Anaconda Helping File
Anaconda Helping File
Anaconda Helping File
#zip files handling com python
#entrando no ambiente
conda list
#interface de desenvolvimento
#criar ambiente
#n significa nome
conda create -n env_name list of packages
#sair de ambiente
conda deactivate
#requisitos de ambiente em arquivo yaml
#remover ambiente
#install jupyter notebook in root and the enviromnent you want to show
#jupyter notebook
make sure that your HTML slides point to the library correctly (using the --reveal-
prefix option), and then start a local http server (e.g., via python -m
http.server). Alternatively, you can add the --post serve option to your expression
to make use of a public, online version of reveal.js, start up a server, and
immediately open a tab in your web browser with the slide deck ready to navigate.