Answers Homeostasis Structured Questions: SMK Sultan Ibrahim Kulai, Johor
Answers Homeostasis Structured Questions: SMK Sultan Ibrahim Kulai, Johor
Answers Homeostasis Structured Questions: SMK Sultan Ibrahim Kulai, Johor
Structured Questions
1. (a) Ultrafiltration
(b) - The afferent arteriole has larger diameter than the efferent arteriole
- A hydrostatic pressure is generated which forces the fluid through the
pores of capillary wall of glomerulus into the Bowman capsule
(c) - The descending limb is more permeable to water. As the filtrate moves
down, water diffuses out of the descending limb by osmosis. The filtrate
becomes more concentrated
- The ascending limb is relatively impermeable to water but more
permeable to salts. As the filtrate moves up, sodium and chloride ions
diffuse out passively at first and then higher up actively transported out into
the surrounding tissue
- This creates an area of high solute concentration in the medulla
- More water is reabsorbed from the ducts and distal convoluted tubules
into the region of high solute concentration. The water is carried away by
the vasa recta. A small volume of concentrated urine is produced
(d) - Diabetes mellitus is caused by failure of beta cells in pancreas to produce
- The liver and other cells unable to take up and metabolise glucose. The
blood glucose level rises above normal level
- The kidney tubules are unable to reabsorb the high level of glucose.
Excess glucose is removed in the urine
(e) Consumption of large amount of alcohol inhibits the release of antidiuretic
hormone (ADH) from pituitary gland
2. a) i) Antidiuretic hormone
ii) ADH is a nine amino acids peptide produced by the neurons in the
hypothalamus and passes to the posterior pituitary gland
b) ADH increases the permeability of distal convoluted tubules and collecting
ducts to water
c) 1: ADH is transported by blood to the targeted organ, the kidney.
2: ADH binds to receptors in plasma membrane of epithelial cell lining in
the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts
3: It activates a series of enzyme-controlled actions. Enzyme phosphorylase
becomes activated
4: The phosphorylase causes vesicles with aquaporins to move to the
plasma membranes of epithelial cells
5: The vesicles fuse with plasma membrane
6: Water diffuses freely through the aquaporins, down its concentration
gradient, from the collecting ducts into the surrounding medulla interstitial
fluid and then into the capillary
5. a) S: 99.17% U: 28 g
T: 0 g V: 52.83%
b) - Na+ and Cl- ions are moved out from R by diffusion and active transport
- These ions accumulate in the interstitial fluid creating a region of high salt
concentration in the medulla
- This causes water to diffuse out from Q by osmosis, producing
concentrated urine
c) i) - Costly / time-consuming / require frequent trip to hospitals or
dialysis centre / disruption of daily life
- Patients have to follow a strict diet to prevent waste substances from
accumulating to a dangerous level / protein restriction
ii) Kidney transplant
Selective reabsorption
- proximal convoluted tubule (active removal of substances) have many
microvilli forming a brush border along the closely packed layer of
epithelial cells, increasing the surface area for absorption
- PCT has many mitochondria to provide ATP for active uptake
- the structure of the loop of Henle that has a narrow descending limb with
water permeable walls and a wider ascending limb with less water
permeable walls create a countercurrent multiplier system
- the permeability of the walls of distal convoluted tubules and the
collecting ducts affected by hormones such as ADH
- Collecting duct passes from second tubule (cortex) down through medulla
- where salt level concentration detected by osmoregulation cells in the
- Rise in osmotic pressure stimulates the release of ADH
- ADH increases the permeability of walls of DCT and collecting duct to
increase water retention
6. a) Ultrafiltration
- Blood in the glomerulus undergoes ultrafiltration
- In the glomerulus, hydrostatic pressure is higher compared to the osmotic
- Caused by the diameter of efferent arteriole which is smaller than the
diameter of afferent arteriole
- The numerous tiny pores / fenestrations between the endothelial cells of
capillary wall permit many smaller molecules to pass through
- Bigger molecules such as plasma proteins and red blood cells are retained
in the blood
- Glomerular filtrate has a chemical composition similar to blood plasma /
contains glucose, amino acids, vitamins, hormones, urea, uric acid,
creatinine, ions and water but not contain white and red blood cells,
platelets and plasma proteins (albumin)
b) - Due to uptake of water by osmosis from the glomerular filtrate into blood
- Occurs as a result of increased in permeability of walls of DCT and
collecting duct to water
- Caused by the release of ADH
- Diffusion of urea out of the collecting tubules into the interstitium of
- Increase the osmotic concentration resulting in the removal of water
Plants have twisted stem to This helps plants to reduce water loss
achieve smaller surface area via transpiration
Thick and succulent stems For water storage
Has parenchyma cells with high To absorb more water by osmosis
osmotic pressure
Leaves modified into thorns for To reduce water loss by transpiration
smaller surface area
Shallow and widely spread roots To absorb water over a large area
from soil surface
Stomata are sunken, less, as crypt To ensure stoma close during day so
like depression or only at lower water loss by transpiration during
leaf surface daytime is minimised
Vegetative reproduction Reproduction is independent of