Wet Scrubber: We Make Air Work For You
Wet Scrubber: We Make Air Work For You
Wet Scrubber: We Make Air Work For You
The wet scrubbing principle
– great washing capacity within a small space
The gas flow then goes Venti wet scrubbers are sup-
through the droplet eliminator plied made of coated materi-
section (expansion chamber als. For higher corrosion
with lamellar vanes). At this protection requirements,
point, tiny water drops hot-dipped galvanised and
carrying dust are separated stainless-steel versions are
out of the gas flow. They flow, also available.
together with the dust they
contain, down the walls of the To guarantee troublefree
housing to the main body of operation, regular inspection
water. After the expansion and maintenance of the wet
chamber, a flow straightener scrubbers is vital. The risk of
The process is well-proven ensures that the flow of air unexpected loss of production
and, with suitable fine through the fan is always can be significantly reduced
adjustment, will always optimised. with a maintenance contract
produce the best results. First with Venti Oelde.
the flow of dusty, untreated Only the small amount of
gas is fed tangentially into the water which is lost through
wet scrubber’s housing. The evaporation and sludge
centrifugal forces immediately removal is replaced.
separate the coarser dust
particles which are wetted by
the water, where they then
form a sediment. The gas flow
with the finer particles is then
fed to the venturi scrubbing
zone inside the unit. The fine
particles here have to pass
through a water fountain or
vortex produced by low
pressure which leads to them
being very intensively washed
out of the gas. This dust also
forms a sediment in the water.
Types of unit and installation options
– suitable for every need
Removable sludge tank
Sludge settling pool
with a sludge dredger
Sludge hopper with
a shut-off valve
Sludge hopper
with a dredger
In Germany, the rules in BGR 109 are taken into account for
aluminium and aluminium alloy dust.
Level control
Electrical parts
The measuring and control
equipment required for
the operation of the wet
scrubbers will be selected
to meet the requirements
and the customer’s
wishes. Our wet scrubbers
are connected up via
terminal boxes as stan-
Frost protection dard.
Recovery of heat
The use of efficient heat recovery technology in wet
scrubbers is made significantly more difficult due to the
high levels of residual moisture in the exhaust air. Venti
Oelde offers an efficient heat recovery from the exhaust air
from wet scrubbers due to special design modifications on
the inlet of the rotating heat exchanger as well as the use
of cleaning mechanisms for the heat exchanger wheel.
Company name
Post code / Town / Country
Contact person
Phone / Email
General data
Installation location
Height above sea level m Air pressure Pa
Ambient temperature max. °C min. °C
Operating voltage V Frequency Hz
Design data
Flow rate Bm³/h
Operating temperature °C max. temperature °C
Negative pressure Pa at inlet spigot of wet scrubber
Type of dust Amount of dust g/m³ Particle size μm
Noise level requirements Sound pressure level Lp (A) dB (A) at a distance of 1 m or
Sound power level Lw (A) dB (A)
Zoning of hazardous No zone classification 0 1 2
areas where equipment is
to be installed 20 21 22
Additional information
By fax, smartphone or computer
Subject to alterations
Industrial fans
Dust collection and process air cleaning plants
Exhaust air treatment plants
Ventilating, heating and air conditioning plants
Recycling and waste processing plants
Surface technology