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From the Book of «Kidan» which our Lord and
our Saviour Jesus Christ uttered to the
Apostles, after His resurrection from the dead,
and before His ascension to heaven.


The blessing of His grace and the gift of His

help be with our Archbishop Abune . . . Amen.

Deacon : Lift up your hearts unto heaven. 4


People :
Yes, our hearts are in heaven. For Thy name’s
sake strengthen us, and make us worthy,
Jesus Christ, our Lord and our God.
Deacon : If there is any one who is quarelling
with his neighbour, let him forgive him.

People : According to Thy mercy, our God, and

not according to our sins. 6
Deacon : If there is any blemish in the heart of
anyone let him not approach.

People : According to Thy mercy, our God, and

not according to our sins. 7
Deacon : If there is any blemish in the heart of
anyone let him not approach.

People : According to Thy mercy, our God, and

not according to our sins. 8
Deacon : If there is anyone who has fallen into
sin, let him not forget it because it must not be

People : According to Thy mercy, our God, and

not according to our sins. 9
Deacon : If there is any one who has a
diseased conscience let him not approach.

People : According to Thy mercy, our God, and

not according to our sins. 10
Deacon : If there is any who is an adulterer and
is impure, let him be sent out.

People : According to Thy mercy, our God, and

not according to our sins.
Deacon : If there is any who is alienated from
the commandments of Jesus, he shall be
forbidden (to come).

People : According to Thy mercy, our God, and

not according to our sins. 12
( )

Deacon : If there is anyone who disdains the

prophe, let him deliver himself from the wrath
of the Only-begotten and save his soul.


Let him not oppose the cross, but flee from

the wrath of the Lord, because there are those
who look upon us, namely the Father of light
with his Son and His Holy Angels who visit the
church. 14

; ;

Examine yourselves, and cleanse yourselves

and do not mention your neighbours’ sins. Be
careful that no one should maintain any
hatred against his neighbour.
; ;

; '

God is looking. Lift up your hearts. Let us

come near the medicine of life. Let us receive
the holiness which is granted unto us by
grace through the wisdom of the Lord.
Priest : The Lord be with all of you.

People : And with your spirit.

Priest : Give thanks unto our God.

People : It is right, it is just.

Priest : Lift up your hearts.

People : We have lifted them up unto the Lord

our God.
.. (3 )

.. ( )
Priest : He is Holy among the holy ones …
(to be repeated thrice).

.. (3 )

.. ( )
People : Always in heaven and on earth …
(to be repeated thrice).
Priest : Holy, Holy, Holy God.


Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of gods who was
and who is always in heaven and on earth. 21
. . .

. . .
Anaphora of our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus
The blessing of His forgiveness be with our …

' '
Priest : We give You thanks, Holy God, the
perfecter of our souls and giver of our life, O
undefiled treasure, Father of Your only-begotten
Son, our Saviour, Who declares Your will,
because You have desired that we should be
saved through You. 23
' ;

' ; ;
; '

Our hearts give thanks to Thee, Lord. Thou art

the strength of the Father, grace to the
Gentiles, knowledge to the upright,, wisdom to
the sinners, healer of the soul, exalter of the
humble, our city. 24
' ;


Priest : Thou art the staff of the righteous, the

hope of the persecuted, the refuge of the
sufferers. O light of the perfect, Son of the
living God,
shine upon us with Thine unfailing grace
granting us firmness, strength, faithfulness,
wisdom, the power of faith which is
immovable, and immutable hope.


; ;


Grant, Lord, to our humility spiritual insight so

that we, Your servants, may be truly pure.
And all the people shall glorify You.

People : We thank You and glorify You, Lord.

Deacon : For the sake of the blessed. . . .

Assistant priest: O Holy Trnity, Father and Son

and Holy Spirit, bless Your people, Christians
beloved, with blessings heavenly and
Asst. Deacon: Lord, pity and have mercy upon
the patriarchs, archbishops, bishops, priests,
deacons and all the Christian people.

Priest : Yea, Lord, we thank You and bless

You, and always pray to You, God the Father
of the exalted ones, who reigns over the
treasuries of light. 31

Visit Jerusalem from heaven, O Lord of the

authorities, the archangels, the power of the
lords, the glory of the thrones, dressed in lights,
the highest happiness, King of kings, Father who
holds all in His hand, and reigns. 32
Through Thy will Thine only-begotten Son
Jesus was crucified for our salvation.

Deacon : You who are sitting, stand up. 33

Priest : Through the Word of Thy covenant,
Thou did all that Thou desired.

Deacon : Look to the east. 34

' ;

Priest : And Thou did send Him into the womb

of a virgin. He was conceived in the womb,
was made flesh, and His birth was made
known by the Holy Spirit.

Deacon : Let us give heed.

Priest : being born from the Virgin, so that

He might fulfill Your will, and hallow a people
to You. 36
Deacon : Answer ye.

People : Holy, Holy, Holy, perfect Lord of

hosts, heaven and earth are full of the
holiness of Your glory. 37
Priest : He stretched forth His hands to suffer.
He suffered to cure the sick who have trusted
in Him.


' '

People : Remember us, Lord, in Your kingdom

Remember us, Lord Master, in Your kingdom.
Remember us, Lord, in Your kingdom, as You did
remember the thief on the right hand when You
were on the tree of the Holy Cross. 39

; ;

Priest : He who has been given to suffering by

His own will, suffered in order that He might heal
the sick, strengthen those who were about to fall,
find those who were outcast, give life to the
dead, destroy death, break the bonds of Satan,40


fulfill His Father’s will, tread down hell,

open the gates of life,


; ;


enlighten the righteous, estab-lish the law,

remove the darkness, cause the children to
grow, and make known His resurrection. In the
same night in which they betrayed Him. 42
Deacon: Priests, raise up your hands.

Priest : He took bread in his holy, blessed and

spotless hands, 43

People : We believe that this is He, truly we


Priest : gave thanks, blessed and broke


and gave it to his dis-ciples saying unto them;

Take, eat, this bread is My body which will be
broken for you for the forgiveness of sin.



People : Amen. Amen. Amen. We believe and

confess, we praise Thee, O our Lord and our
God ; that this is He, truly we believe.


Priest : When you do this, do it in remembrance
of Me. And likewise also the cup, putting wine
into it, giving thanks, blessing, hallowing, You
gave it them. Truly this is Your blood which has
been shed for our sins
People : Amen.

People : Amen. Amen. Amen. We believe and

Priest : Now, Lord, remembering Your death
and resurrection, we believe in You.


; '
People : We proclaim Your death, Lord, and
Your holy resurrection. We believe in Your
ascension and Your second advent. We glorify
You, and confess You; we offer our prayer unto
You and supplicate You, O our Lord and our God.


Priest : And we offer You this bread and this

cup giving thanks unto You alone, O God the
Saviour of the world, because You ordered us
to stand before You and to serve You. 51
Priest : For this reason, we, Your servants, glorify
You, O Lord.

Priest : Lord, we pray and beseech You to send

the Holy Spirit and power upon this bread and
upon this cup 52
to make them the body and the blood, then of
our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for ever.

. . .

. . .

People : Amen.
Lord pity us, Lord spare us, Lord have mercy
upon us.


Priest: Again we offer unto You this thanks-
giving, eternal Trinity, Lord the Father of Jesus
Christ, Whom every creature and soul fear, and
the fear enters into the soul. This thanksgiving is
fitting unto You.


Priest: We have not offered unto Your holiness

meat or drink. Let them not be for our
judgment nor an occasion of reproach by the
enemy nor for our destruction, but to the
health of our flesh and strength of our spirit. 56


Priest: Yea, Lord our God, grant us, for the

sake of Your great name, to flee from all
thoughts which displease You.



Priest: Lord grant us that the counsel of death

may depart from us, we who are written,
through Your name, within the veil of Your
sanctuary in the highest heaven.


Priest: Let death hear Thy name and be

troubled. Let the depths be cut asunder and,
the enemy be trodden down.

; '

; :
; ;
Priest: Let the spirit of destruction tremble,
and the serpent be removed, let unbelief
depart, and the criminal be destroyed, let anger
be still, let envy come to nothing, and let him
who continually sins be rebuked. 60

; ;

Priest: Let those who love money be cast out, let

infirmity be removed, let the liar be cast out, and
let all poisonous creatures be scattered.



Priest: Lord, grant inner light to the eyes of our

heart, so that they may see, thank and glorify
Thee, remem-bering thee and serving Thee,
because Thou only art their portion.


Priest: O Son and Word of God, served by all

creatures, make perfect and strengthen the
grace which Thou has revealed to them, and
keep those who have the grace of health.


Priest: Make straight that faith, which those

who praise Thee with the strength of the
tongue, learned by the exercise of the tongue.


; ;

Priest: Save those who always fulfill Thy will.

Visit the widow. Receive the orphans. Accept
those who have gone to their rest in faith.



Priest: Grant us, Lord, a portion with all Your

saints. Grant us power to please You as they
have pleased You.



Deacon : With all the heart let us beseech the

Lord our God that He grant unto us the good
communion of the Holy Spirit.



People : As it was, is, and shall be unto

generations of generations, unto endless ages.



Priest: Feed Your people in truth and holiness.

Grant, Lord, unity unto us who receive of Your
mystery that we may be truly satisfied with the
Holy Spirit, grant power and strength of faith in


to thank Thee always and Thy beloved Son

Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit for ever.



; '

Priest (The people shall repeat his words.):
Grant us to be united through Thy Holy Spirit,
and heal us by this oblation that we may live
in Thee for ever.
; '
Priest (The people shall repeat his words):
Blessed be the Name of the Lord, and blessed
be He that comes in the Name of the Lord, and
let the Name of His glory be blessed. So be it.
So be it. So be it blessed.
Priest : Send the Paraclete, the Spirit of

People : Send upon us the grace of the Holy

... '
Deacon : Arise for prayer.

.... '
People : Lord have mercy upon us.

... '
Priest : Peace be unto all of you.
.... '
People : And with your spirit.

Priest : And again we ask the almighty God,
the Father of the Lord and our Saviour Jesus
Priest : I praise You, Lord my God, Who sits
upon the cherubim and rests in the high ones.
You know the humble because You are in the
light. O, You Who causes the world to rest, You
did show the hidden mystery on the cross.
Who is merciful and holy as You?

Priest : Thou did give Thy power to Thine

apostles who served Thee with meekness of
heart and offered to Thee a sweet savour. For
the sake of our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus
Christ. The almighty God is our Lord.
... Deacon : Pray ye.



Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy

name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on
earth as it is in heaven


give us this day our daily bread; forgive us our

debts as we forgive our debtors,



and lead us, lest we hap into temptation, but

deliver us, rescuing us from all evil; for Thine
is the kingdom, the power and the glory for
ever and ever.


Priest : Lord our almighty God, we pray Thee

and beseech Thee that Thou may not remove
Thy power from us,


even that power which Thou did give to the

apostles who served Thee with meekness of
heart and who offered unto Thee a sweet



For the sake of our Lord and our Saviour Jesus

Christ, both now and ever. Amen.



People : The hosts of the angels of the Saviour

of the world stand before the Saviour of the



and encircle the Saviour of the world, even the

body and blood of the Saviour of the world.



Let us draw near the face of the Saviour of the

world. In the faith which is from Him do we
give thanks to Christ

( )

Asst. Deacon : Open your gates, princes.


Deacon : You who are standing, bow your

Priest : Lord our God Who sits upon the
cherubim and the seraphim and looks down
upon Thy people and Thine inheritance, bless
Thy servants and Thy handmaids and their
children. 88

Priest: Make him who receives, with a pure

conscience, from Thy honourable table
worthy of remission of sin



and of unity with the Holy Spirit to the

salvation of body and soul, and worthy to
come into the inheritance of the heavenly
kingdom through Your favour and will:


Through Thine only begotten Son, through
Whom to Thee, with Him, and with the Holy
Spirit be glory and dominion, both now and
ever. Amen.
Worship the Lord with fear.

Before Thee, Lord, we worship,

and Thee do we glorify.
"Prayer of Pentence”

Give heed.

Holy things for the Holy.

One is the Holy Father, one is the
Holy Son, one is the Holy Spirit.
The Lord be with you all

And with Thy spirit

( )

Lord have compassion upon us

O! Christ!

Ye that are penitent, bow your heads.

Lord our God, look upon thy people
that are penitent, ….
Stand up for prayer.

Lord have mercy upon us.

Peace be unto you all.

And with Thy spirit.



Lord my God, behold the sacrifice of Thy

Son’s body which plea Seth Thee. Through it
blot out all my sins because Thy only-begotten
Son died for me.


And behold the pure blood of Thy Messiah,

which was shed for me upon Calvary, cried
aloud in my stead. Grant that this speaking
blood may be the forgiver of me Thy servant.

And accept my prayers for its sake, because
Thy beloved accepted the spear and the nails
for my sake and suffered to please Thee. But
after I was saved, Satan returned to my heart
and pierced me through with his darts. Grant
me, Lord, Thy mercy, because He is a
powerful accuser. 103

And by the provision of sin he slew me.
Avenge me of the audacious one who is not
satisfied with my being led astray from my life.
Thou, Lord, my King and my God and my
Savior, bind up the wounds of the soul and
body of me Thy servant. 104
O my Lord Jesus Christ, it in no wise beseemeth
Thee to come under the roof of my polluted house,
for I have provoked Thee to wrath, and have done
evil in Thy sight, and through the transgression of
Thy Commandment have polluted my soul and my
body which Thou didst create after Thy image and
Thy likeness, and in me dwelleth no good thing. 105

But for the sake of Thy contrivance and Thy
incarnation for my salvation, for the sake of
Thy precious cross and Thy life-giving death,
for the sake of my resurrection on the third
day, I pray Thee and beseech Thee, O my
Lord, that Thou wouldest purge me from all guilt
and curse and from all sin and defilement . 106
; '

And when I have received Thy holy mystery let
it not be unto me for judgment nor for
condemnation, but have compassion upon me
and have mercy upon me; O life of the world,
through it grant me remission of my sin and life
for my soul.

Through the petition of our Lady, the holy
Mary of twofold virginity Thy mother, and of
John the Baptist, and trough the prayer of all
holy angels and all the martyrs and righteous
who have fought for the good, world without
end. Amen. 108

Peace be unto you, while bowing

unto you, our mother Mary, we as
for your prayers
: :

Protect us from evil animals. For the

sake of thy mother, Hanna, and your
father, Iyakem, O! Virgin bless this day.

As the priest says let the Holy Spirit

descend, on this revered Holy of Holies.

The Holy Spirit will descend upon the

bread and wine, His special Spirit will
transform them in an instant with His
wisdom towards the Flesh and Blood. 113

Peace be unto you, blessed and

martyrs, who have died for the faith.



Ye who have conquered the world by

patience, pray for us day and night
standing in front of our Creator, so
that death will not take us before we
have repented. 115

Peace be unto you, all those blessed

on this day, men and women
according to your name.


' :

Ye that are glorified in heaven and on

earth, friends of the Holy Trinity;
remember us in your prayers for the
sake of Mary and for the sake of Christ's
flesh and blood, we beseech You. 117
(3 )
(3 )
Lord have compassion upon us,
O! Christ, Lord. (3 times)

(3 )
(3 )
For the sake of Mary, have compassion
upon us, O! Christ, Lord (3 times)
! ;
O Mary, pray for our mercy, so that
He may forgive us.


Pray Ye for us and for all christians

who bade us to make mention of
them. Praise Ye and sing in the
peace and love of Jesus Christ. 120


Holy! Holy! Holy! Trinity ineffable,
grant me to receive this Body and
this Blood for life and not for
condemnation. ... 121


Grant me to bring forth fruit that
shall be well pleasing unto Thee,
to the end that I may appear in
Thy glory and live unto Thee
doing Thy will.


In faith, I call upon Thee, Father, and

call upon Thy Kindom; hallowed, Lord,
be Thy name upon us, for mighty art
Thou, praised and glorious, and to
Thee be glory, world without end. 123

… for Mighty art Thou, praised and

glorious, and to Thee be Glory, for
ever and ever.


; '
We thank God for that we have partaken
of His Holy things; we pray and trust
that that which we have received may be
healing for the life of the soul while we
glorify the Lord our God. 125
! ;

I will extol Thee, my King and my

God, and I will bless Thy name for
ever and ever.


Our Father Thou art in heaven,

lead us not, Lord, into temptation.


We have received of the Holy Body

and the precious Blood of Christ.


Every day will I bless Thee, and I

will praise Thy name for ever and


Our Father Thou art in heaven,

lead us not, Lord, into temptation.



And let us give thanks unto him

that make us meet to communicate
in the precious and holy mystery.
' :

My mouth shall speak the praise of

the Lord, and let all flesh bless His
Holy name for ever and ever.


Our Father Thou art in heaven,

lead us not, Lord, into temptation.
Again we supplicate the almighty God,
Father of our Lord and our Saviour
Jesus Christ…

Pray ye. 134

(2X) 135








' '


' 139

' . . .


' . . . 140


' ;
' ;
' ;
' 141

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' . . . '


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