Centraloffice: Republic of The Philippines
Centraloffice: Republic of The Philippines
Centraloffice: Republic of The Philippines
t) PAl /f
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DEC 1 1 101'
142 )
Right-ot-Way Limits ot Projects
Series of 201~""H1 )
In support of the government's policy to provide transparency, streamline and facilitate the
process of right-of-way (ROW) acquisition for government projects, the documentary
requirements for the clearing of affected structures/improvements, perennial trees and crops as
provided in the DPWH Right-of-Way Acquisition Manual (DRAM), December 8, 2017, shall be
simplified/revised as follows:
1. xxx
5. !f the Owner accepts the price offer within thirty (30) days, execute a Deed of Sale
(DAS) between the Owner and the DPWH (See Section 2.18).
a. xxx
b. In case the sale pertains to structures/improvements only, the Owner and the 10
shall execute an Agreement to Demolish and Remove Improvement (ADRI),
provided that the Owner has submitted to the 10 documents to establish proof of
Ownership of said structures/improvements (e.g., Certification from Barangay).
The 10 shall remit to the concerned LGU any unpaid tax on such
structures/improvements, to be deducted from the negotiated price. "
Objective: To clear private structures and crops/trees within the ROWafter the properties
are fully acquired.
This procedure is initiated when the Title of the acquired land has been transferred in the
name of the Republic of the Philippines regardless of the mode of its acquisition, except
for those that are expropriated. For properties acquired through donation, clearing of ROW
can be immediately carried out once the Deed of Donation is perfected, since the Deed is
inclusive of all improvements in the acquired property.
For properties acquired through negotiated sale, through·a Deed of Exchange, or through
the execution of a "quit claim'; or ''easement agreement'; clearing of ROW shall be
undertaken after the Agreement to Demolish and Remove Improvements (ADRI) has been
executed and agreed between the 10 and the property owner. For properties acquired
through negotiated sale, it is important to make sure that the ADRI is approved prior to
the release of the initial 70% payment for the improvements, and that the ADRI is
notarized prior to the release of the remaining 30% payment as specified in Section 2.23
of the DRAM. For exchanged properties, the ADRI must be approved and notarized prior
to the release of full payment for improvements. "
1. xxx
2. Make sure that the property owner understands that, if he decides to demolish and
remove his own structures and improvements, he has to complete it within a specified
time frame, as stipulated in the ADRI; and that if he fails to do so, the 10 shall
undertake the task. "
2. Make sure that the property owner understands and agrees that, if he decides
to demolish and remove his own structures / improvements/ crops/trees,
he has to complete it within a specified time frame, as stipulated .in the
adri/atri; and that if he fails to do so, the io shall undertake the task.
''3. Prepare the ADRI. Attach to the ADRI photographs of the structures and
improvements to be demolished. Certify the authenticity of the photographs,
together with one representative each from the concerned Office of the
Assessor and Commission on Audit CCOA)."
to read as follows:
"4. If the land was acquired through a deed of exchange or through a quit claim
or through an easement agreement, have the owner sign the ADRI before
payment for improvements is made. If not, proceed to the next step. "
'~ If the land was acquired through purchase, have the owner sign the ADRI before full
payment for lot and improvements is made. "
to read as follows:
to read as follows:
6. Have the ADIU/ A TIU approved by the project director of the concerned PMO
or PPPS for projects at the CO, or by the concerned regional director for other
''7. If the property owner opted to let the 10 undertake the demolition and removal
of structures and improvements, inform him in writing about the schedule of
demolition and removal of said structures and improvement. If the property
owner opted to demolish and remove his own structures and improvements,
wait for the time period specified in the ADRI to lapse before inspecting the
to read as follows:
7. If the property owner opted to let the 10 undertake the demolition and removal
of structures/improvements/crops/trees, inform him in writing about the
schedule of demolition and removal of said structures/improvements
/crops/trees. If the property owner opted to demolish and remove his own
structures / improvements/crops/trees, wait for the time period
specified in the ADIU/ A TRr to lapse before inspecting the site.
"8. If the property owner completed the demolition and removal of the structures
and improvements within the specified time in the ADRI, prepare a Certification
that the structures and improvements on the acquired land for ROW have been
completely cleared. Give a copy of the Certification to the owner and inform
him that the certification will be included in the documents to be submitted for
payment of claims in Section 2.23 of this Manual."
to read as follows:
"9. If the property owner failed to demolish and remove the structures and
improvements within the specified time period in the ADRI, inform him in
writing that the 10 shall undertake the demolition and complete clearing of the
land on a set schedule."
"10. Demolish and remove all the structures and improvements within the acquired land
for ROW on the date specified in the letter prepared in Step 7 or Step 9.
to read as follows:
10. Demolish and remove all the structures I improvements I crops I trees
within the land acquired or to be acquired for row on the date specified in
the letter prepared in step 7 or step 9.
to read as follows:
''11. Once the Transfer of Title is perfected, prepare the ADRI. Attach to the ADRI
photographs of the structures and improvements to be demolished. Certify
the authenticity of said photographs, together with one representative each
from the concerned Office of the Assessor and Office of the Auditor."
to read as follows:
"12. Have the ADRI approved by the Project Director of the concerned PMO or the
PPPSfor projects at the CO, or by the concerned Regional Director for other
projects. "
"13. Inform the property owner in writing, about the schedule of demolition and removal
of structures and improvements. "
"14. Demolish and remove all the structures and improvements within the acquired land
for ROW on the date specified in the letter prepared in Step 13. "
to read as follows:
"16. Inform the property owner in writing that the 10 has received the WOP and about the
schedule of demolition and removal of structures and improvements. "
to read as follows:
"17. Demolish and remove all the structures and improvements within the acquired land
for ROW on the date specified in the letter prepared in Step 16.
This procedure is initiated when the Title of the acquired lands has been transferred in the
name of the Republic of the Philippines, regardless of the mode of its acquisition. Clearing
of perennial trees along acquired land for ROW shall be in accordance with the current
rules and regulations rt!!giIrding the issuance of a ''Permit to Cut" from the DENR. Perennial
trees refer to forest trees that are either naturally occurring, afforested, or reforested by
the LGUs, DENR, or NGOs such as grantees of Community Based Forest Management
Agreement (CBFMA). These exclude privately-owned fruit-bearing trees, plantations for
timber procIudion, .and the like, w.hi1:h are included in Section 2.24."
"1. Request a registered Forester from the concerned Community Environment and Natural
Resourr:es Office (CENRO) to undertake inventory of the trees to be cut, particularly
in terms of volume and type of species. Obtain a copy of the inventory of trees. "
''2. Submit the inventory to the DENR-CENROand apply for a Permit to Cut. The concerned
CENROshall then conduct its own validation and come up with a field report containing
the findings of the team, particularly the volume of trees to be cut. "
All other provisions of the DRAM inconsistent with the above provisions is hereby deemed
revised and/or repealed accordingly.
13.1 ANP/AGB
Department of Public Works and Highways
Office of the Secretary