Uts Moodule 2.1-Pia, Princess Gem Bsa-2c
Uts Moodule 2.1-Pia, Princess Gem Bsa-2c
Uts Moodule 2.1-Pia, Princess Gem Bsa-2c
DISC Personality Test Follow-up Questions:
So, what’s your personality type? It says in the graph result of my disc test is I am
good in Complying. It describe how I approach
and organize my activity, procedures, and
What/ how do you feel while you’re reading the The results say that people see me us
facts about your personality?
knowledgeable, non-threatening and easy to get
along with. I feel so happy and contented while
I’m reading the facts about my personality.
Because I’m not really aware that I am that kind
of person.
What have you learned about yourself in this I have learned that I have an inner motivation to
gain knowledge to learn or discover new things.
B. Graph Completion: Identify the philosopher who proposed the particular view of self in the
first column. Then, examine your personal view about the nature of self and indicate whether
you believe or not in that philosophical view of self. If you believe in the stated philosophy,
recall an important experience you have had which relates to it. If you do not believe, explain
your disbelief. How do you think your experiences or disbelief affect your selfhood?
Believe it or Not?
Philosophical (Write B if you believe; Related Life Reasons why I do Effects on my
Views of the Self N if you do not.) Experiences not Believe Selfhood
An unexamined life For me, what I’m having a hard
is not worth living. Socrates B Socrates says is time in studying
true. Because I’m because I believed that
already I am not suitable to be
experiencing it an accountant
now. I’m having a
hard time studying
accountancy even
though I don’t
really like it. I just
realize it after I
took this course.
The course that I
really want to take
is Tourism but
there’s a lot of
reason why I can’t
take it. That’s why
we really need to
know what are the
things that we
want to achieve or
to do.
If human beings do I don’t believe in I know to myself that
not live accordance Plato N Plato’s statement not everyone can live
to their because everyone with others
nature/function, the has different expectation
result will be perspectives that’s
injustice. why not everyone
can live based on
their nature or
function. And I
believe that
sometimes doing
what we really
want will lead us
to a happy life.
Self-realization is I believed in I regret that I don’t
attained by
Aristotle B Aristotle’s realized what I want
fulfilling man’s statement because before.
threefold nature: I know that the
vegetative, sentient threefold nature
and rational. will help us to
with self-
realization. Not
too long ago, I just
realized what I
really want in
college but it’s too
late for me. That’s
why we really
need to understand
and know
ourselves before
we decide on
The self seeks to be I believed that God Even though, I am
united with God
St. B does everything to having a struggles in
through faith and Augustine us for a reason. I life I don’t usually
reason. also believed that feel stress because I
we will go to our know that God is
right place if we always with me.
wait patiently and
do our best. And I
experienced it
every time I pray, I
know that he
always listen for
the reason that he
always guided to
go to where I am
supposed to be.
The self is a I believed in this It gives me a
thinking thing,
Renė B statement because satisfaction everytime
distinct from the Descartes I, myself is doing I do what I want to do.
body. what I think is But that everything
right for me and doesn’t include the
for everyone things that may hurt
around me. And I other people’s feeling.
know that
everyone is also
doing what they
think they want to
The human mind at I believed that I know that infants are
birth is a blank
John Locke B human minds at very sensitive that’s
slate or tabula birth is a blank why we should always
rasa. slate or tabula rasa be careful to them.
for the reason that And we should guide
infants are them while they are
innocent and don’t growing.
know what’s
happening around
him/her. I also
believed it because
I know for a fact
that most of us
don’t really
remember our
infants day.
There is no self, I don’t believed in It gives me the feeling
only a bundle of
David Hume N David Hume’s of curiousity. I want to
constantly philosophy know more about
changing because what I am myself as time passes
perceptions passing believing is there by.
through the theater is self in everyone
of our minds. of us. But not
everyone can truly
The self transcends I believed in I will cherish all the
Immanuel B Kant’s philosophy experiences that I’ve
Kant because for me, learned because all of
ourselves are the that can give me
ones who can lesson that I might use
transcend our own in the future.
I act, therefore, I I know that Gilbert Even though I act with
Gilbert Ryle B Ryle’s philosophy what I am thinking, I
is true because am considering first
everytime I think what is going to
of something I will happen if I made the
do it with my own action. Because I
body language or believe in the saying
action. Therefore, that think before
I always make an
action based on
what I am
The self is the I believed in their I am cautious to every
Patricia & B philosophy act that I will do
Paul because I know for because I am thinking
a fact that the brain or considering
Churchland and self are people’s feeling.
connected to each
other. For example
is I, myself always
think before I act.
But I am not
saying that I don’t
make mistakes
because I do and
I’ve always
learned from
The consciousness, For me, this According to Maurice
the world, and the
Maurice B philosophy of Ponty everything that
human body are Merleau- Maurice Ponty is people are aware of is
intricately true. Because contained within the
intertwined in Ponty everytime we consciousness. That’s
knowing the world. made an action, we why knowing his
are conscious. We philosophy will help
are aware of what me to have self-
we are doing. And awareness.
I can justify that
everytime I do my
homeworks or
activities because I
know what will I
do to answer or to
do it.