Gregg Lessonplan Dramatic Playpdf2

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HACC Lesson Plan Format

EDUC 270

Name: Kirsten Gregg Date: 4-20-2020

TITLE: Auto Mechanics Career

SUBJECT: English Language Arts



STANDARD AREA: CC.1.4: Writing: Students write for different purposes and audiences.
Students write clear and focused text to convey a well-defined perspective and appropriate

STANDARD: CC.1.4.PREK.B With prompting and support, draw/dictate about one specific

After taking a turn in the auto shop (dramatic play center) the Pre-K students will draw a
picture using markers, colored pencils, and/or crayons to show a fact they learned about the
auto mechanics career and then talk about their drawing with the teacher.


BIG IDEA: Audience and purpose influence the writer’s choice of organizational pattern,
language, and literacy techniques.
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Why do writers write? What is the purpose?

After having discussed and read many books about different careers and exploring the class favorites,
the students voted to change our dramatic play center to an auto repair shop. This will offer the
students the opportunity to try out a career as an auto mechanic which will deepen their knowledge
about auto mechanics, cars, and customer service. After their turn in the auto repair shop, students
will draw a picture and explain to the teacher what they drew and how it relates to the auto mechanic

The teacher will read I Want to be a Mechanic by Dan Liebman to the class in large group. In small
groups, students will circulate through each center including the auto repair shop and will be
encouraged to act out what they have learned about auto mechanics through discussions and books
we have read. After all students have been to the auto repair shop (dramatic play center) they will be
asked to draw a picture of one thing that they learned about the auto mechanics career and then will
be individually discussing it with the teacher.

Reading I Want to be a Mechanic-10 minutes
Small groups-15 minutes each center-45 minutes total
Create drawing of knowledge of auto mechanics career and discuss with teacher-15-25 minutes

 Book- I Want to be a Mechanic by Dan Liebman at teacher chair for large group
 All materials, toys, tools, and labels set up in Auto Repair shop
 Enough space in Auto Repair Shop to accommodate small group of students as well as
students who may use a mobility aid
 What I learned about Auto Mechanics- drawing handout for students
 Markers, colored pencils (sharpened), and crayons available
 Pencil sharpener available to teacher
 Note pad to take notes of students conversation about their drawing-pen to write with
 Students with PICA/ or those who tend to put items into their mouth are noted on their ID
cards and these students will be monitored extra carefully
 A reminder will be made to students to use the tools only on their paper and cap markers
when finished
 Timer
 Bin on the teachers desk for students to add their completed work
 Stampers available when picture is turned in and student is sitting quietly on the carpet
waiting for the next activity
VOCABULARY: License plate, oil, and funnel
1. Students will gather on the capret for large group and the teacher will discuss the new Auto
Repair Shop (dramatic play center) that the students recently voted to have and reveal it
during small groups.
2. The teacher will read I Want to be a Mechanic by Dan Liebman. The new vocabulary words,
license plate, oil and funnel will be introduced and pointed out within the book both in the
pictures and in the text.
3. The teacher will answer any questions asked about the book as they come up.
4. Next the teacher will split the students into their groups. The students will be asked to
proceed to their first assigned small group center, one which includes the Auto Repair Shop
center where they will get to explore and investiage the new materials.
5. Teacher will set timer as normal for 15 minutes.
6. The teacher will be at the Auto Repair Shop to assit, answer and ask questions to engage
students, pointing out objects and new vocabulary words that we saw and learned about in
the book.
7. Students will rotate at the end of 15 mintues.(Students hear timer and are asked to rotate at
that time). Reset timer each time until each student has been to each center.
8. Once complete, the teacher will ask students to clean up their center and take a seat at the
table when their center is finished.
9. After all students are seated the teacher will instruct the students to draw a picture of
something that they learned about the career auto mechainics. Students will also be asked to
write their names on their papers.
10. Teacher will pass out ‘What I learned about Auto Mechanics’ handout to each studnt as well
as the markers, colored pencils, and crayons for each table to share.
11. The teacher will remind students that their markers, colored penicls and crayons are only to
be used on their paper and to be capped and placed in the bin when they are finished.
12. The teacher will again set the timer for 15 mintues. The teacher may extend time by 5
minutes if needed to insure he/she was able to talk with each student.
13. The teacher will currulate around to all of the students to discuss what they have drawn and
what they have learned about the auto mechinics career. The teacher will take notes using
the note pad and pen. The teacher will also remind students to write their names on their
14. Once the teacher has spoken with each student, the timer will be checked and students will
be warned of the time left to finish their project.
15. When time is up, the timer will ding and the students will be asked to cap markers and place
all tools back into their contaniers.
16. Once everyones space is cleaned, the teacher will ask each student to share one thing they
learned about auto mechinics career. Students with quite hands will be called on. Once they
answer the question they will turn in their drawings into the bin on the teachers desk and
recieve a stamp and move to the carpet for the next activity.
ASSESSMENT (Formative):
 Students will be assessed about their knowledge of the auto mechanics career, through their
induvial drawing and discussion.
 Notes taken during discussion about what each student drew and how it relates to the auto
mechanics career.
 The facts they learned will be written down and placed with their drawing in their individual


Ellie Engineer by Jackson Pearce (book) (website)
Kiddopia-Preschool Learning Games (App)

Labels on items will be in English Language Learners native language. The labels will be created and
used alongside the English labels on items in the Auto Repair Shop.
Students with disabilities, depending on their disability will have direct instruction and assistance in
the repair shop as well as with directions for drawing. Students may also receive extended time to
finish drawing.
For gifted students, they could work to write what they have learned related to their drawing or have
the teacher scribe it for them, and they can practice writing it onto their paper.

A make your own license plate and car work sheets will be sent home for students to cut out and
decorate. Families will help students cut out the pre-drawn car and then decorate the car and write
their name on the license plate.

I feel that I did a good job on this lesson plan. I show a lot of creativity in this lesson and feel like Pre-k
students will have a lot of fun in the dramatic play center and this will open up many doors for
discussion and discovery. I feel I need to work on my knowledge of how long is an appropriate
amount of time that activities will take. I based my time off of a well-oiled classroom where students
know the rules and know that when it’s time to clean up they work together to get it done in a minute
or less. I may have to expand my times based on the classroom that I would be in. I also feel that I
struggle relating the standard to what I want to do. Having accurate and detailed feedback will help
me going forward as I will use it to better my lesson plan and use it going forward. This lesson is
appropriate for Pre-k students because it involves dramatic play, careers, and drawing, which are all
things that they can learn from and enjoy doing. What is expected of them in this lesson is
developmentally appropriate. This lesson plan is breaking the barriers of gender roles related to
careers. This can be a tricky subject based on the different cultures in the classrooms. Students will
have access to books and other materials that show differences in not only gender but races,
ethnicities, etc., that encourage all students to learn and be represented. Anything that needs
addition work, or even reworked will be done because I really want to learn how to make great lesson
plans that adhere to the standards and are fun for the students. My lesson is based off of Bruner’s
theory, which allows children to create new ideas based on what they know. Having them learn about
different careers will give them knowledge of the world and get them started thinking about what
they would like to do someday. Using Bruner’s theory students will form new ideas about what they
want to be, what careers are available, and discover their individual interests.

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