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Forever Love
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Learning Outcomes
After studying this chapter, student should be able to:
i- Apply the steps for setting up a Centre of early
childhood education
ii- Define the registration of child care service and
preschool programmers

Today early childhood programme’s continues the field’s

rich tradition.
an indication of the society’s commitment to its youngest
and most vulnerable members.
An effective programme’s administration begins with an
understanding of the history and traditions of early care
and education.
This overview will provide a starting point as you learn
about programme’s planning and implementation, effective
management and leadership.

ECE Programme Registration


Mapping concept
One of the first challenges encountered when studying
programmes of early care and education is the confusion
about the meaning of early childhood.
Professional organizations, state departments of education,
researchers and other stakeholders sometimes use vague
synonyms or different chronological ages or developmental
milestones when they refer to young children.
One way to classify early childhood programmes is by taking
into account the types of programmeme operators:
State agencies (e.g.
public nursery,
Federal agencies
preschool, preschool in
(PERMATA nursery and
KEMAS, and Jabatan
preschool in public
Perpaduan Negara dan
Integrasi Nasional

Private for profit or non-

Colleges and
profit organizations
universities that use
(e.g. community
them as clinical settings
preschools or parent
and as research
cooperatives, employer
sponsored child care)

Early childhood programmes may also be described by

referring to their historical roots, which include
health care social services, home economics or family
and consumer science, and education (Meisel & Shonkoff,
Today, as in the past, early childhood programmes
reflect the social interests political tends, and
community priorities of the day (Sameroff & Fiese,
These capabilities encourage a leader to
reflect personally and with others on how they:

Make children’s learning, development and well-being the core focus

Address children’s rights and honour diversity of all kinds in positive, constructive and courageous

Build respectful, trusting, nurturing and equitable relationships

Build respectful and genuine connections with families and communities

Collaboratively develop a culture of ethical inquiry

Collaboratively create a community of learners.

striking the
identifying and ensuring shared
articulating a understandings,
vision meanings and
leading and

and facilitating
genuine family
and community
These practices effective
include:(adapte communication
d from Siraj-
distributive Blatchford &
Manni, 2007).
building a
community and
team culture

commitment to reflection
ongoing monitoring and
professional assessing
development practice
The management of an early childhood programmeme either by an
individual or by a team requires the administrator to have knowledge and skills
both in early childhood education and development and in business
Managing an early childhood programmeme requires the administrator to:

i-Be committed the systems in
the styles and
in being a an early
roles of the
leader childhood
leader; and

iv-Know how to manage the

programme and curriculum, how to
lead people solve conflicts and how
to prepare managerial tools such as
Managing Excellence Programme in
Early Chilhood Centre
As the person in charge, Its ultimately influence
the director of any the level of quality that
Centre based early will be attained and has
childhood programme’s a significant impact on a
will engage in different centre’s ability to be
types of activities successful.

Also refer to the first four

pages of this text for
NAEYC’s definition of an
administration and
competencies for
Registration Preschool/ Kindergarten and Child care
Registration is a process by which providers certify that they have
complied with a state`s licensing regulations.
Eligible programme’s that complete registration are often qualified to
participate in assistance programme’s such as the U.S Department of
Agriculture food programme’s or are able to accept children who
receive a child care subsidy.
Registered providers are usually required to certify that they have met
identified health and fire standards.
Some states also require registered child care homes to conduct
criminal background checks on individuals who work with or are
registration is simply a sign-up procedure.
Definition of Preschool
• Under the provisions of the Education Act 1996 [Act 550],
• preschool is defined as any place where preschool education (4 to 6 years) is provided for
10 or more students.

Definition of Child Care

• According to the provisions of the Child Care Act 1984 [Act 308]
• TASKA refers to any premises that accepts 4 or more children under 4 years of age from
more than one household (2 or more families) to be guarded by wages.

Definition of Registered Child Care

• "Registered child care centre" means a child care park registered under section 7.
• Under Section 6 (1) no person shall exercise or participate in the management of a
nursery that is not registered under the provisions of this Act.
• Under Section 6 (2) of Act 308 provides that any person who contravenes subsection (1)
shall be guilty of an offence.
Four types of child care
Type Explanation

a. Child care at home Admission 4 to 9 children in the home of the registered person.

b. Child care at Institution Child care centre which receives 10 children or more.

c. Child care at working place Child care parks are available at any place of work.

Childcare centres that receive 10 children or more in low income

family areas (household income of RM2,000.00 in urban areas and
d. Community Childcare
less RM1,200.00 in rural areas) and receive assistance from the
Federal Government or State Government.
Procedure Establishment of Child Care Service
Child care ACT 1984 [ACT 308]
The purpose of the drafting is to provide for the
registration, inspection and enforcement of the child
care and for matters connected therewith to
determine the well-being, safety and overall
development of the child's priorities.
1. Registered with
Companies Commission
of Malaysia (SSM) or
Registrar of Societies
(ROS) except for child Local authority
care service at home.
Fire and Rescue
2. The centre meets the Department
Registration minimum standards of
the Social Welfare Health Department
Department (JKM).
3. The child care
Land and Surveys
provided meets the
requirements set by
(Sarawak only)
the technical agency as
Example one of
SSM Form
Steps For Registration

• JKM has taken steps to facilitate the Childcare

registration process to meet the requirements in
accordance with the provisions of the
Steps for

Childcare Act and Regulations.

• This will enable the existing Childcare centre
that has met the minimum standard of
registered JKM to operate although it still has
no support from relevant technical agencies.
JKM Minimum Standard
Among the minimum standards set is as follows:
1. The ratio of caretaker with children shall be sufficient as in the
following schedule;
2. Caretaker is a Malaysian citizen and is 18 years of age or older;
3. At least one of the entrepreneurs, managers, supervisors or
babysitters at TASKA must have a valid certificate and has
passed the Basic Child Care (KAAK) or PERMATA Career Course
(KAP) recognized by JKM (*);
4. The centre adheres to the ratio of children with a floor space of
2.5 square meters for a child at TASKA House or 3.5 square
meters for a child at TASKA Institution; Workplace and
JKM Minimum Standard
5. The centre prepares and displays balanced food menu tables and a
schedule of daily activities according to the age of children;
6. TASKA has appropriate, safe and adequate equipment and furniture
for the needs of children;
7. TASKA records are prepared and maintained;
8. Cleanliness and safety inside and outside are maintained in the TASKA
9. Any other conditions as the Director General or State Social Welfare
Director thinks fit and proper.
(*) All TASKA Entrepreneurs, Managers, Supervisors and Babysitters are
required to attend and pass the Basic Child Care or PERMATA Career
Application Registration Application Procedure

1. Consultation and application for

2. A complete registration
registration may be made through the
application will be processed within 14
relevant District Social Welfare Office
working days.

4. Approval of Child care

3. Registration fee is charged Registration Certificate will be issued by
RM50.00 for child care at Home and the State Social Welfare Director
RM250.00 for child care institutions in (PKMN) concerned. Any correction of
the Workplace and Community. the certificate shall be submitted within
14 days.

5. The validity period of the 6. Registered child care can be

registration is for 60 months (5 years). reviewed at
Procedures for the Establishment of Private Presschool

A preschool should be in a conducive area for teaching, learning

Location and development of children according to the following criteria:
A safe place from accident risk and injury and guaranteed

Away from entertainment premises,

The environment is clean and comfortable,

Free from noise pollution and

The centre has obtained written permission of the nearest

neighbour if the premise is in the residential area -
adjacent neighbours, front and back (left and right) premises
The premise should
preferably be situated on
the ground floor but
multi-story buildings can
be rolled out if they meet
safety standards in
relation to stairs,
verandas and emergency
doors and any rules and
Every premise should be regulations set by the Preschool buildings
inspected and supported relevant local authorities. should be in good
by the relevant local condition, clean,
authorities such as the beautiful and painted
Local Authorities outdoors and inside to be
Planning and Control attractive and suitable for
Department, Fire and the children's
Rescue Department and development and
Health Department. Premise learning.
The recommendation of local
authorities on the number of children
for each class / classroom is
adhered to.

Every preschool should have

Preschool premises cannot be sufficient space for learning
used as dwelling. angles, different types of
games and sports, rest and
toilet facilities, taking into
account the number and
Premise age of children.

Religious premises can be The use of a shipping

considered but this does not include container as a classroom
special places of worship. is not allowed.

Special education facilities are

provided where there are children
with disabilities.
Local Authorities Laws
All regulations or by-laws of the local authority concerned with the
inspection of premises are complied with

Preschool name



Administration management

School session
Preschool Name The proposed name should use the term Preschool. Use of terms such as Kindie,
Playhouse, Guidance Park, Nursery School in Preschool is not allowed.

The name given must be

reasonable, not misleading, The name is different
The name given must The name given should
does not represent from another
have a Malaysian be in the National
something that is incorrect preschool’s name (see
background. Language.
or touches on the feelings R.O.B./R.O.C.)
of any party.

If the name used includes a

dignitary’s name, the applicant Name of political party
Unauthorized State, City or district
must obtain written consent or summary of political
names: name
from the dignitary or his / her party names
beneficiary (if he has died).

The name of the leader Please provide an

or the dignitaries of a Please provide an example for this. What
foreign country and the example for this. do you mean by a
singular name ‘singular name’ ?
The preschool should be fully owned by a Malaysian
citizen (except Expatriate Preschool)
Individual ownership / partnership must be registered
with Business Registrar (R.O. B).
The owner of the preschool by the company is
registered with the Company Registrar (R.O.C.).
The resident equity is not less than 30% and must be
Any preschool established by an organization
registered with any government authority may be
exempted from being registered with the business
The programme’s and activities of each preschool are
based on curriculum guidelines approved by the
Minister of Education, namely the National Standard
Preschool Curriculum (NSPC)
Languages other than the national language may be
used as a medium of instruction but if a preschool uses
a language other than the National Language, the
National Language shall be taught as a compulsory
Islamic Education should be taught by Muslim
teachers to Muslim children
Moral Education should be taught to non-Muslim
Any increase
in fees should
be applied by The fee
stating the increase is
reasons and
obtaining only allowed
written once every 3
approval of years
The fees the Registrar
charged shall General.
be in Increased
accordance allowances
with the shall not
facilities exceed 30%
and services

The tuition
fees and
should be
other fees

notified 3
charged shall
months before
be stated in
the fee
writing by
the Registrar
Administration Management

A place where ten or more children The Children’s Preschool and

aged between 4 and 6 years old are Nursery cannot be run in the same
taught or commonly taught in one or premise.
more classes should be registered
as a preschool under the Education
Act 1996 except:

a) A preschool considered to be b) A preschool which has been

purely religious or for religious granted exemption by the Minister of
purposes solely and Education.
School Session
A preschool is not allowed to run more than two
sessions a day.
The teaching and learning period of the session is
officially between three to three and a half hour daily
for 5 consecutive days according to the normal
school day.
The teaching and learning programmes and activities
should be in line with the willingness and ability of
children to age. 6-year-old children would focus on
the preparation for formal education in primary
schools. Disabled children would focus on self-
School Session
All teachers, including the headmasters, are
required to have updated Teaching Permits.
The ratio of the class to the child is 1:25
The ratio of teachers to children is 1:25
Each preschool prepares and keeps records
of children, parents / guardians, teachers
and employees in full and up-to-date.
When regulations,
statues, standards its family The formulation,
and the handbook, staff implementation,
programme`s manual, and and evaluation of
mission statement, administrative these materials
goals and manual, that are the
objective create a apply these rules responsibilities of
framework for a and regulations to the board of
programme`s a programme`s directors and the
operations, it is the day-to-day programme
programme- operations. administrator.
specific materials
Review Questions

1. If you are going to explain what you do in a preschool

classroom to families, colleagues, and administrators,
then you need to have knowledge about the
contributions of early childhood education history and
theorists to the profession. What kind of action can you
do as a manager to manage the best early childhood
education centre?

2. Why is there a difference in the process of submitting an

application form for the opening of a child care service
and a preschool?

Beaty, J.J. (2012) Skills for preschool teachers (9th ed.) New Jersey: Pearson

Catron, C. & Allen, J. (2008) Early childhood curriculum (4th ed.) Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.

Gordon, A.M., & Browne, K.W. (2011). Beginnings and beyond (8th ed.)
Clifton Park, NY: Wardsworth Cengage Learning.

Jackman, H.L. (2012) (5th ed.) Early education curriculum. A child’s

connection to the world. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Wortham, S.C. (2010). Early childhood curriculum. Developmental bases for

learning and teaching (5th ed.) New Jersey: Pearson Education.
Thank You

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