Output Data Baru Ordinal
Output Data Baru Ordinal
Output Data Baru Ordinal
There are 8 (50.0%) cells (i.e., dependent variable levels by observed
combinations of predictor variable values) with zero frequencies.
The log-likelihood value is practically zero. There may be a complete
separation in the data. The maximum likelihood estimates do not exist.
The PLUM procedure continues despite the above warning(s). Subsequent
results shown are based on the last iteration. Validity of the model fit is
Chi-Square df Sig.
Pearson .000 3 1.000
Deviance .000 3 1.000
Link function: Logit.
Pseudo R-Square
Cox and Snell .750
Nagelkerke 1.000
McFadden 1.000
Link function: Logit.
Parameter Estimates
95% Confidence Interval
Estimate Std. Error Wald df Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Threshold [gender = 0] -533.069 .000 . 1 . -533.069 -533.069
Location veryunsat -39.439 65723.238 .000 1 1.000 -128854.618 128775.739
unsat 40.886 19542.842 .000 1 .998 -38262.379 38344.152
sat -23.043 16591.742 .000 1 .999 -32542.260 32496.175
verysat -17.131 3604.156 .000 1 .996 -7081.148 7046.885
Link function: Logit.