Computer Organization and Assembly Languages: Instructions
Computer Organization and Assembly Languages: Instructions
Computer Organization and Assembly Languages: Instructions
Lab 01
Work on this lab individually. Discussion is not allowed.
Evaluation of tasks will be conducted in lab.
Anyone caught being indulged in the act of plagiarism would be awarded an “F” grade in this
The purpose of this lab is to familiarize you with the programming tool and to practice some
basic concepts.
Now that you’ve installed DOSBox, you’ll be able to run any 16bit or 32bit DOS executable inside it.
mount c c:\8086
Tazeem Haider
([email protected])
Computer Organization and Assembly Languages BSE-F-18-OC
Lab 01
Note: make .asm programs in c:\8080 directory. For example “prog.asm” is already in this directory.
Now use the same commands you use for making, compiling, linking and debugging (edit, ml, masm,
link, debug).
Masm prog.asm
Link prog.obj
Ml prog.asm
Now, solve the following questions on pages labeled with your roll number and name:
Task 01:
Convert the following Binary and Hex numbers to Decimal:
a) 1110
b) FAE2Ch
Task 02:
Convert the following numbers:
a) 97 to Binary
b) 6120 to Hex
Task 03:
Convert the following numbers:
a) A2Ch to Binary
b) 10010101 10101110 to Hex
Task 04:
Perform the following additions:
Tazeem Haider
([email protected])
Computer Organization and Assembly Languages BSE-F-18-OC
Lab 01
a) 100101 + 10111
Task 05:
Perform the following subtractions:
a) 11011 – 10110
b) F001Eh – 1FF3Fh
Task 06:
Do the following subtractions by two’s complement addition:
a) 10110100 – 10010111
b) 1ABCh – B3EAh
Tazeem Haider
([email protected])