Dyes and Pigments: Yaochuan Wang, Ju Huang, Hui Zhou, Guohong Ma, Shixiong Qian, Xu-Hui Zhu
Dyes and Pigments: Yaochuan Wang, Ju Huang, Hui Zhou, Guohong Ma, Shixiong Qian, Xu-Hui Zhu
Dyes and Pigments: Yaochuan Wang, Ju Huang, Hui Zhou, Guohong Ma, Shixiong Qian, Xu-Hui Zhu
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A new 2,1,3-benzothiadiazole-based red fluorescent compound with a DeAeD type structure was
Received 31 October 2010 synthesized and characterized. The central 2,1,3-benzothiadiazole core was symmetrically connected via
Received in revised form the 4,7-positions with two donor groups in which the 7-position of a fluorenyl ring was substituted with
25 June 2011
a carbazol-9-yl moiety and the 2-position was substituted by a 5-thienyl moiety. The carbazol moieties
Accepted 27 June 2011
Available online 3 July 2011
were further derivatized by two 2-naphthyl moieties at the 3,6-positions. Femtosecond laser spectro-
scopic techniques including excited state fluorescence and pump-probe technique investigations,
together with steady state absorption and one-photon fluorescence spectra, were employed to
Two-photon absorption
systematically investigate the optical properties and ultrafast dynamics of the new compound in tetra-
Two-photon fluorescence hydrofuran solution. It shows a large two-photon absorption cross-section and high fluorescence
Excited state dynamics quantum yield, indicating potential application in two-photon fluorescence imaging field. The ultrafast
Intramolecular charge transfer dynamics results reveal competition between a pure excited state relaxation process and stimulated
Benzothiadiazole radiation in the red wavelength region.
Red emitter Ó 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
In this work, we report on the interesting TPA and TPF proper- (4 g, 12.3 mmol) in toluene (130 mL), aqueous Na2CO3 (2 M,
ties of a new 2,1,3-benzothiadiazole-based red emitter (Z) con- 52 mL) and ethanol (26 mL) under a nitrogen atmosphere. The
sisting of a DeAeD molecular structure (Fig. 1a). The n-octyl reaction was heated to reflux at 90 C for 24 h. After being cooled to
moieties at the 9,9-positions of the fluorenyl groups are used to room temperature, the mixture was diluted with distilled water.
improve the solubility of the resulting compound. The branched The organic layer was separated, dried over anhydrous MgSO4,
molecular structure could be useful to reduce intermolecular filtered and concentrated under reduced pressure. The residue was
interaction at a high solution concentration for instance in TPF purified by column chromatography with petroleum ether/
measurements, thus improving the fluorescence yield. dichloromethane (3:1) to afford a white solid after washing in
ethanol under reflux. Yield: 4.7 g (91%). TLC Rf (3:1 petroleum
2. Material and experimental section ether/dichloromethane v/v): 0.34. 1H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl3)
d (ppm): 7.46e7.56 (m, 6H), 7.82e89.00 (m, 10H), 8.13e8.18 (m,
2.1. Synthesis 3H), 8.55 (m, 2H). m.p. ¼ 265.4 C. Td ¼ >400 C (with 5% loss). IR
(KBr): 3420 cm1 (NeH stretch), 3046 cm1 (]CeH stretch), 1602,
Compound Z was readily synthesized by reaction of the Suzuki 1493 cm1 (eC]Ce stretch).
reagent 3 [31] with 4,7-bis(5-bromothiophen-2-yl)-2,1,3-
benzothiadiazole 4 via a conventional Suzuki coupling reaction 2.1.2. 9-(2-Bromo-9,9-dioctylfluoren-7-yl)-3,6-bis(2-naphthyl)
(Scheme 1). The 1H NMR spectrum was shown in Fig. 1b. carbazole (2)
A mixture of CuI (0.12 g, 0.67 mmol), 18-Crown-6 (0.058 g,
2.1.1. 3,6-Bis(2-naphthyl)carbazole (1) 0.22 mmol), K2CO3 (1.84 g, 13.36 mmol), 1,3-dimethyl-3,4,5,6-
Pd(PPh3)4 (224 mg, 0.19 mmol) was added to a mixture of 2- tetrahydro-2(1H)-pyrimidinone (DMPU) (2 mL), 2,7-dibromo- 9,9-
naphthylboronic acid (4.44 g, 25.8 mmol), 3,6-dibromocarbazole dioctylfluorene (5.4 g, 10.1 mmol) and compound 1 (2.8 g,
Scheme 1. Synthetic route to compound Z. i) Pd(PPh3)4, 2M Na2CO3 aqueous solution, toluene, ethanol, reflux; ii) DMPU, 18-crown-6, CuI, K2CO3; iii) n-BuLi, THF, 78 C, iv)
2-isopropoxy-4,4,5,5- tetramethyl-1,3,2-dioxaboralane.
6.68 mmol) was heated at 170 C for 24 h under nitrogen. After being 2.1.4. Compound Z
cooled to room temperature, the mixture was quenched with 1N HCl Synthesized from compound 3 and 4,7-bis(5-bromothiophen-
and extracted with dichloromethane. The combined organic phase 2-yl)-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole (4) according to the procedure
was washed with water, dried over anhydrous MgSO4, filtered and described for 1. TLC Rf (4:1 petroleum ether/dichloromethane v/v):
concentrated under reduced pressure. The crude product was purified 0.23. 1H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl3) d (ppm): 0.8e0.93 (m, 20H),
by column chromatography with petroleum ether/dichloromethane 1.1e1.26 (m, 40H), 2.10e2.15 (m, 8H), 7.47e8.00 (m, 48H),
to afford a white solid. Yield: 3.66 g (64%). TLC Rf (6:1 petroleum ether/ 8.19e8.21 (m, 6H), 8.61e8.62 (m, 4H). Elemental analysis (%) calcd.
dichloromethane v/v): 0.32. 1H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl3) d (ppm): for C136H126N4S3: C, 85.40; H, 6.64; N, 2.93; S, 5.03. found: C,
0.78e0.89 (m, 10H), 1.15e1.27 (m, 20H), 1.99e2.01 (m, 4H), 7.45e8.00 85.00; H, 6.66; N, 2.62; S, 4.94. Tg ¼ 116 C (observed in the first
(m, 22H), 8.20 (s, 2H), 8.60 (d, 2H, J ¼ 1.6 Hz). Td ¼ >220 C (with 5% heating run), m.p. ¼ 250 C. IR (KBr): 3051 cm1(]CeH stretch),
loss). IR (KBr): 3044 cm1 (]CeH stretch), 2923, 2851 cm1 2923, 2851 cm1 (eCH2e, eCH3 stretch), 1474 cm1(eC]Ce).
(eCH2e, eCH3 stretch), 1487 cm1(eC]Ce).
2.2. Experimental methods
2.1.3. 7-(3,6-Bis(2-naphthyl)carbazol-9-yl)-9,9-dioctylfluoren-2-
ylboronic pinacol ester (3) The UVevisible absorption spectra of compound Z in tetrahy-
A solution of n-BuLi in hexanes (2.5 M, 2.1 ml, 5.2 mmol) was drofuran (THF) and in the solid state were obtained on a HP 8453
slowly added to a solution of. compound 2 (3.5 g, 4 mmol) in dry THF spectrophotometer. One-photon fluorescence spectra were
(35 mL) at 78 C under nitrogen. The mixture was stirred for measured by using a JobineYvon spectrofluorometer JY Fluorolog-
30 min at this temperature, and then 2-isopropoxy-4,4,5,5- 3 spectrofluorometer.
tetramethyl- 1,3,2-dioxaborolane (1.08 mL, 5.2 mmol) was added. The TPA spectrum was obtained by using the TPF method with
The reaction mixture was stirred for 12 h under nitrogen whilst Rhodamine B as the reference [32]. The ultrafast dynamics were
gradually warming to room temperature. A portion of distilled water measured by using a femtosecond (fs) pump-probe technique
was added. The organic phase was extracted into dichloromethane, which was described in the previous work [33,34]. The TPF spectra
dried over anhydrous MgSO4, filtered and concentrated under were recorded by a fiber spectrometer (TRISTAN). Femtosecond
reduced pressure. The residue was purified by silica chromatog- pulses employed for TPA measurement were generated by a mode-
raphy using petroleum ether/dichloromethane (4:1 v/v) as the locked Ti-sapphire laser system (OPA, Spectra-physics), with the
eluent to afford a white solid. Yield: 2.98 g (81%). TLC Rf (4:1 repetition rate of 1 kHz, the pulse duration of 150 fs, and the
petroleum ether/dichloromethane v/v): 0.52. 1H NMR (300 MHz, wavelength from 650 nm to 810 nm. Pulses employed for ultrafast
CDCl3) d (ppm): 0.76e0.91 (m,10H), 1.01e1.27 (m, 20H),1.42 (s, 12H), dynamics measurements were generated by spitfire stage of a fs
2.02e2.19 (m, 4H), 7.48e8.01 (m, 22H), 8.20 (s, 2H), 8.60 (d, 2H). system, with 140 fs pulse duration, 1 kHz repetition rate and about
576 Y. Wang et al. / Dyes and Pigments 92 (2011) 573e579
300 mW average output power. All the measurements were carried Table 1
out at room temperature. Optical properties of compound Z in THF solution and as film.
Fig. 3. a) TPF spectra of compound Z under different excitation power densities. Inset
Fig. 2. The linear absorption and steady-state fluorescence spectra of compound Z, is TPF intensity versus the square of the excitation power density. b) Two-photon
including the solution in THF solution and thin film. absorption spectrum of compound Z in 650e810 nm region.
Y. Wang et al. / Dyes and Pigments 92 (2011) 573e579 577
Fig. 5. Dynamics decay traces for compound Z in THF at different probe wavelengths.
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