decade of A history of menstrual irregularities has been consistently
life. This may be followed by a period of relative stability until the
associated with lower bone mineral density in premenopausal
point at which age-related bone loss begins, prior to menopause, in
women. A reduced bone mineral content has been shown to be
the fourth decade or early in the ®fth decade (Compston, 1990).
related to duration of amenorrhoea and severity of estrogen
Peak adult bone mass (the actual amount of bone in the skeleton) is
a major factor determining the risk of fracture. Thus, if a woman
de®ciency, regardless of the underlying cause of the irregular-
with a good peak adult bone mass at menopause loses the average ity (Tudor-Locke and McColl, 2000). It has been estimated that
20% of bone mass, the loss is not suf®cient to increase the risk of women who missed <50% of their expected menses had a
fracture to dangerous levels. By contrast, if a woman with a low vertebral bone mass that was 88% of their eumenorrhoeic
peak adult bone mass at menopause loses only half as much peers, and those who missed >50% of their menses had values
Sex steroids and bone
premenopausal women may have a signi®cant impact in ceptive use on bone in healthy premenopausal women with
accelerating bone loss. Data in the literature do not support any regular menses.
differences in bone mass in the spine, hip or forearm of normal
MPA and progestin implants
women from those with endometriosis; thus, women with
endometriosis are more likely to be at risk from their medical DMPA is a widely used injectable form of hormonal contra-
therapy rather than any inherent initial osteopenia (Dawood, ception (Kaunitz, 2002). In contraceptive doses, DMPA
1994; Tudor-Locke and McColl, 2000). suppresses ovarian production of estradiol, which suggests a
potential for an increased risk or osteopenia and subsequent
Oral contraceptives
post-menopausal osteoporosis. As discussed above, the impact
Oral contraceptives are commonly recommended for the of premenopausal DMPA use on post-menopausal osteoporosis
treatment of hypoestrogenic amenorrhoea, and it seems clear remains controversial. Thus, although it is considered a safe
that a bone-sparing bene®t of oral contraceptive use is observed and reliable form of contraception and its impact on bone
in this group, though not to the extent seen with a natural mineral density similar to that of lactation (i.e. both lower
resumption of menses (Tudor-Locke and McColl, 2000). ovarian production of estradiol, leading to reversible decreases
However, the effects of oral contraceptives on bone in healthy in bone mineral density), the United States Food and Drug
premenopausal women with regular menses have been con- Administration recommended post-marketing studies to deter-
troversial (Speroff et al., 1999; Tudor-Locke and McColl, mine, prospectively, changes in bone density related to DMPA
Sex steroids and bone
sphosphonate treatment may be effective in reducing bone loss Figure 2. Diagrammatic representation of bone mass accrual in women and
associated with GnRH agonist therapy while maintaining factors in¯uencing the bone mass at different ages. The different factors are
treatment ef®cacy (Edmonds, 1996; Moghissi, 1996; Speroff shown in the boxes on the horizontal axis. Modi®ed from Heaney (1987).
et al., 1999). Interestingly, however, it has been reported that a
Sex steroids and bone: therapeutic implications Limitations of HRT for prevention of fractures
Bone mass in the adult female is determined by four major The ®rst report from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI)
interactive factors: (i) heredity (genes); (ii) exercise (mechanical study has recently been published (Writing Group for the
loading); (iii) nutritional status (intake of calcium and other Women's Health Initiative Investigators, 2002). The WHI
nutrients); and (iv) hormonal status of the person (sex steroids) is the ®rst randomized clinical trial to demonstrate a
(Heaney, 1987; Notelovitz, 1993; Dawood, 1994) (Figure 1). reduction in hip and vertebral fracture risk with HRT use,
Superimposed on the complex interaction of these factors are and the ®ndings are discussed below. Historically, and
before such a study, support for estrogen use to prevent osteoporosis as an indication for estrogen therapy because of
bone loss and fractures in post-menopausal women had the lack of evidence from randomized trials of the effect of
come from three lines of evidence. First, randomized trials estrogen on the risk of fracture''.
have consistently shown that estrogen prevents post-meno- Ideally, clinical practice should be based on evidence from
pausal bone loss. Many short-term studies and some large randomized trials using fracture as the outcome measure.
longer-term studies of HRT and bone mineral density as Such trials have found that bisphosphonates reduce non-
the primary outcome have shown signi®cant ef®cacy vertebral fracture risk as well as vertebral fracture risk whilst
(Speroff et al., 1996; The Writing Group for the PEPI raloxifene and calcitonin reduce vertebral fracture risk, and
Trial, 1996; NIH Consensus Development Panel on these drugs have been approved by the Food and Drug
Osteoporosis Prevention, Diagnosis, and Therapy, 2001). Administration for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis
Second, observational studies consistently suggested that (Grady and Cummings, 2001). Surprisingly, no such large trial
post-menopausal HRT reduces the risk of hip and other has been performed to determine the effect of estrogen on
types of fracture (Grady et al., 1992; Lindsay, 1995). fracture risk in women with osteoporosis (Grady and
Third, evidence was obtained from risk-versus-bene®t Cummings, 2001). The Heart and Estrogen/progestin
studies of HRT for post-menopausal women who are Replacement Study (HERS and HERS II) (Cauley et al.,
considering long-term hormone therapy to prevent disease 2001; Hulley et al., 2002) and the WHI randomized controlled
or to prolong life. According to these studies, HRT would trial (Writing Group for the Women's Health Initiative
Sex steroids and bone
incident fracture rates in the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures of estrogen therapy may have underestimated the risk of breast
population further illustrates the limitations of HRT. In women cancer and overestimated the prevention of fractures''
who reported taking estrogen continuously since the meno- (Hemminki and Sihvo, 1993). The results of that study
pause (an average of 25 years), the rate of bone loss was noted supported the tenet that, until the 1990s, physicians in the
to accelerate with increasing age, and those on estrogen therapy USA tended to select healthier women for long-term hormone
continued to lose bone density, as did those without estrogen therapy, and women predisposed to osteoporosis or with an
(Ensrud et al., 1995). Furthermore, as reported very recently, increased risk of breast cancer were excluded from therapy.
almost 20% experienced a non-traumatic, non-vertebral frac- This further limits the potential value attributed to HRT in
ture during a 10-year follow-up period (Nelson et al., 2002a). early studies.
This was fully two-thirds the number observed in women who The studies that formed the foundation of the 1992
had never taken estrogen. The extent to which estrogen was guidelines (American College of Physicians, 1992; Grady
associated with lower rates of vertebral and hip fracture was et al., 1992) were biased because most of them did not
similar. Clearly, many women who take estrogen will ultim- adequately account for socioeconomic status, and we now
ately suffer osteoporotic fractures (Orwoll and Nelson, 1999). know that the women who take estrogen are different from
Therefore, low bone mass and fractures remain serious threats those women who do not: they are healthier; they are wealthier;
in older post-menopausal women, even in the presence of and they have a better health pro®le. Thus, rather than HRT
hormone replacement. Thus, as recently stressed (Grady and keeping women healthy, healthy women were taking HRT
Of®ce of Women's Health Research Web site: (http:// and progressively from early adulthood until old age. The impact of ageing and of estrogen replacement therapyÐespecially oral
estrogenÐsigni®cantly reduces androgen bioavailability after
menopause. The combined effects of reduced production with
Future therapeutic perspectives ageing and the pharmacological effects of oral estrogen dramat-
ically reduce the endogenous and bioavailable androgen milieu
The recognition during the mid-1980s of selective estrogen (Simon, 2002).
receptor modulation provided a unique opportunity to develop The matter of androgen therapy and bone mineral density has
multifunctional drugs. Tamoxifen, the ®rst SERM, is the ®rst been analysed recently (Notelovitz, 2002a). A number of clinical
antiestrogen to be tested successfully for the prevention of breast trials, including appropriately designed randomized blinded stud-
cancer in high-risk women. However, the recognition that SERMs ies, have shown that androgen therapy (testosterone by subcuta-
maintain bone density and lower circulating cholesterol suggested neous pellet implantation or oral methyltestosterone) when
that the prevention of osteoporosis and coronary heart disease combined with estrogen therapy, has an additive effect on bone
would be bene®cial side effects of tamoxifen treatment. This mineral density compared with estrogen-only therapy. These
hypothesis was not pursued in any clinical trial, but an alternate studies were preceded by the earlier empirical use of combination
hypothesisÐthat SERMs could be developed to prevent osteo- estrogen and androgen therapy in clinical practice, and by the
porosis and potentially reduce the risk of breast cancerÐhas been observation in individual women of an anabolic effect on bone of
pursued with raloxifene (Jordan, 2001; Jordan et al., 2001). Recent combined estrogen and androgen treatment. Interestingly, using
Sex steroids and bone
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¯uoride, growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor I, the statins, Bachmann, G.A., Bancroft, J., Braunstein, G., Burger, H., Davis, S.,
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