Course Structure
Semester – II
Semester – III
Semester – V
Semester – VI
Unit 1 10
Unit II 15
Unit III 15
Unit IV 15
Unit V 10
Dutta A.K., Materials Management: Procedures, Text and cases, Prentice Hall
of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Unit- I 15
Unit- II 15
(i) Consignments: Features, Accounts treatment in the books of the consignor and
(ii) Joint Ventures: Accounting procedures: Joint Bank Account, Records Maintained by co-
venturer of (a) all transactions (b) only his own transactions. (Memorandum joint venture
Unit- III 10
Unit- V 15
Analysis of financial statements, Common size balance sheet, Ratio analysis, Cash Flow
List of Reading
J.R. Monga, Basic Financial Accounting, Mayur Paper backs, Darya Gang, New Delhi
S.N. Maheshwari, Financial Accounting, Vikas Publication, New Delhi
P.C. Tulsian, Financial Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
Ashok Sehgal and Deepak Sehgal, Fundamentals of Financial Accounting, Taxmann,
New Delhi
R. NarayanaSwarmy, “Financial Accounting” PHI Pvt., New Delhi
S.P. Jain and K.L. Narang, Advanced Accounting, Kalyani Publishers New Delhi
Ashok Sehgal and Deepak Sehgal, Fundamentals of Financial Accounting, Taxmann,
New Delhi
Naseem Ahmed, Nawab Ali Khan, M.L. Gupta, Financial Accounting, Ane Books Pvt.
Ltd. New Delhi
Objectives: To apprise the students about the store-keeping function and the
accounting procedure involved in it.
Unit I 10
Unit II 25
Unit III 15
Issue of Materials : Issue procedure and documents used, store records like
bincard and store ledger, pricing of material issues – different methods like FIFO,
LIFO, Simple average, weighted average, standard price, Replacement / market
price etc.
Unit IV 5
Unit V 10
Menon K.S. (1995) Purchasing and Inventory Control, 3rd Ed. Wheeler
Publishing, Allahabad.
Saxena V.K. & Vashisht C.D.: Cot Accounting, Sultan Chand and Sons, New
Arora M.N. Cost Accounting, Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
B.A. (Vocational Studies) Materials Management, CBCS
The Course equips the students about purchasing and its systems and
procedure. It also gives an understanding of price forecasting, special purchase
systems, pubic buying and online purchasing.
Unit I 15
Unit II 15
Unit III 15
Price Forecasting: Price and Pricing impact, price negotiations and fixing.
Purchasing under fluctuating prices, purchasing under uncertainty, Negotiations
regarding quality, terms of contract, delivery, payment schedule, cash discount,
quality considerations, etc.
Unit IV 10
Public Buying : DGS&D Rate contract, Buying from Kendriya Bhandars NICSI etc.
Unit V 10
Suggested Readings
Dutta A.K., Materials Management: Procedures, Text and cases, Prentice Hall
of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Saxena V.K. & Vashisht C.D.: Cost Accounting, Sultan Chand and Sons, New
B.A. (Vocational Studies) Materials Management, CBCS
To acquaint the student to ethical, legal, quality and other issues involved in purchase
management. Also to give him an understanding of procedure for international purchasing
and import substitution.
Unit I 10
Unit II 20
Legal issues in Purchasing: Law of Contract, Contract of Sale of Goods, Conditions and
Warranties, Rules Regarding Transfer of Property. Negotiable Instrument Act, IT Act 2000
Unit III 10
Unit IV 15
International Purchasing: Need for International Purchase, Direct and Indirect Buying.
Procedure, Documentation and Legal-Framework of International Purchasing.
Unit V 10
Suggested Readings
Dutta A.K., Materials Management: Procedures, Text and cases, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Gopalakrishnan, P. and Sundareson, M., Materials Management: An Integrated
Approach, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Varma, M.M., Essentials of Storekeeping and Purchasing, Sultan Chand and Sons,
New Delhi.
Sharma S.C., Material Management and Materials Handling, Khanna Publishers, New
Pooler Victor H. Purchasing and Supply Management, Creating the Vision, New York,
Chapman & Hall, 19997.
Zenz, G.J. (1981). Purchasing and the Management of Materials, John Wiley, New
Contract – meaning, characteristics and kinds, Essentials of valid contract - Offer and
acceptance, consideration, contractual capacity, free consent, legality of objects, Void
agreements, Discharge of contract – modes of discharge including breach and its remedies,
Contingent contracts, Quasi contracts
Contract of sale, meaning and difference between sale and agreement to sell, Conditions
and warranties, Transfer of ownership in goods including sale by non-owners, Performance
of contract of sale, Unpaid seller – meaning and rights of an unpaid seller against the goods
and the buyer.
The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008: Salient Features of LLP, Difference between
LLP and Partnership, LLP and Company, LLP Agreement, Partners and Designated Partners,
Incorporation Document, Incorporation by Registration, Partners and their Relations,
winding up
Kuchhal, M.C. and VivekKuchhal, Business Law, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
Dagar Inderjeet & Agnihotri Anurag “Business Law” Galgotia Publishing Company,
New Delhi
Singh, Avtar, Business Law, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow.
Maheshwari&Maheshwari, Business Law, National Publishing House, New Delhi.
GoyalBhushan Kumar and Jain Kinneri, Business Laws, International Book House
To equip students of the B.A(VS) course to effectively acquire skills in reading, writing,
comprehension and communication, as also to use electronic media for business
Unit I 15
Unit II 15
Unit III 15
Unit IV 10
Vocabulary Words often confused, Words often mis spelt, Common errors in English.
Unit V 10
Lesikar, R.V. &Flatley, M.E.; Basic Business Communication Skills for Empowering
Internet Generation, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi.
Bovee, and Thill, Business Communication Today, Pearson Education
Shirley Taylor, Communication for Business, Pearson Education
Locker and Kaczmarek, Business Communication: Building Critical Skills, TMH
Unit I 10
Unit II 15
Unit III 25
Unit IV 15
Suggested Readings
Sehgal, Ashok and Sehgal Deepak, Financial Accounting, Taxmann’s New Delhi.
Singh, Surender and Kaur, Rajeev, Basic Financial Management, Mayur Paperbacks,
New Delhi.
Saxena V.K. & Vashisht C.D.: Cost Accounting, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
Maheshwari and Mittal, Cost Accounting : Principles and Practice, Shree Mahavir
Book Depot, Delhi-6.
Arora M.N. Cost Accounting, Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
B.A. (Vocational Studies) Materials Management, CBCS
The course acquaints the student to the concept and importance of material logistics and
distribution task like transportation and warehousing.
Unit I 10
Unit II 15
Road Transport: Road System, Role of Road Transport in Movement of Materials, Role of
National Highway Authority of India, Limitations of Road Transport System, Consignment
Rail transport: India Railway Network and Role in Transportation of Materials and Cargo,
Consignment Note.
Unit III 15
Unit IV 10
Suggested Readings
Dutta A.K., Materials Management: Procedures, Text and cases, Prentice Hall
of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
To acquaint the student about the production process pertaining to an Industrial unit and
also to develop skills in the areas of Supply Chain Management.
Unit I 20
Unit II 10
Unit III 15
Unit – IV 20
Suggested Readings
Render Barry, Stair, Hanna & Badri, Quantative Analysis for Management, 10th
Edition, Prentice Hall
Saxena Anurag & Kaushik Sircar, Logistics & SCM, Jaico Publishing House.
Chopra S, Meinde P & Kalra D.V. SCM-Strategy Planning & Operation, 3rd Edition,
Pearson Education
Bowersox D, Class J. David & Cooker, Supply Chain Logistics Management, McGraw
Chitale A.K, Gupta RC, Material Management-Text & Cases, Eastern Economy Edition
Unit I 15
Unit II 10
Standard Costing : Meaning of standard cost, Standard Costing System, Material Cost
Variance Analysis.
Unit III 20
Elements of Marginal costing and Decision making : Marginal Cost, Fixed and Variable
Costs (Period and Product Costs), Marginal Costing System, Marginal Cost Equation, Profit –
Volume Ratio, Break Even Point, Break Even Chart, Margin of Safety, Cost-Volume Profit
Analysis and its Uses, Concept of Relevant Costs in Decision Making. Simple Decision
Making Problems including Make or Buy Decision, Domestic versus International Purchase.
Unit IV 10
Unit V 10
Maheshwari & Mittal , Management Accounting, Shree Mahavir Book, Depot, New
Saxena, V.K. and Vashist CD, Cost and Management Accounting, Sultan Chand and
Sons, New Delhi.
Pandey I.M. Management Accounting, Vikas Publishing House (Pvt.) Ltd., New Delhi.
Dutta A.K., Materials Management: Procedures, Text and cases, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Unit I 15
Unit II 15
Share Capital – issue, allotment and forfeiture of share, demat of share, transmission
of shares, buyback, share certificate and share warrant, Members and shareholder – their
rights and duties.shareholders meetings, kinds, convening and conduct of meetings, AGM,
EGM, Class meetings.
Unit III 15
Unit IV 15
Winding up – concept and modes of winding up, Emerging issues in company law: One
Person Company (OPC), Small Company, Postal Ballot, Small Shareholders on Board,
Director Identity Number (DIN), Corporate Identity Number (CIN), MCA-21, Online Filing
of Documents, Online Registration of Company,National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT),
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), Insider Trading,Rating Agencies, Producer Company –
concept and formation.
Unit V: 5
Depositories Act 1996: Definitions, Rights and Obligations of Depositories, Participants
Issuers and Beneficial Owners, Inquiry and Inspections, Penalty.
Suggested Readings:
Unit I 10
Unit II 10
Unit III 10
Quality Control and Quality Assurance, Managing and organization for quality: Quality
Policy – Quality Objectives, – Leadership for Quality, Quality Management Standards:
(Introductory aspects only):