Statement of Profit & Loss of TTK Prestige For The Year Ending Mar 31

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Statement of Profit & Loss of TTK Prestige for the year ending Mar 31,

All amount in Rs Lakhs

Particulars 2013 2014 2015 2016
Revenue from sales of Goods & Services 109698 135026 128645 137753
Add Other Operating Revenue 646 822 738 1075
Total Revenue from Operations (i) 110344 135848 129383 138828
Cost of Material Consumed 24657 36695 36699 44183
Add Purchase of Stock in Trade 42684 45791 38268 36459
Add Change in the Inventory -5551 -4829 -1732 -1071
Add Employee Benefit Expenses 7296 8358 9100 10358
Add Other Expenses 24053 29461 31026 33976
Total Expenses (ii) 93139 115476 113361 123905
Profit/(Loss) Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation &
Amortization (i) – (ii) 17205 20372 16022 14923
Less Depreciation & Amortization 624 899 1477 1901
Profit/(Loss) before Interest & Tax [PBIT] (Operating
Profit/Loss) 16581 19473 14545 13022
Add Other Income 308 473 1484 754
Less Interest Expenses (Finance Cost) 565 1426 853 447
Profit/(Loss) before Tax [PBT] 16324 18520 15176 13329
Less Tax Expenses/Provision for Tax 4988 5211 3996 4098
Profit/(Loss) After Tax [PAT] 11336 13309 11180 9231
BALANCE SHEET for TTK Prsetige as at March 31,
All amount in Rs Lakhs
I. EQUITY & LIABILITY 2013 2014 2015 2016
(1)   Shareholders’ Funds
Share Capital 2540 2540 2540 2540
Reserve & Surplus 77710 93953 109814 119625
Total Shareholders Fund 80250 96493 112354 122165
(2)   Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowings 23176 26464 23293 6483
Deferred Tax Liabilities 9065 11675 8951 10526
Other Long Term Liabilities 116 280 270 339
Long Term Provisions 1184 835 881 1152
Total Non Current Liabilities 33541 39254 33395 18500
(3)   Current Liabilities
Short Term Borrowings 17710 11992 9586 16
Trade Payables 34592 27790 30052 10554
Other Current Liabilities 18699 24348 25834 7637
Short Term Provisions 10781 10387 15693 3350
Total Current Liability 81782 74517 81165 21557
TOTAL 195573 210264 226914 162222
(1)   Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible assets 101998 108200 101512 33541
Intangible Assets 776 590 1737 113
Capital Work in Process 3305 1808 9980 2638
Intangible Assets under devp (ERP s/w) 0 0 0 0
Non Current Investments 3364 3364 3364 3364
Deferred Tax Assets (net) 0 0 0 0
Long Term loans & Advances 4751 6823 9170 786
Other Non Current Assets 19 21 23 0
Total Non Current Assets 114213 120806 125786 40442
(2)   Current Assets
Current Investments 0 0 0 351
Inventories 46680 49765 46467 27468
Trade Receivables 20392 23498 23763 15931
Cash & Cash Equivalents 2276 2422 18147 2954
Short Term Loans & Advances 11841 13614 12612 5228
Other Current Assets 171 159 139 577
Total Current Assets 81360 89458 101128 52509
TOTAL 195573 210264 226914 92951
2013 2014 2015 2016

ROIC 9.96% 9.80% 7.67% 6.56%

RONW 14.13% 13.79% 9.95% 7.56%
PBITDA 15.59% 15% 12.38% 10.75%
OPR 15.03% 14.33% 11.24% 9.38%
NPR 10.27% 9.80% 8.64% 6.65%
TATR 0.56 0.64 0.566 1.48
ICTR 0.96 0.99 0.88 0.97
ACP 0.185 0.174 0.184 0.115
ITR 2.47
Current Ratio 0.99
Quick ratio/ATR 0.42
Cash Ratio
D/E Ratio 0.42
D To TIC 0.29
ICR 29.35

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