Steriflo Ultra Violet: Applications
Steriflo Ultra Violet: Applications
Steriflo Ultra Violet: Applications
Davey Steriflo domestic UV water disinfection systems are
a safe and effective means of eliminating harmful bacteria
from drinking water supplies. They can also be used for
small scale waste water disinfection at reduced flow rates.
• No chemicals • No by-products
• No taste • Impossible to overdose
UV is a common practice used for water disinfection on a The larger flow UV250 models are a U shaped
wide range of water sources. Used by many local councils, chamber including viewpoint and the UV250 is
food, dairy and brewing industries, UV is a very effective manufactured from 316 stainless steel.
means of ensuring water is safe for consumption.
The power supply should be mounted in a dry
The UV light generated by the lamp in a Davey Steriflo unit location. 1 metre of lead to the lamp is provided.
(254nm) penetrates most micro-organisms present in the
The Steriflo can be installed horizontally or vertically
water supply, damaging their ability to reproduce and cause
and pipework should ensure that the chamber stays
illness. Organisms exposed to UV are no longer viable to
full of water. If horizontal, the outlet should point
cause infection nor can they be counted on a culture plate.
upwards, if vertical the outlet should point horizontally.
Water treated by the UV system should be very clean Mounting brackets are provided for easy installation.
and free of particulate matter. This can be achieved
If the unit has been switched off, a 2 minute lamp warm-
by incorporating two stage pre-filtration down to one
up time is required before accessing water. New lamps
micron if used for drinking water supplies. Cysts such
offer full UV output after 24 hours of operation and are
as Giardia and Cryptosporidium are best managed
single ended for ease of servicing and connection.
using this pre-filtration and disinfection process.
Disassembly for cleaning of the quartz sleeve is quick
The Davey Steriflo is designed to provide many
and user friendly with positive sealing at both ends.
years of reliable operation at an economical price.
Suitable for potable water and food industry use, Warning: UV light is harmful to eyes and exposed skin. A
all wetted components are also USFDA listed. safety notice is included with the operating instructions.
Steriflo systems are designed for continuous operation
treating water up to 40°C. Provided the chamber is full of Pre-treatment (drinking water)
water, the unit can handle flows from zero up to the design Pre-filtration is normally required to ensure particles do not
flow rate, based on very good water clarity. If water clarity shield micro-organisms from the UV light. Minimum sand
cannot be improved, flow should be reduced accordingly filtration or 20 micron cartridge filtration is preferred. If cysts
or a larger flow UV model selected. like Giardia or Cryptosporidium are present 1 micron filtration
is required for drinking water taps.
The L shaped chamber design offers improved
water flow characteristics and is manufactured from
316 stainless steel for cleanliness and durability,
handling water pressures up to 860kPa.
Microlene Steriflo UV System
Electrical Data
Note: Water quality is extremely important for optimum performance of your UV
Voltage/frequency (std) 230-240V/50Hz system. To ensure high transmissibility of UV into the water, cleaning or replacing
Power consumption 170W of any pre-filters and the quartz sleeve every 3 - 6 months subject to water quality
is recommended.
Lamp power 130W
Dimensions (mm)
This literature is not a complete guide to product usage. All images provided in this document are for illustration purposes only. Further information is available
from your Davey Dealer, Davey Support Centre and from the relevant product Installation and Operating Instructions. Must be read in conjunction with the
relevant product Installation and Operating Instructions and all applicable statutory requirements. Product specifications may change without notice.
® Davey and Microlene are registered trademarks of Davey Water Products Pty Ltd. © Davey Water Products Pty Ltd 2020.